angeljane18 · 5 months
Let’s thank the media gods for heartbreak high having one of the only legit adoptions of a love triangle plot line, where all corners are actually connected
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mossylane · 17 days
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rowan michael dupree - rapscallion and general trouble maker also voted most likely to get a visit from the men in black one day...👽
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utterlyotterlyx · 3 months
A Ballad of Storm and Shadow
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Azriel x F!Reader
Part One
Summary - Rhys had been content in taking the darkest secret of his family to the grave, but when the threat of Hybern increases, he has no choice but to send a message to another world and pray to the Mother that his call is answered.
Warnings - angst, mentions of war, tension, fluff, touch of sadness and longing
This is a crossover series, some aspects will differ from that in the books. Physical attributes are described in this fic, it is essential to the storyline of the character
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Rain spattered against the ledge, the open window allowing the tears of the sky to coat the black glossed paint with their sadness. Azriel watched them inquisitively, noting how each droplet fell further into the room than the last, his shadows pecked along the ground to dry the dampened spots and it was a welcome distraction from the conversation encircling the room.
The storm raged on overhead, cracks of lightening slicing across the sky every few moments, the clouds rumbling their anger throughout the city. A harmony to the idea of war.
There was no avoiding it. The war, that is. It had consumed Azriel's every thought as he played out every possible scenario in his mind, ones where they all made it out alive, and the ones where they all perished alongside Prythian. It was those visions that kept him up at night, flashes of Cassian's bloodied face lifeless against the earth, wings torn and soul withered, were enough to make him desperate enough to the point that he'd give anything to avoid it.
Azriel ran his marred hands over the curve of his leathers, soothing down each muscle and drifting over every glowering siphon attached to his body, doing his best to pull himself from the images that plagued his waking moments and sleepless nights.
If Rhys were speaking then Azriel would have been listening, but, surprisingly, he wasn't. Rhys stared dead ahead, nails digging into his nails beds and jaw clenching along with the reeling thoughts plaguing his own mind, staring right ahead at the corner of the table placed in the centre of the seating area at the River House. Azriel wasn't the only one who noticed, Amren had halted her words to slice through his train his thought, "Are you going to say anything?"
Rhys' gaze pulled from its formerly trained spot at the table edge toward his second in command, and it was clear that there was something he wasn't sharing with his family. His eyes drifted about the room, landing on each one of them in turn before they landed on Feyre and wavered slightly. Azriel couldn't blame his brother for his fear, he had finally gotten everything he had ever wanted after all the horrors he had endured, and now that picture perfect life was being threatened.
But something still wasn't right. Rhys was too consumed in his mind to pay any real attention to what Amren was saying, what plans were being spoken of, and that wasn't like Rhys. It wasn't like Rhys at all to blatantly ignore words spoken that could aid them in their collective efforts against Hybern. Azriel couldn't exactly be too picky about it though, considering he too was ignoring the firedrake fumbling plans into fruition, also too consumed by his own demons.
"The High Lords will be convening in three days time," his words were tense, his eyes burning, "Give me one night to think. We can start on this tomorrow," Rhys ran his hand over his face and leaned back in his chair, inhaling deeply and pinching the bridge of his now.
"The future of this continent, your home, is threatened, and you wish to speak of this tomorrow?" Amren scoffed, her silver eyes dancing under the faelight in warning.
Rhys rose from his seat, having had enough of the incessant drawls of war and death and offered Feyre his hand, a hand that she took willingly and stood at his side, fingers wrapped around his forearm and body drifting beside him, "Yes, I do. I cannot think when this is all you're speaking of, Amren. I am High Lord, and I need to think about how to spare my family and my people from this."
Instead of retorting in a way only she could, Amren contained her fury and buried it deep within her core, "Fine." Amren almost spat at his feet, but he paid no mind to it, he didn’t have the energy to go head-to-head with Amren that night, not when there was a much more pressing matter to attend to.
So, Rhys took Feyre to bed, and made sure that she was sound asleep before removing himself from her embrace. He threw an onyx silken shirt over his body but didn’t bother strewing up any of the buttons, content in allowing the night air to glide across his skin, he wasn’t sure how long he was going to able to appreciate its touch.
The High Lord of Night paced through the River House swiftly, not wanting to disturb any member of his family or alert them to his movements, and as soon as he stood on an ornately stunning balcony, the same he had stood on with Feyre that night on Starfall, did he unfurl his glorious wings and take to the skies, determined to reach the place that he hadn’t visited in over 200 years. A pool of starlight lay within a small valley within the mountains, not too far from the cabin but recluse enough for no one to be able to find it unless they knew that it lay there.
It had been too long since he had been there, but the all too familiar aura curled around him like a lost hound and pulled him down to it. The pool twinkled in greeting, reflecting the endless wonder of the sky above, and Rhys then remembered just how small it was, and just how long it had been since he peered into it or drifted his fingers along its rippling surface.
None other than he knew of what it truly was - not even his mate- it was a thin veil between worlds, a veil he used to send messages through often in hope that they’d find the one intended for, and he would wait for hours at a time for a whisper of a response. One time he had waited an entire day, desperate to hear her voice on the wind, hauntingly mesmerising like a siren to a sea captain, replying to his message with her usual level of warmth and understanding.
Then one day he just stopped visiting the place, the weight of her void had become too much to bear, too much that he had made the selfish decision to try and move on, to live his life in anyway that he could. Part of Rhys thought that she would have commended him for it, that she would have understood and that she was somewhere and knew of his strength, pain, and success of finding his mate.
But it had been so long. Rhys wasn’t sure if the pool was being monitored from her end, and he was terrified that his plea would fall upon deaf ears. But she was the only one who could help them, the only one powerful enough to give them any real chance of surviving. That power was the reason she had been sent away in the first place.
Rhys fell to his knees at the bank of the water, the contact of his markings without their twin flames in the snow causing the pool to ripple and hum with eons old yearning, and the stars within it began to glow, eager and ready to pull his words from his lips and sail them through the veil. He lowered himself to the surface, his face reflecting in the water showing him just how exhausted he had appeared, and the pool knew it, it knew of his desperation and rippled in a way that Rhys was sure it would split open at any given moment.
But, the water settled and shuddered, the gate between him and the one he thought of often still firmly in place.
"I'm sorry that it's been so long," he began, not knowing what to say to soften the blow but wanting to believe that she wasn't angry at him for it, and hoping that she too was thriving wherever her feet carried her. "If it means anything, I have missed you, and not a day has passed where I haven't thought of you," he fiddled with his fingers, his breath sending gentle wisps of steam rising into the air, "I found my mate. You'd like her, I think. She's my High Lady now, things have certainly changed."
"We are going to war. The Cauldron is in the grasp of our enemy and it threatens to devour the continent as we know it, and I fear that none of us with survive the destruction. I suppose I just wanted to speak to you, to say that I'm sorry I haven't visited in so long, and to let you know that I love you despite our distance. I may not survive what's to come, but I just wanted you to know that, and if there's any way you could come and save my ass then that would be greatly appreciated," he spoke the last words with a soft chuckle.
Rhys often thought of what she looked like, she had been only a girl when she was sent away, thrust through a portal with no way of knowing how to get back if she wished it. The day he heard her whisper through the pool had been the best day of his life, and on some level, he knew it still was in a sense. In those days, Rhys knew that she was alive, she may have been struggling but at least her heart was still beating and soul was raining havoc.
He wasn't sure of what he was expecting, he knew the chances of a reply were slim to nothing, but his heart still sank when the pool rippled with intoxicating silence.
Rhys waited another hour at least, but when the stars within the pool began to dim, he knew that it was time to leave. He rose to his feet, his soul solemn and heavy, and he couldn't bring himself to glance backward at the water as he ascended to the skies.
It was a pity really, for if he had turned around for but a moment, he would have seen the pool sparkle to life.
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Azriel was curious.
It wasn't often that he found Rhys to be hiding something from him, or any of them for that matter. It was the beauty of their shared family, they knew all of the worst things about one another, from actions to thoughts, and nothing was counted as being too ferocious to accept.
But Azriel knew that Rhys was hiding something, his High Lord had been on edge from the moment he had returned to the River House after sneaking out that night, under the impression that no one had known of his time away. But Azriel knew everything, every single move was accounted for thanks to his shadows and his own keen hearing.
The Shadowsinger had merely thought that Rhys needed a moment to himself to think, but as the time stretched on, it seemed that Rhys was on a mission of sorts, and Azriel's suspicions became clear when he saw his brother the next morning, hair askew and eyes occasionally flickering through the window to a certain spot against the mountain face.
Rhys had worn the same expression for three days, not even Feyre could get him to talk to her about what it was that had him so concerned. But Azriel couldn't miss the longing in his eyes each time he passed by the window, like he was expecting someone to float up to the glass pane and solve all of their problems.
The day had come to meet with the High Lords, and the location had been set at the Dawn Court Palace, Thesan had always been the perfect mediator, besides, Cassian had been banned from Summer which automatically ruled that location from the list.
To Azriel's understanding, Rhys hadn't uttered a single word to anyone all morning, not even a single scold toward Cassian and Mor for their incessant bickering. It was worrying Feyre, Azriel noticed, he saw the emotion sketched into her furrowed brow each time she would try and speak to her mate to only be ignored. It seemed as though only Azriel and Feyre, and perhaps Amren, had noticed it.
The silence continued all the way to the Dawn Court, and Rhys' brooding only lightened when Helion appeared after his lacklustre greeting to Kallias and Viviane, spurring Rhys to remember the reason why they were there, what they had to do in order to give Prythian a fighting chance against Hybern and the Cauldron.
Helion jerked his chin toward Feyre, asking, "Does Tamlin know what she is?"
Rhys, his sadness wavering for a moment as they stood before the doors to the meeting chamber, spoke, "If you mean beautiful and clever, then yes - I think he does."
Azriel watched Helion closely, taking a tentative step toward his High Lord and Lady as the High Lord of Day sent Rhys a unimpressed flat glare, "Does he know that she is your mate, and High Lady?"
Ignoring Viviane's squeal, Rhys answered, picking a loose thread from his jacket and allowing it to float to the ground, "If he arrives then I suppose we will find out."
"I always liked you, Rhysand," Helion said after a lethally dark chuckle, knowing just how powerful he was in comparison to Rhys' brothers; he rolled his shoulders and glanced to Nesta, his gaze lingering whilst he enquired of who she was.
"She is my sister," Azriel didn't miss the muffled flinch that sliced across Rhys' face, "She will tell her story when the others are here."
Skittering steps against the pale golden stone pulled the attention of the Inner Circle toward Thesan who was surrounded by his highly alert Peregryns, beings who seemed a little too on edge.
"I hate to interrupt," Thesan drawled with wary eyes before they landed on Rhys, "But there is a woman I have never seen before in the meeting chamber, she says that you sent for her."
No one could miss how Rhys' entire body language changed from lax to urgent, his posture straightening and eyes boring into the doors of the chamber as though he could see through them; his breathing quickened, and it became apparent that whoever the woman was had been the cause of his ire for the last three days.
Begrudgingly, Rhys followed Thesan's order to wait for the others, Tarquin seemed less than pleased to be stood before Rhys, and it wasn't long until Beron and Eris rounded the corner of the corridor, sneering and spitting their horrid words, sending warning glares to Cassian and Azriel in particular for the scuffle between the two courts over the now High Lady of the Night Court and Lucien Vanserra.
Opening the doors, the woman lounging in the chair facing their entrance was not the person Rhys had been longing to see, Azriel deduced that much from the instant droop of his shoulders before he fully even saw her face. She sat in one of the deep rooted chairs, legs strewn over the arm and a dagger pricking into each one of her fingers, not hard enough to break the skin.
She was glad in a green dress that extenuated her long legs and her utterly wild scent had enveloped the room, a scent of lemon verbena and crackling embers, her blonde hair was well tamed and pinned backward in a loose yet luxurious ensemble, and power poured off of her in searing waves.
"And who exactly are you?"
A grin formed on her lips at the defensive question directed her way by Helion, and she rolled her eyes incredulously in response, sliding her legs from the arm and propping her elbows upon them, "Is that any way to greet a guest?" The tip of her dagger scratched into the wood of her seat, a curved and lethal weapon not of Prythian, "They really don't have any manners," she spoke loudly, directing the comment elsewhere.
Large hands clasped around the back of her seat and a flash of white hair reflected against the dying sunlight, "She did tell us that they were going to be apprehensive of us, Fireheart." The woman hummed, seemingly unphased by who she was trapped in a room with, anyone else would have been quaking in their boots at the knowledge of it.
"I didn't think she was being serious-"
"You haven't answered the question. Tell us who you are and why you're here, or-"
"Or what?" The woman's gold ringed eyes glistened, hungry and bristling with a flame Rhys, nor any of them, had ever witnessed. She rose from the seat, "You'll hurt us? I'd like to see you try."
Azriel stuck to Feyre and Rhys, sizing up the male with the tattoos in an ancient language littered down the side of his face, and that only seemed to make the male smirk, "Don't think about it. You wouldn't last a minute."
Tension simmered in the chamber, the High Lords of Prythian bar one faced the two strangers who looked much like them but were different in every single way imaginable.
Only when a click of heels entered the room followed by an exasperated sigh, did the two strangers grin, their offensive stance dissipating before Rhys' very eyes as they turned to make room for another.
"You'll come to rather enjoy Aelin's wit," a voice as mesmerising as the crashing summer waves called into the simmering silence, a voice so perfect that it had Rhys almost whimpering in disbelief as he took a step forward. Another woman appeared adorning a playful smirk, "And the vein in Rowan's forehead."
Azriel studied her, even his shadows couldn't stop themselves from peeking over his shoulders at the sound of her melodic voice, one so calming that it had them dancing toward it. She was by far one of the most incredible creatures Azriel had ever seen, dressed in an impeccable midnight blue gown that exposed her taut legs, allowing Azriel to see the two markings delicately placed below her knees, the twins to Rhys' own. Her hair was as dark as the night and swaying with each step, eyes as violet as the summer horizon that were lovingly teasing her companions, and she moved with a grace Azriel had never encountered in all of his years. A crown composed of onyx stone flowers and jewels curled around her head and glittered in the slowly decaying light, it was delicate and rested just over her ears, keeping her skin free from the imprint of it.
But it wasn't the crown nor the dress that had really stolen Azriel's eye, no, it was the pristine pair of feathered wings that were tucked neatly behind her back, not wings of an Illyrian, but wings of some form of angel Azriel presumed. They resembled the night sky, black and speckled with silver, and the longer Azriel focused on them, the more he struggled to believe that they weren't enriched feathers of pure starlight.
Rhys loosened a breath of disbelief, and his bottom lip quaked softly as he took her in, eyes trailing up her form and resting on her face, not believing who was stood before him but thanking the Mother all the same, "You came."
With her dress swaying in the breeze infiltrating the room from the open arches of the chamber, she faced Rhys and smiled sadly, taking a moment to drink him in just as he had with her before she answered, "You called."
"I didn't think you heard me," he took another step toward the curve of the pool, slowly but surely closing the gap between them, "You've grown."
"I've always heard you," their features were so strikingly similar, and Azriel was grasping onto any memory or mention of the female before his eyes, "And, if I hadn't have grown in over 500 years I'd be quite concerned."
Rhys laughed, throwing his head back and lips stretching into a smile of pure bliss, he didn't stop his steps this time, no, he allowed his feet to carry him all the way to her and bundled her up in his embrace, inhaling the scent of her deeply into his lungs "Hello sister."
The two strangers, Aelin and Rowan, took a step back, serene smiles on their faces as they watched, seemingly understanding what it meant for the Rhys and the female, "Hello you," she replied, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tightly, "Someone mentioned that you have a mate now?"
Rhys pulled backward and sent her a look of wonderment, "I do. Feyre, darling? Would you?" He extended an arm out to her and Feyre wasted no time in joining him, "This is y/n. My sister."
"Well, half-sister, but we don't take notice of the specifics," she grinned at Rhys and softly nudged him, "It's an honour to meet you, Feyre Cursebreaker."
"How do you-"
She waved her hand dismissively, "I know many things."
"It's true, it's extremely annoying," Aelin spoke flatly nestled under Rowan's arm, the fire in her eyes softening.
Glancing about, Azriel became completely aware of just how much the beauty of y/n had captured the attention of all within the room, from the hue of her skin to the glossy black of her hair, from the curve of her jaw to the strikingly vibrant eyes that had stolen Azriel's breath from the moment the light had hit them.
She was undeniably Rhys' sister, but Azriel was sure that Rhys had only ever had one, and she died years ago.
"I'm sorry, but how?" Cassian couldn't help but ask, drawing the attention of everyone to him, he glanced to Azriel who shrugged, confirming that he knew nothing of the female before their very eyes.
Y/N smiled softly, her eyes dimming slightly and promised, "My," she looked to Rhys for a moment, "Our story-" her gaze returned to Cassian, but not before gently floating over Azriel and widening slightly, "-is one for a different day. Prythian is in danger and you need help, I'm here to provide it."
"What about us?"
"One more word Aelin and I'll send you back home, I'm sure Aedion would love to take your place."
Aelin gasped, "You don't mean that."
"Try me. See where you land this time round."
Aelin grimaced, recounting the time y/n had shoved her through one of her fancy test portals to only land in the foulest smelling swamp she had ever experienced. She kept her lips sealed and moved to the seat where she had been sat minutes before with a forced smile, prompting the rest of the occupants of the chamber to do the same.
The Shadowsinger moved with the rest of the Inner Circle, finding his place beside his High Lord and Lady, which was just a stones throw away from y/n, and he found himself completely lost in the scent of a brewing storm, his shadows unwinding from his body as it flooded his lungs and fighting through invisible storm clouds in order to brush against her for even a moment, to taste her skin and shudder at the power laced within it.
Crossing her leg over the other, Azriel watched y/n recline into the comfort of the seat, doing his best to not make his awe so obvious whilst she took a moment to gaze upon every person in the room, her eye lingering on a certain Autumn heir with a level of intrigue before she spoke with a feline grin, "So, you're all on the verge of death. Tell me more."
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Author's Note
Trying a different writing style with this one - let me know what you think x
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jagalart · 8 months
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Bird stickers for my patrons 🕊️
They are available in the print tiers on my Patreon and will be available to buy at Gdakon 🕊️
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michaelnordeman · 6 days
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Hawfinch/stenknäck. Värmland, Sweden (September 17, 2017).
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svenskkaktus · 1 month
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I gave up on finishing the first panel as an illustration and went back to what is my comfort zone - doing silly sketches ✨
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lizzart-zardonicz · 2 years
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Rowan was requested a lot on Instagram, so here he finally is. ✨
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whirliko · 1 month
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old sim makeovers - part 9  ✿  saoirse, devi & rowan
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rherlotshadow · 2 months
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Grove of rowan trees
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xuperjr · 3 months
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margocooper · 3 months
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Многоцветковые щитковидные соцветия Рябины обыкновенной (Sorbus aucuparia). Multi-flowered corymbose inflorescences of Rowan.
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cludiaa · 1 year
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Pls not me realising that I forgot to post this here 💀
Anyway may I offer you some Aelin and Rowan
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utterlyotterlyx · 2 months
A Ballad of Storm and Shadow
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Azriel x F!Reader
Part Two
Summary - Rhys had been content in taking the darkest secret of his family to the grave, but when the threat of Hybern increases, he has no choice but to send a message to another world and pray to the Mother that his call is answered.
Warnings - swearing, fluff, a little angst as always, mentions of blood, brother sister fluff 🥺
Part One
This is a crossover series, some aspects will differ from that in the books. Physical attributes are described in this fic, it is essential to the storyline of the character
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There was only one singular thing that Rhys wanted more than to be able to spend a moment alone with his long-lost sister, telling tales and swapping stories of what the last 500 years had held for them, and that was to see Tamlin cower at her perfectly painted feet.
Though, Rhys was sure, like the other High Lords, that Tamlin would not be making an appearance, not after what Feyre had done to his court.
Aelin leaned to the side, her eyes not once moving from the reflective pool in the centre of the chamber as she whispered to y/n, causing the raven haired female to grin in response. It was clear that the two other-worldly women were putting the High Lords of Prythian on edge, if not for their damning beauty then because of the suffocating power that waltzed around them, dancing in a phantom wind and casting a faint shimmer over their forms.
Azriel didn't blame either of them for wrapping a shield around themselves, though, he did get the feeling that it wasn't they who had decided it, it seemed to be Rowan's doing. The fae prince's gaze sauntered across the room, not wanting to indulge in the idle chatter of lesser-than beings, he was assessing and probably imagining all the ways in which he could cut them down without even blinking.
The only sounds that filled the room were polite comments and the gossip from Vivane and Mor, catching up after 50 years apart. All Rhys wanted to do was lean over and ask his sister a million and one questions about her life, where she had been and what the other world was like, but, upon gazing upon her monotonous features, he decided against that impulse.
Instead, the High Lord of Night peered across the pool to find Eris Vanserra in complete awe of her, and if she had noticed his lingering gaze then she did well to not let onto it. Y/N had most likely already known that if she was raised in Prythian then it would have been him who would have been given her hand, their father had always wanted a way into the Autumn Court. Rhys was glad that she looked so alike to him, but he couldn't help but notice a certain darkness within her eyes, like a chilled breeze in the midst of winter, unwavering and fatal.
He had so many questions, so many things he needed to know.
A gentle loop of wind coursed through the open arches from the east, sifting through y/n's hair and cascading her scent straight into Azriel's lungs, so blissful that even his shadows swarmed around the speckles of air for a taste. He had been trying to pinpoint the individual aspects of her scent for the last ten minutes, desperate to etch it to memory, but that last fell sweep confirmed it.
Y/N smelt like the calm before the storm, when the earth hazed by swelter was damp and eagerly awaiting the roaring from the skies during its last moments of peace; there was a slight ashen note to it, like lightening kissed trees that were crackling after being torn apart by the storms fury, and then all of that was combined with with the heavenly aroma of fresh petrichor from newly bathed mountain springs.
He tried to tell himself that he was following each of her movements out of the desire to protect his home from a cunningly beautiful stranger, but he was lying to himself, so much so that his shadows swatted against his back sternly at the thought of her being anything remotely evil. Azriel couldn't take his eyes off of her, he noted every tick of her jaw when Beron would open his mouth and every furrow of her brow when someone would say something that intrigued her, and then there was a familiar softness that consumed her violet gaze whenever Rhys would taunt and prod those around him. Her eyes were laced with longing and pride, like she was only then realising everything she had missed from the moment she had been sent away.
Azriel was too keen not to notice the scar peeking from the bodice of her dress, though her hair did an exquisite job of hiding it, Azriel was placed in the perfect position to be able to count every scaled ridge. It extended from the tip of her pointed ear and slithered down her neck and shoulder before disappearing beneath the fabric of her dress, leaving Azriel to wonder two things, where the scar ended and what had happened to cause it. It was clear that they all had stories to tell, and Azriel was eager to know every snippet of hers.
"Forgive me for prying," Helion drawled, leaning forward in his seat and his lethally poised orbs staring directly at y/n, they trailed down her figure, from the ornate crust of jewels encapsulated around her head to the burgundy pumps on her feet, "But what exactly are you?"
The attention of the room shifted, the one thought on their minds having being thrust out into the open, and they all waited eagerly for her response. Y/N sighed and simply glanced to her right with a soft nod, bestowing a silent permission to her companion, Aelin, who grinned, knowing the floor was open for her, "Does the crown not do it for you? She's a queen."
"A queen?" Beron scoffed with a mixture of disbelief and amusement, his brown eyes wicked and untamed, he sneered at the jewels curling above her ears and asked, "Did it fall onto your head? How does a little girl like you get to call herself a queen?"
Rowan's jaw clenched, his top lip curling into a snarl, and he went to say something, to stand up for one of his two queens, but Aelin halted him with a firm hand on his forearm, "I killed my mother, not for the crown, but because-"
"She was an evil bitch?"
Y/N pointed to Aelin with her gaze stuck on Beron, unwavering, lethal, "That." Placing both hands flat against the arms of her chair, y/n rose from the seat, the sky darkening overhead and a violent gust soaring through the chamber, "I have not left my people to aid a continent that finds it acceptable to treat the only thing standing between them and certain death this way. I am over 500 years old, I'm not a little girl. I destroyed my mother and then eviscerated her body for extra measure, and if you think that I won't do the same to you then I would suggest thinking again. I am the daughter of one of the most powerful High Lords in your history, and I am also the daughter of a Valg queen whether I wish it or not. Choose your next words very carefully."
The air had grown heavy, swelteringly so, and the skies continued to darken with splotches of demonic grey; electricity surged through the space, causing the atoms to vibrate with tension. A faint rumble coursed in the distance, and sparks of blue lit up the skies which had once been a backdrop of serenity, even the ocean below could be heard crashing against the cliffside.
Despite his thunderous heartbeat, Beron couldn't allow his mask to shiver in response, no matter how much sweat had built up on his brow or cold had seeped into his bones. Before he could open his mouth and spurt another insult, two thick threads of lightening crashed through the dome of the chamber, landing on either side of him with a crack as they split open the stone under his feet. Thunder chuckled overhead, always thrilled to witness one of her spectacles.
Then, the darkness vanished, giving way to lazy beams of sun as she began her descent below the horizon, the air lightened and birdsong drifted through the room from the open arches. Still standing, y/n arched a brow and adorned a knowing smirk, knowing that a single effortless flash of her abilities had struck fear into every soul surrounding the reflective pool, "Next time, I'll let them devour you. My lightening enjoys the taste of snivelling old cunts."
I like her. Feyre's voice all but purred into Rhys' mind, her face was taut from attempting to hide her grin but it glowered in her eyes.
Hm. I don't think you're the only one. Rhys cocked his head to the side, causing Feyre to crane her neck to see Azriel staring down at her in total awe, though he wasn't even trying to conceal his smile, he let it shine for all to see.
Aelin looked practically giddy by the show, waiting for y/n to sit at her side once more before continuing on as if nothing had happened, "Carrying on," Aelin folded her hands over her stomach and leaned back, propping one of her legs up on the arm of her seat, "Y/N is the Queen of the Fae of Erilea," Aelin glanced to y/n with a level of adoration, "She gave up everything to aid us, there is no one I would rather rule beside than her," Rowan cleared his throat at the words, sending Aelin a deadpan and stern glare, "Oh, and birdboy over here."
"What a touching sentiment," the white haired warrior drawled, his eyes were laced with humour as he rolled them, his body language relaxing tenfold compared to when he had been assessing the males in the room earlier. Apparently he had deduced that none of them were a threat to him and his queens, not after y/n's recent display. "And," he looked to Beron whose orbs were trained on the steaming black cracks etched into the stone floor, "If you thought that was bad, then you should count yourself lucky that Aedion and Lorcan weren't here. Your head would be detached from your shoulders for that level of disrespect."
Aedion and Lorcan.
Rhys made a mental note to ask about them later, and why saying their names aloud made Rowan's smirk turn positively feline.
"Don't forget about Manon," Aelin sang, and Rowan chuckled darkly at the thought, making Azriel think that he never wanted to meet whoever Manon was.
Y/N dragged her fingers through the lengths of her hair and sniffed the air lightly, her ears pricking as though they could hear something approaching from the distance, and just as the doors swung open did her eyes dart to meet them.
Eyes connecting with those of the intruder, Y/N shivered at the tremors of magic that coursed through the room from the High Lords and their entourages throwing their shields up, and she noticed keenly how the shield around the Night Court in particular became reinforced with rage, even if Rhys' face didn't show it.
The male before her eyes was not considered an ally.
Dressed in a green tunic and smiling so broadly that she could see each of his gleaming white teeth, the male sauntered forward into the stilled room with eyes dancing between Rhys and Y/N, picking apart every similarity between them until the realisation swarmed him.
Thesan rose to his feet slowly, his Peregryns ready to put him down if needed, but he really hoped that it wouldn't come to that, "We were not expecting you, Tamlin," he extended a hand to his quivering aids and ordered, "Please bring the High Lord a chair."
Despite his flickering eyes and subdued smile, Tamlin mainly kept his gaze on Feyre, staring directly into her soul, and by the looks of him y/n could tell that he was lethal in his own right. Feyre shuffled under his gaze, a gaze that sought to control and demand her, and y/n would be damned if she allowed such a thing.
"I have to admit that I am surprised you came, Tamlin," Beron drawled, somewhat recovered from the display of anger directed at him only moments before, "Rumour suggests that your allegiance lies elsewhere these days."
Still, Tamlin's gaze did not leave Feyre, it only moved downward to the band circled on her finger and then trailed up to the tattoo flowing and ebbing against her hand, finally ending on the crown lay atop her head. He exhaled through his nose and waited for the aids to place his seat between Beron's sons and Helion's clan; he had come with no generals, no family, no friends, he was completely alone.
The male didn't utter a single word as he sat, the air was tight, but he moved his gaze at long last and rested it upon y/n, narrowing his green eyes at her and tilting his head slightly as if he was trying to place her in his mind. Helion waved his hand, cutting through the ripe tension, "Let's get on with it then."
It made Rhys feel uneasy, the way Tamlin was looking at his sister and the way in which she was staring back, almost taunting him with her orbs of violent delight. He wanted to reach into her mind and tell her to stop, but her walls were strong, almost impenetrable.
Thesan cleared his throat, eager to move the meeting along so that the time spend with Tamlin was as little as possible. No one looked toward the High Lord of Dawn, not even Tamlin as he moved his eye back to Rhys and Feyre, eyes simmering with a hatred that y/n had only ever seen within her mother. He opened his mouth, and Feyre visibly braced herself, "It seems as though congratulations are in order."
Only Rhys held his stare, and deep down, y/n could feel his wrath bubbling inside of him like a hot spring, he looked to Thesan and said, "We can talk of this matter later."
"Don't stop on my account."
Rhys' grip tightened around Feyre's knee, "I'm not in the business of discussing our plans with enemies." His gaze floated to his sister who was still staring down Tamlin, hands coiled around the arms of her chair and eyes blazing with a fury he didn't know she too possessed.
"No," Tamlin matched Rhys' tone with a certain level of ease, "You're just in the business of fucking them."
The room stilled with rage, the entire entourage of the Night Court seethed in silence, waiting for a single nod from their High Lord to allow them to tear this nothing-man into pieces.
A single claw slid from his knuckles, and the world became muffled to y/n, she wasn't focusing on anything or anyone other than him, the one making a clear threat toward her brother and his mate, her sister by law. There was nothing more sacred. Then she fell back into the room just as Tamlin smirked and angled his head at Rhys, "When you fuck her, have you ever noticed that little noise she makes right before she climaxes?"
Heat stained Feyre's cheeks at the question, one that sought to discount everything that she was. Beron beamed, and Eris monitored the situation carefully from his seat, but then-
Silence. A gentle kiss of breeze.
Azriel glanced to his right, expecting to see y/n sat there with hate-filled eyes, but she was gone. A wet gurgling pulled his attention, he followed the noise and his eyes widened with delight.
Y/N had winnowed right into Tamlin's lap, her elongated talons piercing the skin of his neck causing blood to trail downward and pool at the collar of his tunic. Her other hand was furled into his hair, tugging his head back roughly so that his eyes met hers. One wrong move and Tamlin was done, and he knew it, the terror clear in his panicked eyes.
"If you ever speak of my sister-in-law, or any female, in such a manner again," she spoke lowly, dangerously, like poison on the tip of a blade, "It will be the last time you speak. Am I clear?" Her talons dug in deeper, the blood staining the rings littering her fingers.
Tamlin nodded shakily, gasping for air, and y/n only smirked down at him before retracting her talons from his flesh and bringing her index finger up to her lips, painting the bottom with his blood and humming, "For a male who acts so mighty, your fear tastes delicious," she ground down on his lap and called to her companions, "I think we have seen enough, don't you?"
Huffing, Rowan rose to his feet followed by Aelin, and the pair rounded the pool, Rowan extending a hand to y/n on the way and not even flinching when her bloodied fingers used him as leverage to slide from Tamlin's thighs. "Pathetic," he spat, bewildered at how their help had been wished for when they couldn't even play nice with one another. They all needed some lessons on how to get things done.
The trio sauntered from the chamber, but stopped in place when Thesan rose to his feet and called out to them, understanding that their aid meant the difference between peace or annihilation, "Please, wait." Thesan took three steps toward the trio whose combined power rippling around them was enough to make them see stars, "Stay the night at least, allow us to prove to you that we are worthy of saving."
Without looking back like Aelin and Rowan had, y/n nodded stiffly and only once before she rounded the doors, disappearing into the palace to presumably be shown to her rooms for the evening.
And, after a fair few snarky comments and displays of power, the meeting concluded, and Rhys was the first one rising from his seat and rounding the opened doors, following that mesmerising mountainous scent all the way through palace until he met a pair of tall golden doors that were littered with engravings of clouds and stars.
The rest of the Inner Circle eventually caught up with him, panting, and Cassian especially cursing the day Rhys was born for making him rush so much. Before Rhys could even raise a fist to the door, to reunite with his sister in the way that he had dreamed of for 500 years, it opened for him, and he found Aelin lazily draped against the frame looking to him with an arched brow; she peered behind him at the rest of his family and smiled, "Come on in."
Aelin stepped aside and ushered the group into the lavish suite they had been gifted, Thesan had really pulled out all of the wonders to make their stay as comfortable as possible. Soft white walls encircled the room that was adorned with pillars of solid gold and intricate artworks that littered the ceilings, wide open arches gave way to skies caressed with oncoming darkness, and in the centre was a seating area that rivalled that of the River House, long deep rooted chairs and frilled pillows, a square glass table at the centre and a fire raging on against the wall.
Upon one of the many seats, the Inner Circle found Rowan, feet propped up on the glass and head craned to meet them, "She'll be out in a minute," he drawled, "She's getting used to how large her bed is."
"I was washing the blood off my hands, thank you very much," y/n waltzed in from the open door on the left, wiping her cleared palms against the deep blue skirt of her dress, "You make me sound like such a princess."
Rowan rolled his eyes and dipped his head backward, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing, like her testing his patience was a common occurrence, "I would like to remind you that you were one. For 500 years. And I've known you for half of that time."
Y/N straightened and shrugged, "Fair enough," she turned on the balls of her bare feet to face Rhys and angled her head to the side, waving her gaze from his feet to his crown, "Who would have ever thought that we'd end up like this?"
A High Lord and Queen.
Rhys' smile widened as he beheld her, as they all did actually, the dark monster vanquished into a sea of light leaving behind something airy and fresh, "Certainly not me. I didn't think I'd ever see you again."
Her smile faltered, "Me neither," she took a step toward him, "You gave me quite a scare you know, with that message."
Rhys matched her step, "That was never my intention."
"I know," she loosened her shoulders, "We'll help, even if the other High Lords of this land don't know the meaning of decorum."
Adoration flashed in his eyes, "Thank you, for what you did in there for Feyre. It was-"
"Terrifying?" Y/N moved like the wind, approaching her brother and taking his hands in hers, "I'll do anything to protect family."
And the Inner Circle knew that the protection she spoke of also extended to them, to the found family Rhys had formed in her void.
Snapping back into reality, Rhys placed a tender kiss on her brow and then angled his body to allow his family a chance to really see her, "Y/N," he began, tugging her to the jumbled line his circle had formed, "You know Feyre, my High Lady and mate, and this her sister, Nesta," the pair smiled warmly at one another whilst Nesta watched on, unphased, "This is Amren, my second in command. Cassian, the general of my armies. Mor, your cousin," Mor beamed at the sentiment, she was astounded to be related to someone so incredibly powerful and beautiful, "And then this is-"
"Azriel," the Shadowsinger interrupted, taking a single step forward causing y/n to crane her neck to get a better look at him.
Tendrils of darkness poked over his shoulders and combed through her hair, placing delicate kisses against her cheeks whilst she drank him in. Azriel was beautiful, dark hair and brooding hazel orbs, tattoos that crept up his arms and peered out of the collar of his second skin, a perfectly sloped nose and full lips, and a jaw so sharp she felt as though if she reached out to touch it then her fingers would return to her sliced.
"Azriel," the faint whisper sounded like a sonnet to his ears, and her offered a small smile, and she returned it instantly, unable to tear her eyes away from his until Cassian cut through the moment.
"Hate to break up whatever this is," he spoke with a wink in Azriel's direction who contained his growl to silence, "But we have to know everything about you. It's not every day that your best friend forgets to tell you that he has a sister in another world."
Shaking her head with a slight blush creeping up her cheeks, y/n motioned to the seating area, moving from Azriel and leaving his shadows pining after her to find a space in the centre of one of the four plush benches, "Sit. I'll tell you everything you want to know."
Azriel moved first, wasting no time in taking the seat to her left whilst Rhys took the space to her right, the rest of the inner circle filled the other vacancies, Cassian puffing out his chest when he fell beside Rowan, the latter of who just grinned at the action, and Nesta partly cowering away from Aelin who watched her with a raised brow.
"How old are you?" Mor asked with a voice of wonder, she should have been angry at Rhys the moment she found out that she had another cousin that had been hidden from her, but for some reason she wasn't.
Y/N glanced to Rhys, "I'm 508, give or take a couple of years."
"So you were banished when you were a baby?"
"Yes. I hadn't even reached my second year, " y/n smiled sadly, "The Sidra flooded the city when I was born, our father said that an uncontrollable storm raged on for two weeks afterward. It was clear that I had a power that couldn't be tamed here, so I was sent to my mother in Doranelle, and she raised me."
"I remember that storm," Mor spoke faintly, brow furrowed as she recounted the night when the lightening cracked over the Court of Nightmares, causing the entire city to seek refuge indoors for four whole days and nights, "I didn't realise that it was you."
"Yes, well," y/n trailed, "It's not everyday a High Lord fucks a Valg queen but here we are."
Feyre suppressed a chuckle at y/n's tone, one that was light and attempting to find the silver lining of it all.
Rhys lay a sturdy hand on her knee and pulled her attention to him, unspoken words of an eon drifted between them, "If it's any consolation, I think that father sent you away because he knew that you were meant to be more than a High Lord's trophy wife. Males would wage wars to control a power like yours."
Feyre spoke next, asking, "What is it that you can do?"
Laying her palm open toward the ceiling, the room watched intently as blue sparks of lightening coursed over her fingertips and curled around her wrists, "I can mostly control the weather, storms to be exact, and water also answers my call."
"Tell them the truth, y/n," Aelin teased, "Stop trying to lessen your worth," she told y/n sternly, holding her gaze and sighing when she didn't elaborate, "She decimated an entire army with that power to save me, and the entire world. It nearly killed her. Erilea owes her a great debt. That's why she is queen, not because of her birth right, but because she sacrificed herself to make the world a better place."
"So, you control storms, huh?" Cassian cut through the pause, threading his fingers behind his head and leaning back into the seat, his face a mixture of impress and challenge.
Y/N raised a goblet to her lips, causing Azriel to wonder where exactly she had gotten it from, and drank slowly, "There's a reason that storms are named after women."
"Can you fight?" Mor asked, eager to know if she could train with her cousin, wanting to spend as much time with her as possible with the time they had together.
Rowan huffed and then frowned when Aelin dug her elbow into his ribs, but it didn't hurt him, not one bit. "You can thank me for that."
"He trained you?" Cassian asked with disbelief, his shoulders squaring and eyes narrowing at the white haired fae prince.
"I can show you if you'd like?" Y/N smirked through her lashes, eyes swimming with unmatched mischief as Cassian turned to her and grinned, thinking it would be an easy win for him. "If you're up to the challenge?"
"I would be honoured to show you how us Illyrians fight. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Cassian wriggled his brows at y/n but he failed to notice the glance she sent to Rowan who was rolling his eyes in her direction, and something told Azriel that Cassian would be eating those words once the morning came to pass.
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Author's Note
Part 2 is here my lovelies!
As always let me know what you think!
@userxs-blog @riorgail @fandomarchiveilyd @booksandbud4me @acourtofbatboydreams @sidthedollface2 @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @tenshis-cake @rcarbo1 @doodlebugg16-blog @snoopyspace @superspideyparker
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azsazz · 10 months
Good for Me
Rowan x Reader
Summary: Anon Request: Dom rowan and his good girl🤭🫠
Warnings: Smut, fingering, oral (69).
Word Count: 2,591
Notes: This year I'm thankful for Rowan Whitethorn.
“Come here, heart,” Rowan demands from where he’s sitting against the headboard of the bed. His muscular chest is on display, the moonlight casting through the open window and clashing with the soft faelights littered around the room.
Taking a step forward, you drink him in. His long torso is half covered by swirling tattoos that trail down into where his tight hips dip into his trousers. You know the ink continues down, just as your gaze does, halting on the strain of his cock pressing against the fabric.
Your mouth goes dry.
Continuing forward, you come to a halt as he speaks again, green eyes pinning you to the floor. “Crawl to me.”
Your brows furrow as your throat works around a swallow. Heat flushes from your cheeks to your cunt, your clit awakening with his words. “Crawl?”
“Crawl,” Rowan agrees, nodding. The corner of his mouth lifts in a mischievous smirk that makes the apex of your thighs ache. “Naked.”
Your gaze flickers to the floor beneath your feet. It’s worn, floorboards curved with time and you almost shudder at the thought of what’s been done here, what else is embedded between splinters of wood. Head still turned towards the floor, you raise only your eyes to Rowan’s, a slightly desperate plea to change his mind.
But he only raises a brow, answering your unspoken question. “You know I love that face, but that’s not what I’m looking for right now, heart. You want to be my good girl, don’t you? Want to be rewarded for crawling to me?”
Fuck him. He knows just how to get you to give. Your knees nearly collapse from his words alone, warmth pooling between your legs as your cunt cries out for him. 
You want to be good for him. So good that he never thinks of ever needing another mouth but yours, another hand around his cock nor another cunt for him to cum in. You want to kiss him, lick him, suck him, and ride him, want to hear those pleasure-fueled noises rolling off his tongue.
Slowly, almost teasingly, you work yourself free from your dress. Rowan watches with hungry eyes. His hand twitches from where it’s settled on the bed, like he might just grab his cock and start stroking himself to the sight of your dress sliding down your body. Your nipples tighten near painfully as the night air breezes through the open window. If anyone walks past the inn, they’re sure to get an earful.
Next, you shimmy yourself free from your underwear, kicking it in his direction, the only sort of protest you’ll show. Rowan snatches them out of the air as quick as a whip, and the rolling green of his eyes flare, sharpening as he brings them to his face, inhaling your scent as deeply as he can.
The need to touch yourself is incessant, but you keep your hands at your sides as Rowan’s tongue pokes out, lapping the taste of your wetness from the fabric.
“All nice and wet for me and I didn’t even have to ask.” He sounds pleased, and you like that. You like that a lot. Rowan flings your underwear to the side and you watch every muscle of his body flex as he attempts to keep himself from pouncing on you. “I much prefer the real thing, heart. Will you let me taste you?”
“Yes,” you breathe, chest already heaving. Dropping to your hands and knees, you make slow, sensual movements with your body, even though your cheeks burn. But Rowan can’t seem to take his eyes off of you, even as he unzips his pants and shoves them roughly down his legs, unable to wait any longer.
Your mouth waters as his cock springs free from its confines, resting against his stomach. It’s glistening at the tip, pink and needy. There’s a vein that runs down the non-tattooed side of his cock and you’re particularly interested in tracing the line of it with your mouth.
“That’s it, heart, come here.” You obey, only because you want to hear more words like that. Your knees are aching already and surely there’s a splinter in your hand, but you know Rowan will pick it out for you afterwards.
When you’re close enough, Rowan scoops you from the floor and settles you against his chest. You whine a little, squirming against the warmth of his body because you want to face him, watch his reaction as you sink down on his throbbing cock.
“Rowan, please,” you cry, trying to unwind yourself from his grip. “I want to look at you.”
“Patience, heart,” he hisses as you brush against his sensitive cock, locking his arms around your body. “Be good for me and I’ll let you, I promise.” His words are pressed into your neck, sending shivers up your spine.
Forcing your body to relax against his, you await further demand. Shifting his knees inside yours, he spreads your legs wide. Rowan keeps one arm locked across your waist, the other sliding down between your legs to tease at your pulsing clit.
You throw your head back against his shoulder with a moan, fingers clawing into the meat of his thighs as he circles the nub slowly but with sure motions. 
“More,” you groan, trying with all of your strength to buck into his touch. You whisper as he pulls his hand away, sweeping it across your folds to gather more of your slick before he’s rubbing at you again, with more intention this time. “Faster, Ro, please, please! Need you!” 
His voice is low, and you can feel each word rumbling against your spine. His breath is hot, words even more so, “Do you want my fingers? Or my face?”
Gods, do you want to cum right on his fucking hand. Your body melts into his with a languid noise, and Rowan has to nip at your ear with his sharp teeth to gain your attention again.
“Face,” you garble, “Please.”
Rowan pulls his fingers away from you completely and you feel like you could cry. Your clit is throbbing painfully, body uncomfortably hot as the feeling of your orgasm wanes away.
You’re about to protest when Rowan brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking the taste of you off with a hum. You can’t help but watch the way his tongue circles his fingers, head craned over your shoulder to watch. Your body yearns for those same motions against your cunt, and you can’t help but writhe against his heavy cock settled against your backside. 
“Fuck, heart,” he coos, licking the remnants of you from his lips. It shouldn’t be as hot as it is. “You taste so good.”
You want to taste him too, you need to. Stretching up, you know Rowan understands exactly what you want, and he delivers, pressing his mouth hot against yours, tongue slipping inside as his hand rests against the swell of your throat, heavy and reassuring.
Gently, Rowan shifts your body, lying flat on the bed. He presses you forward with a guiding hand on your back, so you’re staring straight at his heavy cock. You lick your lips, squeaking as he readjusts you so easily with the muscle cording his body, so your cunt is settled over his face. He hums happily and you jerk as his tongue brushes through your folds.
Your hips sink down, unable to hold yourself back. You take his cock in hand, jerking him once, twice, before you’re suckling the pearl of precum off of the tip before swallowing his cock down. You can feel that vein that has occupied your mind, tracing down it with your tongue. Rowan’s hips buck and you choke, the wet sound of it echoing through the room.
Rowan is unrelenting against your cunt, fucking his tongue into you, switching up his pace, his strokes, when you do something different as well. You’re whimpering on his cock, the silkiness slick against the flat of your tongue. You need to use your hand as well, his cock too big to fit into your mouth without a little force.
“So soft and pretty, heart. You can take more, can’t you?” He nearly begs when he pulls away from your cunt for a moment before he’s lapping up the wetness that’s spread to your thighs.
Squeezing your eyes shut you relax your jaw as much as you can, taking Rowan deeper. He’s past the point of hitting the back of your throat now, he’s cutting off your airflow completely, thick cock buried deep down your throat. 
He groans at the noises you make, the feeling of your tight throat constricting his cock. His mouth falters against your cunt but he’s reaching a hand down, wrapping your hair around his fist and pressing you further onto his cock as he lifts his hips, fucking into your throat with a hiss and a harsh nip at your clit that makes pleasurable tears burn your eyes.
Gods, he doesn’t know if he can stop himself. You feel too good wrapped around him like this, your wetness dripping from your cunt, smeared across his chin. He wants to submit to the feeling coiling his gut, let loose his cum and fuck it down your throat while you choke on it, but he also wants to stuff you full of it and watch it drip from you for hours. 
“Good girl-that’s a good fucking girl,” he groans and your pussy clenches. 
Rowan slows his movements and you gasp for air. You cry out when he focuses his attention back on your clit, sucking and licking with fervor. He does it like he was made for exactly this, and your body shakes as he continues on, not letting up when you cry that you’re about to cum. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me, heart. Give it to me and I’ll let you have my cock.”
So you do. Loudly. 
Your cries fill the night air, echoing down the streets. Fire blinds you, searing through your body down between your thighs. Rowan drinks it all in, your orgasm, the noises you’re making, the feeling of your nails clawing into his skin, your torturous breaths hot against his cock as you pant through the euphoria. 
“Fucking hell, heart,” Rowan breathes, pressing soft kisses to your cunt. “You did so well for me.”
You whimper and your thighs shake. Your body is already spent from your orgasms but you want his cock in your cunt. “Need to feel you, Ro. Please.”
“Alright, heart, come here,” Rowan says gently, helping you maneuver around. You collapse against his chest, reveling in his warmth. Rowan’s fingers stroke long lines up your spine and it makes you want to melt into him further, until he starts rubbing his cock against your soaked cunt. You whine, arching against him. “My girl did so well, you deserve it.”
“Take me,” you say desperately, fingers digging into his broad shoulders. Rowan doesn’t hesitate, pressing the head of his cock into your wetness at a torturously slow speed. Your breath catches in your throat at the stretch and your eyes roll into the back of your head as he curses at the tightness of your cunt.
Each press into you pushes more and more breath from your lungs. You’re greedy with it, already rolling your hips, encouraging Rowan for more. You’d tried to push yourself upright so you could sink down on him fully when his slow movements started to drive you a little insane, but he’d wrapped his arms around your body and crushed you to his chest. Rowan wasn’t allowing you to take this from him, he’s reveling in your reactions, your whimpers and keens against the skin of his chest.
“That’s it, take it,” he soothes, pressing kisses to your exposed skin. They’re meant to be distracting but how could you pull your attention away from his cock filling you to the brim? You shudder against him as he kisses down your neck to your shoulder, nipping softly. You’re clinging to him like a kitten, nails scraping red welts into his tan skin.
You want his cum painting the walls of your cunt, want him fucking into you so hard that it leaks out of you because there’s not enough room. 
The tip of his cock brushes your womb and you arch, seeing white.
“Again,” you beg, and Rowan listens, pulling out and fucking back in, right into the same spot that has you crying out like that. 
He considers tattooing this moment into his skin, your lips red from where you’ve bitten them, trying to contain your pleas. The pink of your cheeks, how you can hardly keep your eyes open even when he tilts your chin and growls for you to keep them open. The way that your body writhes on top of him as much as you can with his iron arms keeping you pinned to him for the taking.
The room is filled with noise, creeping out into the night through the open window. The wet sounds of your cunt, the soft slapping as his hips meet yours, his low grunts and your loud cries. It’s a symphony of euphoria, and you hope your neighbors don’t file a complaint with the inn. The breeze does nothing to cool your burning skin, the coiling in your gut with that familiar rush each brush of his cock guides you towards.
“Your body was made for me, heart,” Rowan moans, hips bucking faster the closer he comes to his peak as well. Your body is slack against his, his thick girth making you boneless. His hands stoke down your sides, settling in a harsh grip around your hips as he plants his feet into the mattress and fucks into you even harder. You cry out, skin sticking to his, allowing the warmth in your abdomen to crest in one of the most earth-shattering orgasms you’ve experienced in your life.
The room goes black. You’re aware that Rowan is still holding you tightly and bucking his hips into yours, keeping you grounded to this plain. You feel like this is your purpose, loving Rowan, and your liquid mind finally catches up, fighting through the pleasure that melted it, right as your mate cums with a sound that makes the inn groan on its hinges. It roils through your bones, his hot cum spurting into you as he hugs you so tightly you can hardly breathe. 
It’s everything, though, with him here like this, coming together under the moon. It doesn’t matter where you go or who either of you pretend to be, as long as you’re together and can feel like this. 
Rowan’s body slowly begins to relax under yours. He hasn’t removed his cock from you, keeping his cum trapped inside your tight cunt. The feeling makes you shudder a little, and he presses you closer, his lips finding yours to reward you with a sensual kiss. 
“So good for me,” he whispers against your lips. Rowan shifts his hips a little, cock grazing your insides, and you whimper because you’re not all that sure you can go for another round right now, no matter how badly you want to. Your mate shushes you softly, brushing your hair from your face so he can stroke soothing patterns against your cheek. 
“I love you, Ro.”
“I love you too, heart,” Rowan presses those words into your skin like a promise. “I love you too.”
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michaelnordeman · 6 days
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Song Thrush/taltrast. Värmland, Sweden (September 17, 2017).
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moonys-library · 11 months
men just don’t men like men in books
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