#small touches every single time they pass each other (unless it's really stressful in the field ofc)
raggedytiger · 7 months
ragatha/agatha and pomni/penny human hcs!
is an english teacher!
yes she still loves horses. she used to ride them, & she loves old western movies.
owns cowboy hat and boots.
analytical and loves long & winding conversations.
has a very happy cat named sandwich.
patches her own clothes, doesn't have kids but if she did she would embroider their names into their belongings.
she still plays cello, she loves music in general, probably sings like an angel.
can't do any mathematics.
can drive, but like a lunatic. somehow has never had an accident though, so it's fine.
probably has a cute little baby blue/yellow car now, but definitely had a beat up offroader truck at some point that got put to good use. or maybe she still does, i'm not the boss.
total lesbian, a bit of a heartbreaker but not intentionally (women just keep falling for her)
goes to town/neighbourhood/community meetings. likely is/was in a knitting circle
absurd number of quilts in her home
is an accountant as we know, and cannot cook for shit as we know.
no pets she can barely take herself for walks. is more similar to a cat, but had a dog growing up. would love a collie or a dalmatian probably.
would name the dog something stupid like Thermometer Johnson.
she can drive, but nervously.
really quick thinker, like impressively, unless she's under HUGE amounts of stress. is literally always thinking at 100mph.
no sense of interior decor or personal style. all practical, kind of butch. really does kill a suit.
very much lesbian but not fully to terms with it. probably had short-lived relationships with men in which she was 'content' but didn't really care for it. seeing agatha as agatha for the first time was probably a crazy punch to her little gay heart. not to mention the cowboy gear.
watches 90s anime to wind down
listens to every single genre of music. passes a lot of time with headphones in, slowly making her way thru the entire world's discography
owns no band merch or anything though she just listens
can't sleep without a fan on, thunderstorm 12hr audio, blackout curtains, weighted blanket, water nearby
does not sleep a lot
both of them (going to call them pomni and ragatha for convenience):
didn't immediately recognise one another. i havent got an exact idea of how they reunited after getting out, but there were tears.
bonded in a very rare and unique way - they got to revel in the newfound joys of real life again. they got to eat delicious food, go on long, unobstructed walks in the real sun, be warmed by it, chew on ice cubes and shiver at the pain, listen to each other's heartbeats, listen to real music, read real books, smell soaps and flowers and sauces. they went to the supermarket together and read all the labels, and bought one of each type of fruit to try between them, and smelled all the candles, and touched all the blankets. spent a lot of time holding hands and kissing and i'm sorry to say, probably having sex, because holy shit, i'm real, you're real, we're real
now live together in ragatha's apartment, after pomni moved out of her small and confusingly-furnished flat.
both of them feel inadequate from time to time. this is resolved by a stern-but-loving talking-to.
sandwich likes pomni very much. pomni doesn't really get cats, but loves sandwich a great deal, and enjoys letting her sleep on her lap.
ragatha is very pleased to see her girls getting along.
ragatha cooks, pomni chops the veg. she often doesn't fuck it up
pomni cleans a lot as a 'thank you for letting me live here, i love you'. she's very much acts of service, ragatha is words & physical touch <3
they watch a lot of movies together. depending on how long they've been stuck, they might have culture to catch up on
ragatha wants to have a house with a garden one day. pomni starts germinating seeds from their fruit & veg like a weird science experiment. ragatha is delighted when she is presented with a baby tomato plant.
clothes are shared. ragatha's are bigger, but most of pomni's are ill-fitting anyway so it can go both ways. ragatha likes to dress pomni up in different outfits and have her do a little fashion show. pomni pretends not to savour the confidence boost.
pomni starts sleeping more
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
God, can you imagine how physically clingy they're going to be when they're finally together? Disgusting.
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10reikiso9 · 3 years
These two are super good friends and would be sitting together. Rengoku would sit by the window and would constantly be looking out of it, even before the plane takes off. He would be nervous, but the excitedness of being able to reach the clouds would outshine any big concern he has. He would be constantly asking if they are about to fly. Meanwhile, Uzui would be making commentary about how boring the inside of the plain is, the whites and grays killing the true emotions of such an exciting adventure as touching the Sky. He would also be trying to flirt with the flight attendants every time they pass by next to him. How he gets away from being accused of harassment yet, we don’t know.
When the plane finally takes off, both will be shouting and laughing, talking about the multiple clouds and how they look so fluffy, wondering if they could walk or lay down on them. Both of their faces will be completely pasted on the window, pushing each other constantly so they can look better. Uzui will propose opening the emergency exit and try out, Rengoku will agree, meanwhile the flight attendants will be very occupied and concerned trying to make them forget about that idea while simultaneously getting them far away from any exit possible.
GYOMEI: This man is concerned. He’ll be playing with his praying beads, and when he is not playing with them, he is saying prayer after prayer, the engine sounds too loud for his ears, scaring him further, why aren’t they taking off yet? Could someone please hold his hand and reassure him that everything will be okay, please? Feels like flying in the sky might be a little too adventurous on his part, but he won’t be sure what to think about it until he finishes his travel. Turns out the experience isn’t as stressful and scary as he had initially thought, he thinks it is soothing even, very silent and doesn’t even feel as if they are moving at all, but the moment they are all taking off and landing has his heart beating a little faster.
MUICHIRO: This boy seems a little distracted and inexpressive, however, in reality he is extremely excited to see the clouds up close. He chooses a window seat exclusively for that reason solely and he won’t even blink staring through it so he doesn’t miss a single second of this once in a lifetime experience. He might even tell the other Hashira about how he is enjoying it, and he will definitely be hoping he can get on more airplane flights in the future because the clouds up close are even more beautiful than ever.
TOMIOKA AND SHINOBU: Tomioka is very inexpressive, and he will act as if getting on a giant aircraft isn’t any big of a deal, however, that doesn’t mean that he isn’t thinking of a thousand ways the flight could go wrong, all while keeping his face straight, or maybe trying to take a nap. Shinobu would sit next to Tomioka on the window seat since she is curious about the scenery, but she is very annoyed at Tomioka’s apathetic attitude, so she will be pestering him, help him please, this man is tired. At The end both will be distracted looking at the scenery out the window, astonished by how everything seems so small from the sky, Tomioka might smile slightly, and Shinobu will be disturbed once again by that sight.
SANEMI: Sanemi is tired of being a rabid chihuahua, meaning he will see the flight as an opportunity to rest. He doesn’t care what seat he takes, the only thing that matters to him is that he wants to fly alone. He’ll cross his arms over his chest and take a nap like an old dad. Flight attendants might fear offering him food and drinks, so they’ll avoid him unless he calls them, and the flight attendants will be fighting over who gets to go and serve him. He’ll feel a little upset but will try and remain cool since he doesn’t want to create disturbances during the flight.
MITSURI AND OBANAI: This two will be fighting over who gets the window seat because Mitsuri really, REALLY wants to see out the window, but She knows how much Obanai doesn’t enjoy interaction with others or being close to strangers, while Obanai knows how much Mitsuri wants the window seat so he want to swallow everything that makes him uncomfortable in order to see her smile. At the end Mitsuri ends up winning, so Obanai sits safely at the window, and Mitsuri will be at the flight attendants' reach requesting them lots of food. She won’t even care that the prices are awfully high. If Obanai is up for it, Mitsuri will offer him food and even spoon-feed him. Additionally, when they are flying over the clouds, Mitsuri will lean over Obanai, so she can see through the window too, while Obanai tries to avoid having a heart attack there, having her so close to him then.
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hi i really like your headcanons and since your requests are open i would like to read your headcanons about the admirals (akainu, kizaru, aokiji) noticing that they are having a crush an how they would act around their crush <3 thx in advance <3
Akainu, Kizaru, Aokiji when he has a crush
Akainu x Reader, Kizaru x Reader, Aokiji x Reader
Description: what the admirals Akainu, Kizaru, & Aokiji (seperate) are like when they realize they have a crush + how they act around them
Warnings: none
A/N: yes! soft admirals!! 💕
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he doesn’t really understand what his feelings are, the only things he really thinks about are justice and pottery (his stated hobby)
it’s not that he’s in denial- he’s had absolutely no experience with love or feelings or relationships (I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s only been sexually intimate with 1 person)
it takes the other admirals, namely Kizaru, pointing out the way he stares at you constantly and the way he’s always the perfect gentleman around/for you- they also tease the bell out of him for this which makes Akainu try to push his feelings aside
they just kind of linger in the back of his head, he’s not going to make a move but it’s very clear that he likes you because he does the following:
-always staring, the intense kind, almost like he’s glaring at you
-holding doors open, he only does this for you, he lets go of the door before the next person can follow you in before himself
-lingering, he always seems to be somewhere nearby, usually behind you or in your line of sight
-protective, he always offers his arm for you to hold in a crowd or when you’re around pirates/villains (esp. around pirates) he always tries to be in front of you shielding at least a bit of you with his massive build
-listening, whenever you talk his eyes are glued to you snd don’t leave until someone else that holds a lot of importance speaks directly to him, he always remembers what you say and he’ll often do thing that relate to it (interests, favorite flowers/food, etc.)
-unantagonistic, whereas he usually has no problem purposely irritating the other admirals, mostly Aokiji, and doesn’t care if he is rude or snarky to anyone else, he’s perfectly well-mannered and kind towards you, kind in his own way
-concern, after you return from missions/assignments he’ll come find you to ask how it went and subtly check for injuries (if you have any he will drag to to the infirmary), and if you are stuck in the infirmary he’s checking in on you everyday (finding excuses occasionally so it doesn’t look like he’s obsessed)
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he doesn’t understand what the fluttery, warm, sparkly, feeling is, he finds it quite peculiar. but he does catch on a lot quicker than Akainu, he takes it as a small shock, he didn’t think he would ever experience this but now he was conflicted
on one hand he really wanted to be with you, but on the other hand that would bring you harm and make you a target, but on the first hand- he’s Borsalino, Admiral Kizaru, he can protect you, no one would dare lay a hand on you unless they had a death wish
he’s completely obvious with his crush on you, but he won’t say anything for a while because he likes the chase, and he wants to get to know you and understand what you like so he can provide
he silently admits his crush in the following ways:
-promises, he’s always making promises, that you can definitely trust and rely on, promises ranging from always protecting you to bringing you a purple cupcake with yellow sprinkles tomorrow- which he followed through on btw
-touches, he loves holding your hand, having you hold onto his arm, simply having your arms graze each other upon passing, kissing your cheek and/or hand- which is probably one of his favorite things to do everyday
-follows, he follows you around, sometimes teasing you other times listening to you talk to him or even talk to a subordinate or another admiral, he also does it plainly because he craves your presence and you have a mutual understanding of that
-smiles, he always smiles at you, from across the room most of the time- whenever you enter the room he pauses whatever he’s doing to smile at you
-complements, “you look stunning”, “did you get dressed up for me”, “you’re too beautiful for this world”
-hangouts, he likes taking you into town for lunch break or just having food delivered to either of your offices and eating together
-flowers, he always brings a flower to give you, the first time he sees you everyday he delivers you a single perfect flower, he goes out of his way to do it often too
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he’s the quickest of all the admirals to realize what exactly his feelings towards you are, his every napping though is consumed by you- and he’s not exactly complaining
he’s taken aback at first but quickly relaxes and realizes that he will just let it happen, he’s quiet excited for the moments ahead- flirting with you and eventually telling you his feelings and intentions
he sleeps alarmingly peaceful and it takes even longer for him to be woken up because he simply doesn’t want to leave his dreams of your embrace and smile
he’s not as obvious with his feelings as the other admirals are, but he still subtly lets you know:
-napping, he tries to sleep in close proximity to you, asks if you would like to do your work in his office for company, or even goes and sits in your office with you where he falls asleep on the couch/chair- he also offers you a nap with him if he ever sees you’re stressed or tired
-lingering, same as Akainu, Aokiji always seems to be nearby, mostly when everyone is there but he always takes his place standing beside you, smiling down at you when you look up, he also likes to walk with you through the hallsc listening or talking anything works
-looks, you developed like a language made collectively of looks, judging ones shared between you two when akainu is being all “absolute justice”, good luck looks shared when one of you is too far to say goodbye before the other leaves for a mission
-touches, he puts his arm around your shoulder often, sometimes trying to use im you as an arm rest
-support, he’s always there to listen and provide advice if needed, and cheering you up with shit-talking other admirals (Akainu) and of course with naps
-deep conversations, he likes discussing your views of justice, good & bad, right & wrong- as well as simply discussing life, past, present, and future included, he drops subtle hints about his crush on you during these talks
-trust, this kind of goes with deep conversations, but he is extremely trustworthy, like a locked diary, he trusts you and tells you a almost anything (everything is saved for when you’re actually together) snd he tells you that you can do the same
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acey-wacey · 3 years
Lovestruck MC Headcanons
A/N: I've been playing lovestruck as a coping mechanism for covid but what really irks me is how the main characters are written. The player is allowed to choose their name, but not their appearance meaning the MC is not intended to be a self-insert. Even though it is established that the MC is a distinct character, they still never have any personality other than their love interest so I've decided to write my completely random headcanons for the MCs of the different books.
Love and Legends MC (with the protags)
-She loves cheesy rom-coms and says it's only to laugh at them but she really just loves the predictability.
-She is very defensive of her friends and has to be held back all the time.
-In high school, she knew she was attractive and lead boys on just to dump them (toxic much?).
-Her favorite food is pizza and she cries inside every time Solaire says she doesn't know what that is.
-She is constantly humming BTS songs and it confuses everyone else.
-She regularly sneaks out of the palace, with her chosen love interest, to find bits of the fantasy world that look just like movies she's seen.
-She makes dirty jokes way too often and only Iseul thinks they're funny.
When Reiner let her out of the palace for the first time, she went crazy with shopping and bought way too many Renaissance dresses.
-After her chosen love interest confessed to her, she had a mental breakdown about how all of this is a coma dream and no real person could love her.
-She is very cuddly and all the horses love her.
Starship Promise MC (aboard the Promise)
-She listens to heavy metal whenever she's working.
-Atlas told her it was annoying so she soundproofed the entire lab in a single night.
-She can actually use a blaster very well but if the chosen love interest offers to teach her, she's suddenly blind.
-She hates pickles and always throws them to Comet even though he doesn't like them either but he'll eat them for her.
-She watches old earth horror movies and laughs when the protagonist does stupid stuff.
-She has astronomy books from all the planets her parents visited and can name most of the stars in the sky from any given planet.
-She always has to be the bait for recon missions because she's a pretty blonde woman but unless it's genuinely important, she'll blow her cover on purpose just to make a point.
-She has a sixth sense for when someone is down and is completely ready to listen to them or knock some sense into them depending on the situation.
-Whenever she gets into an argument with one of the crew members, she just stares at them until they get freaked out and leave.
Reigning Passions MC
-She doesn't flaunt her poker skills but is prepared to humble any cocky player at Sebastian's parties.
-She has a lovely singing voice when she's sober but only ever sings at her grandmother's grave.
-When palace life gets too overwhelming, she sneaks out to the village and works at the bar for an afternoon.
-She knows how to do a lot of card tricks and uses them to entertain children.
-Soon after she was crowned, she appointed Xenia to be her "royal confidante", meaning they can spill tea for an hour and a half every Tuesday and nobody thinks anything of it.
-She learns a little bit of magic from each season, not only to do cool tricks but to appear as the heart of the capital, with influence from all four seasons.
-Never once has she abused her power but when a drunk man grabbed her butt, she seriously considered executing him.
-She is the life of the party, not just because she can make drinks tray well, but because she knows exactly what makes everyone laugh.
-She memorizes small things about each person she meets in court so that she can either become friends with them or keep an eye on them.
-Sometimes she helps Gideon with his experiments even if it's in the middle of the night.
-She despises court parties and always tries to leave as soon as possible.
-She considers her hair a very sensitive part of her body and only lets her chosen love interest style it.
-She has an extensive wardrobe but she only ever wears two dresses because they're the most comfortable.
Astoria: Fate's Kiss
-She is the only person brave enough to ask Hades why he married his niece.
-K-pop stan to the max
-She used to want to own a bakery before she started working for H.E.R.A.
-She is the most indecisive person ever and get stressed out over choosing an ice cream flavor.
-Chosen love interest chooses her ice cream flavor for her and that's part of the reason why she loves them.
-She overworks herself to the point of passing out at her desk.
-She has a pink sparkly pom-pom pen that she calls the "Punish-pen-t" because anyone who swears in the office has to use the pen for paperwork for the next week.
-She likes sour candy better than sweet.
-She doesn't like physical affection and will only let her chosen love interest and May touch her.
-Her favorite flower is sunflowers.
-She has never left Manhattan for any reason other than work.
Castaway! Love's Adventure
-She's all about eating the rich.
-She swears a lot and it bothers everyone on the island.
-She also has immaculate comedic timing and TK hates that it makes him laugh.
-She has scars all over her legs from rocks and brush scratching her.
-She needs to be watched at all times to make sure she doesn't touch any snakes or something.
-After leaving the island, she has withdrawals from switching between wilderness and city so quickly.
-She makes a lot of references to old movies.
-She has a flip phone because she spends all her money on desk accessories.
-She has seen one episode of Naruto and calls herself an anime fan.
-When she gets mad, she has really well thought out argument and provides textual evidence because she's used to journaling.
-She's so used to scrutiny that she apologizes anytime anything happened even if it isn't her fault.
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mushy-dreamer · 3 years
Very very important. Lots of things need to be taken into consideration. You want a big cage, first of all. A good cockatiel cage should have room for food and water bowls, an assortment of toys, and for the bird to fly around in. You're probably gonna want to get a cage for a larger parrot because of this. And if you can, you want a cage with horizontal bars rather than vertical. This isn't absolutely necessary, per se, but it's definitely better. It's easier for them to climb around the cage with horizontal bars. There should also be a pull-out tray under the bottom of the cage to catch dropped food, shed feathers, and poop.
Also very important. Seeds should make up only a small part of the diet. Like, very very small. The seed clusters you can find at any pet store? One a day is good. Sunflower seeds should only be given as a treat and should not be a regular part of the diet. In this area, blogs are your friend. Look up chop recipes for cockatiels and make sure they're specifically for cockatiels. Grains and vegetables should make up most of the diet, and pellets should be included as well. It does vary sometimes in what a cockatiel likes - Coconut won't touch kale and loves apples, which is pretty odd for a cockatiel - so try out a bunch of stuff. But always always check to make sure any food you give them is safe. Chocolate, avocados, salt, sugar, and caffeine should never be given. In small doses (and I mean SMALL) it won't do anything, so if a bird manages to steal a piece of candy or something and only LICKS it and doesn't actually eat it, it'll be fine. Coconut does that all the time because he's an idiot. There's a few cereals that are okay for them, like plain Cheerios and Grape Nuts, but those shouldn't be given regularly. Coconut loves Grape Nuts and it's so funny 'cause I use a very specific bowl to eat them, so he sees the bowl and gets really excited and starts running around and screaming at me to give him some. And then I give him some because if I don't he'll either 1) Not shut up or 2) Fly to me and walk down my arm to sit on my hand and eat them out of the bowl as I'm eating because he thinks he's hot shit
Also really important!! Cockatiels need toys to keep them stimulated and happy. A lot of them like bells, so those are always good. And things they can shred. Nothing with small plastic bits, 'cause they can break those off and choke on them, or swallow them and that's not fun. At all. I can't really say much here because Coconut refuses to play with toys, so I don't have a lot of experience with them. So you'll probably need to do your own research and stuff for that.
Find an avian veterinarian in your area, and a parrot store. Chain pet stores don't always offer wing/nail clipping and don't usually have a wide selection for birds. A lot of parrot stores will give free nail/wing trims, which is great. The most common health-related problem is feather picking. This usually occurs when the bird is stressed. So for instance, if they're bonded to you and you're away for a while (I mean for weeks), or if their environment has undergone a massive change, or they're understimulated. As long as they have proper toys and spend enough time with someone, they'll be fine. Coconut's never feather-picked once in the six years I've had him, even when I've been in another state for weeks. There's a lot of illnesses and stuff that cockatiels can catch, so just be careful. Oh, and never pick up wild bird feathers. They can carry mites that can be passed onto your birds.
Unless the birds have bonded to each other, they'll bond to you. They look around a year old, so they can still bond to you. Since you have a pair, they probably don't need as much as a single one needs, but they'll still need to be out of the cage for a lot of the day, and they'll need snuggles and stuff. Cockatiels are very cuddly birbs, and very clingy a lot of the time.
They poop. A lot. Between every five to thirty minutes, depending on how recently they've eaten. You'll want to buy cleaning products specifically made for pets, and there's a few specifically to clean bird poop. You don't want to use anything, cleaning or otherwise, with strong fumes. This includes things like candles and incense. You can't train them not to poop, or only poop in a certain spot because they can't hold it in, so don't even bother. They also make a mess when eating, so you'll need to vacuum/sweep around the cage on a daily basis. Newspaper should be set at the bottom of the cage and changed every few days. There's a few alternatives, but I find newspaper to be the best because the cockatiel can actually stand on it, they can shred it, and it doesn't harm them. They also produce a lot of dust. Not as much as cockatoos, but a lot. It's not so much of a problem, but you need to be aware of it. They also molt a few times a year, so don't worry about that unless they're like, dropping all their feathers and new ones aren't growing back or something.
This is a lot more than the local vetenerian told me! Thank you i want to make sure their comfotable cuz they are still pretty scared of other humans.
Thanks for the help!!
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Chapter two - A king’s duty is a king’s duty
Sander’s sides fanfiction - ‘Off the Devil’s head’ spin-off (can be read as a stand-alone)
Wordcount: 1928
Ship: intrulogical
TW: cursing - a lot of cursing (still Remus, lovlies, get used to it), confusion, cute bickering (I think...?), forests at night, very obvious autistic tics (based on my own, so I know they are real and how they work, in case you’re not sure ^^ I wouldn’t write something that I haven’t checked at least twice with someone who has, or deals with or is deeply interested in this stuff). And I think that’s all. If anything pops up, do let me know :) <3
Summary of the whole story: This might have not been the brightest idea - steeling from a cart right in the fucking smack-dab-middle of the Square. But Remus never claimed his ideas were bright. Never said his words and actions were appropriate either. So how in all off goddamned hell did he find himself sprawled out on a giant comfortable throne instead of a cold and dark (and very drippy) prison cell - with guards actually guarding his safety instead of assuring his imprisonment - is completely beyond him.
Link to AO3 for those who prefer reading there ^^
Chapter two - A king’s duty is a king’s duty
There’s not a lot of things Logan dislikes. There’s a total of fifteen so far. But disruption of order, change and tall grass is definitely in the top ten. And wouldn’t you look at that?
Green-haired hurricanes are tearing threw his peaceful kingdom, disrupting peace - thus creating an unnecessary change. Which caused his sleepless state, which lead him down a path where he has to hop from foot to foot like a dear, to eliminate any unnecessary contact with grass.
And the fact that all these things alone cause unnecessary stress, let alone combined, just makes it all worse. His movements are more jagged then usual, more frantic. Gestures all over the place in unorganized manors. And his eyebrows are stuck in a constant ‘thinking scowl’ as his advisors call it.
To any other person, his behavior would seem truly strange - Logan can’t say he doesn’t feel a little embarrassed by it, even now that he’s alone. But there are some things that just can’t be helped.
Besides, all of his kingdom know that their king is a ‘little weird’.
Since Logan first sat on the throne - at the mere age of thirteen - everybody’s been in love with their ruler. It sounds a little odd, that they let a thirteen-year-old kid on the throne, but Logan’s never really been a kid. Since when he can remember he read books far too difficult for the usual kid his age, listened in on conversations he probably had no business listening to, let alone understanding. Sat by his father’s side, while he made life-concerning decisions. Watched his mother as she took care of every problem with caution and care not everybody could offer. Although Logan never got around to fully understanding that care, he learned to act the same way. Same words, same gestures. Nobody was worried when the crown got passed down to him. All the people in the kingdom knew they were in good hands.
Logan’s very first mission was learning the name of every single person in town. It wasn’t an easy task, but it wasn’t as hard as someone would expect, since a surprisingly big amount of people shared the same name. And Logan had a really good memory when it came to association. A face to a name. A shape to a math formula. The smell, color, density and overall look to a chemical. And of course, the exact numeric measurement of a star’s whereabouts.
But there was no way of ‘associating’ his way out of this. He had no clue of the density, the weight, the pace, the name, nor the whereabouts of this mysterious disrupter of peace. All he knew was, that his hair was unnaturally green and he looked way too skinny for a wealthy towns-man - which just underlined the reason why he was steeling.
Oh, and let’s not forget he wanted to kiss Logan. Right there on the Square, apparently.
The young king scratched his arm, absentmindedly, trying not to think too much about it. Not that that’s helping. Questions keep popping up, tripping up his sane thought process.
It’s not like Logan liked the idea of the stranger kissing him. He didn’t like to be touched, let alone landing his lips to someone else. But the thoughts didn’t leave him alone.
Maybe that’s why he was here, stepping over unnecessarily high strands of grass in the middle of the night. He might not like the greenery touching him, and the jutting out branches and leaves of trees and bushes cause him immense panic (and make him scratch his exposed body parts like crazy), but he actually likes the forest. It is really calming (for the most part, anyways).
He hoped that this almost-calming surrounding would help him clear his head. But it just seemed to stress him out even more.
The thoughts kept on swiveling in his head - swirling and twirling, not letting the unknown thief out of their claw-clad grasp.
Logan needed to find out the thief’s name. He knows everybody’s name. And if this thief stays close to town, he’s considered a citizen. He needs to learn his name.
Not far from the obsessing king, Remus was lounging out in the hammock he hung outside Matilde’s old run-down cottage. One leg swung over the edge, he swayed from side to side, twisting the silver ring on his slender finger.
Bored out of his mind.
There wasn’t many days, when Remus’s screwed-up brain didn’t come up with things to entertain him; but some days even that head needed some rest, it seemed. Apparently today was one of those days.
Not a single fun thought. Even the inner monologue he never seemed to be able to end, somehow bored him to death. The only thing peeking even the slightest of interest in him, was the constant image of those scarily-blue eyes the king-dude possessed.
Seriously. In all his life, he has never once seen such ocean-blue eyes. Dark and deep, holding many a secret. It made Remus desperate to know each and every single one.
But that was not happening. No matter how much the eyes mesmerized him. How much he couldn’t get them out of his head. (Agh, Jesus fucking Christ those eyes…) There was just no way he could go back to that town.
The king has let him go once (he chalked it up to his good looks, charm and smooth words) and the second time is as likely as Matilde coming back from wherever she fled to.
So here he was. Bored as all hell.
He sighed heavily, wondering what kingdom was next on his agenda tomorrow. When suddenly he heard a scrunch. Then another. And another. This was no squirrel. Remus sat up immediately, eyes darting along the dark forest.
It was so late. What the hell would anybody be doing up at this hour of the night?
He darted out of the hammock - almost falling face first when his foot got caught in the fabric - hiding in the near-by bushes. Thank the lords that he didn’t forget to turn the fucking lights off again.
The scrunching got louder by the second, and Remus crouched lower.
Low muttering drafted into his ears. “…nice of you good sir, but I’ll have to decline. I am not sure that would be appropriate considering we just met…” A dark figure, drafted in shadow came into view. “And besides, you haven’t even introduced yourself. I know the name of every citizen in this kingdom. For the sake of consistency, I would also like to find out yours…” Jesus Christ, who were they talking to?  And what were they doing?!
One leg up in the air, like soldiers marching, then quickly stamped down, hopping to the other. Weird movements all over the place, not even in a straight line, like a sane person. Was this person drunk? They looked like a fucking goat, jumping from one small jutting out pebble on the mountain-side to the other.
The site alone would make Remus want to piss himself, but together with the inconsistent murmuring? He couldn’t hold back the snort.
The figure immediately froze in place. All movement and words falling into still silence. “Who’s there?” They called out cautiously.
Remus bit his tugging lip hard. Fuck.
Well, there was no backtracking now. Besides, it’s not like he was scared. It was more likely he’d scare the crazy-pants over there. So slowly, he razed from his hiding spot with hands in the air and a huge grin on his face. “What are you doing dude? You look like a fucking crazy person.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” came the person’s answer. Voice laced with nerves.
“Just a random dude in a forest.” Rem shrugged.
“That’s not a very satisfying answer.”
Roman bit back a laugh. Seriously, what the hell? “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” he snickered. Then this thought blinked into his head, and as you know, thought’s bring words. Stupid, embarrassing and unnecessary words. “Unless you want me to.” he winked seductively. Then realized the person probably couldn’t even see his face, let alone the wink he just threw at them. Ah well, at least it saved him some embarrassment, when his tongue betrayed him.
Swear to god, the person ‘Eep’-ed at this. He made this strangled sound that sounded like a nervous whine mixed with surprise cut in half and that just made Remus want to laugh even more. “That’s really unnecessary, thank you.” And they’re still being polite! How even…?
Rem couldn’t help it at this point. It was too much. He burst out cackling like to crazy idiot he is. Probably scaring the poor person to death. (But then again, the ‘poor person’ did come wondering into a forest in the middle of the night, muttering to themselves and jumping around like an idiot.)
“Am… You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Oh that’s right…“ Rem’s forhead creased in thought. “…what was the question again?”  
“Who are you.”
“I’m Remus.”
If Logan could allow himself to curse, he would. But he couldn’t so instead he just gave a long exasperate sigh. “And who might that be?”
The stranger stepped closer, allowing the fleeting moon-light to reach his features and gave a big bow. Hand gesture and all. “Me, obviously.” No matter how much he disliked to admit it, Remus was every bit as dramatic as his brother. If not more…
The king’s eyes lit up with recognition (not that Rem could see). Well, guess his duty’s done then - the thief’s name is Remus. Huh…Very interesting.
“Well, now that you know my name, it’d be nice to get yours, pretty.” Rem grinned, daring to get a few more steps in. Bringing him closer to the still standing-frozen person.
From here he could finally see more of them. Well, him. Because apparently the smooth deep voice he was conversing with was the royal-head himself.
And his royal head slanted to the left slightly, eyebrows drawing together. “Why should I give my name to unknown man in the forest?”
“Why should I give my name to some random bloke, then?”
“Because I asked you to?”
Remus wondered what this dude’s problem was. Logan wondered why even wanted to get out of the safety of his chamber in the first place.
“Alright then, weirdo, tell me one good reason why I should answer and you shouldn’t.” Rem crossed his arms over his chest. Yes, he was aware he was talking to the king. But that doesn’t mean he had to play nice.
Rem treats everybody the same way, because that’s how it should be. (Maybe that’s what landed his ass behind bars twice already…)
Logan jutted out his chin. He could use the ‘King-card’ - as his advisor calls it. Could easily force the thief to answer without any objections (that is if he abbeys rules; which he should.) But honestly, Logan felt like doing neither. It was late, and he was supposed to stop obsessing about this whole thing. Which he did. The thief’s name was Remus.
So, as gracefully as a king can, he shrugged. “I don’t have one.”
“Well, shit. Then you ain’t getting my name, darling.”
The royal couldn’t decide whether the thief was that simple-minded or just easily distracted. “You’ve already said your name.”
Our beloved idiot’s expression froze, grin falling. “Ah, fuck.” his shoulders did the same. (In a very overdramatic - and admittedly, impressively flexible - way)
Well, if he wasn’t screwed before, now he certainly was.
Jesus Christ, I’ve never cursed more in my life and I hate it so much! I don’t curse in real life, not even while texting with friends (I use shit, hell and damn, but that’s about it) and this is killing me on a whole other level! But this is Remus, and I feel like a good Remus requires a hella lot of curses. 
So here we are. Me actually cursing more then my brain can accept it. But at least I get to project on Logan, right? I love autistic Logan, too damn much. He’s too precious. And the greenery thing? Believe me, my mum constantly makes fun of it XD But I don’t mind, I know I look ridiculous.
Anyways! I hope you liked this chap! ^^ I still have no idea where the hell I’m going with this, but I guess we’ll see where we end up. 
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hockey-prose · 4 years
Bitty Breaks the Internet
Summary: The AC in Jack and Bitty’s apartment is broken. So what better way to beat the heat than go out on the water? Bitty wears a new swimsuit, Jack takes his picture, and the picture ends up online. (Cross posted to AO3.)
It all started with that blasted weather. Simply put, it was stifling. Bitty was used to dry Southern summers and slight humidity. But he wasn’t prepared for this years incredibly humid Eastern summer. It made it worse that the AC in his and Jack’s apartment was broken and wouldn’t be fixed until next week.
So, while the two of them were boiling in their apartment, Bitty got a text from his mama.
Mama: Dicky, why don’t y’all just rent a boat and stay near the water for a few days?
That’s a great idea! Thanks Mama!
“Jack, honey,” Bitty said, adopting his extra thick accent. He knew it meant Jack would give him anything he wanted because he was sweet on his Southern side.
“Yeah, bud? What’s up?”
Bitty sat up, allowing the washcloth soaked in ice water to fall to his lap. He looked to his fiancé across the couch from him. It was so hot that the only parts of them that had been touching were their feet and ankles. There were at least 10 fans angled towards them.
“How about we rent a boat for the weekend? It’s the off season for you, and my deadline isn’t until next week.”
Jack lowered his phone, revealing the hair plastered to his forehead. Bitty’s heart squeezed with love for his man.
“I don’t know how to drive a boat.”
Bitty smacked Jack gently on the thigh.
“I do, honey! I spent I don’t know how many hours on boats in Georgia. Good Lord, the sunburns I’ve gotten. The point is that I know how to drive and I could teach you.”
“Do we want to invite other people or just have it be us?”
Bitty thought. As much as he loved every one of their shared friends, it would be nice to be just the two of them. Quiet.
“I think just us for this first time would be nice. Just the two of us?”
Bitty heaved himself forward to slide between Jack’s open legs. Jack’s eyes widened, but he covered Bitty’s hands where he’d placed them on his chest. Jack hummed.
“I like the sound of that. Want me to see if I can find any boat rental places?”
“How about we look together, huh handsome?”
The week came and went, and on Friday afternoon, Jack and Bitty took to the water at Providence Marina. Turns out, Marty had a boat docked there and gave Jack the keys to use it. The cooler that was clutched in each of their hands contained beer, soda, chips, sandwich fixings, fruit, and lemon blueberry mini pies.
After everything had been situated on the boat, and they’d had an awkward conversation with one of Marty’s dock neighbors, Bitty pulled them out to sea. They didn’t go very far, just out of view of the docks, and dropped the anchor.
Bitty turned on his portable speaker to some soft pop music, stripped off his clothes, and began making house on the boat. He could hear Jack snapping pictures with his camera. A quick look revealed that the subject was him.
“Well, now, Mr. Zimmermann. Who said you could take pictures of me just before I was about to fix you a sandwich,” Bitty sassed, planting his hands on his hips.
Jack took the camera away from his face, a love struck smile on his lips. He was also shirtless, and had laid himself on the deck of the boat to get a good angle.
“Sorry, Bits, you’re just so gorgeous I couldn’t help it. That swim suit is definitely doing you a favor.”
Bitty felt his cheeks warm, and a smile cross his own mouth. He’d bought the suit as soon as the boat was secured. It was almost a Speedo with just a bit more length. The print on them was white with light and dark blue sail boats.
“Oh hush now.”
A click.
“Jack Laurent Zimmermann!”
The afternoon passed with Bitty alternating between sunning himself on the deck and taking dips in the water. Jack kept mostly on the boat, occasionally dipping his legs in when Bitty swam. By the time they pulled into the dock, his shoulders were bright pink and he winced when he lifted the cooler.
“I told you to put on some more sunscreen, honey. There’s some aloe at home, but it’s gonna take more than that.”
“Bits, bud, don’t feel too bad. I’ll wear sunscreen tomorrow and bring a shirt too.”
“You still want to go out tomorrow?”
The couple buckled themselves into Jack’s car.
“Of course, Bits. You looked like you were loving it out there. As long as it makes you happy.”
Bitty leaned across the center console and planted a kiss on the underside of Jack’s jaw.
“You’re so sweet, honey. As long as you’re up for it.”
By the end of the weekend, Jack had taken over 100 pictures. At least 50 of them were Bitty. There was a handful of scenery, other boats and the ocean. And then a few were of the two of them. One for each day. They had gotten progressively pinker as the days went on.
Sunday night, the couple went to a nice seafood just off the water before heading home to fall into bed for a restful night sleep.
Wednesday rolled around quietly, and Bitty woke to about a thousand notifications on his phone. Some were texts. Some were notifications on Twitter. By far the most notifications came from Instagram. Even though he’d made an account, Bitty barely posted to Instagram except to promote his cookbook.
Deciding to look at the texts first, he was greeted with no context chirps from his Samwell friends. All of them were about him in a swimsuit?
Bitty continued to flick through his messages. There were individual messages from everyone on his former team, but also in the big “Haus 4.0” group chat.
Holster (Adam Birkholtz): dUDE BITTY MY GOD HOW HAVE YOU STAYED SO HOT????
Ransom (Justin Oluransi): Jack’s lucky that nobody saw your ass or the internet would be broken brah
Lardo (Larissa Duan): bro, bitty DID break the internet have you seen his insta and twitter??
Shitty (BS Knight): I swear on the gods above if Bitty was not single and I was not straight, I would sweep him off his feet
Nursey (Derek Nurse): chill. was truly a kim k moment for Bitty
Dex (Will Pointdexter): Love the confidence my dude. Was really a monumental picture tbh
Honey 💞: Can we not talk about Bitty like a piece of meat?
ERB: What on earth are y’all talking about?
Lardo (Larissa Duan): bits, you gotta check jacks insta first before you come in here and ask questions
So that’s exactly what Bitty did. Goodness knows where Jack was because he was not currently in bed with him. The last text he sent was at 8:45 am and it was now 9.
Instagram proved to be a tough navigator. Not because Bitty was media illiterate, but because the sheer amount of new followers he got prevented the app from running properly. After three app crashes, Bitty grew frustrated. He logged out of his public account and into his private one.
Once on his smaller scale Instagram, he searched Jack’s name. The most recent post was of their weekend relaxation trip. It was one of those collections of images. The first three were of the ocean, some seagulls, and the view from the front of Marty’s ship. The next six were of Bitty and Jack in various stages of couple poses. Somehow Jack had even managed to capture Bitty feeding him some grapes. But the last image was what set a fire under Bitty.
The picture was of that first day. Bitty was wearing his, now scandalous in his eyes, swim suit. His sunglasses were perched on the edge of his nose. You could see the heat he held in his eyes for Jack, who had been behind the camera. Admittedly, Bitty had not been thinking of his body image at the time of wearing that swimsuit. But now that he had attracted so much attention to himself due to his body, he figured a once over couldn’t hurt.
The Bitty in the picture had a firm stomach, no defined abs to speak of. What was the need for them? He was perfectly healthy. The cut of the swimsuit allowed the camera to see the faint lines that traveled down from Bitty’s hips past the line of his swimsuit. His hair was shining in the sun. The skin of the Bitty in the picture looked a little pale, but he had no qualms otherwise.
He looked good.
Putting the praise of his body aside, Bitty knew he needed to find Jack.
ERB: Thank y’all for your kind words. It means the world to me. Now I have to find Jack and have a word with him
Lardo (Larissa Duan): pls don’t kill jack
Bitty locked his phone and went out into the living room. No Jack. The entire open concept apartment was empty. Bitty knew the bathrooms and home office were empty. The doors always stayed open unless there was someone in there.
As Bitty pondered how to find his fiancé, the door unlocked with a small click. Jack emerged with several bags of groceries in hand. Bitty assumed position with his fists on his hips, but this time around, it was not nearly as tempting.
“Jack Laurent Zimmermann.”
“Bits! Uh, hey.”
Bitty tapped a foot on the floor.
“Euh, I didn’t know that post would go viral. I tried to soften the blow by bringing home everything you’d need to stress bake.”
Bitty came forward, taking the bags from Jack and going to the kitchen.
“Crisse,” Jack muttered before following Bitty.
“Bittle? I’m really sorry.”
“I know,” Bitty replied, his tone light. “I’m not mad, Jack. I only wish you’d told me you were going to post that where my mother could see it.”
Jack made a groan of displeasure as he approached Bitty from behind. Firm, warm hands pressed themselves into Bitty’s hips.
“Sorry, Bits.”
“Stop apologizing, honey! I’m just gonna have to field a call from my mama. I don’t think this’ll be worse than the cup, but I guarantee my family will chirp her for the rest of time.”
Jack buried his nose in the crook between Bitty’s neck and shoulder.
“George said the PR was good. We didn’t really need any more positive additions, but it doesn’t hurt.”
“Well I certainly hope not,” Bitty said with a scoff. “You didn’t post a picture of me nearly naked on the Internet for nothing!”
Jack laughed, and Bitty followed not long after. Together the couple baked breakfast pastries and Bitty got his own revenge.
Jack’s picture was also shirtless, but he was wearing his sweatpants reserved for lounging at home. His arms and stomach were so much more than Bitty’s. He had a workout routine to keep up with.
Once again, the Internet broke because of Eric Richard Bittle.
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mochachims · 4 years
pairing: park jimin x reader
au: bts quarantining au , university student jimin x student reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none , just a whole load of fluff
if only the shortening of daylight hours actually meant that the day didn't feel so long. these days you spent the cold darkening early evenings hold up in your shared apartment. normally, winter wouldn't bother you so much, it was your second favourite season after the calm poise of autumn. yet spending days quarantining, not able to leave your home unless it'd be for your once a week lectures, was really starting to take a toll on you.
and that's how you end up here.
in the closest mini mart to your block of apartments, dressed in an oversize hoodie that wasn't even yours and leggings that were god knows how old with your glasses perched on the bridge of your nose, steaming every couple of seconds as you tried your hardest to breathe slowly. the tips of your fingers that could just about scrape the cloud of fluff that wrapped around your body grazed a couple of items, flinging them into your trolley as you leaned into it, your body weight pushing it along the isles and not even your arms. you let out a sigh staring at the piled packets of ramen, knowing that it had been long since you had eaten a home cooked meal. these days you could only count on your peach flavoured milk, cup noodles and 3am pizza delivery binges to get you through the hard courses of uni. to say you were stressed would be an understatement. it had been so long since you saw your other friends, yes you called and face timed and each of you spammed the group chat- each of you minus jungkook, the graphic designer by day and overwatch killer by night who never seemed to be online, or maybe he was and just didn't respond. it had been the longest while since you had been home and seen your parents and hugged them oh how much you craved physical affection. it wasn't just lack of physical attachments, god help your mental health as that one lesson lecture in uni had been utterly useless, after all you spend all your hours rewatching the videos, searching online, completing assignments and prepping for exams with yourself only. you might as well just not turn up to your friday lecture, i mean you were teaching yourself the entire course anyway. a slight tap of the shoulder popped your bubble of contemplation and brought you back to reality.
there in the middle of the frozen foods isle was your best friend; arms wrapped around you like a koala, tingling breath on your neck as he breathed into his infamous back hugs-the only thing getting you through the lockdown period. you pause for a moment and let the cloth of your hoodies- his hoodies- tangle themselves, basking in all his warmth and familiarity. truth be told, you don't know what you'd do without park jimin. the light of your life- no he was your life. there for you at four am where you screamed at your computer, or there for you at 4pm lifting your drunk and limp body to your bedroom, not before brushing the cheap grocery store wine out from your teeth. sometimes you genuinely think that park jimin was too good to be true, to good to be in your life and the only reason why he happened to be there at every moment in your life was the fact that he was your roommate. he had no choice to stand you because he lived with you and had been living with you for the past two years.
a whine escaped your pale, chapped from the cold lips and a chuckle from his berry ones as he shifted his weight from off your back and leaned on the trolley, taking the cart away from your hold and stacking his items in delicately.
"what have you picked minnie?" and even in the dripping dim white light of the mart, you could still see the small smile that played upon his strawberry lips.
"just some fresh vegetables and sauces, thinking maybe instead of takeaway we could find a recipe online or something?" the huskiness in his voice did not allow you to miss the fatigue that was laced in his words, that and the fact that it was one am and both your online lectures start at eight. he glanced at you, his warm copper eyes finding yours and he smiled.
"let's pay and head back home yeah?" the mask muffling a few of his words but you understood, you had always understood him. you both passed the next few isles, one hand of his pushing the cart and the other wrapped in yours, fingers and hearts intertwined. small talk wasn't needed and at this time, with the both of you drifting in and out of sleep, fighting with the bleaky lights to stay awake, this comfortable silence was enough for you.
"wait here a second babe," he called out to you, and you lazily looked up. a neatly arranged row of hair dye boxes lay in front of you, a range of shades of all colours yet your gaze fell short once it reached the central tones of pink. the same box that jimin had already had in his hands. your fingers called out to his now dark hair and caressed the strands slowly, you always had been in love with dark tones on jimin, the contrast between the black and the sweet honey of his kissable skin.
"pink?" you questioned, quietly trying to imagine the pastel painted on his head. jimin paused and stared at you, your attention busy on running your hands through his hair. he watched you silently, for his heart was loud enough to shatter the glass doors. he watched as even on the verge of falling asleep, the stars in your eyes sparkled. that even when you complained how dry the harsh winter was making your skin, it was still soft when he cupped your cheek with the palm of his hand. that even through your hardest moments and your excessive lip biting, he wanted to so badly kiss away the doubts that spilt from your lips and then plant a slow peck on your forehead, encouraging you that whatever was on your mind he wants to know- he wants to share. he wants you.
"why pink?" you asked, now turning your attention on to him and for several moments, his heart stopped and thumped and then slowed. irregular beats matching his incapability to gather his thoughts and form a single coherent sentence.
because it's your favourite colour, he wants to say. it's the colour of your favourite strawberry lipgloss, your stupid peach milk that takes up all the space in his fridge, your fluffy sweaters that feel like a cloud when he 'accidentally' falls asleep and cuddles into you, the colour of your blushing cheeks whenever you see something you love, whenever you see him and try and hide your flustered state that he loves to see. its the colour of your beating heart that he wants to hold and make his own.
because you are pink and he loves you.
the two of you make it home, running in the cold and out of breath. you dye his hair the same night and he loves the feeling of your soft fingers in his hair so much that he decides that he's going to dye his hair more often for moments like this. and when he washes it all away and catches you struggling to stay awake despite his desperate attempts to get you to sleep before another hard day.
you stop and stare at him in awe. the blush that hugs his soft waves, it's wet each strand is but you can still see its vibrancy that lights up your small living room. the rosiness shining a perfect shade against his milky skin. he notices that its been a good few moments since he had showed you and since then you havent stopped smiling, your eyes havent stopped twinkling. in fact your smile widens at your favourite colour on his hair and jimin knows that he wants you to always smile like this, smiling because of him just makes his heart jump to cloud nine and make a home there.
"how do i look?" he asks after what seems forever in a few unspoken moments.
“beautiful” you whisper, letting out the breath that you had been holding in. fingers aching to reach and just touch it, touch him.
and yes, you are beautiful.
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Muse | Cho Seungyoun
This is for my cute💎 anon. Hope you have a wonderful day, baby! Happy birthday ♥
↬  Pairing: Seungyoun x fem!reader.
↬  Genre: Smut.
↬  Warnings: explicit language, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, slight exhibitionism, slight choking, dom!Seungyoun, studio sex.
↬  Word Count: 1.8k
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One hour had gone by with Seungyoun completely ignoring you as he worked on his studio. You couldn’t really blame him, honestly, and this was more than enough. With comebacks being near, he had started working on music at a crazy pace because he wanted to create a song that would make it to the next album since there was no chance for any of them to participate in the making of their debut one. It had always been entertaining to see him work: his cap preventing his hair from falling on his eyes, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, the light of the screen [showing off] his features, his fingers quick on the keyboard in front of him, the way he would lean back and close his eyes as he replayed the same track for the sixth time in a row, tsking his tongue at the feeling of something missing, grabbing the pen and filling a whole page with annotations before letting out a long sigh.
He turned to you and gave you an apologetic smile. “It won’t take longer than half an hour, I promise.” That’s what he had been saying for the past two hours.
“Why don’t you take a break? Eat something…” You got up from the couch, opening the small fridge and passing him a bottle of water. “At least hydrate yourself.”
“I know, it’s just… I really want my name to be here.” The sad expression stabbed your heart and you got closer, holding his face between your hands.
“And it will be. But you need to learn when to rest, and when to work.” His chuckle filled the room and his arms hugged you, pulling you towards him so you would sit on his lap.
“I feel like you are saying that just because you are tired of waiting.”
“Hmmm, I wouldn’t complain if I got a little bit of attention, honestly.” His fingers were soft when tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You took off his glasses, placing them carefully on the table and then threw the cap somewhere in the room, playing with his hair and smiling as he started to relax under your touch. There was some kind of magic there because each time your fingers grazed against his scalp, Seungyoun would melt in a second. His eyes were closed, a happy semblance on his bare face as he focused on the caressing, and the view was too cute to not lean in and kiss his nose, giggling as he quickly kissed your lips afterwards.
“Wait just a second…” You heard a few clicks behind you as he saved the files and that was the only sign you needed to understand that now he was completely in your hands.
“What is the song about?” He smiled involuntarily at your question, loving how you always got genuinely interested in his job.
“Basically, it’s about the fans being our support and inspiration. But make it sexy and too personal at the same time.” Both of you laughed at the last part. “Don’t ask, Seungwoo suggested it.”
“Not surprised. And why are you stuck?”
“I feel like I can’t convey the lyrics with the melody, it’s like they don’t merge well together… Not yet, at least.” You nodded, trying to think in a way to help him when you saw the glint in his eyes. “You know, maybe it’s because the atmosphere is too serious here… Should we have some fun?”
Now you were surprised. “Here? In the studio?” He smiled instead of replying. “Didn’t take you as the type to be an exhibitionist.”
“I’ve been too stressed and I noticed how you looked at me…” His whispers impacted against the skin of your neck. “Does it turn you on when you see me work?”
“Maybe a little, but I don’t like it when you are frustrated…” Your fingers carefully tangled in his hair and yanked on it, smiling at the sigh he left. “At least when it’s not because of me.”
His lips were on yours immediately, coming undone at the contact while your hips grinded down on him, eliciting a few moans from him. Carefully, you started to leave kisses down his neck, trying to not leave any marks. As soon as you were on your knees, his hands went to your hair, an already pleading look on his face as if asking you to not tease him right now. You pulled his half hard member out while chuckling, stroking it slowly before leaning and licking a stripe along his shaft causing him to throw his head back.
There was a noise right outside the studio that sent shivers down your spine, both in fear and excitement, but as you looked up Seungyoun simply mouthed you to continue and you could feel him getting harder at the thought of being discovered. Well, you were pretty much in the same situation as him so you continued with the task at hand, suddenly engulfing his whole length and watching him cover his face trying not to make any noises.
Before you even got him to twitch, he pulled you away, breathing heavily only to make you stand up at the same time he did, quickly unbuttoning your pants and muttering a “don’t wear these anymore when you come here” as he struggled to take them off. Finally, he moved a few things on the desk, picked you up and placed you there, slapping your thighs slightly so you would make some room for him. As you opened your legs, he licked his upper lip watching the damp spot in your panties and he grabbed the headphones that were on a side, putting them on you.
“Why don’t you listen to the song for a bit?” There was no answer from your part as he pressed play, the low beat filling all your senses as he slid his fingers inside your underwear, a smirk on his face when he slipped them in and you let out a tiny moan.
It didn’t take long until he was fingering you lewdly, the music and his touch being enough stimuli for you to completely forget about your surroundings. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on one thing at the time, but your focus was completely lost as you felt him entering you. When had he replaced his fingers with his cock was something you would never find out, but soon they were inside your mouth, your taste spreading on your tongue as he thrust into you harder. At some point, the music stopped, and only then you realized just how loud you were being, hands fast to take off the headphones as you gave him a severe look.
“You little–!” His pounding got rougher, interrupting you midsentence as the tip of his dick rubbed against your sweet spot, gripping onto him as if your life depended on it.
“I don’t want you to talk unless it’s to say how good I am at fucking you.” The tone in his voice was completely different: it sounded like a command, and you had only listened to him acting like this whenever he ordered the others around. “Got that, baby?”
How were you supposed to tell him anything at all when he wouldn’t even let you breathe? His touch on you was aggressive, and you were sure it would definitely leave marks on your skin, especially on your hips since you could feel his fingertips digging into them to hold you in place. You eyed the door, thankful that you couldn’t really see anyone out there when Seungyoun sneaked a hand up and turned your chin to make you look at him.
“Eyes on me.” You gulped, nodding quickly. His thrusts slowed down, the pace suddenly becoming extremely sensual and erotic while he stared at you. “Praise me.”
The request was so innocent, so tender, yet his voice made it seem like the coldest order you had ever received. It was no secret that he loved to be complimented, no matter what it was about, and this could only benefit both of you, so why not give him what he wanted? You ran your fingers up his sides, tangling them in his hair and pulling him closer to you, enough to whisper in his ear all the small things you loved about him: how he was extremely talented, how hard he worked for every single project, his dedication, his voice, his body, his thin lips, the way he smiled, his silly jokes, everything. And you could feel him getting weaker after each word, after each caress, after each kiss, becoming putty in your arms.
“But what I love the most about you is how good you always fuck me.”
As if this reminded him what you two were doing, his hips snapped, burying deep inside of you, his left hand coming up to cover your mouth as the right one wrapped around your throat lightly. His pace got quicker, thrusts shorter, keeping his eyes on you the whole time, smiling each time your moans failed to come out. When he felt you tightening around him and your thighs trembling, he put his hand away, loving the sound of your voice while you came. Not even a minute after he also did, sighing as he felt his release filling you before chuckling and kissing you deeply.
“And to think that you didn’t want us to be found out… Aw!” He flinched as you slapped his arm.
“You dumb ass, you were covering my mouth so I trusted you.” His laugh annoyed you, but the feeling went away quickly as he hugged you.
“Thank you.” It wasn’t just for the fucking, you knew that. Pressing a peck against his lips, you thanked him back.
He pulled out of you, scanning the room for something that both of you could use to clean yourselves. As you were putting your pants on again, he sat on the computer and you sighed in a reprimand, getting closer to massage his shoulders before your eyes went open wide at the screen.
“You did not record us fucking.”
“It’s just an audio file.” Seungyoun spun the chair around, snuggling his head on your tummy. “I will only hear it when I’m alone, or missing you, or stuck on a song, or all three of them.”
A sigh left your lips. “You’re unbelievable.”
“But you did like the song. Don’t think I didn’t notice you completely enticed by it.” You nodded, smiling as he was always trying to fish some compliments.
“Indeed, my boyfriend is one talented producer.” His smile only got bigger. “But, now I’m tired and you should rest too, so shut down that computer right now and lets go home.” There was no getting away from this one and he knew it, so he just followed your instructions.
Both were leaving the studio before you met with Seungwoo waiting outside.
“If I didn’t want this happening in the dorms, what made you think it would be ok in the studio, I just–”
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I was about to make it be the manager and not Seungwoo but that would have been a little creepy. Anyway, have a happy birthday, my love! I hope you like this uwu
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babypinkstyles94 · 5 years
She Really Gets Me High
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She Really Gets Me High 
Billy Hargrove x reader 
Word Count: 4k 
Warnings: drug use,  unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight choking, fingering
Notes: This little thing came about after talking with some friends and also just my own desires...This is the longest fic I have ever written and I am pretty nervous putting it out, there is a lot of detail that I really hope comes through! I really hope you enjoy this one and please remember reblogs and feedback are so helpful and motivating for me to continue writing these fics!! Thank you again for reading, it means a lot :D 
Five months you and Billy Hargrove had been dating and in those five months you had quickly fallen in love with the bad boy who was secretly a big softy. A lot had changed in those months and life became less dark for Billy, breathing had become easier and you both could be yourselves. The two of you were almost inseparable especially after you had found out about his dad, a night you didn’t like to think about often. After that Billy had never trusted anyone more than you and decided to try and better himself, therefore didn’t party as much but was still the hardass you fell for.  
It was a long holiday weekend and your parents had decided to skip town for a few days, leaving you to watch the house and the dog. You really didn’t mind them leaving you home especially since you had been saving a little surprise for Billy. One day after school you were talking to one of your best friends Robin about how stressed you had been with school and she’d suggested you ask Steve if you could buy some weed to help with the nerves. Meeting at his house one afternoon you acquired a little baggie and had stuffed it as far down in your underwear drawer as you could.
You knew Billy had smoked before with his friends, he’d come over one time blazed out and begging you to make him some chocolate chip cookies at two in the morning. He’d passed out by the time you had come back up with a glass of water and was taking up half of your bed. You had wanted to give it a try for a while, only feeling comfortable doing it in the safety of your room with someone you trusted. Billy was surely going to be surprised and you could already picture the smirk on his face. It was nearing seven in the evening and you had told Billy to come over at eight for what he thinks is a movie night.
About forty five minutes later the roar of the familiar car came from your driveway and you smiled throwing the dish towel you had in your hands on the counter to run over to the front door. You yanked the door open just as he was climbing up the front steps and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. He let out a small huff as you collided into him and wrapped his own arms tightly around your waist, his hands resting on top of your ass as always. “Someone miss me?” He chuckled and snuck a hand lower to squeeze your ass which earned him a light smack to the chest.
“Don’t be so full of yourself I know you’re the one who missed me more. I have a surprise for you but only if you’re good!” You snickered and Billy raised an eyebrow following you into the house. “I’m always on my best behavior I don’t know what you’re talking about baby, now tell me more about this surprise?” He said and snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you into his body. His fingers flexed against the skin of your hip that was exposed and you met his eyes, an excited glint in them. Your own hands found his chest and grasped the grey material of his tshirt, pulling him in closer and ghosting your mouth along his own.
The smell of his cologne and the mint of the gum he had been chewing on the way over filling your nose, you finally lean all the way in and press your lips to Billy’s. You feel the way Billy blindly pushes you against the kitchen counter and steps as close as possible to you, his mouth pressing deep kisses to your own. His fingers sliding into your hair to keep you from going anywhere and taking his chance to slip his tongue passed your lips when a small gasp escapes you. Your hands slip down his chest and grasp onto the buckle of his belt, you give a pull on it to bring his hips bumping into your own which makes him groan into your mouth.
Billy doesn’t miss the feeling of your fingers digging into his front pocket on his jeans and quirks an eyebrow up as he reluctantly pulls his mouth away from yours. Just as he looks down at where your hand is you finally pull his lighter out of his pocket and flick it open. The flame illuminates in his blue eyes as he looks at you, his fingers tightening around your waist. “Are we getting kinky tonight babe? Didn’t really peg you as the type to be into fire play.” Billy questioned, leaning back in to capture your lips again. “No you freak! Come on lets go to my room,” you giggle and grab one of his hands to drag him upstairs.
The sun has started to set and casts a golden hue through your room, the white of your sheets looking heavenly. Billy sits on the edge of your bed and takes his denim jacket off, tossing it to the side. As you turn around to your dresser you can hear him fiddling with the speaker you have on your desk just under the window and soon enough the beat of whatever song you had last listened to started. It only took you a second until your fingers grasped the plastic baggie that held two joints inside. When you turned back around Billy was laying on your bed staring up at the ceiling and tapping along to the song.
You admired the way the golden light colored him, it brought out the gold in his hair and when he turned his face to look at you there was almost a small gasp that left you as the blue of his eyes shined. “Whatcha got there baby?” He murmured and sat up straight. Looking down at the bag in your hand you approached him and finally extended the bag to show the contents of what was inside. It took him a second to figure out what it was and he let out a laugh. “Where in the world did my shy girlfriend get two joints?” His arms were around you in a second and you were pulled into his lap.
“Steve Harrington gave them to me, been saving them for us for when my parents finally left to go somewhere.” You told him and played with the curls sitting at the nape of his neck. His fingers ran over the bag and he looked up at you with a sort of hard look on his face. “You got this from Harrington?” His voice held an edge to it that made you roll your eyes. “Yes and unless you want me to share these with someone else stop being such a shithead.” You teased and kissed his cheek. Billy mumbled something under his breath and opened the bag pulling the joints out and handing you one.
You had to admit you were a little nervous to do this; you’d heard stories from around school of how people reacted to the drug and just hoped you wouldn’t do anything embarrassing. Billy took the lighter from your other hand and brought it up to the joint resting passed his mouth. He flicked the lighter closed and inhaled as you watched the end of it burn orange with each drag he took. Your eyes studied how his strong chest rose and held in the smoke he’d just taken in for a few seconds before he exhaled the thick white smock.
He took two more hits before you finally felt confident enough to do it yourself, slotting the other joint between your fingers and bringing it up to your mouth. Flicking the lighter back on you bring it to the end of the joint and inhale like he had. It takes a moment for you to feel the smoke fade into your lungs, its smooth but then you feel it burn and quickly gasp for air choking on a cough. Your eyes water and you reach for the water bottle on the desk, Billy chuckling next to you after taking another hit. “Takes practice baby it won’t burn so much if you inhale it slowly and hold it, almost like your letting it sit in your chest.”
You nod and try again bringing it back to your mouth and take a little bit of a smaller hit this time. The burn makes your eyes water but you fight through the urge to cough and look at Billy who gives you a nod to exhale. When you do the smoke slowly seeps past your lips and through your nose, the light and airy feeling finally hitting you. Billy gets up and opens your bedroom window to let some of the smell filter out and turns the volume up a little bit on the speaker. “Harrington’s got some good shit I’ll give him that much.” He says and lights up again, when he breathes out you watch his lips form into an O as the smoke leaves his lungs.
About ten minutes passes and you definitely feel the effects hitting you, your back is flat against your bed and your fingers are brushing against the sheets. They feel incredibly soft under your touch and when Billy’s hand grazes yours it’s like you’ve been set on fire. You sit up and look at him as he is in the middle of a hit, his head bobbing along to the rock and roll song blasting. Suddenly you remember something from a party you once went to and have to try it out for yourself. Taking a long drag you tap Billy on the shoulder and he turns his upper body towards you, his face inches from yours.
Leaning in you press your lips to Billy’s and he immediately knows what you’re doing. His lips are soft against yours and the little bit of hair on his face tickles you, sending a shiver down your spine. Billy brings his hands up to cup your face and your eyes flutter shut as you get lost in his touch. The smoke has left your lungs and passed through Billy’s mouth but neither of you part from each other. Every single touch of his mouth against yours feels like velvet and the grip your hands have on his shirt feels softer than usual.
Billy’s hands fly up to your face as he harshly kisses you, his body slowly moving over top your own and pining you back flat against the bed. These kisses are wet and greedy with purpose; his teeth catch your bottom lip which makes you gasp. There’s a pause and you slowly open your eyes to peer up at Billy, his eyes are glassy and red which you’re certain your own are like that to. Both of your breathing is coming out in quick pants and there is only one thing you can focus on; the feeling of Billy’s hard cock against your thigh.
His mouth is back against yours and one of his hands travels down your torso, gripping onto your waist tightly. You whine when his lips move off of yours but shiver when you feel him press them into your neck. There’s a slight pressure being added and you know he’s bruising a hickey into the side of your neck. His breath is warm as he presses open mouthed kisses up to your ear before taking the lob between his teeth. “Can I touch you?” His voice is gruff as he whispers the question and you nod quickly.
You gasp at how warm his hand feels as he tugs your sweats down to get to your underwear, the feeling of his skin against yours making the ache in your core that much apparent. He finally pushes your underwear to the side and teases you by not fully touching you at first, making you whine and thrust your hips up in hopes of getting some sort of touch. “Billy please! Don’t tease me” You whimper and he laughs in your ear. Finally he pushes two fingers inside of you and you moan at feeling, it’s not as deep and full feeling as his cock but it’s defiantly filling.
Squeezing your eyes shut suddenly when the jolt of pleasure of his thumb circling over your clit takes you by surprise, you let out an airy gasp that has Billy’s cock twitching in his jeans. His mouth has returned to your throat and he’s sucked about three hickeys into your skin, your moans spurring him on as he starts to thrust his fingers faster into you. You know you’re going to cum soon as the tight feeling in your tummy has approached quickly and your fingers find the back of Billy’s head again twisting his curls between them to try and get a grip on him because you feel like you’re going to float away.
“Billy I’m gon-gonna cum…oh fuck!” You call out as he fucks his fingers into you harder, hitting that special spot. “Cum for me pretty girl, gonna show me how hard I make you cum with just my fingers yeah?” His face is smug and his mouth is cocked in a smirk that you know all too well, especially when he pulls away from kissing you breathlessly and Steve Harrington is in the same room. His words do the trick though and push you the rest of the way over the edge, your thighs shake as your orgasm shoots through you.
Billy watches with hooded glassy eyes as you cum beneath him, the feeling of your fingers pressing into the back of his neck making him groan and the feeling of you squeezing his fingers as he fucks them in and out of you making him visibly swallow. While his tolerance for the drug is much higher than yours his senses are still highly heightened and the thought of having his cock inside of you like this is overtaking his head. Once you have calmed down a little from your first orgasm Billy pulls his hand away from your core and brings his fingers up to his mouth, sending you a wink as he cleans your mess off his digits.
Your hand blindly reaches for the joint you know is somewhere on the bed and once you feel it you bring it up to his mouth. The lighter is tightly grasped in your other hand and once again you’re watching the end glow orange as he takes a long hit of it. His mouth is pushed against your own and the smoke is seeping into your lungs again. The two of you shotgun each other two more times before Billy is rutting his hips against you in search of a little bit of relief. Your hand makes its way down to the bulge sitting heavily in his jeans and you palm your hand against him.
“Baby don’t tease me…”He whispers against your ear as his hips thrust again to meet your hand as it pulls away. There’s a small giggle that leaves you as both of your hands finally unbuckle the black belt on his jeans. When the button is popped open and your hand sneaks past his boxers to take his cock into your hand Billy lets out a sigh. He’s smooth and firm in your hand and you slowly begin to pump him while ghosting your mouth along the side of his throat. You can feel the way he swallows quickly as your thumb runs across his tip and his hips stutter when you do it again.
You take your own chance to suck a dark hickey into his neck, your teeth nipping at his skin just as your thumbs swipes over his tip again. The groan that passes through his throat is deep and suddenly his hands are gripping your wrist to pull you off of his cock. “I need to fuck you or else I’m going to cum in my pants and I think we both would rather me cum inside of you.” His words hit you hard and you gasp nodding frantically. You don’t think you’ve pulled his clothes off so fast before, jeans getting stubborn around his thighs and making you pout at them. Billy takes the time to push your own sweats and panties down much easier than you had done getting him undressed.
There’s a small heartbeat of a moment where the two of you hold eye contact just like you always do before he pushes himself inside of you but there’s a small glint of something in Billy’s eyes that catch you. You feel him encircle your clit a few times with his tip and he pauses before pushing inside to lean down and kiss the side of your mouth, your cheek and all the way to your ear. “Are you ready?” He asks and you nod against his cheek.
With a steady thrust he’s fully inside of you and the deep filling feeling makes you moan out. Billy’s head falls against the back of his neck and one his hands fly up to rest itself beside your head, the other gripping at the skin of your waist. You’ve always known how big he was but with every single nerve in your body being alive you’ve never felt so stretched around him. The breath in your throat catches as he finds a gruelingly deep rhythm to fuck you to, your fingers wrap around the Saint Christopher necklace that is dangling around his neck and pull him in closer to smear your mouth against his.
The vibrations of the song playing from the speaker suddenly hit you and you notice the pace of Billy’s thrusts match the beat. It’s hard and fast but agonizingly slow at the same time and it makes you squeeze around him, every sensation around you being heightened has made everything so much more intense. Billy moves his hand down your hip to the curve of your knee to wrap your leg around his hip, the new angle making his thrust feel that much deeper. His grunts are getting louder in your ear as he barriers his face in the crook of your neck, the rocking of his hips slowing just a bit.
There’s something different about how he’s fucking you right now, the feeling of being connected so closely together making itself very aware to the both of you.
“Billy” you whimper. His eyes shoot to yours and you see the lust in them, you see how his jaw has locked and the vein in his neck has popped out. He gives a hard thrust and your eyes flutter closed as your mouth drops open around the moan you let out. There’s a sudden thought that pops in your head and it takes everything in you not to cum from it, you whimper out his name again and he finally pauses his thrust.
“What’s the matter angel?” Billy asks with a deep voice. You’re not sure how to ask him so you take his hand that was holding your leg around his waist and bring it up to your throat. It doesn’t click right away for him, his head still very much foggy from the drug but when you squeeze your fingers around his own he almost cums right then and there. “Kinky little thing you are, aren’t you baby…fuck me.” He picks up his thrusts again and applies the smallest bit of pressure around your neck. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, the pleasure flowing through your body making you feel like you could be in heaven.
“God I’m going to fucking cum if you keep squeezing me like that angel.” Billy’s thrusts stutter and his eyes shift down to where the two of you are connected. His curls fall from his forehead and shield his face a little bit from you. You can feel yourself approaching the edge again and suddenly his eyes snap back to meet your own when you moan his name breathlessly. There’s an intense look in his eyes that makes you gasp and he gives deep after deep thrust all while never breaking the intense eye contact the two of you hold.
“Fuck,” You whimper and reach your hands up to grasp his face closer to you. “You feel so good Billy.”
You can feel the way your thighs shake as he fills you with every thrust, another sign that you’re going to cum soon. “Be good for m-me baby,” His whispers and finally gives you what you wanted by kissing you. “Be good for me and cum. I wanna see you cum for me.” The filthy words drip from him and suddenly his thumb is back to your clit and he’s rubbing you just like he knows will get you to fall. “Oh fuck!” The words come out high pitched along with the cry you let out as your orgasm finally crashes into you with full force. Your back arches up into the mattress and the grip your fingers have in Billy’s hair is tight.
Billy fucks you through your orgasm with deep quick thrusts, the sound of Rock You Like A Hurricane blasting through the speakers almost breaking his concentration of listening to your high pitch whimpering of his name. He can feel his own orgasm approaching very quickly, he digs his fingers into your skin as his skin begins to heat up and his abdomen clenches up. “I’m gonna cum baby” He groans the warning and barriers his face back into your neck, his hips snapping into yours three more times before he stills and empties himself into you.
“Oh god I love you angel.”
You almost don’t hear him say it with how gruff his voice sounds and with how good he feels still slowly thrusting into you, the aftershock of your release still hitting you. That was the first time either of you had said that you loved the other, you had known for a while that you loved him but wanted the moment you told him to be special. You stop breathing for a second as you fully realize what has just slipped past his mouth but can’t say anything as his mouth graces yours in a slow kiss, his tongue dancing with your own as the two of you relax from the intense orgasms you’d just had.
Billy pulls out of you slowly and plops down next to you on the bed, his hand resting on his stomach as he still catches his breath a bit. He sits up and lowers the volume of the speaker and shuts the window you had opened earlier as a cold breeze had crept in. You watched from your spot as the muscles on his back danced around through his skin, faint scratch lines making themselves known. Sitting up and gently wrapping your hand around his bicep, Billy turned his attention to you with a small smile.
“I love you too.”
Placing a delicate kiss to his lips and pulling back to meet his eyes, you giggled at the blush that was creeping onto his face. “You caught that huh…didn’t exactly want to tell you I loved you for the first time high and cumming inside of you, promise I can be a bit more romantic.” He laughed and shook his head, his curls bouncing a bit. You sat up on your knees and ran your fingers through his hair, leaning back in to kiss him again but this time also moving up to kiss the flushed skin of his cheeks and the scattering of freckles along his nose.
“It’s ok that was still special, and I know you’re a big softy at heart smushy.” He groaned at the nickname you had given him (truly he loved it and it made his heart jump every time you said it) before grabbing you and throwing you back against the bed. “Do I need to remind you who is in charge again angel?” He challenged and gave your ass a small smack which made you yelp and the familiar knot in your stomach tightened.
“Yes daddy.”
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Bruises on the Page
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Ricky Hauk x Reader (Pedro Pascal in Touched by an Angel s6 e22)
Words: 3732
Summary: The reader attempts to hide her abusive relationship from her best friend. Ricky conceals his true feelings due to his fear of losing everything that they have. As time passes, each secret digs them into deeper and deeper holes. 
Notes: Okay, so I originally had no intention of ever publishing this. I figured writing an imagine for a character in a single episode wouldn’t be what people were looking for. But hey, it turns out there are some of you out there. Special thanks to my fanfiction writing soulmate @rae-gar-targaryen​. (Also, please don’t tear apart my attempt at poetry. I’m really not much of a poet, but it fits the story.)
Warnings: Abuse and attempted assault
“Great,” You muttered, looking down at the empty foundation container in your hand. You couldn’t even get one drop out of it and you were catching a movie with Ricky later that night. You needed to find some way to hide the bruise. It was bigger than most of the ones you’d gotten before, stretching across your jaw in ugly purples and blacks. You’d have to run to the store to get something to cover it up. Which meant another round of looks from passing people with their fake sympathy and interest. Nobody really cared. 
Except for Ricky. He cared about you more than anyone ever had. He had been your best friend since the two of you were kids. You were both ‘townies’ with absent fathers in the same neighborhood, so you naturally paired up. If he found out about Steve he would freak out and you didn’t need to add to his already growing list of problems. Besides, it wasn’t a big deal. Steve was just stressed out and your nagging wasn’t helping. Or at least, that’s what he’s been telling you. 
You put on your trusted sweatshirt and kept the hood up as you walked to the nearby drugstore. You received a dirty look from an older woman in the check out line so you walked quickly back to the make-up section. The hood and your hair concealed the bruise well enough that nobody would notice unless they looked directly at your face. You grabbed enough foundation and concealer to cover your entire body and decided to pick up some snacks that you could sneak into the theater like you usually did. Ricky always brought the contraband popcorn and you were in charge of licorice. 
“Y/N!” A young voice excitedly shouted from across the aisle. You winced. 
“Hey, Joey.” You tried to pull your hair in front of the purple mark so he wouldn’t see it. His bright smile could light up the entire store and make you forget about some of your stresses. 
“Ricky is helping me look for material for my next invention.” He pointed towards the red baseball cap peaking above the shelves in another aisle. You felt your heart rate pick up. 
“Well, I’ll see you later when Ricky and I hang out okay?” You rustled his hair. 
“Don’t you want to say hi to Ricky?” He wondered. You two were always together. You were basically a big sister to him. You shook your head, trying not to look panicked. Ricky couldn’t see you like this. Not without the makeup. 
“I’ll see him tonight.” You shrugged, keeping your voice down so Ricky wouldn’t hear you. You gave him one last smile before half-sprinting to the check-out line and quickly ducking out of the store before Ricky could see you. 
“Who were you talking to, buddy?” Ricky asked and Joey pointed to the retreating figure in the sweatshirt. 
“Y/N. She was getting snacks for the movie you guys are going to. She looked like she was in a hurry.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“Well when I asked if she wanted to talk to you, she said she would see you tonight and went over to check out all of her makeup.” He shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a girl thing.” Ricky raised an eyebrow. 
“Y/N doesn’t wear makeup.” Unless she was around Steve, of course. Joey just shrugged again. 
“That’s what it looked like. The stuff that mom puts on every once in a while.” The stuff that mom used put on when she didn’t want him to see the bruises. 
“You’re probably right. A girl thing.” Ricky lied, shaking those thoughts out of his head. If something was wrong, Y/N would have told him about it. They told each other everything. But ever since she started dating Steve, she had been more distant. She traded shifts at Taco Town because Steve would ask- no demand her to switch so that they could have more ‘date nights’. Ricky wanted to stay out of it. He knew how she felt about people butting into her life, but he just couldn’t help being worried. She meant too much to him. More than she knew. 
“Are you sure I can’t come?” Joey pouted. He’d been trying all night to convince you to let him go to the movie with you. 
“Sorry kid, but I don’t think that Final Destination is something you’re mom would want you watching.” You gave him a small smile. He tilted his head curiously.
“What happened to the color on your face?” He wondered, pointing to your chin. Ricky came out of the kitchen with a concerned expression.
“Color?” He looked over your features carefully and you felt your heart leap into your throat. 
“Oh, uh, I was painting and I got some on my face.” You lied. Even with the pounds of foundation covering the bruise, it felt like Ricky could right through. “I hadn’t even noticed until I got home.” You laughed nervously and Ricky’s brows furrowed together. Joey turned to his brother. 
“Come on, Ricky.” He whined. “Can I please, please, please, go with you?” His mother walked by and gave his shoulder a pat. 
“You’re staying here with me and we’re gonna watch Back to the Future.” His frown immediately turned into a giant, goofy grin. 
“With popcorn?” 
“With popcorn.” She laughed, ushering him into the living room while Ricky grabbed the keys to his truck. 
“Got the Red Vines?” He asked as the two of you went out the door. 
“Of course.” You held up the bag with a mischievous grin. You’d been sneaking snacks into the movies since you were little, even though you knew that the owner totally knew about it. The guy who owned the theater lived down the street from you and he would occasionally discount your tickets. 
“You two are basically one person anyway.” He would say with a chuckle. 
The rumble of Ricky’s truck was one of your favorite sounds in the whole world because it meant that he was with you. You’d spent countless hours driving around town in this truck, listening to music, talking about absolutely anything and everything, or not saying anything at all. Most of the time, you knew exactly what the other was thinking without having to say a word. That’s why, as you looked out the window, Ricky knew something was going on. 
“Joey said he saw you at the drugstore.” He started. “Is that when you had paint on your face?” 
“Hmm?” You gave him a confused look. 
“You said you had been painting. That’s why you had color on your face when Joey saw you.” He clarified. 
“Oh, right, of course.” You’d forgotten your own lie and Ricky could tell. “Yeah, I saw him when I was getting the licorice.” You tried to sound nonchalant, but you fiddled nervously with your necklace- something you did whenever you were nervous. Ricky didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he just nodded and kept driving. 
The necklace had been his gift to you on your 16th birthday. The chain was simple, but the pendant was something only Ricky could have known to give you. When you were little, on the days that his dad had hurt him, he would run over to your house and the two of you would hide in your ‘bandit cave’, which was just the old shed in your backyard. Inside the cave, you had a little garden, your favorite flower being the daisies. You couldn’t count how many daisy chains, daisy crowns, daisy anythings that you had made. So dangling on that small gold chain was an intricate metal daisy. You held onto it whenever you felt like you had nothing else to hold onto. 
When you reached the theater, Ricky went around the truck to open your door, but he didn’t move out of the way to let you out. 
“What are you-”
“Are you okay?” He interrupted. He just couldn’t sit by anymore when he could tell something was wrong. 
“Yeah, of course.” You scoffed, trying to move around him. He grabbed your arm, trapping you in. His touch was gentle, but you still flinched away, instead feeling Steve’s iron grip. “Get off!” 
“Okay, I’m sorry.” He held up his hands, palms by his face and his shocked eyes. You were breathing too fast, your shoulders shaking with every breath. “Hey,” He cautiously put his hands down, but kept his distance. “I’m sorry.”  You stared as the shock in his expression mixed with worry and hurt. Hurt that you thought he would ever do anything to harm you. Hurt that you were hiding something. You wrapped your arms around yourself and turned away. 
“Let’s just go see the movie.” You stormed away and disappeared into the doors of the theater. Ricky was more worried than ever. The look in your eyes. He knew that look. It was the look his mom had when she remembered the days with dad.  A look that you used to see in his eyes when he talked to you about his father. 
When he eventually trailed after you, finding you at concessions buying a soda. One of Steve’s friends, Grayson, was working and decided that he wanted to mess with you. He gave the Coke bottle a good shake before handing it to you. You didn’t notice. 
“Can we talk?” Ricky begged, tickets in hand. 
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You shrugged. “You just freaked me out, that’s all.” 
“What are you hiding from me?” His voice was pleading and you could feel the tears building up in your eyes.  
“Ricky, please, just drop it.” 
“We tell each other everything, Y/N. This isn’t like you.” He didn’t mean to sound angry, but all of the hurt and confusion were just building up inside, making his blood boil. “Honestly, you haven’t been acting like you ever since you starting dating-”
“I said drop it!” You twisted the bottle cap and the sticky, sweet soda spurted out all over your face and clothes. Grayson laughed from behind the counter. 
“You should see the look on your face.” He snickered. Ricky grabbed handfuls of napkins, giving Grayson a furious glare. 
“You’re a dick.”
 He gently pressed the napkins to shirt and face, trying to wipe off the cola before it could stain too terribly. You didn’t think about your jaw until you saw the napkins come away covered in the foundation that was now rubbing off of your face. Ricky’s brows furrowed and he took more care around your jaw, watching your skin change to a dark purple-ish black. 
“Y/N?” He said softly, the knot in his stomach twisting even more. So it was true. He had hoped beyond hope that his theory was wrong but now there was undeniable proof in that horrible bruise. 
You looked horrified, quickly covering the spot with your hand, but it was too big to fully conceal. Ricky’s hand reached up to yours. He didn’t even realize he was moving as his fingers lifted your hand away, giving him a better look at the bruise. You couldn’t stand the look on his face anymore so you ran. You ran from the reality that you had let this happen. That you had hidden it from him and you were now too broken to deserve his sympathy. Too broken to deserve him. 
Your petals once were white and delicate
They reached hopefully towards the sun
And they brightened every minute I shared with them
Now they are wilted
They shy away from light
Through all my thoughts, I have but one
They are still beautiful
You are still beautiful 
Ricky let his pen flow across the paper without having to think about the words. While he could never truly capture how he felt seeing the bruises on the page of the notebook that Monica had given him, he had to get his emotions out in the only way he knew how. He felt useless, like he was that little boy watching his father hit his mother, unable to do a thing to stop it. Only now, he could do something. He’d tried calling you, but of course, you didn’t answer. He tucked the notebook into his pillowcase and climbed out of his window.
You were sitting in your room at home, arms wrapped around your knees as you cried. Your mom had the night shift at the hospital like she usually did so you were left alone like you usually were. Most nights you would go to Ricky’s and the two of you would talk until the sun came up. Now you were left to deal with your guilt. 
You met Steve when Ricky convinced you to take classes with him at the college after that strange woman helped him realize his potential as a writer. Steve seemed like another passionate bad boy that you were bound to fall for. After seeing each other for a week or so, he started to change. He was angry and controlling and hardly let you out of his sight. The first time he hit you was when you said that you were eating dinner with Ricky and his family. He said that the only person you should focus on was him. It was more often after that. If you didn’t do what he wanted, right when he wanted it. If you talked back. If you said anything about Ricky or any other boy, for that matter. You should have stopped him before it got this far. You just didn’t know how. 
Your window shimmied open and you half expected to see Ricky climbing in, ready to save you. Instead, Steve crawled into your room with an angry, hungry look in his eyes. You scrambled to the corner of the bed, the furthest spot from the window. 
“What’s wrong baby?” He sounded so innocent. “I thought maybe you’d be feeling up for a little fun.” 
“Not tonight, Steve, I really don’t want to-”
“All the guys were talking about how hot you looked in that cute little dress the other day. The one you were when we went to lunch.” It was like he hadn’t heard a word that you said. He crept onto the bed, coming closer and closer until he was almost on top of you. At this proximity, you could smell the ungodly amount of alcohol on his breath. 
“Steve, please, leave me-”
“What’s the matter, baby? Let me make you feel better?” His lips made their way to your neck and you squirmed as his hands tried to get under your shirt. You knew that if there was ever a chance to stand up for yourself, it was now. 
“I said stop it!” You screamed, using all of your strength to push him off of you. His sick smirk turned to a furious scowl. 
“Grayson said that you were at the movies with that townie loser again. I thought I told you to stay away from him.” He latched his fingers around your necklace and snapped it off your neck. He pushed you violently, your head slamming into the wall and leaving you dizzy. 
“Give that back, Steve.” You demanded, refusing to back down despite your blurred vision. “Give it back and get out.” 
“You think you can tell me what to do, trailer trash?” He sneered. You’d never seen him this angry.  “I’ll make you regret everything!” He threw the necklace at your head, hitting the picture frame behind you. Glass shattered all over the floor, falling around the necklace. You didn’t think before grabbing the metal daisy, feeling the sharp sting of small shards piercing your palm and fingers. 
Steve started to charge towards you at a terrifying speed. You sprinted down the stairs, slamming every door that you could behind you until you got out the back door. You went to the one place you always felt safe. The bandit cave. The shed felt so much smaller now that you were grown, but the lock on the door still held up. 
“Get out here!” Steve screamed, pounding on the shed’s walls, looking for another way in. You curled up in the corner, praying that he’d give up and holding onto the daisy pendant like your life depended on it. 
Ricky was at your front door when he heard the noise. Luckily, the fence to the backyard had a hole in it that he’d been sneaking through since you were kids. He found Steve outside the shed, kicking and screaming obscenities. 
“Get away from her!” He called, storming across the lawn. Steve turned around with a drunken smirk. 
“If it isn’t Wonder Townie here to save the day? Y/N, you can come out now!” Steve stumbled towards him. Ricky was surprised he could still stand. Steve held out his arms. “You know what? You can have her. I’ve had my share, and let me tell you she is-” Ricky didn’t let him finish. He tackled him to the ground, holding him down by the color of his stupid polo. 
“You’re going to listen to me or I’m going to make sure that pretty-boy face ends up behind bars for assault.” Ricky growled. “You’re going to leave Y/N alone and never, ever come near her again. If I find out that you’re even talking about her with her permission, I will make sure that you suffer for it. Got it?” Seeing Ricky like this genuinely scared the crap out of Steve, so as soon as Ricky let him go, he scrambled over the fence, although his level of intoxication made it an entertaining sight to see. 
As soon as he was gone, Ricky found the spare key to the shack underneath the flower pot. When he opened the door, you were underneath the table, holding a garden spade up to defend yourself, even though your eyes were screwed shut. 
“Please, just leave me alone,” You sobbed, “Steve, please, don’t hurt me anymore.” 
“It’s not Steve.” Ricky’s voice sounded like angels singing to your ears. You jumped up from the floor and ran into his waiting arms like they were the safest place in the world. Ricky held you up as you cried, your tears soaking the front of his shirt and your legs wobbly beneath you. His fingers ran soothing strokes through your hair as he whispered. “It’s okay. He’s not going to hurt you anymore. He’ll never hurt you again.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
He pulled away to look at your injuries, slowly opening your tightly closed fist. Inside, speckled with glass fragments and drops of blood was the daisy necklace. 
“He tried to take it from me.” You sniffed. “When I told him to get out, he threw it and broke a picture. That’s what the glass is from.” You choked back a cry. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault, I should have seen this coming. I should have said something sooner-”
“Hey, don’t you dare.” Ricky lifted your chin up to look him in the eye. “Don’t you dare blame this on yourself.” It was what he used to do, what his mother used to do, when his dad would beat them. He always felt like he had done something wrong. But he hadn’t. “Steve is responsible for everything. You did nothing wrong.” He put his hands on your cheeks and his voice cracked. “You did nothing wrong.” Your lip trembled and he took a shaky breath, tears streaming down his face as well. “Come here.” He pulled you back to him, his hand cradling the back of your head and keeping you close to his chest. You never wanted to leave those arms. 
He took you back to his house, not wanting you to stay home alone. The two of you hole up in his room with some bowls of mac and cheese that his mother made. She had questions, but she knew by the look on both your faces that it would take time to answer them. You told Ricky everything, sparing no detail. All of the shame you’d felt washed away and all that was left was the love you felt for your best friend. 
“I just felt like I didn’t have a choice.” You admitted. “Like no matter what I did, his anger was my fault. He made me feel like I deserved it.” Ricky tenderly ran a finger down your cheek, brushing softly against the bruise on your jaw. 
“Nobody deserves that. Nobody.” You fell back onto his bed, your head knocking against something in his pillow. “Oh, sorry.” He pulled out his notebook and opened up the nightstand drawer. You put your hand on his before he could put it away. 
“Can I read?” He’d let you read a few of his poems before, but something was telling you that you needed to read the most recent one. The corner of his lip lifted into a nervous, crooked smile and he handed you the small black book. 
Ricky fiddled with the lampshade as your eyes flitted across his words, your heart skipping a beat with every stanza. You are still beautiful. 
“Oh, Ricky,” You cried, wrapping your arms around his neck. “The flower’s a daisy, isn’t it?” Of course, it was about you, but seeing him nod and his lips give you a small smile gave you the courage that you needed to capture those lips in yours for a kiss. 
You slept on top of the covers, tucked safely in his arms. Just before you both fell asleep, you felt Ricky’s chest move as he took a deep breath. 
“Hey Y/N.”
“I love you.”  It was something he’d been waiting to say pretty much since the day he met you. You snuggled closer to him. 
“Hey, Ricky.” 
“Yeah?” He sucked in a nervous breath and you couldn’t help but laugh a little. 
“I love you too.”
It was the most peaceful sleep you’d had in nearly a month, in the embrace of a boy who really, truly loved you. Sure, from the perspective of most, you were just too fatherless kids, barely making enough money to take a few classes at a college that you couldn’t afford. But to the two of you, you were a couple of townies taking on the world. 
Group Chat(s)Tag List (You know who you are!): @rae-gar-targaryen​; @jnniferjreau​; @ladamari68​; @libellule2001​; @c-ly-g​; @themandjalorian​; @astrolo-galaxy​
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joaquinfeed · 5 years
Snuggle Buddy (Arthur Fleck x Fem!Reader)
Prompt: Reader works as a professional cuddler at SnuggleBuddy. Arthur utilizes her service.  Also, for the sake of the story, Penny Fleck has already passed in this.
Warnings: Cursing, implied anxiety, descriptions of bad coping mechanisms (Arthur banging his head against the wall)…I think that’s it?
Word Count: Around 6,000. I know it’s a doozy. 
Arthur was nervous. His palms were sweating slightly, his heart rate was uneven, and his leg hasn’t stopped moving for the last twenty minutes that he has been sitting. His eyes trailed over the small print on the business card— “SnuggleBuddy.”
Arthur thinks back to early that day; he was at Ha-Ha’s getting ready for his usual shift when one of the guys—Randall— took a jab at his love life.
“Just in case you need to touch someone other than yourself, Art,” Randall laughed, handing him the card.
Although Randall’s comment bothered Arthur, he wasn’t entirely wrong. He hasn’t experienced human touch—real, genuine human touch—for a very long time. Arthur couldn’t even think of a moment when someone had given him a hug, or a kiss, or wrapped their arms around him. Not a single soul besides his mother dared to understand him in an intimate way.
As soon as his legs allowed it, he walked over to the phone and carefully poked in the number on the card.
“Hello, this is Pete from SnuggleBuddy. Are you looking for a cuddler, or are you looking to become one?”
Arthur faltered. “I’m looking to, um, find one. My name’s Arthur.”
“Okay, Arthur,” the man paused, and Arthur heard rustling in the background. “I have a few questions for you, and we can get you somebody in no time.”
Arthur answered every question that came at him, only letting out a yelp when Pete asked him if he’d like to pay for other activities. After declining immediately—and blushing profusely—Arthur had finally been paired up with a girl.
“Her name’s Y/N,” Pete said. “You will be billed for every hour that you spend with her. Your first session is scheduled for tonight at 7 PM at the address you gave me. Does all that sound correct?”
Arthur nodded before realizing that the man cannot see him. He stuttered out a ‘yes’ and hung up the phone.
His heart was thumping loudly in his chest; he couldn’t believe he went through with calling them. So many worries plagued his mind already— How would he afford this? What if you thought he was weird? If everyone at Ha-Ha’s found out…
He shook his head at that thought. He has absolutely no idea what’s going to happen, and there was no way for him to know.
And so, he waited.
A few hours later, a knock interrupted the Charlie Chaplin rerun that had been playing on his TV. Arthur pushed his freshly washed hair out of his eyes, making his way to the door. He opened it up, and his breath caught in his throat. Standing in front of him was someone he has never seen around Gotham—he would have remembered.
“Hi, Arthur,” you smile at him while giving a small wave. “I’m Y/N. I work at SnuggleBuddy.”
Arthur only gazes at you in shock. He definitely was not expecting someone like you; actually, he didn’t know what he was expecting. After a small bit of silence, you glance around nervously.
“Is this not the right apartment? Are you not Arthur?”
“No, I- I am.”
“Oh. This is your first time I’m assuming?”
Arthur nods, his mind finally catching up with him. He steps aside to let you in, and you move past him, checking out his apartment. Your eyes land on the TV, and you smile seeing “The Kid” playing across the screen.
You turn to Arthur. “Chaplin fan?”
“Are you a Charlie Chaplin fan?”
He points over to the stack of tapes sitting by the small TV; your eyes follow his gaze until they land on the pile. You stand there, paused in thought while Arthur continues to watch you. Suddenly, you’re struck with an idea.
“Hey, if it would make you more comfortable, we could do the session on the couch? That way we can watch a film or two instead of laying in silence. Unless you’d be more comfortable with that. Whatever works for you, Arthur.”
He leads you to the couch, and both of you sit down.
“H-how does this work?”
You smile at him, trying to calm his nerves a little bit. “Really, it works however you want it to. Usually, people tell me what they like, what they don’t like, what makes them uncomfortable, what makes them feel relaxed.”
“I don’t know what I like,” Arthur says, looking ashamed at his lack of self-knowledge.
“That’s alright. We can figure it out,” you assure him. “I’m going to put my arms around you, okay?”
You wait for his consent before wrapping your arm around him. “Is this okay?”
He nods but stays stiff in your arms. “Do I…touch you?”
“You can,” you tell him, watching as he timidly puts one of his arms over your shoulders while the other one rests across his waist. You both stay like this for a little while, getting comfortable with the feeling of each other. After a few minutes, Arthur relaxes into your embrace, and you drop your head onto his chest.
Having this type of job was, no doubt, a little awkward at times. It was the only opportunity you were faced with after moving to Gotham city. You didn’t want to do this forever; sometimes, you thought about quitting after a long, hard day with some overly-touchy pervert. But sitting here with Arthur, his heartbeat steadily beating in your ear, you thought the job wasn’t so bad. 
“So, Pete, the guy you talked to when calling CuddleBuddy, he mentioned that you said something about not having this type of contact for a while,” you say. “How long has it been?”
You feel Arthur clam up at the question, and you immediately blurt out, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. I was only curious.”
You look up at him and see his eyebrows scrunched together in concentration. His eyes are looking back at you, and you finally notice just how green his eyes are—like different hues of a forest. He seems to be studying you too, but as quickly as the silence came, it ended.
"For my whole life, I guess,“ Arthur says, breaking you out of your daze.
You frown. "Your- Arthur, that’s not healthy. We need to feel connections like this, you know?”
Arthur didn’t know. His mother—when she was living—was there to dance with him or hug him when the moment called for it. But he has never experienced anything outside of that. He briefly wondered if that’s something he should bring up with his social worker, but the thought left his mind when he felt your arms tighten around him.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel bad if I did,” you spoke up. “I was just surprised.”
He brushes off your apology, dispelling your fears of already upsetting him. When it’s clear that nothing else is going to be said on the matter, you lay your head back on his chest, content with only sitting with him for the remainder of the session.
Somehow, by the time the credits were being presented, Arthur was lying against the side of the couch, and you were lying next to him—your head still resting by his heart.
You could hear the TV playing in the background, your eyes fluttering open to the sound, only to be met with blinding sunlight coming through the windows. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
You shoot up off of Arthur’s sleeping form, and he wakes with a jolt, looking just as startled as you. "I am so sorry,“ you tell him, burying your face into your hands. "I swear, I didn’t even realize that I was falling asleep.”
“It’s okay. Don’t be sorry,” he says, his voice still raspy from the night’s sleep. “I can’t remember a time when I’ve slept like that. I-I have insomnia.”
“Oh,” you nod sympathetically. “I’m glad I stayed over then.”
Arthur gives you a small smile. Your caring demeanor felt fresh and generous compared to the other residents of Gotham. But it’s only for a job, he reminded himself, he hired you. At that thought, panic arose in him.
“I don’t have the money to pay you for all the time you spent here,” he says, looking at a clock that read 9:23 AM.
“Don’t worry about it. It was my fault anyway. Pete will be in contact with you about how to pay for the session.”
Arthur hopes his disappointed look wasn’t too obvious; he honestly didn’t want you to leave. Even so, he walks you to the door and gives you one last small smile.
"I hope this isn’t the last time I’ll be seeing you,“ you say, returning his smile.
He blushes slightly, ducking his head. "It won’t be.”
Arthur has never been so happy strolling through the streets of Gotham on his way to Ha-Ha’s. The subway ride was surprisingly uneventful and the sun was still out—an unusual occurrence for the dark and somber city. Although, Arthur wondered if the city was actually that uninviting, or his change in scenery was due to the happenings of the night and early morning.
When Arthur gets to work, everything runs smoothly. Randall’s jokes never cease, but this time, they don’t bother him as much. There’s a lightness in his steps as he carries out the rest of his shift at Gotham City Children’s Hospital.
The real trouble comes on his way home; he chalks it up to bad luck—his day going “too well.” A few teenagers poking fun at his make-up, messing with his clown cap, and causing him to hold his throat as he chokes out unwanted laughter. When he returns to his apartment, his steps are less light than before—the stress of the evening finally catching up with him.
His hands reach for the phone before he can stop himself, and dial the number for CuddleBuddy. This time, the process is short. He only has to ask for you, and the next session is booked. Luckily, you didn’t have any previous arrangements tonight.
“They were harassing you, Arthur, you should tell someone,” you say, once you are cuddled up with Arthur again for the night. “People can’t treat you like that.”
“Yes, they can,” Arthur mumbled. “There’s nobody to tell, Y/N. Everybody is just mean.”
“Not everyone,” you say against his chest. “Your not.”
He only hums as a response, before glancing over towards the kitchen.
“Would you like to eat something? I could, um, make dinner,” he suggests.
“Are you paying for more of my time if I say yes,” you jokingly ask.
Arthur stumbles over his words. Of course, he thought. Payment. He just had to keep reminding himself that he was paying for your time; you were not here voluntarily.
“R-right. I’m sorry,” Arthur apologized. “Let’s just stay here then.”
“I was kidding. Dinner actually sounds nice,” you smile.
You both get up and make your way to the kitchen. For the next thirty minutes, you watch him as he whips around the kitchen, making dinner. You offered to help, but he insisted that he had it. By the time it’s done, and in your mouth, you were pleasantly surprised.
“Mmm,” you moan. Arthur was a damn good cook, and it showed. You were too focused on the food in front of you to notice Arthur’s cheeks turning a bright red color. 
Poor Arthur sat on the other side of the table, his ears burning from the small noise of pleasure you let out. How was it possible for one to sound so melodic, he wondered.
“Do you like it?” He asks, despite knowing the answer.
“I do. It’s really good,” you say. “Any chance you want to be a chef?”
“No, actually, I’m pursuing a career in comedy,” he says proudly.
“Maybe I can hear some of your routine sometime.”
The rest of the dinner went smoothly. You two shared Gotham horror stories, talked about family, and discussed mental illness in-depth. Arthur told you about the parts of himself that troubled him and society’s inability to understand. Your eyes stayed on Arthur the entire time, even after he got up to put away the dishes. His tan long-sleeve shirt, paired with his baggy pajama bottoms, made him look incredibly adorable. You tried to stop your mind from thinking anything like that about the man. After all, he only hired you for a job. But you couldn’t help it if his curls fell around his face in the most perfect way, or his smile shined with warmth when talking to you, or his eyes—God, his eyes—looked so lovely in every light possible.
When he’s done washing the dishes, you both return to the living room to resume the session. You move to sit back on the couch, but Arthur stays standing, shifting back and forth nervously.
“Can we, um, can we move this to the bedroom?”
You arch an eyebrow at his statement. “Really?”
His eyes become frantic as he moves to explain further. “I-I mean, instead of the couch. We could, you know, cuddle on the bed. I- I definitely did not mean…”
He trails off, and you giggle before getting up. “I know what you meant Arthur, relax.”
He nods relieved. He gestures for you to follow, leading you to what you presume is the bedroom. As you enter, your eyes glance around to the flower-covered walls before landing on the soft-looking blankets that lay across the bed. You don’t waste any time standing; you climb in next to Arthur, letting your limbs tangle in the same way they had earlier in the evening.
Your fingers graze his slender figure; the feeling of his warm shirt against your fingertips was enough to make you shiver. He brought the blankets up over you both, still hesitating as his arms rested back against you gently.
“Tell me about Ha-Ha’s. I don’t mean your shitty co-workers or rude boss; I want to know what you love about it. What makes you happy about working there?”
“I like making kids smile,” he says softly.
“Does that happen a lot?”
“Yeah. Sometimes they’re just walking past me, sometimes I visit the children’s hospital.”
Your heart melted at the mental image of Arthur, fully dressed in his clown make-up, interacting with the kids. His clown persona, who he mentioned was named Carnival, was something that you’d love to see.
You could feel the smile on his face when he spoke his next words.
“I get to sing and dance with them,” he says. “They never look at me funny for dancing.”
“That’s amazing, Arthur,” you tell him. “I bet you’re really good with them.”
“You know, you could come with me sometime,” he suggests. “They wouldn’t mind.”
You nod slightly before letting your eyes fall closed. You both lay in silence, taking in each other’s shallow breathing. A calm sensation that Arthur’s never experienced washed over him. The rise and fall of your head on his chest worked to ease his anxiety about the subway events. He still couldn’t fully relax in your hold, which is why he stayed quiet about his wish for you to pull him closer. Almost as if you read his mind, your arms tightened around his midsection as you snuggled further into his embrace.
“Arthur,” you say quietly.
“Do you want to be friends?”
The room fell silent. You didn’t want him to feel pressured to say yes, but you wanted to give him time to think it over. After talking to him about his decision to hire you, plus his lack of physical intimacy, you could only assume that the man doesn’t have many or quite possibly any people he considers a friend.
“You want to be my friend?”
You pick your head up off his chest, gazing into his pools of green that are filled with curiosity and disbelief. You don’t even have to think twice before nodding your head.
“I do,” you say. “Do you want to?”
“I do.”
The next few weeks are gone before Arthur realizes it. Not only is he able to see you every other day, but his cuddle sessions haven’t stopped simply due to your budding friendship. As the weekend approaches, he uses his time off work to go pick up his medications as well as see his social worker, Debra Kane. Although the process was no different—Arthur sat down, she asked if he brought his journal, she made a few remarks about some of the content, then asked about his job—his experience seemed to be a lot more rewarding.
“I have a friend,” Arthur all but beamed at the woman. “Her name is Y/N.”
“Arthur, have you thought any more about the prompts I gave you for last week’s journal writing?”
“She thought that I was wanting to become a chef, which is funny because I’m actually trying to be a comedian,” he says, disregarding Debra’s question. “She wants to hear my routine.”
“That’s certainly good,” the social worker comments offhandedly. “Are you experiencing any kind of negative thinking?”
Arthur laughs a little, reaching for his pack of cigarettes. He slides one out of the box, rests it on his lips, and lights it. Some things never change, he thinks to himself.
As Debra probes him with more questions he hears every week, his mind wanders back to you. He can nearly see you on the other side of the room—watching, smiling, waving. He doesn’t want to get caught up in his perceived idea of you, though; he only wants to keep you in his reality.
Arthur thinks back to his childhood—images of him sitting alone in the school cafeteria flash through his mind. For once in his life, he had somebody besides his mother, who seemed to care about him. He had a few boys in his early years that tried to befriend him, but upon learning his idiosyncrasies and hearing his booming laugh echoed through the quiet halls, they quickly turned their back on him, leaving young Arthur to wonder what went wrong.
When he was old enough to work, he was out trying to help his mom keep up with rent. He took odd jobs with quick payouts to hold on to their life in Gotham city. By this time, Arthur stopped trying to make friends all together. He knew the things he needed to do to keep surviving in a city like Gotham, and going out of his way to get rejected again wasn’t one of them.
After leaving the social work office, he arrives home feeling both excited and apprehensive. His trip down memory lane had brought the feelings he held towards friendships up to the surface. You were bound to realize what a freak he was at some point; he wonders how long it will take you to figure it out.
A knock on the door brings him out of his thoughts. He’s even more surprised to see you on the other side when he opens it.
“Oh, hey,” Arthur says.
“Hey,” you repeat.
“Did we have a session booked?”
“No, no,” you tell him. “I just thought we could hang out—if you wanted to that is. Sorry to just drop by.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind,” he steps aside and lets you into the apartment. You make your way to the couch, and Arthur follows behind you. He stops short of sitting down and asks if you want anything to eat or drink. You decline his offer and pat the seat next to you.
“Come sit.”
He sits next to you stiffly, rubbing his hand over his bouncing leg. You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering why the man is so fidgety all of a sudden. Maybe you made him uncomfortable by showing up, you told yourself. He did say it was okay, though.
Before you could mull over your thoughts, Arthur broke the silence.
“Do you want to watch a movie? Um, or I could show you my stand-up routine? Or we could do something else. What do you want to do?”
You chuckle at his line of questions while tilting your head at him. “Watching a movie sounds fun, and I’d love to hear your routine.”
He immediately gets up and sprints to the bedroom, leaving you on the couch to smile at his behavior. He surely was adorable.
When he comes back, he’s dangling a few VHS tapes in one hand, and holding a journal in the other. You watch as he resumes his spot next to you and lays out the tapes onto the table.
“You can choose a movie, and I’ll pick out some of my jokes,” he says. You look over the different films ranging from “A woman of Paris” —a Charlie Chaplin feature— to one made by Ernst Lubitsch called “A Shop Around the Corner.” You finally land on one titled “Duck Soup” and pick it up to hand to Arthur.
“Good choice,” he gives you a small smile. “This is actually a comedy and a musical. This goofy man named Rufus—you’re going to like him—he becomes president of his country. The country beside them thinks Rufus is awful so they try and start a war. It- it doesn’t sound much like a comedy, but I swear it is.”
Your lips curved upwards, and your eyes twinkled with amusement. As you listened to Arthur go into extensive detail about the movie’s plot, you found your eyes dropping to his lips. As they moved with every word, you noticed how soft they looked despite them being slightly cracked. You wondered what it would be like to kiss-
“Y/N,” Arthur jarred you from your thoughts. “Is everything okay?”
Your face flushes red at being caught staring. You’re not sure if Arthur knew where you were looking, but he sure as heck knew you were distracted.
“Everything’s fine,” you reassure him. “It’s just been a long day. Did you want to show me some jokes?”
You gesture towards the journal still in his hands, and he smiles instantly. It takes a bit for Arthur to feel relaxed while presenting his material to you, but once he made you laugh a few times, he gained the confidence needed to finish. You were pleasantly surprised at the jokes he had come up with for the routine; they molded perfectly to your sense of humor and left you nearly in tears every time. You weren’t sure if they were actually that funny, or if you just wanted the beaming smile Arthur would shoot you after he made you erupt in laughter to stay there.
After nearly an hour of joke-telling went by, and some convincing on your part, you persuaded Arthur to put on the movie—insisting that you were not tired.
The film opens up with the flag of Freedonia—the country the movie takes place in. Straight from the beginning, you’re already invested in the storyline; your eyes carefully watch every movement on the screen, and you laugh when you finally meet Rufus—the new president of Freedonia. Rufus was just as Arthur made him out to be: goofy. As you watch the story unfold, you can tell why Arthur likes this movie so much. You look over to see if he’s smiling at the screen, only to see that he is, in fact, smiling, but not at the television. No, he is smiling directly at you.
You give him a questioning glance, and he ducks his head, immediately apologizing.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“I was looking at you,” he explains.
“So? You’re allowed to look at me,” you chuckle, and his eyes meet yours again.
“I am?”
You can almost feel his breath from how close you’re sitting to him on the couch. Your shoulders are pressed together, while your thighs lay side by side. As a cuddler, you’ve been much closer to Arthur than you are right now, but somehow, this particular time feels more intimate than the others. Later, you’ll blame it on hormones, or maybe even your own mental stability, but just as Arthur was about to repeat his words, you leaned in and pressed your lips right against his.
The kiss didn’t last long, though. As soon as you felt the man tense up under your touch, you nearly flew off of him, sliding yourself to the other end of the couch.
“Shit. Fuck, Arthur. I am so sorry. That was so out of line for me to do. I wasn’t even thinking,” you slide your hand over your face, afraid to look over at Arthur in case he was glaring at you. “I should go.”
He didn’t say anything, and you assumed that was your cue to leave. You cursed yourself for being so brainless as you got up from the couch. As your hand reached for the door, you heard Arthur’s laughter from behind you. You felt tears sting your eyes as you left his apartment feeling foolish.
He found it funny; you found it heartbreaking.
Arthur scrambled to get up as he saw you leaving. His hand held tightly to his throat, as harsh chokes of laughter came barreling out of his mouth. He stopped just shy of the door, nearly toppling over as he tried to force himself to swallow the laughter. By the time he got the door open, you were gone.
He forced a pained smile at the empty hallway, turning back and shoving the door closed. The voices of his past cried out to him as he paced around the living room. You’re such a freak. What’s so fuckin’ funny? You were born by mistake. As more torments flew through his mind, Arthur stopped in front of the wall to lean his head against it. He didn’t know why you left in such a hurry, but he assumed it had something to do with him. He lifted his head back and slammed it against the wall with a sickening thump. Bang. You caused this. Bang. You made her feel like that. Bang. It’s your fault. Bang, bang, bang.
He slid down the wall, a single tear dropping from his eye, and just sat there. He couldn’t even feel his head throbbing; the pain in his heart was too high.
Days went by, and Arthur hadn’t heard from you. He picked up the phone several times to try and call your workplace, CuddleBuddy, but couldn’t bring himself to dial the number. He was too afraid of what you’d say when you had the chance. Not even a full month of friendship, and he’s already lost you. When he does get the courage to call the company, he’s only let down once again by the latest news.
“Sorry, man. Y/N quit a few days ago,” Pete tells him.
“Yeah, she pulled her profile down from the bulletin, and said she was moving on.”
Arthur panics. This wasn’t supposed to happen. How would he get in touch with you now? Would he ever see you again?
He runs a hand through his curly locks before asking, “How can I reach her?”
“Uh, I’m not really supposed to give out her information, man.”
“But- but it’s Arthur. Arthur Fleck. I’ve been calling to book sessions for the last month.”
“Yeah, I know,” the man on the other line sighs. “But I don’t know who you are. I can’t really tell some guy her private business.”
“I’m not some guy! She’s my friend,” Arthur reasons. “Please.”
Pete groans and mumbles a 'fine’ before rattling of your address.
“If she ends up murdered tomorrow, I’m telling the police it was you.”
Arthur thanked him and chuckled lightly at the joke—assuming it was a joke. He took the piece of paper, which carried the address he had just scrawled down, and raced out the door. He grabbed the subway, recognizing your place to be near the Children’s hospital that he worked at occasionally. Once he was standing in front of what he had hoped was your apartment, his nerves were at an all-time high.
He was scared of rejection, scared of seeing your disgusted, disappointed, or aggravated face along with any words that might follow.
After three timid knocks, he waits patiently for you to open the door. When the door does swing open, he was met with an expression he wasn’t expecting—shock.
“Hi,” he utters shyly.
Your heart thumps in your chest wildly at the view in front of you. You couldn’t believe Arthur was standing in your doorway right now; you half-expected this to be a dream. After you left his apartment that night, you felt the lightness you’ve been feeling for the past couple weeks drain from your body, only to be replaced by tightness in your chest and a dulling ache in your heart.
“You quit,” Arthur says, breaking the silence that loomed over you both.
“I did,” you open the door wider, letting Arthur walk into your apartment. He takes a look around, noting that the decorations you have chosen seem to be very you. He wants to marvel more at his surroundings, but instead, he turns back to you.
“I tried to book a session, but you quit,” he says, a hint of resentment in his voice. “Why would you do that?”
You sigh, offering him a small shrug. The ache in your heart hasn’t gone away, not since you saw him last. You wanted to give him a real explanation, but you didn’t want to bring up the kiss. You were afraid that his balled-up fist, quick-paced breathing, and twitching nose —all of which happened when the man felt anger— would be the result of your careless and selfish action.
“Why are you here, Arthur?”
“I- I want to know why you quit.”
“Because I knew you’d call,” you admitted. “I knew you’d call because that’s who you are.”
You sniffle quietly; the tears that have been threatening to fall since Arthur showed up were now spilling down your cheeks like a river.
“I didn’t want to see you,” you wiped harshly at your face.
Arthur gave you a troubled look. His expression was soft, but his eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
“Please don’t be upset,” he whispered. “I’m sorry.”
You gave him a bewildered look. “You’re …sorry? What on Earth are you sorry about?”
He only shrugged, so you took a deep breath and continued with what you had to say.
“I kissed you,” you looked away, still ashamed at the way you handled the situation. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I guess I just felt like I should in the moment; it was completely wrong of me. I apologize.”
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Y/N,” he mutters while fumbling with the zipper of his tan jacket. “I- I liked it.”
You smile sadly at him. “You don’t have to lie. I’ll be okay. We can continue being friends if you want; I just need some time.”
“But I’m not lying,” he says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. 
"You- you laughed at me, Arthur,“ you whisper before chewing on your bottom lip, tears welling up in your eyes once again.
"I didn’t!”
Arthur tried his hardest to hold in whatever laughter that was always on the surface and bubbling over. He didn’t want to leave you feeling upset again, and he surely didn’t want you to think he was disregarding or making fun of your feelings.
“I have a condition,” he says. At your confused look, he shuffles around in his pants pocket to pull out one of his cards. He hands it to you, bracing himself for your reaction.
“Oh,” you say, reading the front before flipping it over and skimming over the back. “So- so you weren’t laughing at me?”
“No! I would never. Not unless you made a joke.” Arthur assures you before pausing. “Did you?”
“I would never,” you repeat to him. Both of you stay unspeaking, taking in the words that the other has said. You wanted to talk more about what happened, but you didn’t want to cross any more lines in the relationship.
“Y/N, can I ask you something?”
You nodded weakly.
“Why did you kiss me? Is that what friends are supposed to do?”
“No, Arthur,” you look solemnly at him. “Friends don’t do that.”
"I didn’t think so,“ he says. "So, why would you? ”
You shrug half-heartedly. “I don’t know. I think you’re funny.”
His eyes search yours for some clarification, but he finds none. “You kissed me because you think I’m funny?”
“Yes,” you say. “and because you’re sweet and easy to talk to, and- and handsome.”
Your face heated up at your comment, but there was no taking it back now. Arthur’s face matched yours, and he stumbled over his words to try and respond.
“What- what does this mean?”
He was pretty sure he knew what it meant; he’s seen enough movies to know precisely what it meant. However, he couldn’t be too careful. The mere thought of him getting it wrong, and you—his only friend in Gotham—leaving was too much for him to handle.
“I think you know what it means, Arthur,” you say to him.
“Can you please just tell me?”
You exhale. “Do you want to go out with me?”
Although you didn’t directly answer his question, it was almost better. He didn’t waste a single second before nodding his head.
“Yes, I’d like that,” Arthur musters up every ounce of courage he has and slides his arms around you in a hesitant embrace. You hug him back tightly, encouraging him to do the same. You stand there for the next couple minutes, the events of the last couple days catching up with you both. “Can we- can we kiss again?”
You pull back enough to look at him, your lips curving into a smile. “Thought you’d never ask.”
You lean into him, capturing his lips in a slow kiss. You could feel your heart explode with emotions; Arthur’s lips timidly sliding over yours as his hands came up to rest on your cheeks. When you pulled apart, you looked at Arthur with his crimson cheeks and slightly swollen lips, and you couldn’t think of anything or anyone more beautiful than the man in front of you.
“When can we do that again?”
You giggle at his question, your eyes sporting a playful gleam. “Well, if you were my boyfriend, we could do that all of the time.”
“Okay,” he agrees, and you nearly choke on the air around you.
“R-really? Arthur, do you understand what I just said?”
He nods, and you explore his face for any trace of uncertainty or humor, but there is none. He was completely serious.
“Don’t you think it’s too soon?”
“No,” he huffs. “I’ve spent my whole life thinking that the same apartment, the same questions from my social worker, and the same people were going to hold me back forever. I don’t want to be held back.”
You bite your lip, wondering how you’re ever going to keep this relationship going if he’s always this damn adorable.
“Okay,” you smile at him, not being able to control your happiness.
“So, Y/N,” he looks at you shyly, with a small smirk in place.
“Yes, Arthur?”
“Now that you’re my girlfriend, does that mean I get cuddle sessions for free?”
You laugh, playfully swatting him on the arm as joy tugged at the corners of his lips too. 
And you both thought to yourselves, how did I get so lucky?
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
You didn’t speak to Sehun as he pulled into the garage and shut off the engine. Hell, you were half tempted to jump out of the car when he’d first rolled onto the grass, but you thought that might be a little overdramatic. Besides, slamming the door to his “baby” as hard as you could was much more satisfying. You caught the flinch as soon as the metal hit and echoed through the building. Yes, satisfying indeed. 
Nope. You were not in the mood to listen to anymore of his doubts or his tries to persuade you out of your opinion. 
Your anger and frustration must have been written all over your face. As soon as Soomi saw your face, she jumped up from the couch. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked. 
You glanced over your shoulder as Sehun’s sour face before replying. “Nothing.”
Clearly ignoring the hint that you didn’t want to talk about it, Soomi looked to the wolf behind you. “What happened?”
“(y/n) thinks she knows who the woman is, but I disagree,” he said in a very simplified version. 
Soomi’s eyes lit up with hope. “You do? Who?”
You swallowed thickly. What if she had the same reaction as Sehun? What if absolutely no one believed you? “I think,” you said quietly, “that it might be Mina.”
“Mina? Dana’s friend? Why?”
“Because she looks like the woman in my visions,” you explained confidently. 
“Whose face you’ve never seen,” Sehun argued as he stepped up next to you, an annoyed glare in his eyes. 
You didn’t even look at him. “No, but I am the one who has had the visions, so I have the clues, as I said before.”
“But there are millions of people with blonde hair and pale skin,” Sehun pushed further. “That’s hardly enough to go by.”
“I don’t know,” Soomi muttered, her eyebrows knitted together as she weighed the issue in front of her. Just when it seemed that you would be on your own once again, she surprised you. “The timing is suspicious. For her to show up now and look so similar….”
“Oh, come on, Soomi, not you, too,” Sehun whined. 
“What’s going on?”
Junmyeon entered with Kita by his side and several others behind him. Why did every little happening in this house have to have an audience?
“(y/n) thinks Mina might be the woman from her visions,” Sehun grumbled. It seemed he, too, was a little irritated at how big this was scene was getting. Since you saw it as his fault, you didn’t feel the least bit sorry for him. “I’m trying to make her see that there’s no way it could be Mina.”
“You don’t know that,” Hae In interjected. Oh thank god someone had some sense. 
“She’s Dana’s friend.”
“So?” Hae In snapped. “We don’t know her. I’d trust (y/n) over Mina.”
Sehun rolled his eyes. “It’s not that I don’t trust (y/n). Of course I do. But I don’t think we should be jumping to conclusions. Blonde hair and pale skin? That could describe you, Hae In.”
“Maybe it is me,” she smirked. “Maybe I got sick of you and decided to form a rebellion and take (y/n) with me.”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised,” Baekhyun muttered. 
“Kyungsoo would kill you if he heard that,” said Jongin. 
Luhan shrugged. “I doubt it. He’s not a big fan of Mina either.”
“But Mina is still Dana’s friend,” Kimberly argued. “I don’t think we should be singling her out off of circumstantial evidence.”
“Another wonderful sentence from the future crime reporter,” Jongdae grunted. Jongin didn’t take too kindly to the remark, a deep growl rumbling in his chest. 
“Okay, that’s enough!” Junmyeon barked. Shifting his attention to you, he said in a calmer voice, “(y/n), thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’ll keep a close eye on Mina. I’ll go call Kyungsoo. It’ll be difficult, but he should be able to keep this from Dana for the time being. We don’t want to cause her unneeded stress.”
You nodded, accepting that answer for now. It felt nice that you were being taken seriously by at least one of the alphas. But that didn’t make the initial betrayal hurt any less. 
Pushing past the crowd, you took the stairs two at a time until you reached the second floor in record time. You should have known better than to try and use this place as an escape, but there was no turning back now. 
“Hey, wait-”
“I don’t feel like talking to you right now.” You tried to open the door to the bedroom, but Sehun put his hand over yours, holding it shut. Damn the contact, you snatched your hand away. You were sure the boys used the hormonal seizure that happened in the mates’ body at the skin to skin contact to their advantage. This would not be one such occasion. Not on your watch. 
“Well, I do,” he grunted as he pushed himself between you and the door. 
“Unless it’s a genuine apology, I don’t want to hear it.”
He sighed heavily. “I’m sorry that I can’t believe that it’s Mina.”
“Wrong kind of apology.” You tried to shove passed him, but the big lug wouldn’t budge. 
Sehun roared. “Why are you so difficult?”
“Why can’t you just trust me?” you fired back. 
“It’s not that I don’t trust you! I just don’t want you to jump to conclusions!”
“I’m not jumping to conclusions, I’m following the clues!” You wanted to rip your hair out. Why wouldn’t he just take you at your word? “I can’t change what I saw in my visions!”
Sehun shook his head defiantly. “Sometimes I really hate that you have those.”
Knife? Meet heart. 
Yes, you hated them sometimes, too, but at the end of the day they were still apart of you. They were a part of your gifts – gifts that frustrated you and put you on the outside, but still yours. You couldn’t get rid of them, you couldn’t just make them stop, so you accepted them. It was one thing for you to have animosities about the visions, it was another for him to. Saying that he hated your visions made you feel like he hated a part of you. Those visions were the reason you were here in the first place. They were what brought you to the farmhouse where you could meet this so-called love of your life. This was the man who was supposed to stand by your side and accept every part of you. Apparently, nice things didn’t last too long in your life. 
“Excuse me, then, I’ll just turn them off for your convenience.”
Sehun groaned. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what could you have possibly meant, Sehun? Huh?” You didn’t really give him a chance to reply. “Why don’t you just admit that being mated to me wasn’t all you thought it would be?”
Sehun’s eyes widened in shock. “(y/n), where is this coming from?”
 A million little facets of insecurity and doubt, that’s where. But you decided to throw his behavior in his face instead. That was a less vulnerable - and not as truthful - “Oh, I don’t know. How about the fact that you’re fine until the topic of my powers come up. Then you start acting weird and change the subject. Everyone else wants to see them, but you just sit there with this sour frown on your face. You used to be fascinated by it too, you know.” Tears pricked at your eyes. Fantastic. There was no way for you to hide them, so you just let them collect and pool. “You used to stare at me in awe when I used my powers. It’s part of why I fell for you in the first place, before knowing I was your mate. But now I just feel like a burden to you.”
“You have never been a burden, (y/n).”
“But it’d be easier, right?” you snapped back. “Now that the shine is gone, it’d be easier if I were normal, boring human like the others, wouldn’t it? Less complicated that way?”
At first, he said nothing. He stared at you with his mouth pressed in a tight line, the same look he always had when he was thinking hard. His hesitation wasn’t doing your self-esteem any favors. Air blew out of his lungs, ending the pause. 
“Yes, it would be, but-”
You shook your head almost violently. “No, thanks. I don’t need any explanations. Not from you.”
“(y/n), listen to me-”
Slam! You’d made it to the bathroom down the hall and locked the door behind you before he could even finish his sentence. 
You hated him. You hated him more than the ones who used to torture and bully you for being different, for being more. It was idiotic to feel accepted and at peace around him. You’d settled into content and it’d blown up in your face. He’d backed away as soon as things didn’t line up for him perfectly. 
“(y/n)! Open the door, please! Just let me explain!”
No. He didn’t give you the benefit of listening to your suspicions, why should you listen to him now?
You didn’t yell at him to go away or to shut up or any words at all. Instead, you sat there on the cold tile silently, legs folded and back against the wooden door. Each time Sehun knocked against the thin barrier with his fist, you felt the vibrations through your shoulder blades. Still you didn’t moved. 
Eventually he gave up and you listened to his footsteps fade away through the hall and down the stairs. 
Now would have been the time to cry. Now would have been the time to let out all the tears. The wall of hurt that had built up inside you, each brick of molded out of the words and doubt given by Sehun, would easily come crashing down upon if you simply tapped on it with your finger. But you never touched it. 
Sitting there you were just… existing. Time no longer felt real the longer you stayed in that small room. You could almost imagine yourself living inside a bubble connected to another dimension, another world. If only you could really escape to another place and no longer have to deal with the happenings of this place. But that wasn’t possible. Even magic had its limitations. 
But you could do something. 
You needed space. You needed to get away, have some time to yourself, and maybe even find some proof that you weren’t crazy. Maybe if you could connect more dots between the visions and Mina, you could-
You weren’t sure what you wanted at this point. To be right? To get back at Sehun? There was no telling what currently drove you. 
Leave. Now. 
It almost felt like a whisper in your ear, urging you to get up and go, to not waste time, but no true source could be found for the urge. 
Taking a risk, you peeked out the bathroom to check that the coast was clear before scurrying to the bedroom. You didn’t stuff much into Soomi’s knapsack she packed for emergencies as you figured you’d only be gone for a day or so. It was fully your intention to be back before the blood moon. So with the pull-string bag slung over your shoulder, you checked the hallway once again and headed back for the bathroom. 
You knew that your best bet of getting away was to make them think that you were still locked away in the bathroom throwing a tantrum. So you headed back, locking the door once again as quietly as you could before going over to the window.
The drop didn’t seem that bad, but it would have been dumb to jump and hope for the best. To your luck, however, there was a bush off to the side. Closing your eyes, you concentrated on the leaves and branches of the plant, imagining them growing and expanding into a pad that was safe to land on. By the time you opened your eyes, your imagination had become reality. 
You gritted your teeth as you swung a leg over the sill. And then another. 
Were you really about to do this?
Sehun’s face floated in your mind. 
Yes. Yes, you were. 
Shoving off, you twisted your body so you landed on the oversized bush on your side, rolling off the branches and landing a bit hard on the grass beside it. But you didn’t have time to think about the pain as you jumped up to your feet and ran for the forest. Breathing grew difficult the farther you pushed yourself. However, slowing down was not an option. 
The closer you made it to the treeline, the more your determination grew. You were going to show him and you were going to do it on your own. 
Sehun sat at the breakfast booth, staring at the glass of alcohol he’d poured with himself. He hadn’t touched it. The ice was melting and small dots of condensation were building up on the side of the cup, sliding down the surface before pooling on the table top. He’d poured it more out of habit, like a ritual that would suddenly make him feel better. But he knew that was a crock. The only thing that would make him feel better would be you talking to him again. 
He knew he messed up. He should have just kept his mouth shut no matter what he thought. How could he explain that he didn’t sense any danger from Mina and that’s why he didn’t think she was behind the coming danger? Wolves had a knack for this sort of thing. 
In the end, he figured that you needed space. After you’d calmed down, you’d let him explain what he meant by the words he’d said. Especially the stupid response to you being a witch. 
He loved that you were different. He loved that you grew up in the same world as he did. It was a connection that was missing from the other couples. But you didn’t know how worried he was. You didn’t know that the reason he made that face every time you used your powers in front of the guys was because he was worried about you. He worried about you losing control and hurting yourself.
The fire still haunted him, even though he’d never admit it outloud. He’d been able to sense the danger and make it to before the flames got out of control, but who could say he could it again? He needed to protect you. It was his very instinct.
He wouldn’t change a single thing about you. And you needed to know that. 
Sliding out from the booth, Sehun headed back up the stairs. It was worth another shot getting you to talk to him. 
With an unsure fist, he knocked against the door. “(y/n)?”
No answer. 
He tried the handle, but it was still locked. So you were still in there. “(y/n), can we please talk now?” You still didn’t reply. Wow. You were really going to keep going, weren’t you? “Okay, fine. Keep the door between us, but please listen. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just didn’t want to rush to judgement. Dana’s been through… a lot. And Mina’s been her closest friend for years. I didn’t want to ruin that without being absolutely sure. Of course I trust you. I know that you’re the only one who has seen - well, what you’ve seen.”
Still nothing. What was he going to have to do to hear your voice again? Keep apologizing was the only thing he could come up with. 
“And… I know that you said you didn’t want to hear anymore excuses, but I have to say it. I don’t care that you’re a witch - no. I love it. I love how special you are. I wouldn’t change that at all. It- It’s just complicated. If you were human, I could protect you differently. I could make sure that you’re out of danger. But with as powerful as you are, I know I can’t keep you out of the fight. I can’t sideline you like Evie or Jiyeon or Kita. And… I’m scared. I’m scared to death to lose you. But I think I might have done that anyway.”
He waited. With no air leaving or entering his lungs, he waited. But no response to his confession came. In fact, no noises whatsoever came from the bathroom. Now that he was concentrating, he realized that not even your heartbeat was reaching his ears. 
Screw propriety. Kicking his foot out, he broke the lock and swung the door open. 
It was empty.
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Hurt, part 14 (E.D.)
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Summary: Back home, Ethan and Y/N show just close they’ve gotten.
Warnings: ANGST, fluff, smuttish, talk of depression and anxiety
Word Count: 3100
Hurt - Masterlist
''You know I can feel you're shaking, right?“ Y/N giggled into Ethan's neck, her arms loosening slightly as he continued to carry her inside the house.
''No clue what you're talking about. You're as light as a feather.“ He countered, his voice a little strained.
The past month has been spent in the hospital, in the spirit of horrible food and sneaking in pizzas, a ridiculous amount of tests and a lot of lying down. Ethan learned to sleep on the small bed they've added to her room, his hand always outstretched toward her bed in case she needed him during the night because he knew he wouldn't wake up by her voice alone unless she was screaming at him. But, as long and scary as it was, they were finally cleared to return home to rest – their actual home.
''Do you think we're moving a bit too fast?“ Y/N asked, a little lost in thought. She knew she'd never let Ethan so close had it not been for the pregnancy, more importantly, had it not been for all the complications. Reading how people connect deeply in stressful situations in short amounts of time is one thing, but to feel it all happen to her? That felt like skydiving without a parachute.
''I don't know. As far as I'm concerned, nothing is too fast or too slow as long as you let me hold your hand like this.“ Smiling softly, Ethan glanced at their intertwined fingers, giving her a light squeeze of reassurement. He had been more than happy to eat crappy hospital food and sleep on a bed that barely fit him, all if it allowed him to be with her.
''Are you having doubts?“ Ethan was almost afraid to ask, she could tell, but it was an obvious follow-up question. She could see it in his eyes, the flames of his love burning bright and the ones that represented his pain flickering right beneath. He's struggling, even now when he's holding her hand as if nothing was ever wrong to begin with.
''No! Never.“ She was quick to correct his thinking, deciding to take the plunge and just say what's been on her mind since she learned she could go home soon. She did want to go home, her actual home.
''I was just thinking if...if you'd have a problem with me moving back home? I'd take the guest room or something?“ For a moment she expected Ethan to pull his hand back or break eye contact or run off where she could not follow. She expected he'd tell her to go to hell for playing with his feelings and not letting him in without making every doorknob a razorwire that could lead to her heart. She thought he'd say something to turn her down, but instead, she saw his face light up brighter than it did when she accepted his proposal.
''You can have the master bedroom. I haven't slept there in months anyway.“ Ethan lifts her hand up, kissing the back of it tenderly – once, twice, three times as she shook her head with a fond smile.
''But I'd like you to be in the room too. I'm not sure I'd quite be comfortable with sharing a bed, but...I'm scared of being alone in case something happens and I can't get to you.“ She excused, knowing fully it's not entirely a lie, but it certainly wasn't the only reason why she wanted him there. In fact, she'd have asked him to share the bed too, but baby steps they've been taking have clearly been working and she feared they would run before learning to walk and how that might affect them.
''No problem! I'll have Grayson move a couch in and it's gonna be fine!“ Smiling like two very shy teenage kids, Ethan and Y/N looked at each other as if it were for the first time. Sure, they're both a little older and a little rougher around the edges now, but they like they're reintroduced to one another. It felt like a fresh start.
''Katie, sweetie...You have to let Y/N rest.“ Clara tried to talk her daughter into leaving Y/N's arm alone. The moment Ethan put her down on the bed, little Katie attached herself to her right arm and refused to let go.
''Katie, you know I'm okay, right? I'm not sick and I'm not going anywhere. You're just going to have three cousins to play with.“ Y/N spoke sweetly, her left hand running up and down Katie's back to soothe her worries.
''I'll be resting in my bed with ice cream a lot. I'd say it's a win-win situation after all.“ Exclaiming, Y/N giggled too in her desire to show she's truly doing better than it seems.
''Really? Can I have some too?“ Lifting her head, Grayson's big brown eyes meet Y/N's and she melts at the sight. Soon enough, she could have Ethan's big brown eyes stare at her from three different tiny humans and she couldn't wait for her fantasies to become reality.
''Of course! But for now, I really need my arm back.“ Chuckling, Y/N managed to get a smile on Katie's face and her arm back – a little colder and worn out though. As they walked out to leave her resting, Y/N took a moment to look around.
Ethan had taken care of everything. The walls were painted a different color – a gentle shade of purple, the curtains matching was probably Clara's doing, the bed was different too – from the actual bed to the mattress to the sheets. She thought it to be his way of cleansing the last of Bianca's spirit from the house, a way for him to tell her this was her room, her house, her husband.
''Everyone's gone and I have some awesome food in the kitchen. Full disclosure, I'll have to send photos of you eating to mom, both my grandma's and Clara, since they agreed it's the only way I can make them leave us alone for a while.“ Ethan sat beside her on the bed, his weight dipping the mattress toward him and her as well. She didn't mind when her thigh touched him, nor when his hand wrapped around hers on instinct. She was comfortable with him touching her. She craved his touch, his affection and loving kisses. She missed it all.
''You know my mother never liked you?“ Y/N begins and Ethan's eyes widen in shock and his jaw falls, leaving his mouth open.
''I THOUGHT SHE ADORED ME!“ Ethan exclaimed, a little too loudly for comfort but he genuinely couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Moving aside, Y/N lowered her head down on the pillow, patting the spot next to her for him to take.
''Yeah. When she met you, she told me you're a fuckboy and you'd ruin my life.''
Ethan laid on his side, chewing his bottom lip anxiously. ''I had no idea. I really thought your family loved me. Why'd you marry me then?“ He looked up at her with those big brown eyes that look so deeply into her own.
''You were a YouTuber then and she saw your Instagram page. I guess she was just worried about me. When I told her I think you're my forever, she never brought it up again. My dad loves you. He's still your number one fan.'' She tried to console, noticing his pensive look melt into a smile and she knew he wasn't as upset anymore.
A pause ensued, the two just looking at each other silently like there was a whole new level of closeness developing. Usually, they'd both look away and smile shyly, but neither of them wanted to miss anything – not a single moment of the beauty the other person possessed.
But there were some questions they both needed answers to and while Ethan got all of his about Edward and why he was no longer around almost immediately in the hospital, Y/N had been holding off out of fear of having Ethan change his mind about it all – about her.
''You never had sex with Bianca. True or not?“ She had heard it from her, and she had heard it from Grayson, but Ethan never said anything. He hadn't said a word about how far he went with that woman or how deep his feelings reached. Judging by the way his eyes fell to their hands for a moment, Y/N felt there might be some cause for concern.
Looking back up to her eyes, Ethan shook his head. ''No. But I won't lie to you and say I didn't try. Because I did. I just...Every time I touched her, I wanted it to be you. And I was painfully aware she's not. I didn't love her. I didn't even care about her or anyone at the time. You're the only one who crossed my mind and that's all I remember clearly. The rest was just...going through motions. I spent a lot of my time drunk or high and the first moment of clarity since you left was the moment I saw your head bleeding after you passed out.“
Nodding, she pressed her lips together as she narrowed her eyes at him ever so slightly.
''That day I left...when we were in bed, you were still telling me you love me. How real was that?“ Those whispers of his haunted her constantly. Not only was he whispering the sweetest proclamations of love as he thrusted into her so slowly, so affectionately like nothing else mattered in the world but their well-rehearsed dance, but it was also the last time he said it before everything fell apart. She felt haunted by that day, that morning in particular.
''My therapist said that it's remarkable how close and intimate we are as a couple. She said it's probably what kept my depression at bay for so long and how I managed to keep myself together. She quite literally called you my shield against the darkness. Apparently, an orgasm is better than antidepressants and those were also my moments of clarity – where I did and said exactly what I felt. It was real for me.“
Y/N tried not to smile at the analogy of being his shield against the dark. She tried so hard not to smile and let it be as obvious as it was that his words have definitely melted some of the lasting ice around her heart. Those words have chased away her fears and all she could see is him. He wasn't clouded by the ghosts of the past or tears she had shed in her agony. She could see Ethan Dolan and the vulnerable, honest eyes more clearly than ever before.
''When's the last time you had an orgasm?“ A ballsy question escaped her and her curiosity peaked when he closed his eyes and held his breath. He seemed mortified by her question as if she had asked something he'd rather never talk about. But before she could apologize and tell him this questions can be skipped, Ethan let the answer slip.
''With you. Almost eight months ago.“ Avoiding eye contact, Ethan turned on his back and looked up at the ceiling instead of Y/N. He felt his cheeks burn, embarrassed and a little humiliated by the fact.
''I'm a lot more fucked up than you think I am. I'm broken. My penis doesn't even work. Every day I hope and pray you'd let me in again, let me kiss you and hold you. But then I remember I can't satisfy you anymore and that scares the crap out of me. If I can't give you the pleasure and intimacy we used to have, how can I ever be with you?“
There's a moment between action and consequence, eternal and fleeting. It's when whatever you did has occurred but the reaction is yet to come. She knew no words could comfort him now. Ethan believed he was broken. He believed there wasn’t a way to fix him, that he was unworthy, somehow less manly. No words she speaks will change his mind, but actions would.
‘’Close your eyes.” She ordered, turning to her side as glanced at her, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pressed tightly together as if he was trying to figure her out.
‘’I don’t see why –“, He had started his overly defensive speech, but Y/N had a point to make.
‘’Do you trust me?” She cut him off, placing her right hand on his chest, right above his unnaturally fast heartbeat.
‘’With my life.” His response didn’t surprise her. The sweet, non-questioning tone he used had her heart speed up as well. He was always sexiest when he was unashamed to be real with her, even if he was as soft as Bambi when he did.
‘’Then please close your eyes for me and relax.” Nodding, Ethan closed his eyes and squirmed nervously as he awaited her next move. Y/N could be a little unpredictable, always. More often than not, Ethan had no way to assume what she’d do next and he certainly never thought that when his eyes closed, he’d feel her hand move from his chest to his abdomen – slowly, but with purpose. His eyes snapped open the very moment her fingers brushed his cock, feeling her touch despite the sweatpants and boxer briefs set in place. His hand grabbed onto her wrist instinctively and he looked back at her mischievous eyes and saw something he hadn’t in a long while. She knew all his fears and faults now, yet she still didn’t care or she simply didn’t understand.
‘’It won’t work. It just won’t.” He spoke in a rushed manner, relenting his hold on her wrist in fear of hurting her.
‘’Close your eyes and breathe. Can you do that for me?” She raised an eyebrow in expectation and while he didn’t think anything would come of it, he could at least relax and let her take a leap of faith she clearly needed. Ethan accepted his condition, assuming it’s either because of depression or antidepressants, but if she wanted to try something, he wouldn’t fight her on it. In fact, he thought it might bring them closer together and if a little embarrassment was all he needed to contribute to that, he’d do it.
Closing his eyes again, Ethan drew in a deep breath. His cheeks were burning, eyes desiring to open but refrained from doing so.
She took her time too. While she couldn’t really move much and sex would be out of the question regardless of the risky pregnancy, Y/N had something in mind. She let her fingers run along his cock slowly in brushing, feather-like manner. She made her movements deliberately slow and lazy and by the way his cock began to twitch, she knew he still reacted the same when she touched him.
Placing her palm over his clothed member, she continued her torturous moves, adding a little pressure to which Ethan’s mouth opened and shuddered breath escaped him. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration and she smiled.
His fingers clenched, suddenly needing to touch her seemingly soft and smooth skin, but he knew he couldn’t. In fact, he was afraid if he tried she would stop and the feeling she provided was divine, enough for him to resist. His heart drummed inside his ears, blood rushing to his lower region and he knew she would prove him wrong. She always did.
A low, deep moan spilled out of his mouth as her hand moved across his crotch skillfully, knowing exactly what he liked. But when she hooked her fingers into the waistband and pulled it down just enough to free his semi-hardened cock, Ethan had to open his eyes.
His blush intensified as his eyes fell on her hand, seeing precum at his tip and the satisfied smile on her lips as she licked them carefully. He shifted his gaze on her face, watching the red hues that adorned her cheeks, realizing she’s feeling shy about this too – it wasn’t just him.  It felt like their first time all over again when Ethan had managed to give her a concussion by throwing her on the bed, trying to fake confidence. How was he supposed to know she would bounce right off the bed and into the nightstand?
‘’Your eyes are opened.” She mumbled, lips pressing against his chin while her hand grabbed the base of his cock. His breath hitched in his throat as she began to stroke him, painfully slow. She felt him harden against her palm, relinquishing all control as he twitched in her hand, completely at her mercy.
‘’I wanted to remember this.”  Hearing a low groan from him that traveled all the way to her core, she picked up the pace. Ethan kept his eyes on her, intently watching as her hand pleasured him before shifting his eyes back to her face, noticing just how close she way. Swallowing emptily, he grabbed her wrist, stopping her stroking movements. It’s not like he didn’t want her to continue, but if he came then everything would end, and he wanted for this moment to last longer. He didn’t care if his cock was hurting, begging for release, he didn’t want for it to end.
‘’You want to remember when I proved your wrong? When I showed you weren’t broken? Because you’re not. You got a little lost Ethan, but you’re back on the right path and you need to trust me when I say that I’m doing all I can to light your way back home.
‘’Y-YES. That’s not all I want to remember. I just want to remember the moment you decided I was worth saving.’’
And she did because, after nearly eight months of being unable to get hard, Ethan got his release that night. But he got a lot more than just that. He had a piece of her back too. While she was ready to forgive, forgetting was a little harder to do, but she decided to fully open her heart for him again. She decided to take a chance on the man who had spent the night rubbing her back and peppering her face with kisses. She decided to let the past go and let him make things better, piece by piece.
However, just a week later, he had something else to worry about entirely.
‘’ETHAN?!” She screamed for him to wake, unable to reach the light on her own and while he wasn’t a heavy sleeper since they returned home, Ethan felt out of sorts as he jerked awake at her call.
‘’WHAT? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?!” He screamed as well, turning the light switches up to see better, but when he did, his eyes widened.
Tags: @melodiesforari @brittttneyyyy @beautorigin  @dolandolll @xalayx @godlydolans @heyits-claire @peacedolantwins @dolanstwintuesday @accalialionheart @ethanhes @lanadeldolans @ebbach-03 @dolangels  @xxaamzxx @cutestdolans @yaren-ates @dolansmith @vintagebitttch @primadolangirl @caqsicle @jjustjoy @justordinaryjen @graydolan12 @imaginashawnns @graysonslovie @fandomsfeministsandothershit @bdsmdolan @graysavant @ethanspillow @dopedoodes @anything-dolan  @sugarfootdolan @joyrivh @reblogserpent @luvdols​ @emiemille  @herewegoagainandagainandagain​ @adventureswithmell
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heathsbitch · 5 years
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Scenario: Tony and the reader are at one of his parties and the reader secretly jealous of all the girls that throw themselves at him. Reader ends up 'flirting' with Cap and to get Tony jealous.
Warning: Rough smut, unprotected sex, spanking, toy play, edging.
Word Count: 3762
The red haired woman pulled a sleek, black dress out of the closet. "What about this one?" Natasha questioned me. "I don't know, Nat. I don't want to seem like a slut." I thought the dress was too short and the slit that ran up the thigh was way too revealing.
"People won't think you're a slut, they'll think you're hot. Come on, try it on. For me, please." She gave me the puppy eyes. "Fine." I threw down my hands and snatched the dress from Nat's grasp. I disappeared into the bathroom to try the dress on.
It was so tight around my figure. It pulled in around my waist and showed off my form without exposing my flaws. I loved it. Nat always had good taste.
My hand reached for the knob of the door. As soon as I exited the room, a whistle came from my friend's mouth. A short giggle left my mouth and a blush crept onto my cheeks. "Tony'll definitely notice you now." She gave me a wink before she slipped out of the room, leaving me speechless.
My mind flooded with thoughts about the billionaire. He had caught my attention quite some time ago and I hadn't been confident enough to speak with him. Plus, the age difference did not help in the slightest. He was so attractive, for an older guy...
But there was something about the man, something in the way he spoke, in the way he held himself. Something so enticing and alluring. I was attracted to him like a moth to a flame and I just couldn't stop myself from thinking the most provocative things about the man.
There was one thing that never failed to get on my nerves, though. It was to be expected from a man as well off as him but it made my blood boil and bubble. It was the amount of women he attracted.
I know, it's ridiculous, considering the fact that I am one of the many unfortunate souls that had fallen into his trap. They flocked around him, surrounded him, smothered him. And he loved every moment of it.
But that was why I needed to wear something extra special that night. I needed to make sure that I caught his attention without seeming too desperate or slutty.
And that dress was perfect for it.
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Music echoed throughout the building. Bodies danced and grinded with each other. Laughter and the smell of alcohol filled the air. I was sat in a small group comprised of Steve, Sam, Nat and Bucky.
I was trying to keep myself distracted from the billionaire, but my mind kept coming back to him. My eyes drifted to the bar again, exactly where he was stood. His confidence shone around him, it was almost blinding.
But, as expected, girls flocked around him. Giggling, blushing. Every single one of them had tiny dresses on that barely covered them. "Y/N, don't stress," Nat whispered in my ear. I pulled my eyes off of Tony to give her a small smile. "Maybe you should try flirting with someone else. You know, to get his attention."
"I don't know, Nat. I shouldn't bother." She put her hand on my shoulder and returned my warm smile. Nat spun to look at Tony to check on him. I started talking to Steve, Sam and Bucky. I wasn't flirting with them, I was distracting myself.
"Y/N," Nat patted my arm. "He's looking right at you. Flirt with Steve. Just do it!" As soon as her words left her mouth, Steve had made a joke. It was quite terrible but I let out a flirtatious giggle anyway. 'Might as well try.'
Steve's eyes fell down to my cleavage as I laughed but they shot back up to my eyes within an instant. He thought I didn't notice but I did. My hand trailed up his bicep, resting gently just below his shoulder.
He raised his eyebrow at Nat. She briefly looked back at Tony to tell him why I was acting so strange all of a sudden. "Just go with it. Please, Steve." He showed me a toothy grin and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was almost sitting on his lap.
My eyes went back to Tony to see if he had noticed, and he had. The plan was going perfectly. His eyes were trained on me, not at the blonde clutched to his side. I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I continued to stare at the man.
He raised his hand at the girl next to him and placed his drink on the bar. Tony gradually make his way over to me, his dark eyes never leaving mine. "Hey, guys," He announced his presence as he stood behind Nat. "Y/N, come upstairs with me," his voice was lower than I'd heard in a while, sending a shiver down mt spine.
"Tony, why? I'm having fun with Steve." I teased. He licked his lower lips, as his arm slid around my waist as he yanked me off of Steve. "Did it sound like I was asking?" He hummed in my ear.
I swallowed, hating the puddle that had formed between my legs, from just that single sentence. He was silent for a moment before the corners of his lips twitched slightly. I didn't have the chance to blink before he had turned away from me and faced his crowd of guests, "Sorry everyone! Party's over! Please find your way out."
My mouth fell open as I watched everyone stare at him in shock, but he had already turned to face me with a devilish smile. He didn't hesitate to grab my waist, pulling me up and hauling me over his shoulder.
"Tony!" I squealed, "What the hell are you doing?" He ignored me, continuing to walk through the hallway, ignoring the confused looks from a few guests that passed us. "Tony..." I mumbled again, hating the excitement that bumbled through me as he slammed the door of his room loudly.
He threw me down onto the bed. His dark frame coming over me as he watched me with hooded eyes. "Everyone's probably pissed," I mumbled, my gaze flickering from his eyes to his lips. "Don't care," he smirked, leaning down to me, "I want you all to myself."
I wanted to respond, but my words got lost against his lips, his warm mouth coming down to capture mine. I moaned into him, my hands immediately locking behind his neck and gripping the curls at the base.
He groaned, his hands wrapping around my arms and bringing them down as he pulled away from me. My eyes opened immediately, confusion running through me, "Wh-"
"You really think I'm going to let you touch me after the way you behaved, sweetheart?" He tutted, lightly kissing my hands as he separated from my body and walked over to his dresser. I watched in anticipation as he pulled out a black tie. My eyes widened, I didn't even know he owned one.
He was back to me in seconds, his hands gripping mine and bringing them over my head. "What are you doing?" I mumbled, as he began to fasten my wrists to his bedpost. "Punishing you." My body trembled at his words, a rush of arousal spread through me.
"Don't look so excited, sweetheart," he hummed; tightening the grip on my hands as he made sure it was perfect. I licked my lips as he looked back down at me, "Why?"
"Because you're not supposed to enjoy this," his hand trailed over my cheek as his eyes dilated, "You've been very bad, flirting with Rogers." I hummed, relishing in the way his touch felt on my skin, "I didn't mean to – to make you mad..."
I bit my lip innocently as his hand cupped my chin, lightly squeezing my cheeks together, "You didn't think I would get mad at the thought of someone else fucking you?"
An accidental moan flew out of me. I loved when he swore. The words sounded too crude and dirty coming from his pretty mouth. "I wasn't going to sleep with him," I tilted my head, trying to see how far I could rile him up, angry Tony was a real turn-on, "It was just innocent fun." I didn't know where my confidence was coming from.
He practically growled, his grip on my jaw tightening, "I don't like sharing." The confidence had gone almost as quickly as it appeared. My eyes practically rolled back as he pressed his lips to mine again, his hands traveling down to grip my hips as he pushed himself against me.
The kiss was rougher than I was used to. More urgent and hasty, our teeth knocking against each other as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I was not expecting him to be like that. But, I loved every second. I shivered as his large digits slipped under my dress, traveling all the way up to my stomach.
I whined as I craved touching him, the fastens preventing me from doing so. Tony's chest rumbled against me as he took two handfuls of fabric from my dress, and pulled. Practically ripping it in half, exposing your lace, covered chest.
"Tony!" I gasped, but he ignored me. Not letting me separate my lips. His hands were quick to unclasp my  bra, throwing it off the bed in mere seconds. I trembled as his hands traveled over my chest, taking my boobs into his large hands and massaging lightly.
I threw my head back as he began kissing down my jaw, my neck, my collarbone.
He took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue traveling over the sensitive skin as my back arched off the bed. My wrists were beginning to burn as I pulled further and further from the bedposts, trying to get as close to him as possible.
"Tony..." I said again, feeling him smirk against me as he continued his assault, licking and sucking until my tits were sore. "Please." I wanted him lower. I wanted him to see how much he affected me, how much my body craved his.
"No, sweetheart," he shook his head as a mischievous smile formed, "No talking unless it's my name." My eyes widened at his request but I nodded nonetheless, eager to see what he had planned next.
My panties were the next to go, the cold room chilling your core as Tony opened my legs, exposing my wetness to him. "Oh my," he moaned and soon he was lost in me. He started off slow, kisses traveling up and down my thighs as he gripped them to ensure I couldn't close them.
"Tony!" I squeaked, as his flushed lips finally touched my sensitive bud. He kissed it a few times, before settling down, sucking on it lightly. My eyes fluttered shut, pleasure coursing through me. A sharp slap hit your inner thigh, my shocked gaze settling on the smirking man between my legs.
"Eyes open sweetheart," he demanded, "Want you to see who's making you feel good." I whined as his words, my wrists hurting again as I ached to touch him. He was back to teasing, not about to forgive me for my slip up. He ran his tongue over my slit, my legs twitching as he held them down tighter. He brought a hand up, his fingers separating my folds.
"Such as pretty pussy," he mumbled, leaning closer to kiss it again. But that wasn't what I needed, "Fingers, please." I felt him grumble against me as he slapped my thigh again, "What did I say, sweetheart?"
I didn't get a chance to reply, his warm body separating from me again as he leaned over to the nightstand. I felt excitement rush through me, I knew what he was reaching to get.
But he pulled out something completely different. A small, pink orb rested in his large hands.
"You've been so naughty," he tutted, coming back to me, situating himself between my thighs again, "What happened to my sweet girl?" I wanted to respond, wanted to tell him I was a good girl. His girl. Always his. But he had flipped the switch on the orb, pressing it to my bud, the vibrations spreading through me, making me unable to respond.
"I think I haven't punished you enough," he smirked, winking at me as I tried to calm my breathing, still struggling against the restraints on my wrists. He bit his lip as he slowly pushed a finger into me, making me hiss as the pleasure increased.
"I don't think you deserve to cum yet," he hummed, making my eyes widen as I moaned, "Tony..." He shook his head, "I think three times should be enough."
I shook my head, my legs shaking as he added another finger, beginning to pump faster. I knew he meant to edge me three times, before finally letting me release. I wanted to cry, my mind hazy as I felt myself near my high.
I clenched around his fingers, ready to explode, when it stopped. I whined as he removed the orb and his fingers, bringing his digits up and slipping them into his mouth, sucking softly, "So fucking sweet."
I threw my head back, my chest rising as I sighed, trying to contain the anger pulsing through me. "Don't be mad, sweetheart," he bent over me, his hands coming up to lift my chin back up to him, forcing me to look at his teasing eyes, "You did this to yourself."
I pouted, not wanting to say anything in fear of upsetting him further. I wasn't usually an obedient person, but there was something about Tony that made me submit to him, let him ravish me whole.
He kissed me softly. His tongue traveled around me, exploring me until my head was spinning. I almost hated the effect he had over me. His fingers found my folds again as I moaned into his mouth. He slipped his digits back inside me as he began to pump, his other arm wrapping around my waist to bring me flush against his chest.
"This pussy is mine. No one else's."
I moaned as he continued, "Only I can touch you like this. Only I can fuck you until the only thing you know is my name, understand?" My mind was so hazy from the pleasure that I could only nod, my body trembling as he quickened his pace.
"I said do you understand, sweetheart?"
"Y – yes," I squeaked out, "I understand."
"Say it," he growled, his grip on my waist tightening.
"This pussy is yours. Only yours."
"Damn right."
His lips were back on mine, another heated kiss overtaking me as I melted into him. He had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it. I could feel the familiar sensation spread through me as he pulled tighter against his tie, wanting to wrap my fingers in his curls as I came.
Tony could sense that I was close, his fingers never slowing as he brought me closer to my release. I moaned his name loudly, my legs beginning to shake again as I pulled on the fabric around my wrists.
Tony's thumb was on my clit, trying to rub it as his fingers continued their assault. I screamed, the edge so close and suddenly my hands snapped free. The tie ripping as my wrists broke from the restraints.
My eyes widened as his movements suddenly halted. "I'm sorry," I whispered as his narrowed eyes fell on you.
"No, you're not."
I bit my lip, knowing that he was right. But I couldn't help but wonder if he wanted this to happen. He could have tied it tighter if he wanted.
"I'm not," I nodded in agreement.
He gripped my hips, flipping my body until I was face down on the bed. I squealed as he slapped my ass, lifting me so I was on my hands and knees before him. He bent over my body, his chest pressing into my back as he leaned toward my ear, "Then I'm going to have to fuck you until you are."
I shivered at his words, my teeth digging into my bottom lip as I waited in anticipation.
His movements were agonizingly slow, his chest separating from me as he straightened up behind me. I could hear him unzip his pants, the bustle behind me indicating that he had stripped as well. I wanted to turn around, wanted to see him in his naked glory. Wanted to touch him, but I knew he wouldn't allow it, so I waited patiently.
Everything was still for a moment, until I felt it.
My head fell back as I felt his cock sliding through your folds, teasing me slowly. "Tonyy..." I whimpered, shaking my ass slightly as I heard him hiss behind me, grabbing my hips to steady me.
"You need to learn some patience, baby."
I flinched as he slapped my ass, my body igniting as the slight pain spread through me. I wanted him. I wanted him bad. "Please fuck me," I couldn't stop myself from begging, needing him inside me, "Please Tony, need you. Need your thick cock. No one else can fuck me like you. Need you to cum inside me. Please Ton–"
He didn't let me finish, his cock slipping into me, filling me to the brim as we both released loud moans. He stayed still for a moment, his fingers digging into my hips as he slowly slid out before slamming inside again.
He set an agonizing pace, my head spinning as I tried to control my breathing. He slowly began to move faster, his balls slapping against my ass as he rammed into me, the satisfying sound making me groan.
He slapped my ass again as my eyes shut, a single tear escaping from the overwhelming sensation. I fell onto my elbows as I stuck my butt out, unable to stabilize myself with the immense pleasure. "Who's making you feel this good?" He grunted as he began moving faster, his cock ramming into me at an ungodly speed.
"Y – you are."
"Say my name." He took a handful of my ass, kneading it in his grip, "Say it."
"Tony!" I shouted, my voice hoarse from all the sounds I was making. He seemed to pick up the pace, one of his hands wrapping around to my front, latching to my sensitive bud as he quickly massaged it.
"Tony!" I repeated, my legs trembling as I felt myself reach my climax. "That's right, sweetheart," his voice was tight, "Let everyone in the tower hear who's fucking you this good."
I was a stuttering mess, unintelligible sounds leaving my lips. "You close baby?" He groaned, his fingers moving faster. I nodded, my head spinning as I felt his dick twitch inside me. I silently prayed he would let me cum, my toes curling as I almost reached that point.
"Come on then, baby," his pace was relentless, never slowing, "Cum with me." I fell apart at his words, my legs shaking as I screamed. The tightness of my cunt triggered his release, his cock squirting into me as he filled me with his seed.
We were a panting mess as we both fell onto the sheets, our sweaty bodies entangled, his dick still inside me. We both lay still for a few moments until he separated from me, his cock sliding out, his juices dripping out of me.
I whined at the feeling, suddenly feeling empty. He grabbed the towel he kept at his bedside and slipped it between my legs, cleaning me out slowly. I hummed, my eyes closed as I relished in his gentle movements.
He threw the towel into the hamper once he was done, his arms wrapping around my waist to turn me into him. I  opened my eyes, smiling lazily, loving the flush on his face after he came.
"I love the way you look after I've fucked you," he whispered, leaning forward to press a small kiss to my forehead. "Why were you flirting with Rogers?" He questioned out of nowhere.  I exhaled, my mind racing a million miles a minute, "I was jealous."
I could feel him tense against me, "W–why?" I shrugged, "Because I'm an idiot. And I couldn't stand all those prissy sluts flocking around you."
"You're not an idiot."
"Yes I am," there was no turning back now.
"Please look at me, Y/N."
I shook my head, biting my lip as I attempted to compose yourself.
"Please, sweetheart."
My heart clenched at the pet name. This was probably the last time I were to hear it. I obeyed, my gaze flickered up to meet his smiling face. 'Why was he smiling?'
"I have feelings for you. Have for a while – probably since you joined the team."
"Why," I swallowed, "Why didn't you–"
He chuckled lightly, "I'm an idiot."
I rolled my eyes lightly, relishing in the look on his face as he watched me, "You're not an idiot." I giggled lightly as his expression, his lips capturing mine, effectively silencing me.
I moaned into the kiss. It was slower than I was used to. So gentle, soft, like we were both exploring new territory. He pulled away after a few seconds, his forehead resting against mine as he gazed down at you softly.
"Does this make me your  idiot?
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