#sorry this isn't a real comic i'm tired
stonelions · 5 months
i was thinking the other day how we tend to draw cas and dean (correctly tbh) like
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but in doing so we are betraying another fundamental dynamic of theirs which is more like,
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rootbeerrex · 6 months
Jason and Bruce's first encounter in Batman #408 is blatantly mischaracterized so often that I have to do a double take every time I see anyone talking about it. I would like to say before I get into this that there's nothing wrong with disregarding canon, but you gotta know what you're disregarding or you just completely ignore the important character dynamics that are set up.
First of all, Bruce didn't see Jason stealing his tires and say "oh yeah, I'm adopting this kid." Yes, he did think it was funny and end up getting invested in Jason's life, but he had no intention to adopt or even interact with Jason again. He sends Jason to Ma Gunn's school, hoping that Jason can get an actual education and have a successful life.
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People like to claim that Bruce was just lonely after Dick left and so he replaced him with the first kid he saw, and if you assume that Bruce just grabbed Jason off the streets after their first meeting, that seems pretty damning. but he DIDNT. he didn't initially want to make Jason Robin, he just wanted Jason to have a good life and get out of Crime Alley. (don't get me wrong, I still think it's fucked up that he made Jason Robin and failed to communicate with him about what that really meant and made him feel like he had to live up to Dick perfectly, but if we're gonna critiquing Bruce, we're gonna do it accurately.) He didn't even plan on interacting with Jason again in any meaningful way until he finds out that Jason isn't going to Ma Gunn's, and Jason explains that it's not a real school.
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And after that he STILL doesn't make any decisions. It's not until after Jason tries to stop the heist at the museum completely separately from Batman that Bruce even takes in Jason himself.
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And yeah, I really don't like the way he did this, but the narrative that Bruce just scooped Jason up off the streets because he wanted a new Robin is just straight up inaccurate. Yeah, I can totally admit that he probably felt at least a little lonely with Dick's absence and that affected his decision, but I think more importantly he saw himself in Jason and made his decision based on that.
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The same way he recognized Dick's trauma with witnessing his parents' deaths, he recognized Jason's here. Do I think letting these kids fight crime is the best way to handle this trauma? of course not! but as explained earlier, he didn't originally intend to make Jason robin. And even more than that, these are comics, they don't have to be good choices that would be okay in the real world!
Okay anyway I forgot what my other points were and I just spent an hour writing this out and finding the panels, so uh here. Sorry I went on a little bit of a rant here.
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melissa-kenobi · 9 months
Which One?
[PS5 Peter Parker x Reader]
A/N: hii, i know I've been so inactive on here :( and I'm sorry anyways I absolutely adore PS5 Spidey and have been wanting to write for him, so here we go xx
Summary: Peter is forced to make a choice.
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"MJ! Where's-? Harry..." Peter says breathlessly as he watches MJ sat opposite what used to be his best friend. Her face scared for whatever it was Harry had planned.
"Pete... you look tense." Harry smirks as he reaches out with a tendril. "Coffee?"
"We need to talk." Peter says as he glances between MJ and Harry.
"Ah-ah, not yet. We're still waiting on one more person. Your girlfriend." Harry says your name with a grin on his face. A tendril sneaks around MJ, pulling a seat out for Peter to sit down. "Sit. She's not here yet."
"No. Harry, you leave her out of this!" Peter says, fists clenched, but takes a seat. "She's got nothing to do with this. It's between you and me. Let her and MJ go."
Harry ignores Peter. "You must get tired, making the world a better place every... single day! But I can help. All you have to do is let me."
MJ glances at Harry, her face worried for her best friend, "Harry, this isn't you!"
"Wrong! This is the real me." Harry says almost comically, his eyebrow furrowing as he looked at Peter. He stands up, pushing the table away as he looks at Peter with fury.
The keys in the door rattle as it squeaks open and you walk in, face flushed almost as if you'd ran over here. "Hey Pete- I got your text, what hap-?" You were cut off as you took in the scene before you.
"Harry?" You say equally shocked and surprised that he was here. "I- I didn't know you were back- Pete you never mentioned it."
You quickly scan the room as you notice MJ sat in the corner. Peter, in his Spidey suit, sat next to her, jaw locked in anger as he looked at you hopelessly. MJ looked scared out her mind as she looked at you, then back to Harry, praying you would help them.
"Coffee?" Harry asks as he walks over to you, gently guiding you to sit next to him as he pours you some coffee. "We were having a lovely little chat about Peter sharing some of the load."
Peter's fist clenched in anger as he watched Harry touch you. "Don't do this Harry."
"Do what Pete?" Harry asked, lips turning into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow curiously. His hands placed on your shoulders as he gently pushed you to sit down. "I'm making her a coffee. Sugar, darling?"
"Oh, no thank you." You say, making eye contact with Pete opposite as you gently lifted your taser to show him. You watched as Peter's eyes widened and he tried to shake his head. Harry stands behind you, hands on your shoulders as he speaks. You shuffle forward awkwardly feeling very uncomfortable but Harry pulls you back gently.
"Peter, I finally have the power to realize our vision. Are you... giving up on me?" Harry says he tilts his head, eyes watching Peter as he stood up. Peter's eyes flicker between you and Harry.
"Harry..." Peter begins slowly, "We have to get that thing off you-"
The table in front of you snaps in half as you watch MJ shriek, standing up next to Peter. You breathe heavily as you watch the black tendril enlarge on the table, your eyes widen as it slithers over your body and back to Harry. Peter looked to MJ, to you then to Harry.
"Do not." Harry growls, both hands turning into black tendrils, holding the back of your chair tighter. "Call us a thing."
You whimper as the tendrils move closer to your neck. You clutch the taser tightly as you look at your boyfriend, "Peter..."
Within seconds, you rip out of the tendrils grip, out of Harry's grip, and shove the taser into his abdomen, activating it. You felt the buzz of it rebound as Harry and the Symbiote screech in agony.
The gun drops to the ground as you watch the Symbiote hiss. It's slimey tendrils grab the chair and throw it in the air in anger, before reaching for you. In an instant, Peter throws his webs out, pulling you to him just as the chair breaks where you previously were. Peter holds you against him, clutching you tightly as if his life depended on it.
"Harry..." Peter begins.
"We are not Harry." Harry growls, as his body begins to transform. The tendrils swirl around him, enveloping his body as he begins to grow. Harry's body gone as a menacing creature took its place, a creature manifested with a fanged mouth, teeth as sharp as blades and a tongue that looked as grotesque as the rest of it.
You could hear MJ's heavy breathing as her eyes grew at the sight of the Symbiote.
"We. Are. VENOM."
Harry's voice was mixed in with the symbiote before it completely took over. The Symbiote snarled as Peter pushed you and MJ behind him, arms out to protect the two of you. MJ grabbed your arm in case you needed to run.
Venom aimed a tendril at Peter, hitting him straight in the chest as you and MJ failed to pull him out the way. The three of you flew into the kitchen, Peter stuck in the wall, MJ on the table and you sprawled on the floor. You heard Venom's footsteps move closer as you crawled on the ground trying to find a weapon or something but was pulled back as Venom grabbed your leg, pulling you towards him.
You screamed in terror for Peter as you were dragged across the floor. Venom held you in the air by your leg before going after MJ.
"No!" You screamed as you tried to punch Venom, your attempts futile as he wrapped another tendril around your arms, holding you by your throat as you screamed, "Pete!"
MJ screamed as Venom went after her, grabbing her by the neck and holding her in front of him just as Peter burst out of the wall and screamed your name.
"Y/N!" Peter ran into the living room, his eyes landing on yours as he saw you and MJ on either side of Venom, both being held by your throats as you squirmed in his grip. "MJ!"
Venom snarls as his tongue swirls around your face, mouth widening in a mocking grin.
"Don't." Peter warns as he listens to the sound of yours and MJ's terrified screams.
"Choose..." Venom hissed as he squeezed MJ's throat tighter, making her scream.
"MJ!" Peter called out as he took a step forward only to have Venom growl lowly at him to keep back.
"Is that your choice? You'd let your girlfriend di-"
"No!" Peter screams in agony, arms reaching out to try and grab you. "No- no, don't do this! Don't make me choose- please?"
The Symbiote snarls in annoyance, "Pick. Now!"
"Take me, take me instead. You want me, not them! Take me! Let them go Harry..." Peter's eyes dart between the two of you, not wanting to lose either of you.
"You won't pick? Fine. I'll do it for you." Venom snarls as he throws MJ to the ground, engulfing her in his black tendrils. Her screams muffled as she is transformed into something else.
"Let her go!" Peter demands but MJ is already under his control, MJ now gone and another Symbiote in her place,"MJ!"
"Show him what he's missing..." Venom smirks as he takes a step back to admire his work.
"Peter!" You scream as Venom wraps his arms around you, gripping you against his chest as he holds you tightly.
"You can't have them!" Peter screams panicked as he throws a web to grab you but is cut off by MJ, who jumps in and rips it away, grinning at Peter.
"Too late! He's already got us." MJ snarls as she signals to Venom to go. Venom takes one look at Peter before jumping through the roof, taking you with him.
"Pete- Peter! No! No-" Your voice drowns out as you watch Peter's attempts to save you fail, as MJ thrawts each one.
Pt 2???
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atopfourthwall · 1 year
Geez Louise that was an aggressive response. I wasn't advising you on how to make everyone stop teasing you, mid level youtubers will always have jerks. I was talking about a proven method to deal with it in a healthy way- judging from your response alone I felt you needed. Think of its this way: you made that comic 17 years ago. Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with? But up to you, best of luck.
You're absolutely right it's an aggressive response. Maybe it was an unwarranted one... but your message was frankly unserious and unoriginal. Because your "proven method" is horseshit. "If you let people bully you, they'll stop bullying you." That's what you're recommending - be good natured about people insulting me. It is in fact not healthy to sit there and bear it and pretend I'm okay with it. I was quiet about it for a year or two before I finally started pushing back on it. I was miserable and it was affecting my mental health. They kept doing it - some because they honestly did not realize it upset me (and again, that's who the thread is for and I repeat - speaking out about is what got people to stop). But the other ones? "Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with?" Here is what you need to understand and I don't think you do: THESE PEOPLE DON'T FUCKING LIKE ME. They don't like my face. They don't like my voice. They don't like my show. They don't like my sense of humor. They don't like my hat. They don't like that I'm liberal. They don't like that I support LGBT+ people. They don't like that I analyze Power Rangers. They don't like me when I'm happy. They don't like me when I shout. They don't like me when I'm successful. They don't like that I was part of Channel Awesome. They don't like that I'm NOT part of Channel Awesome. They don't like my friends. They don't like me streaming. They don't like me criticizing truly awful people. They don't like when I don't dance to their little nickname. They. Don't. Like. Me. I am a joke to them - a clown, a living meme that they can throw my name out and it's an automatic laugh. I am not a person to them with thoughts and feelings and something that can be hurt. I am only real to them because they think I'm pathetic and they want to bully someone that they think is more pathetic than them. They do not and never will respect me. They see me as the guy who invented Lightbringer 17 years ago. That's it. That is all I will ever be to them... if I'm lucky, because these are the same kind of people who will try to find ANY weakness, anything that's slightly embarrassing I've said or done as a weapon... or just make up complete bullshit to attack me and make that into more memes against me, too. And the fact that you just refer to it as "teasing" me shows everything I need to know, frankly. Because that's all that it is to you - not something that was hurting me. Not something that was affecting my mental health. Not something that I respectfully ask people to stop doing because it makes me uncomfortable. Hell, your original message said I was "constantly" doing it. Two threads a couple years apart with a smattering of me asking one-on-one "Hey, can you not do this? It's actually intended as an insult." The assholes doing it to be assholes just get a block, because why the fuck would I try to engage with them? So yeah, if I'm aggressive in my response, I'm sorry, but your way is NOT healthy. Maybe my way isn't the right way for everyone, sometimes it CAN make things worse... but that's not the case for me and I get tired of bad advice from people who think they understand what's going on.
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investingestincest · 8 months
I don't know if i can ever forgive antis for running so many artists off the internet because they found them gross. There are so many artists that come to mind but one that sticks with me the hardest is Columbo who was literally ran off Twitter for the most vile reason. I often see tiktok artists redraw that one Monster fanart of Johan and Nina that Columbo made. This was what pushed me to watch the anime in the first place and I get so sad when I remember what happened. They deliberately tried to ruin the artist's life and outed them knowing that this could get them killed. They wanted them DEAD over DRAWINGS. The length some would go to ruin someone's life is terrifying and so fucked up.
Don't even get me started on doxxing. At what point in your sorry little life do you decide to dig someone's private info and leak it to the whole world. And still claim to be more righteous than another ?
Not to mention those who harmed themselves or committed suicide because of harrassment.
I remember how a 13yo artist on twitter committed suicide because of the harrassment they faced (Not proship related). You know what those bastards did ? Went to their last post and filled it with nothing but mockery. They were editing the comic to make amogus jokes. A 13yo child.
I blocked and reported over 700 and yet there was still more. I've never felt so sick in my entire life. They had just gotten the confirmation that they pushed a child to suicide and their immediate reaction was to laugh about it. They killed a child and they laughed ?
This isn't even the first time this happened and I think that's pretty much what made me realize that antis (or just internet fiends in general) didn't actually give a shit about anyone else or the content that they "hate" in general, they just use it as an excuse to show how vile they truly are because what sane person would do that ? Instead of blocking and moving on, you put someone's life in danger for a fucking drawing ? For what, an ounce of validation from strangers ? Is this what it takes for these fuckers to ruin someone's life ? Validation from online strangers ? Laughing with your online friends about how you ruined someone's life, with others who'd probably do the same to you without a second thought if they deem you as problematic in their mind ? This is seriously all it takes ? Their moral backbone is as real as the fictional character they try so hard to defend.
Do you really think that the fictional character will appear in your living room one day and thank you for ruining someone else's life ? It baffles me how they think the internet is a lawless barren land where you can do whatever. Like this won't have consequences ? This isn't the 90s, your information and everything that you post is preserved in archives and can be dug up if you end up getting prosecuted. Besides, if someone finds out about what you did, reports you and you end up in court, what do you tell the judge ? That you were "only trying to protect a fictional character from the icky proship pedos on twitter" do these guys even hear themselves sometimes ? I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit man...
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forgottenspring · 7 months
Mild rant on Alastor bc I'm tired.
*takes deep breath*
I was going to stay out of this so rip to my inbox.
Does anybody remember the whole ace doxing list on here? The whole discussion of not shipping gay characters with the opposite gender? The rep for pan/bi representation and the steps to do it right? Does anybody remember when ppl on here discussed how aros and aces aren't a part of the queer community bc they're not 'gay enough' in a way? Bc I do. That was about a decade ago. And I remember when Alastor was first introduced in the pilot and ppl not accepting he was aroace back then.
It doesn't matter if Alastor is entirely aroace and if he's capable of dating or not.
What matters is we still have so little ace representation and acceptance, especially aroace rep, that a few years ago when a real person Jaiden Animations came out as aroace, ppl tried to destroy her, bc even with a perfect valid explanation of her just saying aroaces are their own thing and she just doesn't want to date, ppl treated it like she was lying or was trying to sneak into the queer community and was straight or all the other horrible things yall might remember "fans" did to her.
Alastor being aroace isn't about being the rep of "Aroaces can feel attraction!!!" bc be real honest.
How many aroace popular characters can ppl list that a regular person on the street is going to know? Bc I've heard all their arguments to invalidate their representation.
Jughead? Oh you mean Cole Sprouse who made out and got it on with Lili Reinhart playing Betty bc he found her sexy? Oh but in the old comics he's a gay character whose in denial. Yelena Boleva? Who? Oh that woman? She's hot she's just traumatized and needs to find the right person. Charlie Weasley? Oh he was only in the books? He was confirmed as aroace through a passive comment most ppl didn't know about from the author that never used the term? Luffy? You mean one of the most shipped characters in One Piece? No he's just an idiot/childish so he doesn't understand girls are pretty. Caduceus Clay? Sorry I didn't watch Critical Role whose that? Are you sure he's aroace? He feels gay to me.
I can list more ppl, but I'm sure most ppl couldn't.
I remember the whole discussion of the pan/bi representation argument of "Yes! We know pan/bi ppl can date the opposite gender. But straight ppl don't know about pan/bi nearly at all or don't accept it," so showing it as gay, who know the term more, until it's shown clearly the character is queer and not "confused straights" they then can have opposite gender attraction. Bc sooooo many pan/bi characters end up "straight" at the end of their show/book. Bc I remember when ppl refused to accept that Deadpool is pan bc of his wife and started freaking out when he dated a nonbinary person in the comics or helped that one genderqueer person he knew.
Representation is about showing to ppl what they're not understanding about the identity in the plainest sense of the words of the identity, then when there's enough rep to show they're not all the same, then you can have the ones that break the rules.
Alastor whether or not he wants to date doesn't matter. What matters is this whole situation blew out of proportion bc ppl refused to accept that some ppl don't feel comfy shipping him. Bc they see themselves in him and don't want that. BUT! Also ppl under the aro and ace umbrella also have no rep and wanted to see him breaking the stereotype they probs have yelled at them of "You can't have a partner you're aroace I forbid it" and wanted to see thru their own experiences how that would be done.
Here's the problem.... As someone who has read a lot of aroace headcanon fanfics as an aroace....... A lot of ppl who are allo don't realize aroace "crushes" are missing emotions... That's why they're aroace. And they'll write them like they're the same just "muted" or "needs to warm up" kinda thing. Or make the character's love "childish" to explain the lack of romance/sex. Which is messed up. And that's the problem here.
Alastor didn't need to be this blown out of proportion of a situation. The problem is ppl found him sexy and the classic "But aroace hot, they can't be aroace bc why hot?" discussion got brought back up without the gentle post format discussions and instead it was a lot of shippers on tiktok with tiny word counts arguing a complex issue.
Ppl should be allowed to ship whatever (except problematic I know yall too well), especially if they see themselves in the characters and especially if they have the same identity and want to explore that!!
The truth of the matter is this is such a huge issue that just keeps happening bc ppl are too used to fandom queer spheres where ppl already know aroace means "off the table" and so they want to play with qprs or grayromantics/sexuals not knowing what that entails bc there's sooooo lil aroace rep that actually explores being aroace and a lot of ppl don't know the basics, and even how very different aroace "off the table" is when you aren't the classic "uwu I'm just innocent and have no friends or importance to the plot so just ignore me and have me be adopted by one of the main couples as a 'kid' figure."
Not to mention that a lot of ppl still think ace means aroace. That aces can't date bc there's ppl who don't know that romantic and sexual attraction are different!
I'm just.... So tired. So very tired of having ppl shout at me what it means to be aroace and being unable to look up the lil aroace rep we have bc of this issue I've seen a million times is all.
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donnerpartyofone · 1 year
I think the real reason I'm so bothered by the homogenizing effect fandom communities have had on this site is that Tumblr just isn't that weird anymore. By and large I see people imitating the standard behaviors and expressive techniques of their main fandom, or people doing a bit, and finding individuals and eccentrics takes more digging than it used to (like 10 years ago). I was just remembering this time, years ago, when I was worrying heavily about what to do with my life. I posted about how badly I needed to quit my horrible job, and I never wanted to do another job like it, but it was the only kind of thing I looked qualified to do. I didn't feel that going back to school was an option for me, for various reasons; to commit to that amount of debt (in both money and time), I would have to pick something I was absolutely sure of, and I didn't have anything like that in mind, besides I was kind of a lousy student the first time around. So I posted this whole thing where I was just feeling really sorry for myself, and out of nowhere some complete stranger left this incredibly rude and hostile comment basically about what a fucking bitch I was for suggesting that older people can't do anything. I might have been in my mid-30s at the time, I wasn't implying that I was "old", and I was so explicitly reflecting on my personal circumstances, there was nothing in it that could be construed as saying "only teenagers and college kids matter, after that you're worthless." I couldn't even figure out how this person found me, I'd never heard of them in my life. So I went to their blog, and it's this middle-aged woman doing one of the worst comics I've ever seen. It was like a really crummy version of a lefty, bohemian free paper comic from the '90s. I wish I could remember what it was called, but it starred a Superwoman-type figure whose super power was Having Emotions, because the world was taken over by men, represented as robots, and as we all know men have No Emotions, so they can only be defeated by the extreme emotions of womanliness. It was totally incredible. I can't remember the last time I had an encounter with a freak like that on here, now I spend all my time blocking porn bots and also innocent strangers just because Tumblr keeps surfacing their anonymous homogenous fan content to me and I'm tired of seeing it.
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froggyphycosis · 9 months
Sleepless nights and something handcrafted
Fic based on a headcannon by @turtleblogatlast which is here (might contain spoilers so I'll link it at the end aswell if you want to read it after)
Pretty much all of Leo's comics are destroyed from the Kraang and Shredder so he has to read them all digitally. Mikey finds out and does somthing about it.
5899 words
Uhhhhh tw's and cw's real qiuck
panic attacks
Implied/refferences to death (in a dream though nothing serious or majorly descriptive)
And characters being in pain
Eughhhh that sounds bad but I swear this fic is hurt/COMFORT so
(if there's anything in forgetting to tag let me know please!!)
It's quiet, and calm.
Its reached that rare lull in the lair where everyone is off to do there own thing peacfully without another brother to cause chaos or niose along with them.
And suddenly, (and not at all surprisingly) Mikey finds himself bored, lying in his hammock and to tired to do anything and lonely without the immediate proximity to one of his older brothers.
It's an achievement if anything, it's the first time since the invasion that there hasn't been anything to do, no medical checkups to take care of, no panic attacks to be had... Just peace.
No one is actively dying, the chores are done, hes already cooked dinner (dad had even joined them aswell! He'd been doing that more often since the invasion, it warmed Mikey up a little on the inside he liked it when dad ate dinner with them and secretly hopes he keeps doing it).
So what does Mikey do then? he already knows he's gonna seek out one of his brothers, but who....
Well Donnie is busy in his lab right now using really loud machinery, and as much as Mikey *loves* sitting and drawing in the lab with him, it would be to loud to concentrate on anything.
He could go and hangout with Raph.... but he's training, trying incredibly hard to acclimate to the lack of sight in his right eye, and Mikey doesn't want to interrupt that.
So that means.... he can hang out with Leo!
Great! The portal duo for the win! He thinks triumphantly. Mikey can't think of anything that Leo could be doing right now. He knows that Leo isn't out with Usagi, since he went out with him before dinner, and he probably wouldn't have gone to April's without texting the group chat first...
So he's definitely free!
Mikey hops up from his hammock with more excitement than is probably necessary, and skips his way to Leo's room.
"LEO!" he shouts, slamming the door open with his foot, and happily watching as Leo jumps out of his shell.
"FU-JESUS Mike what in the all living HELL do you want??"
"The fuck do you mean company??"
"I'm like, reaaaaaaaaal bored right now, so I need a sibling to fill that void! And I'm obviously picking you!" he doesn't move from where he's standing, because if Leo is actually doing something he doesn't want to be interrupted from, Mikey will leave.
But just as he thought, (and maybe kind of planned) Leo rolls his eyes affectionately, switches his tablet to one hand and holds out his arm, Mikey doesn't need anymore encouragement than that, he dives into the bed and cuddles himself right up into Leos side.
"Sooooooo what'cha doin?"
"Reading comics," he snorts.
Mikey pauses, looking around the bed,"What where? thought you were doing somthing with your tablet?"
"Yeah I was I'm reading them on digital." Leo lifts up the screen, and holds it out in front of him, Mikey can see the grainy image of one of Leo's favourite JJ comics. "they all got destroyed remember? And I couldn't buy them so I just read them on here."
Mikey's stomach drops.
Oh crap, he had completely forgotten most of Leos comics were *destroyed*. He glances over at the corner of the room, where sure enough, a heap of his old comics were laying in a pile, destroyed beyond repair.
"Oh Leo.... I am so sorry, I had completely forgotten about your comics that must be awful," Mikey sinks a little feeling bad for even having come into the room now "sorry for bringing it up."
"W-what Mike's it's fine it doesn't even matter! I'm not upset really!" Leo looks midly shocked and a little guilty, which is stupid because Mikey brought it up.
He chucks the tablet to the side nonchalantly, rolling his eyes "Its fine! I don't even really read comics that much anymore ya know??" he smiles nervously.
Yeah, because you don't have any, is what Mikey wants to say, but he very patiently keeps his mouth shut.
Mikey knows he's lying, he can see it, he's far more perceptive than his brothers are. He can see the way Leo's eyes get a little bit shinier,the way his brow creases and he avoids Mikey's eye contact like it's the plague.
And the box turtle's heart sinks.
It's not okay, *it's not*, all of his old comics that are still intact enough to keep, but not enough to read, are piled up in the corner, a constant reminder of lost childhood.
It makes *Mikey* want to cry looking at it, he can't imagine what it must feel like for Leo to look at it every night.
Mikey doesn't push Leo on the subject, they end up going to play animal crossing with Dee instead but it doesn't leave Mikey's head for an instant, bugging him like and itch at the back of his skill that he can't itch.
He's going to find a way to fix this, even if he has to walk across a mile of broken glass to do so.
Mikey doesn't sleep that night, even if his body is exhausted, (even months later his body still feels drained from opening that portal).
He probably shouldn't be awake, they did all agree on set sleeping times, or at least lying-down-and-trying-to sleep-times the name was a work in progress.
And he might be a little hypocritical for not following that since it was his idea-But! In his defense, he was on an important mission! So it was like totally 100% fine.
He was trying to find copies of jupiter Jim comics for Leo, because he was obviously sad about it, even though he wouldn't admit it. And Mikey was *officially*, the worst little brother in the entire whole wide universe, if he'd didn't *try* and do somthing about it.
So that's what he was doing obviously.
Leo was the bravest person he knew. He had been through hell and back for his family, and even the world, for people he didn't know.
He was an incredible big brother, and leader, and Mikey decided this was his way to give back just a fraction of that kindness in return.
Then again.... the universe seemed pretty against him right now, blessing him with the lack of any physical copies, of any kind of jj comics, on the entire internet.
Mikey spent the whole night, scouring the internet, and using every website he could think of to find them, but alas, not a trace. Dammit, why couldn't dad have found really well known dvds and comics thrown away in the sewers for Leo's and Donnie's birthday? This situation would have been so much easier.
Maybe like Harry Potter, or something, he wonders how much different their life would be if that ever happened, maybe Dee would've believed in magic sooner. (he makes himself snort with that one).
It takes him 5 hours before he finally stops and decides to throw in the towel, he's going to have to quit, there isn't anything anywhere. Which just sucks, because Mikey hates losing, and hates giving up on anything even more, but he closes the laptop down anyway with a sigh, and shuffles down into a more comfortable position.
He glances at the clock across the room, and eughh boyyy.... Well it's 7 o'clock, so he's going to have to get up in 10 minutes to make breakfast.
He stayed awake all night.
Stupid vintage comics he thinks darkly.
He'll have to go up topside to try and find some in a comic book shop tommorow he thinks as he finally let's his exhaustion give in and closes his eyes.
"UGHHHHHHHH," Mikey groaned loudly, dropping the comics in his now 5 fingered hands. His loud outburst garnering several odd looks from the staff and other shoppers in the store.
"April they have to be somwhere right??"
Casey and April both glanced at eachother, and then over at him sympathetically.
"Look Mikey..." April starts, before CJ pipes up next to her, having resumed flicking through the comics.
"Mikey, we have been to almost every comic shop in new York, big and small i mean this as politghtly as possible, I don't think we can get Leo's comics back." he looks at Mikey softly, "I'm sure he would appreciate the effort though."
He couldn't help but diflate at that, he's failed *again*, he's failed Leo....
April walked around the box, and pulled him into a hug that he happily buried himself into, and Casey, in a rare show of public affection, joins aswell.
But when he finally pulls apart and swipes an orange sleeve over his eyes, he suddenly gets a plan so cool, so ultimately awsome and incredibly smart that even *Leo* would be jealous.
"Okay, guys, I think i know what i need to do," he looked up at April and gave her the most mischievous grin he could offer "I think we're gonna need to take a trip to the art store."
"ohhohohohono what does that look mean?? What are you up to?" she squinted at him hands planted on hips
"hush now april," Casey places a hand on her shoulder, and the other on his heart "that look can only mean great things," he grinned "so Mikes where we heading?"
Leo hopped across the platform over to Mike's train cart, his leg was acting up today much to his own dismay, not so bad to tell anyone though.... Just bad enough that walking was a little inconvenient, he probably didn't need any meds to be honest, he should be fine.
He gets to the door of the train cart and slams it to the side as hard as he can, (payback for the other day) it bangs when it hits the frame.
"Ohhhhhh Miguelllll!!!"
He gets sight of Mikey staring at his tablet, (it's almost a mirror of April without her glasses Leo thinks with a smile) before he slams his sketchbook closed, and shoves everything within arms reach off his desk, Leo has already been there a few seconds watching this unfold.
Okayyyy....That was....Odd...
"ohhhhhh hey Leoooo...," Mikey smiled nervously, hands tapping against his plastron. It's a stim he's had since was a tot, "so ummmm what are you doing in my room?"
"nothinnnnng.... So what were you drawing?" he glanced down at the sketchbook that had been shoved on the floor, still open, he could only make out the faint sketches of boxes and nothing else, before Mikey slammed it shut and held it to his chest.
"N-nothing," his little brothers face doesn't look caught anymore, it looks worried now, and that face twists somthing in Leo's stomach.
"wait, shit, Mikey have your hands been acting up again??" oh fuck oh no "Mikes we talked about this, if they start hurting you have to tell somone even if you don't think it feels that bad."
He feels a switch go off on his brain the second he thinks Mikey is hurt and everything else goes out the back window.
His little brother has a tendency to fix things, not in the way that Donnie does, with his intellect and his smarts, with nuts and bolts and tech and limitless knowledge.
Mikey fixes sadness, and hurt, he comforts and loves with a single minded focus that leaves anyone in its wake absolutely astonished at how plentiful and sincere it is.
No matter who it is, where it is, or when it is, if it's broken he'll fix it.
But he will *always* leave himself behind.
Its not intentional, he doesn't mean to, he'd take care of himself if he realized. But once Mikey has his mind made up? Its done. He'll get it done no matter what, leaving him to forget about himself.
He's lucky enough to have a family that recognises it, and help before it gets to bad.
"What no my hands are fine Leo seriously!"
"yeah Mikey, maybe so, but I'm still gonna take a look now put 'em out ."
Mikey doesn't retaliate, just takes his wraps off exasperatedly and lays his hands out for Leo to see.
He doesn't react when Leo softly presses down on the scars, and bends his finger and elbow joints gently so they probably weren't hurting.... And the shakes are small and unnoticeable unless you look hard.
So Mikey is fine.
Then why was he so jumpy before???
"hows your leg doing Leo?"
Leo's head snaps up to meet Mikey's gaze, feeling to shocked by sudden line of questioning to actually answer immediately.
"o-oh uhm my leg is fine Mikey, thanks for asking."
He feels the tension drain out of him now that he's sure Mikey isn't hurt, he looks fine, if a bit panicky, and Leo is starting to wonder what kind of secret he's hiding in his sketchbook. The blackmail opportunities could be unreal....
He's *definitely* trying to cover something up, now Leo *can* just outright say that he knows that, but watching Mikey try, and fail, to lie about it, would be waaaaay funnier.
"OH really.....?" Leo stares him dead in the face even though its not being returned at all "so if your hands aren't hurting, why won't you show me your art? what kind of things were you drawing exactly..?"
Mikey squeaks, and his face dips into his shell a little before popping out again fully, to yell "U-UH ITS TUPER SOP SECRET!!!"
Damn, Dontron probably heard that from his maximum security sound proofed lab, *and* with full volume music blasting through his headphones.
"awww come on, please tell me, please please please please!!" he clasps his hands together and makes what he hopes are decent puppy dog eyes.
His little brother doesn't answer him, instead he sinks down further in his shell.
"Mmmmmnnno, and you still haven't told me why you were in here either?"
Its probably the most awful attempt Leo has ever seen at changing the subject, but he takes pity on his brother and decides to go along with it anyway.
"Nothing really I was just bored and wanted to see if you wanted to come and play Mario kart with me?" he grins "you do owe me for the entertainment I provided you with the other day."
The box turtle visibly perks up at this face now fully visible.
"omigosh!! yes! absolutely! I would love to!!" he threw hi sketchbook behind him, and hopped off his chair "lead the way Leon!!"
Leo couldnt help the laugh that sputtered out of him. How Mikey could go from dying of fear, to sunshine and smiles in such a short time was beyond him.
"yeah yeah alright, would you mind giving me a hand though? my leg is kinda sore today."
Mikey swings round and looks at him accusingly "I thought you said it was fine??"
Oh shit yeah.
"Y-yeah it is!! its just a little sore, promise, now come on give me a hand you goof."
Mikey rolls his eyes, but can't help the grin that over takes his face and agreeably lends Leo his shoulder.
He won't bother Mike about whatever he's hiding, Leo may be crazy curious, but he knows that if Mikey does anything to dumb or to stupid, he's got him to rely on and go to when he's in need of help, so Leo feels comfortable in letting him hide whatever it is he's hiding, plus he thinks he'd know if it was somthing bad.
It was roughly around 3am, and the little sleep Leo got these days was unfortunately interrupted yet again with another nightmare, another dream about the Kraang again, but this time it was concentrated on *Mikey*.
His mind kept playing a loop of the exact moment when Mikey left-when he was gone, gone gone gone gone gone, went cold in Leos arms and, and-Leo woke up. Drenched in his own sweat, hot and frozen at the same time, still stuck in the position he fell asleep in. Unable to move, it took him an eternity before his *useless* muscles finally dragged themselves upright and out of his bed.
He was sprinting towards Mikey's dimly lit glittery train cart before he even realized he was doing it. Chest heaving, and the ache in his leg only second hand awareness at best.
Warm orange light was pouring out of the cart, and the smell of that citrus diffuser his baby brother always insisted on using was so subtle, but so overwhelmingly comforting, that it sort of makes Leo want to cry.
The lights being on must me he's awake then, and Leo thanks pizza supreme in the sky, because waking up his brothers from the little sleep they got nowadays felt awful. And doing it to Mikey always felt the worst, because that was his little brother he was waking up, and for his own stupid needs too.
Stupid. stupid. stupid. Stupid.
He slides open the door as quietly as he can,his eyes taking a minute to adjust.
Mikey is passed out on the floor, pens pencils, headphones and other art supplies scattered around him and it makes his heart momentarily jump into his throat seeing he's not awake-not alive *not moving*. He snaps out of the spiral quickly though and realizes he needs to calm down right now or he's gonna pass out.
Having a panic attack in his little brothers room is not the most optimal place to do so, so the slider takes a minute to compose his frenzied nerves realizing how worse it's gotten since he woke up. So sitting next to his *sleeping* brother, he breathes in and out in slow even breathes, in the way they all learnt to, it was almost muscle memory by now.
Ha, if only it was that easy to actually calm down.
Leo stands up joints creaking and leg whining in the protest, oh right, he ran here, that's gonna hurt like a bitch tommorow he just knows it.
Picking Mikey up is usually no problem, hes small and lightweight compared to his brothers, but with his shaking arms and tired body, (that's currently down a leg) the task is almost monumental, and he feels out of breathe by the time he's dumped the box turtle into his hammock.
He can still hear soft music playing from Mikey's headphones and he picks them up and listens to it. His mind is still groggy from all the running and panicking, so it takes a second to realize whats playing.
Oh! It's Mr sunshine! Ha, he's so good.
Oh, wait. it's Mr sunshine. maybe they should talk about that later...
He turns the headphones off and puts it on his desk along with his pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers-who needs four rulers?? Where did he even get this all from?who needs this many art supplies and aren't half of these markers dried out anyway??
He can't even be bothered to ask right now, he unceremoniously dumps all of it back on the desk without further question, he picks up Mikey's phone, hoping that he was just listening to music and not staring at that it, would be awful for his eyes. But when he picks it up however he's not greeted with music, but a comic book. And not just any comic book, he notices belatedly,but his favourite.
Jupiter Jim and the eight giant dragons of evil why would he be reading that?
Leo blinks a few times, a bit confused to say the least, before he finally glances down at the sketchbook in his hands.
And sees and exact replica of the page but in pencil.
And then it clicks. everything clicks.
holy shit, Mikey is trying to recreate his favourite comic book. But there's no way??
Now Leo doesn't know much about art, he half listens to info dumps about trashy a.i art, and the hatred that Mikey has for wearing gas masks (against solid protests from himself, Raph and Donnie to do so otherwise
But Leo knows that making a comic book is *hard*, harder and more time consuming that it has any right to be, even for a good artist like Mikey-and he would know! He tried making his own when he was like 12 only to get frustrated an angry 2 minutes in, and quit (he hasn't tried since).
And secondly, how did he even realize he had wanted the real version of a comic anyway? He hadn't *asked* for one, hadn't hinted at wanting it. He swore Mikey was actually a fucking mind reader sometimes, maybe this was just another "mystic warrior thing" he doesn't get.
And then, the sudden, very violent urge to cry swamps him. Even if Mikey never finishes this project never gives it to him, he still *wanted* to.
The fact is, that Mikey, with injured arms, and a hundred other more intersting and wonderful projects more worth his time, is going to attempt to make a comic for *him* and it sort of makes Leo want to cry. It *does* make him cry.
He holds the sketchbook close to his plastron and let's the tears slip down his face. He doenst know what he'd do without his family, without Mikey, he doesn't know what he's Done to deserve the endless patience and comfort that his brothers provide.
He leaves after a minute or two, when the tears on his face stop flowing, leaving sticky trails down his face, and his breathing is no longer raggid from the crying. He leaves the sketchbook and phone where they are, closed and turned off.
Hopefully Mikey will think it was another brother that came in and fixed this all up for him. Or maybe he'll simply belive he cleaned up and put himself to bed and just doesn't remember.
"goodnight little brother, get a good rest."
_____~roughly 2 weeks later~________
Mikey took a deep breathe in, and a deep breathe out. His head was starting to ache from lying it down on his desk for so long, he had decided to take a short break from drawing Leo's comic a while ago, much to his disdain. Although he can't say specifically, since everything in his head feels like molasses, and he's to busy concentrating on the never ending pain in his hands to think about it for to long.
It feels almost nauseating. His body thrumming uncomfortable, the itchy, fiery energy getting stronger, hands shaking more fiercely until it reaches its peak, and his while body seizes up and let's go.
(Its his own fault, this doesn't happen unless he pushes himself to hard. Apparently 6 hours straight of art is not good for you.
He *wants* to pick his head up, he *wants* to carry on drawing, he *wants* to be able to do this for Leo, but he just *can't*. He's useless, his own body is betraying itself, consuming itself in and endless mystic well of power that it itself created, and Mikey can't do anything but sit here and whimper in the dark.
He feels pathetic, he doesn't even know how long it will last. The longest period was 6 hours, which is the closest to living hell he's ever been, beside watching Leo throw himself into the prison dimention, followed closely in second by opening the actual portal itself.
He can't even move enough to grab his phone and call his brothers, he can't scream or talk. So he sits there, and cries and sobs and hiccups openly, and loudly, praying that *someone* will hear him. Thankfully but no sooner than he had started crying, had the small sliver of light coming through his door begun to get bigger, and his train cart door began to open.
".... Angelo?."
It was donnie.
*Thank god.*
His voice was still failing him, unable to speak but overwhelmed with the desire to say *something*, he just cried harder.
"woah woah woah! Okay okay Angelo I'm right here okay? Your safe, your fine." he crouched down by the desk so he was closer to Mikey's face "I'm... I'm gonna pick you up now okay Angleo? If I end up hurting you in any way just uh chirp okay?"
Donnie put an arm underneath his legs and shell, and lifted him up into a bridal carry, pausing slightly to listen for the sound of Mikey's distressed chirp, before continuing forward towards his door. Mikey slumps and closes his eyes, pressing his warm face into Donnie's cool arm. He let's out a sigh of content, no longer cramped from being stuck in a stiff and awkward position, for who knows how long.
Donnie sighs,in that long suffering kind of way he always does when his family has done something stupid, but Mikey doesn't bother to open his eyes to see what face he makes.
Mikey thinks he must have fallen asleep at some point, because when he's next aware, he's being handed off to a very worried looking Raph.
"hey big man sorry to wake you up, you can carry on cuddling with Dee in a minute he just needs to do somthing okay?" Raph is smiling down at him and holds him just a little tighter.
Mikey nods, and rubs his eyes turning his head so he can look at the scene in front of him, (his hands barely even hurt anymore, maybe they rubbed that special cream that Draxum made on them) they're in the TV room now, illuminated by the projection screen paused hlaf way through on one of Leo's favourite movies, him and Donnie are placing various pillows and blankets on the floor.
Leo is whispering something to his twin in a frantic, worried, hushed tone that Mikey is to tired to parse right now.
But Donnie looks at Mikey for a fraction of a second, before rolling his eyes affectionately and placing down the last of the pillows, (they were probably talking about him, he hopes he isn't barred from making breakfast tommorow though, he wanted to make omelettes) huffing, when Raph unceremoniously flops down on top of them shell first, Mikey still being held against his plastron. Raph opens up his arms and Leo snuggles right up beside him, whilst Donnie snuggles into Raph's other side.
Mikey can feel himself start to drift off into comfortable sleep again, when he feels a familiar finger rudely poke him in the face. He opens his eyes just barely to see a familiar blue mask and worried brown eyes peering back at him.
"sorry mi hermano this'll be quick, I promise, what were you doing that caused your arms to flare up so badly?"
Mikey feels annoyed that he's being kept up for this but sighs and concedes "mmmmm I was drawing for a really long time.... and i didn't take any breaks..." he mumbles, shutting his eyes again, falling faster into darkness this time.
"oh....." Leo sighs softly "your to nice for you own good little brother..." Mikey barely even registers his brother's voice anymore, to busy falling asleep to even notice it.
Mikey grins and closes the comic book, he holds it out in front of him looking at all his hard work.
Its done. It's finally done. It took him a month of non stop drawing almost every day to do it.
But he did it.
He puts the Comic down, just to spin around his room and kick his legs, orange flecks of mystic trailing behind his flapping arms.
"Oh Leoooooooo~," he sang, sliding into the living room hiding the comic behind his back, and directly away from the view of his older brother "guess what."
"I said guess."
"....Mikey are you being serious right now?"
Leo threw his head back and sighed "you know I may sound like Donnie right now, but there are an infinite amount of things to guess from so you may have to give me a hint."
"okay! So I got you gift, buuuuuut you have to guess what it is."
Leo's back straightens and he stares at Mikey with much more exitement "wait are you being serious? You got me a gift?"
"Yeah haha I did, would you like me to just give it to you?" he feels nervous now, he's not really sure he's ready for this, but is going to do it anyway against his own better judgement.
"Uhm yes obviously?? Now gimme" Leo puts out his hands and makes a grabbing motion like an impatient child awaiting to be given something, it's clearly to lighten up the situations which Mikey is making weird with his nervousness.
"Pftttt okay okay here take it."
He walks over to Leo and passes him the comic praying that he likes it, Mikey does, he's so proud, but that means nothing if Leo doesnt like it.
Leo takes the comic and looks closer, his eyes widen when he realizes what it is he's holding, "oh my god Mikey did you *make* this?".
"mhm! I noticed you didn't have any physical copies of your comics and they can't be bought like anywhere, online or off, so I decided to make you one!"
Leo's hands tremble as he deftly turns each page oddly quiet.
Mikey watches as his face morphs into something warm and touched, his smile big and eyes watery-
Wait what?!?
A big fat tear slips down Leo's face without a hand coming to wipe it away and Mikey stands there stunned.
He's watched Leo cry many MANY MANY times, whether it be due to a scraped knee, or a broken scateboard when they were little or due to nightmares over the Kraang, Mikey's seen it all. Him and Leo have always cried the most. But he's never seen Leo cry over something as simple and as meaningless as a comic book before.
"Mikes, did you *make* this for me?" his voice wobbles as he speaks, a disbelieving smile still stretched across his face, still holding the book and flipping through its pages slowly and carefully, scanning each page like he hadn't read them all a million times before, like they were something new, something precious.
Mikey feels slightly vulnerable and embarrassed when Leo looks up at him, remembering that there are definitley some really awfully drawn pages in there, nights where his hands wouldn't stop shaking, or the pose was just to difficult and seeing him cry over it is a bit worrying.
Mikey looks at the corner of the room, man he should really do some dusting, "um, yeah, sorry by the way, some of them are really badly drawn, a-and i know you've already read it a million times so it's really not that goo-"
Leo cuts him off by grabbing the strap around his shell and pulling him down onto the been bag into a 10/10, ultimate crushing big brother hug.
Mikey doesn't fight it these hugs are the *best* hugs.
"mikey- i cant-*holy fuck*, this is like, the nicest and most thoughtful gift i have *ever* been given the fact you even noticed I missed my comics makes me want to hide in my shell and cry so hard my tear ducts will explode, don't you *ever* apologise ok?"
Mikey felt HIMSELF tear up.
Your artwork is incredible and so so beautiful, Leo sniffs and Mikey feels so happy, (he's pretty sure his arms are glowing, not that he can see from where his snout is buried in Leo's shoulder) "i can't believe you put in the effort even with your hands to make a whole comic book just to make me feel better, that must have taken forever."
"I'm-im-yeah, I'm so glad you it Leo."
They stay like that for far to long, sitting on a bean bag that is way to small to fit them both, laughing and chatting and crying whilst look through the comic.
It's not his old comic book, with ink smudged and faded colours, with nights spent rereading and loving. cherished, on its spot on the shelf, with worn edges and a broken spine. It's not the gift he was given when he was 9, a start of a long love for the franchise, and hours in the further of areas of the sewers to find more of them.
It's not any of that but it's something *more*.
Becasue it's *Mickey*.
It's his little brothers drawing, its long nights spent caring about him, and hope to make him just a tiny bit happier.
It's work, and shaking arms and passion. It's family and love and warmth, it's sleepless nights and something handcrafted, and Leo can see it etched into every line of the page. It's not old like it used to be, it's something wonderful, and something new, it's a gift, and every single line is different now because the adoration Mikey has for all of his brothers is radiating out of them.
Each mistake on the page is another mark of Mikey, another mark of his gift and it's meaning.
He can't ever get back what he's lost, he'll never be the same as he was, but he thinks now, whilst looking at the pages softly, this is maybe just a little bit better, just a little but more exciting and new.
Mikey will never know what this means to Leo, because to him, this is just another "small" act of kindness the same as he'd do for anyone.
And although Leo would never admit it, it makes everything he's been through just a little more smaller, and a little less scary, because if something this good can happen out of somthing so miserable? then maybe the future won't be so awful after all, and maybe it never was, his brothers will always be there for him, and he can't believe he ever doubted them in the first place.
Please remember the idea for this fic was written by turtleblogatlast
And here's the the original little script they wrote!!! Read original script
Goooooood hahaha so uhm I hope you like it!! (Also sorry this became a little more Mikey centric than it was supposed to be I am a Mikey kinnie and tend to make everything about him😭)
I absolutely love your writing and the things you do so just think of this as a thankyou gift for being so cool!
I wanted to sprinkle more of your headcannon in haha but I didn't know where to start or when I could mention them sorry:(
Also apologies for all my head cannons I could help myself
"I will make this fic purely for someone else and won't add my own headcannons!......... F*ck."
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xdiana97x · 2 months
Why Kuvira is my most beloved and comfort character from Legend of Korra I have ever met and why I ship Suyin and Kuvira.
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This breaks me every time cause I had an horrible childhood before I got adopted. I often had and after all have issues to see my foster parents and their biological son's as family.
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Kuvira is some one who always try to help in her own way, that she's afraid lose people that she care for It's a habit I have, I try to find always a solution for the people around me to make them happy and I'm tired loose people. (YES she try to kill Baatar Jr, but she was under heavy pressure, overwhelmed by her own issues in the end and just wanted to find order. But especially in Runis of the Empire we can see more about the side she change and feel sorry for everything she did.)
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I'm a person who got diagnosed in my early twentys with PTSD, BPD and heavy depression. May it's more my opinion but I see in Kuvira mental health issues too. Most because of her childhood. The fact that Suyin made also mistakes with her are reasons why it make sense for me and that she completely lock down her feelings before she fired that kannon (It's a thing what I do when I gave to make big and heavy decisions)
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All of this is my personal opinion and my head canon but I think that Su had Kuvira maybe titeld as "daughter" for people that ask for and give statement for public but never seen her as one she more saw her self in Kuvira and try to give her everything . Suyin gave Kuvira the opportunity to join her guards, let her rank up to the captain position and I guess Kuvira was also teached for political stuff to lead Zaofu some day and she let Kuvira work in the end as her own bodyguard (because why the f.... Kuvira is around Su when she had that discussion with Tenzin and Raiko when she would be just a simple guard) and they both spend a lot time together with out family , before Suyin made the decision to not help the earth kingdom. (I mean Kuvira is in S3 never seen as part of the family and is not part of the family picture on her desk or when they have dinner she also isn't around to keep her out and that's make for me clear she is not her daughter ).
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Opal ask about later in Runis of the Empire Su this and she didn't give a real answer to this. She just say it's not the right time now and is some where with her throughs. I mean look how sad she look here, or should I say worried about her beloved baby girl. And Su set everything on it to get Kuvira back at home and ignore the fact that Junior will never see Kuvira again. Cause Su just realized she can't live without her.
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This here are also not away I would look at my "daughter". The simeles are to obvious that there is more.
I know many are disgusted because of the age gab and the "she raised her like a daughter" thing. But tbh If Kuvira would be a true part and adoptive daughter, she would not go with Baatar Jr in relationship and would see him as brother. So please go away with this arguments. Kuvira never saw Su really as Mother. The thing between Baatar Jr and Kuvira is for me more like an committed that Su wanted in the beginning before Kuvira did her own thing and take Junior with her , to give her a better spotlight in the publicity.
Oh and I can say there is a really good fan comic "Young Kuvira" made by @mashersan that explains a lot more why Suvira is something.
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florafaunatic · 1 year
What's so cool about the way UT aus evolved
For many years I would draw and sketch and stuff. Not all of it was spectacular, but it wasn't bad. Yet, at some point or another I would end up ripping the drawing up or throwing it away. It was never out of malicious intent. I just did it. I don't know why either; it wasn't like I disliked the drawings.
So, I discovered the insanely large and depth-y fandom of Undertale. Pretty soon, I started reading about the star sanses and bad sanses. I put a lot of effort into figuring out the canon (fanon since none of it was canon???) truths about the characters and what was fanon (like what Blue's deal actually was). As I was reading comics I came across a alternate multiverse where Error was a chaotic child and Ink was a tired dad. In the comic (I wish I could remember what it was called so I can credit the artist) Error makes friends with these shadow creatures. They lead him to help destroy an au that the artist seemingly wanted gone. Ink later finds/kidnaps him and brings him home. Ink explains that many creators, for whatever reason, want to destroy their work. But in the long run, it's not what they want. He says that everything, no matter how "bad" it is deserves to exist. Just so someone knows it's there. Even if it isn't shared with the world, that doesn't matter.
After reading that comic I thought about Ink. He's a soulless creature seeking to feel things by feeding off the beautiful work creators and him make. I think, perhaps unintentionally perhaps intentionally, Ink is a metaphor for artists and creators (the non-canon kind). We seek validation or happiness or even any emotion from the things we and others create. We could be having trouble with finding our own emotions outside of the internet. It's okay to need to escape our lives for a little bit. It's not a bad thing if you have an idea to share at all. Helping others feel better is good too. But just like Ink we have to be careful not to let it consume our lives. We can't let fandoms be the only way we can feel. We have to generate emotion in other areas of our lives as well. We have to make sure our community isn't only online. We have to make sure that what we say online is safe, and that we are not unintentionally exposing ourselves to dangerous people.
Next, I addressed Error. He too, can be a metaphor. He reflects the opposite side of the spectrum. He is has been so hurt in the past, even if he doesn't understand how, that he feels the need to hurt others. He could be compared to a hater, but I don't like that term. Hurt people hurt people, and while that doesn't make internet hate okay or justified by any means, it can offer and explanation. People who say mean things about art (actually mean and baseless things, not voicing an opinion) are probably seeking attention. The want to fight with you because the consequences don't seem real. You have no idea what's going on in their lives, just like they don't know you. When they seek that attention, don't give it. Walk away in the metaphorical internet sense. If you need to, block them. But don't fight hate with hate. It never works. We have to love the people who hurt us or it's no use in saying we aren't like them. If you remember saying something mean on the internet, I'm sorry for you. Even if you don't believe it, there are people who love you. So, so many people.
Neither of these characters were created for this purpose. They weren't even meant to go together. But still they make a beautiful world for everyone to enjoy. So whether you are an artist or a reader, an Error or an Ink, whether you are like me or not, we built this sorta by accident, so let's appreciate how cool it is.
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oh-no-another-idea · 10 days
Another Get to Know Me
Tagged ages ago by the brilliant @sleepy-night-child and the terrific @splashinkling -- thanks, guys!
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a band you don't like that many others do: ...I don't listen to much modern music that you'd find on a radio, so one of those bands? Heavy metal isn't my thing, so perhaps a heavy metal band on the radio. least favorite animal and why: LEAST favorite! I've never been asked that before! I think I'll go with mosquitoes (insects I know, but really, the devil's own)
do you wear any jewelry, if so, what's your favorite piece: I wear assorted embroidery floss friendship bracelets depending on my mood, but my favorite would have to go to my necklace, which is just a simple chain holding a Magen David and a ring my family gifted me as a sweet inside joke :) a movie others liked but you didn't: Golly. ...Okay, I've never gotten the Princess Bride hype, and I know I may be speaking blasphemy to some people, but when my mom showed it to me I was kinda meh about it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry! three things you love about yourself: My leadership skills, my sense of humor, and my writing abilities! a place you hope to visit in the future and why: I would love to see Budapest--everything I've read about it/seen in films looks like such a beautiful place. Also would love to go back to Australia sometime! an actor that gets on your nerves and why: What a funny question :) That guy from the heist movie with Steve Martin kinda creeps me out I suppose, but there's no real reason other than my own random instincts. Michael Caine! I don't know why but something about him is just ERUGH to me 😤😂 things you're excited about in the near future: My dance friends in the area are restarting their free fall dance classes, and I'm really looking forward to the lovely mix of structure/laid back-ness I know they're going to bring! Super glad for the opportunity to stretch my body and hang with friends! least favorite ship in a fandom you're in: Gonna go with Marvel here since the other fandoms I'm in don't have the same kind of shipping strife...do NOT like Stony (Steve Rogers/Tony Stark). To everyone who does like that, good for you and do your own thing, but since I have read any of their comics I do not see it. And I can't ship Steve with anyone other than Bucky, it's both my greatest gift and worst curse, lmaoo 😭 what's the most toxic fandom you've been in: I don't know! I stay on the outskirts usually. There are some crazy people wherever you go, that's for sure. But it's also probably Marvel due to sheer size. list three things you find beautiful about life: Laughing with my sisters, cooking and eating good food, and standing somewhere outdoors and feeling the wind roar any dreams for the future: Honing my stories and sharing them with people who both appreciate and enjoy them! Also making more friends and being brave enough to push myself to find the right life for me. how are you feeling today? Packing up to leave the beach as my family vacation wraps up...enjoying my short haircut and gearing up to dive back into work and everyday life, and very ready for fall to arrive...I am feeling tired and hopeful and glad to be alive. :)
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OPEN TAG! Come play <3
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red-moon-at-night · 1 year
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Koike Yumemi (小池夢実)
"...I'm Koike Yumemi. My age? ...Well, if you must know... I'm 26 years old... and I'm tired. Now, can you let me go back to sleep?"
Character Description
A rather reserved and aloof prisoner. She is constantly sleep-deprived and comes across as ill-tempered as a result of that, but is sooner to stare off into space and hold her tongue than cause a fight. She believes MILGRAM is a merely a dream that she'll wake up from eventually.
Yumemi is currently very despondent but appears to be responding positively to MILGRAM's environment, calling it 'calm' and 'relaxing'. Does not interact much with the other prisoners, preferring to sit and listen from the side-lines. If she chooses to speak, or someone asks her a question, she'll respond cautiously. Can also be pretty blunt if pushed.
Name: Koike Yumemi (小池夢実)
Age: 26
Birthday: 26th September (Libra)
Height: 167cm
Blood type: O
Image colour: Berry Violet (#8965A3)
Occupation: Unemployed (Former Occupation: Idol)
Voice Lines (Trial 1)
"...I'm a murderer? Well, that's a new one even for me. ...Oh? You're being serious? ...Sorry, it's just that I can't really tell if this is real or not..."
"Hey Guard, this dream kind of sucks right now. Can't you just let me drift off back to sleep so we can get to the good part?"
"I guess this isn't so bad... it's quiet here. And no one can leave or get in, right? Hm... are you sure? Have you checked the locks and stuff, just to double check?"
"Whether you forgive me or not... I don't really care anymore. You're not the first, and you won't be the last... judging people you barely know... yeah, sounds about right..."
Relationship Chart (Trial 1) (template credit goes to @clover0101 <3)
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I did the thing! I put a little introductory post together for my milgram OC! 💜
As of now I've slotted her into the official milgram world, but if I ever have the willpower to make a whole other... *checks notes* ...9 prisoners + 1 guard, OR (more likely) can just slide her over to fellow mutuals OCs and have a communal milgram together, then I'll be doing that :)
If I find the energy and time in me, I really want to make comics/interrogation voice drama scripts/other art in general for my girl because I love her very much and I hope you'll come to love (or hate) her too! 💜
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wishingstarinajar · 7 months
Hey Wish has everything been okay? We're worried about you :(
Thanks for checking in, Anon, I'm very sorry for making you worry.
I'm okay-ish. Very tired, mentally exhausted, not optimistic about certain aspects. I've been dealing with important paperwork and specific organizations that determine my future and current (and future) living situation, which hasn't been very successful. It's been bad news and stress at every corner.
I don't wish to go into further detail about the situation, it's too early to talk about it (and a bit too personal to go into detail) but what I can say is this is going to take a while to deal with. Could be weeks, could be months. I wish it wasn't so, I'm very much fed up with it, but it is what it is.
To cope, I've been hiding in my little bubble and indulging in Transformers stuff because social energy just isn't available. I only chat with people I feel close to. All my creative energy is poured into this mini-comic which I've been working on the past few weeks and has been a nice escape from the real-life bullshit, though it also limits uploads and whatnot. Sorry.
Like my boyfriend keeps saying, things will be okay, one way or another. (Bless him, he has been super supportive and helpful this past month. I couldn't have dealt with this situation without him.) As mentioned previously, I'm not very optimistic but I'll try to be.
Thank you <3
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spider-xan · 2 months
Obviously, the basis of the Lizard origin story is not great bc it's a tired premise where a disabled character wants to 'fix' himself, though in fairness, unlike most iterations of that plot where the disabled character becomes able bodied and that is framed as a happy ending, the 'fix' is not a good thing and he ultimately chooses to remain disabled at the end of the story instead of prioritizing being abled above all and it's not framed as a tragedy that he makes that choice (in fact, that's the happy ending, no 'fix' required), and once again, I'm going to reiterate that I don't think portrayals of disability that are not good vibes only are inherently ableist and should be banned bc that's limiting the full spectrum of disabled experiences - but at least in the 616 comics, we have context for why Curt struggles with being an amputee even though his life is actually phenomenally perfect otherwise, as he acquired his disability through traumatic means (shaking my head to show I disagree that the US military is the real victim of US imperialism and invasions) and that he lost his original surgeon career that was a core part of his identity, and loss and grief over being unable to do something previously important due to acquired disability is absolutely not an uncommon experience for many disabled people, so you can at least try to contextualize him trying to cope with that loss in a way that isn't especially healthy for him and ends in disaster while losing sight of what he already has and stands to lose - and in the end, he would rather be disabled and himself than able bodied, but with the body and mind of a monster who hurts people and can't be with his loved ones bc being able bodied is not the most important thing to him in the end.
Meanwhile, in the TASM film, we have zero idea why he's so hung up on it after over a decade at the very least beyond a really creepy fascist obsession with eugenics and disability as a weakness of humanity that must be eradicated, which is beyond medical advancements to help people (cellular regeneration is not inherently ableist and can have life saving potential) and is bizarrely framed as a morally upstanding position to take on disability we're supposed to agree with (and Peter, as the hero and moral heart, does agree with him on this, which is ???!!), so the entire character ends up feeling like an able bodied person's caricature of a sad and pitiful disabled person who has no personality or life beyond being sad about being disabled and wanting to 'fix' himself bc nothing is more important than being abled and God forbid a disabled person can live a meaningful life, and then when he does 'fix' himself, he'd addicted to being able bodied, even though that requires becoming a monster who harms people, but it's totally worth it to not be disabled, which seems to be getting into villainising disability, and just, oof, I'm not sorry, but there is just so much ableism in this film and it's frustrating it's rarely discussed and criticized.
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lacking-hydration · 7 months
california dreaming was an extremely odd movie, i come across these a lot when i go an spree of watching thing that whoever was in, but this one is weird because it's. supposed to be a comedy, I think, and there are SOME jokes in there that I think are pretty funny. and you've got. some comic actors in there (dave foley, vicki lewis) but the movie feels way too... visceral for that. Between scenes of goofy characters saying goofy things, we have sequences between Stu and Ginger where their marriage is falling apart. Where we're forced to bear witness to how almost comically terrible Ginger can be, with little to delve into WHY she is the way that she is, then to witness how spineless and TIRED Stu is in a way that just hurts. It hurts to watch them fight because it feels a little too real for a movie that indulges in being so goofy when its not creating this family drama. By the end of it me n. orca were ready to watch these two get a divorce, especially after THIS SCENE, WHICH I THINK IS ONE OF THE MOST METAL IN THIS ENTIRE FILM FOR NO REASON?
after something like that you expect there to be no return. holy shit. after the movie has come to a screeching halt to deliver something so unevenly real in a movie about a family vay-cay getting interrupted by Ginger stealing someone's dog (and other madness), you think, well that's it, isn't it? We've reached the core of this dynamic how the hell are we supposed to move on? and the movie doesn't necessarily answer this question. it just sort of pretends that didn't just happen. Ginger and Stu practically make up wordlessly, and there's not a single mention to the fact that he said that she straight up 'did not love' him ever again. We just move on, and the movie ends.
and I have not been able to stop thinking about that. These two are terrible for each other. Not in the 'these two actors have no chemistry and their characters are always clashing' sort of way but more in the 'these characters used to love each other, but something changed, somewhere, and now they don't' sort of way that makes me imagining them going back to normal with all of that in mind impossible.
tl;dr: this movie made me feel bad, THAT SCENE MADE ME FEEL WORSE, and the fact that these two are still together is what made me feel the shittiest.
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oldmemoria · 1 year
*̩̩̥͙ -•̩̩͙-ˏˋ⋆ Introduction Post ⋆ˊˎ-•̩̩͙- *̩̩̥͙
Carrd Hey there, friendly neighborhood idiot here to introduce himself B) this looks best on a darker mode btw
✯ Basic Info:
Hey! My name is Ash, I go by he/they/cat/ghost/vamp pronouns (I don't really mind if you use some over others). I'm a minor so uh,, don't be sketchy. I'm trans. super cool. also neurodivergent. awesome. I'm an artist, a casual furry, and worst of all... emo. I'm so sorry. /j
Putting the reading thing so it isn't too big of a post, pls keep reading!!
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemites, misogynists, TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical "Feminists"), SWERFS (Sxx Worker Exclusionary Radical "Feminists"). All of that sort. I don't put up with that shit. also Anti-furs, like can you guys just not for a second
LGBTQ+ Exclusionists. I'm an inclusionist. stay mad.
Harry Potter stans. You can be a casual enjoyer and interact idc but if it's all you post about I might block you.
If you're just looking to pick a fight... just don't. its tiring for everyone.
If I've specifically told you to fuck off.
Proshippers, Comshippers, and, get this, Anti-shippers. Your guy's discourse stresses me out dont bring me into that 😭
MAPs/ZOOs/Anyone who supports those. Please get help.
NSFW Blogs because I am baby.
if you have an nft pfp I will just straight up block you.
✯ What to Expect from this Blog:
Art. Lots and lots of art. mostly of OCs and characters that I my brain decides are the only thing worth focusing on <3
ON THE TOPIC OF ART: My art might contain triggering subjects such as blood, slight gore, bright colors (and effects that may cause eyestrain), Violence, animal violence, and implications or themes of s/h sui. I am not making light of said topics, art is art. I will properly trigger warning said art when needed, dw :D
Random text posts usually pertaining to fandom or just general thoughts or events I experience. I might rant here and there. who knows :3
Lots and lots of gay people (I wish they were real /j)
Catsss im a cat person
Other people's art I wanna promote :D
The occasional comment about politics, it's once in a blue moon so dw about it.
edits... perhaps....
Warrior Cats AUs for like,,, everything..
Overall just whatever I want because no one can stop me >:]
Spiderverse (I am unfortunately a Miguel O'Hara fan, but Hobie is better let's make that clear.)
Warrior Cats (I was introduced to it at the age of 9. I will never be the same.)
Wings of Fire (kind of i dont actually talk about it too much)
My Chemical Romance (also intruduced at the age of 9. I will never ever be the same.)
Gerard Way (His solo music and Comics, love him to death /p)
The Stolen Hope
Cookie Run: Kingdom (kind of... I'm falling out just a tad. Affogato Cookie deniers dni /j)
Sanrio (kind of)
Monster High (kind of)
Umbrella Academy
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
✯ Favorite Music!!
My Chemical Romance
Gerard Way
The Cure
Foo Fighters
Green Day
Jon Bellion
Glass Animals
Lemon Demon
Pierce the Veil
Tyler, the Creator (I'm just getting into his music, thank you Tik-Tok)
Fall Out Boy
The Smashing Pumpkins
Weezer (lol look its weezer blue)
Rage Against the Machine
Taking Back Sunday
Jack Stauber
Billy Cobb
8-Bit Misfits
Mother Mother
TV Girl
The Killers
And many mooorreeee....
What Lurks Beneath
The Exiled
Red Stars
@ACT10N_CAT • Pronouns.page
bye bye lol
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