proship-strawb · 3 days
antis: *enjoying media with dark themes like murder, drug trafficking, abuse, etc *
also antis when the media becomes even remotely sexual:
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poipopoi-p · 3 days
The word 'FANDOM' for antis:
The word 'FANDOM' for proshippers:
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litel27-2point0 · 24 hours
Here's a Beautiful Reminder 😊
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Remember, the next time someone calls kodacons, Proshippers, or pro-fiction people degenerates, they’re probably alt right. Or atleast using a word based in alt-right propaganda.
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anti-anti-vents · 1 day
All this discourse has me remembering things
Like, how as a young kid, before I had the words for it, I was writing HELLA darkfic. Like at 10-12 years old, I was writing the most fucked up shit I could think of. Stuff antis would consider “pedophilic”, such as (real example, trigger warning) a world in which young girls were raised in isolation, given numbers instead of names, sold to adult men as soon as they hit puberty, and losing value with each year they gained, ABS eventually being killed at 17 if they’d not yet been bought.
Yeah, it’s really not any wonder that I ended up destroying all of these writings, never sharing or completing any of them. At 10 years old, long before I was aware of this debate, I was already ashamed of myself for exploring these topics and thoughts in the only way I knew how. Possibly the only healthy option for me at the time. I feel so bad for kids like me who are growing up on the internet, seeing confirmation of their fears that people will see them as a bad person for creating that type of fiction. For even entertaining those ideas in your head. I hope they turn out okay and reclaim some creative liberty for themselves.
And honestly? I may need to nourish that ashamed little kid inside me too. I haven’t written in years; I lost all motivation some time in 2020. And when I think back on everything I’ve ever written, when I think of those dark fics, I hate to admit it, but they’re the only thing I truly ever wrote for myself and myself only, without showing anybody else. And that’s important I think. I want to rediscover my creative process, and uncover all the little things about myself I’ve been pushing down for years.
Art is healing and art is discovery. Antis can stay mad that we’re doing these things through obscene means. It only encourages me more. And I hope to do the same for others.
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proficdragon · 2 days
I haven’t made a post in a while so here’s a new one!
To my fellow proshippers, please remember to take time for yourself to heal from any stress you may be going through. Find some time to play a video game you love, watch a tv show that makes you happy, maybe find a hobby you love and do that, even make content for your favourite characters and ships such as moodboards and ideas for stories! You’re not being selfish or weak, everyone deserves a break from stress from time to time. If you’re going through something, such as anti bs or someone not being very nice, please know you’re safe with the profic people who love your content. You have a right to be happy!
Have an awesome day and I hope you all feel better soon!
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some proshippers are minors too! they're called grooming victims. hope this helps!
*extremely loud incorrect buzzer*
Most proshipper minors are reasonable kids who know that it's stupid as hell to attack others over fiction!
Source: I was one of em!
Hope that helps, babygirl ^^
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tabbywaslost · 2 days
To all radqueers out there, I have some very useful tips!!
Let's begin!
1. Getting off the internet and getting some help because you guys are not okay in any way!
2. Stop thinking that you are the future because anyone in the right state of mind isn't gonna accept you as valid, ever.
3. Smell some fresh air from outside and look at what's outside for a sec, I'm sure you forgot.
4. Stop trying to convince people that you are valid.
5. Stop taking disorders, illnesses and trauma.
6. Stop thinking you're from another race.
7. And this one is for the adult radqueers: STOP PREYING ON CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.
Also, kindly fuck off </3.
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??? Was it necessary to tell me???
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stupidbitchproshipper · 17 hours
"ur a proshitter? blocked!"
im on my knees oh dear gods please don't block me pleaaaase noooo oh my goodness this has ruined my day ruined my life even and i will spend the rest of my time on this earth trying to win u back please teach me ur anti ways pleaaaaase
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chequeredguts · 1 day
the weather in my area has been shit lately sooooo:
imagine your f/o (especially if theyre a shipcest f/o) comforting you during a thunderstorm. holding you close, giving you soft little kisses on your forehead, maybe even humming a song if that's their thing.
if the thunder scares you the most, they'll turn on calm music for you or turn it up if it's already on. they talk you through it, explaining that it's just clouds bumping together in the sky. if the lightning scares you, they'll hold you tight against their chest so you don't have to see it flash through your window.
whatever it is you need, they'll do. all they want is for you to feel safe and fall back asleep in their arms because you're their precious little baby and their baby deserves to feel so so happy and warm and safe.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 days
Fucking amazing how people will act like being a proshipper (i.e. someone who believes in the separation of fiction from reality, and that people shouldn't be harassed and shamed over their taste in fiction) is somehow just as bad as being a literal bigot.
The amount of times I've seen "proship" listed alongside things like "homophobic", "transphobic", "racist", etc. is too many to count.
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luckystuck · 24 hours
safety and awareness post:
fellow minors in proship and propara spaces, please be careful. here's some pieces of advice to preserve your safety:
- do not interact with pro contact or "complex contact" MAPs. they will try to justify their stance, but it's all bs. minors can't consent, and that includes you.
- stay wary of anyone who proudly identifies as a MAP, even if they're anti contact. there's a difference between destigmatizing and normalizing harmful paras, and you shouldn't trust those trying to normalize it.
- do not label yourself as an "AAM", it's completely normal to be attracted to adults as a minor and it's not a form of paraphilia, using that term only attracts MAPs who are looking for someone to take advantage of.
- do not post in detail about your paraphilias. you are inviting creeps to interact with and take advantage of you. keep it to yourself.
- to continue that, don't post any sexually explicit content, whether it be text posts or art. suggestive is one thing, but explicit is never appropriate.
- don't interact with adults posting explicit content either. if a blog says for minors to not interact, don't interact. if it says you can interact but to block nsft tags, block the tags.
- to continue, any adult who knowingly allows minors to interact with their explicit content needs to be avoided like the plague. chances are they have generally fucked up views about minors and their ability to consent.
- never post pictures of yourself. just don't. as accepting as the proship community is, it doesn't change the fact that predators are everywhere, and there can be people using the community to take advantage of others. if you want to post selfies, wait until you're 18.
- similarly, please just keep basic internet safety in mind. you do not know the random people you interact with on tumblr. don't give them your personal information. this can especially be important when in the proship community due to the amount of harassment you may face. don't make it easy for someone to find you.
all and all, keep yourself safe. being proship is about being anti harassment, and that includes protecting yourself from sexual harassment.
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ceoandslutler · 1 day
a while ago, i found some comical rbs of an anti's post about kuroshitsuji
the post appeared in my suggested and was basically complaining about how people assume kuro is a shota x demon story (which it is because an actual shotacon made it) and ignore other aspects of the story. weird thing to complain about, considering the mc is a sexy demon and the focus of the story is his relationship with a little boy and all...
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"early writing"
the last two chapters:
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better yet...
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i do not think you are reading the source material, maybe the reason we don't get it like you do is because you don't get it at all, christ almighty.
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yeah you're not like the people who've actually read the damn manga, god bless and goodnight 😭
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Have any other ex-anti artists out there seen a HUGE improvement of their art before and after they became a Proshipper? Like before I feel like I had major art block and worry, for obvious anti reasons, but now? I feel like I can draw anything.
I think this is because antis who are artists are usually limiting the hell out of themselves, when artists are supposed to go with the flow and really love and live with art and fiction intertwined.
I could literally show side by side comparisons honestly, it just looks so much more natural after I accepted I was Proship.
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I really wish antis stop falsely reporting me 🌟🌟💕💕💕♥️❣️♥️💕
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