trick-trash · 10 days
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Guapoduo as Inuyasha panels. :3
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pppuri · 1 year
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*bangs my head really hard*
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etoilesbienne · 7 months
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battle stance roier and etoiles should have used in the 2v1 against badboyhalo that we never got
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Roier and his 3 cat best friend + boyfriends (Roier has 2 hands)
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i wonder why he seems familiar….hmmmm
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bigboobyhalo · 1 year
Bad: What if it’s negative? … Did anyone try—
Roier: What if you kissed me, man?
Bad: Mmm, no, there will be no kisses.
Roier: [dejected] Okay… I need to try, man, y’know?
Bad: No, no kisses today.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
btw for everyone watching roier bad almost went "wait roier please stay" because hes being haunted but he decided against it, almost had a spiderhalo moment
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mamimiou · 4 months
I’ve had a question for awhile but asking Twitter isn’t the right place without starting a big fight that ends with people insulting eachother so I kinda wanna ask it here, just to have an understanding.
Today there was a moment where BBH said Roier had a pretty smile, and Twitter took it the wrong way, saying that people only say Roier as a toy to ship with people. But this happens every time someone even flirts or says a comment towards Roier. They say people “don’t really understand his character” or just “use him for ships”. But that is not true.
I’ve seen a lot of tweets saying that people who ship things out of spiderbit/guapoduo are romanticizing infidelity because Roier and Cellbit are married to eachother. I’ll use one example, spiderduck, because that seems to be the biggest issue.
Spiderduck was a thing before spiderbit was, sometimes even Roier fed into it, they have kissed, they flirt. But a lot of spiderbit fans say “it’s all in their heads, that ship isn’t real” when they have had their moments. But I’ve seen a lot of spiderbit fans being chaosduo fans. Spiderbit clearly has more development, remember that Roier is in Quackitys list of important people and Cellbit is not, and it can also be said that they are romanticizing infidelity as well if you use their arguments.
Most of the ships like spiderduck, spiderhalo, etc, that Roier has were a thing before spiderbit even became a thing. Roier was and is a very flirty character. I’ve seen the excuse that “it’s the fandom that ruins it for me” but that’s such a lame excuse.
And it’s okay, I get it (?) sure! But the attacks only seem to appear when the person who is flirting or receiving compliments is ROIER. No one says anything when it is Cellbit. It is like wrong or something for Roier to even be shipped or even joke around with another character without this massive hate coming in.
No one said anything when Slime makes advancements toward Cellbit (which happens a lot) people even make jokes and say “watch out Roier” or shit like that. And that’s literally fine, but they get so defensive over Roier being the target.
Is it something that I am not seeing or understanding? I just think it’s very weird for there to be like this possessive behavior towards Roier.
Why is it okay if it is Cellbit and it’s not if it’s Roier?
Keep in mind that I do like spiderbit a lot, I can’t seem to ship anyone at all with either of them. It just stinks sometimes because people seem to get possessive over Roier, and before anyone says this isn’t true I have the weirdest tweet ever said about someone’s take on this. There was also a big tweet a few weeks ago where a bunch of spiderbit fans agreed that they could enjoy Cellbit with another person but they couldn’t do the same with Roier.
Can someone help me understand why this happens?
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qroier · 7 months
I love roier and bad cubitos' friendship it's one sided never ending grudge two sided oh wow this guy is in love with me lol one sided killing this fudger would make me the happiest man alive one sided you look like the love of my very long life ALL WHILE ALSO BEING one of the very few people who has ever seen and understood the other and also knowing every button and exactly how to push them and being silly but also dead serious. so basically everything and nothing all at once
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q-starhalo · 4 months
Already told Roier that he could move in with him. Nature is blooming again.
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qdappers · 1 year
bbh cannot resist the yaoi island tempations any longer. if he does not say at least one flirty comment to roier every time he sees him i think he will just die at this point
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trick-trash · 4 months
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Un pixel de spiderhalo
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ddummy07 · 1 month
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petrichormore · 8 months
i think q!Bad and q!Roier should get together i mean what who said that
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aubreyxd · 4 months
roier: shit shit shit shit shit-
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sparklebubbles · 3 months
I miss guapoduo, but also Spiderhalo.
Q!Bbh is always trying to help Q!Roier if he is in danger.
😔😔😔😔 I still remember when Q!R and Q!Cellbit were separared and almost didn't get married and Q!Bad was: OW, REALLY? HAHAHA.
I miss them. 🤝
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