#squippy standing up for their host
mono-socke · 4 months
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low quality drawing to make up for the fact I haven't been doing anything
protective squip let's gooooo
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Broken Headphones Hanahaki Disease Drabble Series - Collection of Finished Drabbles.
This full post will contain all the current drabbles I have written up.
Tags: hanahaki disease, angst, short fictions. one-sided love.
Info: The Squip returned a year before the squad had gone to college. It had taken time but eventually Jeremy had forgiven his Squip and soon after the rest of the of the group did too.
all drabbles are under Keep Reading as this post is a lengthy one.
~*~*~ Drabble 1~*~*~
It had started a few weeks ago. Squip, now known as Will, had excused himself from the main room where the Squip Squad was hanging out, when Jeremy went to check on him he found the 'human' Squip sitting on his bed with red orange petals in his hands and lap. At that time William was just staring at the petals trembling slightly from the fit that had caused them to come up. Jeremy helped him clean up the petals and helped him settle down before going out and giving the excuse that Will felt ill and was going to nap. A week passed and the coughing fits continued and Jeremy did his best to care of his Squip.
"Its Michael... isn't it?" Jeremy asked after a particularly bad fit that left pretty red orange petals and flowers on the floor and Will's hands. Michael had stopped by the squad's shared apartment to say he and rich would be home let as they were going out. As soon as Michael left the Squip had started coughing violent and spitting up petals.
"...it doesn't matter." He rasped in return looking away. Jeremy frowned and reached over hugging his Squip. Will simply whimpered and leaned into the embrace shaking as he took ragged breaths. Once he could breathe again, he and Jeremy cleaned up the petals and through them away.
The next bad fit would be another two weeks later while the Squad was on break and hanging out in the mall food court. Squip was standing at Jeremy's side, Michael was on Jeremy's other side with Rich next to him. Jake was on Rich's other side, and the girls finished up their little circle. Will wasn't really paying attention as he tried to ignore the tickle in his throat and the increasing difficulty to breathe. He was about to nudge Jeremy, to let him know he needed to leave, but as he lifted his head his gaze swept passed Michael's grinning face as the other chatted happily with Jeremy about something. William shuddered and gripped the chair Jeremy sat in hunching over and coughing his hand closing around his mouth as his shoulders jerked with the harsh coughs. Red orange petals fluttered down to the floor as the Squip knelt on one knee. Jeremy was kneeling next to him rubbing his back. Through his hacking he could here the others asking if he was alright. Will shuddered and coughed more spitting up the flowers and petals blocking his lungs. He wheezed painfully as he coughed up the last few petals gripping the handful tightly as he slumped against his host. He didn't look up, he didn't register the questions the others were asking as he sat there wheezing.
Jeremy was talking answering their questions. The Squip didn't bother listening to the answers. He just sat silent waiting for his breathing to be come easier. He sat there hoping the person who was causing this would never find out that they were the reason Will was suffering.
Michael didn't need to know the truth. And truthfully, the Squip didn't want to hear Michael's true feels towards him.
Drabble #2
Squip sat in the shared apartment alone. He was the only one home currently as the others were in class or doing something else. The supercomputer was currently reading with the TV droning on in the back ground. William sighed reaching up to rub his eyes. He marked the page he was on and shut the book. He set the book aside giving a wheeze as he rubbed his throat before giving a harsh cough into his hand. He looked at the petals blankly.
He barely registered the door opening and looked up to see who it was, seeing a familiar red hoodie he held back a wince and closed his fist around the petals as he looked away to the TV.
"Sup. How ya doing?" Michael asked as he set his bag down and walked towards the kitchen.
"...fine." Will said quietly. "How was class?" He asked.
"Same old, same old. Jeremy is gonna be late. He and Christine have rehearsal." Michael replied switching on the facet. "Jake and rich are joining them." He added. Will winced at that and shifted.
"So just us for now than." He concluded as Michael came back into the room with a glass of water and a soda.
"Yep. Just you and me Squippy." Michael said sitting next to will on the sofa and holding out the water. Will blinked but nodded in thanks accepting it. He took a sip of the water sighing softly at the brief moment of relief from the constant tickle in his throat. Michael leaned back opening his soda and taking a drink. "So what're we watching?" He asked. Will looked back at the TV.
"I wasn't really paying much attention... I simply had it on as back ground noise." Will confessed. Taking a moment to watch what was on it seemed to be a musical of some sort.
"Oh. I know this. Sweeney Todd. Nice." Michael said. Will shrugged and took another drink water. Once he swallowed however he went into a coughing fit hunching over as he spit up the pretty petals and flowers. He felt a hand on his back patting it lightly. He shuddered coughing up more and wheezing heavily as the fit passed.
"Easy... just breathe." Michael said. Will shut his eyes trembling and shook his head. Michael rubbed his back, "... why put up with it? You know there's a surgery-"
"I'm not quiet sure it would work, Michael." Will rasped. "I am not exactly human even if I do look it... besides... even if I could get it I wouldn't.... unrequited or not, I do not regret my love for them." He said.
"Must be one hell of a person." Michael said. Will smiled.
"That they are." He agreed. The two fell silent and Will finished off the water. He sighed feeling exhausted from the fit and looked at the petals in his hands. He felt himself slump weakly against Michael, not having the strength to sit up. The boy shifted and rubbed his back.
"You should get some rest." Michael said. The Squip gave a silent nod his eyes already closed.
He might be suffering. But to him Michael was worth it.
Drabble #3
Tears streamed down his cheeks as he coughed, his shoulders jerking with each one. The petals made him gag as he coughed them up, and he shut his eyes as he coughed hard choking slightly. He wheezed trying to catch his breath, but every time he sucked in air it threw him into another agonizing fit. William held his hand over his mouth he could feel the warm liquid that had started to splatter on his palm from how raw his throat was. He sucked in another breath bracing for another fit, only to sigh in relief when it didn't come. He wheezed, slumping on the floor where he'd collapsed with the fit had first hit him.
He let his hands fall to his lap and bowed his head staring blankly at the red orange petals and flowers. He didn't stare at his red stained hand as he swallowed. Will flinched at the soreness of his throat and closed his eyes. He jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder and looked up at see Jeremy staring down at him worriedly. William simply lowered his head and leaned into him shutting his teary eyes.
Drabble #4 { Jeremy’s POV }
He could hear the fit. Heard how the other struggled to suck in a wheezing breath only to fall back into the fit that had taken over him. He closed his eyes. This seemed to be the worst one so far. He heard William cough and gag as he stood from his chair and left his room. By the time he got to his Squip's door he could hear the other wheezing trying to recover. He quietly opened the door and stepped in. He couldn't held the flinch at the pile of flowers and petals surrounding the supercomputer. Jeremy bit his lip seeing the blood stains on the other's hands as he approached. He set his hand on William's shoulder, resulting in his Squip jumping and looking. Jeremy frowned looking down at him worriedly. His Squip looked down and simply leaned into him in response.
Jeremy knelt and wrapped his arms around William holding him close. He felt something wet hit his arm but stayed quiet as he closed his eyes. He held his Squip, offering him as much comfort as he could. He opened his eyes and looked to the red orange petals and flowers. He knew this was only going to end badly.
Unless Jeremy stepped in and stopped it. He felt William latch on to him and shake his head as he pressed his face into his shoulder. Jeremy tightened his hold on his squip. He sighed and closed his eyes again.
He had to tell Michael. One of them had to. And he knew it wasn't going to be William.
Drabble #5
Michael opened the door to the apartment with a sigh. He was about to call out that he was home when he heard arguing. He frowned, following it towards the kitchen listening. For the past week Jeremy and his Squip had been off. It was obvious the two were arguing over something. This was the first Michael had come in during one of the arguments though. They seemed to be avoiding fighting in front of him. The fact they were arguing now must mean they hadn't heard him enter.
"I don't care, Jeremy! Just drop it!" Squip hissed, he was wheezing. Which had swiftly become normal for the passed week. Michael could only assume the illness had worsened.
"No! You should care, Will! You're getting worse! He needs to know!" Jeremy snapped.
"Well I don't! And what makes you think telling him will change anything?! He doesn't feel the same its useless and pointless to speak about... just... please. Just drop it." William snapped back his voice going quiet and pleading towards the end.
"He deserves to know." Jeremy said, his own voice softening. "Its not useless or pointless."
Michael leaned against the wall staying out of view as he listened. He knew he shouldn't but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious, and a little worried. Sure the Squip was an asshole but Will was trying to be better, he'd proved that he regretted his actions so Michael was willing to give him a chance.
"He hates me, Jeremy. I already know that, I'm good with knowing it. I don't want to hear him say it." William wheezed out.
"He doesn't hate you." Jeremy said. "He was upset, yeah but he knows that you changed. You're telling him. Or I will. I'm not arguing on this anymore. I'm not sitting back and watching you suffer anymore." He added. Michael narrowed his eyes. It wasn't hard to figure out that William had fallen for one of the guys in there group. It wasn't Jeremy, clearly, so that just left Jake, Rich, and Michael. And it couldn't be Michael.... right?
"... I'm not telling him." William said.
"Then I will." Jeremy said.
Michael pushed off the wall hearing footsteps heading from the kitchen he silently backed away pulling up his headphones, acting like he was listening to music and on his way to the kitchen as Jeremy stepped out. Jeremy stopped and waved seeing him. Michael grinned and lowered his headphones.
"Michael. Perfect timing." Jeremy said. Michael tilted his head.
"What's up?" He asked, was it about that fight? Shit did they know he was ease dropping?
William appeared in the door way flicking his eyes to Michael before looking at Jeremy who met his gaze. They stared at one another before William slumped his shoulders and moved passed Jeremy, who grabbed on to his arm as he looked at Michael.
"We should sit down. Its really important."
"Jeremy...." William hissed desperately shooting Jeremy a pleading look.
"Sit down, Will." Jeremy said sternly as he pulled the clearly resistant Squip towards the couch. Will looked ready to protest but sat down in defeat staring at the floor. Michael crowned looking between them.
"...what's going on?" He asked moving to sit in the chair as Jeremy sat next to his Squip.
"As you probably guessed, Will's condition has worsened." Jeremy said.
"Uh, yeah." Michael replied shifting as he played with his headphone cord. He looked at William who hadn't moved save for hunching up his shoulders, curling into himself more. "...is.. is this about the arguments you two are having like the one just know in the kitchen?" He asked frowning.
Jeremy paused looking at Michael in slight surprise as William flinched, "you heard that?" He asked. Michael gave a nod.
"Y-yeah. I came in and heard you two yelling. I know I shouldn't have listened in but I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't a bit worried." Michael said. Jeremy sighed.
"Its fine. It actually makes this easier. Michael, its-"
"Don't." William whispered weakly in a last attempt to get Jeremy to stop. Jeremy looked at him before turning to Michael.
"Its you." Jeremy said. Michael's eyes widened staring at his best friend. Him?
"...me?" He asked. Michael blinked, once, twice, he stared as Jeremy nodded. Michael looked at William, who was glancing up at him, watching with... fear? What did the Squip have to fear...? Michael looked back at Jeremy then to the Squip. He swallowed as it finally clicked. Him. William actually loved /him/. Rich or Jake, Michael could understand the guys were down right attractive and Rich was too adorable for his own good at times but /Michael?/
"... oh." His voice cracked slightly as he spoke. William winced and dropped his gaze. "I... I uh... um... Will... I...." he trailed off.
"It doesn't matter." William whispered he looked up with a weak forced smile, "its fine." He added. Almost pleading Michael to not continue. Michael stared at him.
"... no. No, I... Will I... I don't feel the same... but I do not hate you." He said. William winced when he said he didn't feel the same but his eyes widened slightly as he said he didn't hate him.
"You... you don't?" He asked. Michael shook his head and shifting reaching up to fix his glasses.
"Of course not. I mean, yeah I kinda did at first... but you proved to be worthy of a second chance. And thinking about it you were only doing what was in you're programing. So, it wasn't all your fault." Michael said. "... I don't love you... I'm not gonna lie and say that I do... but I do like you. And... I'm... I'm glad you told me." He added.
William stared at him and relaxed, looking relieved. Jeremy smiled some and nudged William.
"Told you." He said, before standing. "Now, I have a date with Christine to go on. I'll leave you two to talk." Jeremy said as he headed snatched up his keys and headed to the door. "Have a good talk." Jeremy called over his shoulder. Michael watched him leave rolling his eyes. A glance at will showed him that the Squip was glaring after his ex host. William sighed as the door shut and looked over at Michael before looking down at the floor awkwardly. Michael shifted before standing and moving to sit next to the Squip who looked up startled. Michael chuckled at his reaction.
"How about we watch a movie? We don't need to talk right now, besides your throat's gotta be sore from the fits." Michael said. William shifted and gave a nod.
"I-i'm fine... a movie sounds good..." he said. Michael smiled and grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV and put on a random cartoon movie for them to watch. William glanced at him before looking at the TV. Michael leaned back on the couch relaxing. As they watched the movie William slowly relaxed leaning back on the couch as well.
And for the first time in a week, William was breathing.
There ya have it. This series still has a few more drabbles left to go, each will be posted separately though.
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pika-ace · 6 years
BMC AU where Squip and Jeremy are swapped
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen ask blogs covering this subject, but with that being said, I’m gonna steal the idea of how that AU would go down.
Meaning, that Human!Squip is a super cool kid, popular, good grades, all that stuff, but he’s a massive dick to everyone he knows. Everyone avoids him or just agrees with everything he says because he has eyes that can pierce your soul (and if his body is based off EWM he could probably break someone in half). And with all of this, Squippy feels unhappy. He feels empty inside; it’s almost like focusing on your popularity rather than your relationships isn’t healthy or something :0c
But then he hears a rumor (probably from Rich’s Human Squip) about this pill that can help you fulfill whatever you’re missing in your life. It’s supposed to help you gain REAL popularity, not the fake plastic version that ends with you being secretly hated by everyone. So Squippy gets his Squip and after a painful headache, he’s suddenly confronted with a shy, but kind teenage boy, his Squip, who’s sole purpose, at least for Squippy, is to help him be nice to people. Squippy names this new hologram Jeremy ‘cause that’s actually what you have to do, one of the first things they tell you to do is name them, and the two go through high school together with Jeremy whispering in Squip’s ear to help him change his image. Obviously not as physically or emotionally as in the regular musical, but doing things like standing up to other bullies and not glaring down everyone he sees (Jeremy’s first goal is to downgrade his host from ‘super cool asshole’ to ‘cool but mysterious guy who doesn’t really talk to anyone but is actually not that bad a person’). But yeah, it ends with Squippy slowly becoming a nicer person and in a perfect world, he finds out how to make Jeremy become a human cause they’re best buds now, but yeah, I don’t know how it would end XP
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