veryobsessedchild · 2 months
How I sleep knowing I’m not a squipremy shipper:
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theblackdog552 · 2 months
I love twinks that get beat up by their emotionally unstable boyfriend
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kurtdotkelly · 5 months
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hi squip. Hi Jeremy.....
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shadowspirez · 2 months
okay okay hear me out gang
human Squip AU where the Squip is a cannibal that kidnaps Jeremy on his way to/from school. now, he WAS planning on eating him, but... oh no... his dinnar so pathetic it's kinda cute.....
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mono-socke · 2 months
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this is how 'the squip enters' actually went, because @shadowspirez and I say so
look at them gays, they're such idiots <33
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thefawnfallacy · 5 months
The fact that The Squip is completely capable of downloading and processing the ability to love but it’s constantly changing and being corrupted by headlining news of “crimes of passion” and “love crimes”. If anything, the only reason he hasn’t killed Jeremy to prove the depths of his affection for him is because it means he’d no longer have a host or a boy to torment.
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i’ll tell you my squins and you can sharpen your squife offer me that squethless squeth good god let me give you my squife
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numberoneceofan · 2 months
post that none of my mututals will understand
ok so squipemy gives me the ick but like who caresss omg. let people ship what they wannntt. i dont like it so i dont fucking post about it 😭 its not ur job to ride at dawn and STOP those shippers because if you hate its not gonna get them to stop youre just gonna be mean to someone who’s probably >15 whoo carrresss. Genuinely!
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mr-phetamine · 1 year
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Little sketchy sketch and lazy coloring of the babes <3
Jeremy is having a case of the colds, heartbreaking
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theblackdog552 · 1 year
Best ship dynamic: literal god x some kid
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shadowspirez · 18 days
imagine jeremy's friends n classmates wondering why there's always an empty seat next to jeremy on the bus. surprise, it's because his computer bf is sitting next to him and holding hands and all that ! and if there happens to be no seat available next to jeremy, squip will INSIST on sitting on his lap <33
(fuck the drama that's going on. let them be gay together)
YESYESYES REAL CANON YOU ARE SO FUCKIGN RIGHT????? they're fucking snuggling in that bus seat, homosexually! they're giving each other quick smooches when nobody's looking!!
Squip vs absolutely abusing his ability to just manifest himself in Jeremy's lap whenever, surprise bf jumpscare fr. he thinks it's cute that Jerm gets all red and flustered, and Jeremy thinks it's adorable that the tsundere tictac will vehemently insist he is NOT blushing even though his whole face is bright red/blue >:3c
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mono-socke · 4 months
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low quality drawing to make up for the fact I haven't been doing anything
protective squip let's gooooo
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kurtdotkelly · 4 months
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@itsjustjeremy homosexual
Jeremy and squip doodle..
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justahopelessaromantic · 10 months
Upgraded Voices In My Head (Ch. 5: Michael makes an entrance)
Fandom: Be More Chill: The Musical Ships: Boyf riends and Squipemy Links to Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 Summary: Jeremy, for the most part, was okay with the effects of accidentally drinking Mountain Dew. Having an upgraded Squip that's no longer a complete douche-bag (okay, he was still a little shitty, but nothing too unbearable)? Cool. Squip playing matchmaker for him and his multiple crushes? Awesome. Falling in love with said Squip? Not exactly ideal.
Dropping down to the final step, Jeremy swiveled around to awkwardly lean against the soda-stained arm of a battered sofa (the Squip would have to convince him to dispose of that later), all while never taking his eyes off the rather uncomfortable advanced AI. He stared the boy down for a few moments in a (successful, if his host’s increased fidgeting was any indication) attempt at intimidation before shuddering, a wave of cold electricity running up his spine, and snapped back in hopes of distracting from his darkening cheeks, air sudden too hot and room too cramped (especially with the gremlin huddled in one of the couch’s corner and gripping the controller so hard his nails were digging into its plastic sides, music blaring from his oversized headphones so loud it was audible even from where they stood as glossed over eyes fixated themselves on crude low poly pixel art). 
“What?” He sneered, practically baring his fangs and catching the human off guard before he mentally scrambled for a reply that didn’t reveal how shamelessly he’d been checking the computer out.
“I, uh, I was just wondering why, um, why you’re human form still looks kinda like Keanu Re-oof!” Before Jeremy could finish, his guest ripped off his headphones, threw them on the woolen carpet, and tackled him in a warm hug, flinging them both into the sofa cushion and wiping the hostile interaction clean from the host’s mind. The Squip, eyeing the home intruder visitor cautiously, silently slipped behind the stairs as Jeremy reciprocated the hug, burying his face in his friend’s soft shoulder for a soft moment before beaming a warm smile at him. “Michael! Holy shit, it’s so good to see you, man. How come you’re home early?”
“Our flight back got cancelled so we took an early one home. The trip was still hella gnarly though. God, you woulda loved it, man! We’re taking you with us next time, I promi...whoooooa, wait...” Eerie silence pierced through enthusiasm to reveal concern as he finally took in Jeremy’s new apprentice in full. The gamer gently cupped his reddening face with one hand, gingerly thumbing over the fresh scar, along with a few stray acne bumps, on his cheek and brushing the soft curls dangling in front of his bandages out of the way. “Dude, what...happened?” Startled by the sudden intimacy, he bashfully turned to the side to avoid his friend’s intense stare and explained what led to the mess that was last night, taking particular care to leave out the face planting like a moron bit and being practically coddled by his dotting Squip before standing back up and bracing himself for Michael’s reaction.
“...Well,...yeah, but...you’re good now, right?” He pried, poking and prodding a now heavily flustered Jeremy’s face in search of any \ injuries he might’ve missed. “‘Cause I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if something serious happened just ‘cause I wasn’t here to, like, nag you about taking care of yourself n’ shit.”
Jeremy's eyes widened before they shifted to the floor, his hands beginning to fidget again (Squip would have to deal with that later). “Aw, c’mon, Micky, y-you know you don’t have to worry about me.” The jet lag from his wonky trip hours ensured that Michael did not have the time, nor the energy, to explain why that sentence took the prize for Biggest Understatement of the Decade. ”I’m totally fine! I mean, my head is givin’ me hell and I’m fucking starving, but, like, besides that Squip says I’ll be fine, so, uh, yeah.” He spat out, earning an overly drawn-out sigh of relief from his player 1 who slumped back into his seat.
“Oh, thank god!” Shoulders dropping, Michael leaned back against his friend and let out a sigh. “Man, you are so fucking lucky you’re not hurt for real, Jer. You pull a stunt like that again and I won’t hesitate, bi-wait did you say squip?” The other nodded casually before Michael shot him a curious look.
“Oh, right! Okay,..” He shot up out of his seat and swiftly grabbed Michael’s sleeve, ripping him up from the couch to reveal a stone-faced, cleanly dressed man that the player 1 could only describe as a stylish and almost threatening version of “chill” personified practically staring into his soul, while Jeremy hooked himself onto the man’s arm, vibrating with an almost childlike excitement. It vaguely reminded him of the joy that the player 2 radiated after finally asking Christine out or finding out about how to silence Squip's excessive internal nagging with a Mountain Dew red binge (the irony between that last example and the situation at hand did not escape Michael) “So! This is my-”
“Squip.” He interjected, extending an arm in search of a handshake while silently bracing himself to touch a most likely greasy and calloused hand. “Shorthand for super quantum unit Intel processor. You must be Michael. Truly a...” Closing his eyes and grimacing, he forced out his best, almost like the words stung. “...pleasure...to meet you, sir. Jeremy has told me many oh, for god sakes, why do you humans insist on throwing things at me today!?” The hologram groaned, bending over to pick up the thrown Xbox controller that had phased through him and place it back on top of its console while Jeremy ran to Michael’s side.
Failing to apprehend his friend due to his less-than-stellar strength (see: noodle arms), he opted for a more reason-based persuasion, muting the voice inside his head nagging on about how the emotion-driven best friend would probably just dismiss anything he said when dealing with something this serious.
“Dude, what the hell is your problem!?”
Micheal gave his friend a baffled look before pointing at the hologram. “That! That thing is the source of like...85% of all my problems.”
“I assume the other 15% stem from your raging idiocy, correct?”
Before Michael could bite back with a “Fuck off, you satanic tic tac!” or something equally unclever, Jeremy glared at his Squip before overprotective wrapping his arms around Michael, whose eyes widened at the sudden contact, and pulling him close, taking a half step back from the program. “Hey, cool it, dude! That’s, like, my favorite person you’re talking about.”
The Squip cringed at the young adult’s poor taste. “That’s your favorite person?” Clearly, he didn’t have much competition for the title.
...not that he wanted it, of course.
“Oh, yeah, uh, sorry about that. I swear, he’s usually not...” Jeremy studied the almost bloodthirsty look in the eyes of his kicking and screaming friend as he clawed frantically at the offending Intel processor. “...like this.” 
“I should hope not. Spending too much time around someone so...” The computer program circled around the calmer yet still scouring teen, combing over every inch of him with his electronic scanners. “...juvenile would hinder my objective.” 
“Suck a dick, asshole!”
The Squip only blinked. “I hope you know you’re only proving my point.”
“I hope you know you’re a defective piece of shit.”
A harsh, palpable silence fell over the room as Michael slumped into his player two’s arms in gradual exhaustion, and said player loosened his grip subtly and unwittingly leaned toward his Squip, his wide eyes frantically picking apart each pixel. Simulated breath hitching, the Squip froze for so long, Jeremy had time to toy with the idea that he might be glitching. The last time Jeremy saw him project glossy, shifting eyes, shaky hands, and a loss for words (God knows that thing never shut up) was during the glimpse he caught moments before passing out from the shock of The Play™. Back then it’d only been there as a last-ditch attempt to draw sympathy out of Jer in vain hopes of reactivation, but there was no reason for it now, considering the lack of real, high-stakes threat (Unless you counted Michael and, quite frankly, he knew the Squip was smart enough not to). The first time was a dull shock to Jeremy’s system.
The second only stirred up a vague sense of concern he was sure the Intel processor saw.
The Squip, of course, couldn’t have that.
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pipisafk · 1 year
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I just like the ship man. I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers. Hate it if you want it makes me happy
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mr-phetamine · 2 years
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Fem!Squip and Jeremy
That’s the tweet.
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