#straykids ninth member
jinnie-ret · 9 months
people pleaser
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: toxic friends
word count: 3.6k
summary: in her one kid's room episode, y/n reflects on how it was hard for her not to be so kind and sweet to everyone, because she just wanted them to like her.
The music at the start of the video played, cutting between different things the members were saying.
"Ah, she's too kind for her own good," Seungmin shook his head with a slightly sad smile.
"She hypes everyone up, she's like a mood maker of the group," Lee Know added on.
"Y/N is very selfless," Jeongin said turning his head to the others as they nodded.
"One Kid's Room, Y/N!" Y/N smiled into the camera, relaxed into the armchair with her comfy purple fleece on.
Ever since the group's trainee days, Y/N had been a people pleaser. Not that she realised that fact about herself, until it came to the future where she would reflect on herself.
She remembered when she had seen Han around the practice rooms, and it didn't matter what he did, singing, dancing or rapping... he was talented in all areas. He was even charming to her despite his shyness occasionally. She knew for sure he'd debut soon, he was an ace after all. There were also rumours going around that her good friend Chan was creating a group to join the showcase and have a chance at debuting. She wanted to be like him, so she made a lot of effort to greet him and be kind to him.
"Hi Jisung!" she would wave at him as she passed him in the corridors of JYP Entertainment.
Of course, Han being Han, would wave back without really knowing who she was at first, but he felt too awkward to ignore her. When he spoke to his hyung about a pretty girl always saying 'hello' at him, Chan was quick to tell Han about who his friend Y/N was (and also that she was off limits because he was thinking of adding her to the group but he didn't tell Han that last part).
Soon they became more comfortable around each other and Y/N found herself practising singing songs with Han, wishing she could belt notes like he could too.
"Wow, you're so good at hitting those higher notes! I wish I could do that," Y/N turned her head towards Han, from where they were both lying down on the practice room floor, feet pointed outwards to opposite walls but their heads side by side.
"Hey, you've got a great voice too, you know?" Han quickly moved his head to the side to look at her, but decided against it and stared right back up at the ceiling.
"You really think so?" Y/N's voice wavered. She needed reassurance, she knew that herself. There was still a long way to go, but she'd get to a place she wanted with her voice one day.
"I know so. Maybe one day you could be my backup singer?" Han said casually, before belly laughing when Y/N leaned over and turned to him with a pout.
"Hannnn!" she whined.
"Yah, you know I'm joking, just keep practising, you'll do great, yeah?" Han said genuinely, before standing up and hauling her up himself as they left the practice room.
The next to join the group Chan was preparing for was a boy the same age as her, Jeongin. He was cute, Y/N thought, shy as well and maybe even similar to herself in some ways for wanting the approval of others, especially their future leader.
Dropping her bag in the corner of the room, first to arrive, Y/N quickly exited the practise room realising she needed the bathroom. Only to return to see Jeongin sheepishly standing in the entrance, Han looking away and Chan stood in the middle of the room with his arms folded.
"Jeongin you should have been here ten minutes ago," the Australian guy frowned running a hand through his hair. Ten minutes? Wow, Chan could be scary sometimes, and Y/N didn't regret joining the group lineup so far, but he was pretty strict.
"I-i was just..." Jeongin tried speaking up but clearly didn't have the words to explain why, practice bag in between his legs and hands clasped nervously behind his back.
"Oh that's my fault, Chan," Y/N decided to lie for him and came forward and stood next to Jeongin, resting her hand on his shoulder as they stood at the same height, "I was showing Jeongin this video at the dorms and I insisted he watch it before we leave..." she even looked off to the side awkwardly, and that part was genuine because the moment Chan let out a huff through his nose, she felt intimidated.
"Guys.... ugh, just, get ready for practice, yeah?" Chan sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose as the two youngest rushes to one side of the room.
"Why did you do that?" Jeongin whispered, pulling out his bottle of water.
"Because I want to know why you were really late," Y/N joked and nudges his shoulder, making him laugh.
"Guys, stop messing around!" Chan rolled his eyes. Y/N wasn't so sly, he saw her bag that had already been there, and knew she hadn't arrived at the same time as Jeongin, but he allowed the excuse nonetheless.
Walking back into the dorms after a busy shift at work, with school the next day, hearing a loud argument was not ideal at all for Y/N. And of course, it had to be between Han and Hyunjin. The taller boy had recently been recruited by Chan after his exceptional dance skills and potential. Perhaps Han was jealous? Y/N didn't really know, all she wanted was her bed right now but she hated the confrontation she heard.
"You can't just leave your things around everywhere! You're so messy!" Hyunjin yelled at Han.
Y/N peeked her head round the hallway after taking off her coat and shoes to see them yelling at each other in the lounge. Chan and Jeongin were nowhere to be seen - they must be out somewhere.
"I was here first! You think I care about your complaints? Get over yourself!" Han shouted, fists clenched at his sides.
"Oh so it's not ok for me to complain, but you get to act like a spoilt brat and like you're better than everyone else?!" Hyunjin yelled once more.
"Guys, what are you doing?" Y/N yawned, staring at the shouting boys who immediately flipped round to their dongsaeng.
"Oh, hey Y/N," Hyunjin's eyes softened, and so did his tone as he saw her standing there tiredly.
"What are you doing up so late?" Han questioned, glancing across at her.
"She works, remember? Gosh, you don't care about anyone but yourself and-" Hyunjin shouted before Y/N quietly cut him off with her calming demeanour.
"Stop. Just stop. You ask me why I'm up late but you two are up awake and arguing... If we're gonna be a team we can't go on like this. And that's not fair to Chan," Y/N shook her head sighing. She couldn't even look at the boys, but from the resounding silence there was she hoped her words had gotten through to them.
"I guess you're right," Hyunjin nodded, shifting awkwardly on one leg.
They all looked at Y/N as if seeing her in a whole new way, she seemed more mature than ever in that moment.
"We all have early starts tomorrow, don't we?" Y/N checked with them, chewing on her lip.
"You're right we do," Han sighed and nodded.
"Right, let's sleep then," Y/N nodded and rushed off to her room, not wanting to be in that situation again. She liked offering her advice, yes, but being the voice of reason? That felt like another level of having responsibility.
"Let's not fight again," Hyunjin whispered, tired himself, physically and emotionally.
All Han could do was roll his eyes and nod as they retreated to their rooms.
It may not have been the last time they fought, but they both put in more effort to control their emotions.
3RACHA was completed. Changbin joined Han and Chan in making music and releasing in onto SoundCloud together, and despite his darker aura, the boy was one of the most caring guys she had ever met.
He would check up on her often, noticing her floating away into her own little world. It happened again one day, when Y/N was sat in the studio with the three guys, until Chan and Han went to collect lunch.
"You good, Y/Nnie?" Changbin asked, breaking the comfortable silence that was in the room.
"Hmm, yeah, why?" Y/N wiped sleep out of her eyes as she saw him staring back at her.
"It's ok, you know, to be upset, or tired," Changbin gently spoke, sensing from the start that she was a sensitive, soft soul.
"I'm not upset... I just need to improve, that's all..." Y/N sighed, curling up into a tighter ball on the sofa, tugging a blanket over her legs.
"I saw your face after the staff spoke to you," Changbin informed her, helping to straighten out the blanket.
"They just said that I shouldn't expect to be a part of the group if I'm dancing and singing the way I do and that even a rat would have done a better job," Y/N shrugged, not able to look at Changbin.
"They what? They can't say rude shit like that to you!" Changbin stood up, arms folded.
"I-it was just constructive criticism," Y/N jumped slightly, not expecting the strong reaction from her fellow group member.
"No, they were rude to you, there's a difference between constructive criticism and being rude. How is what they said helpful in any way?!" Changbin growled, shaking his head with a clenched jaw.
"I just caught them in a bad mood-" Y/N shared the thought that was playing over and over again in her head, eyes shining as she looked up at Changbin.
"No, you didn't, ok? It's alright," Changbin side hugged her to him, joining her back on the sofa, "it's ok to feel sad from what they said, I just want you to talk to me about it, I'm here. Now, come on, Chan and Han will be back with food soon."
Next to join the group was a charming freckled boy, also from Australia. He had quickly grown close with Chan from their shared nationality, but Y/N craved to be close with him too. She wanted him to like her, after all, she got on well with her other members, so she found herself worrying when she hadn't really had a chance to bond with him yet.
He was a cute and loveable guy, and with the language barrier, Felix not really knowing a lot of Korean yet, Y/N felt disheartened when her words would be met with a blank look from him. She just hadn't connected the dots yet, not realising it was because her quick ramblings in Korean were an overwhelming whirlwind of incomprehensible words.
"Hi Felix! I'm so glad you joined the group, you've got such a cool voice I think it will really make us stand out!" Y/N gushed to Felix after they all did a vocal practice together.
"Thank you," Felix awkwardly answered before looking away at the ground, smiling bigger only when Chan stood next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
That was when Y/N decided she needed to find a better way to communicate with Felix, so she started writing notes, using an online translator to write an English translation below her Korean words, to tell him words of encouragement and show him she was there as a friend.
"Thanks Y/N! See you soon, maybe," Y/N's trainee friends giggled as they left the lobby of JYP, Y/N waving goodbye to them as she zipped her purse back up.
"What was that about?" Seungmin spoke up, leant against the wall opposite her.
"Oh, umm, my friends asked if they could borrow some of my money to get some snacks," Y/N grinned, feeling happy she was able to help her friends.
"You didn't have to do that... give them your money so easily," Seungmin shook his head, walking over and standing closer to her now.
Seungmin was recognised for his polite nature and gorgeous voice, hence his joining of the group.
"It's ok, really, they needed it and plus they said they'd pay me back," Y/N defended her friends, lips pursing when she saw Seungmin frown.
"Whenever I see those friends of yours they ask for money," Seungmin was trying really hard for Y/N to see sense.
"It's fine I have a part time job for a reason," Y/N smiled, trying to brush away Seungmin's concerned but it only made it worse.
"Yeah, not to fund their snacks," his eyes only widened in response.
"They need it," Y/N's voice became higher pitched, as she was desperate for Seungmin to believe her and just leave alone the subject. She didn't want to be in any sort of argument with him but he also didn't want him to be thinking badly of her friends.
"So do you, please be careful around them," Seungmin sighed and patted her shoulder, seeing she wanted to leave the subject alone, as they both left the company.
Later that night at the dorms, Y/N and Seungmin were relaxing on the sofa, with the other members too, as they scrolled through their phones. Looking at her social media, Y/N tapped on her friend's story, only to see they were all hanging out without her, and seemed to be eating at a slightly more expensive fast food restaurant. But they didn't even have enough money for a snack earlier?!
It seemed Y/N had spoke this last thought out loud. Seungmin peered over her shoulder and frowned, recognising the people in the photos as his younger member's friends.
Stopping himself from telling her 'I told you so', Seungmin offered his comfort.
"You've got us, yeah? Don't worry about them anymore," Seungmin swiped off of the story and took her phone out of her hands.
"I don't know what i did wrong..." Y/N bit her lip, wondering how she always went wrong with her friends.
"You did nothing wrong, they took advantage of your kindness, Y/N, now let me order some fried chicken for us, yeah?"
The final member Chan added to the lineup was a guy called Minho, who, very impressively, had completed the basic JYP dance moves in 2 weeks. Y/N was in awe of him.
"I can't believe you completed the moves already! I bet Chan will make you dance leader when we all get to debut together!" Y/N smiled at Lee Know, singing his praises.
"Aha, thank you," Lee Know awkwardly bowed at her, not really saying much after. Y/N just wanted to compliment him and show her appreciation, but seeing his short responses made her feel awkward too, and soon they'd be left in silence.
Y/N found herself sat there thinking, she spent so long trying to get everyone to like her, but maybe what she said, what she did, wasn't good enough?
"Is this too much for you?" Chan sat down next to Y/N, who had isolated herself to sit in the corner of the practice room.
"No it's fine," Y/N waved her hand away, running a hand through her hair.
"Tell me the truth," Chan insisted, shifting his body to look at her, feeling concerned.
"I am, I'm fine," Y/N bluntly said, not wanting to talk about how she truly was feeling, and the thoughts she was having.
"Don't lie to me, I need to know you can do this, I don't want you stressing out, we've got the showcase ahead of us, Y/N," Chan urged her to tell the truth, resting a hand on her knee, patting it gently.
"Look, ok, it is a lot to deal with but I can do it, I promise you. I just, I'm trying to figure everything in my head," Y/N leant her head back against the wall, closing her eyes.
"Thank you for telling me the truth, and, Y/N, that's why we're here, we don't want you feeling like you're on your own when you do so much for all of us, ok?" Chan side hugged her, warmth in his eyes, and some relief there when he finally broke through to her.
"I am? I mean, I do a lot for you guys?" Y/N's voice pleaded for the truth, looking at Chan with hope in her eyes.
"You always do," he smiled and ruffled her hair.
Back to One Kids Room, Y/N smiled as she thought about how she had come as a person.
"As much as I still look up to my members, my self-esteem has grown so much and I've learnt to value myself. I love them so much, but I need to give myself energy and time too," Y/N smiled at the camera, hands squeezing the long arms of her sleeves and balling them up.
"She's so much more confident now, I remember she used to ask me if this was fine or that but now she's more confident," Changbin commented, the other guys nodding in agreement.
"She used to come to me being like, woahhhhh you're such a good dancer!" Lee Know chucked, thinking of the younger version of Y/N, who would always praise her members.
"Ah yes she'd speak exactly like that! Wow... And she'd look at me like, with these wide eyes being like, I wanna rap like you!" Han laughed as he perfectly imitated how Y/N spoke to him.
"She used to have this really sweet habit, when I didn't know Korean very well, umm, she'd leave these little notes for me, and write the Korean and English translation for me just so I knew what she was saying. There'd always be these words of encouragement, it just made my heart feel warm," Felix told the members, who all 'ooh'ed in response, shocked at this fact because they didn't know that Y/N used to do that.
"Ah, yes, I did used to leave notes for Felix... I wanted to be his friend so badly! He just seemed so cool but whenever I spoke to him he just sort of awkwardly smiled and nodded. I thought he didn't like me, turns out he had no idea what I was saying, so I left notes for him instead... yeah," Y/N felt shy when she admitted this, covering her face.
"I remember back in trainee days, I was late for practice because I overslept. And then when I arrived I thought Channie hyung is really going to scold me but Y/N suddenly appeared, I think she came back from the bathroom or something but she said it was her fault that we were both late, and I thought phew, hyung won't be angry at me now, haha," Jeongin told his own story, remembering Y/N covering for him, and that wasn't the only time she had done that.
"I remember that! I knew she was covering up for you!" Chan gasped, pointing an accusing finger at Jeongin who laughed in response.
"She's so sweet and kind, whenever any of us would argue she'd try and stop it from happening," Hyunjin shook his head in wonder at how selfless Y/N was.
"Oh yeah! She'd try and get us to see from each perspective, even though I felt like I was right I thought wow I can't argue because now Y/N would be sad too if we carried on," Han covered his mouth slightly as he laughed, patting Hyunjin on the shoulder knowing that the argument he was referring to was definitely between the two of them.
"Right! Right! She's really good at seeing other people's feelings, but she used to struggle when it came to herself... She'd look so confused if I said to her that she was acting sad, she looked like a lost puppy..." Changbin said in a more serious tone.
"Oh when she had those puppy eyes! Yeah!" Chan nodded along enthusiastically, knowing the look all too well.
"It made my heart ache, she didn't understand, she's much better now though, I'll get a knock at my door and we'll talk for hours," Changbin confessed, feeling happy he was needed in helping his member feel better.
"Ah yes I talk to Binnie a lot about my feelings these days... I still find it confusing to understand how I feel but it makes a bit more sense when I talk with him, yeah..." Y/N began, still a bit shy in admitting when she needed help but better than she would have been before, "I don't think I look like a puppy? Seungmin is more like a puppy, haha."
"Remember Y/N used to have that part time job?" Seungmin asked the rest of the guys.
"Really?" Felix was shocked, not realising everything Y/N had to balance.
"Yeah she used to work at a cafe whilst training and school, I really admired that," Hyunjin grinned, proud of the younger girl.
"But she'd still have to ask us for money," Chan laughed.
"She'd spend it on her old friends! She wanted to make sure they were ok and then suddenly she wouldn't have any money left!" Seungmin said in disbelief, his voice cutely rising up and down in pitch showing how he was feeling.
"Oh, that makes sense I remember one time we got some boba, and she asked me like oppa, can you get me that please? And I asked her where her money went and she said she spent it on a present for Innie... I think it was near his birthday at the time," Lee Know commented, leaning back against the sofa.
"Woahh, my heart," Hyunjin gasped, placing a hand over his chest, "that's so cute!"
"Ah I love giving gifts! I feel like if I can find someone the perfect gift and they are happy then I'm really happy too," Y/N explained after a staff member asked her the question.
"I think I'm definitely different from debut days... If I could say anything about myself now... It would be... You have grown. Y/N has changed, but in a good way!"
"One Kid's Room, Y/N, finished!"
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari
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leeknowsyou · 4 months
ot8 skz asking their contact name
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pairing. ot8 skz x reader genre. fluff, smau warning. cursing a/n. sorry for the inactivity 🫶
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a/n. reblogs are appreciated <3
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skz-kiana · 1 year
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kpop oc’s
they know eachother from back in sydney! they were childhood friends along with chanlix 👁️. juliet actually left to korea in 2014, a year before kiana. juliet was one of kianas only friends that were actually a girl in school so she sort of formed an attachment to her so when she left she was really sad </33 . she trained hard with her trainer ,then did an audition for jyp and sm and got into jyp. chan, being the leader he is, got in contact with juliet again and arranged a meetup for aussie line and that’s how they got in contact again 💁‍♀️.
their relationship is very fun. they like messing around and causing chaos 🙈. but a lot of times they are also just calm, enjoying eachothers presence and making up for missed time. they have a lot of playful philosophical debates with eachother. sometimes when one of them have a comeback there’s a 87% chance that the other will be featured on one of their challenge videos. a iconic baeji moment is when kiana was doing a vlog for her birthday and when she went downstairs it was dark, and when she turned on the lights juliet was there waiting for her with a balloon in her hand and confetti in the other💔💔.
these two met backstage at an award show because their schedules overlapped. kiana was walking texting her members because she finally found a vending machine and she accidently bumped into yumi and made her drop her chips on the floor. they exchanged a lot of apologies (even tho it was kianas fault) and ended up talking more while kiana walked with her to buy yumi a new chip bag😭 when yumi checked the time on her phone they realized they had to get back to their seats and before she left kiana asked her to film a quick tik tok with her. they did and the staygenes loved it so she asked jungwon for yumis number and then boom!!🫡
their relationship are like siblings! kiana has that effect on most people that when they talk to her they get comfortable with her real quick because of her personality. yukia love doing tiktoks (most are for their private tiktoks). they have that kind of relationship where they act like they don’t care about eachother jokingly and tease eachother a lot, but when something happens they are quick to be at the others side and either comfort or defend them.
these two met on a very embarrassing accident 😭 cece was doing some dance practice to aespa’s next level. winter had previously texted kiana to come visit aespa while they were practicing then later they could go hang out or get lunch so of course kiana said yes. they didn’t specify a room #, they just said they’ll be just playing next level so kiana js went with it. but she accidentally went into the room cece was practicing in, she didn’t even knock or check to see who it was she just opened in there and shouted “did you miss me?!” and cece just stood there so confused while kiana looked embarassed. kiana started saying a bunch of sorrys and cece was just laughing and said it’s fine. they met again while kiana was leaving sm later , and had a talk then later exchanged numbers. every once in a while this moment gets brought up and kiana feels like crying😵‍💫😵‍💫
their relationship started off peaceful for the most part then slowly started getting more chaotic. its now to the point where when any of nct or skz sees them together they already wanna leave (love them tho 🫠) they always have fun when they are together and they also love their quiet peaceful moments <3 (happens once in a blue moon tho). nobody even knows how they manage to see eachother so much , but they are around eachother a lot. like baeji, they try to collab when one of them has a comeback.
these two met around 2021! txt just had a comeback so they hosted a party and invited all their friends so obv kiana got invited !! when she got there she knew everyone (for the most part) but then she saw ivy and yeonjun and she’s like 😮😮 who’s this? (she didn’t know who exactly his gf was) so she goes up to them and asks who she is and yeonjun introduces ivy as his gf and she’s like Oh mY GOD. she quite literally dragged ivy away and they started talking and now they’re like this 🤞🏾🤞🏾. kiana is ivy’s biggest supporter fr. she’s also like one of those elementary students who found out someone’s dating and is all corny about it , constantly saying “ewww they’re holding hands.. too much pda for a couple like you😒😒” (she stopped after yeonjun hit her in the head infront of ivy 😶)
their relationship gives off sibling vibes sometimes, but more so of the loving ones and not the chaotic playful banter one. they will argue (as a joke) sometimes and start drama for fun but they really care about eachother <33 they really love matching with the other too, when you see them together it’ll be hard not to see something similar about what they’re wearing. whenever ivy goes, kiana will be there too (supporting her and being extra) MAMA? kiana is screaming louder than all the other idols. concert ? kiana will find a way.
sorry this took so long omg😭😭 people featured are @ivy-diaries @mazeofyeni @ateezjuliet @i4juni
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skzpixiekaifei · 8 months
For my youth interview
Cw: Dark!! Mentions of past abus*ve relationship(physical and sexual), suicidal attempts, past pedophilia(kai was the victim), mentions of infertility, drinking problems, let me know if there is any I missed
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura
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Px: Annyeong! My name is Pixie from straykids, but you may call me Kai. (She waves at the camera and blows it kisses)
Q: What is "For my youth" about?
Px: For my youth... it's a very raw, emotional part of myself. I try and make sure my image before now is the silly kind, I hate seeing anyone in pain or sad, so I don't like showing my emotions other than positive ones.
Px: I never had a good grasp of emotions growing up. My childhood was cut short because of me becoming a trainee, and I was not able to come to terms with my emotions through puberty. While other trainees at least had some semblance of a social life, I was always training or too busy teaching others to actively partake in regular emotional stability.
Px: so in a way, For my Youth is therapy?(She laughs) it's basically a love letter to myself.
Q: Who is the ex you talk about in your songs?
Px: Oh my (she blushes, holding her cheek, embarrassed) he was my first relationship I had. I was fifteen and he was... late into being nineteen?
Px: Don't look at me like that. So many people look at me with pity when I tell them that, and I hate being regarded with pity. (She sighs)
Px: It was... not a good relationship. We fought constantly. We were both jealous of the other's time away. I would be training with Chan and he would get so... angry. I had threatened the girls he was talking to, it was not a fun thing. I felt so.. ugly when I was with him.
Px: He had a massive drinking problem. Some days he would come to the dorm and...(her eyes glossed over at the memory) ...I'd rather not speak of it.
Px: Whenever I was able to have my phone, he would only let me talk to him. He was able to talk to whoever he wanted, but I was lucky if I was even allowed to talk to my mother once a month. The relationship lasted a year and I was only able to talk to my parents... about a collective two times? One during Easter and one during Chuseok.
Px: (she clears her throat) Back then, I was so blinded by love of this... man. He was so sweet one minute, and then he would be violent. I can't tell you how many times he forced himself upon me, that now it's hard to say whether I would be able to have kids (she laughs bitterly) which really sucks because my dream was to be a mother. (She tilts her head back to avoid the tears to fall)
Q: Why did you include a song such as Bullet in For my Youth
Px: Ah, Bullet... it was originally supposed to be a Stray Kids song but we decided not to because of the very dark concept it had. I still have the demo of the us singing it together (she laughs softly)
Px: I wrote it before I joined JYP at thirteen. I was twelve and I really enjoyed listening to bands like MCR and Guns and Roses. It was the time where I would hurt myself, I still have the scars from the time. Not physically but...
Px: The second time I revised it was back in 2022, right after my second attempt. I was so depressed after my parents passing that I didn't even think about the effect it would have on my family and especially my brother. I was very depressed, I think the most I was in my life. I blame myself, y'know. And don't say it wasn't, because they wouldn't have died if that guy wasn't a "fan" of mine.
Px: I think that's the irony of Bullet. The happy tone of me singing shows how us idols, especially women, have to be all happy on the outside while we all have problems.
Q: What is the biggest message you want people to take away from your album?
Px: funny answer or serious answer? (She pauses) serious answer? That you can overcome anything. You are much stronger than you look, and you may be the reason a friend is still with you today. Don't make your past your present, and don't ever make it your future. You are so much more than your past.
Px: Funny answer? Capitalise your trauma and cry on company time. (Winks)
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skz-bibi · 11 months
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skz-akira · 3 months
Straykids maknae unveils exclusive perfume for STAY: Akira’s dreamy rose perfume
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hannamoon143 · 2 months
Work harder
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Req by @ot8sworld: Alright so ninth member and y/n is besties / lovey dovey w seungmin if that's ok so there like always together and y/n is really stressed from the new comeback and all themembers are together and she's in the kitchen and starts getting dizzy and yells for seungmin as here and the glass crash down to the floor.im so delulu...Then the members are scared as shit and they all run to her and seungmin is a lil over protective so he's telling them to move and someone teased him but moves then they take her to the hospital and seungmin is really impatient and mad then they get out of there and all the members take care of her. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ILY SM 😛😛😛
Word count: 2,9k
Pairings: Skz x fem ninth member
Warnings: fainting,overworking,stress,kinda bad eating habits,mentions of food,crying, Babes and love as name for y/n used once (not meant in a romantic way. i guess,but we don't know what seungmin thinks so..)
a/n: TYSM for the reqqq,i luv itt.The scene where y/n faints is from my own experience,because something very similar to this happened to me two days ago (without fainting tho) so i just wrote how it felt lol. Also let’s just not talk about y/n and seungmin idk what they are helpp.Remember to always take care of yourself,drink enough,sleep enough,eat enough,and never push yourself too much.Enjoy now💖
not proofread
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„Come on boys, one more time won’t kill you.“ you said rolling your eyes. „But you made us repeat if over and over again.“Jeongin says. His voice sounds strained and exhausted. He was right. You were dancing for hours now. It was because you were never satisfied with the whole dance.
You sighed and agreed. You all started packing our things together to head back to the dorms. The comeback was exhausting for everyone of you.But you,you were a perfectionist. Everyday was the same.no matter If you guys would do dance practice,recordings or whatever. you were never satisfied.You made the boys repeat everything over and over again.You told them that this doesn’t fit,that they need to improve that… you knew it was egoistic because honestly you knew that you only did this because you were never satisfied with your own work.You just had to work harder.You wanted to get better.
Seungmin snapped you out of your thoughts. „Want something from the chinese restaurant when we get home ?the guys are ordering.“ you put on a fake smile and answered that you ate before.Yeah okay that was a lie,but you hadn’t got time to eat.You wanted to practice at home,you jsut didn’t get that one step right,and there was one line in that one song that just never satisfied you.Everything needed to be perfect.your voice,the choreo,the music video… you all sat into the van.
The ride home was filled with laughter and jokes like always.But you pretended to be asleep.You hadn’t got the energy to do anything anymore. You knew that everyone was exhausted.your schedules always were tight since the comeback got announced but in the past weeks it got worse. The nearer the comeback came the more stressed you got.you just needed to work harder.you only slept three hours per night,staying awake with energy drinks and coffee.You also didn’t eat much.It wasn’t that you just didn’t want to eat,no it needed so much time,so you sometimes just forgot it.You could use the time the others spended eating working right? you needed to do that if you wanted to give your best.a few days ago you heard chan talking to lee know about you.
„To be honest i think y/n is the most hardworking of us.“
„Yeah,she is working really really hard“ minho replied slight, concern in his voice.
Silence.you imagined them looking at each other with their worried gazes now.you sighed.
„Minho...i’m a bit worried about her.i know she loves all of this and she wants to do it as good as she can but...maybe she should turn it down a bit.“
you didn’t want to hear minhos reply anymore,so you stepped away from where you’ve been listening and go into your room.
That day another idol would have been happy that their leader is thinking that they are that hardworking. they would of course also have changed their schedule so their members would be less worried.But for you it was more of an insult.You hadn’t worked hard enough to not worry them. Egoistic,disappointing,failing.
You only got snapped out of your thoughts again when seungmin gently tried to wake you. You weren’t even really sleeping but you felt too exhausted to get up,so you just didn’t move and also didn’t say anything.Seungmin quietly spoke to chan.He told him he would bring you to your room and changbin could eat his food , cause he wanted to stay with you. That’s what you loved about seungmin.He was so caring in a way that didn’t annoy you right now for once.You loved every single one of your members so much but seungmin was always a bit different.
When you first met seungmin you immediately liked him.he was a little menace but to you he was always everything. You two were best friends before the group even knew each other entirely.He was there if you needed a shoulder to cry on,he was cheering for you when you achieved something and he was laughing for you if you laughed. Your friendship was a nice one.The best. that’s what it was yeah.But sometimes to you it felt like more. Yeah okay the fact that you two kissed sometimes might say that maybe he felt more too.
When seungmin gently lifted you up,one arm under your knees,one on your back you just let it happen. He carries you into your room,laying you down gently in your bed that was filled with plushies and pillows. He pulled a blanket over you,and suddenly you actually felt sleepy.
„Minnie?“ you whispered when he was about to go out. He immediately turned around.
„Stay for a bit?cuddles?“ you hadn’t asked that in a long time.Before everything went so hectic and stressfull you two always cuddled but now you always just sat in your room,working on something. He smiled warmly,walking to you again.He lied down besides you,pulling the blanket over him too.He took you in his arms,and when you felt like you were almost asleep he pressed a soft kiss to your head.Youu nuzzled more into his chest.And in that moment,you felt like maybe everything wasn’t even that bad.Maybe everything would be okay.Then you drifted off into sleep.
But your bad sleeping schedule fromt the past weeks wouldn’t let you sleep longer than two hours. You woke up,feeling sweaty nauseous and cold at the same time. Confused you looked around.Of course seungmin wasn’t around anymore. But you had a weird feeling in your gut. You grabbed your phone and checked the time.you really had only slept two hours,so you still heard the boys voices outside of your room.You sat up,planning on going to the kitchen and snuggle between them.You didn’t want to admit it but you didn’t feel like work.You always worked lately. but somehow there was this weird feeling in your whole body.You stood up but were greeted with a little wave of dizzines. What was happening? You sat down again and suddenly your hands started shaking.You just looked at them,very confused.You stood up again anyways going into the kitchen where all the guys were sitting.
Your legs also had the same shaking like your hands.You felt a bit hot.You were confused what was going on but when you came into the kitchen you were greeted by the happy boys.
„Y/n!you finally made it out of your room once.We all were wondering when seungmin told us you actually fell asleep.“ Felix jokes but with a lighthearted smile.You wanted to respond something clever when also the others started teasing but you just hummed going over to the sink.you needed something to drink, maybe that would make that feeling better.You also felt like your head was spinning now,but your vision was clear. Ok,that was definitely not normal.You leaned to the kitchen counter trying to figure out what was going on. Yeah okay it was obvious that you didnt eat anything than one apple the whole day and also that you never got more than three hours sleep per day the last weeks,and constantly overworked yourself without a singe break but you needed to work. Until now it was fine.You were fine.why were you suddenly feeling like this?
While the other guys teased,seungmin noticed that something was definitely off.ususally you would have snuggled up between them and joined the lighthearted jokes.he got up and walked over to you,laying a hand on your shoulder.
„Babes is everything okay?“ he asked you,looking into your eyes,searching for something he probably might not find.When you suddenly heard his voice next to you your head immediately shot up.You hadn’t heard him coming.You only noticed now that you were so focused on breathing because suddenly your breaths got thin and short. Chan now also noticed something was off,glancing over.
That shit was really scaring.You didn’t know what was going on,you couldn’t control your breaths anymore,your limbs slightly shaking and the weird feeling in your gut mixed with the spinning-pain in your head was so damn confusing. Seungmin was scared.you could tell.He asked you if you were having problems with breathing,he said you need to say something.Then he said your names a few times.But it was like you were trapped in a bubble somewhere wide away from him. He tilted your head up making you look at him.You didn’t know what to do.You clutched to his shirt,panic in the eyes,trying to regulate your breaths.
Seungmin noticed the tight grip on his shirt.Suddenly he also noticed your shaking,the look and the thin breaths.Why didn’t he notice sooner? Now all the other members were looking at you too. You didn’t even notice them going silent.You also sensed chan speaking.He looked at you.Was he speaking to you?You didn’t know.You didn’t care. You suddenly let out a loud sob,greeted with tears. Seungmin was now panicking as much as you did.
„H-hey y/nnie,please talk to me.Hey what is going on?“ his voice is shaky,and all the members look at you.The weird feelings,now all mixed together get stronger and stronger.Seungmin saw the cold pearls on your forehead.He continued his panicked rambling,trying to get a word out of you.The other members are now also stood up,but they are still around the table.
But then suddenly seungmin stops rambling. He hears as your breaths stock.Almost as if they got caught in your chest.Your legs and arms trembling a lot and your eyes searching for something,helpless. He says you need to breath,to focus on his voice,but you couldn’t. So he catches you in the last moment before you crash to the floor.
„Y/N!!“ All the members scream and run to you.Seungmin is holding you in his arms,first helpless.All the members voices mix with some of them cry or scream.All while he is holding you.All while you are not even breathing.
„Stop!!!“ seungmin suddenly yells. All the members go silent.His voice was stern,yet scared.
„Jeongin,get me a towel and cold water,chan call an ambulance,and the rest of you go a step back!“ If the situation wouldn’t have been so serious they would have teased him for playing leader but they all knew how much you meant to him. So they did was he said. Meanwhile he checked your pulse.It was still normal,but you didn’t breath. You didn’t breath. He didn’t know what to do so he did the first thing that came into his mind.He was thankful now,that he watched all these cheesy,hospital dramas with you at movie nights. Mouth to mouth resuscitation.
And it helped.you started coughing.He felt so relived that the sound of your breaths didn’t sound so stuck anymore.Then everything was really quick.and ambulance showed up and seungmin and chan drived with you in it to the hospital.The others wanted to come with you too but chan said they could come after,with the van.
In the ambulance chan spoke to the medic,calm like he always was. Seungmin held your hand,not once looking away from you. You opened your eyes. Where were you? Your eyes went big. „M-min?“ Seungmin immediately responded.He saw your scared look and said: „ Hey it’s okay y/nnie.You fainted and we were all so worried but it’s gonna be okay.We are just driving to the hospital real quick so we can check if everything is okay.“ He gently stroked your hair.You wanted to say so many things.That they didn’t have time for that.That you needed to work,to practice the dance.That you didn’t want to go to the hospital.But you remained silent.
It seemed like you fell asleep or maybe they gave you soemthing to sleep but when you woke up you were in a bed.It wasn’t your bed,it felt cold and unfamiliar.It was a hospital bed.As you looked around you saw the boys standing around a doctor that said something.You tried to concentrate on his voice.
„…. so that means Miss L/n isn’t seriously sick.She seems to have fainted from stress,lack of sleep and food and maybe there is something mental too,but we don’t know what she is thinking so maybe you guys could aske her if something is bothering or stressing her…“
You stopped listening. Of course you were stressed,you all were right?But you thought you balanced everything right.As soon as changbin noticed you were awake he walked over to you.The others immediately followed.Now they all stood around you.Should you say something?They all are silent but seungmin can’t hold it in any longer
„Y/n,why didn’t you tell us you were so stressed?We could have helped you,and you should have thought of a better schedule and god y/n you need to sleep!And i know you sometimes just forget eating when you are stressed but tell us!We can help you y/n,we want to help you.And if you feel like it’s getting too much then please come to us.“
He sounded so desperate,so worried and frustrated.You didn’t know if it was only you but wasn’t there also… diappointment?Of course you knew what seungmin meant.You knew what he was trying to say.But a little piece of you believed that his words meant you were still not working enough.A little voice,that was telling you that you shouldn’t have broke down.That this only showed that you were weak and vulnerable.You remembered that you should probably answer.You hated that your voice sounded so faint and weak.
„I’m trying.“
These two words burned in the boys chests. „Y/n,we know you are trying.You are giving your best and honestly you did even more for the comeback than me.But you don’t need to do this alone.I know something might tell you that you need to work harder,that you need to do this alone but it’s not like that you know.We are a group of nine.There are eight people that you can trust,that love you,that help and support you no matter what y/n.“ chan spoke up.His voice was calm,stern but filled with so much love.
These words slowly managed to get to you,to get into your mind. He was right.This was exactly what you thought but you never realized that it could hurt them,to see you like that. Were they thinking you didn’t trust them anymore?
„Guys...you know that i love you right? Chan you are right,that’s what i thought but not because i don’t trust you,i just felt like i need to work harder.You also do everything so perfect but i never bring so good achievements like you all do.“
„Y/n“ Seungmins voice was now less nervous and desperate „What are you talking about?Your achievements are as good as ours,often even better.And of course we know that you love us.“
Then it was silent again.You didn’t know what to say.All of a sudden felix started smiling and just ran nearer to you and almost hugged you to death. „You are choking mee“i said dramatically giggling.I was glad that the tension broke.Now the others started smiling to and they all joined into a big warm hug.
Maybe it was the warm feeling of having them all hug you,maybe it was the warm undertones in seungmins and chans voice but something made you believe their words. It was like your head was constantly underwater until now and suddenly you got pulled out the water.You finally remembered that you had 8 wonderful guys in your life who would help you,support you and do anything for you.
Bonus: (4 months later)
„Guys the album is released!“ you happily screamed.You all were sitting in front of a countdown since an hour,all nervous if the album would be liked by stays.
You all happily hugged each other.The others did not miss when seungmin was hugging you extra tight. They exchanged knowing grins. „Celebrate our hard work with ramen?“ you asked.the others all agreed,running into the kitchen. Seungmin took your wrist and stopped you in your tracks.The others were all in the kitchen by now,so you were standing alone in the living room. You turned around to him again.
„I’m proud of you Love.“
„What?it wasn’t just me who created this album and prepared the comeback.“ Not gonna talk about the fact he never called you love before and it made your heart flutter
„I’m proud that you actually let us help you,that you finally slept more than five hours again,that you always ate dinner with us and that you came crying to us when it got too much again.“
You quickly thought back of the past four months after what happened.You tried to make a better schedule again,and you managed to get your old sleeping habits back. The guys always took you with them when they were eating dinner,not letting you skip meals.If you were too tired seungmin would just take some of the food on a plate go into your room and watch a drama with you while you ate your food.You also remembered that night when you felt like things were getting so overwhelming again that you couldn’t face them alone so you went into the kitchen,crying and telling the guys how you felt.They took you into their middle,cuddling you and mumbling motivating and caring words, and they helped you even more after that.
You just smiled at him.Not a tired fake smile.A truly happy smile.Seungmin smiled back with his cute puppy smile.Then he pulled you nearer,pressing a soft,tender smile onto your lips.
„Let’s go to the others alright?“
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yxnjinsduality · 8 months
◻ Straykids Links .
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Full house - by @kkami-writes
pairing. OT8 x gn!afab!reader
synopsis. Your life since your parents died has been mundane, your routine never changing. It wasn't that you hated your day to day schedule but you had to admit that there was something missing, an empty void in your heart. So when you come across a pretty white ferret your life suddenly become a lot more interesting.
genres. written series. hybrid!skz, human!reader, kinda coffee shop!au, so much fluff, lots of domestic fluff, light angst, romance, eventual smut, honestly a fast burn
cw/tags. member x member relationships, polyamory/polycule, smut!, referenced abusive past owners, wolf!bangchan, cat!minho, bunny!changbin, ferret!hyunjin, squirrel!han, cat!felix, puppy!seungmin, fox!jeongin,
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MY YOUTH | SKZ NINTH AU - by @jinnie-ret
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
summary. In which Sunny wakes up, but not in the bed she knows. Instead she wakes up in the dorm of her favourite kpop group Stray Kids, and they're not all too alarmed to see her there. To them, she's always been there, right from the very start.
How will she adjust to the idol life she's already been living in this universe? Will the members notice something is up? How long will she be able to keep this secret?
genre. fluff
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School of Mysteries Masterlist - by @imagine-a-life-like-this
Synopsis : They were just regular university students living their everyday lives when everything changed. No one is safe and everybody's a suspect.
Genre : murder mystery, horror, romance, smau, 18+
Warnings : This au will be dealing with mature and violent subject matter such as : murder, blood, drinking, swearing, obsession, kidnapping, sex, and more. Reader's discretion is advised.
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🐺🔮 WOLVES! STRAY KIDS SERIES by - @lettersfromaphrodite
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h0neyjaehyun · 3 years
✩ 𝑲𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 // 𝑶𝑻 8 ✩
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// Straykid's names on Karma's Phone \\
Chan: My Stalker 🙄
Minho: Lover❤🥰
Changbin: 🧼 Dishwasher 🧼
Hyunjin : Clingy Toddler
Han: Dumbass #1
Felix: My Child ❤❤❤
Seungmin : Ankle Biter👼
I.N: MY Baby Bread FOREVER
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// Karma's name on Straykid's phone \\
Chan: My gray hairs
Minho: Bell 👑
Changbin : Love of My Life🥰
Hyunjin: Noona ❤
Han: Scary Lady
Felix: mother #2
Seungmin: Irresponsible Parent
I.N: 🌻 Dawn Noona 🌻
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
Ok so someone in my asks box asked me for some fic recommendations and I tried to add some gradually but my asks have been so weird recently so I've had to make a new post for them!
First of all ty anonnie you words were really sweet, I hope you stay healthy too!
Also just to preface I will list sfw and nsfw recs so pls if you are a minor, do not explore the nsfw recommendations, these blogs will most likely have a mdni statement so pls respect that and don't go against that :)
Now, enjoy!
Enough for you - @mixtape-racha (poly ot8 angst comfort)
We love an angst comfort fic and this is one of my faves. Take caution reading this one and read the content warnings at the top just in case! But this one is simply amazing and I wish I wrote it the end.
The Field Trip - @dreamescapeswriting (Seungmin X reader)
Seungmin and reader are teachers in this and if you follow me you may have seen me reblog this one before bc I love it and want this, also this blog has so many imagines you will be fed for days
Warm blankets - @jiniret-writings (3 parts, hurt comfort poly ot8 x reader)
I felt so emotionally invested in this story when I read it, like I felt readers pain 😭 gorgeous
jack-in-the-box -@junicai (angst, ninth member reader)
Set in kingdom. We hate mnet. Skz are very protective and reader gets the comfort she deserves in the end, love this sm!
@hyunjinsbelovedamericano - lots of headcanons and reaction type fics on their MASTERLIST, give it a look!!
Simptober 2023 - @skz-streamer
Fluff for days!!! pookie rly worked hard on this one so go and show some love because you've got so much to read here
Skz text aus - @channiesbakery
These are so so funny I cannot cope. Also explore the other fluff posts too bc they're really cute!
More text aus - @diddybok
Same goes for this blog too, explore their other stuff!
@hannahhbahng has some rly cute fluffy reads on their masterlist
@hanjiquokkaaa check out their skz reactions! My pookie slays every time
Skz fluff fics - @wooahaes
So much fluff to pick from! I fall in love every time!
Warm milk and honey - @horanghoe (poly skz x reader)
One of my fav skz comfort fics of all time, it's so so good, recommending again bc I should
In his arms, unexpectedly yours - @cheesemonky (Hyunjin x reader series)
This is a new series which I'm excited to see my pookie write !!!
@astraysimp for dad skz!!!
Nicholas Ross - @dean-a-mean-tae (skz ninth member male oc)
Love their ninth member writings so definitely check it out if you're looking for male!oc who is the ninth!
In my past, I find you and in the future, I still have you - @yangbbokari (Chan x reader)
Heartbreaking, like so angsty but it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
Princess treatment with SKZ - @j-oneproduces
Each individual member x reader has a drabble and I love it so so much, very accurate imo
@skzoologist read their imagines on their ninth member oc Bae! They also have a fic called unfamiliarity using the same oc :)
I like the view - @mirisss (hybrid ot8 skz X reader)
I rly need to reread this one because I loved what I read so far on it!!!
Rabbit hybrid reader - @authorofdanger (hybrid skz x hybrid reader)
I've linked a masterlist, I'd recommend the fic dominance and then the first few fics which are to do with reader as a rabbit hybrid! slight warning that woojin is mentioned
Red Moon - @lixiepeach (omegaverse series)
this is one of the first skz omegaverse fics I read and it is done so beautifully, as it says in the description of the series, it deals with more adult content than just smut, and the way it is explored is written so well, couldn't recommend highly enough!
Inked Petals and Message Tones - @leviackermanscleaningbuddy (poly smau with real life)
this is an ao3 skz fic which changed my life. I can't explain how much I love this, it had me on an emotional rollercoaster fr fr like it's amazing!
n.h.i.e mini series - @hyungszn (smut ot8 x reader)
damn this one really has me on my toes like the chapters are chefs kiss and it's such a good read!
Bold - @hyunsvngs (American footballer minsung x reader)
Wow wow wee wow. This one made my brain go brrr and evaporate and melt and wow the storyline in it is so so good too. Juno rly has such a good relationship with anonnies and moots and it's so lovely to see. A jupiter stan right here!!
Sanguis Limerence - @jl-micasea-fics (vampire skz x reader)
This is one of the first series I was fully committed to reading on this all and constantly checking. It's insanely amazing, I can't put it into words and now I wanna read it all back again 😭
waiting for us - @kkami-writes (smau poly ot8 X reader)
I'm in love with this!!! Perhaps my fav skz smau like the character development as well is really nice to see and it's an easy read if you find it easier to read it in text messages form
Anger management - @2chopsticks2eyes (minsung x reader)
This is so hot and the way the storyline progresses as well is beautiful
@1-800-shedevil I'm in awe of her and her blog. Gorgeous writer, gorgeous writing. Her posts about body positivity rly are so helpful and her words are so comforting
Sharing = caring - @cbini (ot8 X reader)
This is unbelievably good and if you haven't seen it yet? Do you even Tumblr? Love how ems has such a good relationship with moots and in answering asks too! cbinian for life
Better than revenge - @lixie-phoria (smau Jeongin x reader)
I'm so obsessed with this series so far, putting it here bc there's smut to be added in the future. But I'm in love with it so far wow!!!
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jinnie-ret · 10 months
Ninth Member!Reader 🪻
<-------- back to ot8 masterlist
<--------- back to main masterlist
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Fake Fights - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
You and Minho decide to strike revenge and prank the boys after they leave practice early because of the tense mood you both created.
Fallen Angel pt 2 - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The Stray Kids members have two maknaes to comfort at the end of their 'I'll Be Your Man' cover. One upset because he thought he wasn't good enough, and the other an injured, fallen angel, left hurt because MNET hadn't done enough safety checks on their equipment.
Scarred Knees and Insecurities - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
When the old scars from your youth, become fresh wounds in your adulthood, the boys are there to pick up the pieces.
Heatstroke - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n suffers from heat stroke on the day of their performance at Lollapalooza.
Bite My Tongue - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
When an interviewer decides to pick on you specifically, the boys do their best to hold back and get you out of the situation.
Daredevil - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys never expected that their shy noona could be such a daredevil.
My Aegi - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Y/n was glad she had the boys there to help her raise her kid sister. She didn't know what she'd do without them.
It's a Brit Thing - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
The boys find it hard to understand their British member a lot of the time...
Who I Am - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Non-binary!Reader (Platonic) A | F
The boys support Y/N for who they are, and show them that they truly have their back when a podcast goes wrong.
Don't Push Yourself - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
You thought you were doing the right thing for yourself, but it was only a matter of time before your habits became unhealthy, and the boys didn't even notice until it was too late.
Period Pains - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
You're keen to see the boys reactions to what you go through every month.
Super Shy - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
Y/N is surprised when the boys turn up at her album debut shoot, and they reassure her on her worries about her new daring look.
Let Noona Handle It - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
After a difficult, chaotic concert, you prepare a feast to take care of your beloved dongsaengs.
Family is Complicated - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A | F
After your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family.
Gyaru, Jjang Yeppeuda - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
Despite her normal confidence in owning her aesthetic, Y/N begins to feel uncomfortable when she feels the judging stares of other idols.
Togetherness - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) A
Out of all things, the last thing you expected to hear was that your parents are getting a divorce, but it was fortunate that the boys were there to hold you together.
Generation Z - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F
She's the youngest of the group and the boys can't keep up with her internet slang.
People Pleaser - Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader (Platonic) F | A
In her One Kid's Room episode, Y/N reflects on how it was hard for her not to be so kind and sweet to everyone, because she just wanted them to like her.
Hellevator - Stray Kids x Ninth Member Male!Reader (Platonic) A 💚🖤
He's going through voice changes in their debut era and fans are already sending in hate.
Cigarette Duet - Poly!Stray Kids x Ninth Member!Reader | A 💚🖤
You get hounded by your boyfriends after they catch you smoking. How will they react when you disappear and go off the radar?
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jinnie-ret · 7 months
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stray kids x ninth member male!reader
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: implied anxiety, implied disassociating
word count: 2.1k
summary: he's going through voice changes in their debut era and fans are already sending in hate
Requested: anon!
This is my first male!reader fic so please be kind, I hope you enjoy! <3
He was so excited to finally be a part of something, not that he had been training for long. But when Bang Chan told him he saw potential in him, despite their 6 year age gap, and recognised how well he got on with the other members, he was quickly added onto the line up for Stray Kids.
During the survival show, Y/N was babied, of course he was, the maknae in the upcoming JYP boy group. Fans of the show fauned over his fluffy black hair and the oversized hoodies he'd wear, making him look smaller. It was similar to how Jeongin was babied too, the two of them being the youngest and seen to have that sweet, innocent air around them. Plus, for Y/N's case, his voice hadn't broken yet at the age of 14, so that fed more into how he was perceived by fans.
However, it was not long after the group had finally debuted that a more mature, deeper voice had overcome him. Of course, not without the struggles of getting used to it. Originally singing the chorus of District 9 wasn't difficult, in fact it was easy. His gorgeous, husky tone was unique yet when he hit those high notes his voice was instantly recognisable. Now, he had to deal with voice cracks, and the rapidly depleting self-esteem that came along with it. This is what he trained to do after all.
"You're getting stressed out. We need to practice getting your voice in a position where it can hit those high notes again. It's not going to help if you're standing there thinking you can't do it," the vocal teacher sighed, putting down her sheets of the lyrics Y/N had been singing.
She was firm, yes, but she was being kind about the situation too. She has coached many that had gone through the same thing as Y/N, and all she wanted to do was to see him succeed, but he couldn't see things through her eyes, that was far too big of a mountain to climb for him. A treacherous journey to realising not everything is one dimensional.
Y/N could only focus on those last four words. 'You can't do it'. And he hated the way that everything suddenly felt hot, and how his throat itched. How his neck itched. He started subconsciously scratching lightly at his neck, feeling the stress flood through his body. He scratched away at the thing he wanted to change most, knowing he couldn't turn back time and have things stay the way they were.
All the comments he had read, all the whispers he had heard, circulating in his brain, like an endless loop of vicious words to bring him down. He would be the reason Stray Kids would fail, they had said. He wasn't good enough, they had said. It all came from jealous trainees that were bitter they didn't get to debut instead of him. The only failure apparent in this situation was Y/N realising that.
"I need some air," Y/N barely managed to speak as he rushed out of the small practice room, tugging at the strings of his hoodie and making his way outside.
Fresh air.
Just breathe, Y/N.
And he managed to do so, not without his mind taking him to another place as he stared up at the JYP sign on the building. Was he meant to be here? Did he deserve to be here when his talents were no longer there? Y/N just couldn't see it the same way anymore, he couldn't see himself the same way anymore when the thing he had been praised for so deeply had changed. Even the people who had supported him before had changed their opinions, because his growth had shattered the image they had of him.
Y/N was unaware of the familiar presence beside him, one that had playfully called out his name before realising something was wrong. He was gently guided back into the building, and swiftly surrounded by the warmth of the 3RACHA studio.
"Hyungs! I found Y/N but he's not talking to me," Jisung's voice quivered as he himself was now feeling worried about his dongsaeng.
Changbin took Jisung aside, hushing him and reassuring him that he did the right thing, whilst Chan took it upon himself to understand what was happening to his youngest brother.
"Hey, hey, you're ok, come on, look at me," Chan spoke quietly, yet he managed to break through Y/N's mind as the younger looked around the studio.
"I shouldn't even be here," Y/N shook his head, voice monotonous. Just being there upset him further, yet he still fought against everything within him to show that side.
"What do you mean? This is our studio of course you're allowed in here, I mean, I know Channie likes his own space sometimes but this is different," Changbin moved to stand in front of Y/N too, having successfully calming Han, "hey, no no no don't float away again, I need you to listen," Changbin forced Y/N to sit down in the sofa. Han automatically wrapped his arms around the younger, wanting to do his best to show he was there for his fellow member.
"What's going on Y/N? Your vocal teacher said you just ran out of the building. She was waiting another 45 minutes until Seungmin turned up for his lesson because she couldn't find you," Chan sighed as he sat down in his chair, opposite the distressed boy.
"I bet Seungmin was much better than me," Y/N mumbled, but even with that, throat thick in emotion, his voice cracked yet again. Flustered that it had happened yet again, Y/N's fist came down against his own leg, huffing in frustration.
"Yah yah, don't do that!" Han frowned, pulling Y/N's arms away from him.
"I'm just so frustrated!" Y/N spoke through gritted teeth, looking up at the ceiling to keep his tears at bay.
"About what?" Changbin prompted Y/N further but he just stayed quiet.
"You need to tell us ok, we're your hyungs, we want to know what's going on, we need to know," Chan moved closer, resting his hand on Y/N's knee.
"My stupid voice," Y/N whispered, embarrassed to admit it.
"What about it?"
"Ever since it's broken, you know, gotten deeper, I just sound stupid when I try singing, it's embarrassing, I mean, it makes sense when they say I shouldn't even be in the group anymore, I-" Y/N opened the gates to his mind as his mini ramble began and was quickly cut off.
"Who said that..." Changbin frowned deeply.
"Stays, other trainees," Y/N threw his hands up in the air, just done with the whole situation.
"Trainees are saying it too?!" Han gasped, looking at Chan and Changbin worriedly, a hint of malice in his eyes as he thought about all of those around them that still acted like their friends.
"Y/N they're just jealous, you can't listen to what they say," Chan began, sighing once more as he ran his fingers through his hair, somewhat at a loss of how to reassure Y/N anymore.
"Easier said than done. Why did you even have me join this group when, when... when I was just going to make us fail!" Y/N exploded, pushing himself up from the sofa and out of Han's arms, away from Changbin's concerned glances and especially away from Chan's words which went in one ear and out the other straight away.
It wasn't long until he found what he thought was an empty practice room, not noticing the bags of his other hyungs that were for once tucked away neatly in the corner of the room. He found solace in the emptiness and allowed himself to collapse to his knees, breaking down into tears of frustration, sadness and all the other emotions he kept pent up.
The rest of Stray Kids returned from a small snack break at the vending machine, all going together of course, you wouldn't find one Stray Kid without another, even this early on in their time of being together.
"Hey hey hey, aegi, what's going on? Omo..." Lee Know gasped as he saw the baby of the group shaking and sobbing. He ran up to Y/N and wrapped his arms around him, the other members astonished until 3RACHA ran in and finally found Y/N after hearing the commotion.
They began to explain what happened to Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin whilst Felix sat down in front of Y/N to help calm him down, brushing his hair out of his face and rubbing his leg soothingly. He tried his best to listen to Y/N at first but due to his growing knowledge of Korean not being up to par with Y/N's incoherent sobs, it was easier to stick to physical affection. You could say Y/N was in a Lee sandwich, the best place he could be right now.
"Can't... Shouldn't..." Y/N sobs soon calmed down and the rest of his members gathered around him in a semicircle, Minho still hugging him from behind. Yes, he could come across as cold and brash sometimes, but no one could tell you just how soft Minho really was apart from his members. They knew him the best.
"Y/Nnie... please you have to listen to us, you're in this group for a reason," Hyunjin patted his knee from beside him.
"T-they didn't say anything about Jeongin's voice when his broke!" Y/N exclaimed, pain clearly still there, tired of all the judgement he had been receiving. He wasn't able to listen to his hyungs right now.
And the boys go quiet not knowing what to say back to Y/N, they were sure he didn't mean to offend Jeongin but it didn't stop Seungmin from patting his shoulder in support.
"Not, not, oh gosh not that I wanted Jeonginnie hyung to get hate I'd never want that for my hyungs I just..." Y/N put his face into his hands, feeling bad as if he has indirectly insulted his hyung, just because he was feeling hurt. From behind him, Minho hugged him tighter, whispering in his ear to try and gain his attention.
"It's ok, I know you didn't mean it like that," Jeongin smiles from across him, and Y/N could tell it was a genuine one.
"Look, our vocal teacher said something to me earlier about what was going on, she was worried about you, she thought she said something wrong," Seungmin trailed off, trying to get to the bottom of the matter.
"No she was actually really nice about it, it was just too much of a reality check and then my mind just took control and... Ugh I don't even know," Y/N came to a realisation that his vocal teacher wasn't being rude to him and it was all these overwhelming feelings that had built up and caught him out.
"Just take a moment, yeah, and think, would I have added you to this group if I didn't think you had the talent, had the potential," Chan rose an eyebrow, firmly talking to Y/N to make sure he understood what he was saying.
"Or his personality, personality is important too," Felix piped up, not wanting Y/N to feel like his worth was only reduced down to one thing.
"Of course it is, but that isn't what this is about right now, answer me, Y/N," Chan nodded to Felix before looking back at his upset member.
"N-no..." Y/N stuttered, realising the depth of what his leader was saying.
"Good. We can see how good you are. The only reason fans are getting annoyed is because it's a change they haven't adjusted to yet. Just like you're adjusting to this change too. Now, they shouldn't be sending in hate, so please, I will do everything it takes for you to not listen to it anymore, ok?" Chan promised Y/N, sitting in front of him and making sure he got that one answer he needed.
"O-ok, I-i understand now, thanks hyung, I-i love you all," Y/N felt the stress leave him, finally able to understand things from a different perspective.
"Aww he said he loves us!" Minho suddenly picks up Y/N and spins him around, causing the younger boy to squeal.
"I wish I had a camera!" Seungmin laughed along.
"I need to remember this forever," Jeongin and Han fooled around, widening their eyes and pretending to screenshot this happy cute moment into their brains.
It was definitely a moment that Y/N would be teased about in the future, being exposed for his true feelings for his hyungs when normally he'd be quiet about what he thought about in the normal way. It was just a good thing they got in his head this time, because now they had a happy memory to think about instead.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
destined at the VMAs
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stray kids x musician!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none.
word count: 1.7k
summary: a musician under the name CLOVER is starstruck when she meets her favourite group Stray Kids at the VMAs, only to find that they're big fans of her too
This imagine is written in first person under the name of an artist called CLOVER.
As voted for by you! Make sure follow to have a say in regular polls for what I'll post next!
Or if you have any ideas you want to see them you can send in asks!
Hope you enjoy!
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"Okay guys, I'm really excited right now because we have the one and only CLOVER, all the way from the UK and making her debut American television appearance here at the VMAs!" an interviewer for Entertainment Tonight introduced me to the camera whilst other celebrities arrived and walked the pink carpet.
"Hi!" I greeted her politely and waved at the camera. I felt so excited to be here at the VMAs, my first time in America and it was on such a well known awards show, I couldn't believe it. I hoped my fans liked my bold type of outfit too, a beautiful black gown with a daring slit up the side where it rested against my thigh.
"Welcome to the US, CLOVER! We're so happy to have you here, how are you finding it?" the interviewer asked me, holding the mic out.
"It's big. America is so much bigger than I expected it to be, especially compared to back home," I said with wide eyes, wearing a shocked expression on face which made the woman opposite me laugh.
"That's right, you've come all the way over here from England, right? How excited are you to perform here?" she asked me.
"I'm incredibly nervous, if I'm honest haha. There's so much talent here so I just hope that people will enjoy what I bring too," I smile, wiping my hands down on my dress awkwardly. I really hoped the camera didn't somehow pick up the sight of my sweaty palms.
"Well I've seen some of your performances before and let me just say, I'm a big fan myself!" she confessed, which made me heart feel warm.
"Wow thank you so much!" I blushed, hands clasped together now. I really couldn't stop fidgeting with them.
"I mean, you've been nominated for best new artist! That must feel amazing right?" she smiled at me.
"It really does, to be nominated for an award, let alone perform here is just beyond my imagination. Like Ice Spice, Peso Pluma, Pink Pantheress my UK sister is nominated too! It's crazy!" I exclaim, hoping I'd meet my fellow UK artist too, not realising that later on I'd meet a different honorary British artist.
"Speaking of, is there anyone else you're excited to see here today?" the interviewer leaned towards me, like she was ready for any gossip.
"Wow, pretty much everyone!" I laughed, "but I'd have to say Demi for sure! I'm excited to see them perform I've loved their music for years! Also Maneskin and there's Stray Kids and TXT too! I'm so excited for Stray Kids oh my god..." I ramble, waving my hands in the air as I talk excitedly, unable to hide my big smile.
"Stray Kids certainly seem to be stealing everyone's hearts this year, I spoke to them earlier, and... wow," the interviewer laughed with me, and it felt like having a conversation with a friend at that point.
"I don't blame you haha," I giggled.
"Well, thank you so much for chatting with us, CLOVER, we'll see you out there later tonight, best of luck!" she smiled at me before turning to the camera and ending the interview. I waved bye to her and the camera and walked round the corner, heading backstage with my manager and taking a deep breath in.
It all felt so surreal, I was sure I caught a glance of Taylor Swift and waved and smiled at her, shocked to have gotten the same actions returned and squealed, unable to help myself as I jumped around and bumped into someone behind me.
"I'm so sorry!"
"Oh my god sorry!"
We both apologised at the same time. And when I turned around to see who it was I thought I was going to spontaneously combust right there and then.
It was Felix of Stray Kids.
What. The. He knew who I was?
"Oh, you know Stray Kids?" he asked me shocked, an adorable expression on his face as he helped me rebalance myself, I was wearing heels after all.
"I should be asking you the same question, I've been listening to you guys for years!" I gushed, probably embarrassing myself a bit but Felix didn't seem to react to that, seeming to get excited himself.
"You have? Wow... Stray Kids are such huge fans of your music, we really love your songs," Felix happily explained to me, still holding onto my hands as he waved them excitedly.
"No way... that's insane!" I couldn't put everything I was thinking into words.
"Tell me about it," he laughed, pulling his hands away to scratch the back of his neck.
"Felix!" the other members walked over, not noticing me at first, which was lucky otherwise they would have seen me looking at them like they were ghosts.
"We've been looking everywhere for you!" Bang Chan patted his shoulders, speaking in Korean and then turned to see me, a shocked expression painting his face.
"Sorry I didn't mean to be keeping Felix," I then spoke back in Korean, some of the members seeming to jump back in shock at hearing their native language.
"Woah, CLOVER?! Wait, you speak Korean?!" Han bounced on his feet, beaming at me.
"Yeah my best friend is Korean so I ended up learning it, definitely helped when watching you guys. This is just like a dream, I can't tell you how amazing it is to meet you guys!" I felt myself getting almost hyper by seeing them in front of me.
"We could say the same to you! We're all big fans of you!" Changbin stepped up, whilst some of the other members stood back nervously.
"If I'm being honest I didn't believe Felix when he told me that," I shook my head in disbelief.
"Well believe it now," Seungmin laughed, seeming to feel more comfortable now.
"I'm so hyped to see you guys perform tonight! How are you feeling?" I asked them, feeling more confident now as the ice had been broken.
"I think we're nervous but we're going to do our best out there," Lee Know shyly admitted.
"We could do with some words of encouragement, could you say Stray Kids hwaiting?" Han asked cheekily.
"Han we've just met her, don't scare her away," Hyunjin did his iconic laugh.
"It's fine, it's fine haha. Stray Kids hwaiting!!!" I cheered for them and they all clapped for me after, making me blush and hide my face.
"Your Korean is really good," Jeongin commented.
"Thank you, well, like I said, it's all thanks to my friend. She's so cute, she'd cheer me on before every gig I used to do like, CLOVER hwaiting!!" I share, hoping they wouldn't find it weird how I'm rambling on.
"Hahaha, that's cute, is she a stay too?" Bang Chan asked hopefully.
"Oh, big time! She's the reason I got to know your music and watch your variety stuff too," I nod back at him. They all let out sounds of amazement.
"You watch our other stuff?" Changbin asked shocked.
"Yeah! I'm a big fan of SKZ Code!" I admit sheepishly.
"Wow that's a good friend you got there," Seungmin nods, smirking.
"She's the best, she's supported me through my music the whole time," I grin, thinking about my best friend. I wish she could have come to America with me but she was too busy.
"Are you planning on releasing any new music soon?" Felix asks me.
"Well, I'll let you in on a secret, I'm working on some right now!" I fake whisper to them, but it didn't really matter. I was speaking to them in Korean at this point so it wasn't very likely anyone backstage would expose the fact.
"You are? Wow I'm looking forward to it already, you have such a unique sound," Han praises my music, making me a hold a hand over my heart.
"Wow that honestly means a lot coming from you guys. You have such a unique sound too and it inspired me to go with the direction I really wanted to in my music," I compliment them, seeing their eyes light up.
"Thank you! Have you ever thought of collabing with another artist?" Changbin asks, seeming to be hinting at something as Minho pats his shoulder warningly.
"Well, now that you've brought it up, I've always wanted to make some songs with you guys," I confess shyly, blushing even more when they all ask 'really'?!
"That would be amazing, I think we could create something great together," Bang Chan nods, a more professional tone as he thinks about their music.
"Perfect! Well I have to go now, but I could get our managers to exchange numbers?" I say, realising I should be getting ready to find my seat.
"We'd love that!" Felix claps his hands together happily.
"Great! Well it was lovely to meet you guys!" I wave as I start to walk away, before I turn snack around quickly and call over to them, "oh, by the way Han, thanks for representing us British Stays, your accent is the best," I daringly tease, giggling to myself as I walk away.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. I met my favourite people in the world... and we were going to try and collab together. It really doesn't get better than this.
Except it does.
For my performance I had changed into a beautiful green dress to match the nature filled scene behind me, performing one of my songs called 'Salvia'. It was a reassuring song to comfort a partner, before the scene behind me started showing dying flowers as I transitioned into a song called 'Rotten to the Core', the pure opposite of the first song. As I ended the performance I saw Stray Kids up and applauding for me, and I smiled and nodded in their direction.
Then I saw them perform too. And the remix they did blew my mind. I was so happy they were getting recognition from other artists too, who may not have seen them before. And I returned my admiration for their performance as I gave a standing ovation of my own, seeing them look my way too.
It all felt like a dream. The future was really looking up, especially with a collaboration with my favourite people in the midst of it all.
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
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Welcome to my 1000 followers special!!! I can't thank you all enough for how much your support has continued to amaze me and motivate me to continue writing on tumblr. I love you all and I love the friendships I've built on this platform with all of you and really am thankful for the likes, the replies, the reblogs, and of course the follows! Which is what we're celebrating today! It's even weird to think we have 1000 followers omg-
I'm on a mission to craft the perfect playlist for all of us to enjoy, and what better way to do that then to do that through imagining different scenarios with Stray Kids?! I've started it off but I want to hear songs from you too, as this is a playlist for us all!! :)
🖤 black friday - tom odell added by jinnie-ret!
(han x plus size!reader) | angst it should have been a nice, fun evening out, but your insecurities win and jisung is just as upset as you are when he finds out why
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💚 perfect places - lorde added by jinnie-ret!
(lee know x reader) | fluff | angst y/n never thought she'd be talking to a stranger til the sun rose, but it was better than feeling trapped at the local bar
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🖤 video games - lana del rey added by @3rachas-angel!
(bang chan x reader) | fluff it's nights like these, when you're staring up at the pretty stars, admiring the city lights, that you realise just how much you love your boyfriend
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💚 perfect nights - le sserafim added by @moe-kyun-kyun!
(poly stray kids x reader) | fluff in which skz is watching the opening show of their girlfriend's tour, sonder, and they come to realise a song is dedicated purely to them
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🖤 hellevator - stray kids added by anonnie!
(stray kids x male ninth member!reader) | angst he's going through voice changes in their predebut era and fans are already sending in hate
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💚 cigarette duet - princess chelsea added by @ihrtlix!
(poly stray kids x ninth member!reader) | angst you get hounded by your boyfriends after they catch you smoking. how will they react when you disappear and go off the radar?
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🖤 silent cry - stray kids added by 🕷️ anonnie!
(changbin x reader) | angst | fluff she hid her thoughts and struggles to not burden her boyfriend, but he catches her in tears
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💚 the wisp sings - winter aid added by @skzoologist!
(jeongin x reader) | angst | fluff jeongin never confesses his love to you and it's to his own detriment that he becomes exhausted
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🖤 carry you - ruelle, fleurie added by @skzoologist!
(seungmin x reader) | fluff at a low point, seungmin finds out how much reader has been supporting him, no matter what. it fills him with a warmth that is nearly searing him from the inside, but he would have it no other way.
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💚 perfect blues - hannah bahng added by @cheesemonky!
(chan x reader) | fluff she's been letting too much get to her head, so chan, being the loving boyfriend he is, decides she needs a holiday
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🖤 seasons - wave to earth added by anonnie!
(seungmin x best friend!reader) | fluff you and seungmin have been best friends forever, and your strong bond really shines through when he comforts you through a tough time
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💚 cover me - stray kids added by @straykidsnerd255!
(poly stray kids x reader) | angst money, work, school. it was only a matter of time before the boys would see her crumble, and be there to pick up the pieces
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🖤 we are family - sister sledge added by @turtledove824!
(ot8 stray kids x reader (platonic)) | fluff having one brother in stray kids means you have 7 other brothers too
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💚 poison - brent faiyaz added by @keen-li!
(lee know x reader) | angst minho is crazy over you, as much as he'd hate to admit it, but you won't even bat an eyelid
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🖤 take a chance with me - niki added by anonnie!
(lee know x reader) | fluff one of you is bad at expressing your feelings, the other, desperate to convince the one they've been pining after for so long to give them a chance
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💚 arcade - duncan lawrence added by anonnie!
(chan x reader) | angst when you find yourself reverting to old bad habits, chan is there to comfort you and pick up the pieces
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🖤 breathe - lee hi added by @skzoologist!
(hyunjin x reader (platonic)) | angst you let yourself belittle your own problems because surely they couldn't be as bad as your idol friend's own ones?
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💚 i miss you, i'm sorry - gracie abrams added by anonnie!
(felix x reader) | angst it hurts seeing that your ex has already moved on
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🖤 hurts like hell - fleurie added by @skzoologist!
(felix x gender neutral!reader) | angst felix grieves the loss of them over something he thinks he was responsible for.
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💚 mixtape: time out - stray kids added by @hannahhbahng!
(felix x reader) | fluff felix makes sure that you take some time out to focus on yourself
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🖤 even when I'm not with you - pierce the veil added by 🩹 anonnie!
(changbin x reader) | fluff changbin finally returns after tour and that is when the love you two share really shines through
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💚 make you feel my love - adele added by @lieslovefantasy!
(stray kids x reader) | angst the boys help and rescue their fellow member through one of the hardest things she's had to do, all over again - grieve.
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🖤 maniac - stray kids added by @crabrangoongirl25!
(cyborg!bang chan x reader) | angst | fluff when he finds a baby abandoned, lonely, left to suffer in this dystopian world, he swears to become it's protector.
💚 placebo - stray kids added by @thatonedemigodfromseoul!
(stray kids x hybrid!reader) | fluff | angst | the boys are shocked at how your hybrid features present themselves when you are feeling particularly emotional
Play again?
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
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"Sunny... Lou, wake up, we've got to get to practice!"
"Give me five more minutes mum..."
"Yah! I'm not your eomma!"
In which Sunny wakes up, but not in the bed she knows. Instead she wakes up in the dorm of her favourite kpop group Stray Kids, and they're not all too alarmed to see her there. To them, she's always been there, right from the very start.
How will she adjust to the idol life she's already been living in this universe? Will the members notice something is up? How long will she be able to keep this secret?
★ profile
★ relationships with the members
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
more chapters to come!
originally on wattpad @/djpatbutcher but moved onto here :)
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
<---------- back to my youth
<---------- back to main masterlist
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chapter 4
genre: fluff content warnings: none word count: 1.2k
Lou went straight back to her room after an incredibly filling meal. She did struggle to find her room at first, not quite remembering which one she exited from earlier in the morning, and none of the visions she had been having gave any hints away. But when she got weird looks from the other members about why she was looking in every room, she smartly used an excuse that would actually pass at the truth.
"What you doing Sunny?" Lee Know rose an eyebrow in curiosity at the girl who was looking through different rooms in the dorms.
"Hmmm? Oh... I'm trying to find Garfield, can't find it at the studio so it must be around here somewhere..." Lou miraculously thought up the excuse, twiddling her fingers as she made it look like that's definitely what she was looking for rather than her own room.
"You lost Garfield? Hmmm, don't worry, I'm sure we'll find him," Lee Know patted her head before heading off to his own room, which just so happened to be next door to Bea's.
Which brought her back to now, where she was staring at the ceiling wondering what to do with herself. The empty space in her mind seemed to be filled by another vision.
"Huh? What could this be?" a younger Hwang Hyunjin looked around the walls in his room, Lou hiding trying to muffle her giggles.
Hyunjin looked around at the bizarre and amateur drawings of weird, disproportionate animals drawn on post-it notes, stuck as some sort of mural by his bed.
Lou accidentally let out a laugh at his utterly confused expression.
"Yah, Sun, I can hear you..."
She emerged from her spot, no longer tucked away round the side of the wardrobe.
"Don't you like the drawings I did for you?" she giggled at his 'done' expression.
"I don't know what I'm looking at right now," Hyunjin dramatically deadpanned, before letting out a cackle, only triggering Lou further.
"Look this one is a ferret! It looks like you!" Lou laughed, pointing at his face and then the silly drawing, before running away from him as he chased her.
Some may say that Lou created Jiniret.
The girl blinked as she tuned back into her surroundings. She was happy it wasn't as much of a sad memory, and decided maybe it wouldn't be so bad to tease Hyunjin again. Wearing a mischievous smile on face, she rummaged around the chest of drawers in her room and was happy to find a stash of post-it notes and pens to use for her 'artwork'. Because of course, it would obviously be so much better than Hyunjin's gorgeous paintings. Well, she didn't know if he started painting yet, perhaps he sketched, she did remember seeing a pad of paper in the small vision she just had.
Tiptoeing into the room she remembers seeing herself run past, she quietly pushes down the handle and walks in, relieved that there was no one there yet. Sticking a pink post-it note on the wall, she popped of the lid of the pen and starting working her magic. Soon there was a couple drawings decorating the walls, ranging from Jiniret to Hyunjin pulling dramatic faces, and an artistic impression of him morphed with a llama.
She hoped he would appreciate the effort she put in.
Exiting out his room like nothing happened, she was caugh red handed by the guy himself.
"Lou... why were you in my room?" Hyunjin jumped at seeing her, not expecting her there as he put a hand over his heart, eyes wide.
"Oh... Can't find Garfield," Lou casually nodded and swiftly left the situation, joining the others sat in the living room. She plonked herself down on the sofa, next to Jeongin, giggling to herself.
"Oh no... she is laughing already," Jeongin announced to the room.
"What has our Flo done now?" Changbin questioned with a grin, causing Jisung to stand excitedly.
"Our Flo man! Our f-low! Flow so sick man!" Jisung hyped himself up with Changbin, bouncing in his spot and giving a proper handshake to his hyung.
"This always happens..." Seungmin sighs, pretending to look exhausted from the energy of his members. Or was he pretending...
"You'll find out in 3, 2, 1..." Lou smirked, rubbing her hands together.
"Lou. Ie. Sa!!!" Hyunjin yelled from his room, seeing the monstrosities of doodles that Lou had produced. He marched out of his room and immediately dove onto the girl, tickling her sides.
"Hahaha I got you again!" Lou giggled loudly, kicking her legs as Hyunjin playfully attacked her.
"Lee Know. Hannie. Get your child under control," Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair, pointing at Lou as he stared at the two guys.
"Our Lou has learnt well," Lee Know simply came over and hugged her from behind, patting her head and laughing to himself thinking of the mischief she had caused. This only caused Jisung to laugh harder.
"Jinnie... she decorated your room again?" Felix grinned imagining the sight.
"She vandalised it!" Hyunjin kept up his streak of over-exaggeration, making his members burst out into laughter once more.
Lou giggled once more and hugged Hyunjin from behind, causing him to turn and around and pick her up, depositing her next to Bang Chan.
"He is your only hope now," Hyunjin whimsically said, saluting at Bang Chan before retreating to his room, probably to plot some revenge on the girl.
"What shall we do with you, hmmm?" Bang Chan poked her sides, causing Lou to laugh once again as she accepted the cooing of the leader.
"Send me to art school."
More laughter resounded from the room.
"I can't believe he never noticed you going into his room again..." Changbin shook his head thinking of his dongsaeng.
"You're so sneaky, like a little spy," Seungmin nodded at his own observation.
"Yah! Did the 'little' really have to be there?!" Lou protested, sitting up in her seat and looking at the older with a challenging expression.
"Of course," Seungmin said like it was obvious.
"You're next, Kim Seungmin," Lou confirmed her next plans.
"Oh fighting talk!"
"She's gonna beat him up!"
"Seungmin's going to find out before she does anything."
"Yeah Seungmin is the real spy!"
The members conspired about what was going to happen next.
"Right, we should get some sleep now, got a couple of busy days of practice ahead of us before Miroh is released!" Bang Chan ushered his members to bed.
Lou couldn't help but feel nervous. In her home, universe, let's say, she knew the choreography of Miroh, she loved practising the dances from Stray Kids. But she knew she wasn't the best, and she didn't want to be the reason that the group wouldn't win their first award for the song. She couldn't change things that happened in the original timeline, could she? She thought to future events, like the ISACs and Kingdom, thinking if the group would be able to participate how they originally did due to her being a female. Or would there be special allowances...
Lou wasn't too sure on that for now. But she would have to cross that bridge when she came to it. Now, her first obstacle would be attending their very first live performance. Oh how she wished she had a memory full of everything that had happened to herself in this universe. Getting small glimpses wasn't feeling enough.
And this had just been the first day. She was in for a wild ride.
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tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @lixie-phoria
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