#the ineffable husbands
rumble-bee-art · 10 months
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A 6000+ years old demon thinks he can mend his broken heart by driving to the stars. Fool
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katiefrog217 · 2 months
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Sketch Sheet Go Brr
Based on this ficlet >>> A More Gentle Touch
@nik-knight (sorry for tagging you twice in one day omg) wrote a little ficlet for my Creature Omens AU, and it gave me MASSIVE brain rot. I just had to doodle a bunch of the scenes from it I couldn't just pick one sdjhdf
Seriously, go give it a read! Even if you aren't big into the Azirabirb and Snake Crowley concept, its really good and super sweet ;;
Thanks once again to her for writing something based on my little head canon!! I'm super honored, genuinely ;; <3 <3 <3
Oh, she did ask me a few things about the AU that I figured I'd share here:
Crowley and Aziraphale's "true" forms are of a Bird and Snake. Heaven and Hell are represented similarly (Heaven mostly by birds, and Hell by whatever animal motif they naturally have).
Humans still exist in the AU. Everything is essentially the same as in the show besides Angels and Demons having different forms.
When not hiding themselves, Angels and Demons are cloaked in a kind of glamour that makes them appear humanoid to anyone they are interacting with. Any oddities in the interaction are naturally filled in by the human brain, though it can get a little weird on what they remember.
They can shift to a humanoid form if they need to (some things are just easier with hands), though Aziraphale favors his Bird form when in his Bookshop.
Crowley spends more time in human form than Aziraphale. Azi tends to only do it when necessary or when leaving the shop.
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joytherabbit · 1 month
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mcksnn · 10 months
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idc if this flops too but i coloured it so
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beecass · 10 months
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ilomilodailystuff · 1 month
Some unfinished sketches and comic :3
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lililovesthings · 10 months
I read somewhere that people are so starved of content after that season 2 ending that they are just straight up purchasing the bible.
Well...so did I...
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Neil Gaiman x Taylor Swift
Part 4 : Good Omens 2 (Neil Gaiman) x loml (TTPD, Taylor Swift)
Credit : (in video)
P/S: Thank you for liking and reblogging my previous posts. I'm very touched!!
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enbysiriusblack · 1 month
my friend sent me this meme of aziraphale crying/the weeping angels in doctor who and. gave me thoughts.
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Can I show up to your doorstep hysterical and bloody only for you look at me with a look of love before kissing me on the forehead and ushering me inside?
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rumble-bee-art · 9 months
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It may be a less known fact of her biography that Jane Austen kickstarted both one angel penchant for cotillion and one demon love for spy adventures
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katiefrog217 · 22 days
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Aziraphale waited patiently in the shallows of the dropoff near the shore of his post on the Eastern Side of the Lake, fidgeting with his ring as the sun rose higher in the sky. He cast anxious glances behind him to scan the area, both for any potential intruders (which were rare) and any visitors from his colony (equally as rare). His side of the Lake went practically forgotten, but one could never be too careful. A flicker of a shadow over head caught Aziraphale's attention, head whipping around to scrutinize the surface.
The pale merman could just make out a shadow near the edge of the shore, and suddenly his anxiety washed away, tension easing from his shoulders. He reached out invitingly towards the shadow, fingers brushing the surface. He didn't need to wait long before there was a splash and his vision was suddenly obscured by a slew of bubbles. Aziraphale remained calm, even as a massive figure descended in front of him, even as they latched clawed fingers around his neck. He reciprocated in fact, reaching a confident hand out to cup a sharp jawline. The bubbles cleared just enough for him to catch a glimpse of golden eyes framed by a shock of red hair before he slid his own blues closed, leaning into the gentle kiss on his lips.
Crowley hummed as he leaned into his touch, claws tugging him forward ardently. Aziraphale obliged him, leaning further into the kiss with a sigh. He wished they didn't need to rush all the time, that they didn't have to fret about getting caught.
Fueled partly by his regret (and a hint of mischief), Aziraphale boldly pressed a tongue forward, slipping between the seam of Crowley's lips to press against his pearly whites.
Crowley growled a warning and he teased over one of his fangs - Aziraphale chuckled but relented, withdrawing for now. Crowley always worried about possibly invenomating him, though Aziraphale assured him that it was unlikely, implicitly showing Crowley how much he trusted him. No, he insisted it even. Regardless, he didn't want to spend what little time they already had together pushing his buttons.
This was so closed to not getting done before May I swear...
Seriously would you believe me if I said this was started at the beginning of the month? Yeah I got heavily distracted.
But I finally got it done! Hurrah!!!
I do have their designs somewhere on paper, but I'll have post them later once I clean them up.
Happy Mermay everyone!
Azi - [Fresh Water]: Based mainly on a feather tailed Betta Fish, a sea angel (loosely), and an angel fish.
Crowley- [Brackish Waters]: Based on a Sea Krait, a Mangrove snakes, and loosely inspired also by an angel fish.
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joytherabbit · 2 months
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sleipnirsecki · 11 months
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Still mad? Still mad!
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There’s this idea that’s been plaguing me for a while of the ineffable wives in the 90s but like Aziraphale is in a Riot Grrrl band.
She plays the bass or the drums, she hosts meetings in her bookshop, and she helps distributing the zines, but she doesn’t want to participate in writing them, insisting that she was a man most of her life so it really wasn’t her place.
And the girls are so happy cause there’s this sweet old trans lady who shreds on the bass/drums and who supports their cause, even if she can be a bit oblivious about it, and they’re over the bloody moon when they meet her goth wife.
And Crowley is admittedly a bit confused when she visits Aziraphale and instead finds a bunch of excited university students scrapbooking all over the place, but quickly gets over it once she sees how excited Aziraphale is about it. And if a few suggestions for provocative texts were made here and there, well, a demon is entitled to a little dose of chaos every once in awhile ;)
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ilomilodailystuff · 1 month
Learning to draw bodies (and stop the angst aziracrow for some love instead :3)
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Yup. Still a lot of work to do and mistakes to fix ASAP.
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