#toilet bound x reader
nightqueen1221 · 1 year
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-He is... So confused? Why are you addressing him in such a way? Regardless if you're dating or not.
-If you aren't dating, he'll tell you he's flattered but would prefer you stop calling him that. Sorry, but he thinks it will spread rumors of you two, and doesn't want either of your images to be ruined.
-If you continue calling him that after he stops you not to, he will start to have a problem with you, and might even publicly announce at a school board meeting that you two are not in a relationship.
-It doesn't work very well since people are gonna believe what they believe.
-He might let it slide if your friends, he still finds it odd, but can at least laugh at this one a bit more.
-He allows it mostly in a group of friends since they can at least know you're not together in that way.
-Dating, he doesn't mind or care. People would probably know you're dating already.
-Teru would most likely try and keep his relationship on the down low. He knows a lot of people have a crush on him, and he just doesn't want you to get hurt in the process.
-Kou might also join in by saying, "Your husband said..." He says it as a joke, but if you're not joking he finds it super weird.
-So, it truly depends on how comfortable he is with you
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mxshr0mz · 8 months
I'm a tsukasa simp
Can I have anything and I mean litterally ANYTHING about this boy with a S/O who is addicted to music to the point where she dances so much she hurts herself sometimes, and also sometimes has her music up so so so loud she physically can't hear him, so it looks like she's ignoring him but she's not?
please and thank you?
Ok bye now
tsukasa x reader who is addicted to music
characters: tsukasa, music addicted ! gn ! reader , also sakura in like one part
genre: fluff(?)
warnings: extremely short
yeah no hes hating this.
he genuinely thinks you're just straight up ignoring him and he HATES it SO much ✌
he will be pestering you to turn the music down and probably tricks you by letting him listening to the music and he says its "too loud"
"hey y/nnnnn can i listen to what you're listening to pleeeaaassse?" "oh yeah sure tsukasa!" "..... this is too loud *turns it down*" "you turned to volume off" "this is much better, trust me!"
everytime u get hurt while dancing sakura loses more of her sanity.
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Kou, Teru, Yamabuki (Lemon) and Akane(boy) with a GN S/O who sleeps ANYWHERE. In class, during lunch, while studying, while cuddling, etc.
falling asleep with them ♡
~ feat. kou, teru, yamabuki and akane aoi
!!WARNINGS!! just pure fluff, gn!reader, no gendered pronouns mentioned
kou didnt notice your ability to fall asleep anywhere at first
when he first met you he assumed you were just really tired, he was worried about you cuz he thought you werent getting enough rest
he didnt want to pry into your personal life too much but eventually he did end up asking you if you were getting enough sleep
you explained the situation to him and he was amazed
so thats just something you do?
it took a little while but eventually he gets used to it
whenever you fall asleep he makes sure no one disturbs you (especially hanako)
if anyone ever bothers you about he immediately comes to your defense, if its a ghost then he'll immediately threaten to exorcise them (or just do it depends on who it is)
he always makes sure youre comfortable whenever/where ever you sleep
if you fall asleep while the two of you are cuddling he becomes stiff and tries his best not to disturb you
he'll glare daggers at anyone who might disturb your slumber since he cant get up and shoo them away
teru is an observant person and being his s/o means he notices every little thing about you
he knows everything you like or dislike, your little habits and characteristics
the moment he notices you falling asleep any where and everywhere he starts doing things to make you more comfortable
he'll carry a pillow or blanket around for you (dont ask how hes teru he can do anything)
if he doesnt have a blanket he'll use his jacket as a blanket
he finds your unique ability quite cute and he might tease you about it, but in a friendly way
if anyone else teases or bothers you about it tho he'll immediately put an end to it
he does get worried about it at first, he makes sure youre getting enough rest
if you fall asleep while cuddling he'll hold you close and make sure youre able to rest comfortably
if he feels peaceful enough he might fall asleep with you
i love him
yamabuki (lemon)
okay im gonna be honest i forgot what his personality is like so i had to go through his wiki for this-
so yamabuki isnt the most observant person nor does he care about his surroundings very much so he doesnt notice you falling asleep immediately
but after a few times of it happening he'll take notice and pay closer attention
if you fall asleep around him he'll take pictures of you sleeping (with permission ofc) and tease you with them later
another character who thinks you falling asleep everywhere is cute
he likes taking pictures of things that interest him and you interest him a lot :)
he may seem like the bad boy type who doesnt care about anything
which is partly true
he cares a lot about you
he just has different ways of showing it
and taking pictures of you is one of those ways
akane aoi
okay so this man is extremely affectionate
and hes very open with his affection too
he notices you sleeping everywhere immediately
and once he does he'll make sure youre as comfortable as possible
like teru he'll have a blanket or pillow on hand all the time
he'll go as far as to have a place for you to rest in the student council room
which may result in teru ending him
but for you its worth it
if anyone even thinks about annoying you while you sleep or bother you about it he will not hesitate to end them
but if you tell him not too he wont (reluctantly)
when you fall asleep while cuddling he'll hold you close to him
he'll stay with you for as long as necessary
A/N: im sorry this took so long, ive been caught up with a lot of things in my personal life and had to put my writing to the side but im back now!! hopefully i wont disappear again but i cant make any promises
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Can I request Hanako, Tsukasa and Teru with an S/o who doesn’t let anyone truly know them and it doesn’t matter how long they know them they just won’t open up bc of trust issues?
tldr; Hanako, Tsukasa and Teru with an S/o with very bad trust issues and never opens up to people
Thank youuuu:D
Hanako, Tsukasa, and Teru with a s/o with very bad trust issues and never opens up to people❣︎
Warnings: talk about trauma, trauma in the past
A/n: hello!!!
And sorry for how late this came out!!
But enjoy and have a great day or night<3
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- Hanako thought he knew everything about you
- He is your boyfriend, after all
- However, he soon realizes he doesn’t know much about you at all
- Or your past
- He can’t really speak, he doesn’t want you to know much about his past ether
- But he still wants to know more about you
- He will ask questions hoping you will open up
- He wants to know you more
- But when it doesn’t work he will start being more blunt about it
- Saying he wants to know about your life
- If you say no, he won’t press
- But he might be a bit more stubborn to tell you about his past if you wont tell him about yours
You screamed as you fell outside of Hanako’s stall. You have had a crazy day. You were kidnapped by who you learned was Hanako’s younger twin brother and then you were forced into a random door boundary. You had to escape a bunch of doors that lead to different places at different times. Then you remember him. Hanako but when he was… alive. You saw him through one I of the doors. He was crying and has bruises all over his arms. It hurt you to see your boyfriend this way. Then his wisp found you before you could even talk to him.
“Got you!” Hanako quickly caught you, holding your shaken body in his arms. “Did you have a nice trip~”
“Hanako…” You sat up, looking at him. His eyes trailed down to your clothes as he frowned. His wisps circled you, putting you back in your normal school uniform.
“Sorry! I just prefer you in your normal clothes!” He held your hands in his. You felt your heart sink inside your chest. You couldn’t help but see that crying boy when you looked at him. He was so hurt. Does he still have those injuries on his arms…?
“Hanako… can I ask you a question?” You held his hand tightly.
“When I was looking through the doors, I saw… you” His smile dropped when he heard you say that. “And you were hurt.. and crying. And i just want to know what happened? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to but I want to be there for you”
“I don’t want to talk about my past.” He said boldly which caught you off guard. His past was a very sensitive topic for it. It also slightly irritated him to think you would question his part if you refused to tell him yours.
“I just want to help, Hanako-“
“You won’t even tell me about your past, why should I tell you about mine?” He bit his bottom lip, regretting his words. He just hated the thought of you asking him to reveal his hard past if you got mad at him for not wanting to reveal yours. He was afraid of what would happen if he told you what he did. If you couldn’t trust him, how could he trust you?
“Hanako, I…” Your eyes were wide as gripped your sleeves. He was right. You wouldn’t even let him know who you truly were, what right did you have to ask him the question you hated. “I’m sorry…”
Hanako now felt like the guilty one. He shouldn’t have brought up what was burdening you and he never would have. He knows better. He just doesn’t like you bringing up such a sensitive subject for him. He has trust issues too.
“No, I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have brought up something so sensitive for you too… I just thought it was unfair for you to ask me that..” He looked down.
“It’s okay… I also shouldn’t have asked something to personal if I didn’t wish to open up myself”
“Maybe… we can both work on opening up to each other” he took your hands in his and pulled you close to him, a small smile on his face.
“Work on opening up to each other? You think it will work…?” You asked
“It might… shall we give it a try?”
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- He didn’t know anything about the real you?
- What does that mean?
- Do you not open up to him…?
- At first he wouldn’t care
- If you don’t want to tell him, why should he force you! (He is really chatty about his life when he was alive)
- But then he started to have questions about what your life was like before you met him
- He would ask Mitsuba to make the mirrors show him you in the past
- But you didn’t go here
- He is completely in the dark
- He will be subtle, not wanting you to close up
- He will constantly ask you, wanting to know
- The moment the conversation switches to something personal, he will ask
- Oh boy will he ask
- He wants to know more about his lover
Tsukasa’s cheeks puffed. For the past half hour, he’s been asking you about different things you liked when you were a kid but he still doesn’t know anything about your past. He has learned interesting information about things you like and dislike but he wants to know why you won’t talk to him about your past.
“I just want to know about your past…” He whined and you tensed up. What part of your past does he want to know…?
“Don’t you know enough? You asked me my favorite ice cream, if I have any pets, and other stuff like that… what do you want to know?” You chuckled a bit until he leaned in. Your face flushed as he was staring at you.
“I want to know about your life before we met.”
“My… life?” You repeated, slightly in shock. Why does he want to know about your life? Could you really trust him..?
“I don’t think you want to know about my life-“
“I do want to know what happened in your life!” He gripped your shoulder and you bit your bottom lip.
“Well I don’t want to tell you about my life!” You shouted slightly which shocked the ghost. “It’s none of your business…” you felt your eyes starting to water up. You expected him to be mad at you but he hugged you instead. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him back.
“I want to know more about you…” Tsukasa whispered and you felt your heart tighten.
“I know… I been hurt by people I trusted before, Tsu.” Your brows furrowed as you wiped the water in your eyes away.
“But I’m not like that! I promise you I’m not…” He got sad at the thought of you not trusting him but he knew that it was the thought of trusting that scared you.
“I don’t know…” you stayed silent.
“I promise I will never hurt you! I only want whats best for you!!” He took your hands in his, giving you a sad look “I promise I won’t hurt you like others did…” You felt your heart pound inside you chest.
You loved this man.
“Thank you, Tsukasa.. maybe some day I will tell you about my past” You smiled softly as you hugged him. He hugged you back, squeezing you tightly with a grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, my love… I’ll make sure no one hurts you again~”
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- Teru didn’t think that talking about your past to your lover is really that important
- He doesn’t talk about his past so he won’t force you
- However, he notices your past has a hold on you still
- While his childhood (or lack of) effects him as well, he will talk about it with you (he will talk about it like it isn’t a big deal but at least he’s talking about it-)
- Why don’t you want to talk about yours?
- He can tell you aren’t yourself around him
- He doesn’t like that thought
- Do you not trust him?
- What harm do you think he would do to you?
- Why can’t you be yourself…?
- He will wait for the right time to bring it up
You had a small smile on your face as you read a book. This was a very interesting part for the two main love interests. You were very comfortable on the couch in the student council room. You often spent time in there doing work as Teru would do his. You looked up to see Teru looking at you.
“Teru? Are you okay?” You frowned.
“I have a question for you” He stood up from his desk and a walked over to you.
“What is it?” You could sense his serious tone. He wanted to talk to you about this.
“Why don’t you show me who you really are?” He asked bluntly “does it have to do with your past?”
Your eyes widened. It sometimes shocked you how blunt he could be.
“Why are you asking this..?” You leaned back into the couch.
“You aren’t yourself around me… I don’t want you to feel like you need to hold yourself back.”
It’s true. You always keep him away from your personal information. Biting your tongue so you don’t accidentally spill something from your past. You couldn’t tell if you can trust him.
You wanted to.
“You don’t tell me much about your background, you know…” Your brows furrowed. Teru opened his mouth to say something but stopped. He sat down next to you, holding your hand in his.
“Ever since I was young I was an exorcist” he paused for a moment “That’s really it. There isn’t much to say~” he gave you a smile. You couldn’t help but think that that lack of childhood might be a problem…
“But I don’t want you to feel like you need to hide from me. I love you, Y/n” He held your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. You blushed softly and looked down.
“You don’t need to tell me now, but know I will never hurt you” He gave you a reassuring look. He wanted you to tell him in your own time and he was willing to wait for you.
“Thank you, Teru, I love you”
“I love you too, my darling”
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crapkaaa · 1 year
♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ Hello~! I just discovered your acc today and O M G your work is divine! I was wondering if I could request Nene and Kou from tbhk in the same style you did Hanaka and Tsukasa~? ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡
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nene and kou icons!
credits not required as long as you dont claim it as your own
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isyloveslife · 1 year
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If i had a nickel for every peice of media about a boy whose a ghost and has a girlfriend and a comedic relief friend, i'd have 2 nickels which isnt a lot but weird it happened twide
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i was behind on the tbhk manga but omg, mitsukou has my heart<3
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whoever said they aren’t canon is clearly delusional — listen to this mitskou playlist it’s awesome
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likes/reblogs are highly appreciated!
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o7k5a8m9i · 8 months
Omg y'all look who it is!!!!💖💙💜
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My baby Tsukasa! And my too tbhk ship's NatsuSaku and Sumi6🌸
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ariicandy · 2 years
TBHK WRITER TBHK WRITER OMGOMGOMG MAY I PLS REQ A HANAKO X GN!READER? Heres plot i have in mind!)(reader is part of the seven mysteries so basically theres 8 now ig..)
Reader has always loved the ocean, they always enjoyed how the waves moved though they were born with a weak body and was always hospitalised also their parents were really protective with them and refuse enroll them into school. Of course, reader had read ocean water is salty but they never really got to taste never once had they went somewhere outside their home or hospital.
Reader eventually got better and soon their parents allowed them to attend school yet that allowed the tragic death of their only child. Now reader wonders around the school part of the 7 mysteries with the nickname of "the dutchess/Dutch swan" entering the school garden at 5pm and dancing to a specific melody would summon reader. Reader would ask the summonar to collect all items related to tje ocean including books, pins etc other 1 h and 30 mins failure to do would lead to death.
Basically thats what i have in mind! Perhaps reader met hanako when both of them were in school, and hanako really wants to bring reader to see the real ocean promising them one day they both will dance in the ocean.
Sorry if this is too long :(
Hanako x GN!Reader; No.8 Of The Seven Mysteries, “The Dutchness/Dutch Swan”
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CW/TW - A sentence or two about you dead but no details, mentions of bruises and scars
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Super cool dividers n header
✦✧ : when you first encounter hanako, well Amane at school, it might because he saw how fragile you were like him. You were always at the hospital while he was always with bruises and scars being treated with bandages. But one thing for sure brought you guys together. Your love for the ocean/sea is always connected to the night sky to his love for space.
✦✧ : Once you guys talked backed to back about facts of the sea and space, paring them together being cute on scenarios of each other at that moment. People saw how close you were with Amane, do they must of thought you were also close to his brother, tsukasa! Amane/Hanako might be overprotective when your around tsukasa because as we all know, he has hurt him. So he’s willingly to take the hits if he needs to get you away from him if he ever acts weird or not “himself” at school. He cares too much seeing you getting hurt while you are very much more fragile than him, he always says to himself that you have it more harder than him because of your super fragile state. He cares too much for you being near tsukasa not wanting you to find the reason how they act only when it’s the two of them.
✦✧ : Amane/Hanako found out that you can’t go to the real ocean and only imagine by the pictures you see, all the items/stuff you have that remind someone of the sea, it breaks his heart by your parents not letting you have any freedom of seeing something you love so dearly as he does for space. He thought, “maybe your parents/guardian go with you to supervise you or over you?” Oh how you shakes your head breaks his heart into more pieces. He promised or even vows to show you more beautiful pictures of the ocean whenever he goes to visit or better ones from the stores that sell them like book stores.
✦✧ : oh how he wishes to bring you everywhere but can’t. He wants to bring you to see all the wonderful and beautiful places around that makes fall in love with the scenery like a child seeing fireworks or their favorite food. You were so perfect on your looks, looking like you never needed to do anything but dress how you wished you want. You both were on the school rooftop when hanako places his hands over yours and saying his vow to you, “[name], I promise someday I will find a way to bring you to see the ocean and we can dance, laugh and joke about anything or everything you enjoy. I promise to you one day I swear to my heart you’ll see the ocean!” Oh if only did both of you knew your guys’ time would run out before you even knew. :(
✦✧ : Your death was tragic and horrible, it didn’t only affect your parents and acquaintances in your school, it affected Amane/Hanako the most. It felt like something was just ripped apart from him like it was nothing, just some garbage waste or like some puppeteer didn’t have any use for you in any shows anymore. His heart couldn’t bare the love he had for you now has left this world just him fighting with himself. He kept his interest to space to himself not letting others know about it and hold very dear about the things you both imagine in your minds about the ocean and space. The moon and stars stand still as his love falls into the swirls and waves of the ocean..
✦✧ : it has, who knows how long since he died and been stuck being hanako 7th of the seven school mysteries, he was with Tsuchigomori and Yashiro because they both needed help distracting a supernatural that might have been under the influence of evil(tsukasa). He turned to face the window hearing something that caught his attention, being a beautiful sunset on the sky, a melody playing with someone dancing to it. He was memorized, that dance felt familiar to him like the melody also feels familiar until it clicked when he saw that student at the school garden that suddenly made someone appear. Yashiro and Tsuchigomori both looked at the window seeing hanako having a tear fall down his eyes, the student didn’t just dance to that melody coincidentally at the school garden otherwise there would have been a phone or table lying where you can see and barley the music. The student summon an unknown school mystery, No.8 of the seven wonders on the school, “ The Dutchness/Dutch Swam”
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
I see that you do tbhk! If you could can I request friendship hcs for nene, hanako, and Kou? Ty in advance :)
general friendship hcs.
summary. general friendship headcanons with the main three.
trigger & content warnings. references to death.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. yashiro nene & reader, hanako & reader, minamoto kou & reader. 0.8k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. hello dear!!!! yes ofc you can.... the tbhk fans have been finding me recently and it makes me so happy helshsjghfh that's my comfort manga (i say, knowing it is the most horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-crushing manga i have read thus far)!!! i COULD say that this is my first time writing for tbhk, but that would make me a liar, because it's not! my first reader insert longfic was a tbhk one on quotev way back in 2021. i'd say i've improved a lot since then.
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being friends with nene means getting dragged into all of her supernatural adventures. if you're close enough to her, that is.
she, without a doubt, rants to you about her crushes and asks you for advice! she'll also complain about hanako to you, if you so happen to know about him.
she's super supportive. she's always cheering you on and encouraging you! and also, if you want advice or want to rant to her, she's completely open to that.
she rants to you, so you should be able to rant to her too. it's only fair. she does admit, though, that her advice might not be that good.
also i think nene would be physically affectionate. always hugging you, maybe giving you a lil kiss on the forehead if you're comfortable with that! hand-holding is also common with her.
she would be SO happy if you shared her interest in gardening or cooking! she'd love to have another friend to do those things with. if not, that's okay too! she doesn't want her friends to feel uncomfortable or forced to participate in any way.
she cares about you so so deeply and genuinely would be devastated if you ever got hurt because of her.
if you're a ghost, i don't think your dynamic would change much at all, actually. i think she would still treat you the same!
tell her she is pretty!!!! do not let her insecurities get to her!!!! reciprocate her supportive energy!!!!!
she might actually cry if a friend of hers were to support her so passionately.
like nene, being close enough friends with hanako means you end up getting involved in things you probably shouldn't be involved in LMAO
i don't think he MEANS to get you involved, because he does worry about your safety, but it just sort of... happens. you end up involved regardless.
dude follows you everywhere, 100%
it's like what he does with nene, just without the romantic subtext LMAO
if you're human? he's sitting in your classes with you. he does it mainly for two reasons: one, because it reminds him of when he was alive, and it's strangely comforting. two, because he loves you and wants to annoy you <3
he's generally very clingy, and if you happen to be a ghost? ohohoho it's FAR worse.
he's always touching you in some way.
playing with your hair, fidgeting with your hands, hanging off of your shoulders... he's very touchy. poor thing is so touch starved.
personal space? he has no idea what that phrase means!
(he does, and if you seriously ask him to, he will respect your personal space and boundaries.)
it doesn't come from a bad place. he just finds it grounding. reassuring.
hanako also generally won't come to you with his problems.
he's not keen on being an open book. if you've known him for long enough, he would absolutely be more open to being honest with you, but if you haven't known him long at all? yeah... he's not cracking. trying to forcefully pry him open wouldn't help either.
he will absolutely, without a doubt, make you cute little homecooked meals.
we all know he's the only one out of his sibling's who is both old enough to use a stove and competent enough not to burn the kitchen down, so of course he would spend time making you a lunch!
especially if he felt like you weren't eating enough or you needed something extra to get you through the day. he notices the little details like that.
he's an acts of service kind of guy. he does little things to show you that he cares.
btw. if you're close enough friends with him? tiara and teru will both know you by name. you'll become like another member of their family <3
(tiara would get so excited every time she gets to see you, practically bouncing on her heels.)
i like to think he's a lil protective!!!! he worries about your safety and worries that supernaturals might want to hurt you bc of his involvement with you :c
teru would smite them before they got the chance, though, so kou really doesn't have much to worry about.
if you're a ghost, i think this dynamic would be very fascinating.
teru would try to kill you. yeah... sorry.
kou wouldn't let him though!! he would believe wholeheartedly that you're good and have no intention of being harmful, and because teru isn't really interested in ruining his relationship with his brother... you get to keep living your afterlife!
(please don't betray kou's trust.)
also if you're a little bit older than him, or if you just seem wiser, i think he'd ask you for advice on a bunch of things!
he doubts himself a lot. be sure to reassure him that he's doing the best he can for someone so young.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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kywaslost · 1 year
What Can I Do? - Hanako 
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A/N: It has been sooo long since I’ve written for this fandom lol. I’m in the process of writing for everyone on my masterlist, so I spin a wheel that decides what character I write, then I spin another wheel that gives me a prompt theme. So I hope this is alright!
Prompt/s used: Person A is feeling down and Person B does not like to see them this way, so they start to bring them food, a nice cup of tea and their favorite blanket. 
The colors produced by the setting sun leaked in through the open bathroom window, reflecting off of the mirrors and casting themselves across the stalls. There was a cool afternoon breeze drifting in through the window, gently pushing the hair from your face. You sat against the wall below said window, legs pressed against your chest. You had been there for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet of the bathroom. Hanako was nowhere to be found, so you decided to seek shelter in the empty bathroom. 
Tears brimmed your eyes. You stopped crying an hour ago, but you couldn’t help but still be teary eyed. You had been having a really rough time lately, and all of the pressure and stress had built up inside you, ultimately leading you to have a breakdown, skipping your last class to hide out in the old bathroom. You were hoping Hanako would be there to keep you company, but alas, he wasn’t. So you sat and watched as the moke stared at you from the doorway, whispering about you. You didn’t mind, and you didn’t say anything to them as they whispered away.
One of Hanako’s hakujodi flew through the doorway, making its way over to you. It floated down in front of your face, and you reached out to touch it, hand falling through the apparition slowly. You smiled sadly at it, watching its small movements as it hovered around you.
“There you are!” Hanako said loudly. “You weren’t in class, so I sent the hakujodi out to find you!” The ghost flew over to you, hovering a few feet away. His seemingly happy expression dropped to one of worry as he took in your state. You were sure you looked terrible, eyes red and puffy, clothing disheveled and hair a tangled mess from your breakdown. You turned your gaze from Hanako over to the stall doors in shame. You still looked upset, and Hanako didn’t want to cause you to cry again. The poor ghost wanted to help you but didn’t know how to fix the situation without asking.
You watched as Hanako left out of the corner of your eye, and a tear fell down your cheek. You knew this was bound to happen. Hanako would finally have enough of your breakdowns and low moments and would leave you for good. Hugging your knees tighter to your chest, you buried your face and cried again.
A moment later you felt a weight drape across your shoulder and on top of your head. You lifted your head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of Hanako sitting in front of you. He offered you a gentle smile.
“Hi,” he said softly. “Can I sit with you?”
You nodded, and whatever was draped over you fell in your eyes. You changed your posture to sit up straighter, shaking hands moving what you realized to be Hanako’s hat out of your eyes. Hanako reached out and pulled the blanket he draped over your shoulders tighter around you. 
“I’m assuming you haven’t eaten yet, so I brought you some leftovers from the cafeteria.” He pushed a tray of food towards you. “Please eat. It’ll make you feel better.” You noticed a steaming mug of your favorite tea on the tray. Smiling, you picked up the mug, lifting it to your lips.
“Thank you, Hanako.” Your voice was raspy due to your tears but the ghost didn’t mind.
“I don’t like seeing you sad,” Hanako pouted. “It hurts.” His words warmed your heart. The longer you sat with the deceased boy, the calmer you felt. He didn’t pressure you to talk about what had made you so upset, and he didn’t force you to do anything you weren’t ready to do. 
True to his word, you did feel better after eating. Your strength was coming back to you. The tea helped to soothe your throat and make you feel more at peace. The blanket wrapped around you made you feel warm and safe, and with that came the blissfulness of being tired. Hanako moved to sit beside you, maneuvering you to rest your head on his shoulder. 
“Rest now,” he whispered. “I’ll keep you safe.” 
His hat fell over your eyes again, blocking out the lasting remnants of the setting sun. You gave in to the dreariness that was overtaking you, fully resting your weight against Hanako. His cool body temperature was comforting against the warmth of your favorite blanket. 
Once you had dozed off, Hanako rested his head on top of yours. He hated seeing you so upset, but the boy was happy he was able to help you calm down.
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
Can I request Teru Minamoto with a crybaby gf?
Have a good day!!
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I still have a request from June, and YES REQUESTER I'M GETTING TO YOU, but I'm finally getting back into the swing of things.
-Dude his older brother instincts kick in SO FAST.
-He wants to know why you're crying, and if it's a who.
-He pulls out a handkerchief and hands it to you while putting an arm around your shoulders.
-And if you don't like touch, that's fine, he'll just sit close to you so you notice his presence.
-If you need to rant he sits there nodding his head and the occasional "mhh-hm."
-He waits for you to be finished before asking if you're finished. (He does not mean it rudely, he's just asking.)
-Please don't be shy to tell him anything, he wants to know why you are upset. Unless it was someone and you don't want them getting hurt, maybe keep them out of your mouth.
-But that's if someone hurt you. If you were just crying because, "Look at this baby puppy it's so cute!" crying, he'll be caught a little off guard, but glad you're not hurt.
-He'll playfully nudge you before saying you scared him. Or ruffle your hair if possible.
-So yeah, you scared him to death but at least he knows you aren't hurt.
-Just tell him when there is an actual problem.
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chat pls request im bored
Here's my fandoms guys.....please..
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mondaymelon · 2 years
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always. (kou x mitsuba x gn!reader)
warnings/notes! poly relationship, human reader, fluff, surprisingly... wholesome?
(a/n) requested by @originisanend!! thank you ♡
"What are you... doing...?" Kou blinked his cyan eyes repeatedly, the confused expression only deepening as he tried to follow Mistuba's movements.
"Putting together a scrapbook, silly. Stop being dumb, hella-lame-traffic-safety-earring boy." Mistuba stuck his tongue out at the said man before returning his attention back to the photos he had printed out.
"I told you to stop calling me that! We're dating, but you're still always insulting me!" Kou pouted, cheeks flushing as he whined.
Mistuba turned to look at you, pink eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah... but I think it's a good name. After all, it fits you well. And I think..." The rosy-haired man sent you a not-so-subtle wink before continuing. "They like it too."
"Liar." Kou turned to look at you with his oceany doe eyes, silently begging you to take his side. "You aren't agreeing with Mistuba, are you?"
Blinking rapidly, you shook your head. "Hey, leave me out of this...!"
"You heard it," Mistuba chimed in, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "So now let's just kindly leave that argument and focus on what's important here."
Kou didn't seem pleased, but obliged nonetheless. Perhaps he had the memory of a goldfish, or was just too kind for his own good, but after not long at all, he was already back to being his usual sunny self.
"Where are we putting this one?" Kou asked curiously, glancing at Mistuba and you while pointing to a picture of the three of you standing in the school garden. It had been taken a couple of months ago, when it was much warmer outside. Just seeing the photo brought back good memories that made you feel warm inside.
"WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FUCKING WEEDS-" Mistuba had been put in charge of garden cleanup for the school summer cleaning, and he certainly was not pleased. If that alone hadn't been enough, he had forced the two of you to come along with him. He said it was to keep him company, but the both of you knew that it was just so he could do less work.
"Now, now Mistuba, let's calm down..." Kou had acted as the mediator out of the trio, occasionally having to bandage up any scraps or cuts you got while doing the heavy work outside.
"I'm out." You had said after about an hour of working in the blazing heat. Your hands were sore and your back ached from having to bend over at harsh angles.
Yashiro had come along then, and taken a photo of the three of you. She giggled over it for weeks, although soon forgot about it. The love-stricken girl really did have the memory of a goldfish, considering she became one whenever she touched water.
"Ah, that..." Mistuba scowled, glancing up at you with vengeful eyes. "I still haven't gotten my revenge for you abandoning me, you know."
"Oh no~ I'm so scareddd~~" You giggled your ass off for about a minute before helping Mistuba glue on the final touches. Kou was digging about in a pouch of glitter and stickers, searching for some that matched the current spread the three of you were working on.
"Here!" The boy handed you several flowery stickers, along with a couple quotes and a real dry-pressed daisy. You gingerly took them from his hold, lightly brushing his hand in the process. Kou didn't directly say anything, but you saw him flinch and immediately cover his mouth with his hand.
Laughing to yourself, you placed the final touches on the spread before stepping back and taking a look to admire it. Across the top, written in Mistaba's semi-scribbly handwriting, were the words 私たちの夏, or Our Summer.
There were several photos, including the garden one. Another was during sports day and showed Kou passing the baton to you in a relay race, with Mistuba in the back cheering the two of you on. Another showed the time where you and Mistuba had attempted to make a cake for Kou's birthday... but it had turned out a little lopsided and the blue frosting turned out more purple-like instead. Nevertheless, Kou had almost bursted to tears when the two of you showed up at his residence, holding the cake tray in one hand and a present in the other.
They were pleasant photos, little bundles of warm memories and feelings. Kou glanced at you, seeing your satisfied expression, and whispered to Mistuba, "We should do this more often."
"We'll have plenty of time to this again."
"You'll always be with me, right? In sickness or in health..."
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after that last angst request i just need more 👁️👁️ more angts, yes mhm
The Minamoto Brothers and the Yugi Twins
We get into a huge fight with them causing them to not talk to us, but the thing is we were messaging them that someone was follow us and the intention of killing us but they didnt read our messages
tw : mentions of murder
Teru, Kou, Amane, and Tsukasa when they are ignoring s/o and they are being followed❣︎
Warning: attempted murder, stalking, argument
A/n: hello hello!!
I enjoy writing angst but not so much receiving angst-
I also HEAVILY debated if S/o should die in this since you didn’t say, so if you wanted s/o to die I’m sorry-
This is also long so i hope it makes up for my slowness-
I hope you enjoy and have a good day or night!!
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- Teru and you haven’t been talking much recently
- All because he was hanging out with someone who asked him out
- Teru has been friends with this person for a long time, and though you didn’t want to tell him who he should be friends with, it made you very angry
- You could tell this person still had feelings for him but Teru didn't seen to notice or care
- But when this person finally started to become more clingy with your boyfriend in front of you
- And this person knew you were dating Teru
- that's when you got pissed off
- You eventually confronted Teru about his“friend” and told him that they upset you
- Teru didn’t see a problem with it and your talk turned into an argument
- You two ended up fighting so bad you two ghosted each other
- And Teru was stubborn
- You stayed at school late and was walking home when you felt like you were being watched
- You used your phone camera to look behind you and you noticed someone who was wearing all black standing not too far away
- You ignored it, continuing your way home
- But when you got the weird feeling again, you looked to see the person not too far behind you again
- You felt your stomach drop, now knowing he was following you
- While you walked, you acted like you were taking a selfie and took a photo of the person in the background of the photo
- You messaged you boyfriend, saying this person was following you and you didn’t know what to do
- But he wasn’t checking his notifications from you, he was upset
- He wanted a night to cool off from the fight, thinking he will be able to talk to you tomorrow
- He was wrong about the reason you were calling.
- The next morning he went to school but you weren’t there
- It was odd
- By the time the lunch bell rang, he went to check his phone and thats when he saw those messages
- His heart sank when he realized why you weren’t at school.
- He quickly called your parentals, asking if you were okay
- Luckily for him, you survived but you were in the hospital after being stabbed 13 times
- Teru took the rest of the day off, waiting for more news
- After a day, the hospital allowed people to visit you and Teru was the first person to see you that day
- When he saw your condition, he felt his chest tighten
- He felt like this was his fault. You messaged him about this person following you and he didn’t help at all
- He couldn’t help you when you needed him too
“Y/n?” Teru knocked on your hospital door, walking into your room. You turned to him and felt your chest tighten seeing him. Last time you two talked, it was an argument and you thought you would never be able to see him again.
“T-Teru-“ You were about to speak but he quickly cut you off.
“Don’t say sorry. I should be the one apologizing. You told me about a concern you had and I didn’t take your feelings into consideration. I acted like a child when I ghosted you and if I looked at your messages… maybe you wouldn’t be in the hospital. I’m sorry Y/n…” Tears formed in Teru’s eyes as he could barely make eye contact with you. He felt like a jerk for igorning you for such a dumb reason.
“Teru… look at me..” He faced you when you called. “I love you so much, thank you for coming to visit me. I forgive you and I’m glad we were able to talk again.” You smiled softly.
“I am too… I’m so glad you are okay” Teru sat down on a chair next to you.
“I am as well, because I get to see you again” You giggled softly and his cheeks turned red. He leaned in and kissed your forehead softly
“I love you, Y/n”
“I love you too, Teru”
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- Kou is very sweet and open minded so it’s hard to actually get in a fight with him
- But it’s possible
- Kou loves you but he doesn’t like seeing you in danger
- If you are anywhere near a bad supernatural (for him, that will be Tsukasa-) he will tell you to stay as far away as possible
- If you don’t listen to him, that's when a fight break out
- And this was an intense fight
- You both said some things you shouldn't have
- And you both went home angry
- He was rethinking if he might have been a bit too harsh on you
- But at the same time Kou doesn’t like to be the one being wrong.
- Why couldn’t you just understand that all he wanted to do is protect you
- He wants you to rely on him
- He slowly started to remember the fight that happened between you two so he decided to take his mind off by hanging out with Teru and Tiara
- Not to mention he needs to make dinner
- So he put his phone on his bed and left his room
- While you on the other hand decided to take a walk around the park in the evening
- Deciding how you two could make it up for one another
- You felt bad for not leaving since you know he only wanted to protect you
- But at the same time it annoyed you that he always babied you
- As if you need to be protected 24/7
- You were suddenly startled by the sudden voice next to you
- „Excuse me miss/mister do you by any chance have a lighter? I need it for my cigarette“
- „Huh? Oh no sorry i don’t smoke…“
- You saw the man having some weapon in the pocket and that made you nervous
- Who knows what that man plans to do?!
- You pretended you didn’t see anything and just started to walk away from the creepy man
- You messaged Kou about what just happened and that you might be in danger since
- It is then when you saw the same man still being behind you so you startet to speed walk and spam Kou
- Why didn’t he answer????
- Did that fight effect him that much?
- He wouldn’t be selfish enough to ignore such type of messages so you assumed his phone is dead or he doesn’t have it with you
- There was no near shop to help you either
- So you doing the most idiotic thing you could do
- Turned around to fight the person
- You can guess how it all ended up
- Kou came back after a tiresome day
- He checked his phone
- And let me tell you the shock he had after seeing your Message being „help“ „stalker“ „weapon“ ect. And many keyboard smashes
- He looked through all the photos and videos to find your location while grabbing his weapon and some bandages(just in case)
- And after figuring out in what park you were he ran as fast as he could ready to beat someone up
- After about 15 minutes he finally arrived and Oh my god he was glad he arrived on time
- You were on the ground bleeding out BUT still alive
- he quickly kneeled down next to you
- „s/o are you okay??? where are they?! Stay with me“
- Kou couldn’t think straight
- And all you could whisper is just „help“
- Kou took out his phone called an ambulance while taking out his bandages and wrapping them around you
- „Please s/o …stay with me. I still didn’t get the chance to properly apologize to you!!“
- You softened your face smiling at him
- „S/o? S/o!! Keep your eyes open please!!! S/O!!!!“
- was the last thing you heard before passing out
- ….
- You slowly woke up in a bright room
- Wait..did you actually make it???
- you saw your boyfriend sleeping next to you
- He must’ve been exhausted after all that happened so no wonder he is sleeping
- You poked his cheek trying to wake him up like that
- „Hng wh- s/o?- S/O!!!“
- „Yes yes its me S/o“ you laughed at his little excitement
- You suddenly were being hugged without having the time to answer
- „K-kou- hurting!!hurting!!“
- Kou quickly let go of you
- „S-sorry i just got so excited!“
- „Don’t worry i understand…“
- You both stayed silent for a minute
- „S/o… i am-“
- „No need. I know you just wanted to protect me and i appreciate it…just don’t worry about me too much if im around a supernatural“
- „Weeeeell that will be hard especially after what just happend but I’ll try my best“
- You two laughed at Kou‘s silly remark and then gave eachother a ‚see you later‘ kiss
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- Amane is normally chilled back but there are times where you two start fighting
- And it can be a small fight then he might insult you and you won’t take that well and insult him…
- And now a big fight has broken out
- Because of this, you two refuse to speak to each other for the rest of the day
- Amane went home that day pissed off and you stayed behind school for a while
- The sun started to set and you decided to walk back home
- You didn’t even notice you were being followed until it was too late
- You were pulled into an alley, not too far away from the school
- You were in a semi-crowded area so you wanted to be seen as fast as you could
- You tried to run away from the person who pulled you in
- But he had a weapon
- Before you could do anything else, you were shot in your leg and you fell to the ground
- The sound of the gun shot alerted people and you soon heard screaming
- The gunman run off and you could hear more shot being fired
- You shook, your leg bleeding
- You needed to tell someone
- You quickly called Amane but got no answer
- You messaged him and messaged him
- But he wasn’t looking at his messages
- He heard the buzzing on his phone but he ignored it, still mad at what you said to him
- Your cries of help turned into pleading and sorrys, thinking that this might be the last time you talked to him
- Your started saying “Amane, I’m shot in the leg, help me” to “I’m sorry for fighting, I love you so much, i don't want to leave you…”
- Soon police came and took you to the hospital
- And Amane had no idea what was going on…
- The morning came and Amane had slept on things
- He calmed down quite a bit and that's when he decided to read the messages
- He felt his heart sink when he slowly started to read the messages
- He skipped school that day, rushing to the hospital where you were at
- He begged the doctors to let him see you, tears in his eyes
- However, they said no, saying you were seeing a doctor at the moment
- So Amane waited passionately, trying to stop crying
- But soon he was allowed to see you
“Knock knock…” Amane knocked on the door as he said this, a small smile on his face.
“Yugi…?” You looked up at him.
“Hey… I’m sorry I didn’t see your messages sooner..” He said softly, sitting on a chair next to you. His eyes were red from crying and he could barely look you in the eye. He was a terrible boyfriend.
“It’s fine… I am alright now though.. well, kind of…”
“I’m just glad you survived… I couldn’t bare to lose you the way we left things” He felt tears starting to form in his eyes again.
“Amane… hey… it’s okay now, I’m not leaving you” You reached an arm out to him, wanting to cup his cheeks. He smiled softly and walked over to you, placing your hand on his cheek.
“I know we both said some things we shouldn’t have… but let’s forget about that, alright?” He nodded his head to your words.
“Yes… I’m so sorry… I love you so much..” He kisses the palm of your hand “We shouldn’t be fighting over dumb things.. I promise to be a better boyfriend, I will make every moment count..”
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- You and Tsukasa had a fight because of his brother Amane
- „You lately never have time for me Tsukasa!“
- Witch? Really? You thought to yourself
- you scoffed and went on your way home while Tsukasa went on his way to his brother
- „Seriously of all the insults he could say he chose witch? that idiot“
- You were jealous of Amane since he was constantly with Tsukasa
- Though you don’t blame Amane he once confronted that Tsukasa just loves spending time with him and he barely spends time with his own friends because Tsukasa is so clingy and he doesn’t really know what has gotten into him lately
- You were more mad at Tsukasa than Amane after hearing that
- He is so complicated to understand time to time
- You put your headphones on and went on your way home
- Today you guys had a long day at school so no wonder it’s already dark outside
- You went into a shop to buy some snacks because you planned on watching a film to forget today‘s incident
- After buying what you wanted you went outside and noticed a strange man leaving the shop after you
- You didn’t pay the man much attention
- That is until you noticed the man already following the same path as you for the past 30 minutes
- You didn’t know what to do other than Message Tsukasa so that he can come and bring you company and ofc protect you in case something Happens
- And that’s what you did
- Unlucky for you Tsukasa felt his phone vibrating but he didn’t bother answering thinking its you probably already asking for forgiveness (that jerk)
- And not to mention he is busy playing video games with his brother! You can wait
- Except you actually couldn’t wait right now
- You can get kidnapped or worse get killed in any minute
- You decided to take a shortcut so that you could enter some shop
- Surely they won’t attack in the shop right? Right????
- What did you do to deserve this…
- You were able to enter the shop and OH WHAT A COINCIDENCE
- the stalker had ended up stabbing you and the owner in the shop he didn’t stab you to death thinking you would bleed out eventually
- He robbed you both and left while also shutting the door of the shop
- You couldn’t get out and Tsukasa wasn’t answering so with all your might you had you called the police and said everything before passing out
- You didn’t come to school the next day and that made Tsukasa mad because he didn’t think you would be that mad
- He didn’t even check his phone ???? Like u idiot-
- So he went home and turned on the tv
- And that’s when he saw the news
- „2 people being stabbed an old man and a Highschool girl/boy. Sadly the old man had passed away due to the big wound he got. Fortunately the young girl/boy survived and is currently recovering“
- Tsukasa grabbed his phone and saw all the Messages you had sended him
- He wasn’t sure if he should visit you since he did kinda feel guilty (wow tsukasa and guilt? That’s new)
- So he rushed to his brother and asked for advice
- …..
- He bursted into the room without even knocking
- You were startled and almost spilled your cup of water by the sudden door slamming
- Nvm you spilled your water
- Oh both of you
- „You jerk! Don’t you know you dont hug injured people???“
- „I am sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyy“
- You looked at him and you could tell he was genuine with his apology
- „I-i brought you chocolate but i ate half of it on my way to you“
- You couldn’t help but laugh
- „Alright alright i forgive you. But you own me a date“
- You gave him a small kiss on his on his cheek as a thank for the…half chocolate?
- You two ended up playing truth or dare in the hospital
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crapkaaa · 2 years
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thank you for 50 followers!
credits not required as long as you dont claim it as your own
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