#tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
sakuraswordly · 8 months
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How Long is Forever.....?
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Danny: Ha...ha...heh heh...Ha Ha Ha.. Aha HA HAHAHA!!
Homura: Danny you.....
Punch: ................
Danny: It’s true, I can block out the pain! I don’t feel any pain anymore! This is what it feels like to be the fully ghost!
And that's what it means behind Danny's words.
Sonic: Daniel....! Your eyes and your pact....!
Danny: The balance of hope and despair in the world cancels out to zero. Now I finally understand what that meant. Sure, I managed to save a few people, but in exchange, hatred and jealousy filled my heart. I even hurt my best partner...Whenever we pray for someone's happiness, someone else must be cursed in exchange... Turns out that's how this world works and also the hero of justice...I...really am...
*Sonic rushed to hug Danny.*
Sonic: You're not stupid! You're not a failure! I know what you're feeling now "Danny"! I felt the same way. I was once like you! You wanted to kill me right? I understand! I also once tried to kill Punch and Peter with my own power! That time I couldn't control myself my curse was far too strong! I felt like I was torn apart and don't want to live anymore! You have value! Value no one else has! I declare it here and now. In the world, I have two partners right here and now! So that value will never change, for all eternity!
Danny: Sonic...you.....
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Hero of justice is nothing but a hell to walk to. Nothing but losing someone you love and change your life forever.
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Makes you become nothing but a selfish person.
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Danny: Whenever we pray for someone's happiness, someone else must be cursed in exchange... Turns out that's how this world works and also the hero of justice
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sakuraswordly · 27 days
"If I became evil, would you be able to forgive me?"
Danny: I see. Then all that's left is to warm yourself up and go back to sleep. That's good.
Danny turned on the stove, it was just fixed. This should warm up this place.
Danny: Here. It's still pretty chilly in here, but it's better than outside. …Um, if you're not sleepy anymore, I can keep you company.
Homura: Okay. Then please excuse me. Wow......it's warm. So this was fixable
Danny: Well, I guess this stove wasn't the only obstinate one.
Homura: Danny, do you remember? It was a long time ago, back before I met you and was adopted by your family…It was two years ago, right when I saw you this your old school. I wasn't used to the school when I was a transfer student a very long time ago, and I was walking about aimlessly when I saw something strange. I really wonder how it ended up like that. Even though it was after school and the track team had left, someone was still running around alone. When I looked closer wondering what he was doing, I realized that he was doing high jumps by himself. It was a really red sunset. Everything was red and beautiful, but so lonely. In it, he just continued to run alone. Running, jumping, dropping the pole, and repeating. There was no one around and he clearly couldn't jump over it, but he kept on trying. I was a bad girl back then. Something bad had happened to me, and I just wanted to talk it out on someone. I wanted to see this person fail, give up, and be discouraged, so I kept watching him. But...........he wouldn't give up. He repeated it over and over, even though it was impossible for him. Not complaining at all for all that time. And then, while I was watching him, I realized. He didn't care about what he was doing. He just happened to run into something he couldn't do, and he was obstinate about not losing. The sun set, and he just cleaned up and went home. He must have been really tired, but he walked away calmly like nothing had happened.
Danny: Ha...ha......that must mean he jumped over it, right? So how high was it?
Homura: Well......the thing is, he couldn't jump over it. He tried for 3 hours, but he was convinced at last that he couldn't jump over it.
Danny: Don't tell me......Homura....in other words, that's..
On ep "Micro Management" is the thirty-third episode of the television series Danny Phantom. At school later, Danny and Tucker take the fitness test. They both manage to do well enough to earn passing grades and medals for Sam and Dash (who is unshrunk again). 
Homura: That's right. He's you who's next to me right now. Actually, I'd known you from back then.
Danny: I-I see. That's the first time I heard that.
Homura: Say, Danny, can I ask you something that's really difficult to ask? I heard from Ms Fenton that they found you in secret area 51, you also were adopted into this family.
Danny: Yes.
Homura: You don't mind that you were adopted?
Danny: Well, it might've looked that way when I first came here, but it wasn't hard on me, and there was nothing I didn't like.
Homura: Everyone around you must've been kind.
Danny: Hmm, I don't know if it was fun for me or not. I've become who I am now. I just wanted to be like a superhero in comics.
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Danny: Yes. I want to be a hero of justice.
Homura: Danny......before going to sleep...there was a last question I want to ask you....
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Homura nods in relief. Seeing her smile makes me think that something like this happened before. Homura leaves. As I see her off, I try to remember where I've seen that smile before, but my memory fails me.
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sakuraswordly · 3 months
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Note: The beginning of next month is not convenient. I would like to post now in mid-June.(Change time post only this month)
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect)) (the prime world timeline)
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Homura: Tsubasa......he's dead......what are we going to do.....?
Danny: That's why I had to go. If I don't do something.....both you and Punch will be dead.
Homura: But it's impossible! No one could defeat that thing alone! You'll just be killed, too!
Danny: But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: Stop, Daniel!! I already lost Madoka......I can't lose you! I made a promise to Sam that I will protect you! Please, don't sacrifice yourself for me!! Listen.......Daniel.......let's just run away........there's nothing we can do, so........no one will blame you...
Danny: Homura...I am no longer to be called alive anymore....L was a being so powerful that I had to be erased from the timeline entirely. Even that "meddling" agrees with that.
Homura: But you had us! Arthur, Punch, Tsubasa and me! We're your friends! Very preciously!
Danny: That's why......I won't to do something pointless for this world again......Homura....I'm really glad I became friends with you. Even now, the fact that we were in time to save you from that monster. It's one of my proudest accomplishments. You three accept me for who I am.....I don't have any grief or sadness to be vanish to this world once again.....
Homura: Daniel.......
Danny: I'm sorry and thank you for everything, Homura.
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Homura: No! Don’t go, DANIEL!!
Tsofph season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Danny: Aren't you not going to be afraid of that witch?
Peter: You mean Morgana?
Danny: Even she's changed to become Punch allies but don't forget She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love. Someone a kind-hearted individual, Morgana changed entirely, becoming evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former friend, Merlin. She subsequently turned against her family and friends, even helping to cause the death of her own father; she was ruthlessly determined to take over Camelot and allowed nothing to stand in her way. Aren't you thought she might chop your head off again, right? She betrayed both Syaoran and Sakura's trust when they were King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.
Peter: That's fine.
Danny: What?
Peter: I think if we don't give her a second chance, it will be more painful not being able to believe than to worry about betrayal.
Danny: .................................
Peter: "Don't disappoint me! Just keep believing in what you believe! Like you keep believing in Punch! What about your vow to protect Punch and your people!?" It was you who told me that. Because of that...I saved both Pit and Morgana thanks to you.
Danny: Peter......then I ask.....when you found out about Morgana behind all of this, the destruction of Camelot....what did you think?
Peter: Huh?
Danny: She never mentioned it once and left King Arthur alone. Doesn't that bother you?
Peter: Talking about out of the blue, Danny.
Danny: Answer me......you as the first King Arthur. She pointed a sword at you once........
Peter: If I am Syaoran...well....that did make me both angry and sad a lot, but I think Morgana had her own reasons for doing that even turning on the Pendragon family. What King Uther did in the past is wrong that's why it is right for her to be judged like that one wants to become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most.
Danny: "Become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most." huh.......
Peter: I've also come this far with my own reasons too. So for now I'll just do what I can do as best as I can!
Danny: Do your best......huh.....that phrase never suited to me at all. So Peter chose the same path as I do.....After all, it's natural to protect the ones you love, isn't that right, Syaoran.
Source Character:
Daniel or "Danny" Fenton, also known by his superhero codename Danny Phantom, is the titular protagonist of the television series Danny Phantom. Originally an unpopular high school student facing ordinary teenage problems, Danny becomes a half-human/half-ghost hybrid during a lab accident via stepping into and activating his parents' Ghost Portal. Since then, Danny has taken on the role of a ghostly superhero to protect Amity Park and the world from the dangerous ghosts that escape the Ghost Zone while ensuring his alter ego "Danny Phantom" remains secret from all save his best friends, Tucker and Samantha, and his older sister Jazz.
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Homura Akemi is a New Transfer Student in Madoka's class and a stoic magical girl with unknown motives. For whatever reason, she will go to any length to prevent Madoka from striking a contract with Kyubey. The true nature of her magical powers is unknown at first, with hints being gradually dropped over the course of the series before being fully revealed in the last few episodes; however, beyond her magic, she also wields conventional weaponry such as handguns and explosives.
Samantha "Sam" Manson is Danny Fenton's closest and best friend and eventual girlfriend in the series finale. Responsible for the accident in which Danny gains his powers, she is also one of the first few people to know about Danny's ghost identity. She’s a self-proclaimed goth who’s fascinated with the subliminal and nether worldly and is a very outspoken ultra-recyclo-vegetarian.
Explanation 17(Analysis)
Danny’s been shot at by his own parents, hunted, tortured, brainwashed, threatened with experiments and even actually been experimented on (counting the cloning experiments), almost died several times, listened to his parents talk about wanting to dissect him, watched loved ones die (even if they ended up being alright), and that’s not even mentioning some of the other stuff Vlad puts him through or the fact that he was ruthlessly bullied long before any of this happened. As Homura, she will protect Madoka at any cost. This means Homura tunnel-visions on Madoka and regards everyone else as a nuisance, having no qualms with them dying so long as Madoka survives. This naturally conflicts with Madoka herself trying to save everyone she can.
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Imagine being in middle school and your crush dies and you’re so upset that you kickstart a time loop and repeat the same month 100 times over trying to stop her from dying but unwittingly you make her more and more important to the universe’s continuation (because you have effectively created 100 timelines that are dependent only on the survival of your crush) and therefore her death becomes more and more devastating to the world as a whole in every new timeline and finally your crush sacrifices her life willingly to become a god and you’re the only one who remembers her and this depresses you so much that you construct a whole imaginary universe where your crush is alive and you trap yourself and the souls of your friends inside it and then when you realize it’s Not Real.
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Anger in particular is often used to mask pain, sadness or other type of feelings. Dan or dark Danny carries that pre-existing sadness. Mix it with Danny's grief and you have a recipe for disaster. It seems the outer emotions consumed him and to fill that void he sought power. Homura is selfish. That is true and undeniable. However, all humans have moments of selfishness, and not all selfishness is inherently bad or wrong, same as not all selflessness is good. A person who puts themself first if they're going through a difficult time may be called selfish, but that does not make their actions bad. On the opposite end, spreading oneself so thin that they cannot care for themself may be called selfless, but that does not make what they are doing good. Both Danny and Homura does remake the world, which could be called selfish. But in doing so, they are selfless. They have the full ability to make the other do whatever they wants, but they did not. Homura erases some memories, yes, but does not exert full control over the others. If Homura wanted, she could use mind control to make them blindly love her. Instead, Homura's "selfish world" involves making Madoka human, something Madoka had previously asked for and something Homura believes she wants. As for Dark Danny, for "erases all memories" but he chooses not to control the others like Vlad but the opposite is destroying everything and resetting everything to zero like Homura did. Devil Homura and Dark Danny would have had to have broken themself inside, in order to continue with this self-indulgent new universe they created.  So they constantly wears this expression like they are “dead inside”.  Because they has to kill off their true nature in order to continue this uncharacteristic self-indulgence away from continuing to spritiually Fight.  
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Danny is part of a traumatized child that saw his own family and friends die, combine this with another ghost of a man who suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others. Homura saw her friends die many times, suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others as well. What you get is a very aggressive ghost who finds joy in hurting innocent and completely lacks empathy. But.. it´s there still one detail, they lack ¨humanity¨: They are not human. Dan mentions this a few times during the episode: about how he left his humanity behind.
" You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching little reunion. But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago."
In Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))
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“From the days of old there is no permanence. The sleeping and the dead, how alike they are, they are like a painted death.” ― The Epic of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh himself causes much suffering by abusing his power as king and tormenting his subjects day and night. Enkidu is created to curb the king's energy and to alleviate the distress of the people. Gilgamesh's greatest joy in finding a true friend also turns into his greatest sorrow when Enkidu becomes ill and dies. Gilgamesh is inconsolable and his suffering drives him away from his palace and his city, in search of life everlasting. When a snake snatches away his last hope of living forever, he realises that life eternal is to be found in life here and now. The despair that Gilgamesh felt was because he saw death as an escape from his duty as the observer of humanity; in order to fulfill his mission completely, he was to observe humanity's path until its eventual end. Falling into depression and with his vigor gone, he sought out the Herb of Immortality, a spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life. He later also returned to the deep to retrieve the herb once more simply to complete his collection and for the off-chance he would ever be in a situation he could only tolerate as a child. 
Homura: This is the herb you want so much...but then what will you do after that?
Gilgamesh: Maybe like you.....
Homura: But if you still go back......again and again.....
Gilgamesh: I chose to walk this path as King....even it would change me forever......I can't go back, Homura. Just like before.....together with Danny.
Homura: Punch.......
Gilgamesh: I won't rely on anyone anymore! I don't care if no one understands! I won't let Punch die like in Prime World timeline! I'll destroy everything by myself if I have to! And this time... I'll change the future...If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world!
Homura: Then I will help you.
Gilgamesh: What about Danny? He didn't remember what happened in the prime world timeline.
Homura: If we find Danny, he will gladly to join us and help us.
Gilgamesh: Are you sure? Maybe you will become an enemy of humanity.
Homura: Not maybe. We lack ¨humanity¨. We are not human. So this is mostly a show in order to make others avoid me, as well as a coping mechanism to avoid becoming attached to those whose deaths I saw many times.
Gilgamesh: That's right.....we already saw deaths so many times and maybe forever.......
The epic shows this through the repetition of the opening lines, and through its concurrent theme that to struggle against mortality and fate is a poor decision, one that causes harm to those around Gilgamesh and causes him to suffer. Mortality within the modern mindset is thus something against which humanity can fight, and one's fate is something that one can, and perhaps should, seek to change. (Source: https://scielo.org.za)
"I don't mind playing the villain role for a while"./"Syaoran....if you want to change the world, ultimately, you have to change yourself. If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world. That's all."
In Conclusion Relationships between Danny, Homura, Phantom and King Gilgamesh shortly(Announce10: Link)
Punch: Danny...Homura....I'm not like the rest of you.
Danny; Of course you are! But No! You're not! I'm serious. Back when we first met. I think maybe then I did think we were different. But I now I know that isn't true! You and I are alike in more ways than you know. You made me think of this and made me to accept my ghost form too.
Homura: Everyone has their own pain that can be hard for other people to understand. I get that you must have a lot circling around the head of yours. And that's okay, I am not like you. But regardless of all that, I'm......we're here for you, Punch. You're not alone.
Punch: Homura I.......
Danny: That goes for me too. We all want to be there for you. If you lose your way and can't find your dad and mom, I will guide them to you.
Punch: Umm.....but the earth's so big to find you know.
Danny: But they still stay on Earth and never vanish right? Even though the earth's so big the earth still has a place to return to unlike the universe, right?
Homura: I agree with this one. I can think of this place as home now because of you, Punch. I mean....that's what friends are supposed to do, right? I learned a lot from Madoka.
Danny: I'll always be with you, Punch. Remember, even we're not here in front of your eyes. You're not alone.
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sakuraswordly · 6 months
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Continue from Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained part 2(Tsofph Concept )
Danny: But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: Stop, Daniel!! I already lost Madoka......I can't lose you! I made a promise to Sam that I will protect you! Please, don't sacrifice yourself for me!!
Danny: I'm sorry and thank you for everything, Homura.
*End of Flashback*
Homura: Right.....you're right. (Those are your honest feelings.....! It's really you. Daniel......! You are the same Daniel I know.....!)
Danny: Homura.....? Are you okay....? Whoa! You hug me too tight!!!!
20 minutes later......
Danny: Are you finally calm down now...?
Homura: *Sob Sob* I am....I am sorry for making you worry.
Danny: You've always made me worry you know?!
Homura: I......I'm sorry......(That no matter what I would've had to do, I should have stopped you back then.) Danny.......
Danny: Hmm?
Homura: You should know that even when you know how much it would hurt you, you do have the courage to make that hard decision. You don't know how kind and sensitive heart you are. I never knew how much you hurt because of me.....I'm so sorry.....but
Danny: Homura?
Homura: Even if you couldn't remember me when we were together in the prime world timeline but I can tell you are the same Danny I knew. I could talk with you like this again, and I could feel your kindness again. You don't know how much happy I am to know you still exist! Thank you. You've made me happier than I could have ever asked for.
Héctor: Danny!! Homura!! Where are you?!
Danny: Oh! We're coming!!
Homura: Let's go. There's something left that we need to do.
Danny: Right
*Homura takes Danny's hand and they shake hands*
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sakuraswordly · 9 months
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Source: Tsofph Concept part 2
I will do anything to take you down, Homura!!
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Other Bete Noire appearances in Tsubasa of Phantasia as Villain antagonist.
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Ashes of Dreams (lyrics):
Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells - Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves?
Stories of danger, fearless attack, Spectres of plague and pain. All of these ghosts of our own delusions are back; Have we been fighting in vain? Fighting in vain?
These lyrics are the meaning of this picture art that I paint. Fighting in vain? <== This is the hint of how the story will go so far. This is the story of Punch. Punch appearance as half to show why she changes her appearance. It shows that Sonic and Gilgamesh are part of her personality. (But Punch's personality is based on me more. I will explain later at the end of the blog)
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are the same. Because they are Punch.
(Warning contains Fate extra ccc and Sonic games spoilers)
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Enkidu: And yet you lived for many years, you were reborn as a tyrant
Gilgamesh’s violence only increased after he became a young man. Not only the people of Uruk, but even the gods who had made use of him had had enough of Gilgamesh’s despotism.
“Gilgamesh isn’t fulfilling his true purpose.” “We need something to punish that insolent man — ”
As for Sonic....
greenyvertekins: His greediness.
Yeah, I know. Very rarely shown trait that actually only shown a tiny handful of times such as in this in which he's very willing to fight hard for that last meat bun;
and in the Black Knight opening in which he's more concerned about catching his food and eating it than really taking the situation all that seriously (Not that he really needed to…) then saying a big "Noooo!" when he drops the second one and doesn't have a chance at getting it before Merlina teleports them away.
I doubt that bringing up how ravenous Sonic apparently is in Purple Frenzy form would mean that much-considering gameplay and story segregation and the debate about how intact Sonic's mind actually is in that form considering he acts little more than a mindless monster that eats objects with a single-minded ferocity.
greenyvertekins: Extreme obstinance to his own personal view
He certainly wastes no time when it came to attacking Merlina when she revealed her plans and her one-sided sadness. In fact, he looks like he's ready to cleave her in two just for asking why he doesn't understand her feelings on Camelot's future;
This feels like an extreme course of action to take considering that if anything, Merlina was more misguided than truly malevolent and didn't do anything truly objectionable before this. He's also not all that willing to admit when something is difficult for him as indicated by Team Sonic's ending in Heroes in which Knuckles goads him into admitting that this time Eggman came close and that if it wasn't for him and Tails assisting him, he "Wouldn't have stood a chance". Whilst Sonic admits this to a degree ("Hmmm, well Maybe you're right Knuckles"), it's still only a "maybe" and he's still quite obstinate.
greenyvertekins: Bad loser
He hates being deprived of the win or getting things wrong. Good examples of this include Jet besting him in the Ex Grand World Prix despite the cheating and blaming his initially poor swordsmanship on Caliburn i.e If you keep getting hit by Arthur in the Misty Lake boss battle, Sonic will state in bad temper who he wishes he didn't have to use "This dang sword" and when Caliburn states that he wished for more time to train him, Sonic states that he wishes for a better sword.
Back to King Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh born with a body that was of the highest grade by mortal standards and knowledge reaching truth, Gilgamesh was born, designed, as king and the Wedge of Heaven to connect the rising humans and the fading gods. He was sent to ensure the humans and bind the earth slowly leaving the Age of Gods. He was a being embodying the two life sets of life forms, with the blood of those who had ruled and the blood of those who would rule from thereon. He was to be the ultimate neutral party.
Enkidu: …But. I knew the reason for his transformation, I knew so well it hurt. When he was born, this conclusion was already made. He was alone, a creature neither god nor human. With the characteristics of both sides, his viewpoint ranged so wide and so far not even the gods could understand the things he saw. An excess of power lead to an excess of loneliness. Even so, he did not give up his place as king. He did not flee the purpose he had given himself.  …what a powerful ego, I thought. He earnestly respected the gods, and loved humans. It was just that, in conclusion, he had chosen the path of abandoning the gods and hating humans.
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Free-spirited, adventurous and fun-loving #ソニック 🔵💨
He cares about his friends and hates bending. He doesn't seem to want to be a "hero"😮
Still, Sonic, who helps everyone with his heart, might be the coolest hero
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Enkidu gave his life for Gilgamesh. Enkidu's decision to die for Gilgamesh is the same reason why Syaoran chose to save Sonic's life no matter what.
Enkidu: “That’s right. I was a weapon. A tool. Not like him. Though Gilgamesh was made as a child of the gods, he was a hero who defied them. He had a soul from the beginning. He had free will ever since he was born. A true life, unlike mine. A star, with real value, not a consumable like me. …I had always yearned for that. I hated it. Why, when we were made by the same gods, were we such different beings.”
Sonic is a hero, but not the usual hero that we tend to think of. He seeks for action and adventure, but he is willing to help out anyone in need, and does things he thinks is right. So, to me, he's a hero, despite him not seeing himself as that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my childhood". He refers to Sonic. In the past, both Punch and Gilgamesh were much like Sonic back then. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh were all good at speaking body language as children. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh love nature and were very positive about the world where they lived.
molinaskies: As confident and collected of a character as Sonic is, he has always been a character who feels so, so, so immensely. What recent English game scripts butcher and what a lot of people seem to miss outright is that Sonic is highly emotional but doesn’t have the emotional maturity to comfortably process or showcase his more negative (anger, sadness, fear) and complex (romantic love, admiration) emotions. He knows they’re there, but usually refuses to address them. We see signs of these feelings in games and external media, but – again, by design – Sonic suppresses those feelings to focus on what he loves - his speed, his freedom, world peace, and his friends. Sonic is a fifteen-year-old with the responsibility of the world’s peace and his found family’s happiness on his shoulders. He bears that burden alone and it clearly affects him, but he’s not at a point in his life where he’s ready to confront his heart. He just knows that it’s big, that it’s in the right place, and that it’ll be there for him when he’s ready. Whether that’s Sonic’s healthiest option can be debated, and I’d argue that he should let the people he wants to be closer to him in (Amy is a strong example, but that’s another essay that’s been done to death – perhaps another time), but the fact that he’s an emotional and reserved character is not.
kagekitsuneoflight: Actually there is a very good reason why Gilgamesh hates Shirou. And it’s not a “I’m an arrogant bastard. I don’t need a reason to hate this boy trying to claw his way to my level.” Gilgamesh sees Shirou for what he is. He’s taken bits and pieces of others and stuffed it within himself with hardly an effort to make it his own. And to Gilgamesh, this it’s infuriating. He loves when humans are themselves and honest and to see this boy with a stolen dream wielding stolen legends, stolen pride (because keep in mind. A Noble Phantasm is a symbol of a hero’s pride), he cannot help but be infuriated. Who was this boy, this faker, who dares claim to be a Hero of Justice when it is not even his own dream?!
As the King of Heroes, the First Hero, he absolutely cannot let this stand! He, Gilgamesh, is allowed to use those symbols of pride as projectiles. He is the King of those owners of pride. It is within his rights. Yet.
He never truly uses another’s Noble Phantasm, does he? He doesn’t grasp their pride and use it as his own.
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fukurou-hoseki: Sonic's more dominant personality type is his observation. He's a curious little cat who will observe the area around him and listen to the people in question. He never cuts anyone off, even if they are a foe.
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are observation personality types.
Enkidu: Thus, I was gazing on the fortress city. The voice calling to me came from within it. Suppressing my impatience, I counted the days until he would be grown. In childhood, he had an air of royalty about him surpassing any other on earth. Open-mindedness, prudence, justice, he valued all of these virtues. The average person walking by was charmed by him and would sing his praises. He appeared the ideal boy-king. I could only think that the gods had made some mistake, saying he had grown proud. The young Gilgamesh had no faults in need of punishment. …if there was some problem with him, it was only that while he did honor the gods, he didn’t submit to them.
Because pure heart as a child is the reason why Shadow never forget Sonic. Sonic's heart is just a baby. (I hate to call that) but have a lot of responsibility when it's time. That's why Shadow care for Sonic.
Shadow: “Sonic reached out to save me before I fell to Earth from the Ark. If I hadn’t waved him away, Sonic would have fallen with me, but his determination in trying…I’ll never forget that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my younger self". He refers to Sonic. Fundamentally, a polite and modest boy. His type of woman goes along the lines of a "flower that blooms in the wild"(He refers to Punch).
Enkidu observed the young Gilgamesh, but could not understand the need to punish such an amiable, ideal king who was praised and lauded by his infatuated subjects. Sonic is the same as Gilgamesh back then. That's why deep down Gilgamesh very care for Sonic a lot. But because of him now, he will hurt Sonic if Sonic knew the truth about what happened to Gilgamesh. And all because of him. That's why he always stays away from Sonic and lets Punch face off.
Gilgamesh: But I don't want to lose who I am....if I lose, then who will remember you, my friend.
Sonic: No matter where I am. I'm never going to change
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Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained
fukurou-hoseki: Sonic stood up to accept his fate. He was going to allow Erazor to kill him there and then. Shahra jumped in front of him as she promised, as his master, she was bound to protect him from harm.
The same way to Punch and Gilgamesh. They already live life to the fullest. That's why they gave their lives to do anything and accept their fate no matter what this event will happen. But the problem is......
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Punch: Sonic doesn't know what's hurt, what's love, what's sad and what's revenge is. He did feel revenge and anger but not the same as humans that's why he never ended up like Shadow. But he had a strong heart. Me and Mr Gilgamesh too. We understand this sentiment, but we never understood it. Sonic is not the type to love hugging. That's means that only those who really important to him allow to hug and touch him.
Sonic didn't understand what death mean even though he knew what's mean. In Sonic Prime shows how much he is hurt when his friends are gone(This is what death meaning is). Sonic just realizes how hurt he is when he lost his friends.
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Enkidu: It was to protect Uruk though? If we don’t defeat all evil on the Earth, our people will starve to death. So why, I asked again. He made the people of Uruk suffer by his tyranny, so why was he worried for them now?
Gilgamesh: It’s not so strange. I was born to be a protector of humanity, after all. Building the future of this planet is the king’s duty.”
Enkidu: I see. So you preferred the path you saw here.
In Sonic and the black knight, Sonic already chose this path even though he would end up as a villain. Sonic didn't mind at all. The same way why both Punch and Gilgamesh decision and never look back on what they chose.
Gilgamesh: Do not take me so lowly. How can I be a hero if I cannot swallow a curse such as this? All evils of the world? Heh, bring at least three times as much as that if you want to stain me. See, Saber. A hero is someone who carries with them everything they see. I am already carrying everything in this world.
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Because he doesn't understand the hurt and doesn't understand that his body was weak and needs to rest. Sonic keep pushing forward until his body was limited. Like Gilgamesh in Fate grand order, he dead from overwork and then takes a shot from Tiamat originally meant for Ritsuka. Despite his condition, he continues firing the Dingir. A clump of Lahmu then crashes onto the ziggurat with force equal to Gugalanna’s hoof, knocking out Ritsuka and Mash.
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Bonus: This picture is what Gilgamesh refers to Syaoran, Peter, and Danny in Tsofph's story. Gilgamesh knew that these three will do anything to protect Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh in the future. Gilgamesh chose to walk alone and only because his A+ charisma will hurt them.
Because this is why Gilgamesh both loves and hates himself.
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That’s mean...If you mistake Sonic's personality, that means you never understand both Punch's and Gilgamesh's personalities. Because these three characters were hard to write.(It's already difficult to understand yourself. Right?) That's why I need to gather many characters to make events and understand them much better. True that Sonic and Gilgamesh are both based on their original creator. But as I told you. They are the same Punch.
Sonic is based on my childhood personality 50%.(Sonic is mostly based on me the most of all three. But still Sonic is different than me because I love water and the ocean more than Sonic.)
Punch is based on my negative personality in the past 100%. (My first hated and my first feeling of revenge you could say. In the present, I don't feel any negative now. I'm happy and accept my life. They are all in that past.)
Gilgamesh is based on my leadership personality 50%. (This is the real reason why I chose to study petroleum at university. This subject is the hardest I have ever challenged in my life. If I understand this, I can show how clever Gilgamesh was and what he knew in the past.)
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This video AMV I made 7 years ago. This one just cut part of the video.(Yep…I still can't believe that I put my heart into this story too much when I was back then.)
This BLAZE is the first opening of Tsubasa Chronicle (anime).
Music by: Nieve Arrangements by: HAL Lyrics and performance by: Kinya Kotani
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
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Some flashback memories:
Sonic: Can I keep him?
Velvet: Sonic. You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
Tails: A long time ago, I once had friends and the only family I had. Me, bokkun, Magillanica and Ivo.
Magilou: To put it short, he’s the exorcist’s shadow. Sincerity and conviction alone won’t save the world to remain free of malevolence, they need someone to do their dirty work. A shadow. Melchior was training me and Ivo to be the shadow for the next leader of the exorcists...Artorius himself.
Laphicet: Both of you are not just used to it. You've changed.
Sonic: Go home?
Eggman: I know you understand. Do you think this will last forever? I know you having a good time. You’re having a good time living with them everyday. If people from our world keep coming to this world, there’s going to be friction.
Peter: Your child’s personality? So that mean.....
Gilgamesh: True. As I told you earlier, Sonic’s existence similar to Watanuki’s but not the same.
Homura: You and Danny were different so you should be careful to not turn into one, okay? Or don't interfere because you don't have a human form or human vessel like me.
Sonic: Syaoran, you are the incarnation of King Arthur. As for me, I am the incarnation of King Gilgamesh. That's why I am the only one who can use chaos emeralds to turn into super form.
Tails: I've changed a lot since I started hanging with Sonic, but I can't depend on him forever. I know I can do this by myself! I need to protect him! Okay, Metarex! Bring it on!
Punch: You knew something that I don't know.
Danny: What if we were to turn into weird monsters who, like us, are not the next because of despair and malevolence? I was very afraid. I could not do it If I can't control my despair. Is there anyhing we can do? Jazz is going to become a witch..
Sonic: Both me and Punch are scared too. Even if it was scary, painful, or too much to bear, we can all talk and cry together. We should never exist or become monsters that we don't want to, but as long as we were together, I wouldn't have any regrets!
Source Character:
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Sonic Crowe or Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic's Original created by Sonic Team, is a video game developer owned by the Japanese video game company Sega as part of its Sega CS Research and Development No. 2 division. Sonic Team is best known for the long-running Sonic the Hedgehog series. As Sega's mascot and one of the key reasons for the company's success during the 16-bit era of video game consoles, Sonic is one of the most famous video game characters in the world. This picture was from Sonic X, is an anime series loosely based on the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was animated and produced in Japan by TMS Entertainment with the partnership of Sega and Sonic Team. It was first broadcasted in Japan in April 2003 by TV Tokyo.(But in my country, Sonic is not very popular, and few of people know about this little guy.)
Name; Sonic the Hedgehog English 
Known as; Sonic 
Species; Hedgehog 
Gender; Male 
Height; 100cm 
Weight; 35kg 
Age; 15 years old 
Running Speed; Supersonic speed
Gilgamesh is the top hardest character to write, Punch is the second hard character to write and Sonic is the third hard character to write. In the first encounter(Tsofph story), everyone gave Sonic the title as an innocent child. Sonic doesn't know what hurt is, what love is and what the outside world how much cruel world is. Grimoirh said that Sonic himself was not the hedgehog or Allen, he hie something that keep him safe from the outside world, and that's why Syaoran's group couldn't find Sonic world dimension. Sonic world's dimension itself had sealed off away until oneday when Sonic fighter Dr Eggman. Sonic managed to trick the robot into shooting the machine the Chaos Emeralds had been powering. The machine malfunctions and caused Chaos Control, warping everyone to another world, Earth(Chris' world). So basically, Sonic broke the seal with the power of Chaos Emeralds by himself. Sonic is the fastest creature with the greatest powerful unknown inside him, he has a great hatred of crookedness and cannot bear to witness troubled people. He hates to be bored, and restrained always goes on carefree adventures, prefers to be alone, he likes to relax often and both love and hate himself. He doesn't like to be famous but wants everyone to acknowledge that he is the best and coolest. Sonic love himself, everyone and the world or many worlds. Sonic believes that everyone has a good heart (Even Dr Eggman) and can change their heart or save their saddest heart. Sonic is arrogant, cares for others, very sensitive heart, and approval others. His favourite food is still Chili Dogs. Sonic had the ability to see slow motion when he runs, can understand different languages even nature but can't read different languages, has healing magic, can see some destiny lines around him(Like Punch), has the ability to see or hear the invisible(Like Sakura and Chester)and the power of good luck. Sonic is afraid of deep water or deep ocean, and if it takes too much longer, Sonic will crazy and run around. But if want Sonic to feel safe from deep water, there need some friends that Sonic trust the most about his safety. Sonic is an orphan and before found and took care of by Uncle Chuck and Queen Aleena. Nature was the one taking care of him even feeding him(Trees, wind and water). Sonic still believe he had a family because he had a memory relationship with his brother.
Gilgamesh: I was chosen by nature to become the next leader, and even though I lost my family even though they are not my family in blood, nature around the earth still takes care of me. That's why I understand how much those trees meant to you, Enkidu.
Enkidu: So that's why you create the garden of Babylon.
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Sonic's ideal is "Freedom". Sonic want the best for everyone not only for himself. That makes him curse himself more without knowing, which can cost his life just like in Sonic frontiers. (From this blog (Source:tumblr.com/nightfurylover31))
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[The reason that makes his being corrupted so much more painful.   This isn't just about saving his friends anymore. It's so they can live their dreams. Having their freedom, even if it costs Sonic his own.] Sonic still don't know about the curse of Vaten Hörmulegt that he had. 
Yuuko: If you use too much power until the curse is awakened, the illness will slowly control you and turn you into a tool. (Similar illness in Sonic frontiers)
Sonic believes in himself and often didn't listen to his friends. But thankfully Sonic had the ability to read people's hearts and feeling(Even Allen and nature). When Sonic and Velvet have different arrangements, Sonic feels terrible for hurting Velvet's feelings because Sonic doesn't understand Velvet why he can't run or tells him he doesn't know how much dangerous is and why he can't fight some monsters. Similar to this scene in Sonic Prime.
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Source Picture: tumblr.com/descendant-of-truth
Sonic looked so sad in this scene, you can really tell he feels horrible about hurting Tails's feelings. But he can't understand why Tails is upset. (He misunderstood the word "trap" that Tails warn him about it.)
Tails: Even though there were so many times that Sonic didn't listen to me, he was still the only best friend that can understand me.
Until Tsofph season 6, by little, Sonic start to be willing to be passive and obedient to his friends. Because his legs were injured. Before meeting Leia(Tales of xillia) and Subaru( Tokyo Babylon ), Syaoran mention that Sonic missed Tails a lot and couldn't sleep well. Sonic was afraid that without him, Tails would be hurt, but thankfully Syaoran showed Sonic that Tails will be alright on his own because Sonic could see Tails in Syaoran. They shared something similar, the soul is the one. We all know that Tails is Sonic’s biggest fan by far. But a lot of people don’t know that Sonic is Tails' number one fan. That's how Sonic thinks about Syaoran. For a long journey, Sonic trust Syaoran and they can understand each other very well just like the relationship between Sonic and Tails.
Sonic: Tails did say to me once that I am their hope. Even you, Syaoran, you also said the same thing that my little bro said. Do you know? I'm kinda happy. When we first travelled together, you don't know how much happy I am.Thank you so much for always cheering me up. You kinda much like Tails but not the same.  
Syaoran: Umm...What did I make you happy?
Source conversation: tumblr.com/sakuraswordly
Bonus: The first time Tails met Sonic in Tsofph story:
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Source picture from Sonic X EP 18
Velvet: How you and Sonic met? Tails: After I lost my family and I only had the thing I made together with my family. Everyone around me said that thing is a tool weapon and they destroyed it. I cry the way I walk but along the way, I met Sonic running up. I was like"Who he is? Why he is so cool?! I should follow him!"
Velvet: Not because you were bullied by other animals because of your twin tails?
Tails: No, in our dimension they are kind and nice. We don't understand what bullying is until Dr Eggman conquered the world.
Velvet: Wow, that was a nice peaceful world you had until that mad scientist ruined everything.
Tails: Sonic then runs off while I eagerly follow him. He comes across a beach and sees a red biplane parked on the sand. I examine the plane and start to tinker with it, making it faster and even repainting it blue. Sonic then appears. 
* Flashback *
Sonic: What are you doing?
Tails: Ah! I’m sorry! I was remodeling it would be faster. And I changed the color. Umm....
Sonic: Blue is pretty good too.
Tails:...!! It’s the color of your image.
Sonic: Thanks. By the way, you’ve been following me since this morning. Do you want something from me?
Tails:......Everyone bullies me because I’m only good at mechanics...but I saw you running and wanted to be cool, just like you! I want to be brave someday to help the people I dear the most! Do you think that's a possible dream?
Sonic: What’s your name?
Tails: Miles Power. But everyone calls me “Tails”.
Sonic: I’m Sonic. Tails, I’ll leave this in your hands, so do what you like with it.
Tails: Really? You don’t mind?
Sonic: No problem!
* End of Flashback *
Sonic love to be alone but he wants someone to stay by his side. There was some human inside his heart even though Sonic is not human. He was able to learn on his own by playing the guitar, repairing shoes, utensils, cooking and reading, although he was not a genius like Tails. He has a talent for making friends even though he's not very social. He is always in a good mood and smiles all the time like a child. That's why he called himself an innocent child in season 6.
In season 8 will be much more different now so I'm going to end this analysis this month. See “Analyze the characters” next time! Thank you very much!
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Homura: What do you think about Sonic, Danny? 
Danny: He is like the big brother but also a great leader too. But the problem is he is very lazy a lot when come to homework.
Homura: If I have to guess, Punch helps to do homework, am I right?
Danny: Yeah, she helps me too. I wish Tucker was in the same group. He was really great at Computers.
Homura: I know you are not really great at math and English. I understand that you need her help. She was greater than me, especially in the computer subject. What about now?
Danny: They having free time together lately. I wonder why Sonic knows about Punch. He just met her and I just know him.
Homura: Have you ever thought that because Sonic must've known her in a previous life, fate has reached across time and space to bring them back together again? But I never see this form as a hedgehog in Babylon. Why does this form exist?
Danny: Homura?
Homura: Isn't that strange that he knows about King Gilgamesh even Punch's life in the past? Also, I can't read his fate. It is just like it was sealed by someone. It was as if it had been sealed by someone. You were sealed by Enkidu and he was sealed by King Gilgamesh, but what about Punch? Even though Punch might not remember him, her subconscious could have taken note of him, and later brought her image out in a dream.
Danny: Homura...why are you know about Enkidu?
Homura: I just pictured what I imagined, that's all.
Danny: We met before in previous life, right?
Homura: Perhaps....
Danny: So then let's go!
Homura: Huh?
Danny: So the place that I know is very important must be connected to Homura. Maybe Homura can help me. A place I've never been to but important for even Sam.
Homura: Sam too?
Danny: She can be rational, sarcastic, forceful, bossy, passionate, and strong-willed, but also good-hearted and caring. She isn't spoiled and would rather earn real friends instead of dealing with the popularity and fake friendships that come with wealth.
Homura: I know you know her because she's your girlfriend. Sam could feel it? So the promise we made is still there, right?
(Below conversation: Source original idea writing skits are from Tales of Berseria)
Skits: Women can be deceiving(Tsofph season6)
Sonic: Hmm.....
Chester: What is it, Sonic?
Sonic: You once told me that women's looks can be deceiving, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see.
Syaoran: I also had a problem with that too. But as I know that's men's problem. Women are fickle creatures at best. They lie as easily as they breathe, and men can never see through their deceptions.
Chester: Yeah, yeah! I TOTALLY agree. 
Sonic: Sounds like both of you have been through some tough times.
Subaru: The wounds women leave on a man's heart take longer to heal than a cut delivered by a sword.
Sonic: R....really?!
Chester: Remember Sonic. Beware a maiden's tears and guard yourself well. That's my advice to you.
Sonic: Okay. Beware a maiden's tears and guard yourself.
Velvet: Wait just a sec! Don't put any weird ideas into Sonic's head, you two!
Chester: They’re just facts.
Velvet: If you fill his head with any more garbage, I’m eating both of you, even you Syaoran.
Syaoran: Me again?!
Mokona: Wow! Too scary!
Leia: It seems you guys having trouble with women. Heh! Well, women are nothing if not difficult!
Magilou: Don't worry. I have the deepest sympathy for you both including you too, Syaoran.
Chester: Well? What do you think of the ladies' reactions?
Sonic: Velvet won't eat either of you, Leia is mad and Magilou didn't seem sympathetic at all.
Subaru: See? Appearances can be deceiving, especially Leia. I don't know what will she plan.
Chester: And it seems you’ve absorbed the lesson well.
Sonic: .....Thanks!
Sakura: I’m not like that, though.
Sonic: Huh?
Sakura: Yes, some women use their tears to manipulate others. But not all do, and I for one despise such duplicity. The women who did that to my Syaoran are just the extreme and badness.
Sonic: So Amy hates some women who use their tears to manipulate others too, right? 
Sakura: Yeah, Amy hates that as much as I do.
Sonic: Girl surely is hard to understand......
Skits: Unknown book (Tsofph season6)
Syaoran: You know, I still have not mastered the ancient tongue yet so there are so many words and many scripts that I can't read. I hope Sorey-san was here. But I'm so surprised that you love to read books too.
Sonic: I like to read a book with the chilli dogs outside. I have to take care of Tails, so I studied by myself and become my hobby.
Velvet: I was surprised to see you be able to be a big brother. When I took care of Laphicet at first it was very hard to understand him.
Syaoran: Is every species like you like to read too? Bienfu does a lot of reading, too.
Sonic: Really? I don’t know that.
Sakura: It’s true. But I’m not sure what he’s been reading, though.
Bienfu: Did someone call for me?
Sonic: Bienfu, do you like to read, too?
Bienfu: Oh, yes! Books are a treasure trove of knowledge! But I’m a greater malakhim, so the literature I enjoy might be a bit above your level, Sonic.
Sonic:”How to talk a Human Female into Becoming Your Vessel” and “Physically Escalating with Cuties.”
Syaoran, Velvet, Sakura: ?!
Bienfu: Bien?!
Sonic: “Physically Escalating...” What does that mean?
Syaoran, Velvet, Sakura: You really don’t need to know!!
Sonic: Huh? Why?!
Laphicet: You don't need to know, Sonic. It's a human girl thing.
Sonic: Wha....!!
Velvet: Yeah, I’m confiscating all of those.
Sakura: And I have some questions. Bienfu, you’d better be ready for a thorough interrogation.
Bienfu: Bieeeeeen!
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Danny: Why......Why are you so nice to me..? I don't deserve such kindness.....
Sonic: You deserve it.....You deserve all kindness that they care about you...
Danny: Even you know how many sins I commit?
Sonic: ..................*Nod*
Danny: I murdered my human half in my timeline....only Punch, Homura and you know about this truth. My other human half in the original timeline or the original Danny still exists inside me. And now he is free and lives with Sam in Punch's homeland timeline. I don't have a human form to hide anyone now. I can't go back to Sam....
Sonic: Even so Daniel-
Danny: I had a moment today, where I almost regretted something. For a split-second, I thought "If only I hadn't accidentally activated the newly built Fenton Ghost Portal from the inside, turning me into a human/ghost hybrid with an array of ghostly superpowers." I shouldn't have been born into this world....I shouldn't exist...I completely fail at being the hero of justice...How will I ever face Enkidu when I become like this?
*Sonic walk and hugs Danny softly*
Danny: I will lose my heart again if I continue this.....but there's nothing I can do because I'm already a psychopathic ghost, a zombie...!! I can't ask my human half to stay together or even start life over. I can't tell Sam to hold me when I am like this!
Danny: Ha...ha...heh heh...Ha Ha Ha.. Aha HA HAHAHA!!
Homura: Danny you.....
Punch: ................
Danny: It’s true, I can block out the pain! I don’t feel any pain anymore! This is what it feels like to be the fully ghost!
*Danny again rushes forward, this time cutting past the vines, and reaches the Witch. He slashes at the Witch repeatedly and begins to laugh insanely while blood splatters on his face until he finishes off the witch.*
Danny: Ha....ha....heh heh heh.....It's easy once you know how to do it...I'm sure I'll never lose this ever again....
Gilgamesh: The labyrinth is gone....but....
Amity: Danny.....
Danny: We're finished. That's what you're after, aren't you?
Héctor: Hey...Danny....you don't have to....
Danny: I don't want to be in your debt, Sonic. Now we're even, got it? Come on, let's go.
Punch: Whoa! Danny!
Danny: Ah....sorry...I'm just....a little tired....
Sonic: Daniel....we need to talk....
Danny: ..............
Homura: That witch....it was the same as the witch that Sayaka Miki once fought, Elsa Maria. I never thought that it came back to the circle. Punch. Why don't you be the one to talk to Danny?
Punch: You too Homura. Why don't you go interfere with them?
Homura: I need to be careful around Bête Noire. I can't let her kidnap Danny ever again. It's my fault that Danny becomes lost his balance of himself.
Punch: And you want me to stop Danny before he will go berserk.
Homura: Because you are the one Danny cares about the most.
Punch: Not only me......
Sonic: Daniel....You say it doesn't hurt but you're lying. I can tell just by looking at you. Just because you don't feel it, it doesn't mean it's okay to get hurt.
Danny: If I don't fight like that, I can't win. And I will lose my friends if I don't do something.
Sonic: Even if you win, it doesn't mean it's good for you. That situation let Punch and me handle this next time.
Danny: Are you trying to take other people's faults on your own again? What are you know anything about me? You don't even try to understand me at all! What are you doing here now because I look like someone else?!
?????: “You just assumed I’d go along with you, no matter what! Did you ever consider what I wanted!?”
?????: "That's exactly your problem! You just jump into a situation with no idea about the outcome!"
*End of Flashback*
Sonic: I just want to redo the mistake in the past that's all and I don't want you to end up like someone I knew in the past.
Danny: Redo? I'm just a walking, talking corpse, pretending it's still alive. What kind of "good" could anyone possibly do for me now? It's stupid to even think about it. If you really want to do something for me, you should experience what I've experienced first!
Sonic: I did and I'm not lying.
Danny: Even give up being human?!
Sonic: Yes. I did give up on someone I know and said goodbye to him without regret. I am non-human, to begin with. I gave my human vessel to save Tails' girlfriend to live in this world to the fullest.
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Sonic: After I saw in both Syaoran and Sakura's memories....I know I had to save Cosmo and say goodbye to a friend of mine.
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Danny: I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I know how much you have been through Sonic. I just can't see you responsible and hurt yourself. I understand how much you three hurt...even Enkidu...
Sonic: You mean King Gilgamesh?
Danny: He never looked at me or pities me but I know he was worried about me......heh...I am not myself at all...you three were amazing that still keep smiling and happy like that...maybe it's because I can't care about anything anymore. I can't even remember what I thought so important, so worth protecting.
Sonic: Daniel....! Your eyes and your pact....!
Danny: The balance of hope and despair in the world cancels out to zero. Now I finally understand what that meant. Sure, I managed to save a few people, but in exchange, hatred and jealousy filled my heart. I even hurt my best partner...Whenever we pray for someone's happiness, someone else must be cursed in exchange... Turns out that's how this world works and also the hero of justice...I...really am...
*Sonic rushed to hug Danny.*
Sonic: You're not stupid! You're not a failure! I know what you're feeling now "Danny"! I felt the same way. I was once like you! You wanted to kill me right? I understand! I also once tried to kill Punch and Peter with my own power! That time I couldn't control myself my curse was far too strong! I felt like I was torn apart and don't want to live anymore! You have value! Value no one else has! I declare it here and now. In the world, I have two partners right here and now! So that value will never change, for all eternity!
Danny: Sonic...you.....
Sonic: I had enough of this.....I won't give up anymore even if you change...I will save you....even "Punch"...no...I will save King Gilgamesh....no matter how arrogant he is.
Danny: ............*Sob*...............*Sob*
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"I was a weapon. As a weapon, I would be changed depending on the weapons of the next era. I am nothing more than a treasure that people will use. I'm nothing more than one of your countless treasures. In the future, you will encounter treasures more valuable than me"
Gilgamesh: ...............................It came back to full circle. So you finished with Homura then.
Punch: Amity came by and take Homura's group somewhere else, waiting for Danny to finish.
Gilgamesh: ..............I always thought I will never see the painful past again. But.....I can't avoid it, can't it...
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Punch: I am included amongst those mongrels?
Gilgamesh: Heh. What do you think then?
Punch: Heh. We're waiting for Sonic to finish. We can't afford to disappear after we're interrupted like this.
Gilgamesh: .....................
Punch: Remember what I said to you?
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"Mr Gilgamesh, you're strong and dependable, so you might be okay. But I'm not okay. Because I care about you. It worries me when a person I care about gets injured and faces hardships."
Punch: Sonic now felt hurt not because of Danny but because of you Mr Gilgamesh. The painful past you thought that made him say those words to Danny, he can sense how we are right now.
Gilgamesh: And I'm sure I would hurt here. Because I care about him. Like he cares about us.
Sonic: Then will you talk to me?
Punch: Fast as always. I see an eye drop too.
Gilgamesh: ...................Okay.
Punch: Out loud! Or lone your treasures?
Gilgamesh: Punch....!
Sonic: *Chuckle and Smile*
Punch: Can I call you Mr Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Mr?
Punch: Call "King" It's too weird and this is our first greeting meeting too so....
Gilgamesh: No, it's okay. It's been a while since anyone's address me like that. No...It's been a while since anyone called me "Mr".
Punch: Peter, what are you normally called by those close to you?
Peter: Sometimes Peter or Link. Those Kokiri named me "Link" for easy to call me "Peter".
Punch: People around me call me "Punch" but Mr Gilgamesh said that it had been a while since anyone called him.
Peter: Well.....he is a king so everyone around him needs to be formal and frightened.
Punch: He was just like me when I was little everyone around was scared of me because I'm too much clever.
Peter: I understand Punch. Let's help him then. Help him to not get lonely.
Punch: Yeah.
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Sonic.
Sonic: Huh?
Punch: Thank you for coming along with me.
Sonic: I should be the one who thanks you for taking care of me.
Gilgamesh: What are you guys doing?! I'm leaving you behind!
Sonic & Punch: We're coming!
Sonic: Take care, "Danny".....Homura......
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Knowledge 16.1(Hint guide)
Source: Sonic's portrayal in Shadow's own game
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Also: Source: genius.com/
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Don't wanna feel like Don't wanna think like Don't wanna live like Like someone else Wanna feel like Just wanna think like Just wanna be like Everyone else Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... Don't wanna sing like Don't wanna dream like Don't wanna act like Like someone else Wanna feel life Just wanna live life Just wanna live life As someone else Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... (Won't someone help me?) — Yeah, I'm feeling down (Won't someone help me?) — Yeah, I'm falling down Won't someone help me? — (Yeah, I'm already down!) Down... Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always... Couldn't walk away from something broken Tried to find a way to make it good again Only you can make a difference, darling But always...
This is shown in Tsubasa of Phantasia, why Sonic means "Save" Shadow. Even Shadow is happy but Tails agree with Sonic that Shadow is “Broken”.  Broken by Sins Of A Divine Mother shows Shadow how broken he is and doesn't know where is the light that guides him.
Source below: .tumblr.com/forgottensonicfacts
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Source(Below): tumblr.comif-there-is-evil-in-this-world
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This is a well-known quote in the Tales fandom. I often see it credited to Edward D. Morrison and sometimes Mint. But Edward was actually quoting Dhaos when he said that, EDWARD’S full quote being
"Dhaos once said… "If there is Evil in this world, it is not I. It lies in the hearts of you humans". Perhaps, in some sense, he was correct. But that is far too narrow a view. I believe in humans. The very same humans with whom I share half of my own blood." -Edward D. Morrison
After everything that he had personally gone through, Dhaos expanded on his own words in Narikiri Dungeon.
"Yes… I’ve lived with the failure of my own heart. That is a fact engraved in history. Even if I were to go back in time, I would not be able to change this… Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lurks in the hearts of people. Therefor, the most dreadful enemy that can be defeated, is one’s own heart." - Dhaos
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sakuraswordly · 2 years
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Knowledge 13.1
introduce characters:
Exeller original idea from Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell Round 2 (is the official sequel to Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell(Warning: Sonic.exe is part of a genre of online horror stories known as creepypasta. For someone who doesn't like or hate horror, bloodshed or creepypasta. Please don't search!!)) In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Exeller will appearance as the main antagonist in Season 9(Final judgement).(Don't worry Tsubasa of Phantasia doesn't have any of contains mature content that may include coarse language or graphic images which may be disturbing or Creepypasta(but content violent). (Because I don't have the talent to draw or paint like that and I really hate Creepypasta, it so cruel.) But I need to accept this game that is good and the story of Exeller is also good too. (He also said, "Jeez, Your PC Name Sucks!"^^) I knew Sonic.exe: The Spirits of Hell Round 2 from Mastered UI Kostas from youtube.
Epic! Sans is a character from Epictale, an alternate universe created by Yugogeer012. In Epictale, He loves to say "Bruh" often, occasionally replacing words with it. But in Tsubasa of Phantasia, he doesn't say "Bruh" if the situation is getting serious or spying on something. In Epictale, He is generally lazy and casual, similar to classic Sans. He gave himself the title of "Epic!Sans" just because it sounds cool. If in the right conditions, he can become a nerd comparable to that of Alphys.
And About The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception have a mysterious role to play in Type-Moon(Source gif: https://naotoryougi.tumblr.com)
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception had different information from Type-Moon. Example from this source:( https://www.cbr.com/type-moon-mystic-eyes-death-perception/) True Ancestors is some of the most powerful beings in the Type-Moon universe. At night is when they are at their strongest, with the lines of death being completely absent, as shown in Melty Blood when Ryougi enters a fight against Arcueid from Tsukihime. But in Tsubasa of Phantasia, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception can be able to kill True Ancestors.The power of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception in Tsubasa of Phantasia there are only three characters who have this power because only the god of nothingness can have this power. Even though Shiki Ryougi can make an appearance in Tsubasa of Phantasia, the power of Mystic Eyes won't be the same anymore. Don't forget this is an Alternative universe AU story.
About the power of Mystic Eyes, I will explain later another Announce.
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sakuraswordly · 20 days
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sakuraswordly · 27 days
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After talking with Homura later in the afternoon, the university.
Sam: I see.....another victim by Bête Noire. And this can't possibly be everything, can it?
Danny: My family did adopt a new member in my house, even though we're not related by blood, her name is Homura Akemi.
Sam: .......................!!------------------And what about her?
Danny: Homura might get involved in this! That Bête Noire didn't seem like she'd given up yet. At this rate......!
Sam: So why do you think Homura is in danger. Danny....Homura...she's not normal.
Danny: I told you that Bête Noire is dangerous right now. She might take out her anger on Homura, and there's no telling what'll happen if she does something even worse. So, um…
Sam: I see......Then why don't you keep her safe at your place? That is if you're saying she's an important person to you.
Knowledge 28
Source: Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness
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All humanity’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. – Blaise Pascal, Seventeenth-century French philosopher
Mindfulness Meditation, Cognitive Processes,and Mental Suffering
One of the main factors that causes and maintains mental suffering (e.g., depression, anxiety) is the relationship that people have learned to activate in relation to their own private experience. An important aspect of this relationship is people’s tendency to let themselves be overcome and dominated by thoughts that start from far away, deep in our minds, and slowly spread out to a point in which they can no longer be controlled and taken over. During meditation the same thing happens and we become aware of it. People become aware, maybe for the first time, of the fact that we are continuously immersed in an uninterrupted flow of thoughts that come regardless of our will to have them or not, one after the other, in very rapid succession. Indeed this is simply the nature of our mind, intrinsically transient and fluctuating. Therefore, the problem is not to eliminate the thoughts that are generated, but rather to disidentify oneself from them. One of the most valuable teachings and principles mindfulness-based programmes are based on (e.g., MBSR, Kabat-Zinn, 1990, and MBCT, Segal, Williams & Teasdale, 2002)
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sakuraswordly · 1 month
Script Draft for Announce11: Corazón de Niño
Continue from Finding the North Star
Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life)
Danny: Where were you going to go, Punch?
Punch: Does it matter?
Danny: It does! What's most important to me is to not left you alone.
Punch: But you'll still vanish too someday. I'll sure you will.
Danny: I won't vanish. I won't leave you by yourself.
Punch: Danny.........
Danny: Because of you, I finally sure that is the reason I was granted this eternity of time.
Punch hugs Danny in return.
Tsofph Season 7
Syaoran: Sonic, the reason you tried to avoid me was because you were afraid of me dying because of you, wasn't it?
Sonic: I am not.....I don't care.....I just--
Syaoran: You're afraid of losing family and friends, aren't you? That's why after you knew how dangerous you are, you try to resist forming close attachments with others.
Sonic: ..........*Start change to sad face and Syaoran hugs Sonic to conform him*
Syaoran: But you're wrong, you know. Sora did tell me "Although my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It’s grown with each new experience, and it’s found a home with all the friends I’ve made. I’ve become a part of their heart just as they’ve become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then… If they don’t forget me… Then our hearts will be one. I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power" Because even if you lose someone, you never lose the bond that you shared with them.
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Syaoran: If I were to vanish someday, the bonds that links us would still always remain.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Peter: Isn't it more important to find something worth defending? What good is a life that doesn't have something precious to defend? True, it does hurt to lose something precious. I know that very well. You only realize how precious something is after you lose it. Even so, having and losing something precious is a million times better than living an empty life again.
Gilgamesh: "Again'?
Peter: I know you're always living an empty life because you're afraid of losing something precious. But even if it hurts, I want you to spend your happiness with our comrade to not regret both you and me.
Gilgamesh: Does it matter?
Peter: It does! What's most important to me is to not leave you alone.
Gilgamesh: But you'll still vanish too someday like Enkidu....like all of my people....my friends......my family..... I'm sure you will too, Peter.
Peter: I won't vanish. I won't leave you by yourself.
Gilgamesh: Peter.........
Peter: Because of you, I'm finally sure that is the reason I was granted this eternity of time. The reason why I was suffering from all this for learn to protect you, Punch.
Peter hugs Gilgamesh and wants him to know to not travel alone again.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter3 The beginning of the miracle)
????????: There's nothing you can do. The world will still end and the darkness will end the universe itself. In the end, lives can only live alone.
Punch: That's not true!
????????: It's better to avoid connecting to others since it will only mean that you'll be hurt when you lose them. Just like you lose the one you don't want to die the most.
Punch: That's true.....I lose Punch.....but....! Even so........!
????????: No matter how precious something is, once it's gone, there's nothing left of it. In which case, you'd rather have nothing from the start. You don't need anything. You don't want anything.
Punch: That's not true! You're wrong, the end of the world! Even PUNCH is gone but PUNCH is still there with me! Although my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It’s grown with each new experience, and it’s found a home with all the friends I’ve made. I’ve become a part of their heart just as they’ve become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then… If they don’t forget me… Then our hearts will be one. I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power! That's right! I won't run from the bonds that tie me to others again! I'm stopping living an empty life from now on!
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
Music: Sad Cello Solo If you are my love
Peter: But that doesn't mean I will stop looking out for you! Not now, not ever!
Punch: Peter........
Gilgamesh: Why.......? Why can't you just leave me alone? You don't know the first thing about me?!
Peter: But I do. I know you more than anyone else in the world....I know you care about the pain of others.
Gilgamesh: ..............! *His voice inside sadness and hurt*
Peter: You care, Gil. That's the reason I still do not give up on you no matter how much you change.
Gilgamesh: Because I chose to have this curse..........I thought I had been doomed to a life of solitude. Until the day I vanished from this world, I knew I would be alone.......I will end up like Enkidu.
Peter: And now?
Gilgamesh: .....................
Peter grabs Gilgamesh's hand and grips him tight to let him know he's not alone. Gilgamesh tried to hold his sadness back.......in front of his group.
Music: Garden of Sinners 7: A Study in Murder – Part 2 - 22-M22
Peter: That's your misunderstanding. Punch. Remember what you said? One can bear the burden of only one person's death in their lifetime. You value this! And you know the pain of murder more than anyone else! I know you won't kill anyone without a reason! You've been lucky? Don't make a joke on me! Such luck wouldn't go on this long! You always used your own will to suppress that urge. People have different preferences. Yours happened to be murder. That's all! You told me that time that your urge to kill wasn't as strong as you thought. Seeing you say and smile. I was convinced you'd never kill anyone without a reason! Even if you will lose yourself one day, I know you'll be able to resist!
Gilgamesh: What do you mean by "I know for sure"? HOW DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW, PETER?!
Peter: Because you're kind.
Gilgamesh: You never change, do you? My other self......Punch once said I hate that part of you......
Peter: Gil......no.......! Wait!
Gilgamesh: What an optimistic person you are, both you and Syaoran..................
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
The reason why Peter Pan became more of a mother in this group.
(Only Peter can make this special medicine recipe that can clean all malevolence for every non-human)
Gilgamesh: No!
Peter: Gil! Don't be a child! You can't be so finicky all the time!
Punch: What's wrong? Mr Gilgamesh? Peter?
Peter: Gil won't eat anything! He's so picky!
Punch: It's fine, he doesn't have to eat anything he doesn't want to. Right, Mr Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Yeah!
Peter: Punch........you knew King Gilgamesh could be sick anytime if he didn't have this medicine.
Punch: Mr. Gilgamesh has my mana that can protect him from the darkness and malevolence. So don't worry about it!
Peter: Punch you too. You must eat this medicine that I made by myself too! This is very important because you two aren't human!
Gilgamesh: As Punch said, we really do not much care.
Punch: Yeah! I really do not care much!
Peter: Ugh.....Punch! You coddle him too much! You two aren't children anymore! What am I going to do with you two? *Sigh*....so what do you want from dinner anyway?
Punch: How about Mabo Curry?
Peter: I suppose you want it mild.
Punch: Yeah!
Peter: Why don't you two make it by yourself!? You're both such children!
Gilgamesh: But we want the recipe that is made by you then!
Peter: Huh!?
Punch & Gilgamesh: Then how about Chilidog!!!!!
Peter: Seriously?!!
Pit & Periwinkle: (I feel sorry for Peter a lot)
Gilgamesh: Chilidog.
Ephemer: Huh?
Gilgamesh: I miss Chilidog a lot.......
Ephemer: You mean a hot dog served in a bun and topped with a meat sauce, such as chili con carne.
Gilgamesh: Yes, Chilidog. I love it so much.
Ephemer: Is that right? Well, I guess my favorite food is--
Gilgamesh: Chilidog.
Ephemer: Uh no, it's not chilidog.
Gilgamesh: It should be! Chilidog is the finest food in the world.
Ephemer: What?
Gilgamesh: SONIC's Premium Beef Chili Cheese Coney is an All-Beef hot dog topped with warm chili and melty cheddar cheese served in a soft, warm bakery bun.............also there was a Chili Dog Fest that includes non-stop music, chili dogs and drinks!
Ephemer: (He's like a whole different person....😶)
Punch: Generally, drill pipe used for the drill string is made from tempered steel. Drill pipe, is hollow, thin-walled, steel or aluminium alloy piping that is used on drilling rigs. For cost and transport reasons, sections of drill pipe rarely exceed ranges of 30 to 33 feet long. I can't imagine what it must have taken to construct all of this.
Peter: Stop it, Punch! A person could really get hurt if they fell from this height!
Punch: Peter? Did you worry about me?
Gilgamesh: Wow.......look at all the shiny stars in the pipe.....maybe I can put my head in that pipe.........
Peter: See? I knew Gil'd end up copying you!
Punch: I should have known that was the reason😑
Gilgamesh: Say Punch you were once born a human girl right? So What Are the Most Common Breast Shapes?
Punch: Huh!? Why are you asking me this topic?!
Gilgamesh: The archetypal breast, which is round and full, with a point at the nipple, may be the most common. But many people with breasts have other shapes, including bell shape and conical, among others. Breasts come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. No two people have breasts that look exactly the same. So, what’s “normal” when it comes to breasts? How do your breasts measure up?
Punch: Hmm.....in Medical Science book. The answer is that your breasts are unique, and it’s perfectly OK that they have their own distinctive shape and size. The only thing that isn’t normal is unexplained pain and sensitivity.
Gilgamesh: So how hurtful? Is it so hurtful to be a mother too?
Punch: Overall, women's breast healthcare involves a comprehensive approach that includes regular self-examinations. That's why I hate to have a big breast. Yeah, you can say being a mother is painful.
Gilgamesh: So the memory of your body can't connect to me clearly.....I didn't think that mammals today would suffer this much. This is why mammals are terrible at being mothers because they have to hold the milk in their breasts.
Peter: Wait just a sec.......King Gilgamesh......where are you learning that sentence from?
Gilgamesh: Dr Eggman did tell me "Mammals are terrible at being mothers because they have to hold the milk in their breasts."
Punch & Peter: EEGMAN!!!! 💢
Freya: King Gilgamesh......next time.....you should ask us before asking more weird questions.
Ephemer: Wait......we should tell Syaoran's group about this right? Remember......Sonic didn't know about this "Breast".
Skuld: The good news is Sonic never understands these lewd words…even their mind are connected to each other.
Punch: Mr Gilgamesh! Don't ever tell Sonic this stuff! That's an oath between us of all eternity, okay?! Also, becoming a mother can involve a range of painful experiences, both physical and emotional.
Gilgamesh: ??????????
Peter: I'm so tired of taking care of both Punch and PUNCH.......
Freya: I feel for you King Arthur......this is why becoming a mother is painful.
Punch: Also this has nothing to do with breasts! Being a human mother, Childbirth itself is a significant source of physical pain for many women. Labor and delivery can be intense, with contractions and the process of giving birth often causing discomfort. Even with pain management options like epidurals or medications, some level of pain is often involved! Many women also find the experience of becoming a mother deeply rewarding and fulfilling, despite the difficulties they face. The support of partners, family, friends, and healthcare professionals can make a big difference in navigating these challenges.
Gilgamesh: So then, what is a "mother"?
Skuld: The essence of being a mother lies in the care, support, and love provided to a child. Peter always takes care of both Punch and PUNCH every time, right? So now, Peter is a "mother".
Peter: Wait what??!! I Am Not!!
Gilgamesh: I understand. Okay "Mother", go make me some dinner.
Punch: I'm counting on you too, "Mother".
Peter: Punch!! 💢 Go explain clearly ag----
Freya: Good luck, our "Mother"
Ephemer: We count on you, Peter, leader of this group and servant who serves our King, "Mother"
Peter: I am being bullied by my own group.....man.......
Peter got a new title "Mother of Beach Brigade: Sunscreen Rangers... GO!"
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
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Gilgamesh: Oh, you drew a new picture?
Peter: This is original from Maru and Moro again? Why do I feel like it's not?
Punch: Because this report didn't direct to Maru and Moro but from my story and from Mokona.
Gilgamesh: About Syaoran, Peter and Danny, who choice to save one precious to save many lives.
Punch: Include Sonic.....even Sonic....
Note(Source): Syaoran and Peter are different from Punch and Sonic. Syaoran and Peter share the same existence and the same hearts, but you still can tell the difference between them. But Punch and Sonic are the same as I wrote in Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained 1(Tsofph Concept ).
Sonic: Since I was born....as my blood or my kind..... it had been nothing but a curse before that golden king and I got a curse of death. If I ever started to forget, something would remind me of what I was, and bring me crashing back down to the mission that god Tsubasa gave to us.
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Punch: Syaoran.....you did know, right? Sonic's not a living being unlike any others. He's very dangerous.....just like that doctor told you long ago. Sonic's just a container. Sonic awoke for the first time, he had lived as a doll until he began to create his personality by himself and desired to live. No more than emptiness, the nothingness. Just like me and Mr Gilgamesh used to be. We.....three of us were different in the past. You could say we're very much like Enkidu in the past. We're extremely dangerous to both light and darkness.
Syaoran: What are you trying to say?
Punch: Sonic at first didn't have our memories....our dreams and even his own heart. Sonic knew from his heart that he never belonged to this world even us. If you want Sonic, Sonic need to be initialized again.
Syaoran: What.....?
Punch: If you want Sonic to live a life like a normal being, he has no choice but to initiate again. If Sonic does that, Sonic won't be himself anymore.
Syaoran: Because of this mission.....your mission...make Sonic's case to exist.....so Sonic be able to move even his feelings because......
Punch: Both me and Mr Gilgamesh exist.....
Syaoran: ...................!!
Punch: Sonic can't be his own without us. If something not human, animals, aliens or lives that allow to exist including an android and robot, then it would be considered sentient "alive" just like a normal being. If we are the same as those, it would be wrong to call Love. Even knowing that.... do you still love my brother, Sonic? Despite already hearing from me when I betrayed your friends and your trust....I did tell you to kill Sonic too.
Syaoran: I can't.
Punch: So you won't give all your love for him?
Syaoran: You three are wrong.....that's right.....it's natural to protect the ones you love because you love your one precious that's a part of your life. Even though I've accepted my feelings and I won't lie about my feelings even though King Gilgamesh and Sonic are the same but my feelings won't change....I love Sonic so much that's why I can't accept him to be initialized. He doesn't need to be perfect to be alive in this world. Me too, I'm also not perfect but that's doesn't mean some creatures that not allowed to exist to not be able to call life anymore, that's false!
Punch: Even me, Sonic and Mr Gilgamesh didn't have a right to call being alive?
Syaoran: Yes!
Punch: Even though our hearts and souls are the only cases to exist?
Syaoran: That's not true! Even though you don't exist but I, Peter-san and Danny have all of your beats inside of us! If Sonic looks happy, I am happy. If Sonic looks sad, then I'm sad. Even if his expression isn't real because he didn't understand, I don't care. Even if he is just a program-like robot, I don't care. I didn't fall in love with him because I wanted to give him my love, unlike couples, friends and family…but I won't stop loving him because we couldn't go all the way. I want to make love to him because I love him. I want Sonic to feel that he's alive!
Punch: You gave the same answer, the same meaning as both Peter and Danny.....Before we were just friends, after we're more than friends.....
Peter: If one day is abrupt, maybe I will prepare for you to hate me. For you want to protect someone who is most precious to you. To not regret the path you chose to take. That's how I told Syaoran a very long time ago.....I'm glad he made the same choice as me.
Syaoran: Why are you so nice to me? Why do you choose to protect me beside me, King Gilgamesh?
Gilgamesh: Because of your decision, I am alive today. Because choose me against the world, you choose me. You made the same decision just like many lives in the fake world and my people of Uruk.
Syaoran: ................................!!
*End of Flashback*
Punch: Sonic begins to learn more about love than he initially learned from Amy and then doesn't understand. And the person who made Sonic understand love and begin to feel love for someone like a living creature or human being from the beginning when he didn't have any is Syaoran.
Gilgamesh: Both you and Enkidu made the same choice to protect me.
Peter: That's right.
Gilgamesh: Remember what I said, right? If I died like Enkidu, I can go back to Punch Whalen's body. If Punch is killed, he/she will come to stay in my body. We are the only proof that god of the nothingness still exists.
Peter: But Sonic isn't.....
Gilgamesh: As long as neither I nor Punch vanishes, Sonic can live freely by his own free will in this world. And can have all Syaoran's love for him.
Peter: If I become greedy......do you think is the right thing to feel want to protect everyone by our own selfishness.....because of love....because of caring.....we chose to not kill one precious to save many lives. We choice to save one precious to save many lives.
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Hint The love That Peter feels(Including Syaoran and Danny too) for Punch and Gilgamesh is the same love as Mikiya Kokutou for Shiki Ryougi. And this is why Peter never left Punch and Gilgamesh alone, he stayed right by her so "she "Punch" wouldn’t feel alone.
Tsofph spoiler below
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Peter: It's not fair, I don't care what anybody says! I won't let you die or vanish in front of me again! You can't fight this! We'll fight until the end together. Isn't that what you said to me before?!
Gilgamesh: Even if it should mean....that I'll be the end of everything else too?! What do you expect me to do?! There is no other way!
Peter: But there still was, right?
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