#Tsofph Gilgamesh
sakuraswordly · 7 months
I came back to watch Sonic Prime Season 2 Episode 8 again and I took notice of something. What the Team in Sonic Prime once said they tried to base the concept of the Sonic game once said was really correct.....about Super Sonic...they did get information from the concept.
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After Sonic uses " shard " energy. PLUS it wasn't all the shards they were missing one. It seems his body holding it together.
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I had guessed for so long that Super Sonic is really another Sonic(Not from Chaos Emeralds) and I was right of all time....Super Sonic is Sonic's other personality. What I analyse and write in Tsubasa of Phantasia is correct. Of all this time Sonic is safe and can pass through death countless times because another of him always protects him. The team in Sonic Prime once said they tried to base the concept of the Sonic game and this is what they showed us.
After I read @fukurou-hoseki's blog that's what happened to Sonic in Sonic Unleashed. Because Super Sonic thought that Sonic was safe and let go. Eggman uses that chance to finally capture Sonic.
Mr Junichi Kanemaru did voice him differently and was the only one who changed his voice tone. That's prove that there's another Sonic inside him.
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After I saw Trip the Sungazer when using chaos emeralds that means chaos emeralds only awaken the real power inside each of them and because Super Sonic is so powerful that makes chaos emeralds so powerful not from direct chaos emeralds. That's why to use chaos emeralds we need Sonic to activate them just like Shadow said in Sonic 2006.
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As you can see in Sonic Prime if you take notice of Sonic's eyes
Even without chaos emeralds Super Sonic that live inside him still protect him and after he's safe Super Sonic controls " shard " energy. to vanish from Sonic and make Sonic normal again
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And after "shard " energy vanishes, sonic looks confused and looks around to make sure Shadow is safe.
Hint: This is connected to why Punch and Gilgamesh care and love Sonic deep down. So Punch and Gilgamesh never ever kill their other self no matter what happens. And this is why When alone, Sonic the Hedgehog tends to talk to himself or will pretend someone else is there/talk to someone/something who can't hear/understand him or respond. Someone that Sonic talking to is himself and his other self (Punch and Gilgamesh) What I have analyzed for so long is correct of all time. Yay!
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sakuraswordly · 2 months
In the ancient Babylonian epic or Atrahasis. The Annunaki gods grappled with the consequences of their creation . As humanity flourished, their numbers swelled, and the incessant noise and activity disturbed the divine realm. Enli, the chief deity, grew increasingly frustrated with the humans' overpopulation and their disruption of the celestial peace. To restore balance, the Annunaki first unleashed a series of plagues and famines, hoping to curtail the burgeoning human population. Yet, humanity proved resilient, adapting, and surviving each divine assault. Enlil, exasperated, convened the gods and proposed a final, drastic measure: a great flood to cleanse the earth. Enki, the god of wisdom and a protector of humanity, secretly warned Atrahasis, a pious man favored by the gods. Enki instructed him to build a vast ark, preserving his family and the seeds of life. When the deluge engulfled the world, Atrahasis' ark weathered the storm, ensuring the continuity of life. The epic of Atrahasis highlights Annunaki's struggle with maintaining cosmic order and their drastic measures to achieve it, illustrating their profound impact on the fate of humanity. ☆ alien.related
Anunnaki gods were worshipped by Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia long before Greeks praised Olympian gods or Egyptians prayed to Osiris. While Zeus and the rest of Greek gods resided at top of Mount Olympus, and Osiris was god of earth and underworld, Anunnaki were winged deities who lived up in heavens and came down to Earth to decide on people’s destiny. Sumerians had many myths involving Anunnaki gods passing judgment on humans. The gods were described as children of the Earth and sky. This indicates they were believed to interact with humans when they came down to Earth. Based on ancient carvings depicting deities of ancient Mesopotamia, some had wings, wore horned caps, and had bird faces, while others held something resembling a modern-day ladies’ purse. Anunnaki descended from the god of heavens An and goddess of the Earth Ki. The word Anunnaki word can be translated into “princely seed” in Sumerian, but as a term, it remains poorly defined. There is hardly any evidence of an exact number of these gods and their various functions as historical texts deviate from one another. According to Sumerian beliefs, Heaven and Earth were inseparable until Enlil came along. Enlil split Heaven and Earth in two and carried the Earth away whilst his father, An, carried away the sky. Sumer, one of oldest civilizations, estimated to have existed between 4500-1750 BC. It consisted of a small number of city-states, each organized around a temple now called a ziggurat, dedicated to Anunnaki gods’ worship. Ziggurats were layered pyramids with a flat top. Archaeologists consider those communities to be “servant-slave” populations dedicated to serving temple gods. Later, priesthood rulership was replaced by kings. Babylonian cuneiform texts describe Sumerians as ancients. Despite their ancient origins, Sumerians had developed a sophisticated method of keeping time, dividing the day into hours, similar to way we count time today. They also invented cuneiform, one of earliest known systems of writing in human history. In addition, they invented plow. This played a great role in helping their empire grow. Epic of Gilgamesh; so-called Mesopotamian Odyssey begins with five short poems in Sumerian language about Gilgamesh, king of Uruk. It is known from tablets that were written during first half of 2nd Millennium BC. The poems have been entitled “Gilgamesh and Huwawa,” “Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven,” “Gilgamesh and Agga of Kish,” “Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld,” and “The Death of Gilgamesh.” The sophistication of Sumerians is demonstrated by a clay tablet translated in 2015 showing that ancient astronomers made extremely accurate mathematical calculations for the orbit of Jupiter a full 1400 years before Europeans did. These extraordinary advances in Sumerian civilization so early in antiquity that made some researchers doubt Sumerian mythology and extrapolate so-called ancient astronaut or ancient alien theories about Anunnaki. Fringe theorists believe Sumerian deities were aliens from another planet that ruled the Sumerians, sharing their advanced knowledge and intelligence with them. Researcher and author Michael Cremo (Forbidden Archaeology), Zecharia Sitchin, Erich von Däniken (Chariots of the Gods), author and researcher Michael Tellinger, and several others argue that Anunnaki were actually aliens posing as gods. Some of these theories also assert these aliens genetically engineered human race to be a slave species, influencing human affairs for millennia. These off-world gods brought advanced technologies that account for sophisticated megastructures such as pyramids or Stonehenge. Tellinger claimed that Anunnaki extracted massive amounts of gold using human labor and introduced the concepts of money, finance, and debt to human societies.
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sakuraswordly · 3 months
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Note: The beginning of next month is not convenient. I would like to post now in mid-June.(Change time post only this month)
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path(Butterfly Effect)) (the prime world timeline)
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Homura: Tsubasa......he's dead......what are we going to do.....?
Danny: That's why I had to go. If I don't do something.....both you and Punch will be dead.
Homura: But it's impossible! No one could defeat that thing alone! You'll just be killed, too!
Danny: But if there were no other choice, I know I'd never have the courage to do something like that.
Homura: Stop, Daniel!! I already lost Madoka......I can't lose you! I made a promise to Sam that I will protect you! Please, don't sacrifice yourself for me!! Listen.......Daniel.......let's just run away........there's nothing we can do, so........no one will blame you...
Danny: Homura...I am no longer to be called alive anymore....L was a being so powerful that I had to be erased from the timeline entirely. Even that "meddling" agrees with that.
Homura: But you had us! Arthur, Punch, Tsubasa and me! We're your friends! Very preciously!
Danny: That's why......I won't to do something pointless for this world again......Homura....I'm really glad I became friends with you. Even now, the fact that we were in time to save you from that monster. It's one of my proudest accomplishments. You three accept me for who I am.....I don't have any grief or sadness to be vanish to this world once again.....
Homura: Daniel.......
Danny: I'm sorry and thank you for everything, Homura.
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Homura: No! Don’t go, DANIEL!!
Tsofph season 11(Chapter2 Shadow Path)
Danny: Aren't you not going to be afraid of that witch?
Peter: You mean Morgana?
Danny: Even she's changed to become Punch allies but don't forget She is the darkness to your light, the hatred to your love. Someone a kind-hearted individual, Morgana changed entirely, becoming evil after being corrupted by Morgause and being betrayed by her former friend, Merlin. She subsequently turned against her family and friends, even helping to cause the death of her own father; she was ruthlessly determined to take over Camelot and allowed nothing to stand in her way. Aren't you thought she might chop your head off again, right? She betrayed both Syaoran and Sakura's trust when they were King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.
Peter: That's fine.
Danny: What?
Peter: I think if we don't give her a second chance, it will be more painful not being able to believe than to worry about betrayal.
Danny: .................................
Peter: "Don't disappoint me! Just keep believing in what you believe! Like you keep believing in Punch! What about your vow to protect Punch and your people!?" It was you who told me that. Because of that...I saved both Pit and Morgana thanks to you.
Danny: Peter......then I ask.....when you found out about Morgana behind all of this, the destruction of Camelot....what did you think?
Peter: Huh?
Danny: She never mentioned it once and left King Arthur alone. Doesn't that bother you?
Peter: Talking about out of the blue, Danny.
Danny: Answer me......you as the first King Arthur. She pointed a sword at you once........
Peter: If I am Syaoran...well....that did make me both angry and sad a lot, but I think Morgana had her own reasons for doing that even turning on the Pendragon family. What King Uther did in the past is wrong that's why it is right for her to be judged like that one wants to become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most.
Danny: "Become evil if not to protect someone you dearest the most." huh.......
Peter: I've also come this far with my own reasons too. So for now I'll just do what I can do as best as I can!
Danny: Do your best......huh.....that phrase never suited to me at all. So Peter chose the same path as I do.....After all, it's natural to protect the ones you love, isn't that right, Syaoran.
Source Character:
Daniel or "Danny" Fenton, also known by his superhero codename Danny Phantom, is the titular protagonist of the television series Danny Phantom. Originally an unpopular high school student facing ordinary teenage problems, Danny becomes a half-human/half-ghost hybrid during a lab accident via stepping into and activating his parents' Ghost Portal. Since then, Danny has taken on the role of a ghostly superhero to protect Amity Park and the world from the dangerous ghosts that escape the Ghost Zone while ensuring his alter ego "Danny Phantom" remains secret from all save his best friends, Tucker and Samantha, and his older sister Jazz.
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Homura Akemi is a New Transfer Student in Madoka's class and a stoic magical girl with unknown motives. For whatever reason, she will go to any length to prevent Madoka from striking a contract with Kyubey. The true nature of her magical powers is unknown at first, with hints being gradually dropped over the course of the series before being fully revealed in the last few episodes; however, beyond her magic, she also wields conventional weaponry such as handguns and explosives.
Samantha "Sam" Manson is Danny Fenton's closest and best friend and eventual girlfriend in the series finale. Responsible for the accident in which Danny gains his powers, she is also one of the first few people to know about Danny's ghost identity. She’s a self-proclaimed goth who’s fascinated with the subliminal and nether worldly and is a very outspoken ultra-recyclo-vegetarian.
Explanation 17(Analysis)
Danny’s been shot at by his own parents, hunted, tortured, brainwashed, threatened with experiments and even actually been experimented on (counting the cloning experiments), almost died several times, listened to his parents talk about wanting to dissect him, watched loved ones die (even if they ended up being alright), and that’s not even mentioning some of the other stuff Vlad puts him through or the fact that he was ruthlessly bullied long before any of this happened. As Homura, she will protect Madoka at any cost. This means Homura tunnel-visions on Madoka and regards everyone else as a nuisance, having no qualms with them dying so long as Madoka survives. This naturally conflicts with Madoka herself trying to save everyone she can.
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Imagine being in middle school and your crush dies and you’re so upset that you kickstart a time loop and repeat the same month 100 times over trying to stop her from dying but unwittingly you make her more and more important to the universe’s continuation (because you have effectively created 100 timelines that are dependent only on the survival of your crush) and therefore her death becomes more and more devastating to the world as a whole in every new timeline and finally your crush sacrifices her life willingly to become a god and you’re the only one who remembers her and this depresses you so much that you construct a whole imaginary universe where your crush is alive and you trap yourself and the souls of your friends inside it and then when you realize it’s Not Real.
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Anger in particular is often used to mask pain, sadness or other type of feelings. Dan or dark Danny carries that pre-existing sadness. Mix it with Danny's grief and you have a recipe for disaster. It seems the outer emotions consumed him and to fill that void he sought power. Homura is selfish. That is true and undeniable. However, all humans have moments of selfishness, and not all selfishness is inherently bad or wrong, same as not all selflessness is good. A person who puts themself first if they're going through a difficult time may be called selfish, but that does not make their actions bad. On the opposite end, spreading oneself so thin that they cannot care for themself may be called selfless, but that does not make what they are doing good. Both Danny and Homura does remake the world, which could be called selfish. But in doing so, they are selfless. They have the full ability to make the other do whatever they wants, but they did not. Homura erases some memories, yes, but does not exert full control over the others. If Homura wanted, she could use mind control to make them blindly love her. Instead, Homura's "selfish world" involves making Madoka human, something Madoka had previously asked for and something Homura believes she wants. As for Dark Danny, for "erases all memories" but he chooses not to control the others like Vlad but the opposite is destroying everything and resetting everything to zero like Homura did. Devil Homura and Dark Danny would have had to have broken themself inside, in order to continue with this self-indulgent new universe they created.  So they constantly wears this expression like they are “dead inside”.  Because they has to kill off their true nature in order to continue this uncharacteristic self-indulgence away from continuing to spritiually Fight.  
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Danny is part of a traumatized child that saw his own family and friends die, combine this with another ghost of a man who suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others. Homura saw her friends die many times, suffers from extreme loneliness and barely cares about others as well. What you get is a very aggressive ghost who finds joy in hurting innocent and completely lacks empathy. But.. it´s there still one detail, they lack ¨humanity¨: They are not human. Dan mentions this a few times during the episode: about how he left his humanity behind.
" You know, if I had an ounce of humanity left in me, this would be a very touching little reunion. But of course, I surrendered my human half a long time ago."
In Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past(Gilgamesh’s Journal))
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“From the days of old there is no permanence. The sleeping and the dead, how alike they are, they are like a painted death.” ― The Epic of Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh himself causes much suffering by abusing his power as king and tormenting his subjects day and night. Enkidu is created to curb the king's energy and to alleviate the distress of the people. Gilgamesh's greatest joy in finding a true friend also turns into his greatest sorrow when Enkidu becomes ill and dies. Gilgamesh is inconsolable and his suffering drives him away from his palace and his city, in search of life everlasting. When a snake snatches away his last hope of living forever, he realises that life eternal is to be found in life here and now. The despair that Gilgamesh felt was because he saw death as an escape from his duty as the observer of humanity; in order to fulfill his mission completely, he was to observe humanity's path until its eventual end. Falling into depression and with his vigor gone, he sought out the Herb of Immortality, a spirit herb of perpetual youth and eternal life. He later also returned to the deep to retrieve the herb once more simply to complete his collection and for the off-chance he would ever be in a situation he could only tolerate as a child. 
Homura: This is the herb you want so much...but then what will you do after that?
Gilgamesh: Maybe like you.....
Homura: But if you still go back......again and again.....
Gilgamesh: I chose to walk this path as King....even it would change me forever......I can't go back, Homura. Just like before.....together with Danny.
Homura: Punch.......
Gilgamesh: I won't rely on anyone anymore! I don't care if no one understands! I won't let Punch die like in Prime World timeline! I'll destroy everything by myself if I have to! And this time... I'll change the future...If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world!
Homura: Then I will help you.
Gilgamesh: What about Danny? He didn't remember what happened in the prime world timeline.
Homura: If we find Danny, he will gladly to join us and help us.
Gilgamesh: Are you sure? Maybe you will become an enemy of humanity.
Homura: Not maybe. We lack ¨humanity¨. We are not human. So this is mostly a show in order to make others avoid me, as well as a coping mechanism to avoid becoming attached to those whose deaths I saw many times.
Gilgamesh: That's right.....we already saw deaths so many times and maybe forever.......
The epic shows this through the repetition of the opening lines, and through its concurrent theme that to struggle against mortality and fate is a poor decision, one that causes harm to those around Gilgamesh and causes him to suffer. Mortality within the modern mindset is thus something against which humanity can fight, and one's fate is something that one can, and perhaps should, seek to change. (Source: https://scielo.org.za)
"I don't mind playing the villain role for a while"./"Syaoran....if you want to change the world, ultimately, you have to change yourself. If the world wants to give me misfortune, I'll give misfortune back to the world. That's all."
In Conclusion Relationships between Danny, Homura, Phantom and King Gilgamesh shortly(Announce10: Link)
Punch: Danny...Homura....I'm not like the rest of you.
Danny; Of course you are! But No! You're not! I'm serious. Back when we first met. I think maybe then I did think we were different. But I now I know that isn't true! You and I are alike in more ways than you know. You made me think of this and made me to accept my ghost form too.
Homura: Everyone has their own pain that can be hard for other people to understand. I get that you must have a lot circling around the head of yours. And that's okay, I am not like you. But regardless of all that, I'm......we're here for you, Punch. You're not alone.
Punch: Homura I.......
Danny: That goes for me too. We all want to be there for you. If you lose your way and can't find your dad and mom, I will guide them to you.
Punch: Umm.....but the earth's so big to find you know.
Danny: But they still stay on Earth and never vanish right? Even though the earth's so big the earth still has a place to return to unlike the universe, right?
Homura: I agree with this one. I can think of this place as home now because of you, Punch. I mean....that's what friends are supposed to do, right? I learned a lot from Madoka.
Danny: I'll always be with you, Punch. Remember, even we're not here in front of your eyes. You're not alone.
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sakuraswordly · 27 days
In Tsubasa of Phantasia, If you want to know how Enkidu became Gilgamesh's best friend, just find the relationship between Sonic and Shadow and how they become best rivals.
Enkidu's story from Fate/Extra CCC
“You intend to punish me?”
We met in front of the building where the ceremony of divine marriage was held.
“That’s right. I’m going to set your arrogance aright with my own hands.”
What I should have said was loneliness, not arrogance, but I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want to wound his pride. Our battle lasted days. I was a spear, an axe, a shield, a beast. With me, who can freely transform into all of creation, as his opponent, he mustered all of the power he could handle.
“You — how can a mere lump of earth rival me!”
Note: What Gilgamesh's anger is the same just like that time when Sonic is not happy with Shadow in Sonic adventure 2.
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Was it surprise or anger he felt, encountering his equal for the first time. In the midst of battle, he took his prized treasures in hand. I don’t think there was anything more disgrace for him than having to draw out the treasure he held so dear. At first he did it out of necessity, because he was cornered. But by the end he was throwing all the treasure he possessed into the fray, joyfully, holding nothing back.
The battle — in whose victory did it end? He had emptied his whole treasury, and I had lost ninety percent of my clay. I must have looked thin and ragged, my shape held together only by my clothes. He opened his eyes and burst into laughter, then collapsed to the ground face-up. I fell to the earth to, and breathed deeply. Honestly, I couldn’t have moved more than once.
And after they start to spent time together.......
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He eventually emptied the vault, and Enkidu was left with only a tenth of his clay. Rather than continue, Gilgamesh let himself fall backwards onto his back while bursting with laughter, Enkidu following in suit. He remarked that there would only be one chance to strike for each of them, and without any means of defense, it would leave only two foolish corpses. Enkidu was never able to interpret if that meant it was a tie or if Gilgamesh wanted to make it so that there would only be one corpse. Enkidu asked, "Do you not regret the treasures you have spent?" to which he replied in a bright voice, "Why, if it's someone I should use it on, then it's not unthinkable to do him the favor."
#I like Sonic said “Not bad for my imposter(Faker)”
Though they rival each other often, they also care for each other and help each other out when needed. Shadow has also been called one of Sonic's friends through the "Life in Sonic's World" series of pictures. It is stated that the pictures are of Sonic and Sonic's friends, and many of those images include Shadow.
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Nothing special, just wanted to see his eyes before attacking Noble Phantasm seriously. Gilgamesh seemed more sad than happy to use like any other Noble Phantasm, or cold to kill like any other Noble Phantasm or have fun like any other Noble Phantasm, or a sharp person like any other Noble Phantasm.
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Even his face is in a bad mood ready to kill someone....his eye looks frustrated and sad.
And when I did my comic AU
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Even if I paint without concept or not following steps, his eye looks frustrated and sad.
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I also felt with Noval too. I used to think that I was just thinking about it. And after Saber finished him
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I was right....his eyes looked so sad.
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Even Fate/Zero but....There was a hint in this fight "That all dreams must disappear when the dreamer wakes." That sentence is explained enough, Gilgamesh lost everything and he knew he can't come back to who he used to be. That's why he likes Saber and how much she wants to bring her country and her people back to life with the Holy Grail. You can't bring people back to life, Saber knew but she'd still try. That's what makes Gilgamesh like her even more.
Tsubasa of Phantasia or Typemoon or Fate series....Gilgamesh said he was perfect but the truth was...he had so many regrets in his life. He hates how he saw the future but can't change the future, all he can do is accept it.(And do like in Fgo absolute demonic front babylonia ) But no matter what he will change the future no matter how hard it was the same way as Saber's wish. Gilgamesh wants Saber because they had the same thought but in his heart...he knew he couldn't but he tried anyway this stupid jerk. (Sorry)
In Tsubasa of Phantasia, make sense that no matter how much Sonic accepts the future, the truth is some of the future Sonic can't accept. Gilgamesh knew that's why he still watch Sonic but did not avoid his life. Gilgamesh didn't want Sonic to get involved so he tried his best to take the burden from Sonic by himself which mean that oneday this burden will hurt Sonic so he need to avoid him.
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sakuraswordly · 9 months
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Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are the same. Because they are Punch. Or as my research, Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are not actually alike....they're technically the same. I designed Punch a long time ago and even created her own personality, but when I compared it, I found that her personality and demeanour were the same, even her body language.(Announce9 #: design analysis part 1 and part 2) The year 2023's results were considered a success for Sonic, making me more certain that they are the same and that it was the right decision to choose Sonic. I'm very thankful to you for the hard work of the Sonic team. Because Sonic's work is considered very good, I revealed that in fact, I brought Sonic to study in the first place because I was studying Mesopotamia and was checking to see if Gilgamesh really had a personality similar to Sonic and Punch. Or this is a really coincidence?(Seems that way) As my research so far I chose Gilgamesh from Type-Moon because I really sure that he's similar to the real King Gilgamesh from Epic the most.(Also, I don't believe every story in the epic of Gilgamesh for someone who wants to know. I felt like this wasn't right if the real King Gilgamesh would do that. That doesn't make sense.) That's why I need to put history or even their owner not only because they don't know about this even other cultures but because I tried to find the truth in history world that garden Babylon or even King Gilgamesh or King Arthur real in this world? I felt like these two kings did connect somehow.
Sonic: As much as I try to look like I have things under my control, everyone still worries about me as always..........Hey Syaoran...
Syaoran: Hmm?
Sonic: Do you still remember when Bandit captured me and you jumped to protect me when I couldn't walk?
Syaoran: Yes, I do remember.
Sonic: I was different back then. My whole life I have liked to do things by myself. I don't like having anyone else busy, even Tails. And I knew I would be alone.
Syaoran: And that is why Shadow is always so violent towards you.
Sonic: I'm a selfish that don't like to listen to my friends. But in that room, when you rescued me and took the damage from me and even called like I was part of your friends. The story is even more shocking than that. Velvet gave me the title, "Sonic Crowe". You guys even treat me like I am a part of this family. At that time with fight Exeller, when you shout, you're not going to abandon someone you love, it just....shattered the wall that I'd built up around me.
Syaoran: I mean.....I can't let you die at that time, sorry.
Sonic: To be honest…because until that moment, I'd seen you as a means to an end. I thought of you as a way to be strong and to obtain Excalibur. But after that time when Bandit captured me and you jumped to protect me, one time became two and before I knew it, you'd call me your family. It didn't matter that we were different. You cared for me as you would any other people. Before then, I'd never even dreamed I could have my "real family" on my own.
Syaoran: Sonic...................*Smile*
Sonic: I didn't want any of my friends to die because of my power. But I also didn't want to live if it meant you would all die in my place.....But then I realized...I'd only think of myself the entire time. Amy was right all along...
Syaoran: I know you can walk your path alone and it must be hard sometimes. But I swear I'll be there with you. Until the very end. This time I'll never let you go, I'll always take your hand no matter whether we are gone or go on a new adventure.
Sonic: Thanks......no....thank you...it's such a strange feeling. I know that we've still got plenty of fighting up ahead. And it's for me and Punch.
Syaoran: You're worth fighting for. That's why I don't regret if this path is wrong.
Sonic: And as always, I believe in you, Syaoran.
Punch: Danny...Homura....I'm not like the rest of you.
Danny; Of course you are! But No! You're not! I'm serious. Back when we first met. I think maybe then I did think we were different. But I now I know that isn't true! You and I are alike in more ways than you know. You made me think of this and made me to accept my ghost form too.
Homura: Everyone has their own pain that can be hard for other people to understand. I get that you must have a lot circling around the head of yours. And that's okay, I am not like you. But regardless of all that, I'm......we're here for you, Punch. You're not alone.
Punch: Homura I.......
Danny: That goes for me too. We all want to be there for you. If you lose your way and can't find your dad and mom, I will guide them to you.
Punch: Umm.....but the earth's so big to find you know.
Danny: But they still stay on Earth and never vanish right? Even though the earth's so big the earth still has a place to return to unlike the universe, right?
Homura: I agree with this one. I can think of this place as home now because of you, Punch. I mean....that's what friends are supposed to do, right? I learned a lot from Madoka.
Danny: I'll always be with you, Punch. Remember, even we're not here in front of your eyes. You're not alone.
Gilgamesh: I need to protect Mesopotamian Civilization for the next generation to continue my work, which will happen immediately I must exist.
Peter: Gil....why are you care so much about this country?
Gilgamesh: Because....they're my treas---
Peter: Because Amy...hasn't it?
Gilgamesh: Heh. I can't hide from you can't I.
Peter: *Smile*
Gilgamesh: Amy did tell me once...palm tree is all the memories we've made around that tree. ........I took her advice even though she was a little corny. So yeah....that's why I call this place Uruk "home". This place...this country...this earth is the place where I made my first best friend and no one can replace him.
Peter: Really.....I don't know, but Amy, she sounds pretty great.
Gilgamesh: Of course....she really is.
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Fate/Extra CCC SG 3: Home: Uruk “Ah, right. If I answer as a person, I suppose it would be my city, Uruk.”
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Why do you need home?
It provides us with a sense of belonging, comfort, security, and stability. It is where we create memories with our loved ones, learn important life skills, and express our style. The importance of home in our lives cannot be overstated. It is an essential aspect of our well-being and a source of comfort and joy.
Sonic: But I'll never forget the most important places.
Chris: Really?!
Sonic: Yes, of course. You can always trust me from now on, Chris.
Princess Elise: Sonic, if you leave here to go on another adventure.....remember this place?
Sonic: Definitely.
Danny: Punch, if everything is over, will you still remember this place with everyone here?
Punch: Definitely, I'll never forget them.
Even Sonic did say this once, but home and friendship were different to them. From the beginning Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh never had a place to call "home" or a place to return. They're like a star that doesn't need a "home" for them to shine....but...
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They are okay to be alone….but because they learn so much about this "earth" place. They still need someone very special for them to travel together. And when Peter said "I know you can walk your path alone and it must be hard sometimes. When you need a reason to keep going I'll remind you. And if you want to be the star in the sky. I can be your earth". They need someone to guide them back to "home", the earth, the place where the memories can be shared together.
Gilgamesh: Still.....if that's true......then it's all the more reason I have to do this......but.....I can't tell them......there's no way I could.....I can't let them die because of me again.......Punch.....what am I supposed to do?
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"Many times....I let them go even if that meant saving their freedom"
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Syaoran, Peter, Danny and Homura: "But this time I won't let them be alone!"
What does took in my hand mean? phrase. If you take something or someone in hand, you take control or responsibility over them, especially in order to improve them.
Take my hand = reach out and clasp your hand with mine. Hold my hand = take my hand and continue to hold onto it.
"Home" is also the place to listen with your heart: Feel the emotions of the speaker. go through things that we observe and feel Including the intentions and desires behind those words. Even though he might not have said it directly. Why are hugs so important?: It builds trust and a sense of safety. This helps with open and honest communication. Because hugs, it helps in healing some negative feelings such as loneliness, isolation, and anger.
Sonic: But when you reached out to me and gently took my hand, I felt the warmth I'd never known before. That's the "love" I never thought I would discover by myself. You make me understand human emotion and this "love"......even I fall in love with Velvet....but still....
Syaoran: ...........you won't have to worry about that for much longer.
Sonic: You think so.......?
Syaoran: Sonic....I......
Sonic: No. You can tell me when we defeat Exeller. Okay?
Syaoran: *Soft Laugh*Yeah. Okay.
Sonic always lets their hand go even his friends every time he saves them but this time Sonic can't let his hand go from Syaoran because Syaoran will always take his hand and save him no matter where he goes. Syaoran knew where to find Sonic even though he didn't fast as much as Sonic. This is an unbreakable bond. Even Tails can guess where Sonic went but when danger comes Tails can't protect him fast like Syaoran. The same way for Danny and Punch as well, Danny knew where Punch went even when she got lost, and Danny knew where to find her even without ghost form. The same way for Peter and Enkidu with Gilgamesh, they love him. They know him. And they respect him. And that knowledge that he'll be okay works out, just like they knew it would. Watch the change in their expressions and body language as he stand back up and smiles at them.
I study petroleum as hard as possible to find the truth of Mesopotamian even mechanics. I finally see my comic can save people that I can't reach them. That's why this year will focas on Syaoran, Peter, Punch and Gilgamesh more as promised. Hope that my Windows 8 will hang on or age much longer.
Did King Arthur fight the Vikings? The Viking raiding and settling of England took place between the 9th and 10th centuries. This predates the stories of King Arthur created by Geoffrey of Monmouth, which inspired most of what we now think of as Arthurian Legend. So the short answer is No. The Viking presence in England was finally ended in 1066 when an English army under King Harold defeated the last great Viking king, Harald Hardrada of Norway, at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, near York. The vikings were from Denmark and Norway(the swedes went east to Rusland) but before that the danes went to England together with the germans, they were known as the angles-saxons. They were from the Holstein area, which have been a part of the Denmark in a few periods of history.
But the Vikings didn’t come until the 700’s, and King Arthur lived in the 500’s. How could King Arthur fight the Vikings when they didn’t overlap? True but if King Arthur did live in 700’s or more than that and never had a fight with Vikings. This should be interesting as an alternative timeline. The same as I wrote about Marie Curie. Even if this is not Marie Curie you know but can connect to real life. Even though I made up a story that was not true, but remember this. I can bridge reality. I tried to study Leonardo da Vinci as well so he will appear someday in Tsubasa of Phantasia. (And will add meditation too)So my talent for drawing and story was similar to the Geological time scale.(Well I need this to study petroleum too so don't mind if my comic will be style idea like this)
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Geologic time is, in effect, that segment of Earth history that is represented by and recorded in the planet's rock strata. The geologic time scale is the “calendar” for events in Earth history.
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P.S. I can't let A.I. copy my art. Because if A.I. can, I would not be able to discover the truth in history and study geological time. You have to study the rock and its structure. Texture and structure are the techniques that I learned from petroleum and I used to find Sonic's true personality.
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Don't be surprised why I have to practice drawing in detail because they or those in petroleum taught me that.
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NASA also used the same study method as well.
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sakuraswordly · 9 months
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Tails: Sonic, do you want new shoes or new gloves as a gift?
Sonic: Do you mean the Christmas holidays? No, I already have these as very special gifts.
Tails: That's why you wear them all the time and never let go, right?
Sonic: Maybe these gloves and shoes were made by my important people…..brothers…and I feel like I shouldn't forget them.
P.S. Happy 100th Anniversary to Disney.
[This work was done on the occasion of Christmas and Happy New Year 2023. Also, there is a hint in this art to connect Tsubasa of Phantasia.]
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sakuraswordly · 9 months
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Let's Analysis
Finding the North Star also mean Our Conquest on The Ocean of Stars
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Enkidu: Tools need not the northern wind or the sun
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But eventually, Punch and King Gilgamesh knew that couldn't last forever. In the end, he will be alone.
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Not different in Sonic X Episode 39 how Sonic felt.
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They accept the truth in this world or death or the cycle of rebirth and death. They can't accept the way that should be because they're not in that part and not humans. They're like stars that they will be the same.(#the shining stars who give hope) Even when the light vanishes into the darkness, they remain the same. That's why at first they didn't want to make a relationship with anyone. But they didn't understand why they needed someone by their side to guide them. Many planets still receive the light from those stars that shine so brightly. But because without planets, there would be nothing to see just like the sun and the moon, we wouldn't be able to see each other and the beauty of this earth without light.
Peter: When you need a reason to keep going, I'll remind you. And if you want to be the star in the sky. I can be your "earth"
That's the reason behind why King Gilgamesh never abandoned the earth. And....Sonic, Punch and King Gilgamesh are the stars and they(the stars) need a place for them, Syaoran, Peter and Danny are the earth.
Journal for the History of Astronomy: Source
Some concepts in the history of astronomy have seriously affected the development of science and culture in many regions. The concept of zodiac is one of them. The zodiac as a band of constellations, within which visible motions of the Moon and planets occur, played an important role in the astronomy of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, and countries of Islam. The ideas associated with the zodiac had not only astronomical but also astrological and religious significance. The history of Mesopotamian zodiac is of particular importance, since it had a direct impact on the formation of ideas about the zodiac in ancient Greece and in Islamic countries, and through them in Europe.
The history of the Mesopotamian zodiac is a long and carefully studied issue.1 It is subdivided into two key problems closely related to each other: (1) the discovery of the band of zodiacal constellations through which the Sun, Moon, and five planets move, and (2) the division of the zodiacal band into 12 equal parts to form the so called uniform zodiac used in mathematical astronomy. Sources related to the history of zodiac are cuneiform texts of various types (not only astronomical), dated mainly from the first millennium BC. This article will investigate just one aspect of the zodiac history—the question of when and how a system of 12 zodiac constellations was developed in Mesopotamia. We also set the task of identifying traces of this system directly in cuneiform sources. Surprisingly, in the existing historical and scientific literature this question has not been studied yet. But when examined in detail on the basis of authentic sources, the answer to this question might appear to be not so simple and not so obvious.
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The three main astral symbols represented on the kudurrus: a) crescent; b) sundisk; c) star.
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Examples of patterns represented on the kudurrus reliefs: a) linear pattern; b) 'triangular shape' pattern.
As you can see From: The Astral Family in Kassite Kudurrus Reliefs:: Iconographical and Iconological Study of Sîn, Šamaš and Ištar Astral Representations. These three symbols will be important and hint at the future.
P.S. Don't think anything romantic yet!
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sakuraswordly · 7 months
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Peter: Thinking back, I never saw his smile like this again after our first meeting in Babylon. This is the first truly happy smile that "Punch" showed me.
Let's just say. I will practice drawing that smile later continuing in the future unknown story.
As you can see now, the “truly happy smile”. Peter mentioned how adorable they were and showed their cute side (They always show the cool side but never show their cute side if not necessary). Show them that they are just a child, a mischievous child. That's why in Sonic Prime, you see Sonic as a cute innocent child. It wasn't by his design change. But it's because of the bottom of his heart. So he was just a mischievous child.
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If you remember what I wrote in Design Analysis Part 1. I said that the Sonic model or Sonic figures was still the same only different was Prime! Sonic look more friendly in shape and soft. Sonic Frontiers also look friendly in shape but look stronger and more like a big brother. When you guys saw just Sonic show his soft side and say that's not Sonic you knew......I disagree. Remember that Sonic's sensitive and you can see only in Sonic Prime that Sonic show his soft side and his weakness for the first time because his real friends are not here with him that's why Sonic talks too much(Even Prime! Sonic is very much like me-_-;)
Remember this, Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh hate to show their weakness or soft side in front of their friends or someone important to them. So their friends or someone important not in front of them, they will show this soft side alone(That's why Prime! Sonic talked too much
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and showed his sadness and missed home even though he did not miss his home, even though he knew he didn't need "home"). They will show their weakness and soft side when they trust someone or friends who can help and they are really clear in their judgment that they can't do things and solve all by themself, For example, Gilgamesh cries for Enkidu when Enkidu death and Sonic smiles at Shadow when Shadow come to rescue him(Sonic: At this point I don't mind Shadow lending me a hand).
That's why in #my personal blog, I can see these three of them in each character not because of their design in each studio or franchise but from the bottom of their feeling.
Note: Except this art below that is not “truly happy smile”.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
Gilgamesh's the most annoying in the group because he's talking too much(But Punch is less annoying in the group.) but Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh share the same brain cell. All I want to say to them "Can you guys stop talking you're fighting to the death you know?!" (And of course, they never listen at all!! But I can't help to love these three because they're just naughty kids, childish and mischievous^^)(P.S. Sorry Hakunon-chan for dealing with this annoying servant. And Sorry Tails my buddy for dealing with this annoying friend. And I'm sorry that Punch's mother took care of her annoying little cute child.)
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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You want to know why King Gilgamesh chose to go back to Uruk and was very serious about becoming a king who ruled his people after the quest for immortality? [Connect to this hint]
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Sonic Prime is the best example, Shadow tried to reason with Sonic and leave those friends behind because they were not real friends they knew. But why did Sonic give his life to his friends whom he met only briefly, even Nine?
Shadow: It's the end of the universe and you're still thinking about your friends! Sonic: Of course, I am! They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themself for me!
In the same way the people of Uruk, they're like Sonic's friends who suffer because of King Gilgamesh's actions. After Sonic knew it was his responsibility to destroy the world, the same way after King Gilgamesh realizes it was his fault for Enkidu's death and his people's suffering. Both Sonic and King Gilgamesh choose the right thing and never leave them behind, not because of their duty but because they're like their family to them. Even though they had never spent much time with these friends before.
Gilgamesh:  I had no reason to fear death. I could simply be there, in that era, presently invincible, and gaze upon the distant future with no need for the passage of time. — mankind’s oldest story. My duty as hero who would be spoken of in ages to come would be fulfilled. That’s all there is to the story. I was born as a human being, and after tasting joy, as a human being I died. I’m sorry. Earlier I said that I have been perfect since my birth, which was inaccurate.
he is king. he is god. he is neither, in the end. perhaps it is lonely.
(Note: "Mankind’s oldest story I was born as a human being." In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Gilgamesh grow to feel more human and gain more human emotions that's why he said that he's Mankind’s oldest story. Gilgamesh travelled and came back as "a normal human.")
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Both Sonic and Gilgamesh never be a hero but because of their friends, they call Sonic and Gilgamesh as "Hero". You can see how much the people of Uruk care for King Gilgamesh just like Sonic's friends care for Sonic. This is the same reason why Punch Whalen chose to go back to her friends and never leave them behind, no matter how bad the action or betrayal of her friends. (And this is why Asha chose Punch and be by her side as her friend.)
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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Loved ones enough for Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh. Even if they need to separate from the precious they hurt, but they will smile and say "See you again too".
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But "With your every smile, hiding something more Dark mysteries, lurking beneath. But I was consumed, with this emptiness This selfishness, this void to fill" (Source Lyrics: FFVII REMAKE: Hollow)
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Mother of Mifune: It's no good. You're going to die. No matter what you do, do as you will...You have no future. Soon you'll disappear. Nothing will remain and nothing will be saved.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
Let me continue from gilgil-machine
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You understand now why Sonic said, "I don't mind playing villain role for a while". (Note: Villain role means the king role for King Gilgamesh)The same way for both Punch and Gilgamesh, if they did is the right thing, they are really glad to sacrifice themself for the people they want to protect even if they will end up becoming an arrogant asshole, misogynist, sadist and villain.
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[Note: Sonic's different from Shadow.
If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight them like I always have.
Shadow's decision never changes no matter what happens but Sonic's decision can be changed every time that's why you can't tell that Sonic can kill Dr Eggman anytime .As for Shadow, he still observes that Dr Eggman should be killed or in jail if without a reason. Shadow's personality can be changed if he breaks(You can see when Shadow with Maria) but Sonic never change no matter how broken Sonic is.]
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And this is why Sonic trusts Punch and forgives King Gilgamesh too in Tsubasa of Phantasia, even Sonic accept them for how they will be.
Punch: Sonic...I choose....to side with darkness and take my revenge path.  Sonic:.........I see.... Punch: This doesn't surprise you, Sonic? Sonic: Not at all. I knew that was the only choice you could make. Punch: So you see Sonic. I am not a kind person from the beginning...................I will stand over you all. That’s why I live, to slay everyone who stand in my way...So now....Sonic...you're standing in my way! Sonic: I know. I'm ready. To fight you, Punch. Not because I save you but to save myself as well. I'm not a kind person either.
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And that's why in Sonic Prime, Sonic still believe and trusts Nine not because Sonic's too trusting. Sonic's sad not because Nine betrayed him but he sad because Sonic was the one that made Nine become this way.
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As a result of what happened, that's why King Gilgamesh chose to walk alone to not let this happen just like what happened to Nine in Sonic prime.
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Even though Sonic will end up destroying the world just like King Gilgamesh and Punch will do, Amy still chose Sonic because Amy knew Sonic will always do the right thing. Amy's reasoning is the same as Enkidu's.
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And not different why Enkidu, Hakuno and Danny defend Punch and King Gilgamesh like Amy does.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
“I won’t allow this. Why do you have to die? If someone must be punished, it should be me! All of this was my own selfishness!”
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This is what King Gilgamesh felt when he lost everything his home, his friends, the people that sacrificed for him. You can't tell how sad he was behind his silence and his smile even though he knew this future would happen.
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Sonic's thinking in Sonic Prime is the same as King Gilgamesh's, If not because of him. And this is the reason behind why King Gilgamesh hate himself.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
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In summary, In these scenes in Fate Extra CCC, the theory in this sentence means Enkidu but in Tsubasa of Phantasia, King Gilgamesh means Punch.
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From Source: Tsofph Concept part 2
Because Punch had to choose between her normal life and her path, to protect the earth with Danny before meeting Homura and Sonic for the first time. Punch chose to give up her human form and that's how Hakuno was born and recorded by the Moon Cell later in Tsofph Season 12(Chapter 2 CCC world). Punch's human form sleeps in cryogenically frozen human. Preserved very well like mummification. But for much very long that human form without a soul like nothing but a mere shell eventually developed a consciousness of her own and subconsciously rejected their fate as mere shells. Hakuno was an NPC generated by the Moon Cell. After being created in SE.RA.PH as an NPC, Hakuno, like Twice, somehow gained self-awareness. Unlike Twice, he/she did not regain any memory of a "previous life" due to the fact that the original was an amnesiac to begin with. Believing him/herself to be a normal human, Hakuno unknowingly took over the position of another participant who had died in the preliminary selection for the war. As an NPC rather than a human, Hakuno cannot enter the Moon Cell without being deleted as invalid data, like Twice - however, the Moon Cell requires more time to process the contradiction caused by the existence of the frozen body in the real world, and so he/she is not instantly deleted and has enough time to make a wish.
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Gilgamesh together with Sonic hacks the system and investigates Hakunon but it seem Gilgamesh need to make a contract to be able enter to SE.RA.PH as an NPC. Until..
Gilgamesh: You lack manners. A lowly mongrel has no right to look on me without permission. I do not permit you commoners to look upon me, nor to make requests of me, nor to speak to me. By all rights, I should cut you into eighths just for your actions so far. However — In so far as your begging was wretched, it was impressive. Therefore, I will give you one chance. A chance of recovery. Are you my Master? As thanks, offer me your wisdom. Be quick about it. Or next I blink your body will be torn asunder.
Hakuno: Stunningly dazzling light. Not the light of the stars that fill the breadth of the sky around me, but the shining of the golden knight before me.
And finally, Gilgamesh can enter to SE.RA.PH is an NPC and meets Hakuno for the first time.
"Nameless Master" After Gilgamesh is sure that Hakuno is Punch's incarnation, Gilgamesh make a decision to be her partner and takes Hakuno as his treasure because this is the gift from Punch. You can tell in his relationship with Hakuno, Gilgamesh really love and cares for Punch a lot as he shows his feelings to Hakuno the bond between Master and Servant. "I will become your sword" These are the words that he used to tell Punch why he came with Punch's group on the journey.
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Bouns: By ending Gilgamesh's route, Gilgamesh finally shows his true self behind his King Role from Hakuno.
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Gilgamesh : Oh? Are you looking at me with reverence now? Good. Look as much as you wish. If you’d prefer a change of clothes, I wouldn’t mind?
Hakuno: No, I’m fine, I refuse with all my might. And I don’t revere him anyway. It’s just that, as his Master, I’ve come to understand Gilgamesh, and endeavored to be able to use him well in battle. So, I don’t really…I’m just kind of glad to know that what lies at his root isn’t evil. Ah, no, I’m certainly not saying that Gilgamesh is a good person, that’s still as much of a headache as it —
Gilgamesh : Heh. So you were the first to give in. Isn’t that what this is? Just as in Rin’s first SG?
Hakuno: It is not! I never express my emotions in such embarrassing ways!
Gilgamesh : Don’t try to hide it so much, it will only make you more obvious. You’ll embarrass even me.
As the relationship began to strengthen, Gilgamesh would love for Hakuno to kiss him or stroke him like when Gilgamesh begged Punch to bathe with him together or petulant or asked for a pat on the head. And as "You’ll embarrass even me." This ties into Sonic's personality where Sonic is bashful when he gets close to those girls.
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sakuraswordly · 8 months
Sonic: I'm a selfish that don't like to listen to my friends. But in that room, when you rescued me and took the damage from me and even called like I was part of your friends. At that time with fight Exeller, when you shout, you're not going to abandon someone you love, it just....shattered the wall that I'd built up around me. But when you reached out to me and gently took my hand, I felt the warmth I'd never known before. That's the "love" I never thought I would discover by myself. You make me understand human emotion and this "love"......
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Syaoran: You're worth fighting for. That's why I don't regret if this path is wrong.
Sonic: And as always, I believe in you, Syaoran.
Peter: I'll help you. No matter what, regardless of what you say or do. I'll help you to the end! So, please...I beg you....don't leave me behind again...
Punch: Peter.....
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And that is why Hakunon is important to King Gilgamesh in Fate Extra CCC. Hakunon is very special to King Gilgamesh even she's not his type. Because Hakunon chose to take his hand no matter how bad and arrogant he was.
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