#twst translation
yuurei20 · 2 days
Dialogue Comparison: Book 7-1 (addendum)
Thank you very much to @irafuwas for this amazing discovery!! ^^
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Original Malleus: Lilia came to the castle, having been summoned by the royal guardsmen.
EN Malleus: That was when Lilia, a royal guardsman at the time, came to the castle.
In the original game Malleus says that Lilia was summoned by royal guards, but on EN this was changed to Lilia himself being a royal guard himself at the time.
(Also added to the original post, below!)
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mysteryshoptls · 18 days
SR Silver - Tsumsitter Voice Lines
Tsumsitter Silver does not have a vignette.
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Summon Line: This little guy is the tsum that I've been tasked with taking care of. Even around other people, it falls asleep so quickly... Still, I hope you can get along well with it.
Groooovy!!: Tsum, you've just now stayed awake longer than you ever have! Well done.
Home: Tsum, are you sleepy?
Home Idle 1: The tsum was dousing itself with a stream of cold water in the shower, with the water pressure at maximum strength. It looked like a good training regimen. Perhaps I should also go train under a waterfall.
Home Idle 2: ...Are you brandishing that stick in imitation of my baton, tsum? However, with something so long, would it not be considerable effort to even be able to walk properly?
Home Idle 3: Idia-senpai's tsum ran off as soon as he spotted me. I am deeply sorry to have startled it so.
Home Idle - Login: I have heard that taking care of a tsum is difficult, but since I have accepted the task, I will put forth my best effort.
Home Idle - Groovy: I seem to have fallen asleep again without realizing… Where's the tsum…? …It's sleeping soundly beside me. I think… I'll sleep a little longer… Zzz.
Home Tap 1: That bright light that shone down when the tsums arrived may be useful in helping to keep my drowsiness at bay... Ah, sorry, I was lost in thought there.
Home Tap 2: For a single moment, I felt immense pressure coming from the tsum accompanying Malleus-sama. Although it is rotund and adorable looking, it still wields such power...
Home Tap 3: I was astounded to see Ace's tsum use magic to make a card disappear. You're saying that was just a sleight of hand trick? ...Those small hands are more nimble than I expected.
Home Tap 4: There is a picture on my phone that I do not remember taking... tsum, did you take this photo? It is a beautiful and perfectly taken shot.
Home Tap 5: I hear these tsums like to stack on top of each other. I wonder if it would enjoy being placed... or rather, "stacked"― onto a horse's back?
Home Tap - Groovy: The tsum and I are planning to do some training in a bit. If it interests you, you may join us.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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twisted-never-land · 21 days
Cater's back, in his official capacity as Taste-Tester! And Trey shows us his Doodle.
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phantombanquet · 1 month
Main Story: Diasomnia Book Chapter 8 Episode 7-117: Preparation for Departure! (Translation)
Episode 7-117
⚠️ Major Diasomnia spoilers! Proceed with caution.
translation by: phantombanquet
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Idia: MALLEUS-SHI, HUH~~~~! 
If that happens, that pretentious inexpressive² guy, who usually keeps up his strong chara moves up in his sleeves…..
I can't help but feel sorry for myself if I don't see his pathetic figure sobbing with a runny nose and begging for forgiveness!
Now, what should I do…… Heh… Ehehehehehe!
Ortho: W-What a malicious scheming face…
This… May have angered someone who shouldn't be angered~
Idia: Heheh…… I'll show you. The ultimate power of a lone wolf³ trained in the gloomy “underworld.”
Just you wait, Malleus Draconia……
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Ortho: ……That's all.
From the magical disaster caused by Malleus Draconia until the awakening of Idia Shroud. This concludes the progress report.
Grim: Oohh~~! While we were fightin’ over in Lilia's dream, that's what happened to you guys.
Silver: I see. So Idia-senpai and Ortho are outside of the magical realm. It means that there is support coming from the real world. 
Idia: Y-Yeah, t-that sort of thing…… Well, for now, we'll be playing a dummy video on the surveillance camera for a short while……
I can only do this much.
Sebek: So, even if you have woken up, Malleus-sama will fail to notice and the “darkness” will not attack you.
Ortho: Yes.. And like I said earlier, Malleus-san is currently……
Focused on putting Lilia Vanrouge-san to sleep. 
So, I expect that he has not traced down the whereabouts of Silver-san and the others.
Sebek: Hm. I honestly want to praise your skills, but it is quite complicated when you are outsmarting Malleus-sama……
Idia: Well, that other guy is a battleship-like⁴ cheater so… We're still far off from completely capturing him.
Silver: However… I had no idea that Malleus-sama continued to expand his magical realm beyond the island……
Sebek: Furthermore, if the area is forcibly destroyed from the  outside, there is a possibility that the trapped person's psyche could also become destroyed!?
Grim: Somehow it's a real mess for real.
[Choice 1] Yuu: Can we do something about this?
[Choice 2] Yuu: (If this continues on, Tsunotarou will become the enemy of mankind.) 
Ortho: Yes. That's why we need your power!
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Silver: Our… Power?
Ortho: Currently, the S.T.Y.X. staff is working together to assign ID numbers to the dreams of those trapped in the magical realm. 
During that time, we captured your magical reaction as you “moved around on your own” in the dream.
Silver: Could it be that it was my “Meet in a Dream?”
It's my unique magic that allows me to cross between dreams……
Ortho: Yes! That one, that one!
When traces of someone moving from one human dream to another were discovered, the engineers at S.T.Y.X. were in a commotion.
So that was Silver-san's unique magic, after all. Magic is a really mysterious power, huh.
Silver: However, my magic is to reliably travel to the dream of the person I'm targeting after, like you guys. I can't call someone into my dream.
I don’t know what else to say; it's hard to explain… It's a very intuitive kind of magic……
That’s why I was really surprised when Ortho appeared in the Dream Corridor and led us here. 
Ortho: What are you saying?
S.T.Y.X. prides themselves on their super computers and experts in magical engineering and magical analysis. 
They tried their best to analyze magic and they finally found a way to travel from dream to dream. 
Moreover, it is difficult to say that the current method is 100% reproducible so they said: “it's still a beta version.”
The mere fact that you can do it intuitively is astonishing.
Sebek: Hm. So the “power” that you need is Silver's unique magic?
Ortho: That's a part of it, too, but…
Sebek Zigvolt-san, Grim-san, and Yuu-san, your cooperation is essential.
Grim: Hmph! You're just trying to make us do the messy work, aren't ya!
Ortho: Wow♡ Grim-san, you talk too fast. 
[Choice 1] Yuu: This pattern is similar to the headmage……
[Choice 2] Yuu: I don't see any other reason to  be called out……
Sebek: Hmph, I don't like this sluggishness. Get to the point!!
Idia: S-So, uhhh……. While you guys were chattering in Lilia-shi's dream..
I-I was trying to think of a way to escape from my dream world……
Or rather, I've been trying to come up with a strategy to deal with Malleus-shi.
[Choice 1] Yuu: Is your strategy to get him to cry and beg for forgiveness while his nose is runny?
[Choice 2] Yuu: Is it a strategy to take revenge by capturing their special weakness?
Idia: Y-Yeah. That… Hih, hihi.
Anyhow, I made a video to explain that strategy…… W-Would you like to watch it?
Grim, Silver, Sebek: Video?
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Idia: Waah~♪ Only good things have been happening lately~ It's so fun every day~ It's just like a dream~♬ Well. It was, in fact, really just a dream. Welcome, all you carefree people who live in the world of empty dreams. I am Idia Shroud. So for today, a cheat trick to create a dream world using magic — — was used by The Most Evil☆Final Boss Mage. Let me explain the strategy used by Malleus-shi. The magical realm that Malleus-shi created is kinda like a server running a huge MMORPG. And each dream of someone sleeping is managed individually. Malleus-shi is using himself and his alter ego to keep an eye on this server. To give you an idea, Malleus-shi is a server admin. And his alter ego is cracking down on users to commit violations in the online game — like a gamemaster. Malleus-shi, with the authority to operate and manage over the entire server, is currently in the state of a demon king who has the world right under his thumb.
Under Malleus-shi's control, we have NO chance of succeeding…… BUT! Because of the super geek hacker group S.T.Y.X. and Ortho's attack, all of the server's source code (construction formulas of the magical realm) has been analyzed and is now completely visible!
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So — I'm going to use that data from my dream to develop and build a cheat tool. And then get rid of that damned invulnerable status! It seems like a perfect strategy at first glance, but in fact, there’s actually a flaw in this cheat strategy……. If Malleus-shi (the server admin) discovers this during development— IT'S GAME OVER IN AN INSTANT. But hold your horses! Despite that his alter ego uses autonomous magic, with the total population of Sage Island, monitoring and managing the dreams of about 20,000 people is not an easy task — even for Malleus-shi. If a problem happens here and there in your dream, there's a high chance that you'll have to deal with it by yourself! Therefore — I’ll be developing a cheat tool. I want you guys to catch Malleus-shi's eye and gather party members so we can subdue the demon king.
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When everyone wakes up, we'll hand out invite codes that will allow them to travel to my dream.
Then, when all the preparations are ready, Malleus-shi will be lured to my dream and that's when the cheat tool that I developed turns on!! As planned, Malleus-shi's invulnerability will be canceled. And by using the invite codes that were diligently handed out, everyone will gather in my dream! We're going to beat him up with our sheer numbers of forces!
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If things go as expected, Malleus-shi will also lift the spell and free us—! How was it!? “A lone wolf magician engineering guy explains how to capture the demon king in three minutes video.” If you think this video was good, leave a like! And this was Idia Shroud.
Grim, Silver, Sebek: ............
Idia: Ummm, e-everyone… Thank you for your attention. ⁵
Th-that’s why……
I ask you guys to go on a journey to gather “the strongest party members who will take on the challenge of defeating the demon king!”
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Grim, Silver, Sebek: EHHHHH~~~!?
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translator notes:
¹ - 「この怨はらさでおくべきか」 is an old Kansai (Osaka) dialect phrase. This phrase, although it seems like one will forever hold a grudge, actually means something along the lines of: “Shall I leave this grudge unresolved? (No, I actually have to solve this),” due to how the phrase is structured (which would be too deep to delve into but it’s mainly because of the か and べき/べし in the phrase).
² - 「スカしま」 is a Japanese slang usually used as an insult
³ - 「陰キャ」 is yet another Japanese slang used to describe someone with a gloomy or reserved personality or introverts. I used a known English slang instead of translating literally to preserve the meaning of the word.
⁴ - 「弩級 (どきゅう)」 is the Japanese translation of “Dreadnought,” which is a type of battleship in the early 20th century. Idia was just being a nerd again by using game-like terms so I decided to stick with using “battleship” instead of the literal translation.
⁵ - I wanted to note that Idia addressed them as 「皆様」which is a polite way of addressing others due to the inclusion of 様 (sama). Also, the “thank you for your attention” line was written as 「ご清聴アリガトウゴザイマシタ」 in the text instead of the usual 「ご清聴ありがとうございました」 which I think it's just to note Idia's personality www.
personal notes: this wasn't jp proofread so there might be inaccuracies;;; additionally aniplex jp actually posted the "how to subjugate the demon king" video but it's only available in japan.. you can still access it by using a vpn though~
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twonderland-itaru · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Tsumsitter personal story: Parte 3
(1 parte) (2 parte) EXTRA
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[Giardino botanico]
Leona: Mmh...? Cos'è questo casino ?
Ruggie: Ah, Leona-san! Abbiamo un problema.
Jack: Gli Tsum hanno improvvisamente smesso di ascoltarci, portando il caos.
Leona: Gli Tsum, cioè più di uno...?
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Epel: Dove stai andando, Tsum?! Dobbiamo sbrigarci a tornare a Pomefiore!
Floyd: Hey, cosa stai cercando di fare? Sto iniziando a arrabbiarmi... vuoi che ti schiaccio?
Epel: Forza, andiamo... Urgh! Lo tiro più forte che posso, ma si aggrappa al prato e non lo lascia andare.
Jack: Cerco di prendere il piccoletto per portarlo con me, ma continua a sfuggirmi dalle mani.
Leona: Quando vedo una tonnellata di piccole creature che corrono in questo modo, mi fa pensare agli insetti che strisciano sotto un albero. Cosa vogliono?
Jack: Non ne ho idea…nche il mio Tsum continua a fare storie.
Jack: Dato che il preside ci ha detto di tenerli d’occhio, non possiamo lasciargli fare ciò che vogliono.
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Leona: Mh?Hai qualcosa da dire?…. ok, ho capito. Provate a impilare insieme quei fastidiosi armadilli.
Ruggie: Impilarli? Che succede, Leona-san? Perché dici una cosa così stupida con un'aria così seria?
Jack: Impilarli? Oh, certo!
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Ruggie: Gli Tsum si sono calmati...?
Epel: Oooh. Volevano solo essere "Tsumati"
Sebek:Se volevano questo,potevano farlo da soli!
Ruggie:Tsumati? Che cos'è? Cosa significa!?
Leona:Chi se ne frega? Guarda il modo in cui si comportano, forse fa parte della loro natura
Jack: Sì, è così. Quando li abbiamo incontrati per la prima volta, erano impilati così. Ecco perché il Preside ha deciso di chiamarli "Tsum", me ne ero completamente dimenticato.
Jack: Aspetta...te ne avevo parlato, Leona?
Leona: No, non l'hai fatto. Ma...questa cosa mi guardava, poi guardava in alto, poi di nuovo me e cercava di dirmi qualcosa, così ho pensato che potesse essere quello.
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Jack: È una mia impressione, o è un sorriso trionfante quello sul suo volto?
Ruggie: Lo Tsum di Leona-san ha una personalità completamente diversa da quello degli altri
Cater: Gli Tsummies impilati sembrano tutti felici insieme ora. Immagino che si sentano al sicuro in questa posizione. Leona Tsum, non vuoi unirti a loro?
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Jack: Quindi non è interessato a impilarsi con gli altri, eh. È piuttosto composto.
Epel: Ha portamento, sicurezza ed è così maturo...! È proprio da Leona-san avere uno Tsum così.
Leona: Tsck... hey, Tsum il tuo consiglio di prima non era poi così male, credo. Non sei iperattivo come gli altri armadilli, e sei piuttosto facile da trattare. Immagino che tu sia più composto perché sei simile me, vero?….hm?Hey!
Jack:Sta dormendo.
Ruggie:Sai, forse non è che questo Tsum sia "composto" o altro... ma più che altro non ha alcuna motivazione?
Leona: Hai una bella faccia tosta a dormire mentre qualcuno gli sta parlando.Cos’è , vuoi essere una preda?
Leona Tsum:Zzzzzz.
Floyd: Ahaha! Lo tsum di Todo-senpai è proprio come un piccolo leone marino~! Siete proprio uguali.
Leona: Chi stai chiamando leone marino?
Floyd: Allora forse... un cetriolo di mare?
Ruggie: Leona-san, credo che dovresti accettare il nome di leone marino, piuttosto che quello di cetriolo di mare.
Leona: Tsck... Questo maledetto armadillo mi sta causando un sacco di problemi.
Leona: Troverò sicuramente un modo per liberarmi di te!
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curekibouka-voice · 1 year
Mama Shroud fandub (JP + English)
I realised I forgot to post this 🙈
Some friends said my voice would suit her so I did this www
She’s really cute and caring I love her!! 🥰
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yuurei20 · 9 days
Interview with Twst Music Composer Ozawa Takumi from the Soundtrack:
Q: How did you first come to be involved in the music for Disney’s Twst?
Ozawa: "Aniplex reached out to me in the summer of 2018, I submitted about four demo tracks, and that is how it all began.
The first track I created was the main theme that plays at the login screen, 'Theme of Twisted-Wonderland' (Disc 1 - 01). I looked through the materials for Twst for the first time and immediately thought, 'Let's use this sound!’
My aim for the song was to portray a glamorous dark fantasy. The track starts with a bell-like sound, followed by a chorus, creating a composition that is both cute and mysteriously heavy.
I often use bells in my music for Twst because they can convey a sense of glamour but also a dark weightiness. I also had the thought that bells can help set the stage of the academy where the story takes place. I used different types of bells to produce various timbres.
The other tracks I submitted as a part of the demo were 'My Room' (Disc 1 - 02), which plays on the home screen and was inspired by Ramshackle Dorm, 'College Days' (Disc 1 - 23), a versatile track used in scenes portraying daily life and the rhythmic track 'Escape the Ghosts!' (Disc 2 - 05) from the prologue."
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mysteryshoptls · 22 days
SR Ruggie Bucchi - Tsumsitter Voice Line
Tsumsitter Ruggie has no vignette
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Summon Line: They're sayin' this tsum's just like me, but don't listen to that. Unlike me, this little thing'll absolutely rip you off!
Groooovy!!: Geez, why's this tsum so hung up on madol? Who could it've gotten that obsession from…?
Home: Hey, tsum, what're you writ... A resume?
Home Idle 1: Those job postings the tsum is lookin' through all look like primo positions! Maaan, if I didn't have school, I'd totally apply!
Home Idle 2: Suuuper glad these tsums don't eat nothin'. If I had to pay for its food expenses on toppa everything else, I'd've rioted!
Home Idle 3: D'ya think that Idia-san's tsum is also good at buildin' contraptions or whatever? It'd be great if it could make somethin' so I could sell it an make a ton of moolah... Juuust kiddin'.
Home Idle - Login: Maaan, takin' care of a tsum's a drag… Guess I'll just pretend it's one of 'em lil' brats from back home followin' me 'round.
Home Idle - Groovy: Fine, I get it already! Here ya go, tsum, your half of the pay. Geez, cheeky lil' thing…
Home Tap 1: I can't really tell what the tsum is thinkin', but somehow I can kinda figure out what it's tryin' to say. I wonder why?
Home Tap 2: I was offerin' to look after Ace-kun's tsum, but he turned me down flat. Maybe I was pushin' a little too hard.
Home Tap 3: Apparently, Trey-san's tsum knows how to make cakes. I wanna cake baked by a tsum! I'll eat the whole thing myself, too!
Home Tap 4: The tsum is completely covered in chocolate!? Is there a chocolate fountain somewhere!? I wanna go so you better tell me where it is!!
Home Tap 5: If you got a present or somethin' for my tsum, I can take 'em off your hands. Don't woooorry. I'll totally make sure it gets it.
Home Tap - Groovy: Don'tcha feel like givin' me and my tsum some odd jobs to do? Our fee varies based on the type of ask, though… But hey, I can give you a friend's discount!
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Requested by @ghostydancer.
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twisted-never-land · 28 days
Deuce is... goin through it. He's doing his best though, honestly!
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phantombanquet · 6 months
Main Story: Diasomnia Book Chapter 6 Episode 7-88: Difficult Transport! (Translation)
Episode 7-88-1
⚠️ Major Diasomnia spoilers! Proceed with caution.
Location: Land of Briar - Land near Castle
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Grim: Funyaarh... Where's this place?
Sebek: This scenery... There is no doubt to it.
This is the place where we were swallowed by the “darkness”! We've returned!
Silver: Where are father and the others?
Sebek: He was supposed to be heading towards the dark forest...
Silver: !! Everyone, look at the ground. These are marks of iron shoes!
Father and the others are in danger. LET'S CHASE AFTER THEM QUICKLY!!
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Iron Ones A: W-What is this power!
Iron Ones B: If the magicians had not kept the flames out, we would have been entirely roasted by now.....!
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Knight of Dawn: Don't let your guard down! You'll be trampled on!
Mallenoa (Dragon): ROAARRRR—!!!!
Iron Ones: ARGHHHH!!!
Sebek: Ahh...... Mallenoa-sama!
Grim: Sebek, quit messin’ around!
If I remember correctly, we can't be too separated from the owner of the dream! We’ll lose Lilia if we don't do somethin’!
Sebek: You don't have to tell me! But even though I know it's just a dream…… Damn it!
[Choice 1] Yuu: I know it's tough, but we have to go.
[Choice 2] Yuu: Even if we turn back here now, it won't change the past.
Silver: ……Yeah. Let's hurry before the rain washes away their footprints!
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Location: Land of Briar - Vicinity of Castle
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Grim: Funyaargh~! The rain keeps on gettin’ heavier and heavier!
Sebek: The road is getting muddy and the sun is already setting…… You guys better hurry up! We'll lose track of their footprints!
Grim: Stop sayin’ nonsense! I can't run any faster than this!
Sebek, can't ya use the magic you used when you were looking for Silver earlier?
It went BABABAT! While it was shining and moving real quick.
Sebek: Are you talking about “Living Bolt”?
Silver: I also saw that magic for the first time. Since when did you learn your Unique Magic?
Sebek: When you entered Night Raven College, I was training all by myself in Briar Valley……
I seized the opportunity to continue my great efforts to immediately respond to the Young Lord's needs, in case of an emergency.
However… It is still far from being ‘mastered’.
It is a magic that transforms one’s body into lightning for movement and attack. But……
Since I still lack the skill needed, it leaves my body a bit damaged for a little while once I use it.
It was fortunate enough that my opponent earlier was a half-asleep Silver, but if it was an enemy, they would not wait for the damage to heal.
Even if I used that magic now to catch up with Lilia-sama and the others, I would have become a burden.
Actually, I was never really planning to use it in public.
I never thought I would have to use it to wake up the sleepyhead, Silver, of all people……
Silver: That is…… I’m sorry. But, it's a Unique Magic that’s just like you.
Sebek: Hm. (whispering) …I’m within a dream, but I guess it’s still fine to make a big deal out of it…… Jeez……
Silver: There is something I have been thinking about since we crossed Father’s dream.
Even if this is a dream shown to us through the magic of Malleus-sama—
I wonder why there were so many painful things that happened.
[Choice 1] Yuu: Now that you mentioned it…..
[Choice 2] Yuu: It’s been a series of difficult events……
Silver: In the dream that Sebek had, Father and Malleus-sama were going to an off-campus training program together……
According to Malleus-sama’s words, the person themselves is happy.
We should be able to continue seeing convenient dreams.
If that was the case, Father would not have to fight with humans and Malleus-sama’s parents would have still been alive,
We should have been able to see the dream of Briar Valley continuing to survive as a great power.
Sebek: Mhm… You certainly have a point.
Silver: Malleus-sama said he’s monitoring our dreams and that…… He’s governing over our dreams…
If he is aware of our presence, I wouldn't be surprised if he eliminates us right away, like what he did when we were in Sebek’s dream.
Sebek: Hm……
This is merely a prediction, but…
Perhaps Malleus-sama is unable to monitor Lilia-sama’s dream for some reason.
Silver: It’s possible. I wish I could somehow get Father to wake up from his dream to ask for his help……
*sounds of swords clashing*
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Everyone: !!
Sebek: The sound of a sword fight!
Silver: It sounds close! Let’s hurry!
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personal translator's note: not jp proofread as i hurriedly translated this to help those who do not understand jp. i'm not sure if i can translate the entire episode 7-88 but i will definitely translate up until the part of sebek's new ssr card.
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
Diasomnia Chapter Translation
Disclaimer: Let me reiterate once again: I’m neither a native nor fluent JP speaker, there’s bound to be mistakes in here. I do this for fun and out of love for the game. I recommend revisiting these chapters once the more experienced translators have time to post. 
Do not repost my translations!
Episode 7-38
[Black Screen]
*buzz buzz*
*buzz buzz*
Idia:..ngh, shut up…who is it…
???: Oh, you finally picked up. Hey, it’s already morning!
Idia:…Who are you?
Ortho: Hah…what, did you forget about your own little brother? It’s Ortho.
Idia: Ortho? He should be in our room...hm?
 [Ignihyde Dorm – Idia’s Room]
Idia: *opens eyes and looks around*  What…?
Ortho: Brother, how many years has it been since we shared the same nursery? You’re still half asleep.
Idia: No, I didn’t come to Night Raven College with Ortho…hm? Hm??
Idia: Ortho, where are you?
Ortho: Huh? Where else? At the Royal Sword Academy
Ortho: The entrance ceremony is today, and I’m a freshman! Night Raven College’s ceremony is also today, right?
Ortho: Brother also said that your first job as the Dorm Leader is today, so you cannot oversleep
Ortho: You asked me to give you a call to wake you up.
Idia: Is that so…? Yeah, I think that’s right
Ortho: It’s a different institution, but I’m still happy to go to school at the same island as my brother!
Idia: Right. Ortho is a highschool student…
Ortho: Haha! Why do you sound like a proud parent?
Ortho: I’m going to hang up now…Don’t fall asleep again! See you later!
Idia: Ahh. Maybe I’m still dizzy from being so absorbed in the game until late last night.
Idia: I mean, why did I ask Ortho to call me in the morning?
Idia: Our entrance ceremony starts at night.
Idia:…Well, today is a happy day since Ortho finally became a highschool student.
Idia: Now, how should I kill the time while waiting for the ceremony to start?
Idia:…I’m going to complete my dailies in the game
Idia: I’ll arrange the materials I got yesterday…and I’ll sell the ones I don’t need.
[Crimson Muscle logged in]
Idia: Huh? It’s Mr. Crimson Muscle. It’s rare of him to log in so early.
Gloomy Samurai: What a marathon for materials we had last night! It was hard to fall sleep.
Crimson Muscle: Thank you for your help last night. I think I’ll be able to craft the weapon I was aiming for thanks to you.
Gloomy Samurai: Oh, is it that big sword? Show it off in the next quest!
Crimson Muscle: Of course. I owe it all to you cooperation
Crimson Muscle: And the materials for the helmet you wanted seem to have been obtained by a certain someone.
Crimson Muscle: Will you take them?
Gloomy Samurai: What!! Is it really okay?! If you sold those super rare materials, you would make a fortune…
Crimson Muscle: Let’s move onto the next quest with the upgraded equipment.
Gloomy Samurai: Eh~ What a pleasure…my deepest gratitude~
Crimson Muscle: By the way, it’s strange for you to be logged in at this hour. Are you on a holiday?
Gloomy Samurai: I have to dress up tonight. I thought I’d complete my dailies while I’m at it.
Gloomy Samurai: Is Mr. Muscle on vacation?
Crimson Muscle: No, it’s not my day off, but I also have time until tonight.
Gloomy Samurai: Then why don’t we do the daily quests together?
Crimson Muscle: That sounds good. I’d love to accompany you
Gloomy Samurai: Well, time to call it a day. Thank you for your time!
Crimson Muscle: I had a great time. See you later.
[Crimson Muscle logged out]
Idia: Phew. I was just going to complete my daily tasks, but I got so excited that I even completed a sub-quest.
Idia: I was able to craft new equipment thanks to the materials he gave me…today was a good day.
Idia:…now, I need to change my clothes and get ready.
Idia: Ah~ the entrance ceremony is a gathering for all the students. Such a big and troublesome event.
Idia: It feels like such a good day is about to take a turn for the worst…I hate it.
Idia: If only Ortho wasn’t looking forward to it...hm?
Idia: No, it has nothing to do with Ortho. He is enrolled at the Royal Sword Academy.
Idia: What am I even saying.
Idia: Well, let’s see.
Idia: Anyway, let me change into the ceremonial robes…and take the cleaning tag from last year off.
Idia: There’s too much fodder in my closet.
[to be continued]
Note: hahaha can you hear me crying from here? hahahahah...og!Ortho was about two years younger than Idia hahaha...*head in hands*
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twiwoncrackpopcorn · 1 year
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Twisted Wonderland OFFICIAL Prefect Profile from DisneyGamesJP
the great Grim-sama thought some sidekicks may want this so here you go funyaah~
How to use :
download the picture from Tumblr, full resolution is 3000x1688px it's a png,
the "Message" block took more lines to translate than the original, and I kinda adapted it a bit, but the essential info is there + I used Maiandra GD font for it,
in the "Message" section, it's asking you the date since when you've been playing Twisted Wonderland, the format is the 年 year first, then the 月 month,
the "Question" section is like an interview, asking you about your favourite memory from the Game or your OC story, where you've been traveling or would like to travel in TW, what kind of Magic Spell you wish would exist if anything is possible, and what you would do if you had 1 million Madolls,
the "My Best" ranking is up for you to choose what to rank > put "College Subjects" or "Cooking" or "Friends" or anything else in the first box and then use the boxes 1, 2, 3 for your replies,
the white slots are for you to type / insert / draw your own things,
if you want to use the title font similar to the game, you can download and use Swistblnk Banthers,
if you want to reuse some of the game official assets to insert, go and visit @alchemivich and don't forget to credit their efforts,
Official Post on Twitter (in JP) :
Feel free to Reblog and Upload your Profile with the link to this post, but DO NOT REPOST THE TEMPLATE (although it's only some translation edit, it's rude to take other people efforts for your own likes, the Queen of Hearts Phantom will hunt you down for your head if you don't follow the Rules!)
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twonderland-itaru · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Tsumsitter personal story: Parte 2
(Parte 1) (Parte 3)
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Jack: Leona! Finalmente ti ho trovato!
Leona: Oh, Jack. Che succede... Hm? Quella cosa sulla spalla...
Jack: si capo, è uno Tsum 
Leona: Uno tsum? Che cos'è?
Jack: In realtà, ho conosciuto questo piccoletto poco tempo fa e... Quando ne abbiamo parlato con il preside, è stato deciso di chiamarli "Tsum". Inoltre mi è stato detto di sorvegliarlo.
Leona: Uh, ti è stato affidato qualcosa di problematico. Ascolta, quando succede una cosa del genere, devi assillarli, discutere e rifiutare con insistenza finché non rinunciano di fartelo fare. Capito?
Jack: Si capo! A proposito, Leona-senpai, hai visto altri Tsum mentre venivi qui?
Leona: No. Non ne ho visti. 
Jack: Ho capito… se ne troviamo altri dobbiamo segnalarli al preside...
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Jack: Quella cosa sulla tua spalla è... uno Tsum Leona!
Leona: Questa cosa... deve avermi seguito! Vattene via!
[tenta di scacciare lo Tsum]
Jack: Wow, anche se  cerchi di scrollarlo di dosso, rimane fermo senza problemi... È davvero forte. Ha un aspetto molto regale e stranamente intimidatorio. Sarà anche piccolo, ma è davvero come Leona
Leona: non lo è!
Jack: Sembra che lo Tsum sia davvero felice. Credo che non voglia lasciare la tua spalla, Leona. È piuttosto carino e affettuoso.
Leona: Non ridere di me,anche tu hai a che fare con questo... perfino il tuo Tsum si comporta in modo strano.
Jack: Cosa vuoi dire?
Leona: Sta facendo gli squat sulla tua spalla da quando sei arrivato. A quanto pare lavora sodo, vero?
Jack: Cosa?!
Leona: Guardalo, guardalo. È tutto felice, anche la coda è... è una coda quella vero?
Jack: E' molto corta, ma sono abbastanza sicuro che lo sia…
Leona: Scodinzola. Deve essere felice di essere accudito da te.
Jack: S-se lo dici tu, allora anche il tuo Tsum... Aspetta, cosa!? Il tuo Tsum si sta afflosciando! Si sta appiattendo sulla spalla. Ehi, Tsum! Va tutto bene? Forse non si sente bene...
Tsum Leona: Zzzz
Jack:…ah, sta dormendo
Leona: Ottimo. Colgo l'occasione per scaricarlo qui.
Jack: starà bene?
Leona: Per cominciare, è una creatura selvatica. Sono sicuro che starà bene in giardino. Addio
Jack: Wow... Anche se si tratta di una creatura che gli assomiglia, non ha pietà...
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Leona: Sigh... Sono decisamente in debito di sonno a causa di tutto quel trambusto di ieri.Perché dovrei preoccuparmi per quello Tsum?
[lo Tsum salta su Leona]
Leona: Sei di nuovo qui! ...Ehi, smettila di rimbalzare sulla mia pancia! Perché mi segui? È davvero fastidioso. Vai a giocare con gli altri…O forse hai capito che se mi segui, ti ritroverai i posti migliori per fare un pisolino?
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Leona:Ottimo. Immagino che tu sia più intelligente di quanto sembri. E' una tale seccatura continuare a farvi smammare. Comunque va bene, resta lì, ma è meglio che non mi disturbi mentre dormo.
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mysteryshoptls · 23 days
R Jamil Viper - Tsumsitter Voice Lines
Tsumsitter Jamil does not have a vignette.
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Summon Line: The situation is just as it seems. I, too, have been tasked to look after this tsum that looks like me... Honestly, I don't have the time for this.
Groooovy!!: It came with an influx of unnecessary work, but… I guess having the tsums here wasn't all bad.
Home: Behave yourself, tsum.
Home Idle 1: Earlier, the tsum was studying the ingredients in the kitchen with fervent concentration. I can see the intensity in its gaze... Does it know how to cook...!?
Home Idle 2: The fact that this tsum isn't causing issues, despite being a tsum, is actually causing me to feel even more stressed. Hey, little guy... You're not scheming anything, right?
Home Idle 3: What's wrong, why are you trembling so pathetically...? Wait, do you hate bugs too? Hey, stop it! Don't push me! No using me as a shield!
Home Idle - Login: Since these tsums are already here, there's nothing I can do but grin and bear it. But if it's truly similar to me, it won't be a problem-child... Right?
Home Tap 1: The tsum Malleus-senpai is looking after holds the same sort of dignified aura. I'm curious how it will be hailed in Diasomnia.
Home Tap 2: Ruggie's tsum saw some food and leaped at it instantly. It doesn't even have a mouth, and it's still obsessed with eating...
Home Tap 3: According to Silver, this tsum is a lot more prudent when compared to the others. I see, so that's how it comes off.
Home Tap 4: Tsum, now that I take a closer look, I see that you have a hair clip with a feather on it. Amazing how there's yet another similarity between us.
Home Tap 5: ...Try not to rouse the tsum too much. We know nothing about this creature, and they do say that the more amiable something is, the scarier it is when provoked.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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twisted-never-land · 1 month
We did a full length version of the theme song for our channel anniversary! Now including the 2nd verse!! ♫
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phantombanquet · 11 months
Main Story: Diasomnia Book Chapter 4 (Translation)
7-63: State of Concern!
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Land of Briar - Campsite
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Lilia: Baul, you ended up having another three servings of “risotto”.
Was it that good? Kufufu.
Baul: O-On second thought, there was no crime in the food.
Sebek: I'm glad it suits your taste!
Baul: Ahem! Even... so.¹
Lilia: Ahh. Those Silver Owls have been frequenting this side of the Whistling Wind Valley² lately.
Baul: They ravage the Land of Briar as if it were their own….. Those lowly thieves!
Lilia: Around 100 years ago, one small ship barely landed on a cape where the sunrise could be viewed from the top of a high mountain.
However, in a blink of an eye, those guys grew in number and outnumbered the fairies living in this country.
Now, the Whistling Wind Valley from the east is completely their home.
Baul: Grrrr…… Those humans~~~~!!
If that was the case, we should have just driven them out!!
Lilia: I'm certain Her Majesty The Queen didn't think they would be this much of a handful back then.
Sebek, Silver: ……
Lilia: If they had respected nature, animals, and lived modestly, I would have left them alone, however……
I can't stand that they continue digging up all over the mountains and forest.
We must hurry and deliver Mallenoa-sama's letter to the Eastern Fortress.
Grim: Mallenoa-sama? Who even is that?
Sebek: You bastard³, do you not know of Mallenoa-sama? She is the Young Lord's….. Ah!
……Mallenoa-sama is the Princess of the Land of Briar.
Lilia: It's as the youngster says.
She is the only daughter of the current Queen Maleficia, our master and the Lord of the “Wild Rose (Heidenröslein) Castle”⁴.
Silver: “Wild Rose Castle?” The Royal Castle in the Dragon Capital, and not the “Black Scale Castle”⁵?
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Lilia: A green field with a wetland spreading throughout the south side of the Land of Briar.
In the center of it all, a fortress glares at the scoundrels coming from beyond the Coral Sea and the Whistling Valley…
That is the “Wild Rose Castle”.
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Baul: Mallenoa-sama, who commands the Royal Guards, is the keystone of this country's defense.
We, as the Royal Palace's guards, will be the delegation that delivers a written request to the “Silver Owls” from Mallenoa-sama.
Today, we had just left the Wild Rose Castle.
Sebek: When you say “written request”......
Baul: Isn't it obvious! It is an ultimatum to immediately stop the ill-mannered behavior of the “Silver Owls” in our country!
Lilia: Hah…… If I could fly by magic, I could easily reach their fortress.
Silver: Is there any reason you don't use flying?
Lilia: The delegations that carried the letter to the Eastern Fortress before us have been disappearing one after another.
Sebek, Silver: Eh!?
Lilia: Our job is to deliver the letter.
Next is to search for the missing ones on the way to the destination. And…
To find and destroy the “Silver Owls” who continue mining without the permission of the fairies.
Baul: Guh…… Diplomacy is primarily the work of the aristocrats. Why must the General be forced to do so!
Lilia: Fairies are much fewer in number compared to humans. Ever since the “Silver Owls” showed up, there has constantly been a shortage in labor.
Moreover, the aristocrats were so unreliable that the mere scent of iron made them swoon.
Mallenoa-sama must have also had that in mind, and chose me instead.
Baul: That is…
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Lilia: From now on, we will pass through the Forest of the Night, travel along the green fields, and walk towards the Whistling Wind Valley.
After passing through the Whistling Wind Valley, we will search for the missing ones in the Red Field and at the slope of the Dragon Mountain while aiming for the fortress of the “Silver Owls” at the eastern continent.
Silver: ……It's going to be a long trip.
Lilia: Kufufu. Are you frightened?
Hey, messengers of Night Raven College. Does it look like I still have spare time to attend school?
Sebek, Silver, Grim: ……
Lilia: Even if you break your bones to follow us, you will only be taking a risk and there is not much good left for all of you.
I won't say anything bad, so go back to your school.
Silver: ……No! Now that I have heard you talk like this—!
My desire to have Vanrouge-dono enter Night Raven College has grown even stronger.
Lilia: Ha?
Silver: Indeed, there is not much “magic” we can teach you. However……
I am certain that school life will become an irreplaceable memory for you.
Sebek: Silver……
Silver: That's why, the moment we finish this mission, I will invite you once again—
To our alma mater, Night Raven College!
Lilia: I still won't change my mind once this mission is over…
…Even so, do you still intend to stick with us?
Silver: Yes!
Lilia: Even if your life is in danger?
Silver: YES!!
Lilia: ……
I don't know much about humans…… Could it be that Night Raven College is filled with fairly weird guys among the humans?
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Silver: Certainly, there are many of them who are fairly unique.
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Sebek: The origins, race, and even culture… It's diverse.
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Silver: That is why we learn so much every day.
Lilia: Ha… Have it your way. I don't know anymore.
Silver, Sebek: THANK YOU!!
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translation notes:
¹ - I just want to note that Baul said 「それにしても……です。」 です is a Japanese copula (grammatically links subjects and predicates), and is commonly for politeness. The way I formatted the text was the only way I could think of on how to express what he said. Tldr: Baul is still trying to be polite even if he's being teased so bad rn
² - 「風鳴き渓谷」 Whistling Wind Valley; it contains the kanji for wind 風 and the kanji 鳴く, which is commonly used as “to sing (bird). I decided to literally translate as to not drastically change the original text.
³ - 「貴様」 Sebek usually uses this (as well as Baul and, sometimes, General Lilia) i just wanted to make a note of it lol. Kisama is a derogatory way to address someone, and the closest translation for it is “You bastard”.
⁴ - 「野ばら城」 I believe 野ばら (translation: Wild Rose) is also a reference to Heidenröslein, a poem written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe about a young man plucking a rose despite the rose's warning not to or else she will stick to him with her thorn forever.
⁵ - 「黒鱗城」 (くりんじょう) Black Scale Castle; it contains the kanji for black 黒 and the kanji for scale 鱗 (of fish, snake, etc. but in this context it's probably dragon scales). Again, I decide to literally translate it as to not drastically change the original text.
personal note: i decided to translate ONLY this chapter because it contained important locations to know for the world building lore. i won't fully translate the entire chapter 4 because of its length.
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