#viking-raider fics
viking-raider · 5 months
Syverson Family War
Summary-> You've just gotten off a 12-hour shift at the hospital, only to return home and get swept up into a Syverson Family War, between your husband and three children.
Pairing-> Austin "Sy" Syverson/Reader
Word Count-> 3.2k
Warnings-> PG: FLUFF, Cotton Candy Fluff, Light Teasing, Soft!Sy, SAHD!Sy, Nurse!Reader
Inspiration-> This Instagram Video (If this isn't Sy vibes, idk who Sy is!)
Author’s Note-> This is a work of Fiction!
Divider by->  @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
-> If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST as well as my @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’ Ao3-> DRAGON_DWELLER
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You were more than excited to be home after a nearly twelve hour shift at the hospital. Your back throbbed and your feet were screaming at the top of their arches from running up and down the ER department. You didn’t even bother gathering up your tote of stuff, as you got out of your car, since you had the next two days off. So, they would wait until a two hour long bubble bath and a nap with eternity.
But upon entering your modest, two story Ranch house, you were bombarded by silence. Your eyes narrowed as they scanned the dining room to your left and living room to your right, ears pricking up for the slightest movement from the bedrooms upstairs.
Something was clearly off. It was almost never this quiet in the Syverson household.
There was always some sort of ruckus or chaos in motion. Your husband blasting music in the garage, where he had set up a small work-out area or telling off whatever game was playing on the enormous tv in the living room. If it wasn’t Sy, it was a combination of your three kids. Your two boys wrestling each other over a toy or giggles, or your daughter discovering a new, little critter from the backyard and bringing it in, before promptly losing it. Or all three kids getting into mischief with each other somehow.
But when it was silent, you knew there were real shenanigans afoot.
You drew in a deep breath, mustering what energy you had left inside yourself, for Syverson Madness. “Guys! I’m home!” You called out, swinging the front door shut with a little more strength than usual, as you moved a step deeper into the powderkeg. “What are you nuts up to?” You mumbled to yourself, moving towards the living room, still trying to keep yourself alert for any kind of trap or scare.
Little good it did, as a strong hand suddenly grabbed your elbow and yanked you backwards into the dark portal of the laundry room door, with a yelp. The hand shifted to your mouth and the door closed with a soft click.
“Ssshh.” Sy cooed at you, moving his hand away. “Gotta keep quiet, Sugar Butt.” He chuckled at you.
You could hear the smirk on his bearded face, before he clicked on the tactical flashlight he was carrying. You looked him over in the dim light, discovering him in his full Army tactical gear, minus his bare feet. He even sported his night vision goggles clipped to his helmet.
“What in the he-” You were about to demand, scanning him again, but spotted one of your son’s Nerf Rifles strapped to his back. “Give me that!” You huffed, gobsmacked, as you took the light and started checking him and the laundry room out. “Good Lord, Almighty!” You laughed, shaking your head.
He had a Nerf pistol in his thigh holster, a pump gun on the dryer, a blaster beside that, and copious amounts of ammo on the washer, with pop grenades. Which you knew were filled with either baby powder or flour from the last time a Syverson War had been declared on the house.
You looked up at your husband, bottom lip trapped between your teeth for a moment. “How long has World War Syverson Seven been going?” You asked, completely amused by how lost Sy got into playing with your kids, and how much they loved it when he did.
Sy looked at his watch. “Since just after breakfast. Myles chose violence and shot Ada in the back, while she was trying to color a picture. Tears ensued, which caused Colt to declare revenge on Myles, in Ada’s name.”
“You got roped into this, how?”
“Ada got in on it, insisting she didn’t need a man to defend her honor…”
“That’s my girl.” You chuckled, smirking.
“It is.” Sy laughed back. “But, in defending her own honor, she shot me in the leg, while I was trying to get them to chill out.”
You nodded your head, seeing all the pieces fall into place. “Which, obviously, by the Syverson Code, requires you to defend your own honor.”
“Obviously, Angel!” Sy answered, faking outrage. “You should know that, after fifteen years!”
“Fifteen years, and I’m still jotting things down in the Syverson Code of Conduct booklet!” You laughed, shaking your head, there were a lot of things Sy lived and would die by.
They were many of the things that made your heart swell with love for the burly, ex-Army vet.
“So, how do I configure into this madness?”
“You just got home from a super long shift, Sugar.” He answered, brow pinching. “You’re an innocent bystander. I just had to save you before one of those hellions out there shot you.”
“My savior.” You cooed, pushing up on your toes and kissing him. “My back and arches appreciate you.”
“The Lair is off limits, per usual.” He informed you. “We just have to make it out of here and upstairs.”
“Quite the way.” You commented, mentally mapping your and Sy’s route out of the laundry room, through the living room and entryway, then finally up the stairs and home free to the master bedroom, which was referred to as the Lair, where you could rest without having to worry about the family war.
“All right, Captain, what’s the plan?”
He gave you the Syverson wink and reached over your head, there was a sharp click and from outside the laundry room, you heard the kids’ screech. Sy had thrown the power switch to the house, plunging it into the darkness. You chuckled, smirking, understanding his tactic now.
“Stay close.” He whispered to you, clicking his ammo to his vest on, before moving to the door. “The enemy is sneaky and uncivilized.” He said, pressing his body against it, listening carefully to the other side.
“Like their father.” You mumbled under your breath with a snort, huddling yourself against his back.
“I’d say more like their mama.” Sy commented back, reaching back to pop you on the bum, then slowly cracked open the door.
You shuffled out after him, casting glances over your shoulder every few seconds. It was easy going, getting through the living room. Sy had defended it mightily throughout the day, so the kids had become shy about entering their father’s domain. You trusted Sy to protect you, from everything, your kids included. Silly as that was to think.
“We have movement at 12!” Sy called out, catching your nine year old, Myles, through his night vision in his fort, consisting of the dining table and chairs that he was hunkered down underneath, belly crawling from one end towards the other, closing the gap between himself and the entryway. “He’s under the table. A sneaky little sniper boy.” He snickered, shouldering the Nerf-AR resting against his side.
You scrunched yourself up behind Sy’s wide and muscular back as Nerf Darts started whizzing by, striking the scuffed wood floor or sticking to the walls. Both Sy and Myles laughed maniacally as they shot at each other; tossing weak insults on top of it.
“Milk drinker!” Myles shouted, hustling to reload.
“Lizard eater!” Sy shot back, smirking.
“Now, boys!” You scolded weakly, snorting.
They continued their assault, Sy guiding you towards a pocket the bottom stairs provided coming down into the foyer, allowing you to take cover and him to shoot through the bars of the steps.
“Are you hit?” You asked, playing along with the game.
“Nothing I’ll die from.” He answered, reloading his weapons. “But, you can be a good nurse and kiss them all better.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“That’s cheating!” Myles yelled out.
“Well, If I was over there, I’d do the same thing to you, Bud!” You called back, planting a kiss on Sy’s cheek, his well-groomed beard tickling your skin.
“An aid relief truce then?” Myles suggested, poking his head out from under the table.
“Certainly not!” Sy barked back, popping a Nerf dart off over his son’s head, sending him scurrying back into his fort. “She’s my nurse! I found her out wandering the battlefield, unprotected. If you wanted her to be your nurse, you should have found her first, yourself!”
“I almost did! Before you kidnapped her!” Myles huffed, hotly. “You’re holding her hostage!” He suddenly insisted. “Don’t worry, Mama. I’ll rescue you!”
“Oh my, a hostage situation.” You sighed, licking your lips. “I appreciate your devotion, son.”
“Ha.” Sy scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t think so, boy. I’m escorting this lovely lady to the Lair.”
As Sy and Myles argued over who was going to have the pleasure of accompanying you upstairs, you caught a slight movement behind you and Sy, lurking in the darkness of the living room; moving slowly. It vanished behind the couch, and for a moment you thought it was just Aika, but when something popped up over the back of the couch, then quickly ducked down again, you were then positive it wasn’t the old girl. But your Daddy’s girl, Ada. Of all the children, six year old Ada was the most like her father. She’d been attached to Sy’s hip from the moment she left your womb. Hanging on Sy’s every word, movement and action, that sometimes it spooked you.
So, watching her stealth around in the dark of the living room was both impressive, amusing and a tad terrifying. Especially since you knew the little hellion was coming for revenge on her father and brother. There were no alliances between them during a Syverson war. You were the only ally allowed to go between the four of them. Mending wounds, mostly pretend ones, but sometimes there were real ones. Sometimes, you’d team up with one of them, to take on the other three.
“On your six! In the living room, babe!” You warned, snagging the Nerf pistol from Sy’s thigh holster as he reacted, purely by instinct, removing one of his baby powder pop grenades, tossing it behind him without looking, trusting your instruction.
Ada startled, surprised that you had noticed her, followed by a cloud of baby powder obscuring her view. She came to a halt, upon hurdling the back of the couch, in an attempt to overtake you and Sy. You took aim and fired, the Nerf dart hitting her square in the chest.
“Nice shot, hon.” Sy nodded, patting your leg, then called out to his daughter. “Sorry, Cricket, but that’s a kill shot.” He told her, his voice soft, but uncompromising.
Ada huffed, pressing her lips together. “Not fair, Mama isn’t supposed to shoot us! She doesn’t have anything to avenge!” She protested, crossing her arms.
Sy chuckled, cocking his head at her. “Mama has her own special rules in our Wars, you know that, Cricket.”
“I’ll come kiss it better, but you know Daddy’s five minute rule.” You chimed in, feeling bad about it, you honestly hadn’t meant to hit her, it was just a lucky shot.
But rules were rules. You could go and kiss her boo-boo better, allowing her to enter the War game again. However, Sy had made a rule that anyone hit with a Kill Shot had to be dead for at least five minutes, before you could render aid to them.
“All right.” Ada sighed, before flopping to the floor with a dramatic sound.
“Where were we?” Sy asked, then nodded. “Right, Myles, kindly allow me to escort my Nurse upstairs.”
“No deal, Pops.” Myles replied, shaking his head.
“Can I just go upstairs on my own?” You asked, peeking at your son through the spindles of the stairs.
Myles was quiet for a moment, considering. “Only if I get to keep you to myself for an hour!” He finally answered.
“Oh, he drives a hard bargain, that son of yours.” You teased Sy, tickling the back of his neck.
“That he does.” Sy agreed, shivering, as he brewed over Myles' offer. “You can have her for thirty minutes!” He negotiated with him.
“Thirty minutes!” Myles barked in outrage.
“You have to go to bed in two hours, boy!” Sy reminded him.
“So, give her to me for an hour!”
You smirked and pressed your palm to the base of Sy’s neck, leaning in close, your lips brushing against his ear, so only he could hear you. “Let him have me for the hour, Austin. I’ve been gone for twelve hours, and they have to go to bed in two. It’ll give me a little bit of time with them.” You reasoned with your husband. “We’ll have all night together after they're asleep, and the next two days, when they're at school.”
Sy nodded, rubbing his lips together. “You’re right.” He whispered back to you. “All right, you can have her for an hour, after you let her go upstairs and do what she pleases.”
A muffled yes came from the dining room. “Deal! You’re free to come out, Mama!”
“Thank God! I have to pee really bad.” You chuckled, kissing Sy, before scurrying out of your hiding place with him and started up the stairs, as you reached the top, you wondered where your middle child, Colt, was.
The seven year old was oddly missing in action the whole time the rest of you were battling and negotiating downstairs. As you reached the top, a cry filled the air, startling the life out of you, before a fury of Nerf darts peppered you all over.
“COLT!” You howled at the boy, dashing for your bedroom door and taking cover behind it.
“Colt Nero Syverson!” Sy’s voice called up the stairs. “You know the rules about firing upon your mother!”
“I’m sorry, Mama.” Colt’s soft voice whimpered in the dark to you. “I didn’t know it was you.”
“It’s fine, little man.” You sighed, rubbing a hand over your face. “Just mind yourself.”
“Okay, Ma.” He smiled, ducking back into his hiding place; his room.
“Oh, this family.” You sighed again, closing the door and rushing for the en suite, tugging off your shoes as you went. “Ooo.” You cooed, enjoying the feeling of the icy tile on your bare, throbbing feet.
Bladder empty, you splashed some cool water in your face, then got out of your nursing scrubs, replacing them with a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top. You laid down on your and Sy’s enormous bed, dozing off for a couple minutes before getting back up to fulfill the promises you made to Ada and Myles.
“Colt, I’m coming out, please don’t shoot me.” You called through the crack you opened in the bedroom door.
“Okay, Mama!” He called back.
Coming out of the room, you stood at the top of the stairs, but frowned and turned, heading down to Colt’s room. “What are you doing, buddy?” You asked, peeking around the doorframe, seeing he had made a little barricade and was hunkered down behind his bed. “Why haven’t you come down to challenge your dad, brother and sister?”
“Oh, I have, Ma!” He answered, his smile showing off the two front teeth he lost a month before. “I’m just waiting for the most opportune time to go back downstairs to finish off whoever is left.” He sat up on his bed a little more, eyeing you. “How many of them are left?”
You smirked at him, slyly. “You know I’m not allowed to give away information to someone, especially if I’m not teamed up with them, little man.”
“Poop.” He huffed, slapping his mattress and sitting back. “Do you wanna be on my team?” He asked, hopeful.
“Sadly, your Papa had to bargain me off to your brother for an hour, so I could go to the Lair and change.” You informed him, giving him a sympathetic smile. “But, how about this? When it’s bedtime, I’ll come and read to you, whatever you want.”
“Eragon!” He gasped, enthralled again.
“All right, wee man, if I don’t see you before then, I’ll see you at bed time.” You cooed at him.
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You headed back downstairs, pausing on the middle landing. “I’m coming downstairs, don’t shoot!” You announced to Sy and Myles.
“All clear!” They both called back.
You joined them downstairs, finding them just as you left them.
“Mommy, can I be alive again?” Ada called to you from her spot behind the couch.
“Yes, love, I’m coming right now to fix your boo-boo.” You replied, crossing the entryway and leaned over her, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “There, sweet girl. All healed and alive again. Off you trot. Why don’t you watch a movie on your tablet, until bedtime?”
“Thanks, Mama!” She giggled, hugging your waist, then ran off.
With your daughter resurrected, you joined Myles in the dining room, and despite the soreness in your body, got under the table with him. “Just you, Colt and your Papa now, big man.” You told him, propping your head up on your hand. “Tough crowd.”
“But I got you, Mama.” Myles countered. “You can heal all my wounds.”
“Mm, that I can.” You nodded, casting your eyes past the table legs and made out Sy’s outline. “But, that’s about all the energy I’ve got for you. Bringing your sister back to life took a lot out of me. So, I can’t help you fight either of them.”
“That’s fine. I can finish them.”
You reached out and brushed your fingers through his tamed, black curls. “I have all the faith in the world in you, my sweet boy.” You cooed at him, lovingly.
“Moooom!” He groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Time’s wastin’, kid!” Sy called out.
“You stay here, mom. I’m gonna sneak around.” Myles said, wiggling back up the table towards the back entry of the kitchen.
“I’ll be here.” You replied, propping your head up on your hand, eyes drooping for a moment.
At least, you thought it was for a moment, until you felt a pair of strong hands grab your ankles and yanked you out from underneath the table, startling you awake from the nap you dozed into.
“Naw, just me, Angel.” Sy grinned, helping you up.
“Where’s Myles?” You asked, rubbing at the sleep in your eyes and noticing he wasn’t in his tactical gear anymore, but just a pair of shorts.
“Out cold in bed.” He answered, steadying you with his hands on your hips.
“But…” You frowned, glancing at the stairs over your shoulder.
“Colt came down not long after Myles tried sneaking around me through the kitchen.” Sy explained to you, a proud little glint in his blue eyes. “Took out both of us, the little rascal.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “We found you asleep and they understood you had a long day, and would spend time with them tomorrow, after they came home from school.”
You pressed your forehead against his chest. “What in the world would I do without you?” You cooed, sighing heavily.
“I don’t know what we would do without you.” He replied, encasing you in his muscular arms and resting his chin on top of your head, rocking gently. “Let’s go to bed, love.” He whispered, scooping you up off your sore feet and carried you upstairs, to bed.
You moaned softly, sinking into the mattress as Sy tossed the blankets over you and kissed your temple, before joining.
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Key: ✽ - Complete, ✽✽ - Hiatus, ♥ - Mature, ✢ - Sensitive Content, ⟳ - Coming soon
Salt in Our Wounds: I II III IV ♥
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peyton-warren · 2 months
Fluffy Syverson Recommendations
@cynic-spirit asked on my post here for Fluffy!Sy fic. I decided to start a new post to try to gather some steam to get them recommendations. Here are mine in no real order other than how I found them doing a search. Please add more in comments/reblogs and I will continue to update this list as we go.
Loopy by @pterodactylterrace <<<< Possibly my FAVORITE ALL TIME FAVORITE SY FLUFF!!
The bear and his honey by @gummydummy19
Sweetest things by @mayloma
Syverson Family War by @viking-raider
A Year in Apartment 6B by @gummydummy19
Untitled Mother's Day Fluff by @geralts-yenn
Three-Jump Cowboy by @peyton-warren
Buns in the Oven by @littlefreya ( i cant believe I forgot this one in my original post!!)
More Angst than Fluff but I love them anyway:
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by @ellethespaceunicorn
The Bell Tower by @thesaucynomad
List of Sy Writers, Alphabetical (mainly so I avoid duplicates) but not inclusive of all Sy Writers:
@imyourbratzdoll @keanureevesisbae
@mrsevans90 @notabronte @oddsnendsfanfics
@ramp-it-up @rmtndew
Do not mean any offense to anyone not on the lists above. This is meant only as a start! Will build as more folks provide more stuff. Also check comments for more recommendations. I did not add stories that were added below to the above list. And a number or writers provided links to their master lists.
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firefly-graphics · 9 months
Hey! I'm so excited to finally find your requests open! I was wondering if you could do like a treasure finding divider for me, for an upcoming fic I have. Like Gold coins or something? I trust you'll blow it out of the water.
Hi @viking-raider - I'm sorry this is very delayed, here are some treasure-themed dividers even though it is likely this fic has already been released. Hope you like them.
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romana-after-dark · 1 year
The Wrong Way: Chapter 1
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Raider!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Raider!Tommy Miller x Fem!Reader
Chapter 2
Summery: You are sold to Joel to clear up some of your fathers' debts, and he takes you back to his house where him, Tommy, and high ranking members of his raiding trope stay. Joel is mean, cruel, and hash, but had small moments of softness that confuse you in your venerable state. Over time, you get to know him and Tommy, and see different sides of each, an both are hiding secrets. Was it possible to fall in love under these circumstances? Or was that just another way Joel was fucking with you?
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. Blow Jobs, PIV sex, lose of virginity, sex trafficking, past incest, death/people dying everywhere, Stockholm syndrome, falling for your rapist, victim blaming, torcher, branding, physical abuse, attempted sexual assault (not Joel), somno, self-harm/depression/suicidal thoughts (not a lot)but fair warning, major age gap
This is a reader fic, reader is early 20's, Joel is 40's at this point, reader is small enough that the men can lift her, but these are strong men. Reader is also refered to as little one, little girl ETC, but that's more in reference to her age/innocence than physical size.
The first time you met Joel Miller was a flurry of events.
“C’mon Joel, I don’t have it this time but I promise, next month its yours”
Jaimie, your dad, stood in front of Joel, who was unarmed but guarded by his group of fellow raiders who had guns pointed at Jaimie and his men. “Next time you’ll owe me nearly double, I’m tired of waiting, I got a reputation to uphold.”
Jaimie owed Joel money, and a lot of it. The amount of land Joel controlled was expansive, a damn near kingdom at this point that FEDRA didn’t bother with since it was so far out in the middle of nowhere. Joel and his gang of raiders made a near Viking-like living out here. You could either pay Joel monthly with small amounts of food or resources and in return you have a modicum of protection from him and other raiders as Joel’s men patrolled areas under their control, or Joel just raids you and takes everything you have. Easy enough choice. Problem was, if Joel’s men raided your farm or town, in general, they didn’t kill you if you didn’t try to fight. However, if he didn’t get what he expected from you, he was none too thrilled about using his men's resources to protect people who weren’t paying, and that debt could easily end up with someone dead, and that’s how Joel came to your dads house.
“Fine” Joel grumbled, turning to one of his men, a tall redhead. “Kill him”
“Wait!” Your dad shouted, and Joel held up a hand to stop the gunman.
“I’m listening”
“I have a daughter” Jaimie offered.
Joel narrowed his eyes at that. “You think I need help getting my dick wet?” He began to turn to the red haired man again, when your dad shouted the words that really piqued Joel’s interest.
“She’s a virgin!”
Jaimie continued, motioning for one of his men to get you from where you were hiding in the hall. “You can have your way with her, as long as you want, knock off some of what I owe you, and next month I’ll have the rest, unless of course you want her again.”
You’re pulled in before the two groups, and had the distinct feeling you were on display.
A man to the right of Joel, looking a little younger than him but only by a few years, with longer, dark hair, finally spoke. “You pimping out your own daughter?” He said with disgust.
Your dad glared at him. “Judge me all you want, Tommy, not all of us have powerful family to protect us” he turned back to Joel.
Joel held out a hand, stopping the interaction, then turned to you. His gaze was intense, focussed, harsh, and you couldn’t help but be afraid. You were used to this, of course, your dad using you as a bargaining tool, bad men who had used you and hurt you, leaving bruises and scars that were visible even from where Joel stood, but Joel was different, Joel was powerful, Joel was a cold blooded killer, and was not someone you wanted to upset or god forbid disappoint when he took you; you might end up with a bullet in the head if he wasn’t happy with a blowjob. 
Joel scanned you, taking in your body and no doubt the marks that littered your skin. “You let them do that to her?” He referenced the bruises.
Your dads hands were still raised. “Other men have used her mouth, but nothing other than that. Some men just want to toss her around, rough her up a bit, get themselves off like that, but you’d be the first inside her.”
“Joel.” The younger man spoke with a warning. “Don’t”
“I’ll do damnwell whatever I please” Joel grumbled, turning to your dad. “Mouth only, I’ll see if she’d worth buying more off after that.”
Jaimie nodded. “Sure! You can rough her up too, if you want, that’s extra, of course-”
“Shut up, I’ll decide the price when I’m done with her.” Quickly, Joel strode over to you and hanked you out of the other man’s grasp, half-dragging you to another room, your dad calling out to you not to mess this up.
Joel grabs you by the neck and shoves you to your knees, the cold, hard floor stinging against your kneecaps. You try your best to suppress the shaking fear inside you and play good little whore, reaching up to undo his belt buckle but Joel smacks your hands away, yanking you by your hair to look at him.
“Listen to me, sweetheart.” Despite the pet name, his tone was harsh and condescending. “I don’t need you to do anything, you’re just a warm, wet hole for me to get off with, got it?”
You nod.
“Just stay still and this will be over soon enough. Hands behind your back, now.” He demanded and you did as you were told, holding both your hands behind you and opening your mouth.
Joel took his cock out, and an involuntary whimper escaped you; you’d never been with a man this big, and if he liked you, he was supposed to deflower you? How was all that supposed to fit?
Joel must’ve seen the fear in your eyes. “I’ll start slow, but after that, I ain’t taking it easy on you, little girl.”
You nod quickly, thankful for even small mercies. 
Joel kept his word, sliding into you slowly, carefully, pausing when you gag, and allowing you to adjust when his full length was inside. Tears pricked at your eyes, it hurt so bad, but you needed to do good. If Joel didn’t like you, whatever you dad would do as punishment would be way worse than this.
He pulled himself all the way out, and told you to take a breath. “This is where the fun begins”. When he thrust his dick inside you, you heaved so hard that if you had eaten anything, you would’ve thrown up all over him, spit spilling out of your mouth mixed with stomach bile, your scalp stinging from his painful grip on your hair.
“Fuck yeah, gag on it” You can hear him say above you, and it’s not like you have a choice, continuing to make a mess on him and yourself, the drool dripping down your chin.
“Such a pretty little mouth” he grunts with each thrust. “Wonder what that tight little cunt would feel like.” You can’t help but whimper, knowing how much it would hurt to feel Joel stretching you open. His breathing becomes heavier. “Don’t know if I can have you just once, princess, just look at you…” His fingers entangled themselves deeper into your hair, holding you still as he fucked your face. “Might just have to keep you, be my little pocket pussy to use whenever I want, you want that? Hm?” When you don’t respond, you keep your eyes tightly closed, as the pain in your throat grows.
Joel huffs a laugh when you don’t respond, not that you could say much of anything either way. “Well, you don’t really have much of a choice. But wouldn’t it be better? Only me? No more random men? Of course, I’d fuck you, be the first one inside you…” His pace was faltering, imagining breaking you open, your blood on him… “Fuck!” Joel cums in your mouth with no warning, and you begin to cough and choke, cum and spit falling out of your mouth and he pulls you off him by your hair, throwing you to the ground. 
You lay there, heaving and coughing, face covered in spit, tears and cum and maybe a little blood, your throat burns and your just want to curl up and cry, but Joel is pulling you up. “Let's go” he’s yanking you around again, and you stumble to the door, feeling somewhat like a rag doll. Before opening, however, Joel stops, wiping his sleeve roughly on your face. “Can’t let them see what a pretty mess you make, princess.”
When he pulled out outside, where it seems the tensions hadn’t eased, Joel announces he’s taking you.
Your dad immediately protests, and for a moment you think he might actually care about you, until he gives his reason, being that he sells your mouth for extra money, and Joel can’t take that away from him.
“I’ll wipe your debts clean” Joel isn’t even looking at him, yanking you to where his men had loaded resources onto their horses.
“But that’s-”
“And the next three months free.”
Your dad seemed to recognize that Joel wanted you, and tried to trade for more and Joel hoped on his horse, never letting go of your arm. Effortlessly, he reached under your arms and pulls you up onto the horse, and you suddenly realize the weight of the predicament. Joel was taking you, and you weren’t coming back. He was going to fuck you until he was tired of you, then throw you away, if he doesn’t kill you. You were never going to see your friend or your brother again.
“Joel, come on, she’s my only daughter” You dad tried one more time, and you begin to squirm in Joel’s lap, wanting out. “She’s worth a little more than that, untouched.”
“Dad, please, don’t”
Joel wraps an arm around you and points a gun at your dad's head. “Three months, and I don't blow your brains out right now.”
Raising his hands, Jaimie backs down, giving up.
“Lets go” Joel says to the younger man from before, and turns his horse around.
You hear your name called from the house, and turn to find your brother running outside. 
“ZACH!” You scream for help, the fight in you kicking in, desperately trying to get out of Joel’s arms. The horse takes off, and you turn to see Zach getting on his own and starting after you and your dad telling him to stop.
Turning around, in one movement, Joel turns your head into his chest to cover your ears, and shoots.
You scream, and turn to see your brother fallen off the horse, laying still.
The first time you saw Joel Miller, he fucked your face, bought you, kidnapped you, and killed your brother in a span of ten minutes.
“One stop princess, then we can go home, and you get to be my little toy.” Joel spoke, his breath hot in your ear, as if he was your husband taking you home after a wedding, not the man who just uprooted you from everything you know.
The stop, as it turned out, took 2 hours to get to, and you were exhausted and in shock by the time you, the younger brunette and the redhead separated from the group. Joel had tied up your arms in front of you, not that you could escape even if you tried. Joel was much stronger than you. You were nearly nodding off, Joel’s hold on you keeping you upright, the adrenaline rush leaving you bone tired, when you heard a woman’s voice.
“You trafficking girls now, Joel?”
You open your eyes wearily to find a woman on a horse with two others flanking her, she had dark skin and her hair was in braids, eyeing Joel with disgust.
Joel’s hand ran across the top of your chest, closer to your collar bone but enough to make your whimper. It was a display, more than anything, meant to get a rise out of the woman. “What would you do if I was?”
“Not much I can do, it seems.” She seethed.
“Relax, Maria. Her dad was the one was selling her, I bought, she’s staying with me.”
You were dreary, unable to keep your eyes open, only listening to the voices.
“And that’s supposed to be better?”
You could feel Joel shrug. “Maybe, maybe not. But she’s not getting passed around like she was at her dads. We ain’t making a habit of it, if that makes you feel any better.”
Joel motioned the redheaded man over, who Joel referred to Nick. “Take her, just up the hill there, out of earshot, but where I can see her. Do. Not. Touch.”
Falling asleep against your best attempts to stay awake, you feel yourself getting picked up and handed off into another's arms. Over the next few hours, you were in and out of sleep, unable to fully rest but unable to stay away either. Passed back to Joel, who you only knew was him from the smell of his leather jacket, and another long ride for god knows how long, you finally awaken when Joel passes you down from the horse and into the brunette man’s arms before climbing down and reclaiming you. You felt like an object they just passed around as needed, no regard for you. You open your eyes in front of a large house, trying to take everything that had happened in the last few hours, but between your sleep addled brain and the general shock of it, you found yourself unable to. This is where you’d stay for the remainder of your short life, Joel rapeing you and letting god knows who else do the same until you die. Joel starts pulling you inside.
“Please” You whimper before you can stop yourself.
Joel thrust you up against the door, his face right next to yours and his beard rubbing against your skin, burning it. “What was that, little one?”
But you don’t reply.
“Joel…” the younger man says from behind the two of you.
“Shut up, Tommy.” He pulls you back, opening the unlocked door. “You ain’t fucking in charge here. I paid good money for her.” He snaps to Tommy, his large hand around the back of your neck tightening, making you whimper. “And I’m bout to get my money's worth.”
“I know” Tommy steps forward, carefully, like he has experience cooling his leader down. “We just road 4 fours, maybe you should wait, you’re tired-”
“You calling me old?” Joel fully turned around, his hand moving to the front of your throat, pressing your back into his front.
“No, that ain’t what I’m saying, Joel. I just mean you got her as long as you want her, no need to do it tonight, you can enjoy yourself more later.” Tommy’s eyes flickered over to yours, and you saw just a smidge of sympathy before they went back to Joel. “She’s had a long night, Joel, she just lost everything. Give her one night, please?”
You stood there in Joel’s arms, your hands still tied in front of you, feeling the rapid rise and fall of Joel’s chest, praying to whomever that you can have this; if Joel took your virginity tonight, you were sure you’d simply break.
Grabbing your bundled hand, Joel begins dragging you inside, and you see why the door wasn’t locked. In the living room, several more men were sitting inside: some drinking, some playing games, some just… sitting. Joel turns to them “She is mine, no one fucking touches her.” he demands as he pulls you, stumbling and trying to keep up with his long strides. Opening up a door, Joel thrusts your back to the wall, taking out his knife and you gasp, trying to get away; to where, you don’t know.
“Hold still, woman, or I’ll cut you for real.” Joel cut off your hand ties, and literally threw you onto the dirty mattress. He stomped over, towering above you, and pointing. “One night. Tomorrow I get what I paid for, and you’re mine, wherever, whenever, and however I want you, no matter what Tommy and his bleeding heart think. Understood?”
You nod, but that's not enough for him.
“Say, ‘yes, Sir’”
You swallow, and speak as much as you can imagine. “Yes sir”
“Go to sleep”
And with that, he leaves the room, and you can hear it locking. How are you supposed to sleep after all that? After everything?
Not long after, the door opens again, and you scramble up thinking Joel changed his mind; it was Tommy, but that didn’t ease you at all. Maybe Tommy showed you mercy to save you for himself.
“Relax, I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
He’s got a bowl in one hand and a bag in the other. “Don’t got much by way of a bath tonight, but here's hot water and a towel, you can at least wash your face, and here’s clean clothes and a pillow”
You don’t move, frozen in fear, almost as if he was a t-rex; if you didn’t move, he wouldn’t see you.
A soft smile. ”Alright, I’ll get out of your hair” and with that he leaves you, your room dark save for the moonlight coming through the window.
You know, when I made this side blog it was initially gonna be like. Secret. Like I wasn't gonna tell my mutuals i had a side blog for dark content
But even if I decided to stay anonymous, the fact I have a fic with a song title, a shitty dad and a good brother would've given it away lol
Anyway, if you want to read more, comment to be added to the tag list!
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mary-ann84 · 1 year
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Good morning my dears
@littlefreya @hell1129-blog @b-n-a-o @cheyentjj @yespolkadotkitty @yoursecretsmutblog @obsessedwithcavill @penwieldingdreamer @peakygroupie @viking-raider @brexrif @sciapod @oddsnendsfanfics @la-vie-en-diva @thethirstyarchive @constip8merm8 @henrysrighteyebrow @chamomilebottom @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @geralts-yenn @jolly-polly @auguswalker @allememaggies @mayastormborn @princess-of-riviaa @ellixthea @demivampirew @deathonyourtongue @dearlybelovedluke @luclittlepond @captainsy-cookiemonster @zealoushound @oh-for-fic-sake @sillyrabbit81 @pussyverson @angryschnauzer @the-soot-sprite @mariestark @foodieforthoughts @thelastsock @llamadelreyx @infinite-shite @shellbilee @agniavateira @luna-aestas @sissyfanfiction @lauofrivia @lifeofrileyp @martha-oi
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brynnmclean · 4 months
saw a post questioning shipping Senua and Thórgestr and started to reblog it with a tag novel-- felt weird about doing that since this is lengthy and potentially derailing, so making my own post instead. Spitballing under the cut:
First off, any time someone is like, "the real reason people ship this is because they find the dude attractive," this is SO funny to me as someone who doesn't find men attractive IRL and has fiercely loved Senua since I played the first game, like-- actually I find the dynamic between those two characters to be compelling and interesting precisely because of all the baggage between them re: their backgrounds, the rough (put mildly!) beginning of their relationship, all the things they don't talk about, and them finding a common enemy/common ground to work with. The explicit parallels between them stated in-game scratched an itch in my brain. The minute they pointed out the dark rot on his arm, it was like, "oh! hello there! NOW I'm interested in whatever your whole deal is" for me. Also, idk man, I too would follow Senua around after she knocked me into the dirt and then showed me a way to fight the giants that I very much wanted to fight instead of appease.
The idea that Thórgestr was part of the Orkney Raid that killed and mutilated Dillion is VERY interesting food for thought, even if I don't personally have that headcanon (surely there are more viking raiding groups than just the Bjorg). I think the Furies or the Shadow said something similar about Fargrimr (his kin murdered yours, you shouldn't save him, etc.) so I completely get that line of thought, but I think the game left it ambiguous enough that it's up for interpretation. Would I read fic with that premise? Yeah, I'd check that out. Could Senua forgive Thorgestr if his people were involved? Sounds fun to explore.
If (ha, when?) I write fic, I'd have to think more about it especially wrt timelines, like when did the Bjorg start specifically raiding for slaves for giant food sacrifices vs. killing people for resources and wealth? How far off are we from the old gods "dying" and the volcano erupting? Was it indeed a different group of raiders who made a deal with Zynbel, attacked Senua's home, and made the sacrifice at that time to Hela?
At the very least, I think there's a time jump between the end of Hellblade I and the beginning of Hellblade II since Senua wasn't alone on that slave ship and at least one of the (brief) survivors knew her by name. I wouldn't mind exploring that gap of time, too.
In any case I do agree that it would take a VERY long time for Senua to consciously catch feelings for anyone let alone Thorgestr with all their collective baggage. The idea of them having a relationship beyond friendship in the far off future of an AU where he survives is the only one that can make sense in my brain, personally. It would take time! Time they didn't get in the game! But I think there are a lot of different roads that could take, and some of them might be healthier than others. Shipping them certainly isn't forgetting or excusing what happened to Dillion-- or even mutually exclusive from still shipping Senua and Dillion. Or, frankly, also shipping Senua and Astridr, because I can see that ship too.
One of the nice things about all the details Ninja Theory didn't expand upon and that they left that ending so open is that the sky's the limit. I'm VERY interested in seeing fandom tackle this game as we get farther from the initial release.
#kate plays hellblade#senua x thorgestr#a friend did laugh at me recently and say there's always a weird guy i latch onto and i laughed back and said i'm a boy in my brain#i think i've felt that way forever and it's still true. i DO gravitate toward male characters#especially ones who are a bit starry-eyed over their female counterparts#anyway that's not what this post is about#it's more of me throwing thoughts out into the ether because i don't have the energy or time to write fic yet#but i am Thinking About It#what happens after the story left off? what if we changed ONE THING and gave them more time#i stopped using accent marks midway through this sorry i'm typing on a computer. my phone would catch them but alas.#i can't remember my video games tag#senua#thorgestr#hellblade#senua's saga#i'm really just excited to talk fannish things about this one#the first game was so neat and tied up that i felt no fannish inclinations beyond loving the game#but there's SO MUCH ROOM HERE with this second one#delightful#i'll read all the AUs even the sad ones#when it comes to thorgestr and senua i think thorgestr fell first and pretty hard but he doesn't talk about it until senua starts opening u#i really think those two are made for a glacially slow burn#maybe not if she becomes the tyrant seer. loved and feared.#could be quick and very unhealthy. ALSO compelling to me!#senua's saga spoilers#to be safe#these tags are about as long as the post. i'd better quit while i'm ahead.#hertan writing tag
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Looking for some recommendations by you or your kind followers 🥰
Steve or Bucky mafia / mob or abo series
And Henry Cavill series (I've fallen into a big rabbit hole of lusting over that man lol)
I've read all of your stories so much Lulu, like Consolidation Bride is like my number 1 series. I reread it often sometimes when I walk my dog or when I'm moody and on my period😂.
Hi lovely. Aw, I'm happy someone loves Consolation Bride as much as I do. I'm tempted to write a sequel, I just don't know when.
Let's see, I will list the blogs coming to my mind in random order. I hope I don't forget half of the people I follow...
I highly recommend @angrythingstarlight's blog for Mafia AUs. She has wonderful Mafia AUs for Bucky.
@navybrat817 has great stories for Bucky & Steve & Henry's characters. Check her Bucky list for Mafia stories.
@kinanabinks has an awesome Mafia Bucky x Best Friend (fairy) series. You can find it here: MOB!BUCKY MASTERLIST
@jtargaryen18 has a wonderful Mafia Steve / arranged marriage story called His Inheritance (ongoing). I got it on my reading list.
@sinner-as-saint has all your little heart desires, including mafia AUs, A/B/O and so much more.
@biteofcherry has great a/b/o & mafia stories for Steve. I think some are dark, so check the warnings for triggers.
@smutsonian has this mafia Steve I just discovered and need to read.
@buckyalpine has a story called pretty little thing with Mob Bucky. It's on my reading list.
You are looking for Henry & his roles? Fear not. Look at @littlefreya's blog. Here's her "stories" masterlist. There is a drabbles masterlist in her bio too.
Do you need more Henry? Here you go: @viking-raider will help you out.
@waiting4inspiration has an Alpha Bucky series.
These are the ones coming to my mind atm. If anyone has stories for nonnie to read, please feel free to add them to his post. 😊
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viking-raider · 3 months
Lucky Bear
Summary-> Sy's coming down from anesthesia after a procedure and shows his true feelings about you.
Pairing-> Austin "Sy" Syverson/Reader
Word Count-> 564
Warnings-> PG: FLUFF, Cotton Candy Fluff, Light Teasing
Inspiration-> This Instagram Video
Author’s Note-> This is a work of Fiction!
Divider by->  @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
-> If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST as well as my @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’ Ao3-> DRAGON_DWELLER
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You helped Sy through the automatic doors of the hospital, arm hugged around his lean waist and a hand gripping his thick forearm as you guided him towards the parking lot.
“How are you feeling, Bear?” You asked, helping him navigate the step down off the curb.
“Humph.” Sy grunted, leaning his shoulder against yours as the bright sun shined into his blue eyes.
Chuckling, You let go of his arm to pull your car keys out of your back pocket and press the unlock button. “In we go, Bear.” You cooed, opening the passenger door and before you could stop him, Sy flopped his beefy, six-two frame into his seat. “Easy.” You gently scolded him, then closed the door and hustled around to the driver’s seat.
You glanced over at Sy, starting the car, and found him looking at you with a million mile stare, since his anesthesia still hadn’t completely worn off yet. “Hi.” You smirked at him. “Are you hungry?” You asked, cocking your head.
Sy slowly shook his head. “Maybe.” He mumbled, blinking rapidly for a moment, before blankly staring again.
“All right.” You laughed, amused by the vulnerable state he was in. “Are you sleepy?”
“Yeah.” He sighed, nodding.
“Yeah, I’m sure you are.” You nodded back. “We’ll go home and take a nap.”
Sy’s brow twitched and a slight look of confusion filled his Aegean eyes. “You know where I live?”
“I do.” You answered, biting back a grin and giggle.
“Does my wife know, that you know?”
You closed your eyes and pressed your lips together, the giggle sounding in your throat before composing yourself. “I do know where you live. I live there with you.” You informed him, lightly. “And I’m your smexy wife, Austin.”
Sy’s eyes grew at your words, lips parting in a soft ‘oh’. “I got to marry you?”
“Yeah.” You replied, nodding slowly. “We are married and have three kiddos.”
“You’re…” His wide unblinking eyes scanned you. “You’re so beautiful. How did I get you?”
“Well, my dear Bear, it was a Sunday night in San Antonio and I was trying to enjoy a night out with a few friends, when this Southern boy, dressed in his Army fatigues, came up to me and asked if I ever tried the best BBQ Texas ever produced.” You told him, with a fond upturned corner of your mouth. “Obviously, I had not, and he insisted on taking me to get some. I couldn’t resist that handsome smile and mischievous blue eyes. So, a rack of ribs and a couple drinks later, we were almost inseparable. If you don’t count five deployments in six years, with a proposal in our fourth year together.”
Sy’s numbed brain processed your words. “Thank you.” He said, his features softening.
“For what, Sy?” You frowned, shaking your head.
“For putting up with me. Loving me. Waiting for me and marrying me.” He told you, his expression faltering.
Your heart skipped and you leaned over, hugging your arms around his shoulders. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Bear.” You whispered against his bearded cheek. “Now,” You pulled back, giving his forehead a peck. “Let’s get you home and rested up.” You said, turning towards the steering wheel and pulling out of the parking space.
“Yeah, home.” Sy agreed, his eyes still adoringly on you, feeling like the luckiest man.
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203 notes · View notes
Henry Cavill x Reader List - Part One
Keys: ✽ - Complete, ✽✽ - Hiatus, ♥ - Mature, ✢ - Sensitive Content
Updated: 13 May 2024
Nicked Switch ♥ Nick-Names Good Boy ♥ Needy ♥ Don’t Go Mission Impossible: Love Express Yourself ♥ Body Shape Protective The Cliffs! World of Henrycraft Record Breaking ♥ Sweet Henry Home The Right Moment Reflection Mornings Henry’s Hug Lessons Learned ♥ Sweet Dreams ♥ Mr. & Mrs. Superman Daddy Who? KingStache Henry’s Superpower Bum Drums Guilty Pleasure A Better Work Out Services Due Before You Go Muddy Puppy Dr. Cavill Permission Only ♥ Failed Grades ♥ Isolation My Mask Henry’s Toy ♥ Daddy’s Little Girl ♥ Comfort Virus Meet Stubborn Blind Date Powerless ✢ Can’t Sleep ♥ Henry’s Dream My Flower ♥ Lust Worthy ♥ Shots Thunder Bunker Goner ♥/✢ Scaredy Cat! In The Dark ✢ Love is Blind Rage Nugget ♥ Bow Tie
Henry Cavill x Reader List - Part Two
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daybreak96 · 2 months
Ok seriously are there any Helnik!Viking-arranged-marriage fics out there?!
Like it writes itself; him the young leader of a religious clan that didn’t believe in female Shieldmaidens and preferred chastity.
Her from a smaller neighbouring clan that let their women run a little wild as they were constantly having to fight off raiders. So not only can she defend their home, but she also has some healing knowledge to save his life when he gets hurt.
Initially enemies because his people used to kill her people so she despises the thought of being sold into marriage for a pact. Plus he keeps calling her lewd😂 but he succumbs to her wiles before long, after she proves she can defend herself
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littlefreya · 1 year
Writers bingo!
I was tagged by the marvellous @geralts-yenn 🖤😍
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Tagging: @the-soot-sprite @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @captainsy-cookiemonster @oh-for-fic-sake @inlovewithhisblueeyes @nuggsmum @angryschnauzer @sapphirescrolls @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @yespolkadotkitty @viking-raider
Template under the cut
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synintheraven · 2 months
Research Rabbit-hole Tag Game!
Rules: As writers, we all end up researching random things for our writing. Share the latest thing you've researched for your fic and tell us something you learned!
Haven't been into these tag games lately but I actually have something to say about this one so I'll jump in :p Thanks for the tag @lord-aldhelm <3
What I Researched:
Ragnar Lothbrok and his story
Sigurd Hringr (Ragnar's father)
King Arthur's sword and its legend
What I Found Out:
Half of what is said about Ragnar (as in, that he's done) has been historically proven it was done by someone else (King Horik among them), however there was a relatively popular Lord and raider named Ragnall which is believed was at some point mixed with the legendary Ragnar - Ragnall certainly didn't die in a pit of snakes (nor was it a common practice anyway) but most likely raiding the shores of England or Ireland. - Also I made myself a tumblr page so I could easily keep track of what I find about him so if you're curious >here< is a bit more about this legendary dude :p (wildly different to Vikings' version, I must add)
Not the one I'm the most interested in, but I was curious to learn about Ragnar's background and the fact that his father was king of Sweden and, eventually, of Denmark. Funnily enough, his father died (or presumably sailed to his own death by being on a pyre boat) after one of his younger lovers died/was killed.
I had no idea there was an alternative story as to how Arthur got the sword; the one I knew about all my life was that he got the sword from that rock, but apparently there's another version (or the same but later on the story?) where he finds the sword at the bottom of some pond/lake and had to prove himself worthy of it to a sort of protector/witch/nymph that was guarding the sword.
No pressure tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @thenameswinter99 @foxyanon and uhm whoever else sees this and feels like doing it :p
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mary-ann84 · 1 year
Hi everyone
I have been only lurking, reblogging. Responding the best I can.
Have been dealing with a Burn Out since the end of last September. And during that time my sister father inlaw passed away unexpectedly. And my grandmother passed away a few days before her 100th birthday.
It has been a physical and mental rollercoaster to say the leadt so I was not able to write.
But I am so much better then were I was. I have come a very long way. Crawling back up. Having patience is the key wich is sometimes easier said then done.
I have more good days then not so good ones. And I have to keep in mind to keep balance. Wich is hard when you have lots of energy and you feel like you can do a lot.
Also slowly going back into work.
So patience, balance, letting shit go and putting myself first is what I am learning / doing.
I am slowly getting backing into writing
But I need to update my taglist, because I have a feeling there are some people that are on that list who are not on tumblr anymore.
Also maybe you would want to be taken or added.
Now I know Dumblr is a champion at letting people know they have been tagged 2 or 3 years later, but I am hoping people will get this.
Also I was wondering if there is a person or peolpe that would like to beta read my work, because my burn out brain can mis a few things 🙈.
So send me a message if you want to stay, added or removed let me know.
If you are like eehm I thought I was already on there then let me know to.
And if you are like who do you write for and what have you written? Then check out my masterlist.
And lastly to the people who have tagged me, send requests or an ask. Know that I have seen you. I will get to the asks request in due time. To my fellow writers who have tagged me. I have a reading list that I am also getting to.
Just taking my time 😊
Love you ❤️
@littlefreya @wendimydarling @hell1129-blog @b-n-a-o @cheyentjj @yespolkadotkitty @yoursecretsmutblog @obsessedwithcavill @penwieldingdreamer @peakygroupie @viking-raider @brexrif @sciapod @oddsnendsfanfics @la-vie-en-diva @thethirstyarchive @constip8merm8 @henrysrighteyebrow @chamomilebottom @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @meowpurrbooks @jolly-polly @auguswalker @allememaggies @mayastormborn @princess-of-riviaa @ellixthea @demivampirew @deathonyourtongue @dearlybelovedluke @luclittlepond @captainsy-cookiemonster @zealoushound @oh-for-fic-sake @sillyrabbit81 @pussyverson @angryschnauzer @the-soot-sprite @mariestark @foodieforthoughts @thelastsock @llamadelreyx @infinite-shite @shellbilee @agniavateira @luna-aestas @sissyfanfiction @lauofrivia @lifeofrileyp
60 notes · View notes
Pairing: your favourite x you
Word Count: 388
Warnings: non-explicit sexy times, fluff
Summary: Your love comes home to you after being away for too long.
A/N: Even though I imagined someone particular writing this, you are free to imagine any guy you like.
Picture by Erol Ahmed via Unsplash
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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You’re here. You’re finally here. Home.
No words could ever describe the feeling that befalls me when I watch you walk through that door, how my whole being fills with you, only you, and I am at peace again. No words could ever describe. So I show you. 
The thrill of you, igniting my flame the moment your eyes rest on me. The need in your hands as they move on my body, reacquainting themselves with my form, caressing, claiming, stirring my fire the way only you can. My answer coaxes a moan from your sweet lips. “Like silk on my back,” you whisper and the sound of your voice makes me want to cry happy tears. 
So long. It has been so long. Every day apart nourishing the fear I will forget all the precious details of you. The warmth in your voice, the gentleness in your touch, the way you feel in my arms. And I don’t ever want to forget, forget you and the me I am when I’m with you. I just breathe differently, more like me, when you are around.
You must have seen it in my eyes, felt it, too. I can tell from the determination as you pull me closer. My fingers glide through a sea of silk, tightening their hold to share the relieving pain of our first reunion after an eternity. An eternity of imagining your breath on my face while you hum against my lips, of yearning to feel you, all of you, of being yours wholly and completely. 
We don’t last long, we never do when we collide like this. But neither of us cares. Why would we complain about a brief prelude when the sweetest part is yet to come?
Our carnal desires satisfied, we’re free to just be. In your tender embrace the storm inside me calms and it is you, only you that remains. What more could I ask when your fingers run through my hair and your lips speak of soft things to me, your voice getting lower with every circle your free hand is drawing on my back?
Tonight, you will be my resting place, your chest my pillow, your arms and legs my blanket. You’re all I want. The feeling of knowing and being known. The feeling of finally being home.
Tag List: If your name is crossed out, I wasn't able to tag you. If you don't specify which fic you want to be tagged in, you will be added to my general taglist.
@summersong69 @myloveforhenrycavill @dorothea-hwldr @omgkatinka @ashesofblackroses @amberangel112 @icarusblinders @zealoushound @asuni921 @endofalldays01 @nerra75 @indigosaurus @nowyouseeme098 @cap-just-said-language @miss-rebel-without-applause @wheretheriversrunintothesea @maan24 @mochionly @introvertedmouse @sofiebstar @kebabgirl67 @marytudorbrandon @littleone65 @thoughtfullyfurryangel @mimi-just-living @themanfromu @liecastillo @capncassas @evansabove1981 @luclittlepond @agniavateira @enchantedbytomandhenry @lumiousmoon @tumblnewby @crazybutconfidentaf @viking-raider @thorins-queen-of-erebor @aletheladyinred @atomicr4ven
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martha-oi · 7 months
Get to know me!♥️🌈
Thank you so much for the tag @mayloma 💕
Nickname: Marty
Sign: sag♐️
Height: 1.63cm
The last thing I googled: a donut recipe,I was craving them🍩
Amount of sleep: Not enough! 6/7h 😩
Dream job: I wanted to be a biologist but I don't really know anymore, still dreaming about it from time to time. I'm trying to figure things out.
Favorite song: Killing Me Softly - Fugees
Movie/Book that summarizes me: I don't really know, anything romantic. I just need love🥲
Favorite instrument: Acoustic guitar/Piano
Aesthetic: Cozy/Dark, depends on my mood
Favorite authors: It's been a while since a read a book, do Sy fics count?!
Random fun fact: I cook when I'm anxious
No pressure tags:
@shellyshellshell @mrsevans90 @shewriteswhenthewordscome @mrs-solo-walker @witchersmistress @ylva-syverson @mary-ann84 @viking-raider @raccoon-eyed-rebel @geralts-yenn @gummydummy19❣️
If you already did this sorry for the tag🥲♥️🌈
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