#Stay at Home Dad!Sy
viking-raider · 5 months
Syverson Family War
Summary-> You've just gotten off a 12-hour shift at the hospital, only to return home and get swept up into a Syverson Family War, between your husband and three children.
Pairing-> Austin "Sy" Syverson/Reader
Word Count-> 3.2k
Warnings-> PG: FLUFF, Cotton Candy Fluff, Light Teasing, Soft!Sy, SAHD!Sy, Nurse!Reader
Inspiration-> This Instagram Video (If this isn't Sy vibes, idk who Sy is!)
Author’s Note-> This is a work of Fiction!
Divider by->  @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
-> If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST as well as my @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy!’ Ao3-> DRAGON_DWELLER
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You were more than excited to be home after a nearly twelve hour shift at the hospital. Your back throbbed and your feet were screaming at the top of their arches from running up and down the ER department. You didn’t even bother gathering up your tote of stuff, as you got out of your car, since you had the next two days off. So, they would wait until a two hour long bubble bath and a nap with eternity.
But upon entering your modest, two story Ranch house, you were bombarded by silence. Your eyes narrowed as they scanned the dining room to your left and living room to your right, ears pricking up for the slightest movement from the bedrooms upstairs.
Something was clearly off. It was almost never this quiet in the Syverson household.
There was always some sort of ruckus or chaos in motion. Your husband blasting music in the garage, where he had set up a small work-out area or telling off whatever game was playing on the enormous tv in the living room. If it wasn’t Sy, it was a combination of your three kids. Your two boys wrestling each other over a toy or giggles, or your daughter discovering a new, little critter from the backyard and bringing it in, before promptly losing it. Or all three kids getting into mischief with each other somehow.
But when it was silent, you knew there were real shenanigans afoot.
You drew in a deep breath, mustering what energy you had left inside yourself, for Syverson Madness. “Guys! I’m home!” You called out, swinging the front door shut with a little more strength than usual, as you moved a step deeper into the powderkeg. “What are you nuts up to?” You mumbled to yourself, moving towards the living room, still trying to keep yourself alert for any kind of trap or scare.
Little good it did, as a strong hand suddenly grabbed your elbow and yanked you backwards into the dark portal of the laundry room door, with a yelp. The hand shifted to your mouth and the door closed with a soft click.
“Ssshh.” Sy cooed at you, moving his hand away. “Gotta keep quiet, Sugar Butt.” He chuckled at you.
You could hear the smirk on his bearded face, before he clicked on the tactical flashlight he was carrying. You looked him over in the dim light, discovering him in his full Army tactical gear, minus his bare feet. He even sported his night vision goggles clipped to his helmet.
“What in the he-” You were about to demand, scanning him again, but spotted one of your son’s Nerf Rifles strapped to his back. “Give me that!” You huffed, gobsmacked, as you took the light and started checking him and the laundry room out. “Good Lord, Almighty!” You laughed, shaking your head.
He had a Nerf pistol in his thigh holster, a pump gun on the dryer, a blaster beside that, and copious amounts of ammo on the washer, with pop grenades. Which you knew were filled with either baby powder or flour from the last time a Syverson War had been declared on the house.
You looked up at your husband, bottom lip trapped between your teeth for a moment. “How long has World War Syverson Seven been going?” You asked, completely amused by how lost Sy got into playing with your kids, and how much they loved it when he did.
Sy looked at his watch. “Since just after breakfast. Myles chose violence and shot Ada in the back, while she was trying to color a picture. Tears ensued, which caused Colt to declare revenge on Myles, in Ada’s name.”
“You got roped into this, how?”
“Ada got in on it, insisting she didn’t need a man to defend her honor…”
“That’s my girl.” You chuckled, smirking.
“It is.” Sy laughed back. “But, in defending her own honor, she shot me in the leg, while I was trying to get them to chill out.”
You nodded your head, seeing all the pieces fall into place. “Which, obviously, by the Syverson Code, requires you to defend your own honor.”
“Obviously, Angel!” Sy answered, faking outrage. “You should know that, after fifteen years!”
“Fifteen years, and I’m still jotting things down in the Syverson Code of Conduct booklet!” You laughed, shaking your head, there were a lot of things Sy lived and would die by.
They were many of the things that made your heart swell with love for the burly, ex-Army vet.
“So, how do I configure into this madness?”
“You just got home from a super long shift, Sugar.” He answered, brow pinching. “You’re an innocent bystander. I just had to save you before one of those hellions out there shot you.”
“My savior.” You cooed, pushing up on your toes and kissing him. “My back and arches appreciate you.”
“The Lair is off limits, per usual.” He informed you. “We just have to make it out of here and upstairs.”
“Quite the way.” You commented, mentally mapping your and Sy’s route out of the laundry room, through the living room and entryway, then finally up the stairs and home free to the master bedroom, which was referred to as the Lair, where you could rest without having to worry about the family war.
“All right, Captain, what’s the plan?”
He gave you the Syverson wink and reached over your head, there was a sharp click and from outside the laundry room, you heard the kids’ screech. Sy had thrown the power switch to the house, plunging it into the darkness. You chuckled, smirking, understanding his tactic now.
“Stay close.” He whispered to you, clicking his ammo to his vest on, before moving to the door. “The enemy is sneaky and uncivilized.” He said, pressing his body against it, listening carefully to the other side.
“Like their father.” You mumbled under your breath with a snort, huddling yourself against his back.
“I’d say more like their mama.” Sy commented back, reaching back to pop you on the bum, then slowly cracked open the door.
You shuffled out after him, casting glances over your shoulder every few seconds. It was easy going, getting through the living room. Sy had defended it mightily throughout the day, so the kids had become shy about entering their father’s domain. You trusted Sy to protect you, from everything, your kids included. Silly as that was to think.
“We have movement at 12!” Sy called out, catching your nine year old, Myles, through his night vision in his fort, consisting of the dining table and chairs that he was hunkered down underneath, belly crawling from one end towards the other, closing the gap between himself and the entryway. “He’s under the table. A sneaky little sniper boy.” He snickered, shouldering the Nerf-AR resting against his side.
You scrunched yourself up behind Sy’s wide and muscular back as Nerf Darts started whizzing by, striking the scuffed wood floor or sticking to the walls. Both Sy and Myles laughed maniacally as they shot at each other; tossing weak insults on top of it.
“Milk drinker!” Myles shouted, hustling to reload.
“Lizard eater!” Sy shot back, smirking.
“Now, boys!” You scolded weakly, snorting.
They continued their assault, Sy guiding you towards a pocket the bottom stairs provided coming down into the foyer, allowing you to take cover and him to shoot through the bars of the steps.
“Are you hit?” You asked, playing along with the game.
“Nothing I’ll die from.” He answered, reloading his weapons. “But, you can be a good nurse and kiss them all better.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“That’s cheating!” Myles yelled out.
“Well, If I was over there, I’d do the same thing to you, Bud!” You called back, planting a kiss on Sy’s cheek, his well-groomed beard tickling your skin.
“An aid relief truce then?” Myles suggested, poking his head out from under the table.
“Certainly not!” Sy barked back, popping a Nerf dart off over his son’s head, sending him scurrying back into his fort. “She’s my nurse! I found her out wandering the battlefield, unprotected. If you wanted her to be your nurse, you should have found her first, yourself!”
“I almost did! Before you kidnapped her!” Myles huffed, hotly. “You’re holding her hostage!” He suddenly insisted. “Don’t worry, Mama. I’ll rescue you!”
“Oh my, a hostage situation.” You sighed, licking your lips. “I appreciate your devotion, son.”
“Ha.” Sy scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t think so, boy. I’m escorting this lovely lady to the Lair.”
As Sy and Myles argued over who was going to have the pleasure of accompanying you upstairs, you caught a slight movement behind you and Sy, lurking in the darkness of the living room; moving slowly. It vanished behind the couch, and for a moment you thought it was just Aika, but when something popped up over the back of the couch, then quickly ducked down again, you were then positive it wasn’t the old girl. But your Daddy’s girl, Ada. Of all the children, six year old Ada was the most like her father. She’d been attached to Sy’s hip from the moment she left your womb. Hanging on Sy’s every word, movement and action, that sometimes it spooked you.
So, watching her stealth around in the dark of the living room was both impressive, amusing and a tad terrifying. Especially since you knew the little hellion was coming for revenge on her father and brother. There were no alliances between them during a Syverson war. You were the only ally allowed to go between the four of them. Mending wounds, mostly pretend ones, but sometimes there were real ones. Sometimes, you’d team up with one of them, to take on the other three.
“On your six! In the living room, babe!” You warned, snagging the Nerf pistol from Sy’s thigh holster as he reacted, purely by instinct, removing one of his baby powder pop grenades, tossing it behind him without looking, trusting your instruction.
Ada startled, surprised that you had noticed her, followed by a cloud of baby powder obscuring her view. She came to a halt, upon hurdling the back of the couch, in an attempt to overtake you and Sy. You took aim and fired, the Nerf dart hitting her square in the chest.
“Nice shot, hon.” Sy nodded, patting your leg, then called out to his daughter. “Sorry, Cricket, but that’s a kill shot.” He told her, his voice soft, but uncompromising.
Ada huffed, pressing her lips together. “Not fair, Mama isn’t supposed to shoot us! She doesn’t have anything to avenge!” She protested, crossing her arms.
Sy chuckled, cocking his head at her. “Mama has her own special rules in our Wars, you know that, Cricket.”
“I’ll come kiss it better, but you know Daddy’s five minute rule.” You chimed in, feeling bad about it, you honestly hadn’t meant to hit her, it was just a lucky shot.
But rules were rules. You could go and kiss her boo-boo better, allowing her to enter the War game again. However, Sy had made a rule that anyone hit with a Kill Shot had to be dead for at least five minutes, before you could render aid to them.
“All right.” Ada sighed, before flopping to the floor with a dramatic sound.
“Where were we?” Sy asked, then nodded. “Right, Myles, kindly allow me to escort my Nurse upstairs.”
“No deal, Pops.” Myles replied, shaking his head.
“Can I just go upstairs on my own?” You asked, peeking at your son through the spindles of the stairs.
Myles was quiet for a moment, considering. “Only if I get to keep you to myself for an hour!” He finally answered.
“Oh, he drives a hard bargain, that son of yours.” You teased Sy, tickling the back of his neck.
“That he does.” Sy agreed, shivering, as he brewed over Myles' offer. “You can have her for thirty minutes!” He negotiated with him.
“Thirty minutes!” Myles barked in outrage.
“You have to go to bed in two hours, boy!” Sy reminded him.
“So, give her to me for an hour!”
You smirked and pressed your palm to the base of Sy’s neck, leaning in close, your lips brushing against his ear, so only he could hear you. “Let him have me for the hour, Austin. I’ve been gone for twelve hours, and they have to go to bed in two. It’ll give me a little bit of time with them.” You reasoned with your husband. “We’ll have all night together after they're asleep, and the next two days, when they're at school.”
Sy nodded, rubbing his lips together. “You’re right.” He whispered back to you. “All right, you can have her for an hour, after you let her go upstairs and do what she pleases.”
A muffled yes came from the dining room. “Deal! You’re free to come out, Mama!”
“Thank God! I have to pee really bad.” You chuckled, kissing Sy, before scurrying out of your hiding place with him and started up the stairs, as you reached the top, you wondered where your middle child, Colt, was.
The seven year old was oddly missing in action the whole time the rest of you were battling and negotiating downstairs. As you reached the top, a cry filled the air, startling the life out of you, before a fury of Nerf darts peppered you all over.
“COLT!” You howled at the boy, dashing for your bedroom door and taking cover behind it.
“Colt Nero Syverson!” Sy’s voice called up the stairs. “You know the rules about firing upon your mother!”
“I’m sorry, Mama.” Colt’s soft voice whimpered in the dark to you. “I didn’t know it was you.”
“It’s fine, little man.” You sighed, rubbing a hand over your face. “Just mind yourself.”
“Okay, Ma.” He smiled, ducking back into his hiding place; his room.
“Oh, this family.” You sighed again, closing the door and rushing for the en suite, tugging off your shoes as you went. “Ooo.” You cooed, enjoying the feeling of the icy tile on your bare, throbbing feet.
Bladder empty, you splashed some cool water in your face, then got out of your nursing scrubs, replacing them with a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top. You laid down on your and Sy’s enormous bed, dozing off for a couple minutes before getting back up to fulfill the promises you made to Ada and Myles.
“Colt, I’m coming out, please don’t shoot me.” You called through the crack you opened in the bedroom door.
“Okay, Mama!” He called back.
Coming out of the room, you stood at the top of the stairs, but frowned and turned, heading down to Colt’s room. “What are you doing, buddy?” You asked, peeking around the doorframe, seeing he had made a little barricade and was hunkered down behind his bed. “Why haven’t you come down to challenge your dad, brother and sister?”
“Oh, I have, Ma!” He answered, his smile showing off the two front teeth he lost a month before. “I’m just waiting for the most opportune time to go back downstairs to finish off whoever is left.” He sat up on his bed a little more, eyeing you. “How many of them are left?”
You smirked at him, slyly. “You know I’m not allowed to give away information to someone, especially if I’m not teamed up with them, little man.”
“Poop.” He huffed, slapping his mattress and sitting back. “Do you wanna be on my team?” He asked, hopeful.
“Sadly, your Papa had to bargain me off to your brother for an hour, so I could go to the Lair and change.” You informed him, giving him a sympathetic smile. “But, how about this? When it’s bedtime, I’ll come and read to you, whatever you want.”
“Eragon!” He gasped, enthralled again.
“All right, wee man, if I don’t see you before then, I’ll see you at bed time.” You cooed at him.
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You headed back downstairs, pausing on the middle landing. “I’m coming downstairs, don’t shoot!” You announced to Sy and Myles.
“All clear!” They both called back.
You joined them downstairs, finding them just as you left them.
“Mommy, can I be alive again?” Ada called to you from her spot behind the couch.
“Yes, love, I’m coming right now to fix your boo-boo.” You replied, crossing the entryway and leaned over her, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “There, sweet girl. All healed and alive again. Off you trot. Why don’t you watch a movie on your tablet, until bedtime?”
“Thanks, Mama!” She giggled, hugging your waist, then ran off.
With your daughter resurrected, you joined Myles in the dining room, and despite the soreness in your body, got under the table with him. “Just you, Colt and your Papa now, big man.” You told him, propping your head up on your hand. “Tough crowd.”
“But I got you, Mama.” Myles countered. “You can heal all my wounds.”
“Mm, that I can.” You nodded, casting your eyes past the table legs and made out Sy’s outline. “But, that’s about all the energy I’ve got for you. Bringing your sister back to life took a lot out of me. So, I can’t help you fight either of them.”
“That’s fine. I can finish them.”
You reached out and brushed your fingers through his tamed, black curls. “I have all the faith in the world in you, my sweet boy.” You cooed at him, lovingly.
“Moooom!” He groaned, rolling his eyes.
“Time’s wastin’, kid!” Sy called out.
“You stay here, mom. I’m gonna sneak around.” Myles said, wiggling back up the table towards the back entry of the kitchen.
“I’ll be here.” You replied, propping your head up on your hand, eyes drooping for a moment.
At least, you thought it was for a moment, until you felt a pair of strong hands grab your ankles and yanked you out from underneath the table, startling you awake from the nap you dozed into.
“Naw, just me, Angel.” Sy grinned, helping you up.
“Where’s Myles?” You asked, rubbing at the sleep in your eyes and noticing he wasn’t in his tactical gear anymore, but just a pair of shorts.
“Out cold in bed.” He answered, steadying you with his hands on your hips.
“But…” You frowned, glancing at the stairs over your shoulder.
“Colt came down not long after Myles tried sneaking around me through the kitchen.” Sy explained to you, a proud little glint in his blue eyes. “Took out both of us, the little rascal.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “We found you asleep and they understood you had a long day, and would spend time with them tomorrow, after they came home from school.”
You pressed your forehead against his chest. “What in the world would I do without you?” You cooed, sighing heavily.
“I don’t know what we would do without you.” He replied, encasing you in his muscular arms and resting his chin on top of your head, rocking gently. “Let’s go to bed, love.” He whispered, scooping you up off your sore feet and carried you upstairs, to bed.
You moaned softly, sinking into the mattress as Sy tossed the blankets over you and kissed your temple, before joining.
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astrxealis · 9 months
dear gods i adore horror tbh but i am way too sensitive to it
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#idk how to describe 'sensitive' rn i'm dying in the head i should be asleep but Man!!!!!#i search up tons of horror stuff for funsies. movies uhh creepypastas stories real life events etc. fun!#BUT it freaks me out wayyy too much. bcs i really don't deal well w Those feelings of paranoia.#my imagination too good i was scared at night going to sleep bcs i'd imagine what to do if an intruder came in from the bedroom door#or bathroom door and think of how i'd escape Death.........#Did Not Help my area before was kinda yk. chillax. chillax meaning grassy tree-sy backyard overgrown trees#old-ish in a filipino chill neighborhood that isn't very fancy ?????? idk.#and the fact one time my dad almost died and someone standing close to him Did die so. haha. traumatized from that.#I WASN'T THERE..... but i rmbr my dad coming home and the news absolutely terrified me. anyway!#wow... rambling on tumblr at 3 and a half am... Nostalgic.#anyway yeah i love love love horror stuff but i am !!! so bad w them !!! like jesus christ i adore resident evil and bloodborne#is my whole bloodline. or something. but i can't even watch my twin kill 1 zombie in a re game Demo (she can't do it either)#and i can only make it to killing the first monster in bloodborne and explore a tiny bit where there are still no enemies. god.#AAAGGGGHHHhhhh ... and the first point of horror in omori then i stop playing for months...... even tho i rlly wna play more :((#2024 ........ cmon... i will try to overcome my fears more.#i've improved somewhat at least! ...from when i was younger. like. man. i could never stay in night-time in games ever.#ffxv? nah i always have to travel at morning. only when i got strong enough that daemons were nothing to me did i stop#getting scared. ouuughhh... and i always try to be stealthy in games........... for many reasons ofc but 1. Scared#okay i shut up now. apollo rambles of tonight: done and over!
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hederasgarden · 6 days
Dad!Captain Syverson Headcanons
I was inspired to write about Captain Syverson as a dad by @augustsprincess beautiful illustration.
Warnings for some smutty talk at the beginning. 18+ only. Thanks to @ryebecca for looking this over.
I’m happy to tackle other HC characters as dads if there is interest. Send me an ask!
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We all know Sy has a breeding kink a mile wide.
There’s nothing he loves more than coming inside you again and again and stuffing you full of him. He also likes to stay buried in you as long as possible to keep you plugged up. When he finally does pull out he’ll get between your legs and push his cum back inside with his fingers while he rubs your thigh with his other hand.
Even though you’re exhausted, there’s something about the sight of him looking up at you with that hungry glint in his eye that makes you ready to go again. When you lift your hips towards his face he smiles.
“That’s not how you make a baby, sweetheart,” he growls, climbing back on top of you again.
Once you’re pregnant, Sy’s over the moon and telling anyone he can. He brings home all the pregnancy books that night, spending his evenings pouring over them with a little frown on his face. He writes down a dozen or more questions for your first OB appointment. He definitely annoys the sonographer when you’re far along enough to see one, practically leaning over her shoulder to see the screen.
Sy researches baby items like he’s planning an military incursion. You never knew someone could have that many options about car seats and baby bottles.
When it comes to your growing belly and expanding cup size, he’s feral. He wants you all the time after the doctor promises him sex won’t hurt the baby. You don’t even have time to wonder if you’re getting too fat or frumpy because his hands are on you all the time and he’s heaping on the praise.
Also, if you thought he was protective before you haven’t seen anything yet. He becomes hyper-vigilant about you and his little cub, to the point it probably causes a few fights and makes you feel suffocated. You definitely have an emotional breakdown or two that he has zero idea how to handle. Defusing an IED is child’s play compared to navigating your emotional changes. That’s usually when he resorts to food and foot rubs.
Once the baby arrives he’s on it. You don’t even change a single diaper until your son is two months old. If you’re breastfeeding, Sy’s there with snacks and water. If you’re formula feeding, he’s got everything prepped and ready to go.
The best thing about Sy as a dad though? It’s the way he looks at his son. The sheer awe and love you see in his eyes as his big fingers trace the delicate lines of your newborn’s face. And the way he looks at you with so much pride, love, and devotion? Well, is it any wonder your son gets a little sister a year later?
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My Girl 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You carefully pull the pastry over the slices of apple a cinnamon. You twist the corners together to complete the effect and hold it in place. Your blossoms are your specialty. You'll sprinkle coarse sugar over the top before you put them in the oven but for now, they'll have to rest. Your mother still has food cooking for the main course. 
You start another one, roll it out the pastry, slice it just so, wrap, and twist…  
The front door clatters and you hear Isaac say hello to your mom on her way in, “where's dad?” He adds on. 
“He'll be home soon,” she chimes. She's indulging in some wine for all her hard work in the kitchen. 
You can't help but long for your bed and the book you left on your pillow. The real world is always so monotonous. You enjoy baking but you'd rather finish the chapter. Sigh, you suppose that comes with the human condition; you're obligated to acknowledge the non-fictional slog. 
“Hey,” the deep rumble cuts through the air like the distance approach of some lingering dragon in its lair. You pop your head up and look over as Sy sets down his usual courtesy; beer and wine. He looks at you then the pan you line with pastry and fruit. “Er, whatcha making?” 
You look back to your hands and finish the twist, “apple blossoms.” 
“Mm, I like apple,” he steps closer to the counter, stopping at the counter, wavering as if he's afraid to come any further.  
“Thanks, er, oh, me too,” you shrug awkwardly, “my grandma taught me.” 
“Ah,” he nods and looks to the side, scratching his beard as he puffs out, “how's… how's your book?” 
You rinse of your hands, drying them thoroughly, “it's alright. I read it before.” 
“Tolkien, right?” He wonders. 
You nod. 
“Ahem, yeah, I… I started… the Fellowship one… pretty good so far.” 
“Oh? You did?” You face him. 
“I pick it up on my break, get a few pages here and there,” he chews his lip and pats his front pocket, feeling along it before dipping his fingers into the fabric, his brow slanting, “I… I made this.” 
He slides out a long flat piece of metal. It's slender and delicate, corner rounded to an oval, with elven patterning along its face. You squint and lean in to have a better look. 
“Wow. What is it?” 
“It's for you,” he says abruptly, “I mean it's a bookmark. I made it for you.” 
“Me?” You wonder as your eyes round, “that’s…” you look him in the face, “why– you didn't have to do that, Sy.” 
“Eh, it isn't much,” he holds it out, “be good to keep your place and all. You never drink the wine or nothing so…” 
“That's… sweet,” you smile and accept the book mark, turning it over. Your name is wrought in beautiful calligraphy on the other side, “it's beautiful.” 
He's quiet as you admire his handiwork. You don't know what else to say. You didn't expect it. You wouldn't expect him to think that much about you. 
“Anything I can help with?” He breaks the stuffy silence, made more stolid by the radiating heat of the stove. 
“Um, no, I'm pretty much done,” you move the pan of blossoms to the other counter, “but thank you.” 
“Ain't no trouble,” he assures and taps the countertop with his thick fingers, “s'pose I'll see ya at dinner.” 
“Sure,” you say over your shoulder. 
You wait until he's gone and back up, looking down at the bookmark. You can't believe how nice it is. How delicate. How can someone like him make something so elegant? Once more you’re reminded of the brutish dwarves and their renowned creations. 
You'll have to do something for him. To make it even. You don't know much about Sy but you know about Tolkien. You're sure you'll come up with something. 
You sit down for dinner. It seems a lot for just a Wednesday. You won't complain even if you would rather be reading. Your mom has put together a merry feast which could feed a king himself. 
The chair beside you scrapes out and you expect Isaac to elbow you as he always does. Instead, he takes the chair across from you. Sy claims the seat to your left. He’s so big, he can’t help but brush your arm with his thick one. You send him a meek smile and he nods. 
As you serve yourselves from the glistening roast and potatoes and medley of salads and veggies, your mother flutters around offering to fill glasses. When she finally sits, she can barely stay still. 
“So, I know this is a lot,” she begins, “but I have news I wanted to share and this is my little surprise celebration.” 
You quirk your head and Isaac barely reacts as he cuts into the pork. 
“I've been given a really big opportunity at work and I'll be heading up a new project,” she's shaking with excitement, “in London.” 
“London?” You echo and look around. 
Isaac chews around his confusion as he finally reacts but your dad only smiles at your mother. You try to muster some positivity but you’re too surprised. This is a bigger twist than any book you’ve read. 
“I'll be gone for three weeks,” she says, “so yeah, I'll miss you all. I know it's all very sudden but I can't pass this up and I know you'll be okay.” 
“What?” Isaac chokes down his food. 
“Congratulations,” Sy says, “that's big news.” 
“When do you leave?” You ask. 
“Friday?” You gasp. 
“I know it's short notice but there were details to be confirmed and–” 
“Mom,” you squeak, “that's… that's great. I'm happy. Just… surprised.” 
“What are we gonna do?” Isaac whines. He dramatically sits back and rubs his cheeks. 
Sy clears his throat, “you're grown. You'll figure it out. You should be happy for your mother.” 
“He's right,” your dad growls, “your mom worked hard for this.” 
“We'll be okay,” you wisp, assuring yourself as much as everyone else. 
“Won't be long at all,” your mother beams even as she gets teary-eyed, “I'll call you every day.” 
After dinner, you offer to clear the table. You want to think. You’’ll miss your mom when she’s gone. You assume you’ll be doing much of the cooking in her absence. You don’t mind, she always does so much. But that isn’t the only thing that will go away with your mom.  
It’s just disappointing that you were away for college and finally get back home and she’s leaving. You wasted the time you did have. You shouldn’t have spent all those hours with the Fellowship. You should have spent it in reality. Funny how fast your perspective can shift. 
You finish up tidying as you hear the voices from the front porch. The smell of the apple blossoms lace the air with cinnamon. You take them out of the oven, they’re perfectly golden and some of the apply good noose oozes out the little slits in the side. You plate each with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and take them out two at a time. 
You elbow out onto the porch, the snap of the screen door announcing your arrival. Your mom and dad sit on the porch swing as Sy stands across from them leaning on the railing. You force out a ‘hi’ and hand your parents their plates before you step back. 
“I’ll grab yours,” you say to Sy, “does anyone want tea or coffee?” 
“Oh, peanut, you’re so sweet, I wouldn’t mind some tea... even though I’m sure I’ll have more than enough in England,” she chuckles. 
“Decaf, please,” your dad grins. 
“Alright, will do,” you say. 
“I’ll help,” Sy stands straight, “you’ll have your hands full.” 
“Aw, Sy, you are too much,” your mother preens. 
“Where’s Isaac?” You wonder allow as your hand hovers on the screen door. 
“Moping, somewhere,” your father scoffs. “let him come out for his own dessert, if he wants it.” 
“Oh, right,” you accept and as you turn, a hand grabs the door above yours and pulls it open. Sy is close as he reaches above you to let you inside. You flit ahead of him and he follows with his sturdy steps, pausing to leave his boots on the mat. 
“You don’t have to help,” you say as you grab his plate and offer it to him as he enters the kitchen, “I just gotta put the water on.” 
“Wanna,” he says, “leave mine there. Why don’t you have some?” He insists. 
“I will,” you assure him and reluctantly put the plate back on the counter. 
You turn and flip on the electric kettle. You take out your mother’s favourite mug and a tea ball. As you do that, Sy nears the counter next to you. 
“Where’s the decaf?” He asks. 
“I said you don’t have to,” you giggle out your nerves, “really, I got it.” 
“I said, I want to,” he shrugs, “I don’t mind.” 
You don’t want to argue. How can you? He’s being helpful and you won’t have much of that. Isaac and your dad work so naturally, you’ll be taking on more of the housework. You’re not unhappy at that prospect, you just don’t want things to change so fast. 
“You’re gonna miss your mom?��� Again, his questions sound like statements. 
You wince and nod, “yeah,” you close the tea ball and hook the chain on the rim of the cup. He works diligently to loud the coffee maker, measuring out the grounds deliberately. You can’t really explain everything you feel. 
“Well,” he snaps the lid down, “if ya need anything, let me know.” He backs up and goes to the other end of the counter. He slowly turns the plate of pastry and ice cream, “make sure you get some too. Can’t be doin’ all that hard work for nothing.” 
He slides the plate towards him and lifts it. He turns his broad shoulders to you and stalks out. You hear the spook clink into the porcelain before he reaches the front door and he lets out a rumbling purr. Well, at least the dessert turned out. 
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marveldcmistress · 11 months
Heartbreak Amongst the Harem
A/N: It's here! Thank you to @just-ten-cents for the encouragement and beta writing for me! And like most of my writing, this is purely self-serving. Based off a dream I had about Mikey, but I threw is the other three just for spice and giggles. Enjoy!
Summary: Reader is in a poly relationship, and everything was going great, until a lack of communication and people's hurt feelings cause some loyalty issues.
Pairings: Mike (Hellraiser) x Plus Size!Reader, Captain Syverson x Plus Sized!Readaer, August Walker x Plus Sized!Reader, Walter Marshall x Plus Sized!Reader
Trigger Warnings: cheating, reverse harem, cussing, physical violence/threats of physical violence, hints and innuendos of smut, drinking and smoking, if there's anymore just let me know.
If someone would have told you a year ago you would be in a relationship with four men, who are more than happy to share you, you would have laughed in their face. It was a wonder even one out of the three older men took a second glance at you, let alone all three wanting you. You were less surprised about Mikey though. You were fully aware that he was a whore. He almost bragged about it when he could come in during your shifts at the bar. 
All four had been customers at some point or other. Sy, Walter, and August had all grown up together. Despite being fourth cousins, twice removed, or however they tried to explain it to you, they grew up in tight knit families. Eventually, Sy went into the military, August was hired into the CIA and Walter went off to college and became a cop. But as life goes, it brought them back together when Sy retired, August chose to leave the CIA, and Walter offered to move them into his house to fill the void Faye left when she went to college. 
Sy had started his own dog training business while August became a personal trainer for the police academy. Months after though was when Sy got the call from one of their other cousin’s, Liza. Liza had gotten pregnant at 17 and raised Mikey mostly on her own. When Mikey had gotten into college in the same city, she had practically BEGGED Sy and Walter to let him live with them so he would stay out of trouble. And it worked, for the most part. There had been a few times where some of Mikey’s flings had shown up to the house because he had ghosted them and they couldn’t handle it, but Walter had that straightened out pretty quickly. 
The first time you met them, they had all come in for Mikey’s 22nd birthday, only wanting a couple drinks and some wings before going home for work the next morning. You were behind the bar, busting ass alone and looking fantastic while doing it. Sy and August had shared a look. It wasn’t uncommon for them to share a woman during their usual one night stands. Walter had rolled his eyes and shook his head. One day these three were going to get him killed. Despite his thought process though, he could agree that you were an attractive woman. All four men were flirting with you all night, causing a blush to cover not only your cheeks, but spread all the way down your neck and across your chest, much to their delight. 
It went on that way for months, sometimes they would come in individually, just two or three of them, or as the whole group. Sometimes it was deep conversation about the darkness they had seen in the world, the battle of darkness inside of them, and the anger at the universe they held for making them go through that darkness alone. Everytime though they would flirt with you. Eventually, you fell in love with them.
Sy was the perfect southern gentleman, funny and sweet and respectful. He always told the worst dad jokes. August was snarky and sarcastic, but he called you Kitten and it just made you weak in the knees. Walter was grumpy and brooding, but the intellectual conversations you would have stimulated you mentally, which stimulated you sexually as well. He could also appreciate any insight you could provide from what little he could tell you about his cases. 
And last but not least, Mikey. He had gotten the nickname Baby from you because of his baby face. He was like a puppy dog to you. It had taken some convincing from Mikey and the others for you to give him a chance. It was unconventional, but it worked for the five of you. Sy and August were your makeshift bouncers when your boss fired the last one you had without having someone to replace him and they never interfered with your job unless it was a risk to your safety. Sometimes when flirting with customers for tips they would get carried away, but that’s not the point. 
Everything was going great, until you got that text that shattered everything. It had been a beautiful summer day in the middle of July. Sy had taken you and Walter on a trip for the weekend in between cases. The cabin on the lake was beautiful, lush green grass surrounding you, trees thick and abundant. Sy and Walter were on the docks fishing while you were sitting on the porch drinking a glass of moscato. August had appointments for a personal training business he had just started and Mikey had opted out, spouting something about having summer classes he had homework for. It struck you as odd, he hadn’t told you about taking summer classes before, but you shook it off and decided to have a good trip with the two lovers you had with you. There was no cell service out here so you had to entertain yourself. 
After your much needed break with your boys, filled with sex and rest, it was back to business as usual. Walter had once asked you to move in, to which you had told him it was too soon. You would love to move in one day, when your relationship with all four men was at a more permanent standing. It wasn’t that you didn’t see a future with them, but you were still unsure as to how this poly situation would work long term. But that was a discussion for another day. 
It was a week after your trip and you were hustling behind the bar, flipping bottles and slinging drinks. It was an extra busy Saturday night, the band being extremely popular amongst the local community. Sy and August were standing at the very end of the bar by the door, two sets of military trained eyes scoping every part of the crowded room. You’re so busy you don’t have time to check your phone when you see a notification from Mikey light your phone up. 
It wasn’t until after the last customer had left and you finished all of your side work did you look at your phone. Sy was walking behind you to his truck, his hand in your back pocket. August had left after last call, saying he was gonna set up your nightly routine at home so it was ready when you got there. Your boys always treated you so well. 
You unlock your phone and click on the notification. You weren’t surprised to see he had sent you a video, as Mikey had an obsession with TikToK and liked to share what he thought you would enjoy. As you wait for the video to load, Sy helps you climb into his truck, his hands pushing you by the ass into the seat, pinching just under the cheeks before you sit down.
“Ow, Sy!” you yelp. He just chuckles, vibrations coming from deep in his chest. 
“Can’t help it, Sugar. It’s just so juicy,” he says as he sends you his signature failed wink, making you laugh as you call him an asshole. You had almost forgotten your phone in your hand until the video started playing. You watch, confused at first as to why you see your ex-coworker MaKenna on the screen. But the longer the video goes on, the worse it gets. She’s half naked, completely bare from the bottom down and bouncing on someone’s……. And then you see his face and your blood starts to boil. 
It’s Mikey, under your ex-coworker, letting her ride reverse cowgirl. His hands are on her hips and his hips are meeting hers and you’re gonna get sick. MaKenna wasn’t exactly a bad coworker or person, you knew she was promiscuous, and you didn’t judge her for it. But she knew you and Mikey were together. And though it was an unconventional relationship you had with him and his cousins, you were big on loyalty and each man had pledged their loyalty only to you. So for him to have done this to you broke you on the inside. 
Just as they start to get louder, tears start to burn in your eyes. Sy catches on to the noise coming from your phone and looks over the console to your phone. The second he recognizes his little cousin’s face, he’s pissed. He knew Mikey had been a slut, but it seems he needs to teach the little prick a lesson about messing around on the woman you promised to only give certain affections and attentions to. 
“That little fucker. I’m gonna beat his ass.” he mumbles, starting to tear out of the parking lot and speed towards home. You ignore him, locking your phone and wiping the tears out of your eyes. You had confided in all four that you had been cheated on before, and all of them had worked hard to earn your trust. You never thought one of them would do something like this to you. Before you could stop it, a sob burst from your chest and out of your mouth. That’s when the dam really broke and you started crying uncontrollably. 
“Oh baby. I’m sorry, I know it hurts. I’m gonna get you home and August and I are gonna take good care of ya. And then we’re gonna hunt down that little prick and kick his ass real good.”  He reaches across the console to wipe the tears from your eyes before wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into his side. It’s uncomfortable, the console digging into your ribs, but you appreciate his attempt to love on you. 
You pull into the driveway ten minutes later. Sy doesn’t even give you a chance to get out on your own, opening your door and wrapping his arms around your waist and carrying you inside the house. August had heard you pull in and met you at the door, one brow lifted in question. Then he saw your red, puffy eyes and his ocean eyes turned murderous. You simply just unlocked your phone and handed it to him, Sy walking away to let him watch the video without hurting you even further. 
“What the actual fuck?!” 
“I’m already planning to kick his ass so get in line. But right now she is my main priority,” Sy hollers behind his back. Normally you would admonish him for talking about you in front of you like you weren’t even there, but you were too busy trying to keep air in your lungs to really care about telling him off. Your chest hurt and your eyes stung and it just felt like your world had come crashing down. You knew you would owe Sy big time when this was over. August too. 
Sy had carried you into the master bathroom where August had set up a bubble bath with candles and snacks. He had taken to spoiling you after your long shifts. You had found out very quickly he was dominant and took his duties as a dom seriously, and that included pampering you with only the best. Most weekend evenings/mornings after your shifts at the bar include a hot bubble bath with your favorite wine, snacks, and a good foot rub. That is usually followed by a full body massage with your favorite lotion. If you happened to stay awake during the massage, you’d then get the best dick down to finish you off and send you to sleep more than satisfied. 
“Baby doll?” Sy’s voice pulls you out of whatever trance you were in. You look up into his eyes, before looking over his shoulder to August’s concerned gaze. You hate the pity you see in both of their eyes, hate knowing they are looking at you in such a vulnerable state. 
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“Do you want us to help you, Kitten?” August asks. You don’t know what you want. You want them there for comfort, as that’s what partners are for. You want the floor to open you up and swallow you whole. You want to forget that Mikey even exists and that you ever met him. You don’t know…..
August must see it on your face because he moves to the tub and takes the plug out to let the water drain. He then swiftly moves to the shower and turns it on as hot as you can stand it. Sy slowly starts to ease your shirt up and over your head, before moving to your jeans. You know there is nothing sexual motivating his actions, but you can’t help but bring your arms up to cover yourself. Sy squats down to his knees to help you take off your pants, and August moves to leave a kiss on your forehead before pulling out his phone and walking out of the room. 
Sy moves you bodily to the shower, helping you slip in before telling you he’ll be in the other room when you get out.. You see him set out a towel and fresh clothes from Walter’s closet before leaving the bathroom. The sound of the door clicking shut resonates in the silent room. The only noise being the shower water hitting the tiled floor and your quiet sobbing. You slide to sit on the floor, bringing your knees to your chest and burying your head. 
You felt ridiculous. Part of the reason you had been so hesitant to even consider adding Mikey to your little group was his history with women. All four men were open about how he treated his flings when he was done with them. You were also concerned about his age. You didn’t normally go for guys around your age, and especially younger. Three years wasn’t much of a gap physically, but maturity wise had been a big red flag to you. 
Eventually you had cried yourself dry and the water had turned cold. You stood up, shutting off the water. You hadn’t even had the shower door fully open before Walter burst in the bathroom. You wanted to cover yourself, but he didn’t give you the chance. Before you could blink, he had you wrapped in his  big arms, the wool of his sweater scratching against your bare skin. He sways you back and forth and you’re bombarded with the memory of him telling you this is how he used to get Faye to sleep when she was a baby. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. August called me and I rushed right over.” he slowly releases you when he remembers you’re fully naked. He moves back to the toilet where he gets the towel and wraps it around you. You want to argue that you can dry and dress yourself, but the energy just doesn’t seem to be there. Once he’s satisfied that you've dried off enough, he pulls one of his softer sweaters over your head, lifting your arms and slotting them into the sleeves. He kneels with a pair of boxers in hand, lifting each foot and sliding the shorts up your legs. He makes a show of bringing them up over your ass, and you give him a small smile. All three of these beautiful men, trying to make you feel better. How did you get so lucky?
When Walter is happy that you are finally ready for bed, he scoops you up by the thighs and carried you into the bedroom. You see Sy already laying in bed, shirtless but wearing pajama bottoms. You hear August in the kitchen, assuming he’s putting away the snacks he had planned for your nightly routine. Walter lays you in the middle of the California King sized bed, right next to Sy, before moving to the closet to change into pajamas while Sy turns and snuggles into your side, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and ribs. 
“I know this probably won’t mean much, but he doesn’t deserve you, Sugar.” Sy mumbles into your chest. Even now, you can’t help but find amusement in his obsession with your tits. His favorite pillows, he once said. 
“Thanks, Sy.” you mumble. You feel the bed dip beside you, turning to find Walter getting in on your right side. He’s also shirtless only wearing pajama bottoms, and the fuzz on his chest is thicker than the others. 
“He’s right, Love. You are an incredible woman, and it’s Michael’s loss if he can’t see that.” his voice rumbles through your whole body. They’re both so warm, so soft. You internally chuckle at the contradiction. All four of them had godlike bodies, firm muscles and virile masculine strength. You lose your amusement as you think of Mikey again. 
You look up as August walks in, dressed just as the other two. You were prepared for the nightly argument of who was going to cuddle with you and how. When it came to sex, these men worked together like a well oiled machine, each one moving perfectly in sync with the other to bring you the highest heights of pleasure. But when it came to cuddles, they fought over you like children with a teddy bear. But none of that happened. With Sy on his side to your left, Walter on his side to your right, and you on your back in the middle, August made his way between your legs and laid right on top of you. His torso was half on top of you, with his head on your sternum right below your breasts, half on the bed between your thighs, and the rest of his body between your spread calves. 
“I feel like I’m in a puppy pile,” you mutter, causing all three men to chuckle. They quiet quickly though, all three concluding you’re trying to hide your pain through humor. Three sets of arms squeeze you tightly, and you soak up the love radiating from the three beautiful souls surrounding you.  Maybe this heartbreak will be easier to get over when you have three other boyfriends to take care of you. Soon, the snoring coming from Sy, the soothing hand August has rubbing your thigh, and Walter playing with your hair, on top of all of the crying you’ve done, lulls you into a deep sleep.
When you wake up, the sun is shining through the windows. You’re used to the sun being high in the sky when you wake up, but never have you woken up with one of the guys, aside from Mikey, still in bed with you. Sy was never one to sleep much, years of military training now just ingrained into who he is as a human being. August was usually at the gym, and Walter would be on a case. So it shocked you to still have Walter by your side. You look up to his face and find he is watching you. You should have figured he wouldn’t have been asleep.
“How long have you been up?” you ask, voice hoarse from sleep. Your throat hurt from crying so much last night, and your head was throbbing. Despite having slept deeply for a decent amount of time, you were still exhausted. Your eyes burned and your body felt heavy. 
“A few hours. I was up for a bit, but I didn’t want you to wake up alone.” he whispers. You always wondered how he always knew what you needed, even if it was something as small as keeping his voice low because your head hurts, when you didn’t even tell him. 
“Thanks, babe. Where’s the other two?” you look around. You can hear someone working around in the kitchen. The smells of bacon and eggs finally hits your senses and your stomach grumbles. You silently wished Walter hadn’t heard. Out of the four, well now three, he was the most anal about making sure you ate enough and stayed hydrated. You look up and there it is, the pointed look he gives you everytime.
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“Love, did you eat last night?” You look down in shame. You had a horrible habit of getting so caught up at work you forget to order food from the kitchen before it closes. 
“You see, what had happened was..” you start. Walter rolls his eyes and huffs, beginning to roll away from you. You pull him back in protest. 
“Listen to me! I didn’t have the chance to eat because I had to get the bar put together because Katie had to leave early and then we got slammed and Sheri couldn’t keep up with her tables so they kept coming up to the bar and then we just, didn’t slow down until after close, so Sy and I were going to go get something to eat and then….” you trail off, your brain bringing up the awful memory of what your….. You’re not even sure what to call Mikey. Walter notices where your mind seems to go and quickly put his hand under your chin and raises your eyes to his.
“Sy is making breakfast,” he starts.
“Fuck yeah,” you mumble. Sy was the best cook in the entire group, and his breakfast was fire. Walter rolls his eyes at that.
“And August went to the gym. Grumbling something about still being pissed off.” That last bit of information didn’t surprise you at all. August was crazy, as you had seen one night when a customer had gotten too handsy and decided to fight Auggie when he tried to throw him out. You were not ashamed to admit it made you so horny that you jumped him in the car at the end of your shift. It may have also revealed just how toxic you could be at times to the entire group. None of them seemed to mind though.
Just then, Sy came into the bedroom, carrying a tray full of food. You see french toast and biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon, ham, fruit. All of your favorite breakfast foods. God you love these men. Sy sees you eyeing the tray and raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Well good morning to you too, Sugar. You sleep alright?” He kisses your forehead while balancing the tray in his hand. You soak up the affection, staring at him as he brings the tray to sit in your lap. You pick up a fork and dig in, almost inhaling the fruit and french toast, feeding bites to each man beside you. It was almost perfect, until you heard the front door open and Mikey’s voice rings through the house. Your hand tightens around your fork and Walter is quick enough to move the tray off your lap as Sy flies off the bed and out of the room. You both quickly follow him, knowing deep down you wouldn’t be able to keep Sy from kicking his ass. 
You stand at the top of the stairs and watch as Sy barrels towards Mikey, shoving him against the wall and holding him up by the front of the shirt. Walter moves you to the side, coming to stand on the steps in front of you but not shielding you from watching what was happening. Mikey’s eyes go wide and his hands go up at his sides. 
“Woah, woah, woah. Easy, big guy. Good morning to you, too.” It wasn’t unusual for Sy and Mikey to wrestle in the house. But the look on Sy’s face told Mikey this was anything but playful. 
“How was your studying session, Mike?” Sy snarls. His voice sent shivers down your spine. You almost feel sorry for anyone who had to go against your Captain. It was joked once that he was a bull, once he sees red there’s no running from him.
“It was fine. What is your problem, man?’ Mike stutters. That just seems to piss Sy off even more because he removes one hand and pulls it back before punching Mike in the stomach. The younger man doubles over before Sy lifts him back into a standing position. Part of you wants to step in. Yes Mike hurt you, but you don’t usually condone physical violence unless absolutely necessary. But on the other hand, Karma is a bitch, and he’s had more than enough coming his way. 
“Now, you wanna try that again?” Sy growls. Mikey looks up to you, and your heart breaks all over again. You see the moment it clicks in his head, and shame fills his eyes. 
“Sweetcheeks…” he tries. Sy shakes him hard.
“You don’t get to speak to her. You’re lucky August isn’t here because he wouldn’t be as easy on you as I am right now. I thought we had a clear understanding on what this relationship meant to her, and now you’ve set all of us back. She’s going to shut herself off and we’ll have to work double to get her trust back. Fucking idiot.” Sy pushes him harder into the wall before dropping him not so gently to the floor. You move past Walter and make your way down the stairs. You put a hand on Sy’s shoulder and he looks at you. You can hear his thoughts as loud as if he said them out loud; ‘you don’t have to do this’.
Mikey stands up and looks at you, flashing his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. Normally it would melt your heart, but right now it just turns it to stone. You wonder how you would be responding if you didn’t have the strength of the two men behind you.
“Taking summer classes, huh? Does the name MaKenna ring a bell?” you seethe. You had once confided in how insecure she made you feel. She was your height but very petite. You had noted how her breasts were the perfect size that they just stayed perky, making you self-conscious of your larger chest that hangs low. Not that you didn’t love your body, but loving yourself is a long, bumpy road. 
“Babycakes,” Mikey tries again. 
“What did Sy say? You don’t have the privilege of speaking to me. Ya know, Mikey, it took a lot of convincing from your cousins to even get me to consider giving you a chance, based off your history with women. I knew from the get go this was going to end badly but I had that littlest bit of hope that I was wrong. I can’t even stand looking at you right now.” you say, turning away from him. You move but before you get too far, he reaches out and grabs your arm. You spin quickly, and before anyone can blink you slap him. Hard as fuck. Your palm stings and his face immediately turns red. You turn and run before he can see you start to cry. 
“Great contact, Sugar.” Sy mumbles as you rush past him, giving Mikey one last hard look before following you upstairs. Walter, who had been silent during this entire altercation, finally looked at Mike. 
“I’m not going to discuss any of this with you, right now. I’m more disappointed than angry,” he starts. Mikey rolls his eyes.
“No offense, Walt, but I don’t need the dad lecture at the moment,” he says sarcastically. That’s what finally set the normally stoic detective off. 
“Obviously you do! Maybe if that piece of shit father of yours would have stuck around you would have turned out better.” That fucking stung. Mikey had taken some time to open up about his dad bailing on him and his mom. He blamed himself for a long time, something you strived to help him heal. 
“But he didn’t, so now it is up to myself and the other two to teach you something about being a man. I understand that before her you made no commitments to the women you took to your bed. But when you actually make a promise to someone you don’t break it like that. I’m going to ask you once to leave. Take a few days at a friend’s while we discuss how we want to proceed from here.” 
Mikey went to protest but the look on Walter’s face killed the argument before it could leave his mouth. He knew he fucked up, and he hears his mother’s voice in his head telling him to face the consequences of his decisions. 
“Can I at least grab some stuff before I go?” he mumbles. Walter nods but says nothing else. He watches as Mikey gathers some things before moving towards the front door. He pauses before opening the door, turning back to the older man.
“I’m sorry, Walt.” 
Walter shakes his head. “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. We all have some talking to do, but for right now let the dust settle. She needs to heal some from this. And before you start accusing me of choosing a woman over family, remember that you are the one in the wrong in this scenario.” 
And with that Walter went upstairs, leaving Mike to walk out of the house with his tail between his legs. Just as he was getting to his car, August pulls up beside him. Mike barely has his door open before August is on him, throwing him up against his car.
“I should beat the fuck out of you right now.” he hisses. If Mike thought Sy was scary, August was terrifying. He remembered one night when they all had had way too much to drink and August went to a really dark place mentally, giving a recount of just how many people he had killed during his time working for the CIA. Mike knew just how skilled August was in the arts of torture, and the thought alone of what he could do to him almost made him piss himself. 
“Listen, Sy has already given it to me and she left this beautiful hand print on my face, so give me a break, okay? You can come at me later when Walter lets me back in the house,” he grumbles. August locks in on that last bit of information.
“Walter kicked you out?” 
“He said it’s just for a few days.” August nods. 
“Well whatever you do, do NOT go back to that little bitch’s house. Find a GUY friend to stay with. And call your mother, before one of us does.”  
Mikey should have known that was coming. All three of the older men were fiercely loyal to his mother, and never missed an opportunity to let her know when he did something stupid. But this was probably the worst thing he could’ve told her. He sighs and gets in his car, thinking of who he could call that would let him stay a few days. 
August makes his way to the bedroom immediately upon walking into the house. He didn’t want to leave you this morning but he was still so pissed by what happened early this morning he knew it would do no one any good if he didn’t get it out of his system. So he went to the gym where he almost destroyed a punching bag and scared some staff members. One of his training buddies had finally had enough of him abusing the gym equipment and said something. 
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“Now what did the bag ever do to you?” Geralt asks. The man was taller than August with more muscle, but he had a more even temperament. August puts his hands down and huffs. 
“I’m picturing Mikey’s face.” he growls. Geralt just raises a brow. August had talked about his little cousin and the relationship he had with the bartender. He’d been to the bar and wasn’t hesitant to admit he could understand the attraction. You were a beautiful woman, fiery and bubbly simultaneously. It was adorable. 
“What did the little idiot do this time?” Geralt had come to calling him that after he had drunkenly picked up a rabid raccoon out of the dumpster and it bit him. 
“He hooked up with MaKenna.” August says. Geralt pauses to rack his brain. 
“The little redhead that worked there before she was fired for having sex in the parking lot during her shift?” 
“That’s why they fired her?” August spins to face the larger man. You had said she was fired for employee misconduct and insubordination, but you never gave the specifics. “You know what, I’m not surprised.” 
“That’s what I heard from the owner at a house party a week after that, I think. Doesn’t matter. How did you guys find out?”
“The stupid shit sent her a video of them fucking to her, in the same bath tub in the cabin Sy took her to last weekend.” August shakes his head. Little shit couldn’t have even been original. 
“And he’s still breathing?” Geralt looks surprised. 
“For now. But when I see him….” August’s hands curl into fists at his side and he almost starts shaking. Geralt gives a hum and then pats his back, turning to leave his friend to stew in his feelings and planning a nice phone call to the beautiful bartender with a broken heart at home. 
Shaking the memory from his mind, August opens the bedroom door to see you curled into Sy’s chest, shoulders shaking but no noise coming from you. Only the vision of the bright hand print on Mikey’s face calms his rising anger. He hears Walter in the bathroom and the shower turning on. Sy finally notices him and makes eye contact. It was almost a telepathic conversation between the two men: our baby needs us.
August turns to his left as Walter walks in, steam following him from the running shower. Sy nudges you up with murmurs of needing to calm down. You grudgingly obey, make eye contact with August before quickly looking away and following them to the shower. August takes this chance to change the sheets, rolling his eyes when he sees the crumbs on the comforter. He’d told them time and again not to let you eat in bed, but they never listen. He’ll let it slide this time, given current circumstances. 
After fixing the bed and taking the breakfast down to the kitchen, he starts on the dishes. You had expressed only once that it was your least favorite chore, and he had taken it upon himself to be the designated dishwasher of your group. Despite the shower running upstairs, the water was still scalding and he thanked Walter once again for finally caving and buying a new hot water heater and for Sy saving them money by installing it himself. The burning pain from the water distracted him from the heartbreak he felt coming from you. You always joked you had a radiating energy that affected those around you, but he didn’t think it was a joke.
When he first saw you, you shined so brightly you almost glowed. Your smile was like a beaming ray of sunlight, sending warmth straight through his heart. At first he thought he was dying, that you were an angel of some sort that had shown up to take him to his after life. But one look at Sy and Walter and he knew he wasn’t alone. Bringing you into their lives was like having eternal summer. And now Mikey had gone and shut your light off. He was lucky he was kicked out. 
As soon as everything was dried and put away, August made his way upstairs where Sy was carrying you out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Walter followed behind with a brush and some lotion in hand. They met eyes for a moment before moving to sit beside you and Sy on the bed. Sy had you his lap sideways, rocking back and forth while you controlled your breathing. He let you cry in the shower until your breathing turned ragged and he recognized the onset of a panic attack setting in. Walter starts brushing your hair while August takes the lotion and starts rubbing your feet. Soon your breathing evens out and the sniffling quiets. 
All three men watch you and you make eye contact with August. He gives you a small smile and brings your ankle up to his mouth for a kiss. His mustache tickles your skin and you pull it back with a small shriek. This causes all three men to chuckle. 
“Are you okay, Kitten?” August mumbles. Walter and Sy turn to you pointedly. You hadn’t said anything to them since you ran away from Mikey. They knew you weren’t okay, but they needed you to open up to them so they could help. 
“Not really.” you whisper. Your hand still stings from slapping Mikey, but even more so your chest hurts. It feels irrational to you. You have three gods in front of you, ready and willing to worship you, and you’re heartbroken over someone you knew was going to hurt you from the beginning. “I think I’m more pissed than anything. What if this ruins what we have? I don’t want to be here around him but that means I won’t be able to be with you guys as much.” 
Sy burst out laughing. You look at him offended, only to catch the amusement on August’s face as well. You turn around to look at Walter and find him chuckling. 
“What the fuck is so funny?” you almost yell. August rubs his hand along your naked thigh, bringing your attention down to him.
“Kitten, if you think we’re going to let that little twerp ruin one of the best things to happen to us, you must not hold us in too high of a regard.” he looks at you pointedly. 
“Yeah, Sugar. You got me fucked up if you think I’m going to throw you away because of this. If anything, it’s Mikey that’s going in the trash.” Sy says with a smirk. You look at him tentatively, and he gives you his wink/blink.  You give him a smile when you feel Walter kiss the top of your head. You look up to make eye contact with your furry lover. 
“Besides, I kicked Mikey out,” he says. You immediately sit upright in Sy’s lap, scrambling to stand and look at Walter full on. You bring your hands to your hips, causing the towel to fall and you rush to catch it. 
“What do you mean you kicked him out? Don’t cause issues with your family because of me, Walter, that’s crazy.” He just smiles at you. It isn’t fair how pretty he is, how pretty all three of them are. You shouldn’t be jealous because your boyfriends have prettier eyelashes than you do. He reaches for you, bringing you between his legs, spreading them wide to make room for your thick thighs. 
“It’s only for a few days, Love. Give him some time to think about what he did and for all of us to cool down.” 
“No promises on that last one,” August grumbles. Sy gives a hum of agreement. 
“Regardless,” Walter starts, giving a pointed look to the other two men, “even if Michael is here, you still have every right to be in this house. Or we can start spending more time at your place. We can work around this, love.” He grabs your hands in his and brings you close to him. “We love you, Y/N.” he whispers. Tears start to fill your eyes. 
“Yeah, Sugar. Sure, your apartment is small and crowded, and you have all those pretty rocks I’m too scared to touch,” Sy starts in, making you giggle.
“They’re called crystals, Sy.” you mumble.
“Whatever, they’re part of your little witchy shit and sets me on edge. But I wouldn’t be anywhere else, cause I love ya.” 
“Aww you guys,” you say as the tears really start to flow. You look to August, waiting for him to take his turn to confess his feelings. He just rolls his eyes. 
“All this sappy shit. Yes, I love you. This is probably the only time you’ll hear me say it out loud, so soak it up while you can,” he grumbles. You bend down and give him a kiss on his pouting lips. 
“I love you, too.” you whisper as you move away from him. 
“All of you. I didn’t want to get too close at the beginning because I didn’t want to have to choose between you three, but thank god you suggested this. I know I’m going to be a little down in the coming time, but I appreciate each of you and everything you do for me as a team and as individuals. I don’t know where I’d be without you guys.” 
All three men wrap their arms around you like some kind of awkward python of arms and hair. You run one hand through Walter’s hair and the other down August’s back. Sy buries his face in your chest, and you send thanks to the divine universe for the beautiful men it has sent you.
Mikey pulls up to his friend Evan’s house, aware of the gloom cloud hanging above his head. He’d called him as soon as he pulled out of the driveway at Walter’s, giving as little details as possible as to why he needed a place to crash. Evan was a great friend, but he didn’t need any more judgment today. He was already dreading calling his mother. How was he going to explain to her that he cheated on his girlfriend that he was sharing with his three older cousins? Up until today he wasn’t even sure it WAS cheating. I mean, you had the other three, why couldn’t he fuck other people too? 
But then a memory arises in his mind. It had only been a couple months since you had met him and the other three men, and you were freaking out in the cooler at work. It had taken him five minutes to get you calmed enough to tell him what had you in such a state. When you finally confessed that you had caught feelings for him and his cousins, and that you didn’t want to choose between them, he had the best idea. That night he mentioned a poly relationship to August and Sy, unknowing of his cousin’s history of sharing women. When he pitched the idea to Walter, the detective was reluctant. But it took one look at your face when they presented the idea to you to convince the bear to cave.
What Mikey wasn’t prepared for was the jealousy he would feel sometimes. It seemed some days that you treated him like he was still a kid, and the nickname Baby Face only made it worse. The way you talked to the older three like they hung the moon, and the way you let them dominate you. It emasculated him, you never let him top you. When he saw MaKenna at a party one night, and she started flirting with him, he felt good. She talked to him like he knew what he was doing, stroking his ego and he felt on top of the world. 
Looking back now, he knows he fucked up. He wished he could blame the alcohol, but he knew deep down that wasn’t an excuse.When you agreed to the poly proposal, you had sat everyone down for a deep discussion on the rules of the relationship and how to operate the slippery slope of romance. You had pressed the seriousness of open communication. If anyone was having any issues, it needed to be talked over and worked  out. He just couldn’t bring himself to tell you how he was feeling. And now he may have lost you forever. 
He looks up from his steering wheel when he hears a tap on his window. Evan stands there, waving a hand to get his attention. He exits the car, avoiding Evan’s questioning gaze as he gathered his things and followed his friend into the house. He sets his bag on the couch, a deep sigh leaving his chest. He hears Evan say something but didn’t pay attention to his words. He sat down and reached into his bag for his computer when he noticed he had packed one of your shirts that must have gotten mixed in with his laundry somehow. He brings it up to his face and takes a whiff. It still smells like you even after going through the wash and he’s surprised to feel the tears burn his eyes. 
That’s how Evan finds him when he walks back in from the kitchen with two beers in hand. Mikey wasn’t one to show much emotion outside of excitement and horniness, so to see him crying really threw his friend for a loop.
“Hey, man, you okay?” he sets the two bottles on the coffee table and moves to sit beside Mike. As an EMT he’s used to having to de-escalate a situation, but this was different somehow. 
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“I cheated on Y/N,” Mike gets out once he calms down. Evan raises his brows in surprise. He couldn’t lie and say he was shocked. He knew exactly the kind of guy Mike was and exactly the woman you were. He told Mike once that he thought he was too immature for someone like you. You were a grown ass woman, not the little girls Mikey liked to play around with. You had your shit together, a good job and your own place, paid your own bills and never really asked for nor needed help. He had expressed his concerns when Mike had told him you accepted his offer to be shared with his cousins. But alas, Mikey didn’t listen. It took all the willpower Evan had in him not to say ‘I told you so’. 
“With who?” he whispered. Getting loud and angry would do his friend no good right now. 
“That MaKenna chick, the one you met at the party that one time.” Evan racked his brain, shifting through faces and names. Mike had introduced him to plenty of chicks over the last two years of their friendship. 
“Is she the little redhead that worked at the bar with Y/N? The one who got fired for fucking a customer on the clock?” 
“Is that why they fired her?” Mikey looked up. 
“Yeah, man. My brother was there that night, said she ran out of the bar screaming and cussing everyone out. She may have also been drinking on the job.” Fuck, he had alot of apologizing to do. 
“Look, I’m your friend, and as your friend it’s my responsibility to tell you when you fucked up. And I love you, bro, but you’re fucking stupid. What was going through your head, man?” 
Mike wanted to be offended, but somewhere deep inside he was glad to have a friend who called him out on his shit. 
“I don’t know, man. We were at this party and I was drinking and Y/N has been so busy with work and caught up in the other guys that it just felt like I didn’t exist anymore, ya know? And then when we do have sex, she’s always in control. It made me feel….” he trailed off. Evan nods his head, encouraging him to continue. 
“I just felt like she saw me as some little kid she could play with, and never took me as seriously as she did them. I wasn’t a man in her eyes. And then MaKenna showed up and I just didn’t think. Now I may have lost her for some community pussy.” 
Evan laughed at the last sentence, fully aware the same could be said of Mikey. 
“Listen. You stay here for a few days, let her calm down, and figure out your own shit while you’re at it. And maybe get some ice for your face cause brother, she left her mark.”  Mikey reaches up and touches his still stinging cheek. 
“Leave it, let it be my reminder that I’m an idiot.” 
“If you say so, man. But it’s turning purple so better go find some make up at the drug store before people start asking if you’ve been abused.” 
The next few days flew by in a blur. You’d had picked up extra shifts just to keep your mind focused on work and not Mikey. The three older men never really let you have a moment to yourself. If you were at work, they were sat at the very end of the bar. If you were at home, you had at least one wrapped around you and another lurking somewhere in the house. You didn’t mind, really. You had done enough crying over Mike. You, however, didn’t let them see the anxiety eating at you as the days drew closer to Mikey coming back to the house. Walter had tried to reassure you that everything would be fine, but you knew it would be so awkward. Sy had offered to move in with you, to which August protested that there wouldn’t be enough room because he’d be damned if he wasn’t moving in too. You let them bicker for an hour before shutting down the idea in general. 
Sy had made sure August had taken you out for the day when Mikey had finally come back to the house. He didn’t deserve to even be in your presence. When the younger man walked through the door, Sy had given him a dirty look before going into the kitchen to start on a dinner he had been dying to have you try. Mike just nodded his head in acceptance before moving to lock himself in his bedroom. He was in there for an hour before he heard your laugh coming in through the front door. He had to physically restrain himself from running out to greet you, instead putting on his noise cancelling headphones and closed his eyes, praying for the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
It went on like this for weeks. If he happened to run into you around the house, you would avoid looking at him and run to another room, usually followed by Sy or August. Walter had picked up a new case and had barely been home. If Mike went to the bar with the guys, you would have the other bartender serve him.
Watching Sy and August love up on you was torture. It was like they were being extra affectionate just to tease him, looking right in his eyes when giving you a deep kiss or long hug. The worst was when he would hear you three at night, his room being right under the bed. Your cries of pleasure haunting him in his dreams. 
It was getting towards the end of September, the weather was starting to get chilly and his classes were kicking his ass. He had resorted to moving in with Evan just so he could sleep. Walter had finally convinced you to move in, despite the tension between you and Mike. It hadn’t been an easy fight.
“Walt, baby, I really don’t think it’s a good idea. I still can’t even talk to him, living here is just going to make it worse.” you protest. It was on a rare night that he had come home from work and all three men had taken their turn ravishing you to exhaustion. You lay naked on your back in the middle of the bed, Sy half asleep with his face on your chest, August getting water and snacks in the kitchen, and Walter standing in the doorway to the bathroom towel drying his hair. 
“But your lease is coming up, baby, and they’re going to raise your rent. What are you going to do, if you can’t renew it and can’t afford it?” Sy whispers against your breast. 
“I can find another apartment, Sy.” 
“Besides, Mike moved in with his friend, Evan.” If it wasn’t for Sy’s heavy body keeping yours pinned to the bed, you would have sat straight up. 
“When?” you ask.
“A couple days ago. Said he couldn’t stand being in this house anymore, he couldn’t sleep.” 
You both turn when you hear August coming up the stairs with his arms full. You took note of your favorite cookies and some waters. He takes one to Walter, before moving to sit on your other side and feeding you a bite of cookie. 
“I just hope this doesn’t cause any problems with you guys and his mom…” you trail off. Walter had told you about Liza’s phone call when Mike told her what happened. You knew your boys probably got an earful, but eventually she came to understand her son was the one in the wrong. That still didn’t save them from the scolding over the idiocracy of their poly relationship. 
They didn’t care though. It wasn’t her relationship, therefore her opinion didn’t matter. 
“Liza will get over it. You, my dear, are OUR priority. Mikey moved out of his own freewill and you need a place to live. You can have Mikey’s old room, if you’re worried about losing a space to call your own.” Tears come to your eyes. God, you love them so much. 
“Yeah, you can put all your witchy shit in there,” Sy says. All of you just laugh and carry on with your night. 
August and Sy had helped you pack your apartment and, with a little help from Geralt, who had recently started spending time with your little group, had moved you in with your polycule. You sold most of your furniture aside from your dressers and mattress. Walter had even set up a space around the house for your cat, happy to have a free mouse catcher for when the rodents invaded during the snowy months. Everything was going great, you had your boys, work was banging so you had some extra cash in your pocket. Soon the sting from Mikey’s betrayal ebbed away to a dull throb. 
It was mid-October when shit really hit the fan. The band at work was super popular around the local community and everyone was getting lit. Your boss had given you the night off per your request, but you just couldn’t seem to stay away from work, even off the clock. You had dressed up extra nice tonight, donning an outfit that showed off all your goodies. Sy and August had been to the barber a few days before and looked so yummy. Walter had opted to take the night and spend time with Faye during her time off for fall break. You had invited Geralt but he said the loud noises would mess with his sensitive ears. 
After grabbing drinks and saying hi to your friends in the band, you take a seat at a table with the guys, talking to some regulars and friends. The night was going great, for at least an hour. Until Mikey walked in. Just seeing him pissed you off again. You made eye contact for just a split second before turning away, giving him the cold shoulder. Nothing gets past your two soldiers though, and both men clock onto their younger cousin making his way through the crowd. Sy slings one arm around your shoulders and August moves to block you into the booth, stuck between the two beefcakes. You keep your face forward, your focus solely on the band. 
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‘Fuck she looks good’ Mikey thinks. You had put on his favorite teddy, tits pushed almost to your chin, tucked into a pair of jeans so tight they might as well have been painted on. Your hair was curled and wild, and your make up was done in his favorite style. He missed the nights of watching the mascara run down your face from choking on his….. He shakes his head, starting to regret coming out tonight. One of your coworkers had told him you had taken the night off, and he was in the mood to drink himself stupid. He hadn’t spent a night sober since he moved out. He can’t even self pleasure any more, the guilt killing his sex drive. He refused to look at women. Not when the one he wanted was so close yet so far away.  He tries ignoring the glares being sent to him from Sy and August. They hadn’t forgiven him for his mistake. To be honest, he hadn’t exactly forgiven himself. 
When the band goes on break, you extract yourself from your loving bodyguards to go to the restroom. Locking yourself in the large stall, you turn your back to lean against the wall, taking a deep breath, before doing your thing and leaving the bathroom. You sneak out the door to the back patio quickly, before Sy or August can see you. You loved them deeply, but the past couple weeks they have been a tad overbearing. You move past all the smokers and into the back parking lot, taking in the cold air, letting it freeze/burn your lungs. 
The healing you had done the past few weeks seemed to fly out the window at seeing him again. You missed him. You hated it, but you missed him so much. The stupid faces he would make when you were in a bad mood. The puppy dog eyes he would give you when asking for a bite of your food. The way he vigorously rubbed his face in your chest when he was tired and acting like a toddler. The memories cause tears to sting your eyes, and you put your fingers under your eyes to keep your makeup from running. 
A cough from behind brings you back to the present, turning to find Mikey standing behind you. He had his head down, rubbing the back of his neck and scuffing his foot on the ground. It pleased and pained you to see him looking so rough. He was always pale, but his skin was almost gray. His hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in days and his clothes were rumpled. He looked like shit, and you loved it and hated it in a strange emotional paradox. 
“Hey,” you whisper, and your heart breaks all over again. The circles under his eyes wouldn’t have been covered by the best concealer in the world. You just want to pull him into you and love every ounce of pain out of his eyes. But he broke your trust and you have to stand your ground. 
“Hi,” he whispers back. It’s tense for a moment, and you’re wishing you would have snuck your pack of smokes into your purse without August seeing. All of them knew you had your vices, but August was adamant about breaking this specific bad habit. As if reading your mind, Mikey hands you a cigarette, and you take it with a quiet ‘thank you’. He lights it for you, and you both look each other in the eye before turning away again.
You both speak at the same time, before smiling softly at each other. You motion for him to start first, anxious to hear what he has to say. 
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry. What I did was wrong and I really hurt you. Nothing can excuse what I did, but if it’s any consolation, I feel like shit,” he clears his throat, and avoids eye contact with you. 
“You look like shit,” you huff. He throws his head back and barks a laugh. His shoulders shake and you know it’s not because he finds anything funny. 
“Thank you, Sweetcheeks.” You smile at his nickname. 
“Seriously, Mikey, are you okay? You look like you haven’t seen the sun in weeks.” 
“No, babes, to be honest I’m not. I can’t sleep without drinking half a bottle a night, I don’t think I’ve had a solid meal in two weeks, and my sex drive is completely gone. Hell, I can’t even masturbate!” The more he talks, the more manic he sounds until he shouts that last sentence, drawing the eyes of some customers walking by. You slap your hand to your face to hide from embarrassment. 
“Sorry. But yeah, I’m not okay. But I brought this on to myself,” he mumbles. You would disagree, but you can’t. He made his decision, now he can lay in the bed he made. 
“You look great, though. They must be taking good care of you,” he says almost bitterly. 
“Yes, they are. I’m actually using your old room as an art studio.”
“Wow. That’s great.” You just nod your head. And then it really processes in your head, and you can’t help the petty happiness that fills you at the thought of him not being able to get it up. Your face must give away how you’re feeling.
“What?” Mikey asks.
“Would it be shitty of me to say it pleases me immensely that your dick isn’t working right now?” Now Mikey really laughs, from deep in his belly and full of mirth. You start laughing with him, and when you make eye contact, it only seems to amuse you further. Soon you both are wiping tears and holding your stomachs. 
“No, babe, I wouldn’t fault you at all for taking pleasure in my pain. Matter of fact, if my suffering makes you happy, I will do it gladly.” You roll your eyes at his cheesiness, but damn it if that wasn’t what made you fall in love with him to begin with. 
“I can admit I miss you, too, Mikey. But don’t think that this simple conversation is going to make everything magically better. You have a lot of trust to build back up, and not just with me.” You warn him. His eyes light up, and like a trick of the shadows around you, his skin almost seemed to glow back to life. 
“I’ll do whatever you want, Sweetcheeks. I promise, I won’t so much as LOOK at another woman. You won’t regret this.” His body jerks forward, arms open to hug you before he hesitates. You open your arms in acceptance, ready to move past this awkwardness and be with your Mikey again. After a long few minutes of just soaking in each other after weeks apart, you move back and wipe your eyes once more. A gust of wind blows around you and sends a shiver over your naked shoulders and back.   
“Let’s get you inside, Sweetcheeks,” Mikey says, shrugging off his zip up jacket and throwing it over your shoulders. You both move to go back inside just as the door opens and August and Sy come barreling out. August glares at the cigarette still in your hand while Sy shoots a dirty look at Mike’s jacket around you. 
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“Uh oh, Mikey, we should probably put out the smokes. Here comes Captain Killjoy and Agent Sourpuss,” you giggle. 
“Careful, Sweetcheeks, they’re likely to punish you,” he jokes back. Two sets of cerulean eyes study you and Mikey closely. August looks ready to murder the younger man, while Sy just looks confused.
“So what’s going on here?” the bull grumbles.
“Mike and I have had a conversation, and he has apologized,” you start slowly. You’re unsure just how well they will react to this news.
“So one little ‘I’m sorry’ and he’s just forgiven?” August seethes. You take a deep breath. You love your Scorpio man, but Lord did he test you.
“It’s not all magically fixed, no. We still need to have a very long talk, and it’s going to take a lot of work, but for right now, tonight, we are going to leave the past in the past, let go of any grudges,” you look pointedly to both men, “and go enjoy our friend Alex’s singing and eat some good food because you,” you turn to Mikey, “are skin and bones. Am I clear?” 
You had used what you call your ‘mom voice’, leaving no room for argument. All three men follow you back into the bar, Mikey sitting by the wall and letting you lock him into the booth. Things were going well until SHE walked in. That redheaded little hussy. It was a good thing Sy listened to you when you told him to keep you away from the whiskey. The last thing you needed was to go to jail tonight. None of the guys seemed to have noticed, so you chose to ignore it. 
At the next intermission, Mikey decided he’d take the opportunity to get another round for the table. You kept your eyes stuck to him the entire time, launching yourself from the booth when you see MaKenna walk up to Mikey. He glances at her before looking around the room nervously. Sy and August follow but stay a few feet away. You sidle up to Mikey and wrap an arm around his waist and using the other hand to bring his face down to yours and sealing a deep kiss to his lips. You open your mouth and make a show of mingling your tongue with Mike’s, letting this bitch know he’s yours. Mikey follows you as you pull away, whining low in his throat when you break the kiss. You then turn to the girl beside you.
“Oh, hi. I forgot you existed,” you say. She’s looking between you and Mikey, very confused.
“I didn’t know you and Mike were dating,” she says. You narrow your eyes at her, knowing she was lying. She knew damn well what she did. 
“MaKenna was just trying to hook up with me again. I was just telling her no,” Mikey rushed to tell you. The last thing he needed after making up with you was you thinking he hadn’t changed. The only acknowledgement you give him is a hum and a nod. 
“Yeah, after he fucked you he realized he needed a real woman. I’m surprised you even have the guts to show up here after being fired the way you were. You really must feel no shame,” the venom dripping from your tongue could kill a horse, but damn if it wasn’t sexy. Mikey was trying so hard to hide the tightening in his jeans. 
“I don’t know what you mean,” the smaller female starts. 
“Oh, please. You got caught fucking another woman’s man, again, on the clock. And when his girlfriend showed up to kick your ass, it caused drama that didn’t need to be started here at work. You think you would have learned from that, but apparently you have no sense of self-preservation. I suggest you start looking for something safe to do, because I won’t be as nice as the last girl. You got lucky a bouncer was able to convince her not to knock your teeth in, but the bouncers here love me and would highly encourage it. So find someone else to fuck with, before that butterface of yours gets permanently damaged.” 
All three of your boys groan. Seeing you so riled up was so hot, and they knew hearing you threaten someone shouldn’t have been as sexy as it was. The girl in front of you flinches before walking away from you. You close your eyes and take a deep breath through your nose. You’re typically not a confrontational person, but it felt so good to put someone in their place. And to do it without laying a hand on her. 
“That was hot as fuck,” Mikey says behind you. You chuckle, turning back to flash him a flirty smile before grabbing his hand and moving to go grab the other two. The lust you see in August’s eyes sets you aflame. Sy just looks giddy, like a child. He knows exactly what’s about to happen. After grabbing your things and saying your goodbyes, feeling smug as you watch MaKenna move around the bar to avoid you. You pay out your tabs, leaving generous tips for the bartender and leaving with promises to fill her in on all the dirty details later. Gossip makes the work shift go by faster and Monday night was gonna be a HOT, tea party. 
You almost run to Sy’s truck, August following closely behind to his car parked in the next spot over. Sy barrels past his cousin and quickly grabs you, turning you around and grabbing your cheeks in both hands. He tilts your head back and stares deeply into your eyes.
“I hate every bitch that isn’t you, you absolute fucking goddess.” he rumbles. The absolute desire radiating from his bulky form affecting the other two men. You giggle almost manically as he kisses you sloppily. You can taste the Jack he’s been drinking all night.  He smacks his lips when he pulls away, reaching down to slap your ass before turning and climbing into his Chevy. August chuckles at his cousin’s antics, turning and unlocking his car. Mikey opens the door to the truck for you, helping you in by pushing under your asscheeks. It’s almost like your lovers had an obsession or something. 
August eyes the actions closely, still suspicious of his younger cousin’s motives. Mikey catches his eye and looks down to the ground. You notice and give August a pointed look that said ‘stop it’. He couldn’t help it. It was his job to protect you, even from emotional pain. You stare even harder until  he softens his expression. 
“August, do you mind giving Mike a ride back home with us?” you say so sweetly it almost rotted his teeth. He huffs at you and you give him the bedroom begging eyes. The same eyes you give him when……. God damn it. You really knew how to get under his skin. He rolls his eyes to try to hide just how much you affect him.
“Fine. See you back at the house.” Mike hesitated, but moved when you poked him in the ribs and motioned for him to get in the car before shutting yourself in the truck, kicking your feet up on the dash. The Chevy rumbles to life and Sy peels out, leaving a trail of smoke in the parking lot. August rolls his eyes at the unnecessary display of masculinity. ‘Dumb country boy’. 
The ride is silent and awkward, Mike fidgeting with his hoodie strings and bouncing his legs. August kept his focus on the road, ignoring the anxiety vibrating off the younger man. Ten minutes felt like an eternity. When they pulled in the drive, Mike finally felt like he could breathe. Sy had just turned off the truck when August put the car in park. You hopped out of the driver’s side, hair sticking out sideways and your lipstick smudged. Sy follows, mouth and cheeks red from your make out session. August rolls his eyes. 
“Impatient asshole.” Sy just shoots him a smug smile. You giggle and reach up to kiss your agent, knowing he was just grumpy cause Sy got to have you first. He hums in satisfaction as you pull away, picking you up and walking you into the house. You take note of Walter’s car parked in the garage and try to wiggle out of August’s arms to go greet your other lover. Mike follows hesitantly, hands deep in his pockets and dragging his feet on the ground. The past several times he’s been in this house hasn’t exactly been pleasant. 
August finally relents and lets you down. As soon as your feet hit the floor you’re on your way up the stairs, almost tripping in your haste. A strong arm wraps around your waist to catch you, and you mumble a thank you without looking at who it is and continuing your way up to the detective. He’s laying in bed with a case file in his hand, one arm behind his head. His hair is wet and he’s only in boxers. He looks up when you come in through the door, eyes light and a flush in your cheeks. 
“You’re home early, and it looks like you had a good time. You’ve been absolutely ravished” You climb onto the bed, the alcohol finally catching up to you. 
“I did! Mikey apologized and came home with us. Sy is at fault for the ruined lipstick.” The detective raises his brows in surprise. 
“That’s great, Love.” he says, getting distracted by the three men filing into the room behind you. He makes eye contact with the youngest man, giving him a nod in greeting. Mike nods back, at least Walter isn’t as intimidating as August. 
“And then that bitch showed up at the bar, that’s why we came home early,” you growl. Walter looks confused before Sy happily clarifies. The detective thought it odd his cousin was so excited to relay the news that the girl who Mike had cheated on you with had shown up to ruin your night. 
“She tried hooking up with me again. Sweetcheeks, I didn’t tell you about her flirting with me so you would threaten her.” Mike explains. Walter raises his brows further and looks at you pointedly. Sometimes you forget he’s actually a cop. 
“I didn’t threaten her! I told her she needed to find something safe to do, that’s just giving good advice.” you grumble.
“And it was so sexy when she did it.” Sy exclaims. Well, that explains that. You flush at the praise, tingles running down your spine. Walter chances a look at August, and the memory of you, the deadly venom in your tone, as you threatened the smaller girl just fed the flames. The lust in the agent’s eyes and the giddiness from Sy sparks something in Walter as well. You quickly catch on to the energy change in the room, biting your lip and making eye contact with each man. Mikey is unsure, though. You had just forgiven him for sleeping with someone else. Would you even want him to touch you? You notice his hesitation, beckoning him forward with a crook of your finger. He knows that look, and he’s happy to let you be in charge again. 
He kneels at the foot of the bed, hands laid flat on his thighs, head down in submission. You hum in satisfaction, crawling to get closer to him, ass in the air and hips swaying back and forth. You hear a chorus of groans ring around the room, but keep your focus on the boy in front of you. 
“Poor Mikey. He confessed to me earlier that he’s been having trouble getting it up here lately, boys.” 
“Serves him right,” August spits. You want to roll your eyes at the hostility, but know that would only lead to a paddling later. 
“But he’s apologized, Auggie. It’s time to move past it, don’t you think he’s suffered enough?” It took Mike a moment to remember the dynamic at play here. You submitted to August, and he submitted to both of you. He could only imagine the hell he had coming in his near future. 
“By the universe, sure. But I think you have been too lenient on him, Kitten.”
“Agreed.” That comes from Sy. You turn behind you to look at Walter, who gives his nod in agreement to the other two. 
“So what do you suggest I do?” Sy shrugs.
“That’s up to you, Sugar. You’re in charge here.” You contemplate for a moment before an idea pops into your head. Mike gulps as he watches a sinister smile bloom across your lipstick smeared mouth. The deviant look in your eyes lets him know he’s in for a long night. 
“Your punishment, Baby Face, is to look but not touch.”
Oh yeah, he’s well and truly fucked. 
You flop back onto the bed, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. Sy groans beside you, just as sweaty and breathless. Walter leans his back against the headboard, and August and Mikey are curled together on your naked thighs. One solid hour of sex and passion had sobered you up. As the endorphin high slowly subsides, you move to get up, attempting to extract yourself from the pile of skin and hair and sweat. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” Sy grumbles.
“I have to pee, let me up.” you grumble. August and Mike groan as they move off you, Walter giving you a hand to keep your balance as you stand on the mattress and maneuver your way off the bed and to the bathroom. You start the shower, not enjoying the sticky feeling of sweat and cum drying on your skin. Once deemed warm enough, you step under the spray and the let water wash over you. 
You close your eyes and turn to wash your face. Now sober, and in a post-nut clarity state of mind, you think about Mikey and just how easily you gave into him tonight. The boys were right, you were too lenient. You said you needed to talk, but what would you say? You had already told him he hurt you, and that was still needing to be further discussed, but you also wanted to know why. You let out a deep sigh and run a hand down your face. 
You flinch when you feel an arm wrap around you, turning to find Walter giving you a worried look.  You give him a small smile, turning back into the water to finish scrubbing the make up from your face, before turning to grab your body wash. He stops you, grabbing the soap and your loofah before gently starting to wash your chest. You hum, closing your eyes and leaning back to let the water flow through your hair. 
“What were you thinking about, Love?” Walter asks softly, causing you to open your eyes. 
“Mikey, and the talk we all need to have.” you whisper. “Just don’t know how I want to go about it.”
“You want to talk it through with me? Help process your thoughts before going in blind?” you huff a laugh out of your nose, before nodding. 
“I want to know why he did it, but at the same time, I’m scared to really find out.” He nods his head, putting his hands on your shoulders to turn you so he can start washing your back. 
“I’m also confused on how to get over the hurt. The anxiety and that little voice whispering in my ear that he’s going to do it again.” You feel him hum as he starts to massage your shoulders, releasing the knots in your neck. 
“Unfortunately, my dear, that little voice may never go away. But Michael put that voice there, and if he’s truly sorry and serious about being with you again, he will work very hard to chase that little voice away.” You nod, understanding what he’s saying, and you appreciate his wisdom, but it does little to ease the heaviness in your chest. Your thoughts are interrupted when Sy burst into the shower.
“Y’all are having a party in here and didn’t invite me?’ he says, fake offense on his bearded face. You chuckle and roll your eyes.
“It’s a shower therapy session, Captain. Just working through some thoughts and feelings.” He raises his eyebrows, not expecting that retort. 
“Well, make room. I need to wash off.” he pushes into the small space. Walter grunts while you giggle, rinsing the last of the soap off and slipping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. You can hear the two men in the shower bickering but pay no mind as you make your way to the bedroom to steal one of Walter’s sweaters. You take note that the bedsheets have been removed and the other two men are no longer in the room. 
After drying off and getting dressed in the sweater, some panties, and knee high socks to keep your legs warm, you move to go downstairs where you knew August would be putting together after care snacks. Walter and Sy are leaving the bathroom as you head to the bathroom door, stopping to give them both a kiss before leaving the room and going downstairs. 
As you had predicted, August was in the kitchen, pajama bottoms hanging off his delectable hips, putting together sandwiches and juice. Sometimes you think he took the nickname “Daddy” too seriously. You look to your right to see Mike in the laundry room, pulling out clean bedsheets and a bigger comforter. This leaves you puzzled, Mikey never did chores. As if he can read your thoughts, he looks up and gives you a sheepish smile. 
“Just trying to help out.” he mumbles. You just nod your head, your brain still trying to compute what it was seeing. You must have looked like a SIM, just standing there staring. You snap back into reality when August clears his throat, giving you a look of confusion. 
“Yes, Daddy?’ you say. It was almost instinctual at this point to call him that at home. He just simply smirks, before grabbing your hand and moving you to sit at the kitchen island in front of a plate of food. You start to salivate at the sight of a sandwich and fruit. He puts a bottle of water beside the plate before kissing your forehead and moving to put together plates for everyone else. 
You munch quietly on your fruit, mind going back to the conversation you’re going to have to have with your four boys. Walter and Sy were easy to talk to, giving you the space to freely and safely speak about how you feel. The strength that radiates from them giving you a sense of peace, leaving you unafraid of your feelings. You didn’t have to tell August what was on your mind. He had an uncanny ability to guess how you’re feeling most times. ‘You can’t control your face, Baby Girl.’
You lift your head up from your snack when you hear Walter and Sy come thundering down the stairs. Both are dressed just as August, leaving you in a sea of man titties and hair. This is the closest to Heaven you will ever get and you can die a happy woman secure in that knowledge. Immediately Sy goes to a plate of food, grumbling a thank you to August in between bites. Walter takes a plate and sits beside you on a stool. August and Sy are standing against it on the opposite side, and you see Mikey shuffle his feet to your other side. 
“Guys, we need to talk.” you say. Walter doesn’t react, August and Sy just blink, but you feel Mikey tense up beside you. He knew it was coming still. He just didn’t think you would do it so quickly after what just happened upstairs. He hadn’t even thought about what he was going to say to the other guys. Hell, you didn’t know how to even begin. Now that you’re thinking about it, this probably should have been a one on one talk with Mikey.
“I know that things aren’t going to be the way it was before,” you start. You don’t have to clarify what you meant by before. Just that word alone is enough to drive a knife through Mikey’s heart. You didn’t look at him directly, but he knew you were talking to him. The three older men stay quiet, letting you get what you need to off your chest. August’s sharp attention to detail doesn’t fail to notice the sweat starting to bead on Mikey’s forehead. You take a deep breath, steeling yourself for what you are about to ask.
“Why, Mikey?” your voice cracks, pushing your plate away and looking up at him with tears in your eyes. A lump formed in his throat and he didn’t know what to say for a minute. He didn’t know how to tell you it was because he felt like less of a man in your eyes compared to the other three. How could he tell you he was insecure and emotionally immature and he doesn’t want you to look at him with pity. 
“I…” he voice cracks. You raise your brows, anticipating his answer. 
“Was it something I did? Something I said?” you croak. This pisses Sy off.
“Don’t go blaming yourself, Darlin’. Mike made the decision to do what he did, no matter what you did or said to him,” he almost barks. You turn to him, seeing his face and chest starting to turn red with anger. You just nod, making eye contact with August who just gives a nod in agreement. You turn back to Mikey.
“He’s right. I could have just talked to you about what I was feeling.” 
“What were you feeling?’ Walter asks. If he could get Mikey talking about it, the sooner it unburdens you.  
“Emasculated, ignored,” he mumbles. “I just, you call me Baby Face, and it made me feel like you see me as a kid, not a man like these three,” he motions to the others. 
“That’s because you are a kid,” Sy grumbles. You turn and give him a pointed look, telling him to shut the fuck up with your eyes. 
“He’s right, Baby Cakes, I am. It took me moving out and doing some self-reflection, to realize I’m not yet a man. Hell, I can’t even grow facial hair yet!” You all chuckle, fully aware of just how virile it makes the other three look. “I just, felt like less of a man. But those weeks apart showed me how little I really know and just how much I still have to learn about being, not just a good man, but a good man for you.” You nod along, listening intently and understanding where he’s coming from.
“I wasn’t aware of just how jealous I was going to feel about sharing you. It was like everytime I wanted alone time with you, one of the others needed you more.” 
“That’s understandable, but baby you have to tell me when you’re feeling neglected like that,” you say, reaching out to grab his hand in yours. You bring it up to your mouth for a kiss, before setting it back down on the counter.
“It’s not that hard, really. Pick one night a week when she can be all yours,” that comes from August, face stoic as ever. Mikey wanted to get an attitude, but remembered that he should be taking the advice.
“Or just tell us when you want some one on one time, we’ll give you a couple hours,” Sy says. 
“And jealousy is normal, but you gotta talk to me, Mikey,” you say, bringing his attention back to you. “I’m sorry my nickname made you feel that way, I can find other nicknames to call you.”
“You can call me whatever you want, baby. I realized it doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with you.”
“But why her?” you ask. It was bad enough that he cheated, but with someone you had told him made you feel insecure. 
“I don’t know. She showed up at a party one night, and some petty part of me wanted to make you feel the same way watching you with them made me feel. It was immature and wrong.” A part of you could understand that. You were young and immature once too, and you could go from pretty to petty with one letter. 
“Do you understand what that did to her?” August says. He wants to yell, but the look on your face says he needs to be calm. Mike shakes his head. In all of his self-reflection, he considered he had hurt you but didn’t think to what extent. 
“You almost killed her self-esteem. It took me two weeks just to get her to be comfortable with being naked, just with herself. She didn’t leave bed for anything other than work for a month. Hell, Geralt wasn’t able to touch her for a week because she couldn’t stop crying, and you know how he feels about emotions.” Sy says.
“Geralt is coming around?” Mike says. 
“That’s not the point,” Walter chimes in. 
“Right. Baby, I’m sorry,” Mikey starts. You just shake your head. 
“It’s okay. I’m glad you were honest with me. Just, PLEASE, start talking to me about how you feel. Communication is the only way this is going to work,” you have to emphasize the last sentence heavily. He nods his head furiously. You open your arms for a hug, Mikey wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tightly. 
“Though, I do have one request,” he trails off. You hum, waiting to hear what he has to say.
“Can I top you at least twice a week?” 
You blink, before bursting out laughing, breaking the hug and leaning back onto Walter as your body shakes. You can feel him laughing behind you, and hear Sy chuckling. August rolls his eyes, typical Mikey. 
“Anything you want, Baby Boy. I love you, thanking you for talking to me,” you say, leaning over and giving him a deep kiss. He kisses you back just as lovingly. He pulls back, gazing at you adoringly before turning to his older cousins. 
“I’m sorry to you guys, too. I was the one who brought up this whole arrangement not knowing just what it would take to maintain it.” 
August just nods, not having fully forgiven him for what he did to you, he couldn’t care less about a slight done to himself. Walter and Sy just mumble “it’s okay.”
“But I want to thank you, too. Thank you for cleaning up my mess and taking the best care of her. I really owe you guys,” he rubs the back of his neck, unsure how they would respond to that. 
“Well, we took care of her because we love her, that’s what you do when you love someone, you take care of them,” Walter says. You smile at that, full of love for your big grump. 
“And I plan on making it up to her every day.” he looks deep into your eyes, hoping to really drive home his promise. You smile and cup his face, thumb caressing his cheek. He turns and kisses your palm, before putting his hand over yours and lacing your fingers together. The tender moment is broken by your wide yawn. Sy claps his hands.
“Alright, Little Girl, bed time!” he moves around the island to pick you up, never letting you release Mikey’s hand. Sy carries you upstairs, your arm slung over his shoulder to keep your fingers locked with Mike’s. August starts cleaning the kitchen while Walter puts together the bedsheets Mike had dropped when you started your talk. Sy keeps you in his arms as Walter makes the bed, Mike just staring at you, so thankful for your graciousness.
As soon as the bed is finished, Sy lays you gently in the middle, letting Mike take his place by your side in the bed. Just as Walter was going to climb in with you, his phone rings. You groan, knowing a phone call this late can only mean he’s got another lead on his case. He gives you a quick kiss before moving to the closet and answering his phone. As predicted, he gets dressed in jeans and his sweater, pulling his boots on before giving you one more kiss and leaving the bedroom. You hear the door shut downstairs and send up a prayer to any deity that will listen to keep him safe. 
You take the usual position, on your back so you can have one on each side and one on top of your chest. Mike is to your left and Sy decides he wants to be in between your legs tonight. August comes into the bedroom, turning off lights before climbing in to your right. Tucked in between three out of the four loves of your life, you drift into the best sleep you’ve had in weeks, surrounded by love and hair.
Taglist: @just-ten-cents @shellyshellshell @wa-ni @summersong69
174 notes · View notes
georgiapeach30513 · 11 months
Yes he has a bit of mommy kink 😭 I can't with these two they are so adorable. She knows that he has this kink ?
Yeah, his mom passed when he was young, and his dad wasn’t a loving type of man. So it’s more of a craving he has for her. The mom part of her life just does things to him. It makes her more sexy, and when she takes care of him 🤤 he loves it. They’re both so touch starved that it works. She loves taking care of people. Even with Sy, they had that typical man of the house, and she was the stay at home mom.
Sunshine knows that Mace has a bit of that kink. Plus he really loves her titties. And he listens so well.
13 notes · View notes
raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 years
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Part 9 - Of Vice and Men
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Series Masterlist
Part 8 -- Part 10
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Pairing: Mike x Dani x Sy (Yup...) and Mike x Dani
Summary: When Dani finally shows up at Mike's place again, figuring she should really confess her little adventure with Sy, the night takes a very unexpected turn.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral and fingering (f receiving), m/m/f-threesome stuff, drug use (weed and alcohol). P-in-v sex. Some fluff, some angst if you squint a li'l...
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: The first bit was hella inspired by this idea form @marveldcmistress. I wanted to write this as soon as I saw that idea, but it needed a little context. And you get some bonus fucking after it. Anyway, enjoy this little piece of filth. (Or skip it, if this isn't something you're generally into, that's absolutely A-Okay!)
By the by! This chapter takes this fic over 40k words!
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“Fuck!” It sounded from the other side of the door. “Fuck! Mike, you dick!”
“Sore loser, Syverson?” God no, it wasn’t true. You dropped the hand you were going to use to knock on the door and seriously considered turning around and walking away. You’d barely talked to Mike for days, and he’d been asking what was wrong, but you hadn’t been able to tell him. How was “I fucked your roommate after an orientation party” ever going to be a message someone didn’t mind hearing? You’d just about die if Mike would all of a sudden confess he’d slept with Ariel or something. 
“Whatever, I’m gonna take a piss,” Sy’s drawl was unmistakable - it had to be him. The remark was followed by heavy footsteps - and the realization that there was no way for you to get out of there in time. The door swung open right in your face. 
“Hi there, Sugar,” Sy grinned before he pushed past you and made his way to the bathroom. 
“Dani!” Mike said, upbeat as ever. He raced to the door as a puppy that was happy to see his owner again after a long day. “Come in! You’re not going home for the holidays?” You explained to Mike that your parents both worked in a hospital and couldn’t get any time off work, so you’d decided to stay put instead of exhaust yourself traveling all over the place.
“You?” You asked as you walked into the room and dropped yourself on the couch. 
“Divorce is wonderful. My mom would rather spend Christmas with her girlfriends and their mid-life crises on a cruise in the Bahamas or wherever, and my dad can’t be arsed to remember he has a son ever since Jessica and her two wonderful daughters showed up in his life.” Shit, you wished you hadn’t asked so casually. 
“It’s okay, Dani,” he chuckled, “I’m kind of glad you’ll be here. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?” How had this not come up yet? You’d made plans with Sloane and Ari back in September, but they were both seeing guys - casually, but still - so perhaps…
“I was going to go out with my friends, but maybe you want to tag along?” You suggested. Mike looked happy that you’d want him around. 
“If they’re okay with that, I’d love to. We can sleep here, if you want?” 
“Are you avoiding awkward morning confrontations with my roommates, Mike?” You laughed as you shook your head. 
“Oh, one hundred percent.” You had to admit that you appreciated the honesty. “But I guess I don’t have the right, since you were surprised by Sy’s presence last weekend.” God, no! That was impossible! Except it wasn’t, because from that stupid grin on his face you could very clearly tell that he knew. “Sy told me you guys slept together. It’s no big deal, Dani.” 
“No big deal? I’d go absolutely ballistic if you told me you screwed one of my roommates…”
“We can’t all be as chill as I am,” Mike joked as he pulled me into a hug. You were curled up next to him on the couch when Sy came back. You moved your feet in as closely as they would go, but the couch was a little on the small side for the three of you, what with Sy being as broad as he was and Mike taking up a surprising amount of space for someone so lanky. 
“Kill the game, Sy, there’s ladies present now.”
“I don’t see any.” Sy looked around theatrically, and the second he looked away from you you kicked him in the thigh. “Fuck!” He grabbed your ankles and pulled them into his lap, holding onto them firmly when you tried to pull back. The extra space was welcome, but you weren’t quite sure how comfortable Mike would be with you having your feet in Sy’s lap, given the circumstances - especially since you were wearing a skirt, although it was long enough, even in this position. You looked up at him and found him looking down at you. 
“Comfy?” He chuckled when he saw your surprise. “You can just relax, Dani, it’s in the past.” But you couldn’t relax. You were worried about grades, and Sy, and Mike, sad that you weren’t going to be home for the holidays and miserable when you considered that nobody else would be there, even if you did go home, because your parents didn’t have the time. It wasn’t entirely fair, you knew that, but you felt a little alone. And did you mention sad? 
“We were planning on drinking and watching dumb movies, you in, babe?” Mike pulled you from your thoughts, and repeated the question when he realized you hadn’t heard a thing. You nodded in reply; it actually sounded like a good way to take your mind off things. The boys had clearly already started part A of the whole scheme, judging from the several empty bottles on the small table and the faint smell of beer that surrounded Mike. Sy reached into the mini fridge that sat next to the couch and handed you a bottle. Your hand was shaking when you took it from him. 
“Jesus, baby, you need to relax.” It was easier said than done; you were tense from the thoughts running through your head, and Sy’s presence didn’t exactly do anything to help the situation. Then, there was the fact that you noticed that your restlessness was putting Mike on edge, which wasn’t a good place for him to be, either. 
“Mike, go smoke or something,” Sy laughed all of a sudden. Next to you, you felt Mike make some erratic movements that you guessed were intended to tell Sy to shut up. 
“You smoke, Mike?” you asked curiously. As far as you knew, he wasn’t a regular smoker - you’d never seen him with a cigarette in hand, at least - but given his unruly disposition (and by that you meant: ADHD) you wouldn’t be surprised if he sometimes indulged in something more calm-inducing and mellowing than alcohol or tobacco. 
“Eh… Occasionally,” he responded before sending a chilling glare Sy’s way. 
“Like… Cigarettes?” you asked while raising one eyebrow at him. 
“Herbally augmented ones,” Mike responded dryly while he rolled his eyes, as if he was waiting for you to berate him. 
“Got enough to share?” You asked carefully. Mike’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he nodded enthusiastically. From the looks of it, he wasn’t used to people being chill about this.
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The three of you prepared to go outside - naturally, the list of things August would commit murder over included ‘smoking indoors’. When Mike suddenly stood still in the middle of the hallway, both you and Sy bumped into him. 
“Should we invite Geralt?” That one came as a bit of a shock to you, he seemed so… uptight, you had expected more of a ‘just say no’-type. 
“No, you shouldn’t.” The voice - very clearly belonging to Geralt himself - came from somewhere inside Geralt’s bedroom. It made a lot more sense now; turning off those senses was probably a necessity rather than just a pleasure at times. 
“I thought they’d be done by now,” Mike joked softly to Sy.  
“Poor girl won’t walk for a week,” Sy chuckled back at him. From behind the door, you heard someone rummage around, followed by heavy footsteps. Mike ducked behind you - God dammit, it was a good thing he was cute, because he wasn’t exactly a tough guy. 
The door swung open to reveal an agitated Geralt in a pair of black sweatpants - and, from what your unconsciously wandering eyes gathered, nothing else. If there was an eloquent way to describe what you saw, you couldn’t come up with it: Your idiot brain full-on got stuck on “ho-ly shit” and you struggled - hard - to keep your thoughts out of the fucking gutter. Fact the first; Geralt was ripped. We’re talking borderline body-builder level shredded. Fact the second; He was half naked, and it was distracting beyond belief. Fact the third; you had a boyfriend. And apparently, Geralt wasn’t exactly eligible, either - at least not right now. So your staring was completely inappropriate, and you had to fucking stop it. But no matter how hard you tried to tear your eyes away from this beast of a man, you just couldn’t seem to do it. Every time you managed to redirect your gaze somewhere other than his abs - or lower - you found something else to be distracted by. His chest (chiseled, hairy, sweaty and heaving to the rhythm of heavy breathing - as if he’d been… running), his silver hair (falling loosely around his face instead of the usual neatly pulled back style; definitely sex-hair), his thick brows (Dani, what the fuck?). The moment seemed to last an eternity… 
“Michael, Nathan, for fuck’s sake, go,” he hissed through gritted teeth (hot) before he even looked into the hallway. When his amber eyes shot up to death-stare Mike and Sy in the face, they revealed that Geralt clearly hadn’t expected to meet your gaze first. “And Danielle. Hi, sorry.” His agitation seemed to dissipate and with it, his attitude. While Geralt seemed to deflate, Mike puffed up behind you, chest out - chin up, no doubt, but you couldn’t see - and fingers digging into your waist possessively. 
“He used our full names, man, run,” Sy laughed as he made a break for the stairs. 
“After you, Dani,” Mike said through gritted teeth, nudging you towards the stairs with urgency. He lingered behind you for a second. 
“Put on a shirt next time, dick,” you heard him hiss. Was it just your imagination, or was there a hint of insecurity to his voice?
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“Shit, this is good,” you said as you handed the joint to Sy, “where did you get that stuff?”
“Leon,” Mike shrugged. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you close. It was freezing outside, weather reports even predicted snow. 
“Didn’t strike me as the type to deal drugs,” you wondered out loud. 
“He just negotiated a deal with the guys who do,” Mike laughed quietly, “he knew what they were up to, because he’s Leon, and because they’re pretty much full time potheads, they needed him a lot. Gets us a very welcome discount.”
“And by ‘us’ you mean…” 
“I think the words you’re lookin’ for are ‘all y’all’, Sugar,” Sy drawled with a deep chuckle, “but yeah. All of us indulge from time to time.”
“August?” You asked, wide-eyed and giggling. You didn’t laugh because it was entirely unbelievable or something - let’s face it, that man needed to get high more than the rest of them - you just found a lot of things weirdly funny right now.
“When he ain’t got his girl ‘round to slap the livin’ shit out of,” Sy whispered grimly. Your head spun around so fast you hurt a muscle in your neck, but you ignored it. 
“Excuse me?!” 
“Not like that, babe,” Mike said. You felt one of his legs brush past you on its way to Sy’s shin. “And forget Sy mentioned that, it’s none of our business.” He said the last part more to Sy than to you. For someone who was well on his way to having smoked half of that joint you were supposed to be sharing, Mike sounded surprisingly level-headed. After a while, you angrily came to the conclusion that it wasn’t just Mike who hadn’t been sharing. 
“Hey!” You said while reaching for the joint. Your voice was thick with annoyance at being passed over. Who did they think they were, hogging all the good stuff?
“I’m not carrying you up two flights of stairs, baby,” Mike said as he pressed his forehead against yours. The smirk on his face was even dumber than usual - it was fucking adorable. 
“You could,” you pouted. Mike traced your pushed out bottom lip with his thumb before pressing his own lips to yours. 
“But I’m not going to,” he answered when he pulled away. Another soft peck landed on the tip of your nose. You had to admit you were starting to get a little unsure of your footing at times - you could get up the stairs, but maybe not in a straight line. You wouldn’t fall, though, you could do this. 
“Why don’t you go ahead, darlin’,” Sy laughed, “we’ll be up.” Standing outside with nothing more to do seemed like a fool’s game; you were cold and wanted to be under a warm, cozy blanket. Mike chuckled when you sighed reluctantly before heeding Sy’s advice. As the door closed and you disappeared out of earshot, their conversation continued. 
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“You’re a lucky man, Mikey,” Sy sighed as he lifted the joint up to his lips, “she’s a damn good one in the sack.”
“You’d know,” Mike laughed. Somehow, he felt more threatened by that little spat with a half-naked and impressively angry Geralt, than by the fact that Sy had actually shagged his girlfriend. Actually, considering the fact that he and Sy weren’t strangers to sharing girls, it maybe wasn’t so strange after all. 
“Y’know what, I’m glad I never asked her number,” Sy sounded very sincere, “y’all are good together.”
“I’m glad too,” Mikey said with his signature mischievous look in his eyes, “she sucks dick like a pro.” The weed was doing its job because the guys couldn’t keep their laughter down. 
“Wonder who taught her that, because it wasn’t me.” The laugh that came from him wasn’t completely genuine, Mike noticed, it was almost as if he was a little jealous. 
“No good with you?”
“Don’t remember her tryin’. And I feel I’d’a remembered.” Sy shrugged as if it didn’t matter to him much. “I was just glad she wasn’t one of them girls that just do it to return the favor, y’know.” That he wasn’t lying about.
“Eh…” Mike scratched the back of his head. 
“You’ve never…”
“Once. High school girlfriend. She told me I was bad and I’ve been kinda scared ever since,” Mike seemed very interested in the color of his shoes all of a sudden. 
“Well, I can always show you what she likes,” Sy half-joked as he dropped the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the windowsill before disappearing inside. 
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You were much more comfortable between Sy and Mike now. The three of you had assumed the same positions on the couch you had before; you were snuggled up to Mike, with your feet resting in Sy’s lap. After a while, the chilly air in the room distracted you from the terrible horror slashfest that was going on on the TV in front of you. As soon as you shivered, Mike jumped up and grabbed you a blanket. It was nice, being tucked in between them. Some time later, you noticed that Sy’s fingers were drawing firm circles over the bottoms of your feet; the feeling was nice, and it made you hum and snuggle into Mikey further. He replied by sliding his hand underneath the blanket to your waist. You couldn’t see the meaningful look the two exchanged above you, both thinking about the last thing Sy had mentioned when they’d been outside. 
Sy’s hands found their way underneath the blanket, too, and the circular motions of his fingers slowly worked their way up your calves. It startled you, and you pulled your legs in, crawling further into Mike, lookin up wide-eyed, not scared, but definitely confused. 
“Relax, baby,” Mike said with a cheeky wink - the kind of wink that really only meant one thing; he was in on this… The thought alone turned your pussy into a dripping mess, but something in your mind told you you were crazy for thinking Mike was okay with this. You weren’t even quite sure you were okay with this. That night with Sy had been good, sure, but it had been just that - one night. You weren’t sure you wanted him again - and you were sure you didn’t want to complicate things with Mike, though you weren’t quite sure there was such a thing as complicated when it came to Mike. He generally didn’t seem to do ‘complicated’. And there was one thing about that night you had missed. Something no other guy - not that there had been many in the meantime - had been able to do as well. Something Mike hadn’t done at all… You remembered your conversation with Sloane and Ariel about that hookup - and while Slo’s alliterations had been a little over the top, the gist of it was that you’d spent the majority of that conversation raving about Sy’s incredibly skilled mouth. When his fingers reached the inside of your thighs and Mike’s hands had slowly moved from your waist to your chest, you started to squirm. 
“Shit, Mike, she’s worse at sitting still than you.”
“If I didn’t know any better…”
“I’d say this turned her on.”
“I’d check, but I can’t reach,” Mike laughed. The sound was mellow and thick and it just sounded so delightfully stoned that you couldn’t help but laugh yourself. That laugh turned into a giggle when Sy took that little hint and one hand traveled further up your thigh, suddenly snaking between your legs, pushing your skirt up as it moved up, and up, and up, until the tips of his fingers rested softly against your pussy. You whined when he traced them back and forth along your covered slit a few times and Mike’s hand lazily toyed with one of your nipples through your bra. One finger slipped into your panties and dragged a single line between your folds. 
“Oh, no, she’s definitely into this,” Sy chuckled. This time, you did see the meaningful look that the boys gave each other, and you gasped. Not only were they okay with this whole thing; they’d done it before. You moaned softly when Mike softly pinched your nipple, right at the time when Sy slipped a finger into your wetness. The combination of your high and the feeling of two sets of hands on your skin fueled the fire inside you, and you moved your hips to give Sy easier access. 
“Shit, she really is.” It was Mike’s turn to chuckle. Judging from the situation in his jeans, he wasn’t exactly having a terrible time, either. One finger became two, and though you were more than wet enough to accommodate the added girth, you squirmed when he pushed into you. Mike looked mostly focused on the TV while playing with your boobs, although his eyes darted in your direction often. Maybe he just felt that it wouldn’t make you more comfortable to have him staring down at you the whole time - and he’d be right. Things changed pace when Mikey all of a sudden pulled you up and started lifting your sweater. You gladly helped him take it off. It was Sy’s cue to take off your underwear, which went surprisingly easily. He slipped off the couch, onto the floor in front of you, two fingers quickly finding their way back to tease at your entrance. 
"Please," you sighed before you could stop yourself. The boys laughed at your plea.
"Feel good, baby?" Mike whispered in your ear. His tongue traced your ear and traveled down your neck. The incredible feeling of Mikey sucking on the tender skin of your throat was rivaled only by the feeling of Sy's hot breath on your cunt, which came closer and closer until his tongue hit your clit. 
"Fuck," you spoke hoarsely as you tried to register it all; Mike's stubbled jaw, soft lips and sharp teeth, ravaging your neck, no doubt marking you up with little lovebites everywhere, his slim hands feverishly kneading your breasts, and Sy's scruffy beard scratching between your legs as his tongue lapped away at your clit, fingers curling inside your pussy, pressing against that special spot that made your legs tense up from the intense pleasure. Your hand reached for Mikey's head, fingers tangling with his hair, as the other made its way to Sy's, pressing his face closer to you. Fuck, if he kept this up you were going to cum in less than a minute. You caught a glimpse of Mike's eyes as he looked at your writhing body, right before capturing your lips with his, and realized right then just how much you wanted it to be him down there between your thighs. 
"Baby," you moaned into his mouth, nudging his head down firmly. He took the hint - not that it was in any way subtle - and slid off the couch to join Sy, who must have felt the movement next to him, because he stopped doing what he was doing right before you were about to cum, and pulled away. 
You whined at the loss of friction and pouted as you looked down at the men who were sitting between your legs. They grinned at each other before each putting a hand behind your knee and pushing your legs up on the couch, spreading you wide open. Your brain almost shut down trying to comprehend everything that happened next; one mouth near each of your knees, biting, sucking and licking its way toward your center so fucking slowly it made you want to cry; one side flaring up with the occasional sting of a lovebite, the other plagued by the constant chafing of course hair against delicate skin. Fingers tracing your leg faster in a race to your core that ended with two hands fighting for entrance between your legs, until they ultimately gave up and four eager fingers found their way inside your throbbing heat. They were rough in their enthusiasm, making you squirm when they stretched you a little too far. Occasional chuckles slipped from their throats as they relished the view of your endlessly writhing body above them. They looked at you, each in their own distinct way; Sy cocky and amused - and rightfully so: the arrogant bastard knew exactly what he did to you and every bit of that confident smirk was deserved - and Mikey curious, selfless and eager to learn new ways to please you. You rolled your hips against their movements, fucking yourself entirely goddamn stupid on their fingers as their faces moved in closer. 
"Fuck, Sugar," he chuckled before raising his eyebrows at Mike. "Easy one, brother, she's doing half the work for you." 
Mike's fingers slipped out of you, which would have been very upsetting if they hadn't immediately been replaced by his tongue. You gasped when he found the swollen little pearl that begged so desperately for attention. Fuck, even if Sy was right and you were doing half the work by writhing against him, you didn't give a damn; nothing was going to stop you from fucking yourself to heaven and back on Sy's fingers and Mikey's tongue. It came sooner than expected, and after you rode out your high, Sy's fingers left your pussy and he climbed back onto the couch with you, that cocky grin still firmly set on his face.
"I think she's got another one in her, Mike," he said as he wrapped his arms around you. He didn't try to kiss you, which you appreciated, but he did take a thorough interest in your tits. Fingers dug into the soft flesh of your boobs and circled your nipples. They were later replaced by his warm mouth, gently sucking and biting down on the pebbled skin. 
Mike's rhythm was less stable now that he had both his hands and mouth to worry about, and the contrast with a minute ago turned his moments unsure until his mouth left your skin and he focused on his hands. You weren't having it; one hand twisted itself into his hair and pulled his face back to where you felt it belonged. 
"He's a li'l shy, Sugar," Sy drawled in your ear so softly that you doubted Mike had even heard it. You understood the assignment.
"Baby, don't stop," you whined - with an extra side of extra whiny - as you kept nudging his head in the direction you wanted it to go, "it was so good." The decision to wrap his lips around your clit again was rewarded with a high pitched squeal that came from deep within you. This time, too, you unconsciously helped Mike keep his rhythm by writhing your hips into him. When he made the executive decision to forget about his hands - the right choice; kid just couldn't multitask for shit - and focus on his tongue, you felt yourself on the climb up towards your second orgasm. Fuck, he was good, and the sight of that gorgeous face between your legs was so fantastic that your eyes were glued on him - provided you were able to keep them open, anyway. Your climax approached swiftly, and with a perfectly timed flick of his tongue, Mike tilted you over the edge and eagerly took in every drop of arousal that spilled from you before joining you on the couch. The boys pulled you back into the position you had started your night in - leaning into Mike, feet in Sy's lap - and covered you with the blanket. No one brought up anything else - not even the raging boners they both obviously had. When you tentatively rubbed Mike through his jeans, he just pulled your hand away and shook his head and winked at you.
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The whole thing felt like a dream when you woke up in Mike’s arms the next morning, though you couldn’t decide if it was a good or bad one. Slowly but surely, the notion that it had been the worst idea in the history of humanity wormed its way into your brain, and you wanted nothing more than to get out of bed, but Mike was still asleep and he was holding you close. Without realizing it, your quiet panic woke him up. 
“Dani, what’s wrong? It’s early,” he mumbled into your ear. 
“I have to go, Mike,” you said under your breath as you strained against the arms that held you firmly in place. 
“No, you don’t,” Mike said, all of a sudden sounding very alert, “we need to talk.” You knew he was right, but the thought scared you nonetheless. 
“We did that,” you said shyly, “while we’ve only been on one date. With the room… I’m not going to explain why it’s fucking weird.” 
“Did you have fun?” Mike asked. You stared at him in disbelief. What the hell did that matter? “It was weird, Mike.” 
“Did you have fun?” He asked again. From the look on his face you could tell he wouldn’t let that go. 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, “weird but fun.” 
“So think about that. I know I am. We were a little drunk, a lot stoned, sometimes you do weird stuff. Forgive and forget the weird bit, remember the fun bit, you’re good to go.” 
“I guess…” 
“And for the record; you’ve been on one date with me. I’ve been on two dates with you.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that. 
“Hey, there’s that pretty smile.” Mike grabbed your chin to turn your face to his. You loved hearing him say that, it did something to you. Forget the weird, remember the fun, you chanted as you thought about the night before. What about the bit you had been longing for but never got? Your unasked question was answered when Mike pressed his lips to yours and immediately set your insides on fire. After a few minutes, filled with soft kisses on your lips, neck, shoulders and boobs; tongues trailing and tracing; teeth pulling and biting, Mike’s hands started wandering over your body. He was impatient today, which was great, because so were you. After a hasty expedition down your torso, he found you dripping wet - the lovely result of the night before, the dream about the night before, and the few blissful minutes with his mouth all over your body. He looked up at you, grinning widely before dipping his head below the covers and making his way down, leaving kisses and love bites in his wake. For a brief moment, he examined his handiwork from the night before, and found your left leg covered in small bruises. The other was covered in beard-burn, but that went in the direction of his mental trash bin - not his circus, not his monkeys, right? He didn’t tease you, which you appreciated; all you wanted was to feel his mouth on you, and he happily obliged. It started with a few lazy kisses along your slit, followed by a careful flick of his tongue against your already swollen clit. Before long, you were grinding yourself against his mouth again, as Mike eagerly pressed his tongue to the sensitive pearl between your legs. 
“Fuck, Mikey!” You cooed as you felt the pressure in your stomach build. “Don’t stop!” He didn’t. Instead, he unraveled you with his tongue, only ending his efforts when the last wave of your orgasm had passed. If he’d been impatient before, it was nothing compared to him now. He scrambled to grab a condom off the shelf over the headboard, and if putting them on were an Olympic sport, he’d have medaled for sure. 
“Wait!” You said, and were immediately faced with puppy-eyes that belonged to a man who clearly didn’t want to wait.
“Dani!” He whined, really dragging out that last i. As adorable as you found the whole thing, you weren’t blessed with much patience this morning, either. 
“Ok, fine!” You said quasi-annoyed, rolling your eyes at Mike’s very enthusiastic expression. When he didn’t move, you got suspicious. “What?”
“Turn around,” he said, laughing when your eyes widened, “please?” Fuck, those goddamn eyes, you seriously doubted you’d ever be able to refuse this guy: All he had to do was look at you with those fucking puppy-eyes and you were a puddle at his feet. So you listened and turned over on your stomach, getting tangled up in the logistics of legs and bodies and what not. He pulled you onto your knees, taking advantage of the great view of you ass he had this way, being himself and biting you, very quickly, before squeezing and kneading away while lining his cock up with the entrance to your drenched pussy. As previously established; he was impatient. It just turned out that you had no idea just how impatient. With one quick thrust, Mike sank all the way into you. The angle that came with your current position took him deep, a little too deep.
“Sorry!” His next move was slower, more controlled and it allowed you to move yourself into a better position. “Better?” You couldn’t do anything other than nod and gasp when he slid into you again. 
“Fuck!” This was good, so, so good. You quickly lost your train of thought and threw your hips back to meet Mike’s thrusts. He chuckled at your enthusiasm. His fingers dug into your skin when he gripped you tight so he could pull you back onto his cock himself. Every time his hips slammed into you, the noises that escaped from your throat became more high pitched and louder; you buried your head in a pillow to muffle them but you were fairly sure you didn’t have a prayer that no one else would hear. It didn’t matter, none of it mattered; your entire world consisted of Mike and you, and sex and sweat and this new but incredible feeling of getting railed from behind six ways to sunday - or monday, today was sunday, even though you were entirely convinced you’d be bruised inside and out tomorrow. Who gave a fuck about a little pain, especially when it hurt so good? Whether it lasted too long or too short was a question you’d probably never be able to answer, but when Mike finished and fell down on the bed next to you, your body was glad it was over even though your mind still screamed for more. 
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“Just so we’re clear,” Mike grinned at you, “you liked that, right?” Someone should teach the dirty bastard to stop asking these ridiculous questions. You tickled his side, and squealed when he grabbed your wrists. 
“Shit! Yes, Mikey, I liked that.” Despite being slightly embarrassed to admit it, it would take a far better actress than you were to talk yourself and Mike into believing that your racy little performance had been a lie. “What’s it matter?” Mike let go of your hands and looked at you as if you’d gone insane. 
“First, call me a sentimental douche but I think sex is better when everyone involved is having fun,” he said while he poked at your sides, and for a moment you were charmed by the sweetness of that statement, “and second, I’ve never been with a girl who liked getting nailed from behind like that, which is very convenient for me because it happens to be my favorite position. Any further ridiculous questions?” The entire statement was so wildly Mike-esque that you couldn’t be mad at it or disgusted by it even if you tried. Besides, there wasn’t a single part of that statement that wasn’t completely true.
“One,” you chuckled in reply to his question, “feel like having another go at taking an uninterrupted shower with me?”
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The second floor bathroom was occupied, and you could see it in his eyes.
“If that’s Sy…” he began to whisper to you before being interrupted by the person on the other side of the bathroom door. 
“It’s not.” Of course it was Geralt. That hearing of his was both scary and amazing. The two of you hurried to the other bathroom, laughing at what had just happened. 
“Do I need to feel guilty about that? Did we just do to him what Sy did to us?” Mike wondered out loud as you got in the shower, still snickering. 
“First, Mikey, we didn’t do anything,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close, “and no. You would have found out if it was Sy, and even if it had been him, you probably would have just come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be funny if he was in there by himself.”
“Are you suggesting we wait until he has a girlfriend, too, and then get him back for that?”
“No. I’m suggesting you shut up.” Had Mike just called you his girlfriend?
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-> Part 10
110 notes · View notes
jaybutnotthebird · 1 year
Being Rocky’s dad like
(here’s the link to ao3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/47538889
"come again?" Asked Ivy "Mh. He's my second dad. I haven't seen my other dad since I was like, five" Ivy looked at Rocky like he had grown a second head "What do you mean your other dad?" "I got two" he continued, not even lifting his gaze from his syrup soaked pancakes "he was working far from home untill my mom got worse. Then they switched places: my first dad took mom to a hospital in another city and my second dad came over to take care of me. He even took on his same job" Ivy looked at Freckle, who didn't seem faced at all, like everything coming out of Rocky's mouth made complete sense to him. "What is he talking about?" "Mh" Freckle shallowed his pancakes and explained "my aunt had two husbands. After she died and one of them stayed working on another city, only one of them remained. He's the one Rocky means when..." "Hold on" Ivy interrupted him "you can't have two husbands. Its... Right? You can only marry one person. Unless they're dead. Is that what you mean? Your mom remarried after your dad died?" "No, no. My mom married both of them before she died. My second dad was working far from home until she passed away" "That doesen't make any sense" "I mean sure, it’s uncomon but lots of people have more than one dad" "No, they don't?" Ivy said slowly. Perhaps she was mistaken. Maybe some people did that, after all, she didn't know the diferent costumes that other people could have, nor how the laws difered in every state. Maybe she just didn't know some people could do that and she was just learning now? "Hold on" she said, and got up. She placed on the door of the cafe a little 'back in 5' sign and guided the boys downstairs real quick. There wasn't much people there at this hour, pretty much just Viktor cleaning behind the bar and the band playing cards at one of the tables "Hey Viktor" she said coming over "can a woman marry two men at the same time?" Viktor looked at her for a moment, then at Rocky and Freackle on each side of her, and his expresion turned from utter confusion to pure ire "NO" he answered, with such firmness that all three of them felt cold. Ivy realiced they'd asked the wrong guy and excused herself, de-puffing her tail as they walked over to the table where the guys were playing, Viktor's cold gaze still prickling the back of their heads "Hey boys" she greeted them "you have traveled a lot, have you ever heared of a woman having two husbands?" "Now what on earth are you talking about?" Asked Sy
"you see, uh, a friend of ours says his mom was married to two men at the same time, so he's got two fathers instead of just one"
the entire table just gave them this... look. Zib blinked one eye at a time, mozzy just sighed and turned back to the table "do you have any threes?"
"hey! Im talking to you, you traveled a lot, you must have heared of it"
"look, I've heared of many things, specially revolving relationships, ok? Relationships are complicated..." the others nodded and made agreeing noises "but actually geting married in a three way? That's just messed up"
"I mean, its not unheared of" said JJ "my cousin seemed to be fooling with two diferent men, and we all kept telling her it was dangerous, but then we found out, turns out they already knew! And they were ok with it"
"so you have heared of it"
"no no, fooling arround with two men is weird, but it happens. Getting married to the two of them? No way!"
"is that even allowed?"
"I've heared of men turning 'mormon' as in, they get married to one girl, form a family, and in secret in some other town they do the same with another girl... you think a girl could pull that off?"
dubious sounds ran arround the table
"my bets are in no. Not unless the husband agrees"
"you mean husbands, right? Haha"
the toms snikered, then Rocky cut in
"but it does happen. I mean, some people are just... not jeallows like that"
they all looked at him in silence
"I mean, sure maybe they could make it work between the three of them. But, get married? Oficially? I don't think so"
"but it did. I swear! Its not that rare, many people have two fathers"
the responses among the band were varied. Ben giggled. Mozzie and Sy gave each other a look. JJ's eyebrows rose as he inclined his head. Zib took the cigarrete off his mouth for a moment
"im sure that's what they told your... friend"
there were more chukcles
"yeah, Rocky. Your friend seems a little confused"
"does he have any photos from the wedding?"
Rocky didn't know how to answer. He was sure there where, but that felt a little like a retorical question. Freakle pulled his sleeve and started walking towards the door. Ivy excused them
"Im sure there's an explanation, right? Maybe you guys got things mixed up becouse you where little when it happened?"
that was a possibility
Rocky's memories of his early childhood were confusing up to that one moment, wich he remembered very well.
His dad was barely ever home, and he was allways grumpy and tired. His mom was nice and he remembered her playing the violin and smiling at him, but she got sick, and started going to the hospital a lot.
He remembered spending a lot of time with aunt Nina, asking for her a lot, feeling blue
then one morning he got up, went downsatirs, and found a stranger in the kitchen, a large black fluffy cat with irregular orange patches just making pancakes, like he had allways been there.
"good morning champ!" he saluted him "did you sleep well?"
"who are you?" he asked
"why, Im your dad, doncha recognice me?"
"you are not my dad! My dad has grey fur"
"your other father, silly. You really don't remember me? I mean, it has been a long time since I last saw you. You were so small... we got lots of catching up to do"
"I have two fathers?"
"yes, you had never realiced that? Man. I should'a come by more often. Im gonna be staying here now, so I'll be seeing you plenty from now on"
Rocky had just stood on the kitchen, wondering if this was all a joke
"well don't just stand there, son! You want pancakes?"
Rocky had noded vigorously but he still fidgeted in place. The black cat made a thoughtful face
"tell you what: why don't you go see aunt Nina across the street? Ask her about me. And invite your cousin over for pancakes too. I haven't seen him since he was a baby!"
"okay!" said the kid, and he pretty much ran over to his aunt's place, and asked with a dubious tone
"aunt Nina? Do I have two dads?"
she gave him one of her suspicious looks
"you don't know?"
"well, there's a black cat in the kitchen. He says he's my other dad, and he's making pancakes!"
"ah, yes. He arrived last night while you were asleep"
"oh, ok. Really?"
"yes, he came all this way to take care of you while your parents are gone"
"you mean... my mom, and my other dad"
"yes, now stop asking silly questions and go greet him propperly"
"ok. He said Freckle can come have pancakes"
"hm. Fine, but come back soon, right after breakfast. We're going to church"
he remembered being excited as he dragged his baby cousing over, who was just as confused. His new father had seemed happy to see him.
"ah, there you are! let me take a good look at you" he said, as they stood one next to the other "ah, you've grown so much! Calvin, you can walk already!"
"aunt Nina says we have to go to church soon"
"well then, no use making her wait, let’s eat breakfast before it gets cold!"
He remembered that first day, after pancakes his father told him to wash up and show him what he had in the wardrove, and helped him pick a decent outfit, then the two of them had met Nina all dolled up and she had been quiet and distant the whole way.
When Rocky asked, his dad told him being so religious she wanted to make sure he was still a god fearing propper christian and get confessed first thing after coming back. He also mentioned tho having two fathers wasn't weird (many kids do) it was uncommon, and aunt Nina didn't want anyone in chusrch gossiping and making silly questions.
And from then on, Rocky's childhood had fallen back into normalcy. Well, as normal as it could get with him being a menace.
He still spent a lot of time with aunt Nina and his cousin, and she and his dad did their best to educate him. It was easy geting used to the new routine since his new father spent more time home. He was also very easygoing and good at telling stories.
He made sure to be allways in his best behaivor with Nina, going as far as to reprimend him harder if she was present, and winking an eye at him when she wasn't looking.
he remembered one time he did something bad, and his aunt started blabbering about sinners and god, but instead of just dragging him by the ear, his dad crouched down in front of him and tried to reason with him. He often remembered the explanation he gave him.
"Rocky, when people catch you doing bad things, they will punish you, but that is not the reason you are not supposed to do them"
"it's not?"
"no. See, I told you throwing trash in the street is bad, right? But you know why?"
"well... becouse its a mess?"
"its not just a mess. The more trash people litter, the more rats and bugs they atract, and the more illness. The cleaner the street is, the safer it gets in the long run for everyone. Some people will still litter, and that's why we must try our best to keep it as good as possible"
"...so that people won't get sick, like mom?"
"...yes, kiddo. That's just a simple example of why you must try your best to be good, to make the world a better place, even when its not easy, specially when its hard. The more you try, the better you'll get at it, like in your studies! Sometimes you will even feel stupid for being good, but you'll learn the diference between being bad and being smart. I know you can" his expresion had then turned mischevous and he made a gesture as to grab him, wich Rocky recogniced and anticipated "you have so much energy!"
and he tickled him, and then sent him off to have fun, but also be careful
Rocky's aunt, who had presenced the whole conversation had been a lot more cheerful since then. Often she would just discuss with his father when Rocky did something bad.
He had lots of memories from him taking them fishing, or camping, making a barbacue for a special ocasion... teaching them so many things
Sometimes, when he had to leave Rocky with Nina for a long time he would come back with flowers for her. Nothing special, just something pretty that he found on the side of the road that couldn't be found in her garden. Then he would nudge the kid and ask "now what did you do this time to test her patience?"
One time he saw Rocky's state after coming back from the swimming pit, and then took a look at the swiming pit itself, and started building a little swimming pool in the backyard. He edged the boys on to help, making the task into a fun project for all of them.
It took days of digging and the boys had fun playing in the dirt and keeping anything they could find on their excabation site.
Once he was satisfied with the shape and all he got cement and started finishing the surface. The boys had been so excited to see the project finally taking form.
He had insited they don't touch the cement until it was dry, except for the hand prints they left on the deeper side, with their names and the date. Then he had buildt a firm, tight fitted fence to make sure no critters crawled in.
To this day Rocky could still make some money or get free drinks from people who came to swim when it was hot
it had been a specially happy ocasion when his father informed him that he would spend more time at home, since now he would be working from there: he started writing from time to time for a newspaper, and told him to keep secret the source of most of their income: home brewed spirits that he sold somewhere else
Eventually, he too joined the speakeasy as a member of the band.
Things had been going a little south after the owner, Atlas, died and his wife took over. But right now Rocky couldn't even think of those worries.
The whole drive home he felt so... misplaced. It probably wasn't anything, right? Some kind of misundertanding
He walked in and shouted "Im back" into the house. His father's voice greeted him from the kitchen. He walked in. The cat in question was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. Such a familiar sight. Just like that first day, when it looked like he had allways been there tho it felt out of place.
"you're back early. How was work?"
"good, I guess..."
he recieved a suspicious look from behind the newspaper. There was no use delaying it
"dad... are you... really my father?"
Jasper took a moment to answer
"yes. Why do you ask?"
"oh, nothing it's just... I told a friend about you and mom... and my other dad... and they gave me this look"
Jasper just went back to the newspaper.
"...and I've been thinking... it just... something doesen't add up. Dad?"
Now his father wasn't reading the paper. He was thinking, considering. Rocky knew that expression, from when he asked for something, usually complicated or a bad idea and his dad considered it.
Eventually his father placed the newspaper on the table and told him
"why don't you sit down? I'll get some tea"
oh no. Rocky got a bad feeling. He retrieved the cookies while his dad prepared the kettle and then they were both sitting in silence.
"Its about time you knew. My name is Jasper, that much is true. I also knew your parents, somewhat.
Your dad use to come to my place after work. Got drunk, told me everything. How his wife was allways sick and his kid so... ramboutious, and he was tired of everything. I had to drag him home more than once. I told him, many times 'you have a beautiful wife and child, a wonderful home, you don't know how lucky you are...' truth is I was jeallows. See, I can't have kids of my own"
Rocky felt numb. Empty. Like nothing was there where usually he could stand. He couldn't believe it. His father or, the one who called himself so, continued
"One day he came to my place speacially upset. He told me his wife had died and he wasn't sticking arround for the kid. I was so mad. I called him a coward, an oathbreaker, we had a fight. I told him to never, ever come back if he dared leave. Then I went to your aunt, told her the bad news. I complained that the world is so unfair... and I had this idea, and begged her to let me help. Promised I would make her glad she let me"
"and she agreed?" Rocky asked. That was the most unbelievable part of this whole story. Jasper shrugged
"I appealed to her strong beliefs. 'god works in misterious ways' right? She would be doing a very good thing, giving someone like me the chance to have a family, and a home, and a poor kid to still have a father. I promished to help as much as possible, and if she didn't like it she could kick me out at any moment"
he croached forward then, and said in a more confidencial tone "tho between you and me, I wouldn't let her. I grew atached to you fast. If things went south we could have just, moved"
A chill run up Rocky's spine as he remembered that time, when Freackle messed up bad and he took the fault. Rocky had told his dad the truth, and he gave him a big hug and told him he was proud of him
"you did what you thought best and protected your cousin. We'll figure out the rest"
Aunt Nina hadn't talked to him for weeks, and his dad had been consulting the price they could get for their home, and considering wether to move to the country. In the end it hadn't been necesary.
"so..." Rocky asked "you are not my father?" Jasper took a deep breath and answered firm and calm
"yes I am. Family is not just blood. Sometimes family are the ones who stick by you throu thick and thin. This is my home, and you are the child I have raised since you were a kitten. ...do you feel otherwise?"
Rocky thought of it. For a moment he imagined that there wasn't actually anything conecting him and this stranger sitting across him who just showed up on the kithcen one day, but that was just not true.
It felt strange, finding out the truth, the lie he had been living. But in the long run, actually, it didn't make any diference. He supposed this sensation would fade, and things would go back to normal. He still knew this cat sitting across from him, he trusted him, he loved him.
If he had been telling him a big white lie... he supposed he could forgive that, specially after all the times he had made a mess and the other had stood by him.
Not the mean looking gray cat he barely remembered from his earliest childhood. This tom cat right  in front of him.
"I suppose not. Tho... you were never married to mom?"
Jasper sighed "no" and got up to fetch the kettle "I saw her a few times, I asked your aunt for some details... and made up the rest"
he placed right in front of Rocky a cup of tea with lots of syrup and milk, just the way he liked it. Rocky thought of the times he asked about his mom and got an answer
"oh, she was so sweet... and pacient. You know she played the violin right? You need lots of pacience and insistence to do that. That's how we met, actually, I heared some beautiful music and imagine my shock when I followed the sound and found a pretty girl at the source! You remind me of her"
Just another story. He was good at telling them.
His father drank some tea and took a bite of a cookie, gave him time to asimilate it
"tho if anyone asks, your biologic father died, then she married me and got sick right after. That's the story we're going with. I got a friend to fake us some papers. Any incongruences are explained by a mishap of papers"
"do you know what happened to him?"
"your other dad? no. He left and we never heared of him since, tho I would understand if you wanted to search for him"
"you told me he took mom to a new hospital, and then stayed there working to pay the debt"
"Im sorry, Rocky. That was a lie. Your mother passed away the day before I first came here. Your father left that night. Your aunt Nina and I managed everything else"
"you told me she died later"
"we didn't want to overwelm you, what with your parents gone and me here all of the sudden. We waited exactly one year to respect the date in wich she died and then we visited the cementery"
Rocky remembered feeling terrible becouse he hadn't seen his mom in so long and he could barely tell the diference after she died. His dad held him in his arms and comforted him, told him she loved him and he would allways have some of her. His aunt told him she would watch from heaven to make sure he would behave. They went to the cementary, they had some excuse for him not to be at the burial but the stone looked like it was new and Nina comented on how good it looked.
"did you buy a new gravestone for her?"
"no, I spent the day before cleaning it and removing the grass to make it look new. I even had an excuse prepared in case you noticed the date was wrong"
Rocky couldn't help to chuckle.
"Cat, you are good!"
His father gave him a smile and sipped some more tea.
"we should tell Nina you know now. She'll be glad the truth is out, at least within the family. Probably will want to go to church and confess again"
"I should thank her" said Rocky "Im pretty glad that she let you stay"
His father gave him a warm smile "me too"
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
Flower In The Desert - Chapter 17
Captain Syverson Fanfic
"You can't go in there, only family."
A nurse halted Matt as he hesitated in the hospital corridor just outside Violet's room. He let out a frustrated sigh, stealing a glimpse of her still asleep inside before turning back to the nurse. "I'm... her brother. Please."
The nurse emitted a drawn-out sigh, eyeing him skeptically, then relented and stepped aside. "Fine." She followed him into the room, securing Violet's chart in hand.
Matt stood watchful at Violet's bedside as her eyes fluttered open, clearly disoriented. "Matt?"
"I'm here. Are you alright?"
"She's fine. She just passed out from low blood sugar." The nurse examined the medical records while Violet groaned, pushing herself upright in the bed.
"And the baby?"
"Baby?" Matt glanced at Violet, baffled, before comprehension dawned. "You were sick this morning. You knew you were pregnant?"
"Of course I knew. I've known ever since I got home." Violet turned her gaze to the nurse, her hand tenderly resting on her abdomen. "Is the baby okay?"
"The baby is fine. But you need to be taking better care of yourself."
Violet simply nodded, then turned to Matt. "Have you talked to my father? How is Sy? Is he okay? I heard gunfire and then an explosion..."
"I don't..." Matt shook his head, clutching her hand for support. "I called your father. He'll be here as soon as he can. But I don't know anything about Syverson. I'm sure he's fine..."
"You don't know that! You can't know that!" She begins to breathe heavily once more as the beeping on her monitor increases in pace and the nurse sighs, resting her hand on Violet's shoulder.
"I need you to stay calm. Getting worked up like this is not good for the baby."
Violet nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks as she worked on taking a few deep breaths. "Okay."
"How far along are you?" Matt asked, trying to change the subject to help calm her down.
"Around 12 weeks," the nurse answered for her, catching a glare from Matt before she turned to leave.
"I thought maybe I noticed a small pooch at the beach this morning. But it's not proper to ask a woman about her weight."
Violet chuckled as Matt blushed, and she patted his hand on hers. "Well, thank you for not asking. Can you just take me home?"
"I'll see what I can do."
She nodded, watching him leave the room, leaving her alone in her thoughts. She rested both hands on her stomach where her child with Syverson grew, unaware of Violet's worries about its father...
"It's been weeks!" Violet yelled, her voice echoing in her father's Washington, D.C. office as she slammed her hands down on his desk. Papers and documents scattered, but her frustration demanded attention. "I haven't heard a single word from Eddie! He wouldn't go this long without calling me unless something is wrong!"
"I know, sweetheart," Charles replied with a weary sigh, trying to maintain a calm tone despite the chaotic scene and waving away his concerned assistant. He rose from his chair and motioned for Violet to take a seat. "You need to calm down, Violet."
"I can't calm down, Dad. I need Eddie. We need him..." Tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to sob softly as she cradled her stomach in her trembling hands. "Please, Daddy. There has to be something that you can do."
"We can't do anything except wait, sweetheart. I'm sorry. I have people searching. I promise, I am doing everything I can..." He gestured toward her stomach, leaning forward to place his hand gently on her belly. "Do you know what you're having yet?"
"No," she shook her head, sniffling, as she felt her baby kick her father's hand. "I'm waiting for Eddie to find out... He doesn't even know about the baby yet..."
"You haven't told him?"
"I was hoping to be able to tell him in person. And I wasn't really sure how he would take it..."
Charles let out a knowing sigh, pulling her to her feet to envelop her in a comforting embrace. "He'll be excited when he returns home. I promise it will all be fine." He pulled back, cupping her tear-stained face in his hands. "Okay. I will find him..."
Violet nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat with a sigh. "Okay..." She allowed herself to believe her father's promise, her heart aching for the day when Eddie would return and they could share the news of their growing family together.
Violet eased herself into the warm bath, sighing as she rested her head on the side of the tub. Just as she closed her eyes to relax, the sound of frantic knocking on her front door shattered the tranquility. With an annoyed grunt, she reluctantly pulled herself out of the bathtub, the knocking growing increasingly insistent. "I'm coming!"
Wrapping her robe around herself, she cinched the tie tight around her waist as she trudged downstairs, irritation mounting. "I said I'm coming! For fuck's sake!"
The relentless knocking continued, undeterred, as she reached the front door. "OKAY!" She flung the door open, but her heart leaped to her throat, her hand instinctively flying to her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. "Oh, my God," she whispered in disbelief...
Chapter 18
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sirjuggles · 2 years
Worm Reading - Part 6, Arc 6 Tangle
Ah we’re lying to dad again. Can’t keep this up forever. Also can we give a shout-out for a sec to Danny for being so incredibly supportive and understanding? He’s a single dad, his teenage daughter has been going through heart-wrenching trouble at school, she gets caught in a terrorist attack and wounded badly enough to be bedridden, as soon as she’s better she starts disappearing and not coming home for long stretches of time with little details about what she’s doing, and through it all he’s just like “I love you and I’m worried about you but you do what you have to do as long as you stay safe.” Like ok admittedly she’s super not safe, but he’s trying his best and giving way more than I think you could reasonably expect from someone in his situation!
Hrmmmm while reading the news, we get “...a brief update on a twelve year old girl that had gone missing two weeks before the ABB situation started, that was now presumed dead...“ Maybe my literary paranoia is too high, but sentences like this one set off my alarm bells like a TV News Report in the background of the diner talking about a “mysterious new virus sweeping the nation.”
Uh-oh Lung’s still at large, even without his eyes. So it’s almost like his power is working on a grander scale here: every time Taylor has fought Lung she has violated his body on a very personal level (intentionally or not), and this is only going to serve to make him a more dedicated enemy for her.
Actually, hah, I don’t know if this is really a thing among villains, but at this point Skitter is legitimately Lung’s Nemesis! She is the one who keeps foiling his plans and leaving him broken!
Building furniture with Brian. Seems like he’s got a nice apartment. Awww Taylor has such a crush on this guy. God between her mom passing away and the bullying at school she has zero romantic experience doesn’t she? Oof that’s such a tough time. Hope she doesn’t do anything too stupid...
Oh Aisha is a problem. That’s a girl who doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut and enjoys attention. Alarm bells ringing, she is gonna get herself into something.
Alright, we have a dangerous mission proposed. I really don’t see any good that can come of this. The opportunity to meet the Boss as a reward feels like something that is being dangled specifically to convince Taylor to stick around. I’m wondering how much of that is Tattletale knowing more than she lets on. I’m not yet fully convinced that I’m wrong on the “Tattletale is Boss” angle.
Oh ok we’re just diving into a party fully of superheroes. Uhhhh this feels massively unwise.
Well, honestly this has gone more successfully than I expected, and still seems to have completely failed.
Ok we knew Armsmaster was a badass but he is very clearly on a whole different level when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Dude is Batman with fancier weapons.
Ooof got out of that one by the skin of their teeth!
Oohp fight has moved to the parking garage! Can I just say, the Travelers are absolute nightmares in a fight!! I don’t know what their whole social drama is, but they have such a potent combo of distraction + offense that it is legitimately scary.
Oh. So the mysterious Boss was Coil. Ok, that’s... kinda obvious in hindsight. Almost anticlimactically so.
Interesting. So, if Coil is to be believed, he is basically right on the edge of successfully controlling the city. To hear him tell it, it sounds like a perfect solution. My biggest concerns are that he seems to be implying that individual teams such as the Undersiders and other capes will basically rule over their own territory. That is a sketchy form of governance, and is easily open to abuse. Also, he makes it sound as though a disorganized Protectorate would be a non-issue, but I’m not convinced that such a large national organization is going to sit by and just let a villain rule a whole city like this.
Oh Wow confrontation with Danny. That just sucked all around. The worst part is... I think I mostly sympathize with Danny. Just like I said before, he has been incredible supportive and flexible for his young daughter while being kept completely in the dark. As a parent that’s a nightmare scenario and he has given more freedom and understanding than many parents would. I get that Taylor doesn’t really feel like she has a choice, she can’t tell him the truth, but... I can’t help but wonder what would happen if she did? Of course no parent wants to hear their kid is a villain, has fought and hurt people. But after all the love and support he’s shown, even when she lashes out, I can’t help but think that he could maybe begin to understand that just because she’s not a Hero doesn’t make her a Bad Guy. Though to be fair, objectively she is committing crimes and hurting people, as much as Lisa would like to brush over that. It’s really easy to get taken in by that narrative isn’t it?
Interlude 6: Canary - Yeesh this is nightmarish. Though of course, in this case as in real life, the real nightmare is the justice system and incarceration system!
As soon as we heard the descriptions I went “OH it’s Lung and Bakuda! Honestly, they’re both monsters, but I do kinda hope they pull this escape attempt off.”
Yeah Bakuda is a psycho but you gotta give her credit for being tough and having determination. Almost got out of that truck too. It was a good plan.
I think I like Dragon.
Yeeeeesh that is a... shame of an ending. Like I said, both Bakuda and Lung are monsters but... in a story like this, they’re both entertaining monsters in their own way. I have some very small wonder as to whether we’ll see either one of them pop back up again at some point. That ending was not technically explicit for either one of them.
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Steve sat drinking on a bench, some expensive shit he found in his dad's study.
Not that he's around to notice it's gone.
Jonathan slumps beside him, wordlessly asking for a swing.
They take turns, both of them worse for wear.
Steve throws the empty bottle and they flinch as it shatters.
Jonathan takes out some cigs and they chainsmoke between themselves.
They don't say a word but their sat so close they can feel the others heartbeat.
Neither are suprised when Nancy drops between them.
Yanking the cig and blowing rings info the night sky.
Tears are rolling down her cheeks and she stamps out the flame with her boots.
Steve puts an arm around them both, holding them like lifelines.
His hands tremble and he's got splinters from punching something.
Jonathan is taking out the first aid kit, his hands are steady but his eyes are blank.
Steve doesn't flinch, neither does he.
Nancy's eyes are wild and have bags under them.
She takes the first aid kit and applies it to Jonathan's face.
He always does his last and she hates it.
Despite doing the same.
Steve's resting his head on her shoulder, grounding.
He craves physical touch like no other.
Her hand finds itself in his once she's done, the other is in Jonathan's.
They say nothing because they don't need to.
She can hear Barbs final goodbyes.
Steve can feel the Demogorgan descend on them.
Jonathan can see it in his living room.
He doesn't stay home much, usually at Steve's.
Nancy keeps a wakie in her hand and a gun under her pillow just in case.
Steve has the bat, he patrols every night and jumps and flinches sy anything that goes in his path.
He walks for hours lost and finds himself on this bench where they all show up.
None of them came away from the fight unscathed.
They can't trust the adults, and know they've got too much on their plates.
So they trudge on together.
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my girl 4
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You drive your mom to the airport while your dad and brother are at work. You’re sad to see her walk away. You wait until she’s through the security check and you can no longer see her. The ride home is silent as you’re too upset to turn the stereo on. 
You pull up to the house and stay in the car for a while. It will be weird to go into an empty house. It isn’t that unusual. When your mom’s at work, you’re often by yourself. Usually, you bask in the solace but not it’s just grim. You don’t feel like reading so much as the thought ties a knot in your heart. 
How long had you spent bound by the pages of a book when you should’ve been with your mom? She won’t be gone that long but it feels like it. 
You go inside at last and decide to get dinner started. Your mother always enjoys her time in the kitchen. Often her singing made you frown into your book but now you long for it. Grow up! She’s not been gone for more than two hours and you’re pouting like a child. 
You peruse the pantry and the fridge and finally come up with a plan. It shouldn’t be that intensive. You’ll get the ingredients together but you won’t have to start right away. Fajitas are easy enough. 
You go back to your room and sit on your bed. You glance over at the book sitting by your pillow and sigh. You twiddle your fingers then stand and pace listlessly. You can’t focus on fiction right now, the real is too... real. 
So, you go outside and sit on the grass, admiring the flowers your mom loves almost as much as her food processor. One day you might be like her. With actual hobbies instead of escapism. 
You lay down in the warmth of the sun, the smell of pollen and the buzz of bees around you. You shade your face from the bright afternoon and recede into your mind. The summer heat lulls you down into daze and time fades into an afterthought. 
You swear you smell pepperoni as you nose wiggles in the breeze. You sigh. The thought of cooking in this weather only makes you sweat more. 
“Y’okay?” The deep grizzly timbre makes you fling your hand away from your face as you blink up at the great orcish shadow. You sit up, leaning on the heels of your hand as you gape up at the burly beast. Sy’s figure comes clear as your vision adjusts to the hue, “what’re you doin’ down there?” 
“Um,” you blink dumbly, “sorry, I... hi?” 
“You hurt or something?” He wonders, his eyes searching you with concern. 
“No, I just... like the flowers,” you say, “where’s Isaac?” You look towards the fence then back at him. 
“Said he was comin’,” he grits, “stoppin’ at some buddy’s place but I said I’d meet him here.” 
“Ah, you coming for dinner? My mom left today.” 
“I know,” he puts his hands on his hips. Somehow, he looks even bigger, especially looking up from the ground. “Good lady. I brought pizza. It’s on the porch. Figure you’d be missin’ her.” 
“Pizza? You didn’t have to do that.” 
“I wanted to,” he moves closer and you tense, shying away. 
He grunts as he bends, putting his hand on the grass and swings himself around to sit beside you. Now he just seems gargantuan. He crosses his thick legs and looks up through his dark sunglasses. His cheeks tauten as he peers up at the clouds. 
“When I was overseas,” he says, “used to watch the sky a lot. Reminded me of home. Only thing that was the same.” 
You peer up and back down. You don’t have sunglasses. You always lay in the shade or read indoors. 
“Overseas?” You echo, “you... you lived somewhere else?” 
“Served,” he sets his head straight, toying with a dandelion by his boot, swirling his finger around the yellow head, “you know, young and angry and all. Now I’m just old and cranky.” 
You consider him. You guess he looks like a solider. Maybe that’s why you keep seeing a beastly warrior. 
“It must’ve been... well, I wouldn’t know,” you say, “scary?” 
“Could be, but only after,” he says. You don’t think he’s ever talked so much. “When you’re in it, you just get through it.” 
He’s quiet and he picks the dandelion out of the ground. He twirls it between his fingers. He looks over at you but you can’t see his eyes through the black lenses. 
“Sweet girls shouldn’t deal with all that,” he reaches over and tucks the flower behind your ear.  
You’re frozen in place at the unexpected gestures. He grunts as he gets himself to his knees and stands. He rubs his lower back and stretches out his neck. 
“I’ll get those pizzas inside before the ants find ‘em,” he marches away without a glance back, leaving you perplexed at your interaction. You’re no good with people but that was odd. 
You linger and touch the stem of the flower poking out behind your ear. You don’t remove it. It was a nice gesture. You get up and cross the lawn. 
You go inside and hear him in the kitchen. As you enter, he’s washing his hands. You peer over at him sheepishly. 
“How long do you think Isaac would be? My dad’s getting drinks with his friends tonight. He always does on Friday.” 
“Ah, not long, I think. We can wait for him,” Sy shuts off the tap and dries his hands. “I finished the book.” 
“You... did?” 
“Gonna start the next one tomorrow,” he says, “day off. Might go down to the beach. Ain’t been in... years. Don’t like hot sand.” 
Again, you’re put off by his chatter. He’s never been overly talkative, not even with your brother who he spends hours with a day. He’s always friendly with a ‘ma’am’ or a ‘sir’ in your parents’ direction but you don’t know anything about him for a reason. You wonder if Isaac knows he was a soldier. 
“That sounds nice, I haven’t been in a while either,” you smile. 
He nods and moves towards the pizza boxes, “I can put these in the oven, keep em warm.” 
“Sure, if you don’t mind,” you accept. “Um, I’ll set the table.” 
He grunts in acquiescence. You go to the cupboard and take down plates. Not as many as usual. You’re once more reminded of your mother’s absence. 
You put them on the table and go back for cutlery. Realising you won’t need any, you grab paper towel instead and leave it with the plates. You open the fridge as Sy hovers by counter. He seems uncertain. 
“You don’t need to stick around. Unless you want something to drink. I was just seeing what we had to go with dinner.” 
“Ah, dang, I forgot to grab the special with soda,” he says. 
“All good, um, I... I have strawberry soda. Mom bought them for me,” you take out one of the bottles and show him, “they are super sweet thought. I mix mine with club soda.” 
He hums, “might try some. With dinner.” 
“Alright,” you close the door, confident there’ll be enough to drink. Isaac only likes Mountain Dew anyway. “Erm...” 
You face him and he wavers on his feet. For a man his size, he looks almost nervous. He takes his hat off and squeezes the beak. 
“Sorry, should be wearin’ this inside,” he chuckles. 
“I don’t mind.” 
Silence. Again. You reach up and mindlessly play with the flower. He watches your hand and you drop it. 
“What... what are you reading? Anything good?” He asks. 
“Um, nothing new,” you answer and fold your hands together, “that bookmark you made me is super nice. I like it a lot.” 
“Figure you could use it.” 
“Thanks, it was so... nice of you to think of me.” 
His cheeks round and his cheeks strain as a smile spreads under his beard and he runs his hand over the coarse hair, “ain’t nothing.” He looks around as he slides his hand back to scratch his neck, “how about I go keep an eye out for your brother. Hope he didn’t get lost.” 
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Welcome to Sapphire Falls - Where are they now #2 ❜┊˚̥۪͙۪◌
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Basketballer!Chris Evans x Abigail Syverson (plus size!ofc) & Farmer!Syverson x Livia Darmandi (Asian ofc)
Summary: Ever since Livia and Syverson announced the pregnancy, how are they doing?
Word count: 1k
Warnings: None
The Advent Calendar (a.k.a. the masterlist)
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It had been a crazy three days, but now the door is closed and we are hidden away from the hospital, nosy citizens of Sapphire Falls and it’s just the three of us. The three of us. 
‘We made this,’ I whisper, as I lean against the headboard while I stare at my lovely Sy, who’s holding the baby in his strong arms. ‘I can’t believe that.’
Sy smiles, catching himself getting choked up again. He did that in the hospital a few times already and when I woke up from a deep sleep after giving birth, I saw how he was gently holding our little Luke, whispering all kinds of sweet things to him, with the tears burning in his eyes. ‘Liv, I don’t think I can ever thank you enough.’
I start to chuckle. ‘Honey, you… You don’t have to thank me. This is a co-production.’
He carefully gets up from the edge of the bed and sits next to me, as Luke opens his eyes and takes us in. ‘If I cry again, will you ever take me seriously again?’
I nuzzle against his side, before kissing his cheek. I always take you seriously, Sy.’
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‘You know,’ Liv says as I hold up my phone, ‘You resemble your sister when you take photography so seriously.’
I offer her a stern look. ‘Don’t say that.’
Chris and Abigail are visiting Sapphire Falls, meaning we finally have a trusted babysitter around. I don’t like other people around my baby, so whenever Liv and I want to go out for a date, we bundle up Luke and take him with us. He’s a very calm and sweet little baby, but to just stare at my Liv, it feels like a while ago.
‘You look beautiful,’ I tell her and she smiles. 
‘Sucking up to the model,’ she notes. ‘I see what you’re doing.’ 
After I took a few photos, I grab my chair and sit next to her. ‘I love you,’ I tell her, as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
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‘Within two years, Caleb Syverson knocked me up again,’ Liv chuckles as she enters the bedroom. After putting Luke to bed–who insisted on having his mom kiss him goodnight–she steps on the bed and straddles my lap. ‘And not with one baby, but with two.’
I lovingly cradle her stomach. ‘I’m an overachiever.’
She smiles at me. ‘You better not freak out, like you did with Luke.’
‘I did not freak out with Luke.’
Livia cocks an eyebrow. ‘Honey, you totally freaked out. And that’s okay, it was our first time having a baby, but I would prefer it if you tried to stay calm. This time around I have to push out two.’
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Finally Sy picks up. ‘Look look look,’ I say with a squeal, pointing the camera of my phone to our twins Felice and Jason as they walk ahead. ‘I bought them matching outfits.’
Sy does not match my enthusiasm. ‘Really? It looks like they are wearing school uniforms.’
‘That was the point! Sy, keep up, will ya?’ I call out the twins’ names and they stop walking, looking over their shoulders. 
‘They are so stinkin’ cute,’ Sy notes and when I look at my screen, I can tell he is lovingly staring at his. ‘You coming home any time soon? I miss you.’ He has been like this for a while now. With Luke going to kindergarten now, these two are a needed distraction. But we’ve been shopping and Sy’s been at the farm.
Sometimes it’s hard on him not having a kid around and I totally understand.
‘You two wanna go home?’ I ask them, once I caught up. ‘To dad?’
‘Yes!’ they both exclaim.
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Livia sniffles as she looks at Luke. It’s a hard day today. While the twins aren’t starting kindergarten for another two months, this fella is going to first grade.
And that’s been hard on Liv. ‘I cannot believe this,’ she chokes out, ‘my first born going to school.’
She stares at Luke, her oldest son, who is leaving his kindergarten days behind. She clears her throat, before she walks over to him, holding his face in her hands. ‘Mom, what’s up?’ Luke asks her.
‘I am so proud of you, my darling,’ she whispers. ‘Oh, so proud of you.’
I can’t help but smile, as I see how Luke consoles his mother. From the two of us, Livia is the more emotional parent–though I’m softening up as the years go by. While these milestones make me incredibly proud, they make Livia a little sad. She reminds me of my mother, who always cried whenever Abigail and I started a new school year. 
Luke gives his mom a kiss on her cheek. ‘I love you, mom,’ he mumbles.
‘I love you too, my sweet boy.’
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‘You really said copy paste with our kids, didn’t you?’ Sy notes as he stares at the picture of the twins. ‘Luke looks just like you. These two look like you.’
Livia turns to the side. ‘I pushed three kids Syverson size out of my vagina. The least they could’ve done is resemble me.’
Sy can’t help but chuckle. ‘Okay, that is true,’ he laughs.
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‘Okay, okay, I’m ready!’ Livia says.
‘Mom, you look beautiful!’ little Felice says with a smile. ‘I wanna be like you when I grow up.’
Sy’s eyes have widened, a little in shock to see his wife like this. Normally she wears comfortable clothes as work around the farm does not permit you to wear designer clothes, but with date night around the corner, she went all out. 
While their sons Luke and Jason compliment their mom too, give her a hug and a kiss, Sy gets up from the couch and walks over to her. ‘For fuck’s sake, Liv,’ he mutters in her ear, loud enough for her to hear it, too soft for the kids. ‘Good thing Chris and Abigail are here, because we’re not coming home early tonight.’
Chris walks into the room and says: ‘Okay kids, hot chocolate in the kitchen with aunt Abigail.’
‘Bye mom, bye dad!’ they all exclaim, before rushing to the kitchen.
Chris cocks an eyebrow. ‘I can recognize that gaze from anywhere,’ he says. ‘If you’re quiet, the shed’s all yours.’
‘The shed is always all ours,’ Sy notes.
Chris chuckles. ‘Just keep it down a notch, okay?’
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usaigi · 2 years
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Lunar sys au character cards | Read all chapters on ao3
“I packed you a cooler with some food and snacks Marc says you guys can’t get in England. Steven mentioned that Daniela likes cooking, I packed in your Abuela Rita’s recipe book. Good luck trying to figure out any proportions for the ingredients. And some of the stuff that the kids wanted from your old room. Plus, all the pictures,” Dad says, pushing down the handle of the suitcase. Dad asked Marc to leave one of their suitcases at the house so that he could fill it up with sentimental crap of a buried past. 
“Thanks,” Jake mumbles, digging his hand deep into his pockets, and staring down at the suitcase.  
“There’s a couple of more things I have for you guys. I don’t know if you’ll be able to take it on the plane though. Marc mentioned having to stop by New York for a job before heading back home. Maybe I could ship it to you? Or–”
“Dad,” Jake interrupts him, knowing overwise that his dad would likely go on in circles. 
“Sorry. I’ll be back, just–” he shuffles off upstairs. Jake just looks over at Layla and shrugs. Layla gives him a sympathetic smile before going back to her laptop, finalizing their last-minute accommodation in New York. 
When his dad returns, he’s carrying a hard guitar case in one hand, and a brown paper bag in the other. He set the case down on the couch, unlocking the latches to reveal a light orange-colored acoustic guitar, with a decorative ring around the soundhole. The glossy shine masked behind a layer of dust of years of unuse. “It was your grandfather. It was the first big splurge he bought when he arrived to Miami. He told me that he had a similar one back in Cuba that his older brother gave him. But he was only allowed to take one suitcase with him so he had to leave the guitar behind. 
"So when he got here, he’d save a little from each paycheck. Hid a dollar under his bed until he finally had enough to buy another guitar. He used to take me to the beach and he’d play for us.”
“Why the beach?”
“He said he hoped the waves carried his song so his brother could hear him play. His brother chose to stay back in Havana.”
“Did you ever play?” Jake asks, sliding his finger down the cords, trying to feel the vibration of a lost song. That of longing and loneliness. Of a family divided by the harsh water, drowning anyone who tries to swim across. 
“I did. I used to at least. I stopped when Randall passed, I just couldn’t. I always wanted you to have it but it never felt like the right time. Hopefully, it is now. Maybe you can carry the tradition and play for Randall.”
“I don’t remember him,” Jake says flatly. 
“Then play it for yourself and your other parts.”
“I… have something else but I am not sure you’ll want it,” dad says, looking towards the bag. 
“What is it?” Dad lets Jake pull the item out of the bag, a thick woven blanket, alternating between different colored stripes with different geometric figures to create an elegant tapestry.  
“I was hoping to speak with Daniela and ask if she would want this blanket. But I understand that she wasn’t comfortable yet. Still, can you give this to her? If she doesn’t want it, you can mail it back or toss it or…” he stops when he notices Jake’s expression, picking up on Jake’s silently request to get to the point. 
“Your grandmother made this for your mother before she left. She was worried that she’d get cold traveling in the desert. It took up half the space in her backpack. She said she was too scared even to use it, that they’d know she’s Guatemalan and she’d get harassed for it. 
“And these Muñeca quitapena they were also your mothers. According to the myths–”
“‘The sun god granted the Mayan princess an extraordinary gift that can solve any human problem.’” Jake recalls, taking the little dolls in his hand. 
“You used to have your own, I don’t know if you remember.”  
“Yeah, I remember.” At some point in their upbringing, Marc stopped talking to his dolls; it was pointless and childish after all. But he always talked to Jake about all his worries, his pain, his fears. And Jake listened, even if Marc wasn’t aware.
“I know your mother hurt you and hope you don’t interpret this as a request for you to forgive her, I will never ask that from you. I guess I see this as an extension of that side of your family and heritage, separate from her. I think Kid would like the dolls, at least.”
“I know I wasn’t a good father to you growing up but I want all of you to know I regret all past actions. But I want you to know I’m here for all of you. If you guys have any questions or concerns, or if you want to talk about anything, I’m here.” Dad says, gently patting Jake on the side of his arm. 
“We’ll keep in touch. Part of us, at least.”
“Thank you, hijo. Oh and before you go, I pack you and Layla a snack. Make sure to eat it before you get to TSA.” Elias hands them a tupperware with mixed cut fruit, diced up into small chunks. Papaya, pineapple, mango, and strawberries, all mixed in for a sweet treat. Two sets of plastic forks wrapped around a napkin placed on top of the container. And from his side, Jake hears Layla trying to suppress her laughter, bringing her hand to cover her giggle. 
“Sorry, sorry, I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just that Marc always cuts fruit for me. I had always thought it was an Arab thing but Marc's been feeding me fruit since we start dating. It’s sweet.”
The act is sweet; just like the fruit. Not artificial, natural. 
But a seed doesn’t bloom into a fruit tree overnight, or over the course of a trip. It needs constant work, constant care. 
Maybe one day Jake can have natural peace with his father. Maybe someday. 
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superdcchick · 2 years
Hi everyone! I'm looking for a fic that I just can't seem to find by myself 😂
Its captain sy fic. Its two college students that are going home for break and your best friend invites you to join her. First they visit her mom and then they go stay with her dad sy. The best friend and sy sleep together.
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samaraj · 2 years
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Title - His last wish
Pairing - Sy x reader
Warnings - Angst, smut, stillborn
Note - This one’s long and holds an element of things that I’d say are personal to me. It was therapeutic to write but a bit deep so consider that a warning. Also had it sitting in drafts for ages so not the best with proofreading!
Summary - Reader returns home after ten years still holding onto a deep burden. She’s home to see her dying grandfather but is worried about crossing paths with the one who broke her heart.
It had been ten years since you’d returned home. Ten years since you left to chase your dream of becoming a doctor. And ten years since your heart was crushed into a million pieces when your first love told you “We’re going in different directions”. You’d managed to stay away this long - your family understanding your turmoil and agreeing to visit you in the city instead. But now here you were standing on your parents doorstep after they called and begged you to come. Your beloved grandfather was dying and had asked to see you.
“Honey! Oh honey!” Your mother opened the door and pulled you into her arms. “What on earth? You said your plane was arriving at midday! We were coming to pick you up from the airport!”
“I took an earlier flight Mum. I didn’t want you driving”. You smiled as your mother kissed you on the forehead. Truth being, you did it on purpose. Wanting to avoid the airport greetings knowing that you could very well bump into Sy since the military base was close by and he had a habit of visiting the airport’s cafe.
“Your Dad will be cross”. Your mother smoothed down her apron and as you breathed in the scent of fresh apple pie.
“No he won’t”. You pulled your suitcase inside. “When has he ever been mad at me?”
“Honey …” Your mother held you at arms length as she smoothed down your hair like she did when you were a child. “Thank you for being here. It will make him happy .. I know it’s hard for you”.
“Mum ..” You swallowed and recited your well rehearsed speech. “I was nineteen years old. Young and stupid .. don’t worry I’m passed it”.
“I’m your mother, I know you love. I know what you went through”.
“It’s the past Mum. I’m here for granddad and for all of you”.
Your mother studied your face before she sighed. She rubbed your shoulder and gestured towards the upstairs guest room.
“I won’t .. shock him will I?”
“No but your father is in with him”. Your mother smiled. “You’ll shock him no doubt”.
Your eyes flickered to the locket your mother was wearing, the one that matched your own around your neck. Your heart clenched knowing that the same photo was inside and for a moment you wondered if you’d made the right choice in coming home.
Your mother looked down at the locket and then back at you. She smiled softly.
“I’ve never taken it off”.
“Neither have I”. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I just .. I wonder a lot .. and I just think .. did I do something? Was I to blame? I know that’s stupid .. but I still think like that”.
“Honey .. never ever .. just ..” Your mother grabbed your face as her eyes filled with tears. “You did nothing wrong. I was there .. I know”.
“Oh Mum”. You hugged your mother as you cried softly. Her hands rubbed your back while she hummed softly in your ear in a bid to comfort your broken heart.
“Take your time love. Just breathe ok? Everything’s alright. You’re the strongest person I know darling. Such a brave nineteen year old and now look at you. Twenty nine and a doctor. Honey I’m so very proud of you”.
“Thank you Mum”. You wiped at your face. “Sorry for being so emotional. It’s just .. being back here. Knowing Sy’s here. It’s brought up so many deep feelings and memories”.
“I know love. We appreciate you being here and I promise you that we will look after you ok?”
“Thanks mum”. You glanced at the stairs. “I’m going to go see him now ok?”
“Alright love. I’ll finish fixing your room”.
You paused at the bottom of the stairs before walking up slowly. You stared at the timber door to your left and your hand traced over the handle before knocking twice then opening it slowly. You smiled at the look of surprise on your fathers face. He was sitting in a chair next to your grandfathers bed. He jumped up quickly, causing your grandfather to open his eyes.
“What are you doing here! Did I miss your flight? I didn’t doze off?”
“No Dad! I got in earlier”. You laughed quietly as your father hugged you before kissing your cheeks. You waved at your grandfather who was blowing you a kiss. “Hi Grandpa. I came to see you”.
“Look at you”. Your grandfather beckoned you over and you rushed to the side of the bed to grab his hands. “There’s my girl”.
“I missed you Grandpa. Im going to be here for a few weeks ok? So don’t you worry about anything”.
“Im glad sweetheart. These doctors tell me I’ve only got a few weeks but what do they know?” Your grandfather smiled. “You’re the only doctor I trust”.
“And im here to look after you”.
Your grandfather nodded as he lay his head back against the pillows. His fingers touched the locket around your neck.
“Im going to see him soon sweetheart”.
Your heart ached and you nodded. You saw your father wipe his face.
“I know”.
“Im going to look after him for you”.
“I know grandpa”. Your lip trembled. “Thank you”.
“Wyatt”. Your grandfather whispered.
“Wyatt”. You whispered as your grandfather closed his eyes, sleeping in soft breaths. You saw your father quietly leave the room, giving you time alone. When the door closed you lay your head on the bed next to your grandfathers arm.
Wyatt .. you repeated over and over. Your baby boy born at only 26 weeks that took one breath. He had been your savior throughout your heartbreak over losing Sy. When you found out you were pregnant Sy had already been deployed. You found out he wouldn’t be home for 12 months and was in a restricted area so you had no way of contacting him. You planned on telling him .. bringing Wyatt to him. You just had no way of knowing that you would lose him. And then you found out that Sy had a new girlfriend … actually many new girls. So you decided not to burden him with the memory of a son that he never got to meet. Was it wrong? Maybe. But you were young and broken.
The days that followed you spent looking after your grandfather. You were glad you came because the time you spent with him were therapeutic. You went through old family movies and photo albums .. his health was deteriorating rapidly but he was also smiling.
“Yes Grandpa?” You paused as you were reading him a passage of a book.
“Go see that boy of yours”.
“Sy? He’s not my boy Grandpa. It’s best kept in the past”.
“For me? I just want you to have peace”.
“I have peace Grandpa”. You paused. “There’s no use in bringing up all that hurt. He’s moved on, I’ve moved on”.
“What about Wyatt?”
“What good would that do now Grandpa? I tried to tell him but he was gone you know that. Then it ., happened and .. it was too late”.
“It’s never too late sweetheart”. Your grandpa patted your knee. “You are still hurting”.
“So why hurt him? After ten years?”
“You know why .. the same reason you tried to tell him in the beginning”. Your grandfather paused. “Because he has a right to know”.
“What right Grandpa?” Tears stung your eyes. “He left me. I was nineteen and in love with him! Then I came back after losing Wyatt and he was with every girl he could find! Like I was nothing!”
“Love .. you’re still hurt. Can’t you see that?” Your grandfather stared at you. “Just promise me that you’ll talk to him if your paths cross. You don’t have to search him out .. if fate has it then that’s another story”.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you looked at your grandfather. You couldn’t say no so you nodded.
“If our paths cross ..”
Your grandfather smiled and motioned for you to continue reading. You sighed and settled back into the armchair as you tried to forget about Sy.
3 weeks later your Grandfather passed away peacefully. You felt heartbroken yet content that you had such cherished time with him. The funeral was held a week later and he was laid to rest. You spent that afternoon helping your mother serve afternoon tea to the people that were at the service. Extended family and friends that came to pay their respects.
“Honey can you please put on another pot of coffee?” Your mother asked you. You nodded and headed into the kitchen. As you waited for the coffee to brew you felt a presence behind you. Your hands griped the counter as you breathed in the scent of spice that you knew so well. Your knees almost buckled but you willed yourself not to turn around. Not now, today of all days.
“Been awhile”.
There was no mistaking that Texas accent. You breathed in deeply and tucked some of your brown hair behind your ear. Instinctively your hand moved to your locket. You could do this .. surely you could do this. You breathed in deeply and slowly turned around.
“Hello Sy”.
“Hello Sugar”. His eyes stared at you intensely. “Been ten years hasn’t it?”
“You look different .. still pretty as hell but real different”.
“I’m not a teenager anymore”. You swallowed as you took in his muscular physique. “Neither are you”.
“Turned 30 last month, can you believe it?” Sy scratched at his beard, something that was new to you.
“20th of July”.
“You remember?”
“Well I remember yours too .. hard to forget”.
Your face flushed remembering how you lost your virginity to him when you were 16 on your birthday.
“Yeah ..”
“I’m sorry about your Pa”. Sy breathed in deeply. “He was a good man”.
“Thank you. Yes he was”.
“He was .. hoping you’d spend some time here. I bet he was happy to see you”.
“You spoke to him?” You studied Sy’s face.
“Well I …” Sy paused.
Just turn as your mother came in. She stoped dead in her tracks when she saw you standing with Sy. She smiled and pointed to the pot of coffee which you passed to her.
“Hello Sy. Thank you for coming”. Your mother glanced between the two of you.
“I’m sorry for your loss Mam”. Sy stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.
“Thank you dear. I’ll uh .. leave you to it”.
Your mother left and an uncomfortable silence filled the room. You looked at Sy but he looked as unsure as you felt. You cleared you throat and wondered what to say but just as you opened your mouth Sy spoke.
“I should go. Just came to pay my respects”.
“Oh ok”.
“It was real nice seeing you”.
Before you could react he walked out. For a moment you stood still, digesting what had just happened. Then you heart started pounding and before you could think you charged out of the kitchen and followed Sy out of the house. How dare he just show up like that. How dare he act like nothing had happened between you both?
“Wait!” You saw him turn around in surprise. You knew this was wrong. You were too emotional and part of you knew you should just go back in the house but you couldn’t help yourself. You matched right up to Sy and pushed at his chest with both your hands as hard as you could. “Why the hell are you here? Why? Today of all days!”.
“I told you I came to pay my respects!” Sy grabbed hold of your wrists as you pounded at his chest. “Just calm down”.
“I’m not going to calm down!”.
“Just listen to me!”
“No! You fucking left me!” You screamed. “You left me and never looked back! You chose the army over me and never even cared to see how I was!”
“I did what was best for you!”
“Best for me?” You laughed through your tears. “You were what was best for me you idiot”.
“You’re a doctor! That’s what you wanted and I was holding you back”. Sy let go of your wrists slowly.
“Right! You knew what was best. You just wanted to be a bachelor huh? I was holding you back”.
“Thats not true”.
“Fucked half of the town haven’t you?”
“Now you listen ..” Sy raised his voice.
“I tried .. I tried to reach you”. You sobbed causing Sy’s eyes to widen I shock. “Came back after and you were too busy playing the field ..”
“I was in Afghanistan for a year”. Sy’s voice softened. “You tried to reach me?”
“I tried .. I couldn’t ..” Your hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. “I tried ..” You gasped for air.
“You needed me?”
“I .. needed you”. You could barely make out his face through your tears. His hands gripped your shoulders. “I didn’t know what to do .. I was nineteen Sy. I was so scared ..”
“What are you trying to tell me? Whatever it is .. tell me”.
“I didn’t know what to do Sy”. You were choking out your words between sobs. “I didn’t know what to do”.
“Tell me ..”
“I found out .. I was pregnant”. You gripped his shirt so hard that your knuckles turned white. “I was having your baby”.
“What? You ..” Sy’s eyes searched yours. “You were .. pregnant?”
“I’m .. I’m a father?”
“I was nineteen. I needed you”. You struggled to speak. “He .. he …”
“A boy?”
“Wyatt .. I lost him. I lost him Sy”. You felt his body go rigid for a moment. He was wiping your face, trying desperately to understand you.
“Lost him?”
“I .. he came early”. You felt his hands cup your face. “Twenty six weeks .. I had him but he didn’t make it”.
Sy pulled you against his chest. It started to rain but neither of you moved. The water soaked through your clothing but you were transfixed .. sobbing against Sy’s chest. Your heart ached the same way it did when Wyatt laid on your chest and took his only breath. Your heart ached when your mother held you and told you he had gone. It all came back just like it was happening all over again.
“I’m sorry”. Sy whispered against your wet hair. “I’m so sorry Sugar”.
“So am I”.
He held you against his chest as your vision blurred. You were vaguely aware of his arms holding you up and then everything went black. You thought you could hear your mothers screams, but maybe it was your imagination?
You woke up in your bed. The first thing you thought was that you must have dreamed everything. But then you noticed your wet black dress in the clothes hamper and then Sy sitting on a chair in your room. He had dry clothes on and they looked like your fathers.
“Yeah I’m here”. Sy looked up from his hands. “I’ll go get your Ma …”
“It’s ok .. just wait”. You glanced under the covers and saw that you were wearing sweatpants and a t shirt.
“Your Ma changed you .. you fainted outside”.
“Oh .. I’m sorry”.
“Don’t be”. Sy looked at you and you could see the sadness in his eyes. “You’ve had a hard day”.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you .. I shouldn’t have come after you like that”. You swallowed. “I shouldn’t have told you like that”.
“Doesn’t matter now”. Sy smiled softly. “You’ve been through a lot .. I’d take your anger a thousand times over if it would make you feel better”.
“Just seeing you again .. “
“Forget it now. I’m just .. glad I know”. Sy stared at the ground. “Can I ask you some things? If you’re up to talking that is?”
“You wanted to tell me that you were having my baby?”
The way he said “my baby” tugged at your heart. You nodded.
“Came back home and went to the base. They told me you were deployed for a year”.
“What were you thinking then?”
“I was going to have the baby then when you came back .. tell you. I was going to see if you wanted us”.
“Wanted you both? You thought I wouldn’t?” Sy looked at you as his voice broke. “That I’d turn you away?”
“I wasn’t sure how you felt about me .. but I knew you would want to know Wyatt”.
“Jesus”. Sy rubbed his face. “You don’t have a clue how much I loved you do you? I pushed you to take that scholarship because you were smart and you deserved more that this town could offer. I wanted that for you because I loved you”. Sy paused. “I would have taken you back in a heartbeat though .. I mean that .. killed me to let you go”.
Silence filled the room. You watched as Sy’s chest rose and fell.
“Tell me .. about him if you can”. Sy glanced at you. “Can you?”
“What do you want to know Sy?”
“He was .. born in a hospital?”
“Yes. I went into labor early but at the time I didn’t think so .. thought it was a false alarm”. You swallowed. “My Mum was with me. One minute everything’s ok then they were telling me that he was in distress and I had to push”.
“You would have been so scared”.
“I was .. I wanted to keep him inside of me for longer. I knew he was coming too early”. You felt your hands shake. “He was .. so perfect but so tiny Sy. He just .. wasn’t strong enough and he ..”
“It’s ok”. Sy looked at you sadly. “I’m sorry you had to go through that .. I wish I had of been there”.
“He looked like you Sy”. You reached for a tissue on the nightstand. “So much”. You reached behind your neck to unclasp your locket. You handed it to Sy. “There’s a photo of him in there. It’s only small but it’s my favourite”.
You watched as Sy opened your locket. He stared at the photo inside for what seemed like eternity. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and he repeated this a few times.
“So small ..” He spoke the words to himself out loud. “I can’t believe that .. we made him. He’s just .. perfect”.
“I know”.
“Did you .. think after .. to tell me?”
“I came back a few months after because I heard you were home. I had every intention .. i went for a walk with my dad along the beach and I saw you ..” You chewed on your bottom lip as you fidgeted with the blanket. “You were with a girl .. actually you were with all your army friends .. playing volleyball but you were kissing a girl”.
“Oh”. Sy’s cheeks reddened at the memory. “I uh .. started seeing her for a bit. Didn’t last long”.
“Yeah so well I … didn’t want to ruin your life. Made sense at the time to me. I was young and thought why tell you? Wyatt was gone and you looked happy”.
“Sugar ..” Sy swallowed. “I wasn’t happy .. I was just trying to move on”.
“I saw you kissing her Sy .. you were different with me. You were all over her”. You sighed. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You were young too .. probably just enjoying not being tied down”.
“It wasn’t like that at all”.
“Like I said .. we were both young. Too young”. You saw Sy open his mouth then close it. There seemed nothing much more to say. The past was the past and neither of you could change anything.
“Was he .. was he ..” Sy stammered but somehow you knew what he was trying to say.
“He’s buried here … not far from where my Grandfather is”. You paused as your eyes flickered to Sy’s. “Do you want to go with me?”
“Yes .. yes I do”. Sy breathed out deeply. “And if .. if you have more photos?”
“My mum has an album that I made her. I’ll get it for you”. You watched as Sy nodded. Your heart felt constricted seeing how much pain he was in. Yet at the same time the weight in your shoulders was lifting. You closed your eyes for a moment thinking of Wyatt .. with great love came great pain.
The next few weeks were a blur. You spent countless days with Sy at Wyatt’s grave just talking. Which was nice because you also visited your grandfather and grandma too. But in the past seeing Wyatt’s tombstone was such a painful experience, but now with Sy it felt different. He sat next to you cross legged on the grass listening to every single detail about Wyatt’s existence. You told him everything from the beginning - how you found out, your morning sickness, your cravings for nachos and roast pumpkin. He listened .. almost intrigued as you opened your heart to him. After awhile it wasn’t just Wyatt that you talked about .. he told you about his deployments and all the terrors that came with his job. He told you about his parents divorce and also about his relationships since you.
“I’ve had a date here and there but nobody ..” You chewed on your bottom lip. “I was too busy getting into med school I guess?”
“No wealthy doctor tried to steal your heart?” Sy smiled.
“Just for the record .. all those years ago .. the one you saw me with on the beach”. Sy paused. “She was someone I guess I tried to use to get over you. Now saying that out loud makes me feel really bad .. but I just needed to tell ya ok?”
“Sy .. it was so long ago”.
“I know .. but since we’re being honest”.
“I appreciate that”. You smiled softly. “My teenage self wanted to kick your ass though”.
“Don’t know what I would have done if I had of seen you that day ..”
“Guess we’ll ever know”. You played with a blade of grass as the sun started to set. “We should head back?”
“Do you wanna go some place first?”
You looked at Sy .. he suddenly didn’t seem like he was a 30 year old grown man. He reminded you of the Sy you once knew. Your Sy. He seemed apprehensive and a bit unsure of himself.
“Ok”. You let him help you to your feet and followed him to your truck.
Sy took you to a place you’d missed. A hill with a city view. The same place he’d kissed you for the first time. You felt your face flush at the memory and wondered if he was thinking the same thing. Your heart hammered against your chest and then you had to quickly turn turn your head before the emotion on your face showed.
“The sunset is nice here” Sy said as you tried to keep your breathing even.
“Come here often?” You turned to him and smiled.
“Only with you”. Sy stared at you. “And it’s been a few years”.
“I remember ..”
“You were sixteen”. Sy paused. “I was so fucking nervous ..”
“You were?”
“Course I was .. I knew it was going to be your first kiss. I wanted it to be special”.
“Sy ..” Your voice caught in your throat. “You shouldn’t have worried because everything with you was special”.
Sy stared at the beautiful sunset while you looked at his side profile. He was so different from the boy you once knew. He was a man .. a muscular man with a beard who was sure of himself in so many ways. But he was still Sy.
Slowly you reached for his hand and covered it with yours.
“We were just two kids Sy”.
“We were”.
“So much time has passed”.
“It has”. Sy turned to look at you. “But I’ll always love you. I’ll never love anyone but you”.
“Sy ..” You sucked in a breath.
“I wish things were different. I’d fucking do anything to re write the past. You have to believe me”. Sy turned his head and you knew him well enough to know that he was trying to hide his tears.
“Look at me Sy”. You watched as you saw his eyes filled with tears. Your hand reached to his cheek. “Oh Sy I’ve never loved anyone but you. And I’m so glad .. so very glad that it was you that was Wyatt’s daddy”. Your eyes filled with tears as you felt the wetness of Sy’s tears on your hand.
“I’m sorry”. He whispered. “I’m sorry that you lost your baby .. our baby”.
“I’m sorry too”.
He moved towards you and you waited. His eyes looked exactly how you remembered them, except his hands were different. Bigger, stronger .. they cupped your face as you inched closer.
“Stop me. Tell me you don’t want me .. tell me that you don’t have any feelings for me”. Sy’s lips were on your forehead, his breath hot against your skin. “Tell me now Sugar and I’ll drive you home”.
“I can’t Sy .. I can’t tell you that .. because it would be untrue”. Ten years of heartache and you were now at this point.
You heard him suck in a breath then his strong hands moved your neck up until you are looking at him. Your hands gripped the front of his t shirt and you willed yourself to stop shaking.
“I missed you”. Sy whispered just before his lips found yours. It wasn’t like the first time at all. His lips moved with purpose. His hands were now at the back of your neck, caught in your hair as his mouth opened and his tongue sought yours. This was a different Sy. He was older, experienced and wiser. You gasped into his mouth as his once tentative tongue was anything but. His hand moved to the small of you back, pulling you closer in the confined space of his truck.
“Sy .. I ..” You moaned as you broke apart for sure. “I missed you too”.
You missed ten years. You missed everything about him. You were scared but at ease too .. you wanted him to repair your fragile broken heart.
“Sy take me back to your place”.
Suddenly he was pulling back and looking into your eyes.
“I don’t need anything more. I just .. kissing you ..”
“I do .. I need you Sy”. Your lips trembled. “Please just .. don’t leave me this time”.
Your heart beat in anticipation as Sy stared into your eyes for what seemed like eternity. He slowly nodded before leaning over you to pull at your seat belt and buckle you in. As he moved back across you his breath passed your ear and you knew that he was just as needy as you were.
The drive back to Sy’s apartment was silent. His hand rested on your knee as you watched the city lights pass you by. Without thinking you fidgeted with the locket around your neck, immediately thinking of your son. But for some reason, this time you didn’t feel the usual ache in your heart. You felt at ease.
Soo you were inside his apartment. Sy was watching as you walked around his living room glancing at photographs and the medals/trophies he had on display. You felt nervous. Not that you didn’t want to be there with him, but because you didn’t know how to initiate things.
“Sugar?” Sy smiled softly at you when you turned around. “You ok?”
“Yeah I’m just nervous. I don’t know how to .. do this”.
“This?” Sy smirked. “We don’t have to do anything”.
“I want to .. I just .. It’s been a long time Sy. I just need ..” You stammered. “I need you to take the lead”.
“I didn’t want to assume anything .. that’s not what this is for me”.
“I feel the same”. You watched as he walked over to you. Suddenly his hands gripped your hips, pulling you flush against his hard body.
“I’m happy to take the lead Sugar”. Sy’s voice was slightly rough, sending an ache between your thighs.
“Then take me”.
Sy suddenly lifted you up and your legs wrapped around his waist. He carried you to his room, kicking the door shut with his foot. His eyes were transfixed to yours and you could feel his heart beating quickly against your own.
He placed you on his bed gently and stood Infront of you. He pulled his t shirt off in one motion and you felt your mouth drop open at the sight of him. Ten years ago he was lean yet now .. he was a fit man with a large muscular frame and chest hair. He smirked before removing his jeans and before you could react he took his boxers off too. You gasped and flushed when you saw the sight of his rock hard erection standing firm against his stomach. He seemed huge compared to how you remembered him.
“Your turn”. Sy’s hands grabbed at the fabric of your skirt and soon it was on the floor. You hastily tossed your t shirt over your head followed by your white lace bra. You watched as Sy took in your naked form before his eyes settled on your white lace panties. “You’re fucking perfect Sugar”.
“I’m not”. You whispered as he moved over your body, keeping his weight on his forearms as he kissed you. “I’ve changed”.
“You’re beautiful .. you’re not a girl anymore love. You’re a woman and you’re perfect”.
“I have ..” You stammered. “Stretch marks .. from the pregnancy”.
You face flushed but you pointed to your lower stomach where the small white lines existed. You gasped when Sy moved lower and his lips kissed every one of them.
“You’re beautiful and these … are a reminder of him. I wouldn’t change them for anything”. Sy whispered against your skin.
“Sy …” your eyes filled with tears as he continued to cherish you. After a few minutes he slipped your underwear off and settled between your legs. He smiled at you reassuringly before gently opening your thighs.
“Let me love you”. Sy kissed your inner thighs causing you to tremble. “Relax Sugar”.
You sunk back against his pillows as you remembered how you both had to learn how to please each other. You smiled at how inexperienced Sy was back then and how he’d constantly ask you if he was making you feel good with each swipe of his tongue. But now … this was a different Sy as he held you thighs open with both hands. His tongue sucked on your clit, and he didn’t ask you a single thing before he pushed a finger inside you.
“Oh Sy .. oh”. You were shocked at how good he made you feel. He clearly knew what he was doing as he alternated between sucking, licking and pumping not one but two fingers inside you.
“You gonna cum for me Sugar?”
You face burned. This wasn’t the boy you knew. Sy had never communicated much during your intimate moments, yet this Sy was very vocal.
One of his hands held your lower stomach to stop you from moving while his mouth sucked on your clit. Suddenly his fingers curled inside you and you arched your back. You felt heat pool in your stomach and you swore that you saw stars as you called out his name over and over again.
When you came to a moment later, Sy was still between your legs. He was looking up at you but his fingers were still moving inside you, riding out every last bit of pleasure. You watched as he looked between your legs and you fought the urge to close them.
“Don’t ..” Sy stared at you. His eyes were dark and he licked his lips before looking between your legs again. “Wanna see you Sugar. I’ve … Jesus I’ve fantasized about this for years”.
“Sy ..” Your face was heated as your eyes fell to his other hand which was fisting his cock as he touched you. “Sy .. oh god Sy .. feels so good”.
“I could cum just like this. Just watching me touch your pussy”.
“Sy!” You gasped. He had never talked dirty to you before.
“Don’t deny you like it .. I felt you clench on my fingers love”. Sy smirked.
“Can I touch you?” You whispered. Sy nodded before withdrawing his fingers. He held your gaze as he put his fingers in his mouth.
“You taste so good”.
“Lie down”. You smiled and shook your head as you changed positions. You leaned over him and kissed his lips softly. “Where’s my shy inexperienced Sy?”
“Long gone baby”. Sy smiled.
You laughed as you reached for his cock. He groaned as you moved your hand up and down his shaft like you used to do. You explored him slowly before watching as Sy spat on his hand and rubbed himself before replacing your hand with his. You were shocked but his reaction at the feel of your hand with the lubrication made you ache between you legs.
“That’s it love .. oh god yeah just like that”. Sy moaned. He had his eyes closed, head thrown back. Hesitantly you moved your hand to his base before lowering your mouth on him. You struggled with oral and you felt embarrassed to tell Sy that he was the last person you were with. You had no clue if you could make him feel good. Your doubts were gone the second you heard him gasp.
“Jesus! Oh god baby ..” Sy glanced down at you in shock. “You don’t have to .. oh fuck”.
You started to bob your head while your hand worked on him. Your clit throbbed at the sounds he made and the profanities thar left his mouth.
“Fuck baby ..” His hand moved to your head and gently applied pressure. You quickly looked at him and released him with a pop.
“Sy I haven’t been with anyone since you .. I’m not sure ..I just wanted you to know”. You muttered. “I just ..I want to make you feel good”.
Sy opened and closed his mouth before his thumb grazed your cheek. You could tell that he was lost for words. Ten years was a long time after all. You’d had a few dates here and there, some kisses and a few heavy make out sessions with a college of yours. But nothing further. Something always held you back.
You held Sy’s gaze as your mouth engulfed him again and this time Sy’s hand tangled in your hair while he gently helped you find a rhythm. He sat up slightly to watch you and the whole time he muttered praises.
“God that’s it baby. Jesus your mouth .. look at me, don’t take your eyes off me Sugar”.
You stared at him and your confidence grew along with the arousal pooling between your legs.
“God you’re beautiful .. so fucking beautiful”. Sy gently moved your mouth off him and sat up to kiss you passionately. He whispered in your ear that he was close and needed to be inside you.
He moved you onto your back and kissed you as he pulled his body on top of yours. You were kissing him back and so completely lost in the sensations that you were feeling.
“Sugar just a sec”. Sy lent across you and pulled open a draw. You realised he was getting a condom. You were glad that he was responsible but also a little bit hurt to know that he had used them with other women. Sy opened the packet with his teeth and you watched as he sat back between your legs and rolled the condom on. He looked up at you and noticed your expression. “You ok?”
“You .. have a big box of those”.
“Guess so”. Sy rubbed your hips gently.
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud”.
“It’s ok Sugar. But I can’t apologize for anyone after you .. I had no idea back then that I’d ever be with you again. I thought it was over for good”.
“I hate the thought of you with anyone else”. You paused. “I hate the thought of you using those with anyone else”.
“And I don’t want anyone else but you”. Sy lent forward to kiss you. “You still want me?”
“Course I do”. Your hands wrapped around his neck as he kissed you deeply. You felt him rub his cock up and down your opening before the tip moved inside you.
“Keep your eyes on me”. Sy’s fingers moved to your clit as he pushed into you gently. “That’s it Sugar. Oh Jesus you feel so good”.
“Sy”. Your eyes went wide as your body struggled to remember the act. You felt your walls tense as you willed yourself to relax.
Sy was halfway in when he moved to bring his mouth to your breast. He sucked on your nipple while his fingers moved in circles on your clit. You started to moan as you threw your head back. He seemed to know exactly what you needed. Gone was the awkward Sy you once knew. Once he felt you relax he pushed completely inside you inch by inch.
His mouth left your breast and found your lips. He sucked on your bottom one before you opened your mouth and to your surprise he pushed his tongue into your mouth, mimicking the act between your bodies. You could feel his pubic hair flush against your bare skin as he ground his hips into you. You marveled in the feeling.
“You’re so tight .. god I’ve missed you”. Sy leaned back to look at you. “You ok?”
“More than ok”.
“You tell me if it’s too much .. I don’t wanna hurt you”.
“It doesn’t hurt Sy .. I just .. you feel so big”. You flushed.
You watched him smirk before he kissed you again. His lips moved to your ear.
“Gonna make you scream my name baby”.
Slowly he thrusted into you before pulling all the way out and thrusting back inside. Your hands clutched fistfuls of his sheets and you started moaning. He was playing you like an instrument.
“You like that Sugar? Gonna make you cum on my cock”.
Your toes curled as he continued to whisper dirty things on your ear. Your hands felt the way that his muscular back rippled before moving to his shoulders then his biceps. You realized then that you loved his arms. They were so strong and you couldn’t wrap your hand around them. He was very much a grown man now.
“Sy .. god you feel good inside me”.
“You feel like heaven”. Sy thrusted deeply into you as his hand moved to grip behind your knee, pushing your leg up higher so that he had better access. You couldn’t believe how deep he was. He was touching a part of you that felt so good. Your whole body started to feel like it was on fire.
“Right there Sy!”
“Yeah? Right there baby?” Sy hit the magic spot over and over again. “Need to feel you Sugar .. need to feel you cum”
You were struggling to breath, no words left your mouth as the most intense orgasm overcame you. You started shaking and your mouth opened to scream but for a moment there was a delay before you cried out. Your heartbeat was pounding in your ears as Sy kept thrusting into you. In your haze you watched him - sweat glistening on his chest, his muscles contracting in his huge shoulders and the words spilling from his lips made you even wetter if that was possible.
“I love fucking you .. god how I love you”.
You felt your heart explode as you watched Sy chase his orgasm. His hands moved both your legs over his shoulders and you felt him slide even deeper inside of you. The initial shock of the position he had you in quickly turned to intense pleasure as he touched a sensitive spot deep inside you. His hands found yours and he interlaced your fingers with his as he neared his release. A few deep thrusts and he exploded inside of you. He let out the most manly, almost animalistic sound as his hands moved your legs off his shoulders and his head dropped to you chest. Your hands stroked his back as he continued to thrust shallowly into you and empty ever drop of his release.
You held onto him as you struggled to catch your own breath and you hoped that Sy would need a moment to recover. You wanted to stay exactly the way that you were for as long as possible.
“I love you” You whispered softly. “Just in case you didn’t know”.
“I know Sugar .. nothings changed”. Sy’s mouth was hot against your skin before he kissed your cleavage then traced your nipple with his tongue. Heat instantly rushed to your face. You didn’t want to know where Sy leant the things he was doing to you .. he certainty wasn’t this way ten years ago. But part of you was thankful that you got to experience it with him now. You were amazed that even after such passionate love making that he was still attentive to your body. Still trying to draw out ever bit of pleasure from you.
“Sy”. You breathed into his hair as his mouth moved to your other nipple and his fingers traced your other bud.
“Hush Sugar”. Sy smirked against your skin. “I missed these”.
“Now I know why all the ladies want you Sy”.
“Why’s that?” Sy looked up at you before he rolled you both to your sides with him still inside.
“I don’t know what happened .. well I know but .. Sy you’re good .. so good in bed”. You blushed.
“Thank you Mam but I’m all yours Sugar. If you’ll have me”.
“I want you .. I can’t go back to before .. not after this ..”
“Then don’t”.
“You want me?”
“All of you” Sy smiled at you before moving out of your body slowly. You watched as he went to the bathroom and returned with a warm hand towel. You wondered what he was doing when he parted your thighs and started to clean you.
“What? Sy ..”
“Shhhh Sugar ..”
“Sy”. You winced slightly, knowing that years of abstinence would probably mean you wouldn’t walk straight the next day.
“You sore love?”
“Just worked muscles that haven’t been used in a long time Sy”.
“I wasn’t too rough?”
“No Sy. You were perfect”.
“Ok baby. You always talk to me won’t ya? Tell me if I do something you don’t like?” When you nodded he went to the bathroom to dispose of the used hand towel.
You smiled when he returned back from the bathroom and lay down next to you. He was on his back staring at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking about?”
You watched as Sy reached across to the nightstand draw and passed you an envelope. You nodded at it, indicating that he wanted you to open it.
“What’s this?” You looked at it, addressed to Sy.
“Open it”.
Slowly you did and as you clutched the paper your mouth fell open. You had to re read it.
“My grandfather sent this?”
“It came a few weeks ago .. He wanted to make sure ..”
“He asked you to come to the house after the funeral. He wanted you to see me”. You traced your finger over your grandfathers writing. “He .. wrote this when he was dying Sy”.
“He did .. and I’m glad that I kept his wish”.
“Oh Sy”. You put the envelope on the table next to you and pulled Sy down to kiss you. His hand roamed gently on your stomach and you knew Sy was thinking about Wyatt too.
“We can’t go back Sugar”
“No we can’t Sy”
“I wish we could”.
“So do I”.
“But .. even after everything .. I feel blessed right now”. Sy cupped your face. “With you, here in this moment”.
You felt lucky in so many ways. You got to see your grandfather one last time and you got to reconnect with Sy and tell him about the son you both shared. You had no idea what the future held except that you were happy .. for the first time in 10 years.
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