#welt x you
sh1-n0bu · 10 months
✿ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 ✿
characters: jing yuan, blade, dan heng, welt yang, yanqing, sampo, gepard, luocha x nb!reader
warnings: tooth rutting fluff, advised for u to read while sitting down or in private bc u might have a heart attack from how cute and chaotic this shit is, some angst might be sprinkled in just bc✨✨
notes: that moment when you have a super bad baby fever except the fever is towards cat rather than babies. genshin impact ver can be read here! part 2 with penacony men!
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
oh fuck
look at that floof
that absolute big soft floofball peacefully sleeping on top of your favorite black shirt. your shirt is ruined, massive amount of white fur stuck to the fabric and you’re late for work but at least you have a happily napping away cat
a siberian cat, me thinks. with that amount of fur and that large body, he’s gotta be a siberian cat
spoiled, smug peace of shit and he knows it. revels in that title even
dubbed as ‘the handsome cat’ by your friends, co-workers and neighbors alike, meow yuan is surprisingly and not so surprisingly incredibly popular amongst the ladies. whether it be because of his fur, his adorable meows, the red ribbon you tied around his neck as a makeshift collar or his way of charming the ladies with a gentle pawing to their hand and a smug “meowww”, you will never know
the biggest out of the cats. but is it his body that’s big or is it the rapunzel like long fur that he has. the world will sadly never know and neither will you
surprisingly chatty at times. but worryingly very eepy. an adult cat should sleep about 12-16 hours a day and yet you’re pretty sure meow yuan spends 25 hours of the day sleeping away under the sunlight
closest to little nyanqing. seems to think of the youngest kitten as his own as he’s seen grooming or simply looking out for the young kitten at times. also seems to be a bit closer to nyan heng and meowade but the latter tends to spend his time alone
an absolute smug spoiled prince and he owns to it. whether it be feigning hurt, crying out for your attention or downright plopping himself down on your keyboard, deleting your entire progress of work, the little shit knows how to be a headache
but it’s okay, you always forgive him because he allows you to smush your face into the fur of his belly when you’re stressed or squish his soft toe beans. meow yuan is let off the hook yet again…
occasionally, meow yuan reminds you of a lion. it maybe weird and completely out of the blue but with the way he grooms others, his fur, the absolute motor like loud purrs he emits or the sheer massive size and weight of him — yeah, you get the point
one time, you decided to spoil him by carrying him around in your arms like how you do with the other cats. the loud crack! noise and the fact that you couldn’t get up the next day should prove just how damn big he is
meow yuan was a worry wart the whole day. constantly meowing in your ears, purring softly, nuzzling your side. it almost seemed like he was trying to apologize for being this big. to which you easily let him off the hook of course. how could anyone ever say no to that big adorable yellow eyes?
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art credit to cocoink🍁 on twt
a bit of a worrying case, meowade is
he doesn’t like socializing, the other cats nor does he get along with you either. the only ones he seem to at least tolerate were meow yuan and nyan heng alongside you
likes to spend his time all alone, cooped up inside some small confined space, above the cupboard or inside his own small room in the cat tree. also enjoys spending time in your room as well but only if the other cats aren’t there
flinches or freezes up whenever you touch him which is incredibly worrying and gut-wrenching. makes you hate however was his previous owner to have caused meowade to despise touches and affections
the first time you found him, bleeding and wet on the side of the road and tried to wrap your coat around him to take him to the vet, the little scraggly cat hissed and clawed and bit at you with great amount of hate despite literally bleeding out. thankfully, he seemed to understand you were no threat as he went limp in your coat, allowing you to get him to the vet
due to whatever his past experiences were, meowade hates being close to anyone. but at least he was slowly but surely opening up to the others and you
the first time the poor scraggly cat decided to bump his head to your hand, asking for pets, you cried tears of joy and relief. at least, you can offer him healing and comfort as you and the other cats stay there for him on his journey
the second biggest cat, bested by meow yuan himself. not as big as him but damn can this cat scare others. whether it be other cats, your friends who decided to visit or some random dog that you passed by as you take meowade out for a walk
seriously, the amount of times this cat wrestled against dogs bigger than himself gives you heart attacks. it’s a real wonder and a miracle you aren’t dead yet
british shorthair, me thinks. but the ones that grow to be a bit bigger than the others
has a bad habit of just… staring off into space, unblinking with those big round eyes at times. literally no thoughts in his brain. head empty, as he just… stares off into space
“oh, having another existential crisis again? mind if i join you today, meowade?”
“… meow”
and so, this weird ritual of the two of you sitting side by side, staring off into the distance, unblinking as the cup of coffee in your hand goes cold has become something special in you two’s bonding moment. oneself that meowade looks forward to each day
sometimes, he tends to chase after nyan heng around the house for whatever the reason. it leaves poor nyan heng shaking and hissing as the small black cat comes to you for help
not the chattiest of cats nor is he the most pickiest. quite docile despite his killer stare at times and you would even daresay, shy when it comes to affection
overall, a cute cat. the cute pathetic ones that you just can’t help but adore and love
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
another docile cat!! perhaps even the most docile one!!!
at first, you were worried when taking him in because holy shit, where is his tail?! only after taking him to the vets did you finally managed to breathe a sigh of relief because nyan heng was a black manx breed of cat
lean, on the smaller side, an amazing hunter and a dutiful bug hunter in the house, nyan heng is a cute black manx who has a pretty green/grey eyes
an absolute sweetheart, always hoping to please you or help you out around the house as he helps to keep the other cats in line. except for meowade. he always finds himself having a hissing match with the black british shorthair or getting teased by the eepy meow yuan
closest to nyelt, as you had found the two cats together when you decided to take him in. almost seem to see nyelt as some sort of a father figure with how the little black manx constantly goes to the older one for advice or simply some help in grooming
has a cute simple, thread like thin black tie with a few charms around himself as a makeshift collar. he seems to like it despite the thread being a little bit too thin for cats’ comfort
seriously, what’s up with your cats and their desire to wear makeshift collars? makes you really consider if they are cats…
that aside, nyen heng also tends to be more active during nighttime. not the type that would take down things, destroy objects or cause ruckus and cause you jump out of the warm comfort of your bed. no, he just simply quietly trudges around the house, searching if he had truly hunted down every bugs and insects in the house
especially that spider
nyen heng hates to see you so scared over that cursed spider. so he makes it his life mission to rid the house of insects, more specifically, spiders!!
and damn is he absolutely devoted to his job because ever since you cried to your friend over the phone about the spider that you saw in your room, you never saw another spider ever again!
not the most chattiest nor is the most affectionate. he’s a mix of both but only when in privacy of you two or when he’s feeling particularly lonely
don’t get him wrong, the other cats are an amazing company but he just tends to seek out your attention and affection more y’know? there’s just something soothing about being by your side
seems to have some history with meow yuan and meowade. whether that be good with how friendly meow yuan is with nyan heng. or bad, with how meowade seems to want to take their play fighting to a whole next level
surprisingly, doesn’t like sunlight that much
most of the cats would follow the sunlight and it’s warmth and spend some time outside or on the window sill. but you can find the little black minx just chilling in one of the rooms of the cat tree of beside you, observing the other cats
nyen heng is an absolute sweetheart. the quiet type of sweetheart
the type of sweetheart that follows you around, hoping to help you out or simply offer a comforting presence. it’s the least he can do for you
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
another sweetheart of a cat except nyelt makes himself and his presence known unlike nyan heng
possibly a havana brown breed with just how damn calm, peaceful, loving and loyal he is. especially with you. havana browns tend to attach themselves to only one person during their span of life, which sometimes can feel like nyelt is just a biiitttt clingy with you
was there with nyan heng when you took the two cats in and often times acts like a father figure to the cats of the house which is a huge help to your mental state. except for nyanqing. nyanqing only has one father figure and that’s meow yuan
but that was completely fine since nyelt still looks after the little energetic kitten. often times looking after the cream munchkin as he carries nyanqing around by his scruff
to which, nyan heng comes to you for affection and attention. if his father figure won’t give it, then you surely will!
likes to wear the black mini scarf like collar around his neck. often times seen curled up inside the mini scarf as he sleeps the day away like most cats do
can come of as quite chatty at times with how attentive and helpful nyelt is
oh your back feels stiff? he can sit on it and make biscuits (that cute moment when cats knead their paws?). meow yuan is out of option since he’s way too big and heavy and could potentially be the sole reason you break your back. literally
oh nyanqing is missing again? what do you mean he’s missing? he’s right there, hiding inside one of the rooms of the cat tree
nyan heng is being bullied by meowade again? you know nothing of the weight behind this powe—
yeah, you get it. kinda reminds you of a grandpa with how attentive he is and how he has a single streak of grey atop his head fur. which is absolutely adorable and one place that you adore smothering with kisses
nyelt doesn’t seem to mind the affection too as he simply sits there, purring away and basking in your affection. a very pliant cat
sometimes, something seems to weigh heavily on his and nyan heng’s minds with how they curl up together or look out the window, seemingly searching for something
at first when they did that, you thought some bird or a squirrel passed by the window. but if that was the case then every cats should by by the windowsill
yet only nyelt and nyan heng are
at first it worried you because what if they were having cat depression?! are you absolutely sure that you’re being a good cat owner, [name]?!
yeah, you had a lot of self doubt and depressive episodes due to the two cats
however you finally figured out the case when one day, one of your co-workers suggested a play date with her own cats. saying that sometimes, cats need to see new faces to experience some relief from their everyday tasks or ways of living
the date was agreed upon and your co-worker decided to bring over a few of her cats
the immediate second the pretty red furred maine coon, pink-ish scottish fold and the grey striped scottish fold stepped out of the cat bag, nyelt and nyan heng seem to brighten immediately as they fucking dash towards the three cats
turns out the five of them seemed to have been close before they got separated and the two male cats found their way in your home
at least your cats were happy yet again. which made you happy in turn too
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
everyone's reactions when you first introduce them to nyanqing. and honestly, you can't blame them because look at that cute little cream munchkin pitter pattering his way over here!!!
as stated above, a cute little cream colored munchkin
super adorable
a tiny baby
"hang on, i'm gonna have an abnormal increase in my sugar intake simply because nyanqing is just too damn adorable to not to do that" - you on a daily basis while calling your best friend and honestly? your bestie's starting to get a bit sick of your constant fawning over your cats
that is until you bestie decides to come over for a visit to drop off some meds for you (during the infamous 'trying to lift meow yuan and almost breaking your spinal cord' day), your bestie dropped down to the floor, unresponsive the moment you called over nyanqing to introduce him to your bestie
yeah... since then the two of you constantly fawn over the little munchkin while trying not to die of a cuteness overload
but it's completely fine and understandable even as you two get the nth heart attack this day simply because nyanqing was... well, nyanqing himself!
an adorable little pliant baby who loves nothing more than sleeping, playing around with meow yuan, you and sprinkles of mischief sometimes
is the closest to meow yuan and can be found with the large siberian cat whenever you can't find him. often times, you would have to move meow yuan over to check each and every nook and cranny around the large siberian cat just so you can get a glimpse of the small munchkin and let out a sigh of relief
at times, the eepy meow yuan tends to curl up with the tiny nyanqing buttttt due to how much of a heavy sleeper the larger cat is, nyanqing almost gets crushed under the much larger cat
yet he somehow is still alive and well and completely okay???? like what????????
still doesn't relieve your heart no matter how many times you find the tiny munchkin under the large siberian cat
is a little bit mischievous at times with how he lovingly bothers nyan heng. trailing after the black minx all the while meowing his ears off about something. the same can be applied to nyelt as well but nyelt tends to patiently converse with the small munchkin unlike nyan heng who wishes to avoid him at most times, preferring his lone and private time
seem to have some sort of an ongoing hidden agenda against meowade and luonya. the former black can cat be found bullying the small munchkin until either the other cats step in or you. as for the latter? no one knows. somehow, nyanqing always ends up getting into a defensive position whenever luonya comes into his field of vision
one time you even found nyanqing hisses at meowade with meow yuan behind the tiny kitten's back. you had to put the three of them into time out and give meowade a scolding
what about scolding nyanqing you say? well
“this is the last time i’ll let you off the hook, nyan-nyan. if i find you stirring up trouble again”
yeah… when are you ever going to stop letting your cats off of the hook [name]?
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
“you sure this is a cat and not a fox or a vixen undercover?”
“yes, it is indeed a cat and not a fox or a vixen undercover. i’m guessing it’s a somali cat though it could be mixed breed with another different cat breed as well”
“you sure…?”
“please get out, and allow the others to show their pets”
yeah… the local vet is familiar with you and your many different cats. not to mention the amount of times you asked if meowpo was truly a cat and not a fox undercover because damn, is this cat fucking mischievous
an absolute fucking menace and i cannot stress this enough, god
the type of cat who would keep a straight eye contact with you as his soft squishy paw slowly pushes a cup full of your coffee towards the edge of the surface all the while keeping the :3 face
oh you thought meow yuan was bad and mischievous? you immediately took back your words the second you adopted meowpo
that’s how damn bad this little cat is
you know those moments that you have like,,, a cute aggression? but instead of smothering the cat with kisses and hugs and cuddles, you end up lovingly bullying the cat? yeah. that’s your eternal cycle with meowpo
“you stupid—“ kiss “—fucking” kiss “—cat!” kiss “when the fuck—“ kiss “—and where the fuck” kiss “—did you came from” kiss “—to make me suffer, huh?”
a never ending cycle and meowpo fucking revels in the sheer amount of times he can make you have lovingly bullying cute aggression moments
seems to have some sort of a rivalry with nyepard and surprisingly meow yuan
nyepard was completely understood and truthfully, you saw it coming. nyepard is a rule follower and an enforcer through and through meanwhile meowpo is a rule breaker
so imagine your surprise when you come back home one day to see meow yuan glaring at meowpo from his windowsill
“meow yuan, what’s gotten into you? why are you bullying meowpo?”
“mrreow!” oh meow yuan sounded a bit angry. which only served to double your shock since meow yuan is a very gentle cat despite his large size. gentle, affectionate, chatty, friendly and a bit mischievous at times but never hostile or mean
“mrreeeooww!” meowpo seems to complain as he makes his way over to hide behind your leg. he seems to be shaking or even afraid of the larger cat
to which, you immediately coddled and soothed meowpo over and scolded meow yuan afterwards. all the while meowpo gives meow yuan a knowing smug look
yeaaahhh… these idiots are fighting for your attention and affection
if meowpo isn’t somewhere inside the house, creating chaos and getting scolded by the other cats then you can definitely find him by asking a help from nyepard. nyeppie would dutifully carry out his duties and rat meowpo out in record time
but he isn’t always so mean or mischievous. the times where you fall sick and is having a hard time trying to breathe through your nostrils, meowpo is the one who takes care of the other cats’ bowls of food and water
it was a way of him hoping to help you out the tiniest bit as you lay bedridden
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art credit to Toma超想吃番茄 on yt!
nyepard, the most… dog-like cat you would ever meet. but also a cheetah-like as well????
it’s hard to explain since nyeppie has spotted fur and the black smokey eye that cheetahs have and not to mention his large yet lean physique as well
the second largest. whereas meowade is also the second biggest due to his length, neppie is the second biggest due to being a bit on the… buffer? side
seriously, you were worried for a few days when nyepard kept growing and growing, showing absolutely no sign of stopping his growth spurt
thankfully, he isn’t as big as meow yuan
you don’t wanna live with the embarrassment of getting dragged down the street by another big ass cat chasing after a random pretty leaf they saw. nope. you can’t deal with the embarrassment and shame
and yes, you did dragged down the street when taking meow yuan out on a walk before but that is a story and second hand embarrassment for another time
another sweetheart despite his size
very doting, gentle, very shy when it comes to affections but still asks for them anyways because it’s you
the first time you took nyepard for his vet vaccinations, the veterinarian looked at you dead in the eyes as if saying “bestie, what the fuck?”
of course you would get weird stares whenever you take the big cat out for a walk. he’s as big as a doberman dog and the dotted furs of his doesn’t exactly help to direct attention away from yourself
but the sheer amount of power you feel when walking down the street with both meow yuan and nyepard by your two sides is fucking addicting
one cat that closely resembles a lion and another that looks like a cheetah. at least you sleep peacefully at night knowing that you have two scary cats privilege
scary dog privilege? [name] only knows and experiences scary cats privilege. at times it's adorable but also threatening as well because your bestie and some close co-workers know just how devoted and loyal your cats are towards you
nyeppie is the most loyal of them all. or at least, one who is willing to show it at each minute of the day with how dutifully he chases after insects with nyan heng, scolds meowpo or just is there to be your emotional support
by being your emotional support, nyeppie meant being there sitting beside your computer as you diligently types away at a work report and not to be your cuddle victim!!!! no, no no no, no no, you're not squishing his paws as you take him away in your arms to cuddle on the bed!! you always end up falling asleep!!!! what do you mean by it's completely fine that you have saved up the progress and the deadline isn't close yet?! the deadline is before midnight!!!
if only cats could sigh heavily and smack his face with his palm as he watches you scamper about, trying to wake yourself up as you realize that you did ended up napping the day away with nyeppie in your arms
well, at least you managed to send the report in at time. by 'at time' you and him both meant at least 2 minutes before the deadline closed up
nyepard guesses you can cuddle with him this time since you managed to finish the report within a record time of 47 minutes
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art credit to mm_mako22 on danbooru!
luonya is probably the most weirdest cat you ever had the pleasure of adopting. and that was saying something because you're pretty sure you live with a long lost lion and a cheetah and a fox cats!!!!
and he's just a simple, silly, lovely cream colored turkish angora!!!!!
ah, whatever. you guess its just life's way of dealing you karma by making you live with a bit quirky 8 cats
jokes and a lot of conspiracy theories pushed aside for now, time to focus on the present AKA 'the pretty cat'
oh yes, while meow yuan was getting dubbed as 'the handsome cat' by almost everyone who meets him, luonya was rightfully dubbed as 'the pretty cat'
at this point, you're damn sure that your friends and co-workers come around only to coo over your cats and to spoil them rather than spending time with you... understandable, because you too would do the same without a single ounce of shame and you absolutely mean every damn word
one time, just for shits and giggles and a bunch of pictures to take of your latest cat, you signed him up for a cat beauty pageant
it was only for shits and giggles and a reason to snap pictures of luonya in a pretty cat costumes and stuff, you swear!! so imagine your surprise and how far down your jaw went slack when the host announced your cat, luonya as the cat beauty pageant winner!!!
it was a chaotic thing to happen truly and the small glares and backhanded compliments the other cat parents were giving you was making you break out in cold sweat. at least, you have your pretty cat with you to soothe yourself a bit
and a nice whopping 300K dollars as the victor money!!!! damn, you're rich as shit now
not for too long since that money is gonna fly away in the wind due to the fact that you adopted a literal 7 cats and a kitten
worth it, you cry internally as you pay for the 50 kilograms of cat food all the while luonya gently meows at you as in a way of saying "hurry up, dear. we still have to pick up the wet food and the snacks too"
hhhh yeah
this cream colored turkish angora of yours is absolutely drop dead gorgeous yet at the same time he also has a very large secretive look on his face. there's just something about the way that luonya just acts, always sitting atop a high place in the house, as he just stares into the souls of everyone within the room
weirdly smells like either flowers or of medicine and pills and there's absolutely no in between. it's either giving lilies or pills but either way, your cat is a girlboss and he seems to know it as well
not entirely affectionate like meow yuan or meowpo but he is also not too talkative either. a bit of something in between along the lines
is affectionate and talkative at times but prefer it if you would be asleep or when its just you two when he finally decides to curl up on your lap
overall, luonya is a very gentle yet also a very suspicious cat but is oki, he girlboss and he knows what he wants and needs with how he sometimes fakes choking noises to make you get up in light speed
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vxnuslogy · 4 months
𐙚 wipe your tears.
— or in which you receive some comfort when you cry.
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— warnings: angst if you squint
— author's notes: self-indulgent, once again credits to @.cafekitsune for the banners.
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aventurine is familiar with tears. he knows the stinging feeling at the corner of your eyes as you roughly wipe them away. aventurine might not want to admit it, but he's a sensitive man at heart; just the sight of you desperately trying to shy away from him rekindled that vulnerable piece of him he's tucked under his refined mask.
it's a fruitless attempt because with just one gentle touch of his fingertips on your cheek shattered all the walls you've been building up over the years.
the way his arms came to envelop you in a warm hug, his shoulder slowly dampening with your tears, it truly broke his heart to see you in such a state.
aventurine’s gambler like persona crumbles away as he whispers soft comforts in your ears while his hand rubs continuous circles on his back. shushing your cries but never once trying to dismiss the feelings that wrack your body.
aventurine never had a shoulder to cry on after he escaped his cruel fate, he understands what it feels like to bottle up every and any emotion that shakes his very being. he doesn't want you to turn out that way, so he’ll be the shoulder you can cry on.
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dr. ratio isn't the brightest when it comes to tears. the way his brows knit together and the way he bites his lip in frustration when his hands ghost over your curled body.
but despite his inexperience in comforting, he wrapped his steady arms around your body, grounding you; reminding you that he's here by your side.
dr. ratio doesn't whisper soft nothing's into your ears — he isn't sure what to say to lift your spirits. he just stays quiet and hopes that it'll suffice.
and it does. despite what many would believe, veritas ratio is kind. kinder than anyone could ever imagine. 
no one will ever come to understand him the way you do, that's why in this very moment, with your most vulnerable self, veritas ratio repays your patience and commitment to him with quiet solace as you continue to cry on his chest. free from all the judgment the world has given you.
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compared to anyone else, welt has seen more tears than he'd like to admit. tears from himself, the people that took him in, and the girl he'd trained under his wings until she herself could fly on her own. welt never fails to offer a comforting shoulder to those who cry, and you are no exception.
you try to curl yourself away from him, arms tightly gripping the sides of your legs as you refuse to raise your head. welt kneels in front of you as he strokes your head, voice soft and just above whisper. careful to not upset you further.
he doesn't question you on why you're crying, he's just that understanding. you often wonder what you did to deserve such a person in your life. 
he doesn't urge you to get up, instead he sits beside you quietly. keeping you in his silent company. you don't know how long the two of you stayed like that, but it wasn't long when welt felt a weight land on his shoulder and instinctively, he wrapped his arm around you. smiling softly as he asks if you're okay now.
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the room was cold and you felt very, very lonely without your lover by your side. you knew of the consequences of taking a knight of beauty as a lover, he is always on the move to spread the word of his aeon. he himself has warned you about this but you shrugged your shoulders and told him you'll be fine.
however, tonight, as you let the winds caress your cheek at your front porch, you wish for nothing but argenti’s embrace to distract your mind from your insecurities.
“what's the matter, my love?” an armored hand came to wipe away the stray tears that escaped your eyes. the way your vision blurred as you threw yourself in his arms was brief, it didn't take long for argenti to wrap his arms around your waist and bury his head in your hair.
the knight alternated with whispering apologies and reassurances in your ear as you both stood on your porch. the two of you sway as if you were about to start a waltz. in the end your tears began to dry and a light giggle bubbled from your throat.
that's right. argenti might always leave to spread the word of his aeon to the vast galaxies, but he'll come back to you and your little house by the hill.
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© vxnuslogy 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works.
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ts4ritsa · 1 month
₊˚ପ⊹ thinking about you
ft. caelus, dan heng, welt yang, gepard landau, & jing yuan from honkai: star rail * ˚ ✦
tags / cw ✎ gn!reader, sfw, men who just have you on their minds while doing casual/everyday stuff, implied crushes
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caelus, once again, found himself immersed while exploring the shops in penacony. that particular day he was in a giving mood, trying to find little souvenirs and gifts that he could get for his companions on the astral express. including you!
except he subconsciously wandered off into certain sections, only getting pulled in by products and goods — from snacks to fragrances and jewelry — that he felt that you would like when he was supposed to be looking for everyone else as well.
checking them out probably longer than he should have… he didn’t even think he was until a moment of realization hit him when he told himself he was gonna find something for march but he caught himself looking at stuff he knows she would definitely not be interested in, rather you would be.
as caelus thought about it more, he tried to tell himself it wasn’t much and shrug it off, though embarrassment arose a light blush on his face whether he liked it or not.
then he looked down at all those bags he was carrying… yeah, it mainly consisted of stuff that reminded him of you.
among the archives, dan heng was looking for something in particular — a book you had given him the last time you saw each other. he had forgotten all about it due to missions and other urgent matters taking up so much of his time. but now, he had some time for himself since his comrades were out running quick errands
while searching for it, he tried to recall the story that you had told him before you handed it to him. it was a silly romance novel that you enjoyed a lot when you were younger. you told him whether or not you were actually a fan of reading books didn’t matter, only that this one novel pretty much had you in a chokehold for the longest time
he, for one, was never drawn to romance genres. but, he couldn’t help but be curious with the way you described that book. it was amusing and he admired how you were still able to remember so much about it even after such a long time. dan heng found himself asking you to share the name of the story, saying he’d like to check it out when he had the chance. luckily for him though, you had a copy of it in your bag since you were planning on donating it to a local bookstore.
as he laid in his bed reading it, he could understand why you and many others could find the story appealing, but it just was so silly to him. nevertheless, dan heng would never judge you for your taste, not in a serious manner anyway.
while flipping through the pages, he could see that the past you had written… little notes on the pages of your most favorite parts.
well, now dan heng was definitely looking forward to the day he’d get to see you again — so he could bring it up during conversation and see if it would elicit a cute response out of you
on regular days, welt could be seen sitting at one the coffee tables that belonged to the lounge of the astral express. usually he would be flipping through pages of books he picked up or creating visuals of his interstellar adventures in a sketchbook.
every journey that welt found himself in has had a part in shaping the person he had become. whether it was full of laughter, sorrow, or indifference, all of it had meaning in the end. he had made a lot of acquaintances and traveled with many companions. standing among that social circle he built up over the years, was you.
you, who had somehow managed to capture the interest of the wise and sophisticated man widely known as “welt yang.” there had been many profound moments that you shared, some where you both got carried away by the streams of time, laughing and exchanging friendly banter. he often reminisced of those lovely memories.
but there too were some involving more serious and dire situations. times where you agreed to stand next to him, aiding him and his allies in times of crisis. so many times where you put yourself at risk. he couldn’t help but wonder, why? but you made it clear to him — that all of it was in order to witness a future that you believed was right.
he vividly remembered remembered the smile that was plastered all over your face after you told him that, after winning one of the most treacherous battles ever with him. and that was actually what he was sketching today! he wanted to preserve it in art, before it would inevitably become a distant memory
perhaps, he thinks, a chance where he will be able to work with you once more will arise soon. after all, the universe is full of possibility, is it not? welt would like the company.
on a day-to-day basis, gepard was responsible for ensuring that the silvermane guards were in line and prepared for battle at all times. though that was only one of the many tasks he handled everyday, after all his role beared tons of duty and responsibility.
in order to be worthy of the title “captain,” one must act professionally and remain composed no matter what the situation at hand is. gepard is fully aware of this fact, and so he has dedicated himself to building up high levels of patience and tolerance over the years. still, no matter how much he trains himself, nuisances and troublemakers can get under his skin every now and then.
one night after dealing with an entire group of incompetent soldiers, gepard was in a relatively bad mood. usually it would be just one or two of his men slacking off, fooling around, but this time he caught five people acting out of line. not just that, but he discovered there were fragmentum monsters that snuck into the silvermane guard restricted zone — nearly finding their way into the administrative district. so, he was rightfully irritated.
luckily, all his duties for the day had been taken care of so he was all set to leave. but, gepard still had an uneasy feeling after the mess from earlier. so just in case, he decided to go on a quick patrol through the city before heading home.
as gepard was passing by belobog’s history and culture museum, one of the trams ahead was slowing down, as if it were ready to make a stop. he thought nothing of it and continued walking. the tram eventually came to a halt and the automatic door opened— wait, could that be…?
gepard recognized the attire on the figure that emerged from the vehicle. from the shoes all the way up to the jewelry — he knew it all too well.
despite the rare moments he has gotten to see you, he’s actually been able to memorize the appearance of the clothing you wore. anticipation and excitement was building up in his chest, more than he’d like to admit. and as he looked up, he saw… that it actually was not you.
his expression dropped immediately when he realized. a few seconds after, a slight blush formed on his face too. did he really just… feel that eager to see you? gepard certainly enjoys having you around, that much is true, but why did he feel so warm inside at the idea of seeing you just now? his previous mood even melted away immediately at the thought of it.
how unlike him. the person had already went about their way. poor gepard continued to walk forward, but… that feeling and blush was taunting his face and his mind for the rest of his patrol.
as the divine foresight and one of the seven arbiter-generals, jing yuan handles dozens of affairs each day. he is also famously known all around the xianzhou for his tendency to never waste a second on any situation that needs urgent attention.
because of this, the people of the luofu have been able to live their lives in peace and prosperity. he, too, is often able to enjoy himself freely with all the rewards that come out of finishing his work.
as jing yuan strolled around the streets of aurum alley, trying to decide what xianzhou delicacies he’d like to snack on today, the emptiness of a certain spot in the area managed to catch his eye. a table, and while technically it was a regular spot that any person could occupy, it was usually a spot that he found you at.
and when he did see you, jing yuan would join you — but not before taking you by surprise in some way, like by placing a hand on your shoulder. he would chuckle at the way you’d turn your head around confused and slightly dazed. but upon seeing him, your expression would visibly soften and you would greet him warmly. your voice brought him at ease, every single time.
he’d ask you if you’d give him the pleasure of joining you, to which you would always reply that he doesn’t even need to ask. but of course, he will continue to do it anyway — he just can’t bring himself to give up that adorable sight of you being caught off guard.
back to present, jing yuan quickly recalled why you weren’t around. you told him the last time he saw you there. to put it simply, the astral express had requested your assistance for a quick but important upcoming mission. he remembered how you were enthusiastic, curious, and a bit nervous. what could they possibly need?
jing yuan chuckled at your question, but he assured you that you would be safe in the crew’s hands. you shrugged, not doubting his words, just the uncertainty of what the expedition could consist of. perhaps you could find a way to get him involved — or, maybe, you could ask the express to take you and him along with them to their next stop. see what may lie in store.
thinking back to your words as he approached that special table, jing yuan smiled to himself. he’d like to take you up on that offer someday, when given the chance.
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©2024 ts4ritsa
a/n: my first hsr fic guys did I burn the food .. also is it obvious who I like more haha eventually I’ll bring myself to do this with more of the guys
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. honkai star rail
pairings. blade, dan heng, gepard, jing yuan, welt x gn!reader
content warnings. sfw, sleeping/napping with them, sharing one bed, written in lowercase, not edited/proofread
word count. 0.8k
notes. i literally word-vomited this after my first final exam, please don't expect too much ;-;
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ blade. 
blade isn’t a napper, too busy with his work and often too energized to even sleep properly at night. but when he does, it’s only because you ask him to join you. and even then, when you fall asleep in minutes, he lays wide awake while you sleep peacefully in his arms. he doesn’t even bother with trying to sleep, simply closing his eyes, and enjoying the peace he has when he’s with you.
it has only happened a few times, where he fell asleep, and you had to wake him. he doesn’t like the feeling, not quite asleep but also not quite awake. it dulls his senses, something he hates, yet he doesn’t complain. blade could never complain or refuse to join you during your naps, not when you snuggle up to him with a small smile, happy to be close to him.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ dan heng. 
dan heng is a chronic napper. With his irregular sleep schedule, he has to catch up on sleep, or else he can’t properly function. so, it’s no surprise that he can fall asleep the moment his head hits the pillow, curling together while the astral express continues to drift across the stars. sometimes he drags you with him, seeing those dreary, dark circles under your eyes and decides that both of you need some rest.
even when he’s with you, he curls together, this time around you, as if he’s a dragon hoarding his treasure. it keeps you warm and assures him you’re safe, bodies hidden behind that flimsy blanket of his. not that it’s needed, when his room is properly heated and he himself always runs warmer than most... and then you sleep, duration varying, depending on the amount of sleep you try to catch up on or if one of you is needed. but it already happened that the two of you slept a whole afternoon away and when you woke up, you just stayed in bed, simply because bedtime was in a few hours anyways.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ gepard.
despite being busy with being a captain of the silvermane guards, gepard often takes naps. not those long afternoon naps, where he sleeps for hours, oh no— the longest time he ever napped were 45 minutes on the dot, always waking up the moment his alarm rings. you on the other hand enjoy longer naps and always grumble when he leaves the warm bed.
but it’s enough for you, when you fall asleep with him, sharing warmth beneath the thick blanket. his soft snores are a lullaby to you and help to calm your mind, drifting off to a well-deserved sleep. and when he tangles your hold from him to go back to work, he always kisses your cheek to soothe your complains. he would return into your waiting arms, he always does.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ jing yuan.
taking an afternoon nap with the general is rare. but when it happens, you don’t nap alone. the purrs of his giant white pet lion and chirps of his little songbirds lull you into sleep. snuggled close to jing yuan, your head is on his chest, while his arms are wrapped around you. napping with him is a cherished comfort, the tender closeness making you blush, but you don’t deny your enjoyment of it. you know he enjoys it too, always falling asleep with a soft smile on his lips.
and when you wake up, hair tousled and eyes bleary, you can’t believe that this man is yours. yours to love, to hold and cherish. he looks pretty like this, guards down and body pliant, undeniably pretty. moments like this are rare, even rarer than these naps together, so you hold them close to your heart, making them a treasured memory.
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ welt. 
welt frequently naps. often for one or two hours, to catch up on the sleep he lacks. you never join him to fall asleep with him, since he never tells you that he wishes to nap. but you know he likes to wake up with you in his bed, snuggled close together and quietly snoring your exhaustion away. sometimes you miss his naps, often busy with your own work, but often you join him, slip beneath the covers and warm your cold limbs up.
and when he wakes, he never leaves the bed immediately. instead, he watches your relaxed face, listens to the soft breathes leaving you, letting himself drift and simply enjoy the moment. sometimes he falls asleep again, sometimes he does not. it doesn’t matter to him, not when he can enjoy waking up next to you.
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taglist. @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @auraxins , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @stellumi , @bladiekisser , @trailblazernet
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n0tamused · 3 months
Welt nerding out about his little special interests and his tv show he likes and whatnot... Dr.Ratio going on and on about all his bath soaps and bath salts and whatever he has... Sunday snuggles and sleeping after a long and heavy day of work....
A/n: Sorry for taking so long pookie I hope you like these little imagines :( <3 mwah, ty for requesting <3
Contents: gn reader, separate drabbles for Sunday, Dr. Ratio and Welt, a bit angsty in Sunday's part, fluff otherwise
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Gloved fingers held around the black stylus pen as it glided over the digital screen in a few precise strokes. The character on screen is becoming more and more alive, and looking over his shoulder you can see the several other frames that lay finished, resembling only the start of this little project you managed to convince Welt to partake in. 
“I take it you like it, right?” you ask, tiptoeing playfully around the direct question, prompting the man to laugh heartily, mirth seeping into the crinkles in his face. Leaning back in the chair he takes a small break from the lineart, adjusting his glasses before he look up at you where you stood at his side. 
“You’re spoiling me, you know?” he begins, his eyes mellow with a childlike wonder and joy that isn’t too often seen on his person these days. “Yes, I do like it, a lot. This tablet is even more advanced than the ones I was used to using back in my day. I mean, it holds so many functions, and the program itself has many great features to assist with the process - whether it be just one piece of art or a whole animation” His eyes gleam as he looks back at the screen, his eyes flickering over the corners of the canvas, the little icons and frames and the low opacity sketch of the animation.  
“That is a relief, and I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it so much. You do deserve it, Mr. Yang” cooing at him softly you pat his shoulder and give him a light squeeze before taking note of what’s on screen. It’s a simple set of characters, and in a more cartoonish style - chibis, is what you heard them call this style. But the characters are oddly familiar to the crew itself.
“Huh..? Is that.. us?”
“Yes… Since this gift was from you, and also the crew has left its mark on this old heart, I thought that my first project on the tablet should be something special too.. Uh, wait..” He fumbles a bit with the frames and animation, brief images flickering of different character - Dan Heng surrounded with books, March 7th’s chibi showing a worried face as she stands next to a pot of Himeko’s coffee and Himeko looking pleased as she drinks from her mug, and there’s PomPom next to the Express, but what  gets your attention is the chibi version of yourself at the very start of the frame set. You’re sitting at a round table with a few chubby stars above you.
“Starting with you, I am first making an introduction to each character..”
“But where are you?”
“I saw everyone in these, but not yourself? This crew is incomplete without you, Welt.. You should put us together in one frame. I mean, we can be drinking tea at the table together, right?"
Welt looks at you, then at the frame, noting the vacant left side of the big table. 
“You’re right…”
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“Sunday..” sleepy mutters fall from your lips as you push yourself to sit on the big bed, the covers pooling at your hips. Your hand is lifted up to shield your eyes from the golden light that spilled from the hall. 
“Apologies... I'll turn the light off now.." comes a reply from the figure shrouded in darkness, but by silhouette alone you could tell him apart from another. His wings droop underneath his ears, showing that even the lightest parts of him felt the heaviness of today’s work. He swiftly but quietly slips into the hallway to turn the lights off, before his footsteps mark his return to the bedroom. Now you can only listen to him shuffle about, the heavy breathing making your heart throb from concern, but you know asking him about it wouldn’t grant you an answer.
So you wait until he lifts the bedsheets and until his palm searches for you across the vast expanse of the mattress. Taking his hand in yours you lead him to where you are, laying on your back and feeling the bed dip and move underneath you until Sunday has settled himself with his head on your chest. Sighing the biggest breath you heard from him so far, you tighten your hold on him, arms circling around his shoulders.
His arms wrapped around your waist as he had you both sinking further into the bed, desperate to feel your warmth, hear your peace and feel it rub off on him too. “I missed you…” he confessed, leaving a chaste kiss on your collarbone before his ear pressed above your heart, listening to the trapped drumming within. 
“I missed you too..” you reply, combing your fingers through his hair, feeling the wings around his waist stretch out for arguably the first time today, one wing shorter than the other, feathers cut halfway. 
“Rest now..” you prompt, kissing the top of his head and he hums into you, wanting nothing more than to dream of you and freedom with you.
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"I told you to be a little more careful with which shampoos you purchased.." you heard him say when you pointed out how a particular shampoo on the shelf made your hair damaged the last time you used it. You sighed, in agreement with him, but as he plucked the bottle from the shelf you looked over the other products on the shelves, taking a hair mask container and putting it in your cart.
“See, this is why this shampoo didn’t sit well with you” Veritas says, looking over the ingredient list after catching sight of the logo of the producer, a sneer already on his face as he never had good experiences with this company’s products. 
You look over at him, holding onto the shopping cart with one hand as you peer at the bottle in his hand. “Oh, yeah- that one did have my hair feeling like hay.. ugh” you frown a little but as Veritas looks further down the ingredients list, you let your eyes wander over the shelves in search for a possible alternative - one that won’t leave your hair feeling dry and ready to snap. 
“Hmm…” Veritas looks up, his coral eyes looking over at you after he had returned the bottle onto the shelf. “Let me see..” he muttered, already reaching out to grasp a lock of your hair in between his fingers, twirling it for a moment before thinking hard about it. Then his eyes return to the vast selection of shampoos, reaching for a green bottle on a higher shelf. “Ah, this one would go well for your hair type. And it will regenerate whatever damage that other bottle left you with”
“Oh, let me smell it-” you whisper with soft excitement, forcing a huffed chuckle from Veritas as it seemed you cared more about the smell than what the shampoo actually had to offer. He shakes his head as he pops the lid open and brings it to your nose. 
“Does it smell good enough for you?” he asked, teasing laced in his words, but despite that he brought the bottle to his nose as well to inhale the light green apple smell. He relishes in the scent, imagining the way our hair would smell the same if you purchased this. 
“Ohh.. oh definitely, it smells so good. Give it here” you smile up at him and take the bottle to put in the cart. “I should ask you more often on this guru advice, Veritas, you’re more help than I gave you credit for” you playfully jab at him as you walk a few steps forward, looking at another section where bath salts and bath bombs lay. “Oh! Look at this!” you gleam as you pluck a round bath bomb colored blue. 
“Lavender?” Veritas asked as he came up next to you, choosing to ignore your initial jab. 
“Yeah. Lavender suits you, and it is a relaxing scent over all. Didn’t you run out of those bath salts too? We should get some new ones” you throw the bath bomb into the cart before he can reject it, but you make space for him to look over the other products, smiling up at him coyly as he gives you a daring look, yet you knew he meant no malice, he was being playful. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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impactedfates · 10 months
Detective Oblivious - Various HSR Characters x GN! Reader
★ Summary: You’re best friend lately has been acting strange. Could they have a crush on someone?! You have to get to the bottom of it…though perhaps you can start by noticing how they look at you
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Gepard, Luocha, Welt, Luka, March, Kafka
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Fluff + Maybe a bit of Crack
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Genshin Ver Here // Semi-Proof Read
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You knew Gepard since the both of you were young. You weren't a Silverman Guard yourself but you definitely supported your best friend when he became one. And was so proud when he later became a captain.
Lately though, he seems to be tripping over his words when he's trying to instruct some new members, and you witness all of it. It's strange though. You knew Gepard was a great teacher and mentor yet when you decide to visit you see him stumble on his words and even get strange looks from the trainees.
You were talking to Serval who simply laughed and said.
"He's distracted by a certain someone~"
But who could be occupying his mind!? You could see Serval gave you a deadpan look when she realized you were actually thinking of who could be on her brother's mind. She wanted to smack you silly but at the same time. If her lil Geppie wasn't ready to confess she can't do it for him.
You stopped visiting Gepard whilst he was training trainees or anyone in fact. And he did just fine! That's what you heard anyways when Lynx nudged you smiling knowingly. You grumbled a bit as you haven't gotten one bit closer to finding out who your friend had a crush on.
In truth, you also didn't want to know. You had feelings for the guard, but at the same time you'd be able to know if whoever took his heart was a good fit for him. Though...eventually your frustrations got the better of you, and one day. When he was free and so were you...
You watched as a blush crept on his face and looked at you. It seems as though his sisters have told him about how dense you were to who he liked. He took a small breath before answering you.
"O-oh...it's um...it's actually...you"
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When Luocha realises he has feelings for you and they are genuine. Like, he wants to spend all his life with you. He seeks you out. He starts by gathering various things you like and asked to hang out with you. Like a date in his mind but in yours it was just what you two usually did.
You didn't even realise he was trying to be more romantic to get the mood set for when he confesses...and he could see that. He found it both annoying yet amusing with how you seemed to play off everything he did as purely platonic.
He opened a door for you when you went into a restaurant.
He pulled a chair out for you.
He even paid for your whole meal, held your hand as you walked out and even gave you a kiss. Now the good news is that at the end of the day, when he brought you home. You realised he was acting strange! The bad news is...
"Do you like the waitress that was serving us or something? You were acting so differently and we always have that waitress when we go eat at that place. So you have to like her right?"
You state, almost proudly. Luocha could only sigh and pat your head before leaving a small kiss on your cheek.
"I think I prefer the person in front of me"
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When you saw that the usually calm and collected Welt seemed to be acting differently. As well as Himeko and the other trailblazers (minus Dan Heng) giggling when he was talking to you. You knew something was up, but he always told you everything?
You consulted everyone on the Express who each gave you a vague answer about how "he's just nervous" and "you'll know when he's ready" until you asked March 7th. She excitedly explained that he finally liked someone before the Trailblazer covered her mouth and scolded her for revealing his secrets.
Lucky for them though, you had no idea you were the one he developed feelings for. They weren't sure if they should be relieved you were dense to his feelings or mildly concerned.
In the following days you've compiled a lot of people you knew Welt knows. This was quite the long list considering the people he's met and you spent hours crossing out names, adding names back in and considering if he liked them or not. You were almost tempted to check his phone to see if you can spot a difference in behaviour there.
Welt eventually found the notebook you were using as your "Detective Journal" and raised it above your head as you tried to retrieve it, simply stating you were wrong with each name listed.
"Huh!? Then who do you like?"
"Simple, the one person you didn't add to the list. Yourself"
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How could you not notice the way Luka always tries extra hard in whatever he's doing when he finds out you're there? He begged a bunch of his friends and such not to tell you as he wants to make it special. Wants to "mega impress you so you'll go on a date with him" (his words not mine)
This was all fine...if it weren't for the fact that to everyone else. He was being so obvious he liked you.
Anytime he wins a match he specifically looks for you to see your reaction.
Anytime you compliment something of his, perhaps his hair style or the clothes he was wearing. He always wears his hair that way more often and buys more clothes of similar styles.
He's always so attentive to you, not that he isn't to anyone else when you're all hanging out. But it's clear he's listening to whatever you say with direct care as if the words you speak will run away if he doesn't.
It's gone to the point where Seele begins ranting to Bronya about it. Crying over the fact that you can't see the tell tale signs. It all broke for her when you tell her that you think Luka likes someone but you can't figure out who. And even though she said she wouldn't tell, she ends up clutching onto your shoulders and shaking you.
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March 7th honestly acts similar to how she always does. Just a bit more energetic when you're around. But you knew she was still acting differently, I mean she's your best friend. Surely you'd know when she's different, even just a bit.
And you attempted to figure out why she's acting differently. Finally settling on having a crush. But who could she like? She's complimented many people on their appearance before but you knew she didn't like them in a romantic sense.
You began thinking to see if she did actually like anyone in a different way and you just weren't there to see it. Then again, you and her always stuck together. You knew everyone she knew, so there wasn't any point in thinking if she met someone else.
One day when you were in her room, she went out to grab something and you noticed a book poking out from under her bed. Pulling it out you looked at the cover
"The Best Person Ever < 3”
was written. So this is it! You'll finally find out who she liked. But at the same time...you didn't want to break her trust by looking through it. You silently put the book down and slide it back under the bed, but not in time for her to walk in and see the book in hand. She quickly ran over with a blush and asked if you saw anything, to which you shook her head and said no.
She breathed a sigh of relief...until you both noticed one of the pictures fell out and oh? It's you with a heart drawn around you...that's not how she wanted to confess...
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Kafka finds out rather quickly that you're trying to figure out who she likes. Who she's developed feelings for. She knew that you knew that her behaviour has changed up a bit, especially with you. How you didn't connect the dots when she out right told you she did in fact like someone is beyond everyone.
But oh she loves watching you from a distance try to find out just who got her attention. Who the lucky one is to be the item of her affection.
She messes with you, she gives you hints on who she likes but keeps them as vague as possible so that she can just watch you pout in frustration every time she says you guessed incorrectly. She just loves watching how much you try to figure it out.
But as much as she loves that, as time goes on. She does get slightly annoyed that you've guessed everyone, even twice. But never guessed yourself. So one day she tells you that she'll reveal her crush. And simply raised a mirror to your face with a smile.
"Aren't they just the cutest?~"
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Anyone else find it hard to know when someone likes them? Cuz I do, hence this idea sprang forth. Not all the characters included are ones I simp for but I thought it would be interesting to add them (I literally only simp for Luocha out of the characters included tbh nsoaorgr)
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anantaru · 11 months
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kinktober 2023. — masterlist | ao3
𖧡 — including — welt, dan heng
𖧡 — warnings — fem! reader, edging & orgasm denial, dom/sub dynamics, sprinkle of dacryphilia, rough and needy, kinda messy, mean dan heng alert
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𖧡 — WELT
welt was evidently aware that he shouldn't torture you with repeatedly robbing your climax from you over and over again, until you sniffle between your moans, your eyes bloodshot and puffy from the intensity of another growing orgasm just dissolving from your aching frame— but you need to understand him, because you were just so sweet, ugh, so innocent and pure that it almost makes him feel bad for your current state.
because in reality, it didn't require welt much of work to form you into a frustrated mess of a person— your wet, warm cunt soaking his length and clamping down on him for the dear life of you, and in secret, it made him feel more wanted, more powerful and it thoroughly stroked his ego when you begged him to continue despite losing yet another blissful satisfaction.
"don't be like that," he mutters as you refuse to meet his gaze, and you unlatch the sobs hidden behind your frustration when he takes the chance to thrust into you again ever so slightly, ever so soft, and only distantly, with barely any strength behind and being aware that you must be exceedingly reactive to his every movements right now.
"look at me," welt whispers, mouthing a wet kiss on your bottom lip before looping one hand around your knee to spread you further apart as he grinds himself closer, even better, drinking in the moans that fell straight in his mouth as your hands tightened their grip on his biceps.
fuck, you just cannot be mad at welt, it's futile, not when he hums appreciatively the moment you accept his gaze, his hips thrusting back and forth as you jolt your little cunt up to match his movements, your clit buzzing with need to be given attention next, whining against his lips as he mumbles once again;
"i'll give it to you this time, i promise."
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"hold on, love, hold on," the expanding warmth of dan heng's weight leaning on top of you was bulging into the puffiness of your cunt as he nibbles on your earlobe, deliciously experiencing how you're spreading yourself for him, "you're not there yet."
your boyfriend seemed to have become utterly maniacal in your eyes and you frustratedly furrow your brows before gnawing back a bubbling moan when he slides himself back inside— dan heng has been playing with you for hours now, so strong and reckless that endless tears had began to form and cling to your lashes as every square of your body felt like someone has set you on fire.
"it hurts," you complain, blinking repeatedly to get rid of the blur before desperately squeezing your hips up at him, as if that would somehow change dan heng's plans for you, "i know, i know," he feigns the sense of understanding you and the perception of actually feeling sorry, "but you're doing so good right now, and you're almost there," and he'd even feel a little guiltier if your whines weren't this delicious to indulge in, not to mention the harsh clamps of your creamy hole constricting around his girth like that, before letting go again and fluttering over the fullness while milking him with your hot, wet warmth.
adding another sharp and calculated thrust, the stretch of dan heng's girth piercing over you was beginning to feel surreal, listlessly holding back the air in your lungs as you cry out at the sudden overstimulation catching your body by surprise as dan heng fucked you silly, the force of his raw drags pressing you into the drenched mattress that your head was beginning to spiral— each rut of his dripping erection beckoning your mouth to gape open in a broken consonance of whines and pitched up moans only for him to drink in.
alas, the man wasn't done with you yet, he might as well just lied to you earlier, and the buzzing ache in his groin wouldn't hold him back on edging your poor, little self as much as possible, not before dan heng would grace you with the most intense, most intoxicating climax you have ever experienced— so you wouldn't be too mad at him afterwards.
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©2023 anantaru's kinktober do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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dumplingsfordays · 11 months
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stay still
welt x fem!reader
genre - smut
summary - pure smut lol
cw!: nsfw (sexual themes), oral (reader receiving), sub!reader, reader has female genitalia, welt is lowkey pussydrunk, swearing, praise (reader receiving), implied age gap, all characters 18+, mentions of c in p and thigh riding, dacryphilia a little, overstim
note - writer's block is hitting me like a truck lmao. also sorry for not writing that sweet bf fic that I mentioned in the passengerprincess!reader x blade post but yk what? i'm gonna do it at some point, but it's not going to be today.
art credit!
And as always, thank you for reading :)
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"Stay still, sweetheart," the older man warns in a baritone voice as your hips buck up.
He's got you laying down on the silken sheets, hair messily splayed out on the covers, your smaller hands running through his greyish-auburn locks with desperation clearly evident. You came twice already - one from riding his thigh and another from his cock slowly splitting you open thrust by thrust - and you were so sensitive that everything seemed almost hazy. Your eyes swam with tears at the overstimulation as Welt continued his ministrations, giving broad licks to your wet cunt and occasionally kissing the inside of your thigh.
"W-Welt," you tremble, voice wobbling, "please, 'm so sensitive, I can't-"
"Shh. You're doing so, so well, darling, just one more."
That's what he said a round ago, but you don't notice at all - you're too busy engulfed completely in blinding bliss as the older man grabs your hips, pulling your sweet pussy closer to him, and eats you out like a man starved. He's rough and gentle at the same time, if that's even possible - he's too far gone to even care about the translucent stickiness dripping down his chin. His eyes, half-lidded in ecstacy, are locked onto yours, observing and admiring your reactions. He gives a small kiss to your clit, which has you bucking up again.
"What did I tell you, sweetheart?" he scolds as he pulls away from your legs, holding your soft thighs down with his broad hands. "Stay still or you won't get a reward."
You sniffle and whine in response. "But I can't, just feels too good, please..."
"You can and you will. Just a little bit more, 'kay? Be a good girl for me."
He leans in once again - you can feel his hot breath against your cunny - and showers kisses on your lips, slowly creeping up to suck on your little pearl. You whimper when his lips latch on and Welt swears that his cock strains so hard against the bed when you do so.
When you finally wrap your thighs around his head from all the overwhelming pleasure, he groans into your pussy but continues lapping at your clit with renewed vigor. He then shifts down and starts to eat you out so sinfully yet so passionately, and by now, your pants and soft moans and whines fill the room. Welt can't hear any of it, though - he's in a state of bliss, focusing only on your sweet cunt.
As your orgasm nears with rapid speed you grab his hair once more, pressing his head down lightly. Your boyfriend gets the hint - he speeds up, filthy, wet noises fill the room as your back arches in blinding pleasure and you teeter on the edge. A single, long finger of his sliding into your pussy finally sends you over, that unimaginably sweet sensation overwhelming you and you crack, waves after waves of tears pouring out of your eyes like summer rain. Welt's praising you over and over again - you can feel his hot breath on your skin as he holds your thighs open to continue his ministrations until you physically can't anymore.
"Knew you could do it," he praises in that gravelly voice of his, looking up at you through his lashes, "such a good girl. So beautiful, look at you."
You sniffle as you come down from your high, and the man shifts up to lay beside you on the bed. He embraces you, caressing your collarbone with his rough thumb, travelling up your neck and to your chin, when he finally tilts your head to face him. You close your eyes when your lips meet in a quiet, loving kiss.
"God, am I a lucky man to have you," he sighs. You lean in and smile into his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his big frame and he returns the favor with a caring gentleness.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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chiara-hotel · 1 month
Dating Them! Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & Obsidian Warnings: Penacony questline spoilers (Firefly)
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- Himeko is more of a quiet, gentle lover
- Her main love languages is quality time so she loves to hangout with you every single day, even if its as simple as chatting over tea or as big as going on an adventure to find a stellaron
- Following that it would be gift giving, giving you small but simple gifts of things that you like or reminded her of you
- In the past she has given you
Tea Cups (or Coffee cups if you're a coffee drinker)
Specialized Jewelry
- When she does cuddle its usually whenever you both are in bed getting ready to sleep
- But you don't go to sleep cuddling like that-she'd prefer to hold you a bit before and then sleep separately (although you both are still in the same bed)
- Himekos favourite dates include Coffee/Tea hangouts or Movies
- PDA is okay but only if its the express crew and only a little bit, not full on making out infront of them-holding hands, occasional kisses and hugging is okay. Infront of anyone else she sticks to hand holding or hugging
- Himeko also isn't too jealous as a person, she trusts you won't leave her so she trusts you fully
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- Welt is very similar to Himeko in a loving sense
- Similar to her hes gentle and quiet-not to mention he never gets jealous over you
- One thing he does get is protective, specifically when someones overstepped the boundaries a little bit
- His main love language would be acts of service. Welt loves helping you out whenever you need it, holding the door for you, protecting you from an enemy etc!
- Some gifts he would give you include...
Flowers (lots of flowers)
- Welt loves cuddling whenever you both have free time, specifically either you laying on top of him or the other way around
- If you both wanted to, he would also love to cuddle to sleep
- Some of the dates you guys go on can include:
Teaching you skills
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- Now to be dating firefly you have to know about her being SAM + know the other Stellaron Hunters
- As a lover, Firefly lets you take the lead in the relationship a bit more but she isn't afraid to talk to you about things that are needed
- Her main love language is Words of Affirmation & Gift Giving
- She always loves to say "I love you" or "you're beautiful" or even how cute/adorable/handsome you are
- Other than that we've seen before in the Penacony quest how she loves to give gifts/food to her partners whenever they remind her of them! The same goes with you! Whenever she seems something she think you might like she always goes out to buy it for you
- Which includes pastries, keychains, necklaces and a lot more
- Dates with firefly would occur really anywhere. She's not really known for being wanted like the rest of the hunters so she does have creative freedom-just don't do anything or go anywhere where she would need to activate SAM and you're fine!
- Occasionally she might get a little jealous/question if she deserves you but just talk her out of it and make her understand how much you love her
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- Dating Herta is special since she does have countless copies of herself all over the space station
- You could talk with her at her office and then walk out...BOOM! There's another Herta standing in front of you
- On that note, Herta's main love language is Quality Time!
- It works out since there are many Hertas-even so she wants you to hangout with her main body (the one in her office) the most, so its where you spend most of your day
- Some popular dating spots she'd bring you:
Researching together
Eating lunch together
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- Ruan Mei is a careful lover
- Her love language is Acts of Service & Physical Touch
- Ruan Mei enjoys helping you out with small tasks & she enjoys whenever you help her out aswell
- Physical Touch for her is mainly holding hands while walking and doing various things
- Jealousy doesn't exist in Ruan Mei's books either-why would you leave her for someone you met 0.5 seconds ago? That isn't like you at all
- Dates with her vary, some can include:
Going out for lunch together
Working on science projects/experiments
- Ruan Mei is very protective of you-its like she has a third eye watching you at all times to ensure nothing bad happens to you
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- Fu Xuan's love language is mainly acts of service
- She is very shy with physical affection most of the time, especially if you do something in front of others
- But she will help you out from time to time and occasionally takes your fortune if you wish
- Date spots with Fu Xuan include...
Walks around the Luofu
Combat training to up your skills
Going to an arcade together
- Occasionally she will also give small gifts that she think you'd enjoy, usually its only on special occasions though
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- From what we seen Obsidian likes to cause chaos and start "bloodbaths" as she'd say
- But in a relationship she'd treat you as a Queen/King
- Always paying attention to you, Always doing what you'd like
- Her servants always follow your orders because if they don't well lets just say Obsidian won't be happy
- Having baths together in "blood" is also her favorite activity
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luvrbug · 1 year
Honkai Star Rail Men ; where do they lie on the pathetic man scale?
includes ; Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan
A/N ; sorry everyone ive been playing hsr, and it has COMPLETELY captivated me. i will maybe write about one piece more buuuut I cant be too sure :[ i change like the wind sorry guys. also my first time writing in like Months so apologies if this is poopy
Warnings; literally the smallest amount of spice, no allusion to sex. reader is not the trailblazer, Gender neutral reader with 2nd person pronouns
Sampo Koski
Sampo is such a failboy. it's not even funny. He embodies a pathetic man.
You get word of Sampo scamming someone once again; and to make it even worse, it was the kids that literally saved the entire planet.
So, you sentenced Sampo to a week of sleeping on the couch, which landed you in this unsightly situation.
"Baby, please, you know i didn't really mean to make them do my work," he pleads, grabbing your leg and squishing his face into your stomach. "I had urgent business to attend to somewhere.. else in the mine,"
Sighing, you run your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. Sampo begins to rise, hoping that he's swayed your iron heart, until-
"Two Weeks on the couch,"
Welt Yang
Out of all the men on this list, I'd say Welt is the least pathetic man. He has fatherhood skills and absolutely does his half of the chores.
... But he still is completely whipped for you.
Welt has never forgotten an anniversary. Without fail, he brings the biggest boquet of flowers, plans the best date night, and manages to keep your little troop of mischief makers pacified for the night.
So, when this year's anniversary rolls around, and nothing has happened yet, you begin to worry.
Did he want you to plan the events today? Did you miss some subliminal messaging? Are you losing your spark?? Is he-
"Ah, there you are," Welt's voice alone is enough to completely silence any rebellious thoughts running around.
"I was starting to get worried, i wouldn't want your surprise to get cold," You perk up instantly at the mention of a present, quickly gathering the book on and gold quality black tea you'd bought a few weeks prior.
Welt pulls out.. your favorite dessert from your favorite bakery on your homeworld. That is thousands of lightyears away. "I managed to understand enough about this dessert from your stories, and i managed to make something close to it with my powers and a little help from Himeko,"
You practically launch yourself at him, covering his face with kisses. Best anniversary ever.
Jing Yuan
In the middle of the pathetic scale. Proper, courteous, and flirtatious, but also the most pathetic, clingy man ever when you're alone.
It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining, you have a romantic lunch reservation in an hour, and Jing Yuan is refusing to allow you out of bed.
"Honey, we have to get up or we'll miss our reservation. You know how hard it is to get on their waiting list, especially for the lunchtime rush," You whine, attempting to wriggle out of his hold.
Jing Yuan simply squeezes you tighter, making a muffled "hmmph" into your stomach. "Your cooking is better anyway," he mumbles, stretching and yawning not unlike mimi.
You huff, lying back in bed with your eyebrows scrunched. "I'm not going to cook for a week unless you get up and we make it there on time,"
This finally gets Jing Yuan off the bed and rummaging through his closet. "Well, hurry up, we wouldn't want to be late,"
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luselih · 3 months
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did i ever mentioned that i used to make memes back in the day? 🥰
(update- VERY short dumb drabble about this, reader hinted to be able to get pregnant (no body description/gender specified)👇)
Welt let out an exhale of frustration and rubbed the bridge of his nose before he spoke in an annoyed tone as you took away his glasses and decided to play hide and seek with him instead of giving it back.
- "Y/n, you brat. I know damn well that you are somewhere here. Show yourself, or..."
- "Or what? You are not my daddy so you can't tell me what to do..."
- "oh really?" Welt snapped as he finally located you on his armchair and manhandled you over his desk, knocking off his papers and cup. His hand grasping your neck on the sides. His low voice sending chills of excitement and fear as he added at the end “well, i can definitely make you call me that tonight for sure, till your voice breaks or you make me a daddy for real.”
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chiyoso · 1 year
someone as fragile as you shouldn't have to reign the bloodied fields of cloudford, along with raging war against two powerful factions—as well as an internal presence that invaded your mind that started all of this mayhem.
content warnings; oneshot · female reader · honkai impact 3rd inspired · takes place after xianzhou arc · canon universe · manupulation · mentions of depressive tendencies · declining mental health · war · death · traumatic events · mentions of blood · fighting · sensitive descriptions · dead dove: do not eat.
author notes; an open ending is an open ending. i appreciate all your of love for this oneshot, but i won't be making pt2. ty.
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The Astral Express.
A widely known faction of celestial mysteriousness that traverses across the galaxy, they dedicate themselves to the ways of trailblaze and adventure, an enormous train conducted by a rumored fluffy creature that travels through vast worlds with its starry residers.
However, you didn't expect to meet the faction like this. The time that you yourself encountered the famous members of the Express— or rather, they bumped into you.
A memorable impression, leading their hearts and minds to waver in complete uneasiness, fear and curiousity.
It was one of those moments. Moments of tranquility, replaced almost immediately with unsightly chaos, and screeching horrors.
And they weren't coming from you.
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11 minutes until eruption.
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ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ
ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ
“F- Fu-aahh.... Haah...” You groaned in pain. The sounds of alarms, crumbling and a voice of elegant dread echoed inside your mind, chanting unfamiliar, incomprehensible sounds that you were unable to understand nor fathom its sound waves.
Your flesh continued to crack as gold seeped out from the insides, bright lightning marks all around your form, accompanied with your heavy eyelids, struggling to keep your consciousness as you panted heavily. Your thoughts fogged viciously with memories of all kinds, your mind had felt like a mix between ice and fire. A flaming vortex along with an Icy storm that seethed inside, causing a severe throbbing that had you wailing in pain in heaps of volume consecutively as you grip your head.
“M- Mr. Yang!” A high pitched voice trembled, struggling on her feet while a grey haired female helped her up to stabilize her balance.
“Go. Call for reinforcements. I'll take it from here.” He says, gripping his cane while the other hand hoists his frames up to his nose bridge, returning his gaze towards the sight of you.
“H-hhgk—” You coughed up gold. Your face stained with your aureate tears, gasping for air as you clenched the area of your heart, which was beaming light, pulsating with the same color as the liquid that stained your whole being.
What was happening?
You screech, lower limbs suddenly at work, executing swift dodges that your untrained body couldn't handle physically, stretching and tearing your muscles.
Something was fighting for survival, and it wasn't you.
Your actions lowered the morale of determination from the Cloud Knights that had stationed on the sidelines, now replaced with a panic and fear from your ever so visibly increasing strength and agility, etching negative emotions into their wounded states that you have inflicted previously.
The man with the glasses, distance away from you clicked his tongue in frustration, he had summoned a multitude of black holes, raining hellish orbs of gravity towards you in such high speeds and velocity, but you... despite your poor state of self, you've managed to avoid them all.
Even you weren't aware of your own skillful sequences.
ᛗᛁᛖ ᚾᛖᚷ ᛟᚾ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ ᚷᛁᛖᚲ
ᚾᚨᚺ ᛈᚺᚨᛋ ᛏᛖᛉᛉᛖ ᛚᚨᚺ
“P- Please... shut... get out of m—”
Feeble attempts of retribution, cease your resistance.
Play into submission, child of Lan.
You cocked your head to the skies, letting out gutteral sobs to the heavens, screaming and pleading your heart out while your own nails dug into your skin, your eyes weeped in gold, blurring your sense of sight.
Your thoughts were a sea of fragmented memories, bad ones, the negative ones that only fueled your transformation and the thread of your consciousness that you desperately were holding onto, was now being threatened harshly.
The man in glasses gripped his cane, firming his hold while witnessing your overwhelming presence and what was happening infront of him.
You were talking to yourself. You were visibly in pain, you were weeping, and the mara that was supposed to overcome you right now was... being barely resisted. Resisted. Resisted?
That's impossible.
You can't resist the Mara.
Beads of sweat formed trickled down along his jawline, his eyes diluded towards the sight that was all too familiar for him.
Someone- or something was talking to you, and he felt nothing but the sensation of dread swell inside him.
He didn't know what to do. Based on your own visible actions, it was clear—you didn't mean to do any harm, you were struggling more than anyone in this dire situation.
You brought your tainted hands that was darkening onto your face, trying to hold onto what's left of yourself, your consciousness.
“PLEASE! L- LEAVE M—” You choked out.
You were stumbling on your feet, drowning in pain as you sobbed your pleas of desperation.
His face scrunches, biting his bottom lip, frustrated over his hesitancy and lack of determination into going all out against you.
You reminded him of a state that reminded him of his past companions from another world, a state that only led to an upbringing of a powerful force, leading to the destruction of humanity and civilizations, a state that almost destroyed his homeworld.
But he had to remind himself repeatedly, you were just... Mara-strucked. A man-made work from the schemes of Sanctus Medicus, their work, befalling to an unfortunate character before him.
But... why the hell were you talking to yourself? Why were you pleading? Crying? How were you still able to talk? And most importantly, how were you still able to resist your supposed inevitable demise?
You peeked through your digits, your eyes pierce to the man with glasses, before lowering your hands to your sides in idle, continuing to pant heavily in place.
Your stance had your staggering legs slightly bent, your chin upwards—but your stained eyes remained on the figure infront of you.
His eyes diluded upon meeting your sorrowful gaze, his hand tightened around his cane further, seemingly ready to take on any action you will commence, but he wished you didn't engage, he wished for your attacks to cease. He didn't desire to harm you at all—You were in obvious pain, emotionally, physically and mentally, and only his veteran observations can see that.
“M- Miss—”
“Kill me.”
You said breathily with your burning throat, your voice had been accompanied with a second, mixing with your original tone with a now deeper, and sinister chord that showed the fruition of the transformation you were currently experiencing.
Your hands find their way to your throat as you coughed out more gold, along with the taste of iron that mixed with the aureate liquid that had turned into an morbid shade of color from your blood.
Your legs gave in, bringing you to your knees while you continued to choke on your own secretes, sobbing continuously from the sensations you were experiencing.
“END HER LIFE BEFOR—” “Gghk-... Nngh...”
“Reinforcements are on their way.”
“I- It hurts.... It HURTS!!!”
“Call for further units! At ONCE!”
“P- Please tell me I'll live...”
“M- Monster!” “M- MY ARMS!”
“KILL HER!!!!”
The man with glasses was overwhelmed with contradicting emotions, hindering his wavering will to use the opportunity of your vulnerability.
The cries and pleas of desperation from the several Cloud Knights that have fallen from your battle, ring through the bloodied field, along with your genuine—sorrowful filled sobs that only haunted and hesitated him much more.
His own thoughts were only mirroring the mess that you were in, having to be filled with deep memories of a life that was filled with death and torment, reminding him of his sins once again.
The child of the Hunt, hopelessly clings onto the wretched humanity, only to be shunned out and betrayed by your own race.
I feel their sea of desperation, their desires for your lesser existence to perish without a trace in the galaxy.
Give into the sensations of truth, let it embrace your poorly sculpted soul, for I will accept you without fail.
You were already on the floor arched, your hands had continued to hold your head, gripping your hair as you wallowed in your pool of tears, gold and blood that soaked your once beautiful skin.
“Sss-top... Stop... Please...”
You've already hurt your own kind.
“I- I... Hgk— Ahh-Haah...”
You've already inflicted enough despair and chaos to the point where these lowly humans cling onto their life in a feeble attempt of living.
“Th- That's not...”
Savor their pleas and screams of anguish as they call upon your death. You aren't wanted, you aren't needed.
The floor beneath your shaking body began to crack, the density and force around you had only drastically strengthen, creating a growing crater below you.
You are only inducing fear in your surroundings, and you are more than aware of what you're causing.
Hatred. Anguish. Despair. A need for violent measures. A selfish greed of clinging onto life from their grave wounds you placed upon them. This is all you.
All you.
Mindlessly in pain, your body unwillingly helps itself up despite your own injuries. You took a heavy step forward, only ceasing the noises that surrounded you as they witness your hauntingly beautiful yet bloodied form, but there was no attraction, they were now instilled with a new type of fear.
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5 minutes until eruption.
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You were a golden death. A victim.
A new dreadful existence that was unintentionally yet successfully created by Sanctus Medicus.
The golden liquid had already burned the rest of your outfit. Your body only continued to pour gold from the rifts on your skin, your heart—or your now crystalized core, pulsated with consecutive glows, as if your former heart, and the rest of your biology had changed, in which case, it did.
That's it... Embrace it... Your perfected, honed and better self.
Shut up.
The voice chuckles, continuing to fog and envelope your whole essence.
The unwavering, unbearable pain was now released, replaced with the sensations of your skin, healing slowly. The paleness in your face had become warm once again along with your body.
Your hair only grew longer, luscious and free, your eyes glimmered in high self esteem once more, while previous cracks all over your body had almost disappear as if nothing was there in the first place.
You will never admit it, but you felt more healthy, you felt beautiful, you felt confident, you felt...
New, refreshed and reborn, and you grasped control of yourself once again.
Your newfound vigor and vitality only brought unease and curiousity to the Cloud Knights who loathed your existence being a supposed child of Yaoshi the Abundance now.
The man with glasses couldn't help but be reminded of his weakness from your newfound growth, he had hesitated until now, witnessing your upbringing and his own actions had left a sour feeling on his drying throat, unease had surrounded the man, in fear of what will commence. He doesn't know how much longer he can fight, accompanied with the knowledge of his two fatigued Astral companions seeking out help of any kind, but another question lingered in his thoughts;
What were you?
You weren't a mindless Mara-strucked individual that they've previously continuously dealt with, nor you had the appearance of golden leaves that battered and grew out of you. You were just a woman, at what he assumes to be your very prime, the high peak of your health, appearance, physicality and mental state, and your curiousity and confusion about your own state confirmed his assumptions.
“I-...” Your senses interrupt you as your instincts come into fruition, tilting your head to the right, only to reveal a Cloud-Piercing spear infront of your vision that had thrusted forward from behind. The light, horizontal slit from your left cheek which the Cloud Knight slightly grazed, begun to heal almost quickly, as well as suddenly realizing your hand was already around the unfortunate Cloud Knight's neck, lifting them up in a chokehold as their air supply begins to be cut off.
With widened eyes, you immediately loosened your grasp upon becoming aware of your actions, retorting your hand while guilt pumped into you.
“It- It was... It was instinct I-” Your voice cracked, bringing both of your hands to cover your mouth as your once blurred vision finally had a good look to your surroundings, grasping the situation and your hellish surroundings at bay.
Remember the sight.
Your mind throbbed once again, yet your nerves find ways to soothe the pain, but... even then, it will never be able to heal your aching heart and the damage you inflicted against the soldiers of the Xianzhou Alliance.
Instincts went into play once more, feeling a sudden familiar, pulling force behind moving towards you in a faster, denser velocity, only for you to barely dodge a faster orb of gravity that you had previously, went up against.
“W- Wait! I-” You turn your face quickly towards the man whom attacked you just now, only to be met with a bright, icy blade that moved quickly towards you, but both of your hands had already instinctively raise to your face, piercing both of your palms instead, grasping in the side of the bloodied tip of the cold sword that pierced you.
“FUCK!!! NNGH—!” You whimpered in pain, feeling the sensations of burning that sourced within your palms, along with the skin and nerves that was already healing, your own rejuvenating flesh, pushing out the icy sword as a 'CLANG' follows suit.
“Hmph. You're lucky I didn't throw it with too much force, otherwise you wouldn't be able to survive that!” A voice of a young boy graced the battlefield, turning the red sea into a cold, thundering storm of snow and ice, putting the injured Cloud Knights at ease and discomfort from the coldness that surrounded the environent.
“L-Lieutenant Yanqing!” A Cloud Knight gasped at his arrival, alerting the rest with jarred cheers erupting, while your gaze dilutes back and forth to the man with glasses—and a child who happens to be a lieutenant that had arrived.
“P- Please- I-”
“Save it servant of the Abundance!”
A continuing, cold breeze of snow enveloped the young boy, his aqua colored swords flying towards you once more.
Now equipped with newfound, engraved instincts that you have begun to get use to, your body- that had not tasted the ways of war and battle, danced its way around elegantly and flexibly from the skillful wrath of ice that relentlessly continued to attack you.
Despite your consciousness and having a sense of control once again, you felt another sensation, one that felt like another presence, another soul, tangled with yours, tugging at your essence, and it was most definitely the reason as to why you were moving in such a way, that continued to inflict fear and uneasiness to the Cloud Knights, and the man with the glasses whom continued to witness your dance of agility and grace against the right hand of the Arbiter General.
Why me...?
There are many others.
The embodiment of failure and success.
Wh- What does that even mea—
A host of purity and defections all in one. All suited for me.
A canvas of the purest, warmest of soul, painted with absolute grief, sadness, regret, pain — yet harboring no anger, rage, hatred. A non-existent need for revenge.
Something a certain diciple of mine lacked, thus her inevitable defeat from the subjects of Akivili.
And you are mine to break and reconstruct. I can finally fathom why the Hunt had their arrows set on you.
The words gnawed your logical, racing thoughts, leaving you in a moment of disarray, visibly seen from your relentless opponent.
The Hunt... The... Reignbow Arbiter? But—
Tch. So flawed.
You felt another burning sensation to the left side of your waist, looking towards a deep cut that split your flesh into two from the icy blades that hailed like the rain against you, yet once again, it had begun to heal slowly, as sounds of your flesh and cells crickled, halting the young boy in his trained steps for a moment.
“What... What are y—” The young boy gets cut off.
Your gaze suddenly returns to the boy, with your left iris flickering into a golden color, replacing your original shade.
“Your demise.” The voice took over your vocals for a moment.
“N- No! you will NOT HARM ANYONE FURTHER!” You grit your teeth, holding your curled fists into each other, retraining yourself and letting the voice solely focus on avoiding further attacks.
How unpleasant.
Why do you continue to resist, child of Lan?
The sight of you... talking to yourself? No... Your voice had continued to change back and forth, only confusing him further.
Something was amiss, but the young boy and his youth couldn't fanthom the uniqueness of the situation before him, he had only one thing in his determined mind, the solution of exterminating a being that threatened the peace for the Xianzhou Luofu; You.
The boy took his stance, his flying swords once again stationed behind him, but a sudden deep voice emerges from behind him, only startling the whole battlefield in his appearance.
“Yanqing. Well done in keeping the adversary at bay.”
A commanding presence immediately intensified the trickling air of tension, only leaving sounds of sharp breaths and your continuous argument with yourself.
You fall into silence to its bidding, only to look around to the young boy, who was now accompanied with the famous Arbiter General, holding a glaive that had a threatening presence, along with the General himself.
“I apologies for my tardiness Mr. Yang. I had matters to tend to.” The strong presence spoke, his eyes hovering upon your naked, yet coated state, assessing the situation with an unknown gleam in his eyes.
“Where of Stelle and March?” The man with glasses walked beside him, mirroring his gaze upon the beautiful woman before their sights.
“I sent message to the High Elder Vidyadhra medic to tend to their wounds, not to worry, they will be back.” He said faced to him with a knowing smile, only causing goosebumps to your skin, he was taking in this stage you set lightly, only irritating the voice in your head slightly.
“Now... What of the contexts of this fascinating situation?” The Arbiter General's penetrating gaze returns to you, eyeing your undeniable attracting form. You were oblivious, but the voice wasn't.
Leave the premises, now.
Wha? W- Who are you to tell me what t—
The throbbing had begun once again. Their conversations sealed upon noticing your actions as your hands gripped tightly around your head, whimpering in place.
“S- Stop...”
No. If you perish, I-
Leave, woman.
“Is she...?” The Arbiter General looks towards the man with the glasses, his eyebrow raised slightly in speculation.
“She's... She had been at this state for more than a few minutes since earlier...” He frowned, gripping his cane, being reminded of fragments from his life that whispered evily to him.
“Who cares? Let's extinguish her presence already General!” Impatient, the young boy firmed his grasp around the hilt of his sword of ice, pointing the tip of the sharpness towards you, his sky filled eyes sending daggers to your direction with determination.
“Patience little lieutenant. One does not rush in unknown, trifling matters.” The General warns with a faint smile that doesn't reach to his eyes, and without a choice from the tone of command, the young boy's will wavers with a sigh, lowering his blade in defeat.
“P- Please, end me...”
Your words grasped the attention of the trio, while your tears began to flow, taking note of your willingness to submit in defeat.
“See?! Even—” The young boy gets cut off once more, earning a serious glare from the General that hushed him almost immediately.
“Please I-... I'm sorry for causing harm...” You continued to sob quietly, gritting your teeth while your head continued to throb mercilessly with ruthless, familiar pain.
I said leave now, and I'll cease the pain.
The Arbiter General takes a step forward, his left hand holding the body of his glaive, no words left needed to describe that despite his aloof hold around his weapon, he was more than ready for any attempt of violent assault.
Mirroring the gesture of his, you took a step back abiding the voice's word, your glistening, heterochromic eyes lock with the readied General, only fascinating him further from your saddened, alluring gaze. Noticing your hesitancy for closeness.
“...My lady, if you escape this very moment, I will make sure that every inch of the Xianzhou Luofu will be well guarded, awaiting your presence in every corner you find yourself in to hide away from our— from my grasp.”
A silence from him ensued for a few long moments, following a faint warning smile from earlier, his gaze unwavering towards you while you weeped, assuming you aren't able to grasp his own chords.
“I- I do not... wish to harm anyo—”
“You're right my lady, I won't allow it.” He came closer, moving towards you with delicacy in his footsteps.
“ ... ”
...Stubborn child.
“Don't go, my lady.”
“It- It hurts... My head... General I-”
“Our High Elder Vidyadhra apothecary will assist you.” The General says firmly with undertones of softness, taking another step forward, but you remained still, weeping in silence from the continuous throbbing and regeneration of the nerves that seethed you repeatedly.
He manipulates.
S- Stop the—hhnghk... Please...
His experienced words, eons worth of vocabulary, coming into fruition, laying the power of syllables onto you. Do not—
A befitting punishment for your unwilling soul.
“I- I didn't mean to... General I- Hnnhk—...” Your form staggers, suffering from the internal turmoil that resumed, collapsing in place—but before you hit the floor, the sensation of warmth arrived behind your lower back and waist.
You found your crystalized golden core, your bare, coated chest pressed up against a man with command, towering and holding your suddenly weakened state that matched a situation one again in prior events.
“Jing Yuan.” He said, lowering his own golden to you, his expression, hidden with enthrall from your weakened state.
You hear the voice click its tongue.
“I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so—”
“Hush my lady,” He said in his low, husk voice, holding your weakened body, his hand firming against the soft, coated and warming flesh of your waist, stirring a once familiar sensation that rooted in his stomach.
“General Jing Yuan—” The young boy averted his gaze with a slight flush in his cheeks. Jing Yuan had not heard him, lest deciding to tend to the injured Cloud Knights instead, grumbling under his breath.
The man with glasses came closer to the two of you, his gaze feigning ignorance on the display.
“Miss... What—” He gets cut off, both men alarmed from your sudden intense grip around his biceps, your golden, crystalized core beaming, pulsating rapidly along with your quickened breath.
A golden ray of light erupted from you surrounding you vertically in a circle, sending the light up towards the sky endlessly, alerting everyone who bore witness to the intense display.
So be it.
A powerful, echoing screech escaped your mouth, tilting your head up to the direction of the clouds that welcomed your gaze as rubbles of cement from the previous struggles of the battle began to levitate the surroundings.
”ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᚲ ᚷᚨᚺ ᛉᚨᚾ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛏᚨᛏ ᛒᚱᚨᚲ”
I claim your soul, little child of the Hunt.
You will be my host, my pure, imperfection of despair.
Only I shall intertwine with you, body, mind and soul eternally.
And this mortal, blessed with the lightning guardian spirit, shall be your first prey.
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The eruption commences.
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how ironic, this fic being my first successful hsr fic ended up being the reason why i got my ppl pleasing tendencies back pfft. anyways, reblogs help my audience reach, thank you!
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mercuriians · 9 months
hello!!! I saw that your requests were open, can I request some drabbles with Welt and Jing Yuan with an overly cautious s/o, discovering them wearing something of theirs as comfort? (ex. They catch reader out and about calmer then usual, and the after a bit realize reader is wearing an article of their clothing? (Maybe for Welt, one of his old scarves, wrapped around their neck, covering half of their face. For Jing Yuan an old long sleeve turtlekneck, that's so loose on reader that it looks like a dress)
Thank youu
breathe me in
content info — gn! reader, fluffy drabbles w/ the lovely mr. yang & jing yuan (separate!!), reader is mentioned to be a cloud knight in jing yuan's part, & a morsel of hurt/comfort if you squint.
word count — 0.9k words.
author's note — mm i liked writing this a lot! welt's been one of my favs since the start and i've grown fond of jing yuan too. i love them. thank you for being my first requester, anon!! <3
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seeing as your boyfriend is, hands down, one of the most observant people you've ever come across, it's only inevitable for him to notice one particular change in your appearance. he's barely entered the parlor car when he spots some sort of brown fabric comfortably stretched across the width of your neck. the realization dawns not even a second later—that's his scarf, one of the several that have grown weathered over the limitless journeys.
still, once welt sees the serene, relaxed expression on your face, and how the stiff vigilance in your eyes has melted—that alone brings out a tiny smile from him—he comes to the conclusion that you pay no attention to the scarf's loose threads and holes. or, that you do, but you don't care about them.
finally, your eyes meet his, your lips curving into a familiar little smile of your own. he walks over to where you're sitting before taking his place next to you. "hey, baby." you greet him tenderly.
"hi, dear," welt hums. with no one else—besides pom pom of course—in the parlor car at the moment, he reaches for your hand without any trace of hesitation. his fingers, calloused yet warm, envelop yours. "i see you've found one of my old scarves. i'd honestly almost forgotten that they were still in my drawer."
"yeah, you caught me.." vaguely, you start to look bashful, your gaze drifting elsewhere, your teeth nibbling softly on your lower lip.
however, he's quick to appease your diffidence. the man says his next words with the kind of adoration that can never be faked. "it looks far better on you than it could have ever been on me."
wide with surprise, your eyes find his. "you.. you mean that?" you whisper, but your heart is already swelling with joy.
welt leans down to place a careful, meaningful kiss on your forehead. "forever and always, my love."
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the present moment was likely the worst time for your clumsiness to show. just a second ago, your foot had slipped on the loose material of jing yuan's burgundy turtleneck. barely managing not to fall on your face, you stumble into your shared chambers. what really makes your cheeks burn in humiliation, however, is what happens next.
without a warning, the general of the xianzhou luofu bursts into laughter.
it's not his usual kind of laugh, either; instead of being brief, restrained, and courteous, it's prolonged, loud, and unbridled. one would almost think that he's cackling, if not for the respectable kind of individual that he happens to be.
"do my actions entertain you that much, general?" you grumble with your arms crossed, a forced, but mild anger lacing your tone.
once he hears your words, jing yuan ceases his hysterics. "why do you address me so formally, darling?" he asks, clearing his throat despite the remnants of mirth still lingering within his aureate eyes.
"maybe because you seemed unable to control your emotions a second ago," you retort. your answer doesn't even fully make sense, you're well aware, but by now the shame covers you from head to toe. you can't exactly find the effort needed to care.
still, the general maintains his appropriately perceptive nature. sensing your change in mood, he quickly and efficiently dispels all traces of amusement. he pats the vacant spot next to him. "come, sit with me."
you move to sit down next to him, your movements completely quiet except for your breathing. this time you make sure that you don't trip on your boyfriend's annoyingly long turtleneck. to jing yuan's surprise, you speak first. "i'm sure you've noticed what i'm wearing," you start, and he nods affirmatively. "i found it while i was cleaning your closet."
you look down, nervously pulling on the sleeve. "it reminded me of you, so i put it on. it.. it helps me feel normal, i guess, like i don't have to constantly put my guard up."
there's a stubborn beat of silence that ensues, and with your unease growing, you lift your head to meet jing yuan's eyes. however, your worries are futile; the look on his face tells you that he understands completely.
of course he does.
"i'm sorry for laughing earlier, my beloved." the man says earnestly. "i was just taken by surprise, especially since your steadfast caution is of another level. to put it into other words, i suppose.." jing yuan trails off, taking a moment to properly articulate his thoughts. "it makes me glad that even a strict, unwavering lieutenant of the cloud knights has their moments of humanity."
with the way your boyfriend gazes into your eyes, you're unable to do anything else but let your embarrassment slip away, subdued by what you know to be jing yuan's love. "and it makes me glad that even a general of the xianzhou has their moments of immaturity," you giggle softly. the man shakes his head, amused once again.
"i'll offer you a deal, darling. if i kiss you, perhaps, will you promise to forgive me?" jing yuan hums, his large hands already reaching out to trace the familiar hem of the turtleneck.
"i already have," you smile, but nonetheless you lean in, taking in his placating scent of cedarwood, fresh ink, and earthy leather. your eyes slide shut, lithe arms circling around your boyfriend's strong neck as your lips meet his. his fingers dip underneath your clothing, tenderly ghosting over your skin as he kisses you more deeply.
neither of you pull away for a long while.
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jellojelli · 1 year
Welt, Blade, Luocha, & Svarog: You’re Pregnant
*a/n: for all intents and purposes Svarog has the necessary accessories lmao*
Tags: fem!reader, pregnancy, slight angst, fluff
If you were to tell Welt that you were pregnant he would love for you to tell him in a silly or a way that makes him think about it for a minute. Something like putting buns in the oven or sitting next to two piles of ice while giving him a goofy look
When you told Welt you were pregnant expect to be literally lifted into the air as he looks at you with so much love it’s almost unbearable
He’s never been happier than to hear you say you were pregnant
It doesn’t matter if you two are only dating at this point or married or if this baby was planned or not, Welt is so happy. He loves you, he’s pretty sure you are going to be his last love no matter what so he’s happy to start a family with you
If you’re scared or unsure about going through with the pregnancy don’t feel conflicted on his account. He is going to love you through it all. No matter your decision he’s okay with it. And if you’re worried about being a parent Welt will gladly hold your hand and help you learn and become more confident in raising kids. He's also more than happy to essentially show you how he deals with March, Dan Heng, and the trailblazer
Welt is pretty rational, but I feel like this man has already bought and/or built everything a kid ages 0-4 could ever need and assembled a nursery on the express before you’re even done with your first trimester. Not to mention everyone is so ecstatic for you both that they’re also buying and decorating the entire express
Please don't expect to lift a finger during your entire pregnancy because if it's not Welt doing it for you its literally every other person, minus Dan Heng if it's something that you can clearly do on your own (he still offers his help because lets be honest he is a gentleman and if you’re with Welt he has mad respect for you)
Blade is a somewhat reasonable man, he's strong, and while sometimes he doesn't necessarily think everything out when he goes out to fight he can always find a way out. However, this news has left him literally shell shocked. It's gonna take you or another Stellaron hunter to snap him out of his thoughts
He is not going to sugarcoat the fact that he isn't exactly thrilled by this news, and if you tried to be cute with it he's not to happy you weren't just upfront and straightforward about something like this with him. But, Blade will not leave you or hate you for whatever you decided to do regarding the baby
He makes sure you know that he is less than ideal for a father, he's losing his mind, sometimes it's hard to control his violent tendencies, and he's not the most tactful person in the universe. He understands that these things make others view him as toxic, and he would never deny that, so he wants you to know that this child is likely going to go through hardships because of him
Blade didn't make the connection when you first told him about your pregnancy, but eventually he'll realize that his regeneration ability has a chance to pass onto the child and the scene of destruction you discovered after that was horrendous and also the most emotion you've seen on Blade's face. he looks haunted by the idea that his child will live like him and have to suffer an eternity without any out. It takes a lot of comfort and logistic talk with Blade, you, and the other Stellaron Hunter including Elio for him to feel even a shred of peace about this possibility
Surprisingly, Blade will set up an amazing nursery for you and the baby. You have no idea where he got the items, and its probably best not to ask, but the nursery is beautiful if not a bit bland
Blade will leave all color, toy, clothes, and baby care items to you. Not that he isn't trying to be involved with you and the kid, but he doesn't really know or care about those things, so he will leave them in your ever capable hands since you are bound to know leagues more than him. He will of course accompany you in shopping and offer whatever opinions he may have with some of your choices
Please expect Kafka and Silver Wolf to throw a baby shower for you. Not only that, Kafka is incredibly happy for you and Blade and helps you out anytime Blade isn't there. Silver Wolf also joins in with helping you, but it's less so since she's still young and to be honest doesn't know how to properly help you other than just handing you stuff and being there for you when your hormones are getting the better of you
Elio also gives you some cryptic, but somewhat kind words for you, Blade, and the baby's future together
Luocha probably knows before you do. He's not a licensed doctor or trained in pregnancy symptoms and care, but like? He's traveled for who knows how long and he's seen a thing or two out there, and he's 99% sure that you are pregnant before you ever sit him down to tell him about it. I mean the weeks of morning sickness were a huge sign, especially when his treatments failed to do anything for you
Don't take offense, but Luocha isn't either ecstatic about the baby or displeased about them. He is happy to start a family with you, but he also brings up that this is going to be tough for you, him, and the newest little member if you plan on coming with him around the universe. He can't exactly stop being a traveling merchant as how would either of you make ends meet if he quit his job and eventually you can't work for an extended amount of time, but he would never force you to travel around with him where you may be in some less than comfortable areas during your pregnancy
No matter how you plan to do this, Luocha is 100% on board with your plans. He loves you, you are his everything, and even if he has to travel back and forth or carry you, the baby, and his coffin he will do what he must to be with you
Luocha will likely set up a house for you regardless on if you plan to come with him or not. He wants a stable location for his family once the little guy is out
You can bet that he has the house furnished and everything built and in place in no time. I feel like he's got connections and knows people that know people to get the job done asap
He leaves some fun aspects for you to do though, picking out nursery designs, clothes, toys, decorations for the home, he will leave it all for you and do what he can to get you everything you need or desire for the baby and y’all's new home
And don’t worry, if you go into labor on the road you are with the most capable healer and will make sure you and the baby are safe and happy
Okay so, telling him you're pregnant is pretty much going to make Svarog do the equivalent of a blue screen. You’ve legit made this robot man crash and reboot
Svarog 100% knew that he could get you pregnant, you know this man has run 1000 and 1 different simulations and calculations to see if pregnancy was even possible for you two. And obviously the chance was a 0.0001% probability and he ignored that the possibility wasn't zero because those odds were supposed to be impossible, but here you were telling him you both beat the impossible and and beat the 99.9999% chance of this not happening
You would have to call in Clara to help Svarog and also tell her the amazing news. Clara is so excited by becoming a big sister that it kind of helps Svarog regain his composure and reboot his systems
He will want to discuss a lot about what is being created inside of you. This is a situation that he is not equipped to deal with and there is no simulation or calculation he can run that will tell him anything about what is going to happen now
However, Svarog is ever responsible and dependable and will never leave you uncared for during this time. Please rest assured that he will have you and Clara on baby proofing and baby planning duties until the baby comes, all while granting your every desire to assure your 100% happiness
Would never admit it, but he’s happy to have a second child, and he’s even happier that Clara is so hyper about the newest addition, if not a bit sad that she’s already maturing more and more in preparation for becoming a big sister
Expect some very confused and joyful congratulations from some of the prominent figures in Belobog. Bronya and Seele are the most confused, but offer their congratulations and Bronya even offers to accommodate you in the best hospital when you go into labor. Natasha is also happy for you and offers to be the one help with the delivery. Sampo…Sampo gives a lot of teasing comments that probably get a rocket fist sent his way and a pouting and scolding Clara on his heels
Taglist: @stygianoir
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arkhammaid · 1 year
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fandom. honkai star rail
pairing. blade, dan heng, gepard, jing yuan, sampo, welt x fem!reader
content warnings. nsfw, MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI, heavy focus on bodypart for each character, mentions of oral, vaginal and unprotected sex, not edited/proofread
word count. 0.5k
notes. have this until i'm done with my other stuff ;-;
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— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your eyes. [gepard]
he noticed them the moment he saw you. eyes wide in wonder, sparkling the moment you notice something of your interest— your eyes are truly the windows to your soul, leaving you bare before him. they shine with innocence and curiosity, something twisted in him wishes to corrupt. he wishes you would always look at him like this, eyes wide, with wonder, with love, with lust. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your hands. [welt]
he always seems to be staring at them, your hands so much smaller than his, fingers dainty and skin untouched by hard labor or any injuries. you take care of them, your fingernails are always manicured, clean and shortly cut— something he approves of. he loves to trace mindless shapes on the back of your hands, kiss your fingertips, but he especially loves it when you wrap your soft hands around his cock, making him pant and moan with simple strokes. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your mouth. [blade]
blade loves your mouth, running filthy with spitting insults and sassy remarks. he loves your mouth, those pouty lips when you don’t get what you want. he especially loves it when your mouth is full with his dick, lips stretched and shining with your spit. but what he loves the most are the sounds you make, gasps and moans when he fucks you stupid and choked whimpers when you try to take more than you actually can. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your titts. [jing yuan]
he’s your typical boobs man. eyes dark when his hands always search for your breasts, fingers tweaking your sensitive nipples. jing yuan is mean about it, whispering filthy things, while you try not to show a reaction to his needy hands. but you fail every time, he just knows you too well. knows what he has to do, so you end up shaking beneath him— so he can admire your beautiful titts. 
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your ass. [sampo]
he’s your typical ass man, absolutely obsessed with how the fat feels beneath his hand, no matter if he’s a bit rougher and slaps you, or simply lets his hands rest there. he praises you, running his mouth filthy, all while taking you from behind, eyes fixed on your ass— completely and utterly obsessed, and so proud that he can call you his (and of course your magnificent ass-)
— ˚₊‧⁺˖ your pussy. [dan heng]
there is something primal about dan heng the moment he sees your pussy bare. maybe it’s his instincts, screaming at him how he has to stuff you full, with his tongue, fingers, cock and cum. but maybe it’s just because your pussy is so pretty, glistening and glimmering under his attention, fluttering when you come with a choked moan. 
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taglist. @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @verxsyon , @auraxins , @lupicalbestwolf
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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aquatik · 9 months
name of the world , welt yang 𓆝
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synopsis: where you claim you can hold the world in your hands.
honkai star rail masterlist
characters -> welt yang x reader, dan heng, himeko, march 7th, and trailblazer appearances. (trailblazer can be interpreted as either.)
word count -> 400
content -> drabble; fluff, pre-established lovers — female reader
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“beloved mine, what are you doing?” welt asked, subconsciously leaning into your palms as you cupped his cheek.
“i’m holding the world between my hands!” you answered cheerfully.
now how did this start? you and welt were talking one late night when he couldn’t fall asleep. it started with small topics like how the crew was doing and contemplating what gift to get pom-pom. eventually, you asked him about his name and found out that welt meant: ‘the name of the world.’
he hummed, albeit confused, “i’m sorry, what do you mean?” he asked, looking up to meet your eyes.
before you could explain your wonderful pickup line, dan heng walked past you two as he read a book. without missing a beat, he started, “it’s a play on your name, mr. yang. as you know, welt roughly translates to the world, so she’s trying to say she’s holding the world, which would be you.” 
welt looked over at you, raising his eyebrow while holding back a smile, “is that so?”
before you could defend yourself from dan heng, he added, “quiet a lame pickup line if you ask me,” dan heng said as he tried to make his escape, quickly shutting his book.
you groaned, taking your hands off of welt’s cheeks as you stood up and blocked dan heng’s path. one of your hands rested on your hip as the other pointed accusingly at dan heng’s face. “kid, you’re ruining the point! have you ever tried flirting?!”
at this point, march and the trailblazer had come into the main parlor section of the express. march was snickering at the sight of you reprimanding dan heng as he kept making snarky remarks back to you, defending himself. she was laughing so much to the point the trailblazer had to stabilize march’s camera so it would get good footage. 
himeko soon came to investigate what was going on and slowly got the gist of it. she looked over at welt and nudged his shoulder with her elbow. “she’s a real keeper, isn’t she, welt?”
“absolutely.” he answered without skipping a beat. truthfully, he thought he was lucky that you even liked him, let alone loved him. when he boarded the astral express, he swore to himself he’d make amends with what happened in his past and do what he could to prevent any catastrophes to other planets in the universe. a path he thought would be dark and alone soon became much lighter with you by his side—and the express crew, of course.
he wondered if you’d find a way to put a play on joachim nokianvirtanen…he’d have to find out one day.
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note -> i thought of this while walking my dog and wrote it up really quick LMFLSLS also name at the end is welt’s real name if you didn’t know :)
@lovely-josuke @yyuangss
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