#what do you call it when fish eat straw??
alia-atreideez · 1 year
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My friend scared me while I was taking pictures of a sturgeon
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togenabi · 11 months
pick me up
roronoa zoro (opla) x reader
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♡—zoro never paid your jokes or pickup lines any mind. that is, until something happens that makes you stop.
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word count♡— 3.2k
genre♡— mild angst, fluff, straw hat!reader
content notes♡— opla zoro, fem!reader, reader wears a dress and tells very bad jokes, creepy dude oc, don't be creepy be cool yall, reader pulls off a heist with nami, zoro gets jealous, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, barely proofread
also on♡— ao3
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author's note♡— this is a request from anon! I'm sorry if I tweaked a few things, I'm not the best at angst hhhh I hope you still like it!
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“Okay, okay. Wait. I got it this time.” You say, already trying to keep from laughing. 
“Why were the kids having trouble in pirate class?”
Zoro only side-eyes you with his arms crossed, vehemently unimpressed. 
“Because they were overbored!” 
Watching for his reaction intently, you keep your eyes focused on his face... Nothing changes. 
You tsk, but aren’t seriously discouraged. This is how he always reacts to your jokes, after all. “I’ll get you one of these days, Roronoa Zoro.”
The swordsman only sighs, leaning back into his seat to take a nap. “You do that.”
“Don’t listen to him, love.” Sanji says from the other side of the kitchen as he cleans the counter. “I thought that joke was good.”
“You’re lying, but I appreciate the sentiment, Sanji.” You grin at him. Focusing back on the book you were reading, you miss the amused, challenging look Sanji sends Zoro.
Everyone hears Luffy approaching the kitchen before he enters. “Guys!” He bellows. “We’ll be reaching land soon. Be ready to leave in fifteen minutes!”
The majority of the day is spent restocking supplies. You were all split up into pairs, but before you left, Luffy pointed to a restaurant with a flashy, illuminated sign on top that reads: ‘Bistro of Light’. How cringey of them.
“We should meet there for dinner! You don’t mind taking a break, right, Sanji?” Luffy asks eagerly, and you think that no one could say no to him when he’s so enthusiastic. Sanji nods, and you all go through the town until the sun starts to set.
The inside of the restaurant is just as ridiculous as the sign outside. Chandeliers of every color hang on the ceiling. Huge fish tanks and fountains lined with lights almost blind you. You laugh when looking at it all causes Zoro to wince. 
“Hey Zoro,” You call for him. “You know what’s faster than the speed of light?”
“My heartbeat when I think of you!” You wink at him, proud of the joke even when he only sighs and looks away.
Usopp walks up to a receptionist standing behind a desk. “Hey. Table for six, if you would be so kind.”
“I’m afraid we’re at full capacity at the moment.” They respond. “You’ll have to wait, is that alright?”
Everyone shares a look. Except for Luffy, who looks dead set on eating here, you all feel unsure about waiting.
“When’s the next table going to be available?” Usopp asks. “We’re actually a really big deal. It’s gonna be really embarrassing for you guys if you don’t let us in.” The person frowns, face screaming, ‘is this guy serious’?
But before they can reply, a booming voice enters the restaurant. A tall man, dressed in a pristine white suit and wearing jewels on every finger, pushes you out of the way to yell at the receptionist. You stumble, but thankfully Zoro is there to catch you.
“What on earth is going on here?! Why are there so many people crowding the entryway?!” He fumes, angrily gesturing to your group. 
“If they’re not going to eat, then I strongly suggest—” The rich man freezes suddenly, his eyes trained on you.
You keep your face as emotionless as possible, but you die laughing inside when Nami swipes a brooch from his jacket while he’s distracted with you.
“Ah,” The man says. His tone softening a considerable amount as he walks over to you. “I thought I had the best jewels in my treasury, but you're the most radiant gem I've ever laid my eyes on.” It takes everything in you to not back away. Zoro tenses beside you.
“Why haven’t these guests been guided to a table?” He asks, turning back to the receptionist.
“We’re at full capacity, Sir.” Oh. He must own the place. It makes sense that the owner is as gaudy as everything else in here.
“That won’t do.” He looks back to you, and you swear you could feel your skin crawl under his gaze. 
“I am Helios. Welcome to my establishment.” The man introduces himself with a flourish, bowing to you. His jewels and gold accessories glint in the light. “What might your name be?”
Reluctantly, you introduce yourself. Had this been a normal situation, you would have turned around and walked away from him the second he saw you. But, you could feel the crew going hungry, and you’re sure Nami will want to snag another ring or two—so you play nice.
Helios smiles, repeating your name. He was probably trying to sound romantic, but he’s not doing anything for you. Not when Zoro says your name much better.
You keep Zoro’s voice in mind, remembering how nice it sounds. It’s easier to smile at Helios that way. Time to lay on the charm, “I was really looking forward to having dinner here. I don’t suppose you could help us out?”
“Follow me, my dear. You deserve to dine upstairs. The view is simply spectacular at this hour.” Helios holds out his hand to you, but Luffy—bless his soul—grabs it to shake it zealously.
“Thanks so much for letting us eat here, Mr. Helios!” Luffy claps him on the back. Helios looks dumbfounded, and the crew does an impressive job keeping their composure. 
Helios tries to walk beside you as he guides you all upstairs, but Zoro is steadfast on your right, and Nami smartly positions herself on your left. Luffy and Usopp tug the restaurant owner along, chatting his ear off. You almost feel bad for him. 
Nami murmurs, her voice carefully silent so only you can hear. “Treasury, huh?”
You smile. “Of course you’d be curious about that.”
“Think you could get us to his mansion?” She dares you, eyes aglow at the promise of a good heist.
“I know I can.” You pause walking to check your reflection on an ornate, sun-shaped mirror. After fixing your hair, you grin at your friends. “I’m irresistible, after all.”
Maybe if you weren’t busy buttering up your host, you would have noticed that Zoro wasn’t eating properly. Normally, you would force him to eat. You would pile food on his plate, telling that joke about fake noodles being impasta that always cracks you up.
Zoro frowns at the meal in front of him. The fish seems to frown back. Sighing, he decides to just order another drink. But no matter what he consumes, a bitter taste always blooms in his mouth afterwards. 
The glass in his hand almost cracks when he hears your voice sucking up to Helios again. “So, you own this place? Do you live around here?”
Helios leans far too close towards you, but you grin and bear it. “Would you like a private tour, my gem?”
You place a hand on his arm, he may read it as affection, but you hold him so he keeps that distance. “That sounds wonderful.”
Zoro huffs under his breath. He needs another drink. 
Thankfully, Helios serves good booze at his manor. Zoro almost didn’t want to drink any of it, but he needs alcohol in his system if he has to watch you flirt with this idiot so Nami can rob him blind. Whatever she steals better be worth all this, or else he might punch something. Or someone. Preferably Helios.
You share a look with Nami and give her an imperceptible nod. With that signal, she passes by and pretends to lose her footing. Wine seeps into your clothes, staining the fabric and sticking it to your skin. Did she really have to pick red wine? You liked this shirt.
“Oh, my dear!” Helios gasps. “You should get cleaned up. I’ll have my servants draw you a bath and bring you fresh clothes.”
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve watched where I was going.” Nami loops her arm through yours. “Let me help you with that.” 
And so, with another fake smile sent Helios’ way, you rush with Nami to find the treasury.
“Be quick.” Nami says once you enter the luxurious bathroom prepared for you. 
As tempting as the bubble bath is, you only take a few wet towels to tidy up. You step into the curtained area, about to strip when Nami holds out a hand to stop you.
“Wait.” She says, her tone serious. A teddy bear holding a rose is propped up on a shelf behind you. Tapping its eyes, Nami scowls before throwing the bear into the trash bin.
“A camera?” She nods. “Seriously? What a creep.”
You and Nami inspect the room. It’s not clear if there are other hidden cameras, but she stands guard in front of the shower curtains just in case.
“Hey,” She starts. “Did you notice Zoro acting weird tonight?”
You frown as you change into the dress Helios prepared. “What do you mean?”
Nami hums in thought. “He’s just…” A dumbass, she wants to say, but doesn’t. “He seems extra grumpy.”
That causes you to laugh. “I guess I should prepare more jokes for him when we get back.”
She winces. “...I’m not that sure he likes those.”
“Hm… Maybe not, but,” You pause to think. He may not laugh loudly as Luffy does, but he never shot you down for being bubbly around him. “Zoro would have told me to shut up by now if he didn’t, right?”
“Huh.” Nami says. “You got a point.”
You push the curtains aside, grinning at her. “Come on, let’s break into that treasury.”
“Of course, my gem.”
“Oh my god, if that sticks I’m going to be so mad.”
The treasury was a vault full of everything from jewels to ornamental weapons. Nami playfully crowned you with a diamond tiara, and she put on dangling emerald earrings that looked stunning on her.
After filling your bags and pockets with the most you can carry, you and Nami head out to find the others. You run into Usopp on the way back to the lounge.
“I see you two cleaned up well.” He jokes. “Luffy and Sanji are in the kitchen. I was just on my way there.”
“Where’s Zoro?” You ask.
“With Helios. You know him, still drinking.”
“We should leave soon.” Nami insists. “We risk getting caught the longer we stay.”
“Right.” You hand Usopp your bag, his eyes widen comically when he feels how heavy it is. “I’ll just go say goodbye, I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
Before you even enter the lounge, however, you hear Zoro speak your name. Are they talking about you? You press your back against the wall, straining to hear their conversation.
You almost wish you didn’t.
“She tells the worst jokes and doesn’t know when to quit it. Thinks she’s hilarious but she’s really not.” Zoro speaks in that deep voice that would usually be comforting to you—but his words now pierce through you painfully.
“What exactly is your relationship with her?” Helios asks, and Zoro is silent. It feels like your heart crumbles for every second he doesn’t answer.
You’re friends! You’ve been dreaming of more but, you’ve always been friends.
…Aren’t you? Doesn’t he think so?
“I don’t know.” Your heart fully shatters. What does he mean he doesn’t know? “She just sticks to me a lot. It can get annoying.”
“Well. That’s unfortunate, but it’s nothing to sob over.” Helios kisses his teeth. “I don’t care about her attitude. All that doesn’t matter as long as she has that pretty face.”
You wait for Zoro to say something. Anything. You want him to cut Helios where he stands.
But he doesn’t. The silence drags on. The air feels like it’s pushing you down, crushing your lungs. You have to get out of here.
You burst into the kitchen, trying your best not to cry. Nami immediately rushes to you, holding your shoulders to steady you. “What happened?”
Letting out a shuddered breath, you whisper, “You were right.” It’s impossible to think straight right now. “I want to leave.”
You look to Luffy, still shaken up. Your captain’s expression is serious as he nods. “Go ahead, we’ll get Zoro and catch up.” Not needing to be told twice, you head out the door.
Before she follows you, Nami hisses at Sanji, “Talk some sense into that dumbass, won’t you?”
The entire walk back to the Going Merry is silent. You’re grateful Nami doesn’t immediately press you for what happened, but you know that you should answer her questions. You finally get the words out in the safety of her cabin.
You sit cross-legged on the bed, and everything comes pouring out. “He called me annoying.” 
“Zoro?” She asked, offering you a box of tissues.
“Yeah.” You sniff, taking the box.
“I’m sorry. That was fucked up of him to say.”
Unsure how to properly comfort you, Nami gets up and retrieves extra pillows from a storage compartment.
“Why don’t we have a girl’s night?” Nami asks, offering you a smile. It pulls a smile out of you too, the first one you mustered since Zoro crushed your spirit. 
“I’d like that.” 
Zoro is confused to find that you and Nami had left before them. Luffy gave Helios some lame excuse that you weren’t feeling well, but Zoro knew better. If you were really sick, the whole crew would be panicking and rushing to get to you.
He stares at Sanji and Usopp, trying to piece together what really happened. They both turn away from him, refusing to say anything.
In the next second, a maid rushes out, panting and screaming, “Mr. Helios! The treasury has been robbed!”
Fine. Answers can come later. For now, they need to run.
Once they’re back on the ship, Sanji follows Zoro into his cabin. He stares at the chef blankly, “Get out.”
“Did you do something?” Sanji leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Get out.” Zoro repeats, about to push him out of the room when Sanji speaks your name.
“She was upset. Asked to leave as soon as possible.” Sanji’s gaze is almost menacing, and his frown deepens when Zoro’s face falls. So, that’s what happened. You had heard him.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Everyone noticed you getting bitchy over Helios.” Sanji notes “Did you confront him or something?”
Scoffing, Zoro sits on his hammock, the fabric dips under his weight. “It was something, all right.”
Wanting Zoro to explain himself unpromptedly, Sanji just watches him and lets the silence hang in the air. After a solid, suffocating minute, the swordsman caves.
“I called her annoying.” Zoro breathes out deeply. “I said her jokes aren’t funny and that she sticks to me a lot.”
“Man, that’s screwed up.” Sanji gapes. “I thought you cared about her?”
“Of course I do, but I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” Zoro defends. “Luffy’s the only one who laughs at her jokes, and she’s always by my side.” 
Sighing, Zoro continues, “...but I never minded any of it. I learned to care for those parts of her a long time ago. I was only trying to get that shithead off her back.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sanji concludes. “You have the emotional depth of a sink, sometimes.”
Zoro, surprisingly, doesn’t insult the chef back. He stares at the wall, slouched and looking the most empty Sanji’s ever seen him.
“What should I do?” He asks. “How should I make it up to her?”
Sanji’s eyes light up, he beams and claps his hands together in excitement. Even if Zoro hasn’t heard it yet, he already dreads the chef’s suggestion. 
“I have an idea.”
When you woke up the next morning, you had every intention of avoiding Zoro like the plague. It was still really difficult to look at him, the hurt you felt still stings your heart. 
But unfortunately for you, he had other plans. 
You’re gazing out into the sea on the forecastle deck when you hear a familiar set of heavy footsteps. You sigh. “I don’t want to talk, Zoro.”
“I’m not here to talk.” You turn to him questioningly, but you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. Wasn’t he the one who complained about you clinging to him?
You don’t say anything. Only glaring at him and hoping he sees how disappointed you feel. Zoro stands here, appearing strangely vulnerable. If you weren’t so hurt, you would have hugged him by now. 
But you are. So he has to wallow in the awkwardness of the consequences of his words. He—wait. What’s that on his face?
“I…” Is he… blushing? “I’m sorry I wasn’t around in the past.” 
You make a face and blink at him. What is he up to?
“...Can I be part of your future?”
That knocks the wind right out of you, your jaw practically falls to the floor. Did Roronoa Zoro just use a pickup line? On you? You can’t help but glance at your surroundings to check if the sky is still blue.
No—hold on. He can’t win you over just like that. He needs to explain why he said what he did. 
“You said my jokes are the worst.” You grumble.
“They are.” Zoro looks straight into your eyes as he speaks. “But you’re one of the best things to ever happen to me.”
“You said I always stick to your side.”
He doesn’t miss a beat and answers earnestly, “You do. And I wouldn’t want you to be anywhere else.”
“…You said you didn’t know what our relationship is.”
That causes Zoro to pause, searching your eyes as if he’ll find the answer in them. “…I don’t.”
Oh, this impossible sword-brain of a man. Your lips quiver, and you realize you can’t fight back your smile anymore. “I love you, Zoro.”
His expression shifts from anxiousness to shock, relief, and a bit of something else... 
“I love you, too.” Ah, of course. Love, that too.
Slowly, tentatively, he raises his arms, inviting you to an embrace. He’s adorable, looking a teensy bit nervous that you wouldn’t want to hold him. Giggling, you rush to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he envelops your shoulders. 
“I bet Sanji taught you to apologize with that line.” You murmur into his chest. “If you tell me another one…” Zoro cringes, his frame tensing. 
“...I’ll give you a kiss.” His expression lifts, seriously considering it.
After a minute, Zoro clears his throat. You almost squeal in excitement.
“Roses are red, violets are blue…” A classic. This is going to be good.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward, I just want to have dinner with you.” You gasp, squeezing him tighter. 
“Yes! That was perfect.” Laughing, you reach up and hold his face to keep your promise. 
You plant a sweet, short kiss on his lips. When you pull away, he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone for you. He probably would, if you’re being honest.
“You’re perfect.” He breathes, mouth against yours and then he’s kissing you again.
Hiding behind a pile of crates, the rest of the crew whoop and cheer. (Silently.)
“That was such a good line!” Luffy whispers.
“I still think he should have used the ‘I don’t speak angel’ one.” Usopp whispers back.
“What are you talking about?!” Sanji angrily, quietly mutters. “That was perfect because he apologized and delivered the line.”
“Shut it, you guys. I was right, he didn’t last a day with her mad at him.” Nami holds out her palm. “Pay up.” The others groan, handing her some berry. All’s well that ends well.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
taglist: @songsofadelaide-archive @amitydoodlez @sweetexistentialism @msmisasoup @writingmysanity @hotchocolattee @dimplewonie @hearts4zoro @kenkenmaaa @appalost @hi3431 @akakaze @lownna
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 3 months
Luffy x mermaid reader please
I'm so happy to see this I've set the story as the Fishman Island arc, for an equally obvious reason. In advance, I hope you enjoy the story ( ꈍᴗꈍ). And, I don't know who made this amazing fanart one, but if you do, please let me know immediately so that I can give due credit.
"Like Ocean"
Luffy x Fem!Reader
Warning: nothing, just fluffy.
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You were living another monotonous day on Fish Man Island, trying to find any crumb or spark of adventure to give you a good laugh and a bit of adrenaline. Pappag and Camie tried to cheer you up with the idea of shopping and eating Hachi's takoyakis, but you had done the same thing three days ago.
It wasn't a certainty, it was a pure fact that nothing interesting was happening on this island for you. Until you, exhausted by boredom, went to Camie's house to see if she had any news. And that was a great idea, a really great idea.
As soon as you entered her house after a couple of knocks, you saw that there were three people and a strange being, apparently new to the area. On closer inspection, there was a blond man with elegant hair, who, as soon as he saw you, came running towards you, blood gushing from his nose. Speaking of noses, there was a big-nosed man next to a boy in a straw hat. But none of them interested you. What really caught your attention was the tiny creature that you had no idea what animal it was.
-Is that even an animal? - you asked yourself, your thoughts speaking aloud as you deliberately poked at the creature's antlers.
-I'm a reindeer! - the reindeer exclaimed, backing away from you angrily, covering its antlers with its fluffy paws.
-Y/N, I want you to meet my friends. This is Sanji," Camie approached you, pointing at the blond with the heart eyes.
-Oh, miss, I've never seen beauty as fascinating as yours. When can we get married? - the blond in question asked, kneeling down in front of you and holding out his hand to you.
Camie just laughed, ignoring the whole show, while you followed his finger-pointing.
-That's Chopper over there, isn't he cute? - you went over to the so-called Chopper, pulling his cheeks and feeling his soft fur.
-So cute… - you blushed, pulling Chopper into a hug, to which he responded not very pleasantly.
-That's Ussop, he's got great adventure stories. - the word "adventure" rang an alarm bell in your head, making you turn your head so quickly that anyone watching would be afraid you'd break your neck.
-Ho ho, people keep coming after the great Captain Ussop to hear his fantastic stories. - Ussop struck a superhero pose, as if he were looking towards the horizon.
-Captain Ussop, can you tell me about your adventures? - you asked, hoping to get a positive response from the big nose.
-Oh, but of course, I'll always be available to tell you all sorts of stories about my adventures! - he thickened his voice, nodding outrageously to say the least.
You were delighted, excitement electrifying every part of your body.
-Finally, this is Luffy, the captain of the gang. - Camie concluded, pointing to the boy who was looking at you, grinning from ear to ear.
On closer inspection, you found the brunette attractive, not to mention handsome, right off the bat.
-And I'm going to be king of the pirates! - Luffy concluded, his smile widening, his eyes closed tightly, making him cuter by the second. "So they're pirates," you concluded, thinking. Incredibly, that line moved you, burned you up inside, but you didn't know why or how. It was the first time you'd felt your heart beat so fast in so long. Oh, and that wasn't adrenaline. It wasn't the fear of being caught. It wasn't any of those things. It was something different, quite different from the usual. And from that moment on you silently decreed that you would find out what that strange feeling was, your eyes focused only on Luffy, who never tired of smiling at you.
-Nice to meet you - you smiled, Chopper kicking you in the face begging you to let go while sparks flew from his eyes from staring at Luffy.
-Hihihihi - Luffy just found the situation amusing, always smiling as long as he could.
-What about walking around? There's a lot of cool stuff you need to see! - Camie decreed, already tugging at her colleagues' hands, you going along out of sheer instinct for fun.
You all visited Pappag's clothing store, and you even met other members of Luffy's gang, who were just as kind. As you looked around, Luffy made a point of always catching your eye in any way, with anything. From some stuffed animal that, according to him, looked like you, to how the food was prepared, and even though you knew all this, you lent yourself to learning it all over again, just for Luffy.
-Look, it suits you. - Luffy came up behind you, putting on a straw hat with a purple scarf adorning the hat. - Now we're matching - he said, standing behind you and putting his hands on your shoulders, smiling as you looked at yourselves in the mirror in front of you. - Isn't it?
You agreed slowly, fascinated by Luffy's pure beauty. And it didn't stop there. Everywhere you went, Luffy always kept those warm hands on your shoulders, clinging to you like a tick. Did he… Liked you? Or was it just a figment of your mind?
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After a whirlwind of confusion that you unfortunately didn't take part in because you were "investigating" the sudden disappearance of your mermaid friends, you were directed by your pet seahorse to where Camie and the others were.
Your eyes popped out of their sockets at the sight of a giant mermaid, or rather, the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom, Shirahoshi.
She and Luffy were laughing together, like old friends seeing each other after so long. That unsettled you, and strangely your heart squeezed. What could it be? Were you ill? Something you ate or drank for breakfast?
-Oi, Y/N, over here! - Luffy's voice caught your attention, making your heart pound. It made you recall a vague memory of something Pappag told you.
"If your heart races when you interact with someone, it's because you like them."
Of course, you were inexperienced in this field, you'd never even considered dating. But you didn't give up easily. Oh no, you'd figure it out on your own.
Swimming over to Luffy quickly, you sat there, next to him. He was in a bubble to make sure he didn't drown, and quickly slung his arms over your shoulders, resting right there. He introduced you to the princess, to whom she was delighted to meet you, and you felt the same.
Looking around, you saw that you were in the sea forest, and it soon became clear that both Luffy's boat was there, and also the princess wanted to see her dead mother, to make up for the time she hadn't been able to see her.
Meanwhile, Luffy was already snoring on her lap. It was adorable to see him so vulnerable around you. Until his pet seahorse started to catch his eye, heading towards the pile of coral.
-What is it, Koryu? - you asked him, watching him point frantically at the pile of coral.
Koryu gave up and started pulling you towards it, waking Luffy up in the process. Koryu only let go of your arm when you could see a dolphin calf with its tail all bruised to the point where it could no longer swim. Perhaps the dolphin had run into predators and narrowly escaped.
You carefully picked up the dolphin and put it on your lap, and thought of a way to take care of it. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even see Luffy coming.
-Huh, a dolphin? - he asked, right next to your ear. You turned abruptly, so that your faces were right next to each other. Your lips were millimeters away from meeting, and your breaths danced together. Let's pretend there isn't a bubble separating you. You turned your attention to the dolphin, your heart almost bursting out of your mouth and your face turning into a blushing mess.
-A-ah, yes it's a…dolphin. He's hurt, so he needs to be looked after.
There was a moment of silent tension between you, and you wouldn't dare look at Luffy's face now, you felt like you could die from an attack if you did.
-If you keep avoiding looking at me like that, you'll never know if you really like me. - Luffy said, catching your eye. You widened your eyes, and turned to him, shocked.
-How did you know? - you asked, your stomach churning with that familiar feeling.
-Well, it's easy to tell when you keep saying your thoughts out loud. - he shrugged, smiling.
You closed your mouth, cursing internally. That was your weakest point, speaking your thoughts out loud without even realizing it. You must have done it at some point when the two of you were together and he must have heard it. Lucky you.
-Well, I like you. - Luffy said without blinking, giving you a quick kiss right after he declared himself.
It caught you off guard, and he just smiled, leaving the pile of coral and going back to where the others were. After your brain short-circuited for a few seconds, you smiled, bringing your fingers to your lips, where seconds ago they were being kissed by the first boy you ever liked.
Feeling his lips was the thing that gave you the most adrenaline in your entire life. And yes, it was addictive. And yes, you wanted more.
The truth is, Luffy, from the first moment he met you, he liked you. No, that's incorrect. He fell in love with you from the very first moment. Of course, he didn't know the first thing about love, God, hours ago he just wanted to be king of the pirates. Now he has another goal, and that goal is to love you until the day he die.
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(At some point I was even going to describe the color of the tail, but I left it to your imagination)
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semisgroupie · 8 months
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toxic ex!semi eita x fem. reader
wc: 4.7 (I don’t know what got into me)
warnings: yandere, stalking, VERY toxic behavior, unprotected sex, creampie, dubcon, manipulation, biting, noncon recording, noncon filming, possessiveness, multiple orgasms (f!receiving), drugging, aphrodisiac use, fingering (f!receiving), semi is very delusional (but so hot), snowballing, cum eating
synopsis: you just need to get it through your head, you’ll never get rid of him
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Dating Semi might have been the biggest mistake of your life. You can only say that now because when you first got together, everything seemed perfect.
It really was the perfect relationship by your definition. He paid attention to every single thing you liked, remembered important dates that you told him, showered you with more than enough love and affection. Maybe all of that was what made you blind to what his true nature was. Maybe you were mystified by the idea of dating a famous rock star. He took you to his private studio sessions and let you in on the secret process of making his music. Even dedicated and wrote a few lines in a song that were for you. That was what really reeled you in.
But like a fish caught on a hook, you were roughly yanked to the surface. Forced to face the reality of the situation you were in.
After six months of dating it was like a flip was switched. The sweet and kind man you knew was no longer there. Everything felt cold whenever he was around, like he was a walking snowstorm blowing in your direction. Whenever you planned out dates with him, he somehow always ‘forgot’ or something always came up last minute that pulled him away. His kisses weren’t a frequent occurrence and the pet names he gave you were never used. Whenever you spoke about your day or just wanted to make small conversation, he just brushed it off and seemed completely uninterested in whatever you wanted to talk about. It hurt you but somehow you found the strength to continue to push through it.
You finally reached your last straw on your one year anniversary. You had called the restaurant two months in advance to make a reservation and Semi was aware of your plan. He even gave you the name of the restaurant and was even in the same room as you when you made the call. When the night finally came, you waited in the restaurant alone for an hour and a half. Every call you made to him went straight to voicemail, every text was left unread and you were frustrated and completely embarrassed. After a few more minutes passed, you went back to the apartment you shared with him, then about thirty minutes later, he came home and reeked of alcohol. Seeing him in that state made you extremely furious.
“Baby,” he slurred as he wobbled towards you, “what’s the matter? Why do you look so upset?” He opened his arms to pull you in and you pushed him away, the anger and frustration from everything that has happened in the last few months boiled to the surface. “What do you think? I bet you don’t even know what day it is.” You were met with a confused look on his face. “It’s our fucking anniversary. I was at the restaurant alone for almost two hours, do you know how humiliating that was? And now you’re here, completely drunk. I’m done, I’m done with this, I’m done with the coldness from you, if I’m going to be alone in this relationship then I might as well be single. It’s over.”
Your words quickly sobered him up and as you moved away from him he reached over to grab your wrist. “You can’t leave, I love you, we love each other. Just give me another chance and I’ll make it up to you.” You pulled your hand from his grip and shook your head, “I gave you chance after chance and all you did was fuck up again and again. I can’t keep doing this. I’m going to pack a bag and then later on in the week I’ll pick up the rest of my things. Maybe you can be useful for once and move whatever I leave behind in some bags or boxes.”
He followed you to your shared bedroom and watched you pack your things in shock. He definitely wouldn’t win the award for boyfriend of the year but he didn’t treat you that badly, or so he thought. He tried to convince you to not leave, making more empty promises to try to make you stay but you didn’t bother to listen to any of it. As you shoved whatever else could fit in the duffel bag, he made his way over to you and placed his hand over one of yours. “You’ll change your mind about this. You’ll realize that no one could treat you and love you the way I do. You’ll see it for yourself soon enough.” You looked into his eyes as he spoke and you saw something dark swirling in them. You pulled your hand away from him and adjusted the bag over your shoulder. “Have a good life, Eita.”
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It had been three months since you ended things with Semi. The first month was difficult to get through but after a lot of tears and snacks, you were able to push through everything. You blocked his number and blocked him on all social media you had him on and he became a thought of the past. There were still moments where you thought about him and the good moments but you didn’t dwell on those thoughts for too long. It would just sink you back into the abyss you worked so hard to climb out of.
Other things in your life got better. You got a promotion and a raise at work, it gave you more responsibilities but you were thankful that it was able to keep your mind busy. You were able to go out and have some more girls nights with your friends. But most importantly, you started to gain more confidence in yourself and after a lot of convincing from your closest friend, you started to put yourself out there. You recently made a dating profile and spent the first night scrolling through and swiping through the profiles.
You got a lot of creeps and weirdos but then you met someone interesting. After a few days of talking to him, you decided to set up a date for some drinks and dinner. You were looking forward to it but you were also extremely nervous. It was the first date you’ve been on since ending things with Semi.
Only if you knew that he’d make a surprise appearance.
You planned to meet at a local restaurant and you slipped on a dress that hugged your curves and put on some heels. You walked through the front door and made your way over to the hostess. “Hello, I have a reservation for two under the name ‘Tobio Kageyama’.” She looked through the names and nodded, “I’ll lead you to your table now, I have to say, he is very handsome.” You smoothed out your dress and followed behind her, looking around as your heels clicked and clacked along the floor. Your nerves started shooting through the roof as you got closer to the table and saw a mess of ashy blonde hair.
From all the pictures you saw, Tobio had jet black hair. But as you got closer you recognized who it was. You approached the table and the mystery man stood, “you look absolutely beautiful, come sit.” You were in complete shock to see Semi there in Tobio’s place. How the hell could he have known that you were going to be here with another man? He placed a gentle hand on your wrist and helped move you along to the empty seat and helped you sit down. Your mind was racing as he sat back down and the hostess left. “I already ordered some drinks, I got your favorite.”
You grabbed the glass of water that was already placed there and downed its contents. You couldn’t believe he was here. You didn’t even tell any of your friends about this date, it was just between you and Tobio. “You look nervous, my love. What’s wrong? Aren’t you surprised to see me? I would’ve expected at least a smile or something different than just a look of fear.” You shook your head and set the glass down, “how did you find out about my date tonight, Eita? What happened to Tobio?”
Your questions just received laughter in response. You started to grow more irritated by the second. “Eita. Answer my questions.” He combed his fingers through his hair and leaned back against his chair. “I’ve been keeping an eye on you since you walked out on me, my love. I just had to take some extra measures to make sure you’d be safe and I mean come on, who else would do something like this for you? Do you know how much money I had to pay someone to give me access to your phone and all your social media profiles? And do you know how nervous I was when I saw you made a dating profile? You can’t just go out and meet strangers you’ve spoken to online, what if you met some creep?”
You were taken aback by his words and scoffed, “the only creep I’ve seen lately is you. I didn’t walk out on you, I broke up with you. You’re insane.” You put your hands on the table to stand and he quickly moved one hand over the table to grip one of your wrists, you looked at him and saw the darkness swirling in his eyes. “What you’re going to do is sit back down and listen to what I have to say. We don’t want to make a scene in this quiet little restaurant now, right?” You chewed on your bottom lip and sat back down, pulling your wrist from his grip once you were seated. “Then speak.”
He chuckled at your harsh tone and looked over as the waiter brought over your drinks then waved them off. “What’s with the harsh tone? I would understand if I cheated on you, all I did was miss one little anniversary dinner and you want to throw everything away.” He spoke so lightly as if you were the one that was overreacting. You took a sip of your drink and narrowed your eyes at him. “It was more than just the anniversary. We didn’t go on any dates anymore, we didn’t spend time with each other, I couldn’t even talk to you about my day.” He sighed and shook his head, “enough of living in the past. Those were all mistakes I made, what do you want? Want me to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness? I can do that if you’d like.”
You scoffed and shook your head, you couldn’t believe him. How could he become so inconsiderate of your feelings? You stood up again and moved your hand away when he tried to reach for it, “I’m going to the restroom, maybe that’ll give you some time to become less of an ass.” He leaned back against his seat and watched as you turned the corner to where the restrooms were located. He didn’t expect you to be like that, he genuinely thought you would be happy or at least show a different emotion on your face. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little baggy, inside were two small pills and he reached in to take one of them out. “I hate that I have to do this to you but at desperate times.” He mumbled to himself and dropped the pill in your drink, he watched it fizz for a few seconds before it settled. Thankfully for him, it settled just in time because you were walking back.
Once you sat down he combed his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry, we got off on the wrong foot,” your expression told him all he needed to know and he continued, “I’m really sorry for how I treated you when we were together. You were the best thing that I had and I fucked it up. I tried to reach out to you for a second chance but you blocked me and that messed with my head. I just want to take this time to try to repair things, what do you say?” He looked into your eyes as you grabbed your drink and brought it to your lips to take a few sips. You set the glass down and shrugged, “fine. I don’t even know why I’m agreeing to this but I’ll give you this one chance. But get this through your head now, this isn’t a date and this doesn’t make me forget about what you put me through. Got it?” He smiled and took a sip of his drink, “yes ma’am.”
Everything was going according to his plan.
As time passed you continued to sip at your drink but the more alcohol that filled your system, the weirder you felt. You couldn’t put your finger on it but it felt like you were put in a heater. But you continued to try to push past it, trying to ignore it as you and Semi spoke. As time passed, the feeling in your body continued to intensify, it came to the point that you could no longer ignore it. To add onto the burning there was also an ache between your thighs that was screaming to be relieved. You shifted in your seat uncomfortably and Semi raised an eyebrow, “is everything okay? You don’t look so well.”
You shook your head and took a big gulp of your water in hopes it’ll cool you off but it didn’t help. He got up and pressed his hand against your shoulder, leaning in by your ear. “Are you okay? I think we should leave.” His breath by your ear made you feel even hotter and you nodded. “Let’s go.” He helped you up and held you close to him as he laid some cash on the table then started to lead you out. “You’re in no shape to drive, I’ll drive you back.” You just nodded along as he walked, your mind could only focus on one thing and that was how good his body felt against yours.
He led you to his car and helped you into the passenger's seat and then got in the driver's seat before he started the car and started driving. You rested against the seat and couldn’t help but start to press your thighs together to try to relieve the ache that was building by the second. You were more focused on the pain that was starting to develop and you didn’t realize that he was watching you. Watching how you writhed and whimpered as you pathetically tried to relieve yourself. At the red light he turned his full attention to you and placed a hand on your knee. “You know, I can help you if you’d like. You look like you’re in so much pain, I just want to help.”
Every nerve in your body tried to scream at you, tried to get you to realize that he was the one to put you in your current predicament but lust clouded everything. You spread your legs and looked at him with such a pitiful look, “please Eita. It hurts so much.” He moved his hand up your thigh and pressed two fingers against your panty-clad pussy. You arched your back and started to grind against his fingers, it felt good but it wasn’t enough, you needed more. “Needy girl, let me move your panties to the side at least.” He laughed and hooked a finger under the soaked fabric before moving it to the side. You whined as the cold air hit your wet folds and you opened your mouth to complain about his slow movements but the complaints died in your throat as he pushed two slender fingers inside of you. The pads of his fingers were slightly calloused from his years of playing the guitar but they felt perfect against your sensitive bits. He pumped them with ease and the slick sounds of your pussy filled the car, your chest rose and fell with each heavy breath and a light sheen of sweat coated your forehead. He scissored his fingers and curled them up slightly to press against your g spot, the motion alone made your toes curl in your shoes and a sultry moan of his name left your lips. You felt wrapped in the warm embrace of bliss and you were completely caught up in it, you didn’t even realize the car had stopped until he pulled his fingers out of you.
“W-Why did you stop?” A pout was on your face and it looked like you were on the verge of tears as you turned to face him. You watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth to clean them off, watching how he moved his tongue along his slick digits before wrapping his lips around them. Watching how he groaned as your juices fell along his taste buds like the sweetest ambrosia before he pulled his fingers out of his mouth. “We’re here. You don’t expect me to fuck you in the car right? Your a classy woman and classy women don’t get fucked in the backseat like cheap whores. Now, let's go.” His tone was light but his words hit like daggers into your stomach, at this point you would’ve let him fuck you right on the filthy sidewalk if he wanted to. He got out of the car and you fixed yourself as best as you could before he opened the door and helped you out. Your legs trembled slightly as you walked through the lobby of your building to the elevator. You were practically shaking with need and he didn’t even mention a word to you. He pulled you into the elevator once the doors opened and pinned you against the wall before pressing the button to your floor.
Your mind was so clouded with lust, you didn’t even pay mind to how he knew what floor you lived on.
As the doors shut he leaned in close and kissed you roughly, his teeth and tongue mangled and fought with yours and his hands groped your body bruisingly. You moaned wantonly against his lips and moved your hands up to lightly tug on his hair. You wanted more, you needed more from him. But the elevator doors opened. He pulled away from you with an agitated huff and gripped your hand to pull you along with him. The throbbing between your legs was unbearable at this point. You felt your juices run down your thighs and you tried your best not to whine or whimper as he led you to your door. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key and quickly unlocked the door.
If you were in the right state of mind then you would’ve asked how he got a spare key to your apartment. Then he would’ve had to come up with a lie and try not to tell you that he had been keeping an eye on you since the breakup and was able to bribe your landlord into giving him an extra set of keys to your apartment. And he would have to conceal the details of the amount of times he entered your apartment while you were asleep or while you were at work. He would also have to hide the lie of how he was able to sneak in some cameras into places you never checked and how he watched you while you thought you were alone. Oftentimes with his hand wrapped around his cock and a pair of your panties pressed to his nose. But the aphrodisiac was working perfectly, if he had known it was that strong then he would’ve only slipped half into your drink (at least that would be the lie he’d tell himself to make himself feel better).
He pulled you inside with him and kicked the door shut before pinning you against it to go back to ravaging you. He bit and sucked along your lips and then moved down to your jaw and neck, nipping and sucking at the skin while you moaned and whined. His hands moved along your body, gripping whatever he could latch onto before he pulled away. “Fuck, look at you. Did you plan on doing this with Tobio? Hm? Is that why you wore such a slutty dress? Look at those fucking nipples, you didn’t even wear a bra and those soaked panties are so skimpy. I bet you wanted to get fucked by him tonight, but that’s too fucking bad, there’s only one person that gets to fuck you and that person, is me. No one gets to see you, let alone touch you like this, got it? You’re mine and mine alone. I’ll fucking kill anyone that tries to get in our way.” He spoke purely out of possessiveness and jealousy, to think that you got all dressed up for a man that wasn’t him made his blood boil. How dare you think that you could go out and date another man?
He bent down slightly and hooked his hands behind your knees before lifting you up, his cock was throbbing in his pants and he could feel the heat from your pussy pressed up against him. He walked to your bedroom in quick strides and dropped you onto your bed. He spread your legs and ripped your panties off of you and practically ripped your dress off in a hurried rush. He quickly shed his clothes and pressed his cock against your soaked pussy. “I should just deny you the pleasure from my cock. Since you think you could get fucked as good by anyone else, you don’t deserve it. But since I can see where you were so misguided, I’ll give it to you. Maybe once and for all, I’ll put it in your head that no one could make you feel like I do, no one could fuck you like I can, and most importantly, no one could love you like I do.”
He placed his hands on your inner thighs to keep your legs spread and shoved his cock into you in one fluid motion. A loud cry of his name left your lips as you trembled underneath him, your first orgasm ripping through your body as he started thrusting. But not even an orgasm could lessen the effects of the aphrodisiac, it just intensified every feeling. Your back arched off the bed as he jackhammered into you, his heavy balls slapped against the curve of your ass and the tip of his cock hit your g spot perfectly each time he bottomed out. Strands of ash blonde hair stuck to his sweaty forehead and he took his kiss swollen bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes moved along your body, capturing how your tits bounced with each movement and how your eyes grew emptier by the second. And wait, was that drool spilling from the corner of your mouth? Fuck, you were really fucked out for him.
Then the next idea struck him.
He looked over and grabbed your phone that fell on the bed with one hand and opened the camera. He pressed the record button for the video and brought the phone close to your face. “Okay my love, why don’t you do something for me? Go on and say, ‘hi Tobio’ for me.” You blinked dumbly at his command but followed, “hi Tobio.” Your words were slurred as you spoke and your empty eyes met Semi’s for the next command. “Now go on and tell Tobio what’s happening to you.” He moved the camera even closer to your face as you started to speak, “‘m getting fucked and it feels so good. Never felt this good before, I don’t want it to stop.” Your words almost made Semi cum right then and there, you sounded so sweet and so fucked out. He couldn’t wait to send the video to that idiot. “Good girl, such a good girl for me. Now, one more thing, tell him who’s fucking you this good and tell him who’s gonna fill this needy little cunt.”
His thrusts picked up in pace and you were on the verge of a second orgasm. “Eita! Eita is fucking me this good! A-and Eita is going to fill my pussy with hot, sticky cum over and over again! Only Eita!” Your words blinded him and he slammed his hips into yours as he reached his orgasm, as the thick white ropes started to fill you, your second orgasm was triggered. This time it was more intense, tears spilled from the corner of your eyes and your juices gushed out of you, coating Semi’s abs in your essence. He groaned as he continued to fill you then started to move the camera down your sweat covered body until he reached your pussy. He used his other hand to spread your pussy as he pulled out then moved the camera closer to your leaking hole, getting the perfect money shot of his cum leaking out of your spent hole. “And that is something you’ll never get to experience for yourself, consider yourself lucky and if you ever contact my girl again, I’ll rip your eyes out of your fucking skull. Now say bye bye to Tobio, my love.” He brought the camera back up to your face and you brought a hand up to wave, “bye bye Tobio.” Your voice was weak as was the rest of your body and Semi stopped the video, then unlocked your phone and sent it to the man you were supposed to be with tonight. Once it went through he deleted all the messages, blocked the contact and deleted the video. It's not like he needed to send it to himself, the camera that was on your nightstand had caught everything and it would be saved into a private folder on his laptop. Plus you really needed to change the passcode to your phone, if it had gotten into the wrong hands then they would have access to all your personal details.
He set your phone down and leaned down to kiss down your body, kissing in between your breasts and continued to move south until he was at your pussy. “Oh poor baby, this little pussy is swollen, was I too rough? Want me to kiss it better?” He cooed at you and you just nodded along, letting out a meek “mhm” before he pressed open mouth kisses to your cunt. “I’m so sorry, I won’t be so rough on her ever again, I promise.” He continued to kiss along your cunt before he stuck his tongue out and started to lick at your entrance, collecting his cum that had been leaking out. He licked and sucked for a few moments before moving back up your body. He gripped your face and pressed his thumb and fingers against your cheeks to open your mouth then he spit his cum inside. “Swallow for me, since you can’t keep it inside your pussy, I might as well give you some to eat.” You swallowed then opened your mouth for him to show that you had swallowed it, he smiled and kissed you, softer this time than before then laid down beside you.
“My sweet girl. I love you so much, you could never understand.” He pulled you close and you rested your head on his chest, the exhaustion of everything finally wearing on your body. Your eyes were heavy and half lidded. You just wanted to sleep. “You love me too, right? Say it, I want you to say that you love me.” At this point, you were so tired, you could agree to anything. “I love you Eita. I love you.” You mumbled your words before you closed your eyes completely but that was enough to fuel his delusions further. “I know you do, you were just misguided. But don’t worry, I won’t let you slip from my fingers ever again. And if you manage to do so, I’ll just reappear from the shadows, maybe I’ll slip a second aphrodisiac into your drink. That would be fun.”
You would have to face the consequences of your decisions in the morning but maybe Semi was right, maybe it was true. Maybe no one could love you as much as he did. Or maybe there was someone out there that could, you wouldn’t get to experience it. He had an invisible chain tethered to your ankle and you were stuck with him for the rest of your life.
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taglist: @punkgibsons @suyacho @tojjist @hitobaby @satmitsuplanet @litepowee @enchantedforest-network
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stinkysam · 10 months
Roronoa Zoro - Dinner.
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “a male siren reader. Reader follows the straw hats ship around singing making zoro fall asleep more then usual, the siren sneaks onto the ship while zoro is asleep and leans in about to eat him but zoro ofc wakes up and thinks the siren is trynna kiss him he’s flustered but not complaining cus the male siren is gorgeous and you can take it from there.” - anon
Reader : male (he/you)
A/N : Part TWO
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Water was dripping down your body when you sneaked into the ship, quietly approaching the green haired man. You noticed his three swords and delicately pulled them off of him before putting them aside. Now, he was truly at your mercy. He'd only have his voice to scream as you'd rip his flesh out.
You opened your mouth, licking your sharp teeth, you could already imagine the pungent taste of his flesh on your tongue with his strong blood gushing everywhere and into your mouth. You grabbed his face to push his head to the side, too entranced by the smell of your dinner to notice his eyes fluttering open.
Zoro froze, you were too close, your proximity taking him off guard along with your beauty and the intensity in your eyes. What the fuck ? Who is he ? What the fuck !?
You could hear his heart racing, beating loudly in his chest, alerting you. You pulled back a bit in surprise and saw him stare at you, face red.
Your eyes widened. Fuck. He wasn't supposed to wake up. You should've sang longer, but you had been too eager to taste him and rushed things.
Finally, he tried to grab one of his swords to push you away, but in vain, none of them were nowhere near him. You pulled away, your hand leaving a wet mark in his cheeks, and quickly ran off.
“Wait !” He called, rapidly standing on his feet, but you jumped off the deck and back into the water, disappearing out of his sight. He went where you jumped, looking to see if you were still here, but only the reflection of the moon could be seen in the dark sea.
Zoro waited, staring into the water in case you'd come out again. What the fuck happened ? Did someone just try to kiss him ? His mind was racing, and his lips felt like they were burning as if you had touched them. He touched them with the tip of his fingers, thinking.
The morning slowly came, and Zoro hadn't slept since what happened, too preoccupied by the pretty stranger who tried to kiss him.
It took a few hours for the others to notice, finding Zoro too in his thoughts to insult Sanji properly.
“Do you think he's okay ?” Whispered Nami to Usopp, hiding her mouth behind her hand.
“I don't know…” He whispered back. “Hey, Zoro ! Sanji thinks your swords are useless !”
“Oi, what was that for !?” Exclaimed Sanji, turning to Usopp with a frown, letting go of the plate he was cleaning.
But Zoro barely reacted. He should've drawn his swords out, ready to throw himself at Sanji and fight like usual, but nothing. A simple “He's the useless one.” and that's it.
Usopp, Nami and Sanji looked at each other, confused. This was weird.
“Hey, what's wrong with you ?” Nami asked, it was the first time she saw him like that, even if it's been only a week they've known each other. “Did something happen while you were on watch duty ?”
But Zoro said nothing, instead leaving the kitchen. There was no way in hell he'd talk about what almost happened last night.
You, nearly kissing him.
He stood next to Luffy, who was fishing, and he stupidly hoped his small hook would catch your eyes and you'd come back, hoping to fish you out.
384 notes · View notes
bluegalaxygirl · 9 months
Celestial wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P1
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, Violence, kidnapping, forced marriage, needles, drugs and salivary.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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The calm ocean was great for fishing so thats what you, Luffy and Usopp where doing, catching as many fish as you could and putting them in the aquarium tank to keep then fresh. The two boys where having way more luck then you but you did enjoy it as you sat on the railing your legs dangling over the edge. The bright sun was beaming down on the three of you helping you warm up even though there's a light cold breeze, Luffy kept his hand on your thigh for a while lightly stroking the large tattoo that he loves. During the two years you got a tattoo of the Straw hat jolly Rodger, it was hard being away from the crew but when ever you looked at the tattoo it made you feel close to them. When you first showed your captain he was over the moon with joy and hugged your leg for hours, its now his favorite place to rest his head or hand, sometimes you wonder does it mean more to him than it does to you. It had been an hour since you alone haven't caught anything so you were about to pack it in when the line tugged, "See Y/N i told you" Luffy smiles wide jumping off the railing and holding your shoulders as you try and reel it in but it was much harder than you expected "Come on Y/n" Usopp cheer as you lean as far back as you can to get the upper hand, seeing you struggling the two decide to help you, both standing behind you and trying to stop what ever is on the other end of the line form pulling you into the ocean.
After a few minutes of struggling a dark shadow starts to surface making the water above it bubble as the fish thrashes to escape "Oh no" You call out noticing the size, shape and color as it breaks through the water, Luffy smiles wide while you and Usopp panic a little looking at the Giant Football fish you just caught, the end of your fishing line caught in its mouth. "That won't fit in the tank" You lean back into Luffy who just laughs at your comment and nods "Then i guess we'll just have to eat it. SANJI Y/N CAUGHT DINNER" Luffy yells out as the giant fish looks at the man its eyes wide seeming to understand what the captain just said. The two help you pull it closer as it tries to back away its large teeth snapping open and closed trying to cut through the fishing line but it can't seem to get a good angle on it. "What's all the yelling?" Sanji groans while stepping out of the kitchen with a cigarette in his mouth only stopping when he see's the giant fish, a smile forms on the cooks face as he walks over to you three. His eyes widen though when he see's your the one holding the fishing rod "Y/n-chan please be careful" The cook calls out running over to help but Luffy laughs and shakes his head "she's got this, right?" The captain smiles wide while holding you tight to his chest, than small smile you nod loving the confidence your captain is giving you "Yea i've got this... just a little closer" You struggle to reel it in but your not one to give up especially when Luffy has those hungry eyes.
The fish continues to struggle but is no match for the three of you, as it gets closer Luffy pulls back his arm and then launches it forwards punching it in the face making it pass out and float on top of the water. With a relaxed sigh you un-tense your body and reel it in letting Sanji and Luffy drag it onto the ship so it can be cut up and made into food. "That was awesome" Luffy smiles wrapping his arms around you and lifting you up in celebration "Yea nice one" Usopp yells joining Luffy in lifting you high, you couldn't help but laugh as a giant smile forms on your face. "Well you two helped" You comment looking down at your captain who's still holding you high. "Y/N darling you did amazing" Sanji smiles up at you with hearts in his eyes as he spins to you only for the back of a hand to hit is face causing him to fall onto the floor "How many times have i told you to knock it off" Zoro glares down at the cook who glares up at him while rubbing his butt that he fell on "The hell moss head, you wanna go?" Sanji gets up clenching his fist only for the swordsman to ignore him and walk over to the three of you "Zoro, you saw right?" Luffy asks knowing the swordsman has been watching you all for a while, Zoro nods with a small smile his eye meeting yours sending you a proud and loving look. "Wait you were watching and didn't help?" Usopp yells pointing his hand at the green haired man who only chuckles at the sniper stepping past the long nosed man to you and Luffy. "Some boyfriend you are moss head? Leaving her to deal with that thing?" Sanji yells at the swordsman who just roll his eyes at the cook.
Luffy finally puts you down but keeps his hand on your waist as Zoro ruffling your hair "You didn't need my help, I knew you could do it" You smile up at the man, you did need help but it meant a lot that he had faith in you and your skills but you couldn't take all the credit. "I guess all your training paid off, thanks to you i'm a lot stronger now" The swordsman has been helping you train harder, he doesn't hold back because you were a girl or because you were dating him so some times it got too much but you were still thankful. Luffy kisses your cheek and hugs you tight lifting you up a bit "We're gonna have a huge feast tonight, well done Muffin" You can't help but blush at the nickname as Zoro pats your head. Sanji sighs looking at the three of you before looking at the fish as Usopp walks over to him "So, what's for dinner?" The sniper asks with a big smile making the cook let out a small chuckle as he finishes off his cigarette and garbs the large fish "Just wait and see". It took a few hours but when the food was ready everyone was dying to dig in, luckily there was more than enough for everyone even with Luffy's apatite. As the sun set everyone gathered on the deck to relax and listen to Brook play some music, you sat next to Zoro who was cleaning his swords while you where cleaning your guns since you would be docking at a new island tomorrow morning. The two of you sat in silence but it was a comfortable one, something you both enjoy, from time to time you would lean over to place your head on his shoulder watching him work as he places a kiss on your head before going back to your guns.
Luffy finished chatting with Usopp before walking over to the two of you and sitting behind you both placing his chin on your shoulders what where currently touching. The captain watched the two of you work before sighing not getting any attention form you two "What's wrong my king?" You ask turning your head to look at Luffy who smiles at you and lifts his head off your shoulder "I wanna cuddle" you couldn't refuse the captain so you scotched over, so he could get in between you and Zoro, the swordsman chuckles a little and puts his swords away wrapping his arm around Luffy's waist "Anything for our captain" the green haired man leans over placing a kiss on Luffy's temple. Putting your guns back together you place then back in their holster before leaning into Luffy who puts an arm around you and Zoro holding you both close to him. The three of you sit together watching the sun set to the beautiful sound of Brook's music enjoying each other's company, looking up at the two you can't help but give them a loving smile placing a kiss on your captains cheek who leans into it. Luffy squeezes your thigh getting you to look at him, so he can lean in and place his lips on yours for a short kiss, you smile into it going back in for more while reaching up and placing your hand on his cheek. Zoro smiles at the two of you taking Luffy's chin once you fully pull away form the kiss to turn the captain to face him leaning in and crashing his lips onto Luffy's who giggles a little into the kiss.
Laying your head in Luffy's shoulder you look back out at the sea only to spot something in the distance. It looked like a ship but it was painted black and the sails where dark red, it looked like a pirate ship but didn't have a jolly Rodger, it was also heading right for the Sunny seeming to be at full sleep "Guys" You state standing only for something to hit the ship causing it to rock and made everyone fall over or grab onto something. "We're under attack, there's two ships behind us and one on each side" Robin yells spotting the ships that all look the same heading your way. Another cannon ball almost hits the ship but Sanji kicks it away and back at one of the other ships causing it to slow down. Standing everyone gets ready to fight and deflect cannon fire as Nami steers the ship while Franky and Usopp get the cannons ready. Luffy heads to the back with Sanji and Brook to try and stop the ships behind them while you, Robin, Chopper and Zoro deflect cannon fire, the two ships on either side launching cannonball after cannonball. They where either sliced in half or sent flying back but the ships still kept coming. You gasp and yell out to Robin running and tackling her to the ground as a cannon ball almost hits her, "You ok?" You ask as the strange Blue cannonball hits the grass floor, Robin nods as you help her up only the two of you to feel very dizzy.
Blue smoke pools out of the whole that cannonball made starting to cover the deck, with your vision fading you try and get Robin and yourself away form the gas only for the two of you to fall to the floor as you cough "Y/N, Robin" Chopper tries to yell seeing you both collapses but as the gas covers the grassy deck he starts to feel dizzy too making the doctor fall to the floor. Zoro turns seeing the three of you on the ground and runs over to help while trying to hold his breath as to not be affected by the gas but stops upon hearing Nami "Get off of me" The navigator yells hitting a man with her staff that somehow got into the ship, others start to surround the orange haired woman as one of the ships on the side slams into the Sunny causing it to rock and get shoves to the side. Bandits with gas masks on rush onto the ship but are quickly cut down by Zoro. Luffy suddenly goes flying and lands on the grass deck hitting his back against the stairs "Captain" Zoro yells out cutting down another man as the ships behind them also ram into the Sunny more Bandits getting off throwing gas balls at the swordsman. Luffy coughs and stands up readjust his hat, they somehow have sea prism weapons and somehow managed to get onto the ship without them knowing. Sanji and Brook were knocked out in the fight either by a blue smoke ball or being hit by sea prism weapons but that didn't stop the Captain form continuing to fight and save his crew.
The gas on the deck made Luffy cough a little as he looks around the deck seeing his crew passed out and bandits trying to attack Zoro, the captain growls and lifts his head up to use his haki only for a gas ball to explode next to his face. Zoro swings his sword cutting a gas ball in half before going to help Luffy, the swordsman is finding it harder and harder to hold his breath, the gas starting to affect his movement's but cuts a bandit away that tries to hit Luffy who falls to his knees coughing while trying to stay awake. It isn't long before Zoro collapses to his knees panting and feeling light-headed "Zo-ro" Luffy calls out before passing out soon follows by Zoro. With the Sunny now silent you lay on the floor next to Robin who seems to also be fighting to stay awake even though both your body's feel paralyzed. Foot steps approach but all you can do is move your eyes to look up at one of the men in gas masks "Still awake?" The man laughs lifting up his bat to hit you only for another man to run over and grab the bat "Dude... what did the captain say? Don't damage the goods" The man sighs letting go of the bat and watching his mate groan "But she's still awake" The man with the bat groans looking back down at you before walking away. The man who saved you form a bat to the face bends downs down with a small blue ball in his hand "It's ok now, just sleep. Your new owners will take good care of you" You could tell by his tone of voice he was being sarcastic, squeezing the ball in his hand it pops, the blue gas fills your senses making you lightly cough before blackness takes over your vision.
Cold, thats all you can feel as you start to wake up, your eyes are heavy unable to open as you try to sit up only for the feeling of cold metal against your wrist to weigh your arms down. You force yourself up to sit against what feels like a wooden wall, the sound of water crashing getting much louder now your against it "Shit she's awake" A male voice catches your ears one you don't recognize, opening your eyes a man opens the metal cell door and walks over "Just give her another dose" Another voice calls out walking down the wooden stairs. You can tell your on a ship, probably one of the ones that attacked you and your crew but your alone, none of the others in sight and you can't feel their aura. "Can't hand her over looking like shit, do you know who the hell were dealing with?" The man in front of you bends down growling at the man behind him who leans against the open cell door. The man in front of you grabs the thick cuffs around your wrists and checked them over "W-who?" You manage to get out making the man smile and move some hair out of your face, you try to move away but the sudden action makes you dizzy the man laughing a little and laying down you on the cold wooden floor "Don't worry about that, you'll be home soon" The man stands walking out of the cell the other man locking it and following the other up the stairs into the sun light.
If its bright outside then it must be morning so you've been out for a while, getting a good look around you notice a bunch of cells around you but most are full of crates. Their not bounty hunters, and they don't seem like regular crooks, maybe their slave traders but why target you? so many questions ran through your head but you needed to get out. Forcing yourself to sit up again you groan, your body feels heavy and your head hurts a little, looking down at yourself all your stuff is gone and your only wearing a dirty gray dress with no shoes. Looking down at your thick black cuffs you sigh knowing your not going anywhere feeling like this so your best bet is to take in everything around you, sight, smell, sound and touch, that why when you do make it out you have enough information to hopefully get back to the sunny. Closing your eyes you listen to the waves and feel how the ship moves, you take note of any slight shift of the ship while also managing to catch a conversation form above now and again. There wasn't much to go off but one thing did catch your attention, a commanding voice seemed to make the others feel uneasy, maybe it was their captain so you focused on him a little sooner managing to catch where you were going, the red line. It means you were heading back to fish man island and that wasn't too far away.
Listening closer you gasp in shock at what you hear "Red Port, we'll get the lift up and hand her over so make sure she looks presentable... If there's any marks the celestial's will dock our pay" The Captain sighs his foot steps fading away as does your attention. Tears well up in your eyes, this can't be happening, you gonna be sold off to the celestial dragons. You heard horror stories of what they've done and you've met a few, Luffy even punched one but why you of all people. If these slavers went out of their way to take you and bring you right to the celestial's front door than they must have asked for you specifically but again why you? As much as your glad Nami and Robin didn't get taken you know their way more beautiful than you and your bounty is in between the two so why you? That question keeps running through your head even when you try to stop it, fear taking over your body wondering if their going to torture you or out right kill you but again why you? "Please" You whisper to yourself trying to stop your spiraling thoughts as tears stream down your cheeks.
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munsster · 2 months
hi pookieee
i just found your blog and legit spent like two hours reading your stuff- IT'S SO GOODDDDD OML
so, if requests are open, and if they're not! totally fine, but if they are... can i maybe possibly request a jonathan byers oneshot? 😍maybe domestic vibes, some will and joyce, sort of where reader is just part of the daily, like it's not a 'oH jOnAtHaN hAs a GiRl OvEr' type of thing, the byers are just so used to her being around-
fall into place
A/N: HI POOKIE! im obsessed w ur energy and i would do anything for u, this sounds so cute hope u like it 😋
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jonathan comes home to find you fully adopted into the Byers’ daily routine. When did that happen? 1.3k words.
Warnings: fluff, domesticity, cringe 80s references, mike being annoying, KISSING, pet names (baby, heartthrob)
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The front door slamming shut rattles the frame of the house, but nobody seems to care over the ruckus. Jonathan drops his messenger bag by the bench in the foyer, shucking his shoes and skirting to the kitchen. Joyce flips through a fashion catalog by the phone with her thumb nail perched between her lips.
"She's in El's room," Joyce says while Jonathan swipes an unopened juice pouch off the counter and tucks a pack of toaster strudel under his arm. There's an uproar in the other room from the usual teenage suspects. He's about to make his way upstairs when his mom chuckles.
"Oh, hi, mom, how was your day?" Joyce teases, "Thanks for asking, Jonathan. It was lovely, I bought you those juice pouches and toaster pastries you like. How was yours?" She cocks a brow, and he peeks back into the kitchen.
"Love you, mom."
"Love you, too. Oh, also it's fend night. There are some leftovers and dinners in the freezer. Your brother was craving frozen pizza."
"Sounds good!" he shouts, already halfway up the stairs and down the hall. The cassette deck on El's desk sings something tinny and youthful and he's pretty sure she has it cranked to full volume. You're perched at the foot of her bed with your fingers looping the fluffy strands of her hair into a criss-cross plait. You look over and smile, leaning into the kiss he plants on your cheek.
"Hi," you coo.
"Hi, baby," he says with a lazy smile across his face. "My room?"
"In a sec."
El tuts, "she's braiding my hair." You chuckle, tying off the end of her braid with a sparkly, blue elastic you nabbed from the bottom of the bathroom drawer. He tips the straw of his juice to your lips, and you hum and pat the top of El's head just before hopping to your feet and fleeing the room with Jonathan's hand in yours.
"Thank you!" she calls, but you both know you'd do it for her anytime.
He falls back onto his springy mattress, and you straddle his hips, pry the decadent box from his grasp, and triumphantly fish out a strudel.
"I didn't know Mike was visiting this week," you mumble through a mouthful of pastry.
"Yeah, their spring breaks lined up." Jonathan chugs the rest of his fruit cocktail, crushing the pouch and setting it on his bedside table alongside the discarded pastry box. Then he recoils, nose scrunching: "You met mike?"
You nod, nibbling the strudel in half and pressing bite-sized piece to his mouth, swiping away the stray crumbs that sprinkle his shirt. "It's cinnamon," you whisper. He hums.
"Was he weird?" he worries.
"Only a little," you tease, sweeping his hair off his forehead and leaning down to press a damp kiss to the open space.
"He's a punk."
You shrug. "Only a little."
You split the last piece of pastry between you, making sure you get an even amount of filling and frosting before clinking the edges and popping them into your mouths.
"What were you and El listening to?" he asks.
"Make it big. You know Wham. 'I don't want your freeeeedom!'" you mock, squeaking out the iconic high note, "Mike got it for her."
"Sounded... contemporary," he chuckles, setting his palms into the curve of your hips, hooking his thumbs in the loops of your jeans.
"Yeah, I think she has a thing for George Michael. We've been listening to it on repeat." Your stretch your arms over your head with a yawn.
"He is pretty cute," Jonathan teases.
"Yeah, well," you say with all the casualty of a partly cloudy Wednesday afternoon, "Not as cute as you."
He scoffs, sitting up with you still balanced in his lap. “Shut up,” he huffs.
“No!” You grin and lean in close, mumbling, “heartthrob,” in a kiss to his lips. When you pull back he stares softly into your eyes.
“How long have you been here?”
“My shift ended at two so,” you say, “since then. Why? You tryin’ to send me home, Byers?”
“No,” he whispers, he wouldn’t dream of it, “No, I like that you’re here when I get home.”
You chuckle and drape your arm over his shoulder. “That’s very domestic of you.”
“God, I know”—he rolls his eyes, pressing his palms flat to your back and smiling coyly—“Wait ‘til uou hear how glad I am that everyone likes you so much. And that you like them, too. Even when they’re fucking crazy.”
You peck the corner of his mouth gently, willing a smile to creep across his face.
“I fit right in, don’t I?” you tease. But he doesn’t laugh, enamored by everything you say and do. His fingertips just graze your cheek and his eyes flick down to your mouth.
He sighs. “Like our missing puzzle piece.”
“Yeah,” you reason, “like the piece that gets knocked onto the floor to collect dust for ten years until someone's sweeping and randomly unwedges it from the floorboards only to realize it's from the puzzle they gave away last week.”
“No, more like,” he chuckles, “like the one stuck to the underside of the lid that you only find once youre putting the deconstructed puzzle away.”
You giggle, tilting your head back. Then you sigh, whipping your head back to stare into his eyes, foreheads pressed together.
“Maybe we’re all missing puzzle pieces,” he suggests. It’s whispered. Like it’s a secret and you two are the only ones who will ever know the truth.
You nod. “Oh, we definitely are. Five billion lonely little puzzle pieces waiting for our lost portrait.” Your fingers twirl a lock of his hair, and he holds back a splitting grin. “I can’t believe we’re having this conversation sober.”
He cackles, holding your lower back as he leans slightly. “Wait,” he says, “you’re sober?” You smack his chest, chuckling when he hollers, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding, you're the only person worth getting high with anymore since Argyle's in Utah.”
You pout facetiously, sticking out your lower lip with your brows knitting. “Jonny! So romantic!”
“Yeah, yeah, natural as riding a bike,” he teases. You smile and lean in to kiss him, and he meets your lips sweetly. You pull away and peck the corner of his mouth then his cheek before your doe eyes flick up to his. Your mouth opens to say something, but Mike bursts into the room.
“Ew, gross, at least close the door if you’re going to suck face!”
You turn over your shoulder with a scowl. “You close the door, we’re obviously busy.”
“I don’t even know you!” Mike scoffs.
You hop up and jump to the door wildly, about to slam it just as you squint and say, “Then you’ve got a lot to learn, sonny.”
But before you can close it, Will peeks into the conversation and offers, “C’mon, let’s be diplomatic, people! Mom says come eat and watch Nightmare on Elm Street.”
“Mister Kreugs again?” you say, “Yes, please!” You high-five Will, and he shuffles down the stairs. Mike and El follow. You turn back to see Jonathan lounging back on his bed, eyes closed and just barely smiling to himself.
“Coming, heartthrob?”
“Yeah,” he says, blinking awake, head lulling to gaze at you, “don’t wait up.”
But you run back anyway, grabbing his hand and tugging him to his feet.
“Too bad,” you whisper, giving him a consolation kiss. You get him to the bottom of the stairs before he pulls you back against him right on the last step. He kisses you sweetly and with a smile.
Will shouts from the living room, “Okay, I’m usually pretty tolerant, but please no making out during horror night!”
You chuckle, still holding Jonathan’s hand with his arm lazily around your waist. “Okay, fine. Only because you asked nicely.”
You look back to find Jonathan already staring at you. It still makes you nervous or excited or something. He’s holding you so close, and you can’t help but kiss him one last time.
stranger things masterlist
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haveatthee83 · 2 months
Under My Skin (Monkey D. Luffy/Reader) 1/7
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Inspo: Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Word Count: ~8.5k
Warnings: Angst, arguing, cursing, angry Luffy, discussion of death and dead relatives, brief descriptions of violence.
Luffy was a very happy person. Plenty of people thought he might not even be capable of feeling negative emotions sometimes. All of that theorizing got swept away with the tide the day Ace had died. The heart wrenching wails of the young captain were enough to make the sea herself weep. Luffy was a real person who felt things like loss, sorrow, rage, and hate. That last one wasn’t one he felt very often if at all until years later when you came along.
You had guided his crew through your island, a large sprawling summer island with rolling sands and sunbaked stones. It constantly sent shivers of familiarity through Luffy and the crew, thinking back to Alabasta. All the Straw-Hats had their eyes glued to Luffy, making sure he was okay, but there was apparently no need, his large smile never leaving his face as he asked question after question about the area, what foods you had there, if it ever snowed, or where did you live on this massive island. You would answer as best you could, curt, little responses between small smiles. “We have all kinds of different fruits, vegetables, and fish, but we’re known for raising boar for meat.” “It only snowed once, and it practically shut down the whole island. No one knew what to do!” “I live somewhere close by; I’ll show you and make you all dinner! Make sure you have shelter for the night.”
At first, all seemed well, Luffy was constantly engaged by the land around him, taking in the sights as you brought them toward your home, but then-
“SANDSTORM!” Your voice pierced through the air as you hurriedly corralled the pirate crew into your home, slamming the door shut and grabbing a large robe of sorts, throwing it over your shoulders, “Feel free to make yourselves comfy, eat or whatever you need.” You assured, slamming the door shut, shoving a large plank of wood through the handle to keep and wind from blowing it open or off its hinges. “I’ll be right back!” You called over the wind.
The crew watched through scratched and dirty windows as you shoved a bandana over your nose and slapped a hat onto your head. An orange cowboy hat. You took it off of a hook on your porch, tightening its drawstring under your chin. The hat wasn’t particularly offensive in and of itself, of course. It was a simple, bright orange with a red banded set of goggles on the brim, which you promptly slipped off of the hat and over your eyes, their blue tinted glass glinting in the slowly suffocating sunlight. You gave the pirates a two fingered salute through your windows before sprinting toward your dune buggy right by your house, speeding off in a cloud of sand to help your town hunker down for the storm.
Logically, such a fashion choice would mean very little to someone. Logically, it might even make one laugh at the similarity, the irony. Logically, it was just a hat. But the way it was the exact shade, exact cut. The way your goggles mirrored the smiley tokens. The way your own freckles sprawled over your cheeks…there was nothing logical about it. Who the fuck did you think you were?
The Straw-Hat crew collectively held their breath, all eyes on their captain. Luffy’s smile finally cracked.
“Hey! What’s she got that for?” He exclaimed, rattling the front door’s handle, making its old hinges groan and creak.
Nami and Usopp both grabbed their captain by the shoulders, trying to pry him away from the door, “It’s just a coincidence!” Nami insisted, tugging harder,
“Nuh-uh!” Luffy called out, kicking wildly at his crew mates. “That’s Ace’s hat!”
Nami whined, “Sanji! Make some food or something and make him relax! Or else I’m knocking him out!”
Sanji didn’t even take time to swoon, getting right to work, raiding your fridge and pantry, looking mostly for some type of meat for the ravenous man who was rapidly trying to tear down your door. The cook practically chittered with glee as he found your store of the famed Boar meat, quickly making a plan in his mind as to best prepare it in such a quick fashion.
“Calm down!” Zoro chimed in trying to help calm down the out of character behavior. The swordsman whacked Luffy on the head, “You can’t do shit till she’s back, dipshit!” He hissed, palming the captain’s head like a basketball.
Luffy let out a strangled cry of anguish, flopping onto the ground, “Stupid hat.” He muttered.
Nami, Usopp, and Zoro let him fall, jumping back, the crew all looking between each other. They had left Brook and Franky on the ship, Robin was holding Chopper to her side, running a hand along his fur, trying to soothe him, Sanji was whirling away in the kitchen, and the other three were sat clueless as to what to do. How do you make someone feel better when you’ve never seen them like this?
Luffy scowled, scrambling to his feet and rushed to your living room, sticking his face against the glass of a window, leaning against the beat-up mint green couch under it. ‘Ugly couch.’ Luffy thought bitterly.
Luffy wasn’t wrong. Your furniture was a true-blue hodgepodge of different pieces you’d picked up doing odd jobs or found on the side of the road and fixed up. Nothing went together and it all had patches and noticeably repaired wooden pieces.
Luffy’s eyes drove over the sandy landscape, peeled for your shadow coming up the drive, but it wasn’t there, not yet.
The Straw-Hats all gathered in the living room minus Sanji and settled around their frowning captain.
“What should we do?” Usopp whispered to the group, sitting on an obnoxious, yellow velvet ottoman. “I haven’t seen Luffy like this in ages.” He muttered, thrusting a thumb over his shoulder to where the man sat.
Robin sighed, holding Chopper in her lap, sat on a purple, floral print wingback chair. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do.” She started, “He needs to talk to her.”
“It’s not his hat though,” Zoro mumbled, leaning next to your mud brick fireplace, “it’s just another orange cowboy hat.”
Nami nodded, legs swung over an emerald, green love seat, “Surely, he knows that?”
Robin shrugged and shook her head, “It’s just his poor mind dealing with the grief.” She suggested.
“What if she knew Ace?” Chopper whispered into the still air of the room, running everyone’s breath stale.
“We won’t know anything until she comes back.” Robin chastised the small reindeer, “Don’t go and put ideas like that out into the universe. It might make things worse.”
Luffy could hear them talking but chose to ignore it, opting to keep his gaze glued on the sand whipping past the window, fixated on a wind chime you had on your porch that slanted with the wind, a wind chime with large, round, red beads hanging from it. Luffy felt his eye twitch as he set his jaw, teeth grinding a bit.
Robin rose from her seat and set Chopper down in her place, opting to walk around your space and see what you were all about. See if you had any good books or any clues as to why you and Ace shared so many similarities.
She travelled over to a small bookcase you had. One can tell a lot about someone based on their bookshelves. The types of readings they kept, the organization, the Knick knacks shoved between hard covers. Her sharp eyes drove over the disorganized covers and broken spines, her hands tucked neatly behind her. There were all kinds of books, with many glass vases and figurines all throughout. She paused, blinking back her shock a bit when she noticed a picture in a frame on the eye level shelf. It was of you, flames wrapped around your skin, a crooked grin on your face, your head topped by that same hat. Your flames burned bright yellow, a long pole in your hand. You had soot and sweat caked to your skin. You were a glass blower. And a Devil Fruit user. With flames.
‘Oh no,’ she thought, quickly looking over her shoulder to make sure Luffy was still preoccupied. Robin looked back at your photo and sighed, acknowledging the inevitable, and left it in place, looking further. You had books of all kinds, books about navigation, astronomy, anatomy, and sailing. You had thick novels about fantasy realms and thin manuals about forges and various vehicles.
Robin’s hands instinctively reached to grab a book from the third shelf. It was worn, with cracked leather binding. The front of it was rather unassuming, bare other than a small engraving of your name at the top. Robin tentatively opened the book, the insides held together with rings, the pages strung in by hand. The first few pages held photos of you as a child, a clipping of your first haircut, your first tooth that you lost, and Robin found a soft smile spreading across her face at the sight of your young, happy face.
The next section held pictures of you as a teenager, one labeled as your first time using your flames, and you held a terrified expression as the yellow flames licked up your arms. The next page showed you glass blowing alongside an old man, the hat now sported proudly on your head, all smiles all around.
The next page made Robin pause. It was a wanted poster. Your wanted poster. Robin quirked a brow at the bounty and the photo. You were worth a cool billion, and the photo of you looked terrifying, your eye glinting through a gap of your flames, your whole body in shadow, and still you had that hat on your head. Robin didn’t have to wonder long about what you had done, the next set of pages were full of clippings from newspapers from all around the world, detailing the adventures of the formidable “Glass Dragon”. You could allegedly form your body into the components for glass and summon flames all around you, namely your breath, to melt them together and form massive glass structures, and tempered glass armor or shields around yourself.
You were in story after story for different raids on the Marines, amassing a body count, encasing entire ships in bubbles of glass, sinking others with glass cannonballs flung through their hulls. The most recent of these adventures is what raised you past the millions. You had killed a high-ranking Marine. An Admiral.
The newspapers didn’t know why you had done it, what your motives were for targeting the marines with such ferocity, but the following page cleared things up. It was a single, small clipping in the middle of the page. It was just text, didn’t even have a picture. It was a simple story about Marines taking out a small fry pirate ship. On it a crew of thirty-nine were all slaughtered. It was thought that no one survived. The article had a simple quote from the now passed Admiral, “Those animals had it coming! Any who oppose the government and turn to piracy deserve to burn.” The statement made Robin clench her teeth, but she couldn’t help but notice, right under the snippet was a handwritten note. A promise. “One survived. And you’ll all burn for it.” It said with a set of tally marks underneath, twenty-five.
Robin pursed her lips, feeling invasive, but pressed on, flipping the page again, finding a large group photo, the crew who was killed. Right front and center was you, beaming with your arms around the two people at your side. Under the photo it was simply labeled “Last family photo” with a date, only days before the date of the slaughter. Robin’s eyebrows pinched in worry, turning the page. What followed were pages and pages of pictures of the passed crew and you, all singed on the edges, but intact. “The Spotted-Salamander Crew” was what you were called, your Jolly Roger sporting freckles and wrapped in green flames.
One photo that caught the woman’s eye was one labeled ‘Captain’ with birth and death dates under it. In the photo was a young man, no more than twenty, posing for a photo with you wrapped in his arms, more like a headlock, holding the camera high above you two, tipping your hat off of your head. He looked so much like you, with many dark freckles over his cheeks. He had bright green flames licking over his shoulders. ‘Another flame user?’
“Robin!” Came a call from Nami in the living room. Finally, Robin closed the book and set it back in place, striding over to the younger woman. Nami waved Robin closer over the back of the loveseat, “Find anything?”
Robin winced, “It’s worse than we thought.”
“She’s a Fire Devil Fruit user.” She whispered to Nami.
Nami paled, slapping her hand against her forehead, “Please tell me Sanji’s almost done cooking!” She whined.
Sure enough, the blond cook had just finished, placing platters of pork and toppings up onto the counter along with warm corn tortillas. He had made tacos.
“Food’s ready!” he shouted, the crew quickly rushing the counter, “She had a ton of tortillas on hand, so I thought I’d roll with it.” Sanji muttered, wiping the counters down.
The cook’s eyes scanned the crew who were up and getting the food. Luffy wasn’t there. Sanji gasped, hand slapping over his mouth. The other crew members looked at him, confused until he pointed over their heads, frantically gesturing to the preoccupied pirate. “He isn’t getting food!” Sanji hissed, threading his fingers into his hair and pulled. “This isn’t good.”
All six of them shared a look, Nami urging Zoro to say something, anything to their captain. Zoro’s eyes widened and he shook his head, “I don’t know what the fuck to do!” he whispered through gritted teeth. Still, Nami insisted, gesturing again toward the stewing man. Zoro sighed, but turned around, “Luffy!” he exclaimed. Luffy didn’t even twitch, “Food’s ready. There’s meat!”
Luffy didn’t care. He felt his stomach growl and he thought the smell was amazing, but he couldn’t find it in him to get up. He felt in every fiber of his being that he needed to stay put, ready to see what your problem was when you came back.
The Straw-Hats all shook their heads and shrugged, “Let’s just eat, I’ll bring him a plate.” Robin insisted, grabbing a plate. They all did the same, with grumbles of worry and agreement. You didn’t have a dining room, so the pirate crew went back to their spots in your living room, Sanji and Zoro joining Luffy on the couch, the stretchy captain between them.
Luffy didn’t even touch the plate next to him, ignoring the soft conversation around him, barely even blinking.
Usopp scanned the room, noticing a record player next to your fireplace, a box full of vinyl records under its little table. The sniper thought, surely this might help. Luffy loved music and dancing. So, he set his food aside, finishing a bite of the juicy taco before wiping his hands on his pants and getting up, quietly stepping over to the player. He just grabbed one from the top of the pile, sliding it out of its sleeve and setting it up, gently resting the needle on its grooved surface.
Fun, rhythmic music with lots of wild drum and guitar came from the record, Usopp bouncing his head to the beat.
Luffy, on the other hand, tensed, head whipping over to stare daggers at the music player, frown deepening.
“What now?” Zoro groaned through a bite of his taco.
Luffy grit his teeth as he spoke, eyes fiery with rage, “Ace liked that song. Danced to it all the time.” He hissed. The whole room seemed to freeze, Sanji choked on a bite of his food, and Usopp frantically moved to take the needle off of the record. Luffy flopped onto the couch, sitting properly, but with crossed arms and slumped posture. “Who does she think she is? Is she trying to copy Ace or something?” Luffy grumbled, “Thinks she’s so great…”
The room dissolved into silence, the only sound was the occasional rustle of fabric when someone readjusted their posture and the whistling of the whipping wind. And that’s how the Straw-Hats sat for another twenty minutes, Luffy never once even looking at the plate of food.
Everyone flinched, Chopper shrieking as the scrape of wood on wood rang through the room. You were back. Luffy shot up, stomping over to wait for you to force your way through. When the door cracked open, you had to fight to not let it swing wildly, forcing it shut behind you. When you managed to get inside, you unraveled your robe from your body, shaking sand all over the floor before taking off your goggles and hat, shaking them out before shaking out your hair. All the while, Luffy sat patiently, an intense glare piercing through you. You, however, didn’t notice. Giggling as you let the sand fall all around you.
“Woo-ee!” you exclaimed, “Wasn’t expecting another storm like this for another month! Sorry it’s interrupting your visit!” you apologized, kicking off your boots, turning them upside down, letting a comical amount of sand accumulate under you. You noticed the uncharacteristic silence and finally looked up, eyes locking with Luffy’s enraged gaze, flinching back in response.
You eyed the pirate, brows pinched together, but continued hanging up your gear by the door, finally hanging your hat on a hook. “Can I help you?” you huffed, trying to keep it light.
Now, people also thought Luffy was a lot more innocent than he really was. He hung around Shanks, Ace was his brother, he’s a damned pirate. All of which became very clear when he opened his mouth, spitting out, “Where the fuck do you get off, lady?”
You blinked, trying to process the out of character attitude, raising your hands up, “I can’t control the weather, dude.”
Luffy shook his head and stomped up to you, reaching over your shoulder and snatching your hat off its hook, shaking it in your face, “This.” Luffy hissed, “Is my brother’s hat. You have his favorite music; you have a damned wind chime with beads just like his necklace. What’s the fuckin deal.”
You scowled, snatching your hat from Luffy’s hands, “It’s not his fucking hat! I’ve had this thing since I was twelve. My uncle gave it to me!” you snapped back holding Luffy back with your foot, keeping him from grabbing it back from you. You huffed and threw it over your neck, letting it hang behind you, “This whole island is covered in those beads, and it’s not my fault your brother has good taste!”
“Had.” Luffy grumbled, clenching his jaw.
You sighed, running your hand down your face, “Sorry, dude.” You muttered, holding your thumb and forefinger over your eyes, “What was his name?” you asked, not moving your hand.
Luffy narrowed his eyes, a fire burning in his belly, “Ace.”
You shook your head, “Don’t know him.” You insisted, dropping your hand to your side, setting your other on your hip.
“Portgas D. Ace. Firefist Ace.” Offered Nami from the living room, a mere four feet away, the whole crew watching you closely.
You blinked a few times, your mouth running dry, “Portgas is dead?” you whispered, your whole body language dropping immediately. You could almost hear a ringing in your ears, a whisper of his laughter. “You’re…Luffy, his Luffy?”
Luffy nodded, jamming a finger into your sternum, leaning in close, “How do you know him?”
You smacked his hand away, snarling out, “We were friends while I was a pirate. Got along cause of our Devil Fruits.” You stated, holding Luffy’s glare, a few of your yellow flames licking at your shoulders, “He got that necklace from me. All that music from over there is from here, my home island. He was friends with my brother too.” Luffy opened his mouth to lash out another question or accusation, he didn’t know yet, but you cut him off, “He got that hat here. From my uncle.” You insisted, getting in Luffy’s space, almost nose to nose.
“Funny, he never mentioned you.” Luffy taunted, lip curled, and fists clenched at his side.
Your eyes ran cold and Luffy saw your chin quiver, your flames all extinguishing at once, “He talked about you all the time.” You whispered, shoving past Luffy, heading toward your bookcase.
Luffy stuttered for a moment, but shook it off and followed you closely, “Why wouldn’t Ace have mentioned you?”
But you just shoved past him again, an aged leather book in your hands. “Sit.” You hissed, dragging Luffy by his ear to sit on the floor in your living room, plopping next to him in front of your coffee table, slapping the large book onto the banged up, glossy wooden surface.
Robin’s eyes widened as she recognized the book, and all of the other Straw-Hats leaned in close to get a look at what you were trying to show Luffy.
You flipped through the pages, ignoring Luffy’s gripes from beside you, slamming a hand down onto the page you were looking for. “Look.”
It was a set of pages labeled “Portgas” with multiple pictures of you, Ace, and your captain, all laughing, in multiple you three were all covered in flames. Each photo was dated and had little details in the margins like, “tried making s’mores with all of our flames, only Portgas’s tasted good.” “dork” and “always stole my hat”. There were pictures of you three on your ship, on the island, at parties, dancing. Many didn’t have you at all, just your captain and Ace.
“Portgas was older than me, so he hung out with my brother most of the time. He was like a second brother to me.” You started, a sad, faraway look in your eyes.
Robin gasped silently, a hand covering her mouth, ‘Her brother was her captain.’ She realized, flashes of words running past her eyes, namely “No survivors” and “One survived.” Luffy was about to hit a sore spot, but Robin could only look on in horror, unable to stop him.
“We all practiced using our Devil Fruits together and hung out anytime he was able to swing by the ship or by here.” You went on, ignoring Luffy’s brewing emotions next to you, “He was my brother’s best friend.”
“Not my fault your brother has good taste.” Luffy mocked, rolling his eyes. It irritated him how you acted like you had a right to mourn Ace like he did. He wasn’t your brother. He was Luffy’s brother.
“Had.” You whispered; jaw clenched.
The crew around you actively flinched, all looking at each other in a panic. All eyes on you as you rushed to your feet, mumbling about taking a shower. Robin quietly slipped away to check on you, following you down a hallway off the kitchen.
Luffy felt a white-hot shock run through him, making his heart skip a beat. He felt like he should feel bad for making you upset, for reminding you of your dead brother like you had reminded him of his, but he didn’t. He couldn’t find it in him. So, he still stewed, greedily taking in the photos in the book in front of him. Luffy couldn’t help the sting in his eyes as he stared at one particular photo. It was of Ace getting his ASCE tattoo. You were there holding his hand as your brother ran the tattoo needle over Ace’s skin, Ace had a dramatic grimace on his face, and you were right there laughing at him. All three of you were wearing matching orange hats.
“Why wouldn’t he have told me about them?” Luffy muttered, fighting back tears.
His crew all panicked again, unsure of how to continue. “Maybe it just didn’t come up?” Chopper offered, tilting his head to try and meet Luffy’s eye.
“I asked him about the hat. I asked him about all kinds of stuff that’s in this stupid book. He didn’t tell me about it.” Luffy felt the fiery pit of anger and grief bubbling inside him again, “Ace hid this stuff from me.”
Nami slid off of the loveseat she sat on and crouched down to Luffy’s level. “I’m sure he had a good reason.” She said trying to lay a comforting hand on Luffy’s arm. He snatched the limb away, making Nami startle.
“Stop being a brat.” Zoro barked, “You’re being mean.”
Luffy just set his jaw again, tapping his finger on the coffee table, “I’m fine.” He insisted, whirling away to a hallway off of the front door, trying to find somewhere to be alone.
“Let him go, marimo.” Sanji insisted, jutting an arm out to stop Zoro from rushing after him, “I think he needs to cool off.” Zoro just grumbled, settling deeper into the ugly, comfortable couch.
“I don’t know why he’s acting like this.” Robin said apologetically as you rushed around your bedroom, grabbing out clothes and a towel for your shower. “He’s never like this. I’m actually quite worried.”
You shrugged, a wry chuckle slipping from your lips. “I’m sorry I brought it out of him.”
Robin worried her bottom lip between her teeth, “I’m serious, he’s always a bouncy little ball of sunshine.”
“Grief does weird shit.” You reasoned, suddenly freezing your movements, looking far off somewhere, somewhere nowhere near the island, “Is Portgas really dead?” you whispered, clutching the shirt in your hand with a white-knuckle grip.
Robin nodded sadly, “I’m afraid so. He died protecting Luffy.”
Your knees buckled a bit, Robin rushing to catch you. You finally let the tears fall, “Did you see it?” you asked lowly, holding tight to Robin’s arm. Robin simply nodded, running a hand up and down your arm.
“Did he die smiling?” you whispered. Robin flinched back, confused, “All three of us said we’d go down in a fight, and we’d be happy about it, a no regrets kinda thing. That we’d all die with a smile.” You explained, face running wet as you let out shuddered breaths, “My brother did. I’m only alive because he protected me. He died in my arms and was smiling, trying to make me laugh before he died.”
Robin swallowed the lump in her throat, taken aback by the similarities between you and Luffy and Ace. “He did. He passed away with a smile on his face in Luffy’s arms.” She muttered back.
You sobbed, burying your face in your hands, “I’m all alone.” Robin tried to reassure you otherwise, sure you had more people in the town, but you shook your head, “I was about to go looking for Portgas because there’s no one left. I’m an orphan, my uncle raised me and my brother. He’s dead. My whole-“ you choked up, “my whole crew was killed, all I had left was hoping to find Portgas and join whatever crew he was in. Now, he’s gone too. Now I’m being hunted by the Marines and all I have is my house.” You practically spilled your guts to the older woman, leaning into her warm embrace. “I don’t want to die.”
Robin knew what it felt like to be alone, to be an enemy of the World Government, she knew what it was like to be the sole survivor of a massacre even. So, as she looked at the shaking young woman in her arms, flashes of a certain captain’s smile, echoes of her own screams rattled through her mind.
Her eyes stung with the threat of tears as she shushed you gently, running her fingers along your spine. Should she have asked first? Yes. Did she? No. Did she regret it? Never.
“Come with us.”
You gasped in a breath, ripping your face from your hands, “But-but your captain-!”
“Will come to his senses.” Robin hummed gently.
You wiped your face and analyzed Robin’s features, looking for any dishonesty and you found none, only gentle eyes and a soft smile. A whole new wave of emotions washed over you, new tears welling over your waterline, and you threw yourself into the woman, wrapping your arms around her neck, sobbing into the high collar of her shirt. Robin just smiled, rocking you in the embrace, gently rubbing your back.
“Thank you.” You whispered through shuttered breath, pulling away and wiping your eyes, “I would love to sail with all of you, if you’ll have me.”
Robin grinned, ushering you to your feet and guiding you toward your bathroom, whispering little bits of encouragement into your ear before leaving you alone in the room, heading back to the living room, still smiling.
You took off your hat from around your neck and set it on the counter, looking at your haggard reflection, no sound but the whistling wind and the scratch of sand against the window. Your eyes were red, face puffy. You stared for a moment at your freckles, hating how much they reminded you of your lost loved ones. You took in the dirt and soot around your face, interrupted by your tear streaks and the pattern of your goggles.
You sighed and turned on the water, letting it heat up and took off your t-shirt, looking at your shoulder in the mirror, namely your tattoo you had there. It circled the muscle of your shoulder, a simple black image of a spotted salamander with fire framing its sides. You had gotten it right after Ace had gotten his, your brother doing the inking, and you had sat much more stable than Ace did.
Swallowing a lump in your throat, you began to strip the rest of the way, walking under the rushing warm water.
“She’s coming with us.” Robin said simply, taking a seat back on the purple chair she had claimed, Chopper coming up and sitting in her lap. The other pirates all winced and voiced their confusion and disagreement, silenced by Robin raising a hand, a fierce look of command shining in her eye. “I’m not asking. I’m telling. She’s all alone with a massive bounty. Besides, she’s a glass blower, and she doesn’t even need a forge to do it. You don’t think that would ever come in handy?” she insisted, not allowing any argument. “If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you.”
Robin used her Devil Fruit abilities to summon a hand on the coffee table, flipping to the pages with your bounty poster, the newspaper clippings of your antics with the Marines, and finally the single clipping that told the story of your passed crew, all the while verbalizing what the group was reading.
The group had gasped at your bounty, Sanji even questioning if the picture was really you, a shiver running up his spine. They marveled at your various escapades, all falling silent when they heard about the dead Admiral, Nami asking what he did to piss you off. The little clipping with your promise and tally made them fall silent, all of them understanding. Zoro saying he’d do the same and more if anything like that happened to the Straw-Hats.
“She’s one of us, whether Luffy realizes it or not.” Robin finished, closing the book. “Now, without Ace, she’s completely alone. No family, all her friends were on that crew, and frankly she’s in danger if she stays here.” She said resolutely, holding Chopper a little tighter in her hands. “I asked, she agreed, she’s coming.”
The crew all sat back and nodded, silently running the idea through their heads. “What about Luffy?” Usopp finally asked. “He’s having problems breathing the same air as her.”
Robin shook her head, “He’s grown. He can cope.”
The other pirates all huffed out laughs, a few rolled eyes here and there. “How do we tell him?” Sanji asked.
Nami waved him off, “Let’s wait until tomorrow. Maybe we should wait until we’re like a day away from leaving.” She suggested, “But we shouldn’t tonight. We need to get Luffy to bed and reassess in the morning.”
Little verbalized agreements sounded out from the group.
Luffy found his way into a large, dark room. He groped around the wall to find a light switch, flipping it quickly when he found it. The space lit up and he saw he was in a room with a metal roof and walls. The windows were all fogged from the abuse of years of sandstorms just like this one. The room was full of colorful glass sculptures, they seemed to cover every surface, a rainbow of fragile art in all different shapes and sizes. Luffy walked up to a particular table full of clear glass bottles, a bucket of corks next to them. Each bottle was perfectly uniform, the only reason he could tell them apart was some of them had small bubbles in their surfaces.
He picked one up and looked at it closely, noting some words on the bottom of it. Luffy flipped it over and read it. “Dragon Glass Co.” Luffy glowered at the name, setting it back onto the table and continued exploring. In one area there was a table full of tools, all different types of hammers, pliers, and wrenches scattered all around. In the middle of the table was a wooden box, holes predrilled into the lid, ready for hinges. The box’s lid had a window of green glass, flame etchings on the surface.
Over the workbench sat pictures all over the wall. Pictures of you with an old man, here in this room. Pictures of you and the guy Luffy assumed was your brother goofing off and having fun. There was even a picture of Ace, an embarrassed blush all across his face as he held up a measly glass sculpture, a little orange…blob. The frame had a little plaque, “Portgas’s first time.” Luffy frowned at the double entendre, not appreciating the joke. Luffy turned away from the wall of photos and sighed, sliding down against the wall, curling up his knees into his chest.
Luffy loved his friends, loved his crew with his whole heart, but it wasn’t the same. First, he lost Sabo, then Ace, and it bored a hole into Luffy’s heart, his soul, his very being. He thought he had dealt with it well, thought he had coped like he was supposed to, but there he was, hopelessly and irrationally angry at a woman for just…being friends with his brother. Well, it was more than that to him. It ran way deeper than just that, and Luffy just couldn’t shake the thought, ‘Why didn’t Ace tell me about her? About her brother? Any of it?’ Ace told him everything, or so he thought. Ace would even tell him all kinds of little things like how he liked his eggs, how he hated wearing shirts most of the time because the seams irritated his skin and overheated him with his Devil Fruit. He’d sit and tell Luffy about girls, about his day, about life and love and death and everything in between. But he never mentioned you and it ate at Luffy, like a termite biting at a house’s foundation. ‘Why?’
You padded into the living room, hair still dripping a bit onto your bare shoulders. You had changed into a simple cropped tank top and soft, flowy pants, and still you had your hat hanging from your neck. You didn’t usually wear it around the house, but Luffy’s ranting and snatching made you protective, so it never strayed far from you. “Hey, guys.” You said, sitting next to Nami on the loveseat. “Let me know when you’re ready to turn in for the night and I’ll show you to your rooms.”
“How big is this house?” Usopp asked incredulously, “It looked kinda small from outside other than the big metal garage.”
You shrugged with a smile, “It’s compact, but there isn’t any space wasted.” You said, smile dropping a bit as you continued, “Used to have a lot more people in it.”
Zoro reached over and kicked Usopp in the knee, “Nice going.” He chided.
“It’s okay.” You assured the guilty looking sniper, “It’s just a little raw today.”
Robin’s eyes shot wide, one twitching slightly as she remembered the dates. It was the day before the three-year anniversary of the slaughter of the Spotted-Salamanders. ‘Could any of this get any worse?’
“It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow.” You muttered, curling your knees up to your chest.
Robin almost choked, ‘I should have read those dates more carefully!’
“It’s also the day he died.” You went on. The Straw-Hats tensed in sympathetic winces, “Marines got a jump on us cause we were all celebrating on the ship. I’m sure you read the articles,” you said, gesturing to the book still on the coffee table. “Made me think twice about being your tour guide, but I thought it’d be a nice distraction.” You said with a light giggle, drawing a snort of a laugh from Zoro and making Robing bite back a chuckle.
“A beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn’t have to go through such suffering.” Sanji said, ever the flirt, eyes practically heart shaped as he stared at you.
You blinked at the man, confused, “Aren’t you like 30?” you asked flatly.
Sanji practically collapsed, “I’m twenty-one!” he whined.
You shrugged, “The facial hair threw me off, sorry.”
“Don’t worry-“ Zoro cut him off with a harsh smack to the back of the head, stopping him from continuing his flirting.
“Shup up, you perv.” He hissed, “She’s not interested.”
Sanji flung himself back up, “Like she’d be interested in you, moss head!”
“I never said that!” Zoro growled, clenching his hand into a fist.
“Cause it wouldn’t happen!” Sanji exclaimed, sticking out his tongue in mockery.
You frowned, “No fighting under my roof, or I’ll make you help me sweep out my house from the dunes when the storm stops.”
“We’ll help you do that anyhow, sweetheart.” Robin assured you, Chopper agreeing in her lap.
You bobbed your head, mulling something over, “Then I’ll make them do it with their hands.” You chided, wiggling your brows at the blanching boys. “In wet bathing suits, then you’ll really feel that sand where you don’t want to.” Making the cook and swordsman fling apart, facing away from each other on their respective ends of the couch.
Nami and Usopp spluttered out laughs, Robin only chuckling quietly.
“You two aren’t my type anyway.” You teased.
Nami perked up, “Who is?”
You kinda shrugged, “I always go for brunettes who make me laugh,” you chuckled.
Usopp’s mouth worked faster than his brain sometimes, “Did you date Ace?” his crew members immediately sending Usopp glares.
Your face dropped in pure mortification, “Portgas was older than my brother! And was gross! Do you have any idea how rank his pits could get? And he practically was my brother after a while.” You explained, nose scrunched in disgust, “I’ve seen that man make out with a fish when he got drunk,” You started, numbering out the reasons as you spoke, “I’ve had to help him run away from his angry exes on multiple occasions, cause he always was an ass boyfriend to them cause he only existed as a goofy noncommittal flirt when he got around anything with lip-gloss and boobs,” you started to laugh as you went on, enjoying the smiles all around you, “I mean, the longest relationship I saw him have was his friendship with my brother! One time my whole crew had to bail him out because he was being chased off an island because he hooked up with a mafia boss’s daughter the day of her wedding. In the church!” you exclaimed. “I’d have a better time looking for a boyfriend in Impel Down!” The room erupted into laughter; deep belly laughs as you told your stories.
“So Luffy’d be more your type?” Nami teased without thinking. Her eyes shot wide when she realized what she’d said, trying to take it back.
You grabbed her waving hands and told her it was okay, a soft chuckle rumbling through you. “I don’t really know what he’s normally like,” you started, letting Nami’s hands go, noting the heavy tension in the air, “but from what you guys keep saying, yeah, honestly.”
The Straw-Hats let out a collective sigh and relaxed back into their plush seats. “He really isn’t like this.” Chopper chimed, “He’s normally super nice and funny.”
You nodded and shrugged, “Maybe he’ll warm up to me.”
“I’m sure he will.” Chopper insisted with a yawn.
Robin smiled down at the young reindeer, “Sleepy, Little One?” Chopper tried to say no, but a big yawn interrupted him. “Mind showing us where we can get some sleep?”
You nodded and popped up out of your seat, gesturing for everyone else to do the same, “I’ll show you all at the same time.” The whole crew followed you as you walked into the hallway off of the kitchen again, walking past a few open doors to the left, one was the door of a small bedroom with two twin beds, one quite messy and obviously slept in, the other made neatly, dust settling on the headboard. The other door was of a small bathroom, “This is the only bathroom, so share. No fighting.” You said, eyeing Zoro and Sanji with a playful glare. “Feel free to use the shower, I don’t care if you use my soap and stuff.” The group then turned to the right, being met with a large, closed door. You shoved through the group and popped open the door, flipping a light switch, “You all can sleep in here.” You said, ushering the pirate crew into the large room.
It was a simple room, as were most things in your house, with a few windows around two of the walls, a glass door to the outside on one wall. The room had three bunk beds, all securely bolted to the wall and the ground, one up against a wall, the others sat parallel, two hammocks connecting each of them around the top. The room had plenty of space otherwise, taken up by bedrolls and fluffy rugs over the cool stone floor. The walls were covered in haphazardly placed hooks for coats and hats, otherwise scattered with more photos and a few, ornate glass flowers and starburst sculptures hanging from the ceiling, bathing the room in rainbows of light.
The pirate crew filed in with mouths agape in awe, an instant feeling of home filling all of their chests. “Wow,” Nami breathed out, “This is really nice.”
You had a soft smile on your face, gently holding the doorframe, “This used to be where my crew would crash between our voyages.” You said, exaggerating the last word, “My house became our little dry base of operations. Which makes sense cause my brother was the captain and I was the first mate,” you chuckled.
“You didn’t say you were first mate,” Zoro stated with a furrowed brow.
You shrugged, “Never mattered.”
“Did you make these?” Robin asked, reaching a hand up to touch a blue starburst.
“Yup! Made em with blood, sweat, and tears…and a bit of me,” you laughed at the perturbed faces of the pirates around you. “Here, watch!” you exclaimed, shooing everyone away from you in a wide berth, placing a rounded fist to your lips, blowing through the gap. The pirates all watched in curious awe as a small, molten hot balloon of glass blew out of the other end of your fist, using your free hand to cradle the glass. All the while, small yellow flames licked up your arms and flicked around your face, most of them blowing into the bubble of glass in your hand. When the glass was about the size of a coconut you took your fist away from your mouth, pinching your hand closed, grabbing the glowing glass with your free hand, both of which were glowing with heat. You quickly got to work pinching at it, pushing and pulling at its shape with ease, making it into something the Straw-Hats couldn’t quite make out yet. When you were satisfied, you held the glass out in front of you, the glow dying from your hands and the glass. When it fully cooled, the Straw-Hats were able to see that it was a small, red sculpture of Chopper! Little hat, hooves, and all! You carefully knelt down in front of the reindeer, handing it to him with care.
Chopper took it eagerly, shocked at the cold, solid feeling, “It’s me!” he exclaimed, a giddy smile on his face.
You nodded right back, a big smile on your face, “You can put it in your window and watch it make some of your room red.” Chopper excitedly handed the glass off to Robin next to him, launching you into a quick hug before a loud yawn sounded next to your ear, making you giggle. “Where do you want to sleep, Chopper?” you asked, holding him to your shoulder as you rose.
“Hammock,” he said sleepily, pointing with a hoof at the closest one. You complied quickly, placing him into the swinging fabric, tucking him into a plush pillow.
The other human pirates huddled around Robin, looking closely at the small sculpture of their little reindeer doctor, enamored with the detail.
“So cool!” Usopp whispered, poking at glass Chopper’s head.
“You guys ready to sleep?” you asked, startling the group other than Robin who had watched you walk up.
Zoro and Usopp nodded, climbing into different bunk beds with little “Good night”’s.
Sanji and the girls looked between themselves, “I don’t usually go to bed until pretty late, cause I’m prepping breakfast.” The cook said with a shrug.
You waved him off, “Don’t even think about it, I’ll make breakfast in the morning. Take an early night.” You commanded, shoving him toward one of the bunk beds. Sanji put up no fight, just awkwardly shifted under the covers, a little unsure of what to do with himself.
You then turned to the girls, curious what their reasons were.
“I refuse to sleep in the same room as that pervy cook.” Nami said simply, crossing her arms.
You just shrugged, “You can take my bed.” You suggested.
“I can’t take your bed.” She declared, the heat of embarrassment flushing her cheeks.
“I insist.” You assured, “Just don’t touch the other bed. You’ll know which one’s mine. My name’s on the headboard.” You gently shoved Nami into the hallway, turning away so she couldn’t argue, looking at Robin with a quirked brow.
“I want to make sure Luffy gets to bed first.” Robin said, guiding you by the middle of your back out of the room, flicking off the light but keeping the door open. “You head to sleep, and I’ll grab him.” She whispered.
You nodded and walked away from her, into the living room and plopped onto the beat-up couch, grabbing a blanket off the back and relaxing into one of the plush pillows you had there, resting your hat over your eyes, “Light switch is by the front door, sleep well, Robin.” You said, voice muffled by the hat over your face.
Robin smiled and went ahead and flicked off the light by producing a hand out of the wall, her night vision better than most. Robin quietly strode down the hallway Luffy had stormed off into and quickly found a single door, opening it as silently as possible.
When inside, Robin’s eyes searched the workshop, taking in all of the colors, mostly looking for a certain straw hat. Her eyes locked onto the curled-up figure of her captain, his eyes staring blankly, straight ahead.
“Captain.” She called, walking her way over to him, crouching in front of him. His eyes never moved, staring through her, “Captain, it’s time to go to sleep.” She said softly. Luffy didn’t even acknowledge her, “I’m going to give you one more chance to get up on your own, or I’m dragging you to bed kicking and screaming.” Robin stated, resting a hand on the young man’s head.
Luffy took her hand off his head, “I’m not tired.”
Robin shook her head with a smile, “It’s late, you’re usually asleep by now. Let’s get you to bed.”
“Why does she get to know all this stuff, why’d she get so much time with him?” Luffy asked, tears pricking at his eyes.
Robin’s heart pulled, “I don’t know, Luffy. These things happen, and sometimes we never know why.” She whispered, “Maybe you could ask her to tell stories about Ace, learn what she knows about him. I’m sure he’d be happy to know you two were getting along.”
A few tears fell from Luffy’s eyes, “If he would be happy we were around each other, why’d he never tell me about her?” he insisted, shoving his face into his hat.
Robin pursed her lips and sighed, “I don’t know, Luffy. But you’ll never get an answer unless you get to know her properly.” Luffy shrugged, face still hidden, “C’mon, let’s go to bed.” She urged, grabbing the young man’s hand and rising to her feet, Luffy reluctantly standing with her.
When they stood straight, Robin gently took Luffy’s hat in her hands and pushed it back onto the top of his head, exposing his watery eyes and red nose. Without a word, Robin pulled him into a hug, resting her chin on top of his head. They stayed there for a while, who knows how long, until Luffy yawned, making Robin pull back.
Silently, Luffy let the older woman guide him through the dark house into a room with windows that filtered in a bit of light, the light snores of his crewmates filling Luffy’s ears. Robin gestured to the beds and hammocks, waiting for Luffy to choose where he wanted to sleep, and he slowly trudged his way toward one of the hammocks, hoisting himself up into it. Robin followed closely, helping him settle into the covers.
When her captain was comfortable, she patted his chest and slipped toward the empty bunk bed, the boys taking over two. She cuddled under the covers, looking at the bed above her. She was drifting off to sleep, her eyes fluttering shut. That’s when they snapped open, landing on a small, white envelope tucked between the boards above her. She reached up and tugged it out of its confines, reading the envelope in the dark. It had Luffy’s name on it, and it said it was from Ace. Robin’s heart dropped into her feet as she realized what it said. She quickly shoved what she thought might be a letter into her pillowcase, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. What could be in that letter? Why was it hidden in your house if it was for Luffy?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Part 15
Someone close to me asked me for the next part of this- I hope you all enjoy!
-The new ship was so big!! You could run around all day and still keep finding new stuff no matter where you looked, be it the new aquarium to the massive new kitchen and dining room, even Nami’s grove looked new, despite it still being the same thing as before.
-Franky soaked up your praise, he could listen to you gushing about the ship he built and never get bored of hearing about it, something he gloated to the others- playfully teasing them.
-You were in the galley, eating some apple slices in the shape of bunnies that Sanji had made for you when Zoro called out on the overhead page about a barrel in the water.
-It was fished out and everyone was curious as what it could be, as Nami said it was an offering to the sea, but instead of snacks and drinks, a bright red light shot up, shooting into the sky.
-You fell back, looking up in shock as the loud sound had scared you, instantly running to Robin who kneeled, holding you close as you trembled lightly.
-Nami then shouted for everyone to make evasive maneuvers, as she sensed an incoming storm and as the wind picked up, Franky used it as an opportunity to show off to you again, a huge set of paddlewheels, the Soldier Dock Channel 0, and the crew made their escape.
-As the sky darkened, thick fog covering the sky, turning it basically into nighttime, Nami said that you were all in a place called the Florian Triangle.
-You remembered Kokoro talking to your big brother about that, apparently it was a place where ships and crews went missing, and was regarded as a dark and evil place.
-Usopp and Chopper both screamed, as Usopp hadn’t been around to hear about this, while Chopper was terrified as they ran to their room, looking for things to banish evil spirits.
-You tugged on Robin’s hand lightly, “What’s a spirit?” she smiled down at you, patting you head, “The souls of dead people.” Instantly many, Nami, Sanji, and Usopp, were yelling at her, telling her not to scare you.
-Someone singing then filled the air and everyone froze, looking around, trying to figure out where it was coming from before a massive ship, one that dwarfed Sunny by quite a lot, crept up the side of the ship.
-Eyes all went up and your eyes widened in more awe rather than fear, seeing a skeleton with an afro looking down at everyone, or at least you believed he was looking at you- as he had no eyes.
-Luffy immediately wanted to explore and go see that skeleton, while others were quickly panicking and in the end, everyone was going to draw lots to see who would go.
-You tugged on Zoro’s pants as everyone reached for one, “I can’t reach!” he ruffled your hair lightly with his free hand, “You’re not going Y/N.” you pouted up to him, giving him puppy dog eyes, something Usopp taught you, “Aww- please~” he put his hand over your face, hiding it as he wouldn’t be able to resist.
-You watched from the safety of the Sunny as Luffy, Sanji, and Nami all boarded the ship.
-Only minutes later you were staring up at this super tall skeleton who greeted everyone warmly, introducing himself as Brook, and much to most everyone’s horror, Luffy announced that Brook joined the crew.
-Brook felt your eyes and he kneeled down, “Hello there, young lady, may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” Nami was ready to throttle him if he were to ask to see your panties, but calmed, only until she panicked, seeing you grab his hand, holding it with both of yours, sparkly-eyed, “I’ve never met a skeleton before!”
-Usopp and Chopper were panicking that you seemed to like Brook, asking him questions and Brook couldn’t help but smile, on the side, feeling touched by your curiosity and seeing that you weren’t afraid of him.
-Brook was stunned when you reached up, cupping his bony cheeks, “Does it hurt, being a skeleton? Do you want me to heal you?” Sanji, Robin, Luffy, and Nami all immediately shouted, “NO!” surprising you.
-Brook was stunned silent, hearing your offer before he took your hands in his own, and you felt like he was smiling down at you, “Thank you Y/N- but I am content with the way I am. I can’t make skull jokes if I’m not a skeleton after all yo-ho-ho!!”
-Brook joined you all for dinner and he told everyone his tale about how he became a living skeleton, and what had happened when his shadow and his reflection had been stolen.
-When you ran outside, following the others after a ghost appeared, which scared Brook, your eyes went wide, finding the ship entrapped in a massive floating fortress called Thriller Bark.
-Once again, you had been told that you were to stay on the ship, as your family didn’t want you to be put at risk, as you watched Nami, Usopp, and Chopper going off on the Mini Merry, before you nearly fell as something was pulling the ship closer to the island in the center of the fortress.
-As the ship made it to a dock, you weren’t prepared for it to be in a giant spider web, and you saw the Mini Merry, but there was nobody in it, scaring you as you hugged Luffy’s leg, wanting to know where they were, “I’m scared big brother.”
-Luffy just beamed down at you, reaching a hand down, “Don’t worry Y/N- we’ll be fine!” you knew that Luffy always told you the truth and you nodded, no longer feeling as scared.
-Walking through this unknown and scary looking island, you held onto Luffy’s hand, moving to Sanji when Luffy tried to push a zombie back down into his grave, telling him to get back in his hole.
-There were so many zombies, ones that had big wounds, but they didn’t seem to be bothered, they weren’t in pain as the zombies were quickly defeated.
-You then spotted more ghosts, like the ones that appeared on the ship and you were scared, seeing them floating through Luffy, Franky, and Zoro, causing them to fall to their knees, immediately depressed.
-You tensed, freezing in fear as one of the ghosts flew through you and everything froze as nothing happened. You wiggled your hands, looking up at the confused ghosts who tilted their heads to the side and you did the same.
-You giggled as they all flew at you, rushing though you and like before, nothing happened as Luffy was soon back to normal, finding the effect from these ghosts only temporary.
-Sanji picked you up as the ghosts flew off, you waving goodbye to them, “Bye-bye ghosts!” and he was curious while Zoro poked your cheek lightly, “Why didn’t the ghosts affect Y/N? Is she too young?” nobody had an answer.
-When you all came across a human man, he begged Luffy to get his and the others their shadows back, which would put all the zombies back to sleep, and a Warlord of the Sea, Gecko Moria, was the thief.
-Luffy agreed to do so, wanting to help these people, as he would also be helping Brook, who was nowhere to be seen, and if Brook was to join, he needed his shadow back so he could be out in the sunshine.
-Elsewhere, in Dr. Hogback’s tower, the ghosts all entered, looking panicked as they went to their master, telling them about the child and she was curious, “A kid? You all didn’t affect her?” this made her curious before she headed downstairs, searching out Moria to tell him this bit of information.
-The zombie generals were scary, but seeing Luffy in a suit of armor was amazing- he was like the knight in shining armor in your picture books!
-Robin and Franky took you and ran, getting away from the area, so Luffy could go wild, so he didn’t risk hurting you and you hugged Robin around her neck, your eyes clenched closed as you were now getting scared again.
-As the three of you were cornered by the generals that managed to escape Luffy, Franky smashed the bridge you were all on and Robin tossed you to Franky, “Wings!” your eyes went huge, seeing her hands turning into a set of massive wings as Franky held you close before sending out his Strong Right to grab the ledge.
-Tararan was quickly back on the attack and Franky set you down and you ran and hid while Robin and Franky began to fight this spider like zombie.
-You gasped out, “Mama!” and Robin turned, crying out as she was captured by spider mice, trapping her in webbing and as Franky tried to help, he got pinned and stuck in the webbing as well.
-You were trembling in fear, watching from behind a low wall, scared, before you heard, “Yo-ho-ho~ yo-ho-ho-ho~” the song was beautifully haunting, your eyes going wide as your tears slowly calmed before Brook appeared.
-You smiled, seeing Brook easily take care of Tararan before freeing Robin and Franky as the spider mice all fled. You ran out, “Brook!” the skeleton turned, hearing your voice and he was stunned as he kneeled when you leapt into his arms, your little arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.
-Tears welled in his eye sockets, feeling the warmth of your embrace as Robin came over, “Are you all right Y/N?” you nodded, before Brook explained that Hogback collects the bodies of people and then brings them back to life with Moria’s powers, with the ability to steal shadows, putting the zombies under his control, but there was one thing Brook knew that worked to release the shadows from the zombies, salt.
-You laid low for a while, until something seemed to rock the whole massive ship, something massive and your eyes widened, seeing a giant climbing to the top of the mast, declaring that he would be the Pirate King.
-Your eyes widened, easily able to recognize the personality, just like some of the zombies you came across that acted like other people, “Luffy?!” Franky and Robin were shocked, looking up at this massive giant body of Oars, stunned that you were able to tell that this was Luffy!
-As the three of you were running towards the massive body, seeing Usopp and Chopper there, an invisible hand shot out and grabbed you, making you cry out.
-Robin turned, unable to see who was holding you as you seemed to be disappearing, vanishing out of their sight as your eyes were wide in fear, scared, “Mama!!”
-Instantly everyone was panicking, seeing that you were gone, and when Robin told Usopp, and after he found the sleeping bodies of Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy on the ship, as they had their shadows taken, he instantly shouted, “Y/N’s been taken!!” this instantly had them up and they were quickly rushing in
-You were safe, after Absolom had taken you, with you passing out in the process, in Perona’s room, sleeping soundly, after a zombie took you there, after Usopp made her faint with his trick attack, unaware that you had been brought there moments after he left.
Hogback had nearly come unglued, hearing that these pirates were the Straw Hats, and the child Perona told him about was you!
-They just needed to get rid of the Straw Hats and they would be able to experiment and research as they pleased
-When he first heard about you, hearing the government’s want of you, he knew that there was something special about you- and he was determined to figure out what, the same went for Moria, who was curious on what made you so special.
-You’re not sure how much time had passed, but you were woken up by a princess… a princess?! Your eyes went wide, seeing Perona who told you that something was attacking the island, and that she was going to escape and take you with her, planning on taking Sunny.
-The zombies loaded up all the treasure and food onto Sunny and you heard footsteps as a large, bear shaped zombie was holding you, keeping you from running around but not hurting you.
-You saw a large man, whom Perona introduced as Bartholomew Kuma, another Warlord of the Sea, and he asked Perona if she worked with Moria, trying to make her escape, she told him no and your eyes went wide, seeing that he made her disappear.
-Nami ran onto the ship, “Y/N!” you gasped, the zombie letting you go as the two of you ran to each other, leaping into her arms as you broke down, crying loudly.
-Kuma just stared at the two of you as Nami shifted, ready to defend you, before he turned and walked off, leaving the two of you with the zombies on the ship, who looked panicked, before they all leapt into the sea, running from Nami who had a bag of salt, freeing the shadows.
-Nami swallowed, knowing that she needed to get back to the others to help her against Oars, but she didn’t want to leave you alone, fighting with herself on what to do before an explosion from the battle captured her attention.
-Nami swept you into her arms and pushed you into the galley, “Stay here Y/N!” you panicked, trying to keep ahold of her as she ran out, locking the door behind her as you beat on the door, “Don’t leave! Nami!!”
-You broke down, crying heavily, not knowing what was happening with your family, as you tried to get out, but you weren’t strong enough to get out by yourself. Your hands started to bleed from your pounding on the door, desperate to get out, not wanting to be locked away again, even if it was to keep you safe.
-Your powers flared as you hit the door once more, covering the door and you seemed to reverse the door, as it splintered and broke, returning to pieces of cut wood, giving you your freedom and you ran back onto Thriller Bark.
-You heard explosions, the sounds of fighting all around you, but you couldn’t seem to find your way to the fight, wanting to help in any way that you could and lucky you, a massive fist broke a wall some ways behind you, giving you an opening straight to the fight.
-You saw everyone injured, fighting hard and your eyes went wide, seeing Luffy looking different, his skin now purple-ish in color, looking almost like a zombie and tears welled, “Luffy!!”
-His head shot over, seeing you and Moria, inside Oars’ body, saw you too as the massive hand went down to grab you, “There you are!” you froze, seeing this hand coming towards you and instantly, you were stunned, seeing Luffy easily punching it away from you.
-Sanji shouted at you to hide, not wanting you to be captured and you did as you were told, hiding behind a wall, unable to get close to anyone to help heal them.
-You collapsed to your rear after the long fight, sighing in relief before you ran out, running to Nami who hugged you tightly as you sobbed into her chest, hearing her apologize for locking you away.
-The following day was a day of celebration, now that all of the shadows had been freed, including Brook’s and now he was free to be out in the sun as much as he wanted, which made you smile.
-You were stunned to learn that Brook was part of the crew that knew your friend, the whale Laboon, and you smiled up at Brook as he had you in his lap, “Laboon is still waiting! We promised to go see him too!”
-Brook hugged you close, sobbing quietly, learning that the whale he promised all those years ago was still waiting, thanking you for making him so happy.
-As you enjoyed listening to Brook playing along with Usopp, you were unaware that Ace was in danger, as Luffy kept it from you, not wanting you to worry, after seeing Ace’s Vivre Card burning, knowing Ace could handle himself.
-On the other side of the ship, Robin, Chopper, Luffy, Sanji, and Nami were talking about what had happened on Thriller Bark, with Perona’s ghosts which affected everyone else. Robin glanced over at you, seeing you smiling brightly at Brook, “It affected everyone, no matter the age. The only thing I can think of is… much like Usopp, who is always negative, Y/N was unaffected because she’s felt worse.” Eyes narrowed, in both anger and worry, worried for you and angry at whoever put you through what hell you went through.
-You couldn’t wait for your next adventure!
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onepiece-asl-lover · 3 months
Idk if your requests are open if not respond to the Privately but So idk if you actually feel comfortable writing for Luffy I am looki for one piece x reader writers who have the requests open and came across you anyway I request takes place after the time skip where reading I ask Luffy if next year they can celebrate Ace with Luffy aka next year on the day of his death instead of feeling sad they want me make sure Luffy is happy so they will spend the entire day doing things would love like eating us favorite foods and doing things he would love
I'm totally fine writing this! I'll try the best of my abilities to write what you requested. If you dont like it I can make another. Also I'll make it a Luffyxreader thing
First ever ask!!!!
"Changing a tragic into comfort" Luffy x Fm!reader
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You knew this day exact day your lover Luffy brother died. It had traumatized him so much that on the next year he sat in his room and barely ate, concerning you and the straw hats.
This year was the day that Ace died and when you woke up to hopefully to find Luffy next to you, you find him at your desk his hat covering his face and when you realized it he was asleep as you brought a blanket and tucked him gently.
Your head was clouded as you went onto deck watching over the railing the ocean. How couldn't you helped your lover the time he needed it the most. Were you just a bad lover and spouse.
You didn't keep track of time that Sanji called for dinner and Nami had to call you over. You could tell everyone was quiet today aswell. The death of the Fire Fist Ace and the traumatic Luffy had effect them as you guys all ate silently.
You step slowly as an idea clicked into your mind. Why don't you guys make him a small party a supporting comfort party with his favourite food items. It was the best idea you ever thought of till now as you spoke up from the quiet dinner hall.
"Please excuse me but I have an idea on how we can help Luffy." You said as you wiped your hands with a towel.
"Help Luffy?" Chopper asked as his little hands ate a loli Robin gave him.
"How can we help Luffy, we can't just being Ace back" Zoro said as he kept eating he wasn't wrong so Nami didn't hit him.
"I've heard of these things for people who have went through a traumatic event and losing sombody, it's called a..-" you tried to remember the title of this party.
"An offer party, where people who have gone through grieving often remember that it is the person who offered reassuring hope, the certainty that things will get better, who helped them make the gradual passage from pain to a renewed sense of life." Robin offered as you nooded.
Everyone seemed to listen up as you continued talking of a party and probably it might be f everyone in the crew. You know everyone in the crew as lost a loved one from a trainer to a father figure ect.
"I hope we could make a kind of party self care I believe where we get our favorite food, items, games, drinks ect and get comfort from each other."
"..." it was silent in the room it made you sweat thinking of their opinion and thoughts about this party thing.
"Y/n your idea is....SUUUUUUUPERRR" Franky says as he does his iconic pose."also can we have cola and bugers there too" he adds as you all laugh.
"And cottoncandy!" Chopper says as he jumps off Robin laps.
"The great captain Usopp declares he will want a grilled fish!"
"Yohohohoho! I would be delightful to have some curry aswell too!"
"I can pick Mikans from my garden!"
"I would enjoy sandwhiches"
"Mozuku seaweed"
"Guess I should get onto cooking then if I'll have to make all this food" Sanji chuckles a he goes to start cooking.
The dining room was as loud as it usually was which is more comforting then that dead silence a few minutes ago.
Nami ordered around for decorations. Zoro messed up. Usopp getting some of his fairytails books. Brook being out his guitar and getting it ready to place with. Franky using his robot skills and Jinbei helping Nami with decor. Chopper grabs some small royes he holds in his bag to show. Robin using her devil fruit to help around.
You smiled as you saw everyone getting ready as it remind you, you had to get Luffy as you trolled into his room.
"Luffy?" You said as you peeked your head through the door.
You see him staring at the window as you went next to him.
"Everything's alright?" You asked as you rubbed his head.
You sighed as you kept looking at him and brushing away fallen tears of his and plopped his strawhat back on.
"You know Ace wouldn't want you crying over him, he called you a crybaby when we were younger remember? He wound want you to accomplish your dreams to be the pirate king not let an incident stop you" you say as you rubbed his head.
You hear him sniffle as he wobbly answers.
"You-?re ri-right I should keep going no m-mattered what. Fo-far Ace"
"Yes, yes for Ace" you said as he slowly hugged him.
".....now how about we head outside? I think everyone wants you back as a captain? A crew can not be a car without a captain."
"Okay." Luffy said as he stood up as you stood up aswell grabbing a handkerchief wiping his tears as you lead him outside.
When you lead him outside onto the deck you could see his face light up at the celebrations with tables of food decor and the crew "helping" eachother.
"Luffy!" Chopper squeaked as he ran towards Luffy.
"Hey your back!" Usopp ran towards Luffy as well.
More and more people in the crew went to Luffy talking to him, showing him items they hold dear or giving him food
You could see him smile wide as he went around talking with his crew.
Usopp had a crafting stand and some childhood fairytale books
Choper has some little toys that Robin joined playing with him.
Sanji showed some childhood snacks he would make for his mother.
Nami opened her garden to anyone who could pluck a tangerine which was rare.
Franky shad a show to show off his robot abilities and skill.
Brook played songs for the crew.
Jinbei played around like a father being dragged to every station.
Robin reached some of an old language she used to know.
Zoro slept.
And Luffy laughed as he sprung around and also ate half the food.
You let out a breath as you saw Luffy happy again and enjoying the time with the crew.Everyone seemed so happy and joyous even when something tragic happened that turned into something joyus, and comforting.
Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around you thanking you for helping him and also letting him have party that is for everyone on the crew.
You loved this crew so much you would shake the world for them to be happy.
You couldn't hope for a better crew than this.
Shoutout to petalpetal for being my first ask I hope I did this the way you wanted this I really enjoyed writing this very much!
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standardfriends · 6 months
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boy (I need you) 🦋
Word Count: 5.3k|| Kanemoto Yoshinori x Fem. Reader || Tags: Fluff, Slight Angst, Smut, Dilf!Yoshi, Son!Jeongwoo, Best Friend!Doyoung, Slight Age Gap (4 years), Petnames, Abandonment, Vanilla, Plot Heavy
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"Damn, this house is really nice." Whose house, you may ask? Hopefully, your future employer's. You recently started college and have been looking for a pretty lenient job, and that's how you got here. A man, not much older than you, named Yoshinori needed a house-sitter. So here you were, about to enter for an interview. "You got this, y/n. You'll be fine." You press the doorbell. "One second! Sorry~" A sweet melodic voice tweets from behind the door. "Hello, come on in!" Appearing is one of the most gorgeous faces you've ever seen in your life. Long brown hair, shiny soft eyes, high strong nose bridge, a bright smile, and a pretty mole underneath his mouth to pair with it.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" "Just water is fine, thank you." He leads you to sit down on the couch in his living room, which is quite cozy, with a light brown sectional, a wooden and glass coffee table positioned in front of a flat-screen TV and front window. He comes back quickly with a glass of ice water with a cute curly straw. "Sorry, how rude of me. I haven't introduced myself. My name is Kanemoto Yoshinori, and you?" "Y/n, nice to meet you, Mr. Kanemoto." "Oh, please just call me Yoshi…" He chuckles nervously and rubs his neck. "Alright, nice to meet you, Yoshi."
You soon find out that he's looking for a house-sitter because he frequently works long hours throughout the week. "I just need you to do basic tasks like making sure all the plants are watered, the fish are fed enough, and that dust doesn't collect." Simple enough, it pays really well, considering those are your only major tasks. "Also, you would get weekends off. That's when I'm at home. My son Jeongwoo comes to visit me, he lives with his grandparents during the week." SON!? You had to refrain from letting your jaw drop, but you can't help but be shocked, as Yoshi only looked at most 4 years older than you. "Oh ok, well if that's all, I'd be happy to house sit for you, Yoshi!" "REALLY? Oh, I mean—ahem—really? Thank you so much!" You can't believe this man has a child; he acts so innocently. You swear you saw stars in his eyes when you accepted his offer. "Let's discuss more in-depth about payment and schedule, hmm?" "Sounds perfect to me."
You ended up spending two hours with him, chatting not only about your new job but each other's personal lives as well. You learned he's a music producer for a very big entertainment company, he has to be there for long hours due to the number of songs he has to make for many different artists. You learned he went to the same university you're currently attending and he graduated just last year. He gave you pointers on all the best spots to make friends and eat. You told him about how you plan to major in Linguistics and he was ecstatic, being a polyglot himself.
The most notable thing is that of his son, a 3-year-old named Jeongwoo, he says he's very timid but well-mannered and caring. Although there was no mention of Jeongwoo's mother and it seemed like he was purposefully so, you decided not to pry. "What an intriguing man…" It was Saturday, you had two days before you start this job. "Why do I already want to start now?" Laying down, looking at your ceiling, you can't help but let your mind wander. Checking the time, you realize if you want to get everything together by Sunday night, you have to head to bed now. "Goodnight, Yoshi. Please take care of me in the future."
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"Daddy, how come I have to eat my salad if you haven't touched any of yours?" "Huh—" Yoshi looks down to realize he's barely eaten. "Oh, you're right, bud. It's not fair. Sorry, daddy will finish all his salad." He stuffs a bite into his mouth. "See, mmm yummy, now you have to as well, ok?" "Ok, daddy!" "Good boy." He couldn't stop thinking about earlier today. A pretty young girl like you wanted to get paid to do boring tasks around his house and just make sure nobody breaks in. You didn't even question too much about him and his son and seemed to be open-minded about it. This was something he surely wasn't used to. He couldn't place what, but it felt like you had bewitched him, all his thoughts were filled with you. It's a little weird because he just met you and you're just some 19-year-old looking to make some easy money. "I really should've gotten out more in college, not like I had much of a choice…" Creak "Daddy, you look sleepy, can we sleep together tonight?" As much as he feels he's missed out, he loves his kid so much. "Sure, buddy, let's clean up dinner first." "Ok!" He watches the little boy scurry with all the plates into the kitchen excitedly. "Be careful, slow down!"
"How come I never get to visit mommy?" Jeongwoo asks his father. Yoshi is a little taken aback. How could he tell his little boy that his mommy left them? "Well, you see, mommy lives very far, and it's not easy for you to visit her." "How far? Does she live all the way across the ocean?" "Yes, all the way across the ocean." "Can't we just take a plane?" "Planes are expensive, bud." "Can we do it once, when I have a holiday?" He adores his son so much, his persistence and curiosity is one of his favorite parts of being a parent. He can't believe that anyone could just leave such an amazing kid behind. "I'll see what we can do, buddy, but I don't know if mommy is going to be willing."
"Why?" His heart pains, he asks himself the same thing, why? He thought they were perfect together and that everything was going to be perfect just the three of them, but she left. "Mommy needs time. She's been through a lot." "Ok…" He can tell his son is no longer as bright as before, and it hurts just as much as he thought. "Hey, don't frown, daddy doesn't like when you frown. How about I sing you a lullaby tonight, hm?" The little boy eagerly nods his head in agreement. Before Yoshi can even finish the song, the little one is off to sleep, and he rests a peck on his forehead.
Your first day of house-sitting was a breath of fresh air after a hard day at school. You had a project in your semantics class. You were partnered up with a boy in your class named Doyoung. He's cool and all, but he talks a LOT, and consequently, not a lot of work got done. The house, thankfully for you, seemed to be in good shape. You went about your duties with care, watering the plants, feeding the fish, and dusting the surfaces. "Well, that was easy. Maybe I should look around the house, and maybe find a bathroom while I'm at it." While exploring, you came across a child's bedroom. There was a tiny kid's doctor's kit, music sheets along with a kid's recorder, and a drawing of the house, a man who you assumed was Yoshi, and a tiny kid you could only assume was Jeongwoo. It brought a little bit of warmth to your heart. You thought it would be nice to tidy up the room a bit, so you put everything in its designated spot and close the door. You could tell Jeongwoo was just as nice as Yoshi had described, and you could tell he cares for his son a lot.
There's another bedroom directly opposite the one you recently exited. It was most definitely Yoshi's. You could smell the subtle scent of a nice clean cologne emanating from the room. You decided it would be best not to enter there without permission. You eventually found the bathroom as well, but afterward, your stomach made an incomprehensible rumble. You ventured into Yoshi's kitchen, finding some basic ingredients for an omelet and toast. After a bit of whisking, chopping, frying, and toasting, you had a simple, wholesome meal ready. You took a bite and started to get out your computer when you suddenly hear the front door unlock.
"Ahhhh, where is it? I swear I left it right here. Oh—" You are confronted with a very disheveled Yoshi. Even then, he still looked as gorgeous as before. His eyes were like the ocean. "Hi, Y/N. Sorry to startle you." "It's fine. It is your house, after all." He has a look of surprise on his face mirrored by your own. "I had forgotten some lyrics I was working on last night." He chuckles, and the vibrations send a tingling feeling throughout your body.
"You didn't happen to see them lying around, did you?" "Uhhh, I don't think so. I'm sorry." "No, no, it's totally okay. I'll find them." A little less frazzled, he finally smells the food you made. "Oh, I made an omelet and toast from some food you had in the fridge. I hope that's okay." "Yeah, that's fine. I'm sorry for interrupting you. You can go back to eating if you want." You can tell he may need some help, but you appreciate him trying to be considerate. "Let me help you out. I finished pretty much all the tasks you gave me, so I can put off eating for a little longer. What did you say those lyrics looked like?" "It’s just a filing folder with lined pieces of paper. They should still be somewhere here in the living room," Yoshi explains, gratefully accepting your offer.
Together, you start searching by the coffee table, flipping through various magazines and yesterday's mail, to no avail. Yoshi checks the nearby shelves and cabinets, his brows furrowing in concentration. You can't help but steal glances at him, the way his hair frames his face, the smell of his perfume hitting your senses every time he slightly passes by. The moment is intimate but not uncomfortable. You both continue to work diligently to find his paper, and for some reason, you have a sense of responsibility for making sure the papers return to their rightful owner.
After about 30 mins of non-stop scouring, Yoshi lets out a small sigh of frustration, running a hand through his hair. "I could've sworn I left them here." You glance around the living room one last time when your eyes land on a small stack of papers slid underneath the couch. You reach for them, pulling them out. "Are these the ones you're looking for?" Yoshi turns to look at you, a sparkle flickers in his sweet eyes. He quickly moves over, taking the papers from your hands and flips through them, "Yes, these are it! Thank you, Y/N." “I'm glad I could help, Yoshi." You felt almost like you were more relieved than he was. But it didn’t matter all that mattered has the smile radiating from his face. He chuckles, shaking his head. "No, seriously. If you weren’t here who knows how long it would’ve took. My boss isn’t the most patient to say the least." “Oh trust me I know how that feels.” At that, you both laugh, the tension from before completely dissipated. It's a nice moment, one that makes you look forward to continuing to house sit for Yoshi.
Yoshi, having found the missing lyrics, quickly gathered his things, thanking you once again before hurrying out the door. Left alone in the quiet house, you turned back to your half-eaten omelet, the cool air making it lukewarm. It wasn’t too bad thought so you finished your meal, finding comfort in the cozy home. After cleaning up your mess you pulled out your laptop and opened up the project you had been working on with Doyoung. Working through the project was a challenge, primarily due to the fact you had to work through what pieces of information he told you were actually relevant. You check through the little notes you guys actually got down and come up with an actually solid thesis.
After a few texts back and forth you and Doyoung managed to make significant progress, feeling a sense of accomplishment as she you finally closed your laptop. In that moment the sun was starting to set, you did one last look around the house, making sure that everything looked just as intended. As you locked the front door behind you, you found yourself looking back on the day of house-sitting. Anticipating what the week would look like. The walk back was refreshing albeit a little lonesome, you didn’t know why, but you suspect it was because of him.
The first week of the job was full of getting accustomed to the new environment. The house, despite its larger size, had a warm feeling that made you easily unwind. You found yourself settling into a comfortable routine, taking care of the house and its inhabitants (fish included) with vigor. Yoshi, despite being absorbed with his work, made sure to check in with you throughout the week. He’d call or text asking if you needed anything and if you were feeling comfortable.
One day, when you mentioned that you had forgotten to bring lunch, he knew the fridge was empty so he surprised you by dropping of some food from the grocery store right quick. “Oh Yoshi you didn’t have too, I could’ve gotten something delivered right quick.” “It’s ok I was on my lunch break as well anyways.” It was a small act, but it spoke volumes about his thoughtful nature. There were other little gestures throughout the week as well. But the most memorable was when you came in on Friday with a note left on the fridge, 'Thank you for everything Y/N, have a nice weekend ;)' written in Yoshi's neat handwriting. The small gestures also made your heart flutter, you found that you had to remind yourself that he is probably this nice to everyone. That didn’t stop your mind from being filled with constant thought of him.
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“I mean you never know until you shoot your shot.”, Doyoung brazenly comments. "You play too much Dobby. He's just being nice, plus he's my boss," you get really defensive, however you’re not able to hide the blush creeping up to your cheeks. "And besides, he has a kid! I don’t know if he’s looking for that all, especially not from me." "Hey, all I'm saying is that the option is clearly available. And you can’t assume his feelings, positive or negative.” He smirks before taking another sip of his boba and continuing to work on your shared project. "Whatever Doyoung..." You roll your eyes at him, your voice trailing off.
Despite what you said, you can't help but acknowledge some truth in his words. Could there be a chance that your feelings for Yoshi weren't unrequited? You haven’t known him long but your thoughts were consumed by the image of him, even when you weren't at his house. His smile, his voice, his scent - they were all you hand on your mind these past few days. You shake your head, trying to clear those thoughts for now. "Doyoung, let's just focus on our project." He raises his brow at the comment but nods, turning his attention back to the work at hand. You try to do the same, but your mind keeps wandering back to Yoshi and the strange, yet warm, feelings that have started to bloom in your heart.
Every corner of Yoshi's house seems to leave an imprint of him. His music sheets scattered scross the coffee table, the doodles of him and Jeongwoo with little captions left on the fridge, the sandwiches left in the fridge for you in case you got hungry. You've gotten adjusted to his routine as well. You know when he gets off for lunch, what days he gets off early, his favorite snacks, and even his favorite songs and TV shows. He's your employer, but he treats you more as a friend, throughout the past few weeks you’ve been working for him you can’t help but feel like you’re relationship is a little more special than that of employer and employee. You can't help but wonder if this is how it always is for him, or if there's something more behind it. “Hey Y/N I have a favor to ask.” “Yeah sure Yoshi what is it?” It’s been about a month now you’ve started to eat dinner with Yoshi when he gets off early, tonight you decided on some chicken katsu, Yoshi was feeling a little homesick. “I was wondering if you’d like to meet Jeongwoo and if that goes well baby sit him this weekend? You’d get paid extra of course…”
Your eyes light up, “Really? I’d love to meet Jeongwoo!” He laughs, that laugh you have come to adore, “Yeah, my parents wanted to go on a day trip but I’m still going to have work that day so I’d need you to watch him till I get home.” “Sounds great to me!” You guys decided on which day this weekend you were going to plan to have you and Jeongwoo meet as well as what would be expected when you watch him the day Yoshi’s gone of course. You couldn’t believe it that Yoshi felt like he could trust you with something as important as this. Jeongwoo was his everything you could tell just from the way he spoke about his little one.
“Dude if you don’t ask him out already,” Doyoung wastes no time. After that project at the beginning of the semester the two of you quickly became best friends. “Oh my god bruh, shut up. Although…” “See I told you, you need to just start openly flirting and see how he reacts at this point because I don’t know anyone else who regularly eats dinner with their boss who also now wants them to meet his kid.” Doyoung has gotten more persistent in telling you to ask Yoshi out. “I just don’t know Dobby what if he doesn’t see me that way. Ugh, I don’t think I could handle that right now.” You were never this bad with rejection in the past but with Yoshi it’s different he’s perfect, he’s your shooting star. “If you wanna keep suffering from one-sided love that’s on you, I’ve already told you what I think. Now can we please finish looking over this textbook section I’m not tryna bomb this test tomorrow.” You sigh and agree, even when your friend ends up falling asleep on call you circle back on his advice. He’s right you’ll never know unless you try, and you decide you’re goal is after baby sitting Jeongwoo to ask him out.
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You were back to the beginning standing on Yoshi’s doorstep prepping yourself to push the doorbell, this time you heart raced with more anticipation than before. Having spent the past month and a half house-sitting for Yoshi was nothing when you consider that you were meeti g your boss’, you have a crush on, kid. “Hi Y/n, Jeongwoo is in the living room right now playing come on in!”As you walk into the familiar room you find Jeongwoo playing with his toys just as Yoshi said he was, he had a big toothy grin on his face and innocence in his eyes. “Hey buddy I got someone I want you to meet.” His gaze drawn to his fathers voice. He gets up hiding behind his dads leg as he studies your expression. “Jeongwoo this is Y/N she’s daddy’s friend. Introduce yourself.” He’s reluctant, “Hello Y/n I’m Jeongwoo.” you chuckled softly, he was so cute and resembled his father a lot. "Nice to meet you Jeongwoo. Is it ok if I play with you?” Jeongwoo looks to his dad for approval, once Yoshi gives an affirming nod, his smile slowly started to return, “Ok!” And you follow the little boy to sit down and play with the doctors kit you had put away many times before.
As Yoshi observed your interactions with Jeongwoo, he felt a storm of emotions. Watching you playing with his precious little one, seeing the genuine care and warmth in you had for him, Yoshi felt his heart twist and turn. Yoshi found himself lost in thought, reflecting on thesmall time you had spent together but noting just how comfortable and natural it felt. "Dad, look at this!" Jeongwoo's excited voice brought Yoshi back to the present, to show him a drawing you had help him make. “This is lovely bud, I’m gonna hang up right here ok?” “Ok, and Y/n helped so you should thank her too.” The look in his eyes being filled with sincerity, ”Thank you Y/N””Anytime Yoshi.” In that moment it became abundantly clear to Yoshi that his feelings for you were stronger than friendship or gratitude. He was in love with you.
Your first meeting with Jeongwoo was successful and you were set to babysit him this Thursday. And with Yoshi’s realization he was growing even more anxious. The last time he let someone into his life, the last time he loved someone, they left. Without a traces Jeongwoo’s mom left him, with only a note saying, “I’m sorry Yoshi. This is goodbye, take care of Jeongwoo for me. -XXX” What if you did the same, Jeongwoo wasn’t old enough to be affected when his mom lleft but if you left now… He hoped you wouldn’t, you were the best thing that’s happened to him a long a time. And Jeongwoo already loves you just as much as he did. “Please don’t leave me…” Is the last thing he mumbles softly, before drifting off to sleep.
Today is the long awaited day, arriving at Yoshi’s house around your usual time you enter. Before the boys get home you decided to clean up a bit, not neglecting the duties you were originally hired for, and as you finish up you hear a tiny footsteps from the front door. “Jeongwoo take of your shoes please before you—” “Y/N!” Before you have time to react the tiny boy has already jumped into your arms. “Jeongwoo~, ahh you’ve gotten so big since I last saw you.” “REALLY?” You try to respond right away but he sounded exactly like his dad on that first day you teo met and it instantly melted your heart. “Yes bubba! Now lets go take off your shoes and get ready to say bye-bye to your dad ok?” While directing him back to the front door you and Yoshi exchange a glance.
It was a glance of passion, of admiration, of love? You didn’t have to much time to think about it before Yoshi had to get going, ‘I should be back by around 7, have fun you two.” “Ok we will, Jeongwoo say bye.” “Bye Daddy~” They exchanged a embrace with kiss on the cheek and before you knew it he was gone. You and Jeongwoo started off with homework (which in pre k is addition, abc’s, and maybe some coloring sheets) which you knocked out quickly. After that you guys play for a while, you pretended to be his patient, “Oh no Dr. Jeongwoo will I be ok?” “Yes, it’s just a broken leg you’ll feel better soon. Your medicine is a cast and a nice big hug!” “Thank you so much Doctor.” Before you knew it it was dinnertime, hanging out with Jeongwoo has been so much fun that you didn’t even realize it was almost 7:30.
“Hey bubba I don’t know why your dad is late but I think it’s time to get ready for bed.” “Awww…” He gives you the cutest little pout just like Yoshi when you tell him you have to go. “I know but we can play more tomorrow if you really want to ok?” He nods. You then get him ready for bed and he goes to sleep without issues, but not it’s almost 8 and you’re really worried about Yoshi. Why is he late, did he get stuck in traffic, is he safe, did something happen at work? Until the front door opens in coming a very tired Yoshi. “Sorry I’m late there was a really bad accident on the freeway. How did everything go.” You didn’t care if it seemed inappropriate in that moment you were overcome with relief.
You hugged him a tight one at that, “I was so worried.” He doesn’t know how to react, you were worried about him? He accepts the hug, “I’m Sorry, next time I’ll tell you when something like that happens, I promise.” You step back allowing yourself to get a good view of his face and him of yours. Something is different tonight you can feel it. “Hey, do you wanna drink a beer with me? I’m assuming you put Jeongwoo to bed and are a little tired?” You chuckle at his suggestion as his cheeks turn slightly rosy. After cracking open the case of beers you guys sit and talk, Yoshi brings up that Jeongwoo likes you. “He couldn’t stop talking about you—” “Oh really?” “Yeah… and neither could I.” This time when your eyes meet you both see each other feelings very clearly now. “I can’t stop thinking about you, I need you, I wan’t you, shit I think…I love you.”
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In seconds your lips are crashed together, his hands navigating towards your waist as you both sink into the couch, “I need you so badly.” “Me too,” you gasp during the fight between your tongues. Your lips swollen mouth going numb from the intensity, “Are you sure you want this?” Yoshi asks breaking the two of you apart, “I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you right now Yoshi.” A low groan echoed from his lips, he quickly removes his shirt and helps you rid of yours. After, immediately reconnecting your wet lips together, teeth and lips and tongues clashing against one another as the space between you continued to decrease. He starts to trail down your neck, leaving small kisses scattered across your plush skin. “You’re so gorgeous,” he murmured against your chest, nipping lightly at your skin and leaving fluttering kisses across your torso. “So, beautiful baby.”
You are startled when his skillful hands undo the clasp of your bra, hastily tossing it to the side. His touch on your skin felt like burning bruises. You were melting at his touch and his scent overwhelmed your senses. “Yoshi,” you whimpered, clinging to him like he was going to ruin away, “I need you…now.” “Yeah?” He started to unbutton your pants, sliding them down your legs and throwing them with the rest of your clothes. His followed soon after. He teased you pulling at the hem of your underwear. “Love, do you really want this?”, he asks a final time before continuing. You nod, “As cute as your facial expressions are, I need words babe.” It’s a little late to be embarrassed now isn’t it, “Yes. Yoshinori please make love to me.” He smirked at you, that’s all he needed to hear. He quickly dealt with your underwear and proceeded to settle in between your legs. Letting them fall naturally over his shoulders. “I think that’s something I can definitely do.”
He kissed up your thighs, biting gently and leaving faint marks over the bare skin. You shuddered with every pressed kiss. The one on your clit giving you an instant of pleasure and relief where you needed him most. “You ready baby?” That melodic voice and glowing eyes you fell in love with looking for your approval once again yet this this time filled with lust. You were tired of holding back. You nod giving him the go ahead and he waste no time burying his face between your legs, licking a slow stripe over your entrance, “You smell and taste so good baby. You’re so perfect love.”
You could only hum in response, the way his tongue and his lips felt against your body had your mind running laps. Threading your fingers through his hair and pushed his face harder against you, he couldn’t help but letting his groans reverberate off you. Your orgasm was climbing up faster than you anticipated. You hadn’t had sex in a while so you knew it was gonna feel good but not this good. “Wait, Yo-Yoshi,” you managed to moan out, pushing his face away from you. He looked up at you, your arousal dripping from his chin. Did he do something wrong? Did you change your mind? “I need you inside…I wanna cum with you…”
He chuckles with a grin forming on his face once again leaning in to give you another passionate sloppy kiss. “Let me see…” He goes over checking in the TV stand for some condoms to no avail. “Shit…Love i’m sorry I—” You grab his arm and face him towards you, shutting him up with a kiss before speaking again, “Im clean and on the pill. I wanted you raw anyways baby.” Hearing how badly you wanted him as much as he wanted you put him at ease. He finally releases his dick from his boxers painfully hard and covered in pre cum. “Are you ready?” He asked softly lining up with your entrance, caressing your hair out of your faces gently. That look of care as if you were going to break with his touch. “I’m so ready.”
You squeezed his shoulders and gasped softly, trying not to make too much noise as he slowly bottomed out. It’s unlikely you’ll wake Jeongwoo considering he’s all the way upstairs but it’s better to be safe than sorry. He lets out a disheveled moan into your ears, hands gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises in the morning. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” Yoshi groaned quietly, his breathing heavy as he let’s you adjust to his size. “Move. Please…” you finally whimper, “Please… I need you.” His pace was slow to start, thrusting fully in and out of you making sure to feel every inch of you. Your lips locked together as to hide the lewd noises that threatened to escape at any moment. God you were so beautiful all he could do was whisper sweet nothings to you.
“I really love you, Y/N,” he moaned, “I don’t know the last time I loved someone as much as you.” “I love you too. So much,” you whined out, coming closer to your climax your vision became less and less focused, “Yoshi—Baby—I’m so close right there—mmm” Watching how good you felt and feeling how well you were milking him all he could do was agree. “Me too, baby, cum with me.” You nodded quickly, whines escape your lips from the overwhelming passion in your core. His pace started to stagger, “Fuck, I’m coming, baby.” Circling your clit the two of you came together. He held you closer to him as he released into you. You’re both out of breath, “Y/n…” suddenly his eyes are back to the Yoshi you know. “Yeah baby?”, looking at him you can’t help but fall in love all over again. “Please don’t leave me…I don’t know what I would do, what Jeongwoo would do if you left us now. Just stay with me ok, not just tonight but every night please?” “Oh Yoshi, how could I ever leave you.” You give him a quick peck on his sweaty forehead before reassuring him that you love him.
You end up laying there for a while before you both get up to do aftercare and cuddle in bed. You weren’t sure how things turned out this way exactly, or how you would explain it in the future but that didn’t matter to you right now. All you needed in that moment was each other and that was enough.
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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obxthornton · 2 months
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JJ Maybank X Reader
Wc: 1141
"Hi Mr. Carrera." I said smiling at kies dad. He smiled back at me. "Hi y/n. Mango smoothie?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. I always seemed to order one whenever I came. "You know me so well."
"Are you going to flirt with kies dad the whole time or come sit down?" Sarah asked. I hit her shoulder and glared at her. "Sarah Cameron." I scolded. Kie was already at a table socializing with her Friends.
I walked next to Sarah as she approached the table, a big smile covered my face.
"Guys this is my bestist friend Y/n." Sarah said.
"Hey." I said as Sarah sat down next to John b, kissing him on the lips. I sat down next to her. Kei infront of Sarah, Pope infront of JB and a blonde boy infront of me.
"I've heard about you and you but I don't think I even know your name." I smiled lightly at the boy infront of me.
"Gosh you don't talk about me kie?" He asked. Kie shook her head "not at all."
"I'm JJ, but you can call me anytime you'd like." JJ said winking.
"See I would but I actually lost my phone number. Could I borrow yours?" I said tilting my head alittle to the side, smiling innocently.
"She's good." John b said earring a nod from Sarah.
About that time kies dad sat down my smoothie infront of me. "On the house."
"Thank you Mr. carrera."
"Can I get one on the house?" JJ asked.
"No." Mr. Carrera said walking away making me laugh.
"What can I say? I'm his favorite." I smirked taking a sip of my drink.
Everyone had gone into there own conversations which led me and JJ to talk alittle.
"So your like really good?" I asked.
"Best in the OBX." He said cockily.
"In little league or..?" I asked Tilting my head alittle.
He smiled alittle bit "What about you? You surf?"
I shook my head "I have an intense fear of the ocean."
Jj laughed "no kidding?"
I shook my head and pulled my leg out to the side showin a bunch of squiggly scars. "Huge jellyfish I don't even know what kind it was." I laughed alittle. "4 years ago i think. Haven't been in the ocean since."
"Woah it looks cool." He said. I smiled lightly moved my leg back under the table.
"I love fishing though. I just avoid getting into the water."
"Maybe we could go together sometime." JJ said making me blush. I looked away towards the door to hide it and My face fell. I groaned rubbing my face knowing I was about to get some sort of leacture. "Crap." I mumbled.
"What's up?" Jj said looking towards the door, his face twitched alittle seeing topper, rafe, and kelce.
I ran a hand threw my hair as I heard the clapping of toppers flip flops. "Y/n what are you doing?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "eating same as you."
"Mango?" He asked picking it up and taking a sip out of my straw. I grimaced and took the straw out and threw it on the table.
"Bye topper. Thanks for stopping bye."
"No I don't think-"
"I think she said it was your time to leave." JJ stated looking up at my brother.
"Dating a dirty pogue now y/n?" Topper questioned. JJ glared at the boy and I sighed "topper please-"
"Or is it him? Or that pogue. whore."
Me and JJ stood up at the same exact time both me and him had the same experession on our face. Jj looked like he was about to punch him so I stepped in front of him putting my hands on toppers chest. "Go. Home."
Topper glared at both of us, "see you at home." He muttered,  before slowly backing off and walking out the door, his minions following.
I let out a deep breath and sat back down. "My apologies for his actions."
"Not your fault." John b stated.
"You live with him?" JJ asked.
I nodded but stopped when I saw his face. "He's my brother."
"A sorry one." Sarah added, Making me nod.
"Your brother. Is topper?" Pope asked.
I nodded "I'm the prettier twin though."
JJ choked on his drink. "Twins?"
JJ held a paper football inbetween his finger and the table and John b held up a gold post with his fingers. Jj tongue was placed in between his teeth as he flicked the napkin threw the field goal. His hands shot up and he smiled.
"That's game." He cheered
"Right on time." Pope said looking towards the door where kei, Sarah and a blonde headed girl had just walked in.
JJ turned to look and his smile fell as he looked over at the blonde girl leaning against the table, her head placed in her heads as she was talking to kies dad.
"Dude who's that?" He asked.
"Oh that's y/n, kie and Sarah friend. She's cool." John b stated.
Y/n laughed At something kie dad had said and it seemed as if that was the only doin he could here at the moment. He needed to know more about this girl.
Kie walked up to the table and hit the back of JJ head. "Your drolling."
He snapped his head towards kie "what? No." To which she just laughed.
Sarah and Y/n walked up to the table, JJ avoided the girls gaze and look up at Sarah instead.
"Guys this is my bestist friend Y/n ." Sarah said sitting down next to John b who had just moved down to the end.
"Hey." She smiled.
And y/n sat right infront of JJ preventing him from looking anywhere else but her.
"I've heard about you and you but I don't think I even know your name." She smiled lightly at JJ making his heart Almost stop.
"Gosh you don't talk about me kie?" He asked trying to make a joke to hopefully get him sled back into his normal self. Kie shook her head "not at all."
"I'm JJ, but you can call me anytime you'd like." JJ said winking
"See I would but I actually lost my phone number. Could I borrow yours?" She said tilting her head alittle to the side, smiling innocently. JJ face went white of how attractive that that was to him he he gulped lightly hoping no one has seen his expression or heard him.
"She's good." John b said earring a nod from Sarah.
JJ leaned his head down alittle, Arms crossed on the table as he looked down at the floor. "You have no idea."
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
Oh yeah, for swapped!Sanji au, which straw hats do you think the siblings would get along with when they end up going with them?
Straight up my first thought was Robin. The mom of the crew who looks at what essentially children stuck with nowhere to go, fighting for their lives and teaching one of them to try to feel, to make his skin have give and be warm and do things without direction. He doesn't talk really, only ever answering his siblings in short one or two words at a time. She watches Reiju maneuver him when he can't follow instructions on how to lay down with them or eat something that Niji wants him to try and have no reaction. It reminds Robin of shortly after the Buster Call on Ohara and she sees herself in both of them. Forcing oneself to take care of themself in a way. Only it's four on one and the one is almost constantly seeming in the shell-shocked state she was in for a while as a child. Sanji doesn't interact with people either, even his own siblings. He keeps an eye on them, closer than Robin does which is surprising to her.
She asks Yonji about it first, thinking he'd be more open to talking because he's constantly asking her questions about history and asking to borrow books and such. He just smiles at her and says he should ask Reiju or Niji, him and Ichiji are more the survival focused ones of their family. When Robin asks jokingly about Sanji being the brawn Yonji just kind of gives her this sad smile and nods as he leaves the room. It looked like her words stung him when they are merely true. Truth does hurt though, and Robin thinks
Robin finds Sanji in the library or aquarium alone rather often, his black hair a stark contrast to the blue and the fish swimming or the myriads of books on the shelves. She'll join him in content silence reading her own book. Then at one point she brings books of tales and fables and asks Sanji if he's ever had anyone read to him, he watches her, blank and empty. She reads a select few and when he doesn't leave she reads more. Then over time this becomes a nightly thing. Then Ichiji finds out when he can't find Sanji one night when it's his turn and sits in on the story time, mentions they haven't done this since their mother died and Sanji was never allowed to take part. Robin can feel her heart break slightly at the eldest blond boy's words. Something threaded deep into the longing in the way they're said to her.
Then when the Strawhats and the siblings fight Judge it all makes sense. His primary order has always been to protect and him refusing Judge is following the primary directive. Kids don't act like they do but runaway royalty certainly does. Sanji is staring his father down with what seems like righteous fury as he takes a good beating from the King of Germa and his clone army. Sanji's body is disjointed and marred after the fight, Robin can't help but check him over herself after the siblings are done and then she checks on them. Helps clean their blood off them and bandages them. She reads to them all after that. Flashes of things so brief in Sanji's eyes it's hard to catch, almost impossible. It's getting their though, and if Robin has to keep reading myths and fables to help, so be it.
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nethhiri · 3 months
Siren Charms: Chapter 15
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: blood
Murky Waters
The entire ship was awoken by a bloodcurdling scream the next morning. Usopp stood in front of the aquarium, shaking, as the rest of the Straw Hats ran in. A few gasped and covered their mouths. The water in it was murky red and there was not a single fish to be seen. There was, however, a dark shape in the center, slowly moving towards the glass. Your front half came into view, face up. Your mouth was open and your eyes were closed. It looked like you were a floating half of a body. 
"Oh my god. She's dead!" 
"Is there a shark?!"
You floated closer to the glass until there was a soft bonk as your forehead connected with it. Your eyes flew open, causing more screams, including from yourself. Everyone looked upside-down to you, and not just because you were hungover. You spun yourself around to be facing them and your tail came into view. It seemed neither Robin, Franky, nor Zoro had told anyone about yesterday's discovery, because everyone who was not them was pointing and yelling. You pressed your hands on the glass and waved. It was difficult to hear, but you heard someone distinctly say the 'm' word.
"Not. A. Mermaid." You poked the glass with every word. The water distorted your voice, but you made sure they understood. You looked around. "How do I get out?"
"How did you get in!?" Nami yelled. 
Sanji gleefully skipped off to the hatch that led from the deck to the aquarium. "I'm coming, darling!" 
There was a rectangle of light that revealed itself several minutes later and you swam to it. You poked your head through and then pulled the rest of your body out. You slapped the hatch closed with your tail and rolled on your back, groaning. Your stomach was killing you, from the drinking or from the one or two fish you ate, you didn't know. You must have sniffed out the fish when you were near-drunk.
"Holy shit," Nami's mouth hung open. 
The rest of the gang was similarly surprised by the sight. You were a lot bigger than a mermaid would be proportionally, your tail was longer and your fins were bigger. The black scales glittered in the sunlight in a way that made them look like thousands of small rainbows, something that was not visible in the murky water.
"I think somebody ate all your fish." You said nonchalantly. "Probably that mermaid girl."
"Yeah, somebody." Usopp eyed you. "You have something there." He pointed at the side of his mouth. 
You reached up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, brushing away a scale that was not your own. "I might have had one."
"My darling Ether should be able to eat whatever she desires." Sanji dramatically put the back of his hand on his forehead. "Though it pains me deeply to think she was so hungry, she ate unseasoned, raw fish." 
"I'm pretty sure it wasn't me." It definitely was, but you couldn't actually remember. 
"Do you know how long it took to get that many fish?" Usopp whined. "It's going to take forever to get more. What if we run out of food and have to resort to eating each other!?"
"I call Zoro," you said way too quickly. "I mean I'll help get more fish. Even though it for sure wasn't me." Everybody was staring. "What?! He has the most meat." 
Luffy had his fingers in an L-shape, resting on his chin. "You have a point."
"Hah?! Look at her she's way bigger than me." Zoro pointed at you. 
"Only sometimes!" 
"We could be the first people to try siren sashimi," Robin mused.
"When you put it that way, I bet we could sell it for a fortune," Nami was lost in a daydream. 
"Nobody has to eat anybody. It'll be a cinch to catch more." Franky piped up. "Check it out. While you guys were arguing over who to eat first, I made this crazy awesome winch with a giant net. We plop it in the water, Ether can chase fish into it, we pull it up, and whammo-blammo we got a buffet, baby! Wa-OW!" 
"Wonderful idea, Franky," Robin patted him on the arm. 
"That sure was fast," Usopp commented.
Hachi and Camie, who were asleep in their own ship, still tethered to Sunny, heard the commotion and came on deck. They were both wide-eyed when they saw you, and Camie moved behind Hachi, along with her starfish. 
"Ah... You guys didn't mention you had a siren on the crew." Hachi might have been more wary had he known. He couldn't tell just from looking at you now. You sort of resembled one of those exotic, deep-sea mermaid types. He had seen you yesterday with wings though, and could put it all together. 
"I thought they were made-up!" Camie hid further behind the fish-man. "They used to tell us as kids that if we misbehaved, they would leave us in the middle of nowhere for the sirens to eat."
You snickered at that. 
"You don't have to worry about that now. She's probably pretty full from eating our entire aquarium's worth of fish," Usopp grumbled.
"I told you already. That probably wasn't me!" You slapped the deck with your tail, causing Camie to flinch. 
The plan was explained to everyone, and Camie and Hachi were enlisted to help as well. You decided to wait until dusk, when the fish were more active. In the meantime, you were guilted into helping clean the aquarium of bones and other debris, while the water was changed. You hugged your tail when you were done, floating around aimlessly, stomach still killing you. It was around mid-afternoon when you heard clinking, rousing you from a half-asleep state. You turned to see Zoro taking a bottle from the bar outside the aquarium. He saw you watching and walked over, opening whatever his drink of choice was on the way. 
You swam closer to him, bringing yourself eye to eye. 
He stared at his drink a minute before looking, not directly at you, but sort of past you, so he didn't have to meet your eye. "I, uh, didn't mean to hurt your feelings yesterday." He ran a hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head. "I'm, uh, glad you took it out on the fish instead of eating me. Since apparently, um, I'm your first choice." 
You looked him up and down. "I didn't take you for the apologizing type." 
"I'm a nice guy!" Zoro paused. "I guess you haven't really gotten to see that though since I've been keeping my distance."
"And if you had gotten to know me, you would see there's no- barely any reason to keep your distance." 
Zoro grunted and took a drink. 
"Guess we have to get to know each other, huh?" You winked at him. 
Zoro choked the sip down and mumbled a goodbye, leaving abruptly. 
Sheesh. Normally your flirting made people stick around. Actually your feelings may have been more hurt by him running away just now, than by his words yesterday. You went to the hatch and pulled yourself out on deck. It wasn't comfortable to move across wood in this form. You positioned yourself to roll towards the railing. Then from there, it was easy to pull yourself up and over, diving into the water. Your goggles and mask were snuggly on your head, acting as a headband. You only used them in combat for the most part. You didn't need the mask to breathe or the goggles to see, they just aided those things when you were moving very high, very deeply, or very quickly. 
You passed time swimming around at a leisurely pace. When the fish started to become more active, you started rounding them up, chasing them towards the ship. The sun was sinking below the horizon and the sky was gradually darkening. Hachi and Camie did the same as you from flanking sides. Only when the winch started to whine with the weight of their catch, did they stop. Franky was able to craft it in a way where the fish were deposited directly into the aquarium through the hatch. 
"We only lost a day to stocking up, thanks to this one," Nami tilted her head in your direction, "but we're still making good time."
"I don't know what you're talking about," you retorted, not-so-subtly pointing at Camie. You were on deck with your tail curled under you, observing the fish be dumped into the tank. 
"I'm startin to think maybe I ate the fish," Luffy mused.
"No, Luffy. You didn't." Nami rolled her eyes. 
The nap from earlier prevented you from finding rest that night. You had shed your tail before dinner and were walking on deck without purpose, every so often looking up at the stars. Sometimes when you were on your own, you would float on your back and watch the sky. Your eyes caught the lights of the crow's nest. Maybe you could lay on the roof of it and you would eventually fall asleep. You figured Zoro was up there since the lights were on, so you grabbed a bottle of booze to bring up to him as a token of good will. You knocked on the hatch and invited yourself in. You could have flown up but you didn't want to waste your energy on wings just to get to the roof. 
"Hi. Brought ya something." You set the bottle by Zoro, who was cleaning his swords. Then you headed towards the top hatch. 
"Thanks." He didn't look up from what he was doing. 
You went to the roof and laid out, thinking about your time with the Straw Hats so far. It hadn't been that long, and you had been apprehensive at first, but you did like being with them. It was weird to have people that did things for you and it was weirder for you to do things for them, but it felt nice. You weren't sure how much time had passed when you heard the hatch open. 
"Uh, hey, Ether." Zoro pointed to the sword around your waist. "Do you want me to do yours?"
"Hm? Do what?"
"Clean your sword."
"Why does it need to be cleaned? It's in the ocean all the time."
A vein popped out on Zoro's forehead. "Are you saying you don't clean it AND it's in salt water all the time?" You didn't answer him. "Come on." He disappeared down the hatch.
You followed him and handed over your sword. You sat next to him on the bench.
"It's actually not that bad."
"Yeah cuz the ocean water cleans it." 
Zoro shot you a look. 
"I'm only teasing. Jeez you take swords seriously."
"I have to if I'm gonna be the world's greatest swordsman." 
You watched him as he worked with your blade, making sure to clean between each of its joints. "You're the only swordsman I've ever met, so you're already the greatest to me." He cursed under his breath and stuck his finger in his mouth. That wasn't even meant to be flirtatious and he turned pink. You were only stating facts. Then the grin on your face faltered when you smelled the sweet iron of blood.
Tag list: @bbnbhm
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astranite · 4 months
Headcanons of what biscuits each of the Tracies and everyone would like:
Alan first because we always seem to forget about him. He strikes me as a timtam enjoyer. He would definitely to the using them as a straw to drink milk through thing
Virgil would be resident mint slice lover
John to pennys disgust is an incorrigible dunker of biscuits in tea. She cannot reform him. Cause hes a mischief maker like the best he will do it in front of her while making eye contact while she resists the urge to tackle him as thats not polite. I think she has given in before. John is totally taunting her because it drives her up the wall. He misses it in space where free floating liquids are not a good idea. Hes yet to work out a scientific timing to let them get sufficiently soggy but not fall in but hes still trying to. He has been known to accidentally drop the biscuit in then fish it out with his fingers probably swearing. Then rapidly eat the soggy biscuit mess before anyone says anything before he goes back to pretending hes way too normal to do that.
Kayo. Jammy marshmallowy wagon wheels. No notes.
Penny’s secret vice is those pink ones iced ones with 100s and 1000s. Like the cheapest sugary ones. She will eat a whole packet if shes sad. They will without fail cheer her up. John has brought them for her and she cried all over him. She never had them growing up in endeds parades of fancy teas and biscuits. It was only when she was off at uni and knew john that she got to try them. John probably pulled them off a supermarket shelf and chucked them at her cause they were pink when they were grocery shopping for food together once and she decided to get them and loved them ever since. John doesn’t even like them but gets them for her.
I think Virgil would also like melting moments. He is unable to eat any sort of biscuit without getting covered in crumbs. He tries really hard but he has no idea how anyone else manages it.
Scott loved chocolate chip biscuits. But they have to be homemade. Secretly he hates those dry dusty store bought ones so much. He can bake them really well though but hardly finds the time.
Gordon. I dont know about actual biscuits but he definitely loves the crunch. Oh he would love those golden syrup and cornflakes or chocolate ricebubble crackles school bake sale treats so much
John for specifics id say shortbread creams. Ginger thins. He is a biscuit fiend in general and absolutely loves many of them. He also insists on calling them biscuits.
Grandma has tried to make anzac biscuits. They came out …authentic. Historically authentic.
Kayo knows about her girlfriend's love of sugary pink biscuits. She found out somehow even though John is sworn to secrecy. Penny was over the moon when she brought them out for their quiet night in after their fancy, nice date was interrupted by work after dessert was quite ruined after being smashed over the bad guy's head.
Thoughts for Brains, Parker and others? Favourite biscuits you want to tell about? (i need to know) (for science) (also biscuit recommendations)
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Prompt from @unboundprompts: "The door never led to the same place twice."
Nothing is ever really lost
(Tw: quick mention of death, illness and war)
The door never leads to the same place twice.
You don’t know where it comes from. It’s just there.
Sometimes, it materializes out of thin air in your room, and won’t go until you open it.
The first time, when you were much younger, it was made of white porcelain and just big enough to let you pass. You were scared of course, but curiosity got the better of you, and you went to the other side.
You have a clear memory of that day. What a happy travel this time! It'd led you to a quiet beach, at dawn. You’d taken out your shoes and let the sea go to your ankles, watching the sun rise, listening to the waves, and oh how you’d missed that sound. When people had started coming in, notably a couple wearing weird clothes and short haircuts, you’d come towards them, your naked feet running on the sand, and told them excitedly where you were coming from. They'd smiled, thinking you were a charming little liar, but they’d invited you under their beach umbrella. You’d spent the day talking, eating sandwiches full of fish paste, and exchanging stories. You didn’t speak the same language, but somehow you understood each other. At the end of the day, you'd waved goodbye to them, and you'd come home.
The door had disappeared right after, gently fading into nothing, but it'd come back.
You’re okay with that.
You are used to it by now. Eventually, it turns up again, and when you’re ready, you go through.
It never looks the same way. The porcelain from the first time has become wood or metal, and sometimes it’s made of things even stranger, that you can barely describe. Either way, it’s always warm to the touch. It brings you into strange little villages where you see cottages with roofs and beds made of straw. You visit towns full of half-timbered buildings, built on hills, nested on a plain or around a large river. Sometimes you see huge megalopolis with shining bridges and steel blue skyscrapers.
At first, you just wandered through. Since you can’t control the destination though, and you’re pretty sure you can never go back in the same place, you’re now prepared. Each time you step in, you bring a bag full of notebooks and boxes and a camera picture. You interview each inhabitant who wants to. They’re not deep questions: what tools they use to make their food, what they like to do, how hard their work is, how they feel about their families, and so on. You collect meaningless trinkets, pocket change, leaves, and seeds. You take pictures of everything. The constructions, the people, the food on their table, the bugs sleeping on plants, the night sky – everything.
Strangely, you’re never scared. You’d never dare to be so bold in your original world. The deep feeling that this is not your world keeps you strong. No matter how many times you’ve crossed the threshold, it never feels quite real. It's like a dream, and you've left your fears behind. You can do whatever you want, talk and behave however you want, and nobody can punish you for that. You’ve discovered that if you call it during your travel, the door comes in front of you. Home is always close and no one can follow you there. People have tried, but the knob refuses to work for anyone else but you. You’re safe.
When you’re back, you organize your findings in your shelves. Your room begins to look like a crow’s nest, full of shiny things.
You’re okay with that.
However, not all travels are pleasant. Sometimes, villages are full of starving people with eyes too big and too shiny. You meet young men and women whose bodies are full of spots, their limbs smelling like rotten flesh already. Children about to be hanged for stealing apples. Soldiers killing inhabitants in summer clothes. And sometimes, there are only ruins, where all you can hear is crying.
The first time, you thought you were in hell. The door was huge and ebony that day. You don’t want to remember what you saw behind, but you do. Someone died in your arms that time. Once you were back, running away and sobbing, you’ve thrown yourself into your bed and did not touch the door for months. It waited and you hated it. You hated everything in the world, including yourself. Your eyes were closed tight not to see anything.
You can’t keep the memories out of your brain, though. You can’t help but feel guilty. It’s not like you could bring anyone with you, but still. There must be something you can do. After some time, you prepare another bag. This one is full of things you’ve already collected. The next time you meet another devastated city, you clench your teeth and go through. You share seeds to grow food. You leave behind machines plans that were used to heal or to help build houses again.
When you're done, you tell stories. You’re full of them now. The families and their kids who don’t know about tomorrow hear about the people you’ve met, their hopes and their desires. You tell about the shining skyscrapers and the bugs, the way the sun shone on the hills and the roofs of cities, how warm and light was the breeze the day you saw the ocean, and so many things you forgot.
And then, when there’s nothing left to share, you go home. The door will bring you far, far away next time, because the only thing you know for sure is that it never leads to the same place twice.
Of course, if you asked the people from the other worlds, they would tell you another story. They’d say that the door only leads to one place, where a witch lives. They’d tell you about how she walks the earth through time and space. Some pretend she’s a bringer of apocalypse, always there in troubled times, taunting poor souls, speaking of blessings they couldn’t get. Some pretend it’s a beneficent fairy, always there with little helps and little comforts.
It doesn’t matter much to you. You know that all your life, there will be the door.
And you’re okay with that.
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