#creative writing
luna-azzurra · 2 days
Remember, even the most famous authors started out as confused people yelling at their laptops.
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nondelphic · 3 days
you know what’s harder than writing snappy dialogue? writing dialogue that doesn’t make your characters sound like they’re rehearsing for a soap opera
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Prompt #1123
"I thought you were better than them."
"Unfortunately, turns out I am not."
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I hope you fall in love with being alive.
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tracesofdevotion · 2 days
you know the funny thing is despite everything, i think humanity deserves to survive. i like all our jokes and our music and the tiny kindnesses and the way we sometimes help each other. i like how we created language for the sheer reason of being able to tell stories. i want you to know that i think humans have worth. we are a beautiful and kind species, that despite our destructive tendencies and selfish ways and our greed, at the core most of us just want to create and grow and love and be loved.
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Writing Ideas: 170 Character Quirks
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Quirk—a peculiar trait; idiosyncrasy; memorable little things about a character’s personality that make them charming, endearing, weird, or unique; can be cute habits; is anything worth describing about a character.
Very introverted, quiet and reserved, keeps to themselves
Highly extroverted, loves socializing and meeting new people
Mega control freak who has to have everything their way
Neat freak (often coincides with control freak)
Total slob who never knows where anything is
Super stubborn and will never admit when they’re wrong
Brutally honest and can’t lie to save their life
Extremely judgmental of other people
Short-tempered, especially when irritated
Always patient, even when frustrated
Hilarious or odd sense of humor
Very hard to make them laugh
Loves to eat and is obsessed with food
Loves to drink and is constantly partying
Constantly complains about everything
Extremely loyal and will do anything for their friends/family
Adventurous and willing to try anything
Cautious and careful no matter what
Energetic, hardly ever needs to rest
Sleeps all the time and still gets tired during the day
Horrible sense of direction and constantly gets lost
Overachiever who loves school/structure
Really modest and won’t ever brag about themselves
Extremely emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat
Stoic and detached, rarely shows emotion
Wildcard whose behavior is unpredictable, even to their friends
Notoriously two-faced and will betray anyone
Charismatic and can convince anyone to do their bidding
Very proper and always polite to others
Dates tons of people and has a new boyfriend or girlfriend every week
Obsessive personality — whether it’s a TV show, brand, musical artist, or even another person, they’ll get attached and think/talk about it constantly
Unique eye or hair color
Has two different eye colors
Extremely short or tall
Some discerning physical mark — birthmark, freckles, mole, or scar
Wears unusual glasses
Has braces and headgear
Large feet — may mean they’re clumsy
Bites their nails/lips or chews on their hair
Constantly fidgeting and can’t sit still
Acne, eczema, or other skin problems
Many tattoos or piercings
Often sick or has allergies (constantly sniffling/blowing their nose)
Talks very loudly or quietly
Says everything like it’s a question
Terrible breath — may be a coffee drinker
Gets sweaty easily (especially when nervous)
Unusually hairy arms or legs
Very long painted nails
Always wears a faceful of makeup
Has a stutter or other speech impediment
Incessantly clicks a pen
Often tucks their hair behind their ears
Constantly chews gum
Has a toothpick dangling from their mouth
Always picking their teeth
Smokes and has a raspy voice
Breathes heavily or snores
Is extremely muscular
Walks very slowly or quickly
Left-handed or ambidextrous
Constantly scratching themselves
Has some noticeable physical tic, like a twitch
Always wears a distinct item of clothing or accessory — a favorite pair of socks, a lucky jersey, or even a particular shade of lipstick
Fantastic cook or baker
Skilled musician (piano, guitar, violin, etc.)
Artistic talent (drawing, painting, sculpting, etc.)
Model athlete (football, hockey, swimming, etc.)
Great at voices/ventriloquy
Can do sleight-of-hand — may be a pickpocket
Speaks multiple languages, even obscure ones
Knows everything about history
Mathematical or scientific genius
Brilliant coder and can hack into any database
Skilled mechanical inventor
Can build or put together anything
Super-quick logical reasoning
Exceptional memory/genius IQ (several of the above might fall under this)
Special connection with animals
Super empathetic and understanding of other people
Extremely fast runner
Contortionist (can twist their body into any shape)
Psychic talent (can predict the future)
Amazing mechanic
Super strength, flying, invisibility or other superpowers
Unusually high tolerance for pain
Survival skills like hunting and fishing
Quick reflexes, acts fast in a crisis
Brave and fearless, not scared of anything
Able to talk their way out of any trouble/invent stories on the fly
Awful driver
Always running late
Illegible handwriting
Terrible at public speaking
Socially awkward — hard for them to make friends
Has tons of credit card debt from online shopping
Self-destructive and always wants what’s worst for them
Gets blackout drunk every time they go out
Extremely conceited or arrogant
Compulsive liar
Manipulative of friends
Gets jealous over nothing
Often mean for no reason
Unbelievably self-centered
Extremely passive-aggressive
Is a hero who doesn’t like using their superpowers
Arachnophobia (irrational fear of spiders)
Coulrophobia (irrational fear of clowns)
Agoraphobia (irrational fear of leaving the house)
Pantophobia (fear of everything)
Pale skin
Crooked smile
“Intense” stare
Relentless clumsiness
Artificial hair colors that are supposedly natural
Characters thinking they’re unattractive when everyone else thinks they’re beautiful
Dresses all in one color
Bedroom is decorated exactly like a Pinterest picture
Won’t drink still water, only sparkling
Refuses to use headphones and blasts their music in public
Always dresses too nicely for the occasion
Walks around barefoot, even in stores and other public places
Hates being inside, sleeps and goes to the bathroom outdoors
Can’t help but look in every mirror they pass
Wears a small plastic backpack everywhere
Preps their meals three weeks in advance
Drinks shots of espresso all day long
Sings opera in the shower
Always sneezes around pets
Has a collection of something mundane
Makes their own (terrible) abstract art and hangs it on their walls
Gets super excited about Christmas and then really depressed in January
Refuses to wear glasses even though they need them
Carries around a secret teddy bear
Has been wearing the same friendship bracelet for three years
Fastidiously lint-rolls all their clothing
Will leave a shop or restaurant if someone walks in with a baby
Extremely superstitious (knocks on wood, avoids the number 13, etc.)
Drops everything other people ask them to hold
Likes to go out dancing by themselves
Prefers to have the lights off or dimmed at all times
Only reads books written before 1900
Only watches movies that get really bad reviews
Always wears multiple sweaters on top of each other
Won’t eat anything that doesn’t have bread (at least on the side)
Thinks they’re a time-traveler from the medieval era
Gives friends and family excellent homemade presents
Leaves the office last every day so they can push all the chairs in
Hates jagged numbers (always fills their gas tank to the dollar, sends emails on the hour, etc.)
Has an imaginary friend they still talk to, even in adulthood
Owns a lizard that they try and use as a guard dog
Listens exclusively to Britney Spears
Leaves little notes in library books for future readers
Uses tissues to hold onto poles on public transportation
Wears their hair in Princess Leia buns
Never goes a day without talking to their mom
Hums “In the Hall of the Mountain King” when they get stressed
Clucks their tongue while walking, so they sound like a horse
Quotes Pulp Fiction all the time
Loves hanging out in completely empty places
Convinced they’re going to die in a freak accident
Grows all their own food in their vegetable garden
Never pays for train or bus tickets
Can recite Shakespearean sonnets
Recycles and eats vegetarian, but only out of guilt
Has a “vision board” posted on their ceiling
Loves the beach but hates swimming
Flicks people in the forehead when they get annoyed
Laughs at everything, even bad jokes
Curates a great Instagram feed of street art
Sources: 1 2
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Gold-coloured, golden-hued.
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Deep Water Prompt #3386
At the very back of the diner, there’s a booth with a heavy time lag. Have coffee for ten minutes with a patron from fifty years ago, and leave six months later. 
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theplotmage · 12 hours
50 Worldbuilding Setting ideas for your fantasy book
Cities and Settlements
1. Capital City - The central hub of political power and culture in the realm.
2. Harbor Town - A bustling port city crucial for trade and naval activities.
3. Elf Village - A serene settlement hidden within a forest, home to elven inhabitants.
4. Dwarven Mines - An underground city where dwarves mine precious metals and gems.
5. Nomad Camp - A temporary settlement for wandering tribes and traders.
6. Market Square - The commercial heart of any major city, filled with vendors and artisans.
7. Sky City - A floating metropolis held aloft by magic or advanced technology.
Natural and Enchanted Locations
8. Mystic Forest - A dense, magical woodland filled with ancient trees and mythical creatures.
9. Enchanted Lake - A serene body of water with mystical properties.
10. Secret Cave - A hidden cavern that might contain treasure or danger.
11. Dark Swamp - A treacherous wetland often home to dark magic and creatures.
12. Forbidden Desert - A vast, arid expanse known for its harsh conditions and ancient secrets.
13. Floating Island - A landmass suspended in the sky, often home to unique flora and fauna.
14. Hidden Valley - A secluded, fertile valley protected from the outside world.
15. Charmed Meadows - Peaceful fields imbued with protective enchantments.
Magical and Supernatural Places
16. Wizard’s Tower - The abode of powerful sorcerers, filled with arcane knowledge.
17. Sacred Temple - A place of worship and spiritual significance, often protected by divine magic.
18. Haunted Castle - An ancient fortress inhabited by ghosts or malevolent spirits.
19. Necromancer’s Crypt - The lair of a dark sorcerer who practices necromancy.
20. Oracle’s Sanctuary - A holy site where oracles deliver prophecies and visions.
21. Magical Academy - An institution where young sorcerers learn the art of magic.
22. Alchemist’s Workshop - A place where alchemists experiment and create potions and elixirs.
23. Time Portal - A gateway to different eras, allowing travel through time.
Dangerous and Uncharted Areas
24. Ancient Ruins - The remnants of a once-great civilization, often hiding secrets or dangers.
25. Dragon’s Lair - The home of a fearsome dragon, filled with treasure and peril.
26. Cursed Forest - A dark, haunted woodland where malevolent forces dwell.
27. Battlefield - The site of a significant past conflict, often haunted by the spirits of the fallen.
28. Volcanic Wasteland - A desolate, fiery landscape wrought with volcanic activity.
29. Giant’s Keep - A massive fortress built and inhabited by giants.
30. Pirate Cove - A hidden inlet where pirates gather to plan their exploits.
31. Shadow Realm - A dark, parallel dimension filled with malevolent entities.
32. Frosty Tundra - A vast, icy wasteland where few dare to venture.
Cultural and Social Hubs
33. Royal Palace - The lavish residence of the ruling monarch and their court.
34. Thieves’ Guild - A secretive organization of thieves and rogues.
35. Warrior’s Training Grounds - A facility where soldiers and heroes train for battle.
36. Arena of Champions - A grand coliseum where warriors compete in combat.
37. Goblin Market - A chaotic and colorful marketplace run by goblins, offering exotic goods.
38. Hermit’s Hut - The secluded home of a wise hermit, often sought for advice.
39. Secret Hideout - A concealed refuge used by rebels or outlaws.
Mystical and Legendary Sites
40. Ethereal Gardens - Magical gardens with rare plants and enchanting beauty.
41. Celestial Observatory - A tower dedicated to studying the stars and celestial events.
42. Sanctuary of Lost Knowledge - A hidden library containing ancient and forbidden texts.
43. Sunken Ruins - The underwater remnants of a lost civilization.
44. Gryphon Nesting Grounds - A mountainous area where gryphons make their nests.
45. Spiral Staircase - An enigmatic, seemingly endless staircase leading to unknown depths.
46. Giant’s Keep - A colossal fortress built and inhabited by giants.
47. Protean Plains - A region where the landscape constantly changes, reshaped by powerful magic or ancient curses.
Adventurous and Explorative Spots
48. Treasure Hunter’s Camp - A gathering spot for explorers seeking lost relics.
49. Relic Seeker’s Cave - A cave rumored to contain powerful artifacts.
50. Explorer’s Outpost - A base for adventurers preparing for expeditions into unknown territories.
Discover the Ultimate Sci-Fi Fantasy Planner, designed by a fellow writer to transform your worldbuilding journey! This meticulously crafted template will unlock your limitless creativity and add unparalleled depth to your storytelling.
Why You Can’t Miss This:
• Comprehensive Worldbuilding Worksheets: Delve into political, cultural, historical, and economic facets to create a rich and immersive world.
• Series Support: Perfectly tailored for epic, multi-book sagas, ensuring consistency and coherence across your narrative.
• Lifetime Use: Invest once and enjoy a tool that will support your writing endeavors forever.
• Easy Navigation: Designed with a user-friendly interface, allowing for a seamless workflow and effortless organization.
• In-Depth Character Sheets: Develop complex, unforgettable characters that will captivate your readers.
• Centralized Information Hub: Keep all your worldbuilding details in one accessible place, making it easier to reference and build upon your ideas.
• Writer Tool Repository: Gain access to a curated selection of top tools from around the web, enhancing your writing process.
• Guided Writer Tasks: From idea generation to book publishing, this planner supports you every step of the way.
Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Experience the joy of writing with the Ultimate Sci-Fi Fantasy Planner and watch your world come to life. Build your universe. Inspire your readers. Act now and start your journey toward extraordinary storytelling.
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sourdough-seal · 6 months
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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luna-azzurra · 3 hours
Writing, where procrastination turns into staring out windows dramatically and calling it ‘creative thinking.
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nondelphic · 21 hours
i start every writing session with the same delusional confidence that i will actually get something done this time
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prompt-heaven · 7 months
a list of 100+ buildings to put in your fantasy town
adventurer's guild
art gallery
book store
botanical garden
coffee shop
council chamber
court house
crypt for the noble family
farmer's market
fighting pit
fortune teller
general store
guard post
haunted house
hedge maze
house for sale
mail courier
manor house
mayor's house
music shop
paper maker
pet shop
potion shop
quest board
restricted zone
sewer entrance
sheriff's office
spice merchant
sports stadium
street market
tax collector
tea house
textile shop
thieves guild
thrift store
tinker's workshop
town crier post
town square
toy store
trinket shop
water mill
wishing well
wizard tower
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paigegonerogue · 5 months
I, of mostly sound body and spirit, request that if I’m ever to die, someone post a new work on my AO3 that says “sorry, she died, ongoing stories postponed forever” because don’t I want my fanfic buddies to think I ghosted them. Amen or whatever you say in a will.
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Writing Guide: Character Backstory
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What is your character’s name?
What is your character’s age?
Where was your character born?
What does your character look like?
What does your character act like?
Who are your character’s parents?
What is your character’s educational background?
What is your character’s best friend?
Who is your character’s first love?
How did they become friends?
Where does your character live?
Does your character live with anyone?
Is your character married?
Does your character have kids?
What is your character’s job?
Is your character religious?
What is your character’s value system / moral code?
What does your character believe about the world?
Is your character introverted or extroverted?
What is your character’s daily routine and why?
Name 3 things that your character loves (& why).
Name 3 things that your character hates (& why).
What’s your character’s greatest flaw?
What’s your character’s greatest virtue?
What is your character’s secret vice? What’s the origin?
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