#wtnv the Boy
koszmarnybudyn · 9 months
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So that was something...
Oh also more cover art esque version:
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falenminds-blog · 6 months
wtnv ep 244 - a multiplicity of kevin, in one image:
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jup1tersparx · 9 months
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fractured reflection
fucking. the fact that they were born as the same person and the only reason they’re so different is because of what was done to them and nature vs nurture and the fact that theyre probably the only ones who could truly understand each other. yaknow
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Either answer based on what you currently think or what you like the look of the best. Reblog for exposure!
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fluctuating-fanby · 1 year
No sign of Kevin (not surprised), but hey, Tamika's here, that should be fun!
Well this is a frustrating Schrodinger's cat where either there *is* no Kevin and never was, OR he's been here in a strange form this whole time!
...I'm gonna force myself to stop obsessing over what-ifs because I don't think I could take it if they were just messing with us.
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egobraindeath · 6 months
the confrontation between Kevin and baby Kevin in 244 is very Adelaide and Red’s final confrontation from Jordan Peele’s “Us”. Adelaide’s more animalistic and feral strikes to Red’s calculated slices and gracefully dodging Adelaide is literally kevin^2’s dynamic during the fight.
also something something doubles confronted and one of them is a child/ smth happened when they were a child I dont know
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lesbomaticlove · 2 months
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youll never guess what podcast i started listening to
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asydicsydney · 6 months
The new episode brings back up the question, what is Cecil's full name?
Most of us assume Gershwin is his middle name, but there's always been confusion on if it's actually a hyphenated last name (Gershwin-Palmer)
On the WTNV site you can find a list of character names and how they're spelled, and it's not hyphenated there
But if you search through the scripts, it's a mixed bag
Yes, he is more often referred to as Cecil Gershwin Palmer, but it's always when he refers to himself (33, 65, 127, 182, 206)
Wheras, others always refer to him as Gershwin-Palmer. Lubelle in 225 calls him "Mr. Gershwin-Palmer" twice, Sara Iyer of the Purrrcast in 190 receives an email from "Cecil Gershwin-Palmer", and Station Management in 217 address a memo to "Cecil Gershwin-Palmer"
The only outlier is when Cecil himself is naming Khoshekh in 159 "Khoshekh Gershwin-Palmer", which is where this whole debate even started I believe
But, now with Esteban referring to Cecil's father as "Grampa Gershwin", the issue has been dug back up
Could it be because Cecil seems to not be mentally able to retain any information on his father, that he just assumes Gershwin is his middle name? Perhaps he 'accidentally' writes a hyphen on any important documents like the cat show entry forms or an inquiring email to a podcast? Or perhaps it's still up to viewer interpretation, like most of the show
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forgetful-dorito · 2 years
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Do your part and enlist today
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dramazaur · 2 years
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Im just here to repost my wtnv fanart that i made year ago!! I absolutely love this fandom and it makes me so, so, so happy to see that it gets revived and Cecil dethrones Sans as the true, real, and absolutely the best tumblr sexyman. God damn im gonna need to draw him again, im sorry commissioners, this one is very important
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just-french-me-up · 2 years
Ancient tumblr users upon hearing absolutely mad statements such as "who the fuck is cecil palmer" or "cecil aint hot"
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justaferalguy · 5 months
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falenminds-blog · 9 months
cecil: ... and just now she called me to tell me that he is holding a knife.
my brain *immediately*:
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mlmshipbracket · 2 months
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Cecilos art by littleulvar on Tumblr
Cecil Palmer/Carlos:
Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland:
Propaganda by @thelastofthebookworms [HERE]
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The Boy theories aka *incoherent screaming*
It's all under cut for spoiler free but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'm working on three possibilities right now, with only one being truly likely and the other two being wild guesses. I'll start with the most likely one.
One) As Carlos says, there is a lot of disturbance between the desert otherworld and Night Vale due to the vast time differences. When trying to open a portal there, they either accidentally or on purpose pulled Kevin though. Kevin went through a temporal disturbance, resulting in him being aged back to a child again.
Now, Kevin's memory has always been terrible especially in regards to his childhood (it's the trauma), but this was made even worse by the disturbance which also seems to have changed his...how to phrase it uh, maturity? Like mentally, he began to understand the world as a child would too. If a weird one.
He's very clearly remembering something divine though. We can assume it's something either to do with a Smiling God directly communicating and shaping Kevin, or something to do with Strex's brainwashing programme (also using a Smiling God) in which case he'd be remembering his brainwashing time.
Unfortunately or fortunately this means he cannot fully escape what he became, this isn't really 'starting over' unless others step in to guide him to start over, to become Kevin again but a better healthier Kevin. He is holding a knife, but he's not doing anything, it's almost a comfort item, something that could be used but isn't being. I believe he doesn't want to hurt anyone. I also believe he might not be able to stop himself and that Tamika's idea of therapy was the best one.
I believe he remembers everything somewhere and has directly quoted Carlos because of this. He will continue to age to match his supposed-to-be current age (whatever that is) or at least adulthood. It feels like they were hinting at that anyway but we'll see. How he reacts to this will be turbulant and difficult. It's a lot to take in especially when he feels new but also not new as a person. This might be the version that becomes the old unhappy version for all we know. I don't believe he's going to hurt Cecil, but wanted them to be completely alone to talk. Cecil is, after all, his double. Now he's not a boy any more, but a confused teen/man we have to wonder if he's remembering more too.
Two) The Boy is Kevin but also Not Kevin. He is a mix of Kevin and something else mixed with Kevin, also because of Carlos messing with the bond between the worlds. This could be the Kevin who is in the desert otherworld, or even a Kevin from somewhere else, one of many possible Kevin's. For example, the younger Kevin who used to apparently sit at the top of the lighthouse at the end of Frown Night.* The Boy's mother is Huntokar and that's why he doesn't want to talk about her? I don't know if I actually believe that or it just seems cool tbh. Either way he was quite literally only created the moment they found him, this entity mixed with a real person who exists to cause harm but perhaps does not want to, or may not be able to not do so.
Three) He's literally the version of Kevin that used to sit on the lighthouse in the desert otherworld at the end of Frown Night. Or is literally a Kevin from any number of other timelines. Either way confirming that Kevin has been touched by a Smiling God for a long time.
Four) It's none of these at all and they're going to pull something completely wild on us
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cecil gerswhin palmer will say he’s not really a cat person and then become The Cat Person five episodes later
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