tailsrevane · 11 days
probably gonna be on here less because i started playing animal crossing again lmao
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tailsrevane · 12 days
my abusive ex literally bullied me into saying it the "correct" way 🙃 i hate it here
im so traumatized by early 2010s assholes that i still get scared of saying the word gif out loud in front of people in case any of them actually care about which way its pronounced and they leave and come back 90 minutes later with a rented steamroller and run over me flattening me into an xy plane from math homework
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tailsrevane · 15 days
Yknow. If you’re like, a tow truck driver or something. And you get a call. “Oh no, there’s a strange camper van parked on my street for two days” like
If you get there and someone’s living out of that van. You can just. Not tow them. Like. Let them know what’s up so they can find a friendlier place to rest maybe but just. Idk. Tell your boss it was gone by the time you got there or something. Don’t do shit like that to people who are already struggling.
Maybe you’re not a tow truck driver. Maybe you’re someone with some other kind of power. You can just. Lie. Protect people. Say no. Pretend you didn’t see it. Move on. Let people live. Have some class solidarity, use your power for good. You have choice. You have agency. You have compassion. Don’t let being an employee strip you of that.
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tailsrevane · 15 days
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Tesla is tanking so hard it is dragging the entire EV segment's sales down into the negative. When you omit Tesla from the equation, EV sales are up 13% across the board.
Don't let anyone tell you EV sales are in a slump.
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tailsrevane · 22 days
Sometimes I think The X-Files is such a timeless and relevant show I forget it takes place in the 90s, and then I see a scene where Scully buys a whole bag of groceries for $11.14 and pays with a check
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tailsrevane · 22 days
girlbulge is such a choice look i really wish it was more normalized
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tailsrevane · 22 days
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obsessed with the way alex plays this game
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tailsrevane · 23 days
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tailsrevane · 24 days
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like. Y'ALL.
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tailsrevane · 24 days
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besties i'm sorry this is THE MOST long-suffering husband coded
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tailsrevane · 25 days
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tailsrevane · 27 days
shoutout to the woman from my high school martial arts class who liked to get me in joint locks and then joke about how I was easy to catch. you cannot comprehend how psychosexually formative that was for me
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tailsrevane · 27 days
We are in the biggest Covid surge in the US in at least two years
Time to wear a mask in crowded spaces (personally, I'd recommend one in all indoor public spaces and crowded outdoor spaces)
Immunity has waned and the new variant is 'distinctly more challenging to our immune system'
Updated boosters should be available the week of September 1st
The US needs to invest more in nasal vaccine programs, and should have already - this is the thing that could help actually get us out of the woods.
We are continuing to see more folks develop Long Covid even from mild infections
You should just read the article it's not that long but that's the run down
Me Editorializing: Let’s protect and care for ourselves and each other!
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tailsrevane · 27 days
something i think about a lot is what kink will look like when the world is hopefully eventually freed of the worst abuses of capitalism and various social hegemonies. in a world of equals, will kinky fuckers like me still want to be consensually shoved to the bottom of a power hierarchy? or do we develop these feelings as a response to the fucked up power structures we're forced to grapple with before we even have the tools to see the shape of those structures? even if the desire is innate, how will the texture of its expression change when the world around us provides less examples of the kinds of coercion we enjoy when it's applied to us but abhor when it's applied by the truly powerful to those they mean to subjugate?
oh, i see a dom approaching with a gag, that's good because i don't really know what the answer to these questions is, when i say i think about them "a lot" i mean it's a question i ask an awful lot but genuinely struggle to have any further thoughts about because it's a really big question with no obvious avenue to make progress on answering and--excuse me *opens my mouth like a good elf as i'm roughly gagged*
When your partner has a praise kink but you're Montessori trained so you know that praise is an ineffective way to encourage development and it's much more productive to acknowledge their effort so that they learn to effectively give themselves feedback so they can develop a healthy intrinsic motivation instead of deriving their self worth from labels put on them by other people .... "baby it's amazing how much you could last today compared to last week"
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tailsrevane · 27 days
the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible
because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 
from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating
it’s fucked up. 
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tailsrevane · 27 days
every girl wants to get in a vehicle and flip 3-6 switches overhead in the process of turning it on
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tailsrevane · 29 days
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