tanmath3-blog · 5 years
A Bit About Damascus Mincemeyer
A Bit About Damascus Mincemeyer
1. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
​Well, I’m Damascus. Nice to meet everyone. I came from a tough town near St. Louis, Missouri that wasn’t the most auspicious place for a brainy kid with an interest in the weird and obscure to thrive. I was a loner and an oddball (still am), and didn’t have many friends when I was younger,…
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
I still have it. Third grade, I believe it was.
2. How many books have you written?
One so far. The Little Book of Big Roolz, which came out in November.
3. Anything you won’t write about?
Rape is right out. Nope, not going to write about that shit. Let somebody else cover it.
4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind…
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
Welcome to the new Blog/Web site!!!
Welcome to the new Blog/Web site!!!
Deadman’s Tome has taken over Roadie Notes! Don’t worry we are just adding amazing content! We will be doing author interviews but also have some exciting new pages you will want to check out!
If you are a creative and are interested in being interviewed please contact us at http://[email protected]
We offer a few ways to be interviewed. You can be a guest on our podcast or we can…
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
Want a great deal? Well look no further…… Deadman’s Tome is having a blow out sale! 3, yes three amazing anthologies for $10.
All paperbacks you can hold in your hand and smell, cause like us, we know you love to sniff the books!
Don’t miss this great opportunity to own 3 of our best sellers packed with some of the best stories around!
Three book bundle for $10 with free shipping
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
Kevin Kennedy- Open Call
Kevin Kennedy- Open Call
100 Word Horrors: Part 3
I am currently open to submissions for the 3rd 100 Word Horrors Book. For those of you unfamiliar with the books, they are drabble books. A drabble is a story of exactly 100 words, excluding the title. I will not accept your story if it is 99 words or 101, it must be exact.
The rules
I will read a max of 5 submissions from each author. This does…
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
Chris Miller reviews NOTCHES by M. Ennenbach
Chris Miller reviews NOTCHES by M. Ennenbach
Once in a great while, we stumble across a work of literature that transcends not only our expectations but genre and definability itself. NOTCHES by M. Ennenbach is one of those works, and it cannot be stressed enough that reading this collection will not only entertain you, but it will awe you as well.
The collection starts off with a story of subtle horror with BLUE. It’s a quiet piece, and…
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tanmath3-blog · 5 years
http://www.deathsheadpress.com/ The anthology’s theme is the Book of Revelation. What if the prophecies of Revelation hit today? What sort of craziness and evil would ensue? With this list of excellent authors contributing, it’s sure to be a Hell of a read! https://www.amazon.com/HELL-FOLLOWED-Deaths-Head-Press-ebook/dp/B07M5S2PTH Grady Pope has hit bottom; his alligator hunting business is…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
New Books You Want To Read
New Books You Want To Read
Psychotic Massiahs, a typewriter as God, Legless men in a Rickshaw race have religious testimonials, God punishes the east Coast of America with sand storms for being too evil….These are just some of the stories in this strange and haunting collection about fringe religions and bizarre revelations in ABERRANT GOSPELS. https://www.amazon.com/ABERRANT-GOSPELS-Mark-Slade-ebook/dp/B07P5QDP2H A…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
March 2019 Newsletter!The main storyYou lucky folks are privy to my inaugural OFFICIAL (because that makes it sound even cooler) Newsletter! All four of you should feel exceedingly special. I’ve never done one of these before, so bear with me while I figure all of this out.   So, first of all, here’s what’s going on:   My second novel, THE HARD GOODBYE, was released about a month and a half ago.…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
Getting Personal with Mike Ennenbach
Getting Personal with Mike Ennenbach
1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
Twenty or so. It was horrific. So bad. It was mostly just an exercise when I look back at it. I put my friends in the most ridiculous situations. I knew it was bad, but it felt so good to create.
2. How many books have you written?
 As of right now, the collection and one novel. Add in the thousand and some odd poems, a novella…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
400 Days Of Oppression by Wrath James White
400 Days Of Oppression by Wrath James White
December 5th, 2018 12:03am
400 Days Of Oppression by: Wrath James White
I read a lot. I love to read. I have favorite books. This book is an end all book. I just now finished reading it and I’m not sure how I will pick up the next one and start reading. I started this book last night after doing the pod cast that I co-host with Jesse Dedman. It was midnight and I figured I would read just a…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
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UNLEASHED from Death’s Head Press….. As the old axiom goes, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. 
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
****Gripping and totally Enthralling****
****Gripping and totally Enthralling****
The bus driver started laughing – a high-pitched cackle that pierced my ears – just as laughter burst through my phone. I looked toward the driver, he was leaning over, twisting back to face me, his mouth stretched open to a wide smile. His laughter grew louder for a second or two and then stopped. “Where are you going Mike?” He said, his voice coming from the phone as well. I dropped…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
Dino Parenti
    Dino Parenti is a writer of dark literary and speculative fiction. He is the winner of the first annual Lascaux Review flash fiction contest and is featured in the Anthony Award winning anthology Blood on the Bayou. His work can be found in Pantheon Magazine, Menacing Hedge, Pithead Chapel, as well as other anthologies. He is a fiction editor at Gamut Magazine and a member of the HWA. His…
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
Craig Wallwork lives in West Yorkshire, England. His short stories have appeared in many journals, magazines and anthologies in the UK and US. He is the author of the novels, The Sound of Loneliness, and the story collections, Quintessence of Dust, and Gory Hole.
    1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
Too old. Probably about 30. The story was about my grandfather who died of dementia. It was picked up by Laura Hird, a Scottish writer moving in the same circle as Irvine Welsh. She gave me my first publishing break. No payment, and it was online only, but damn was I happy. I felt like I’d arrived and was soon to be a bestselling author. I’m 45 years old now. Fifteen years of having more rejections than acceptances. And I’m still waiting to write that bestseller. I don’t get disheartened much now if a story isn’t accepted. I just remind myself that William Saroyan received 7,000 rejection slips before landing his first short story. So I did better than him.
  2. How many books have you written?
Eight and counting. Half have been published by indie presses. The other half are like children staring out of the window of some orphanage every time headlamps flash by. I’m sure they’ll land a home soon, but until then I’ll keep each fed and watered. But never after midnight. Oh, man. I never feed any after midnight.
  3. Anything you won’t write about?
If you would have asked me that five years ago I would have said no. But time, and perhaps being a parent, has mellowed me. I’ve written some really terrible stories, not bad writing, just the subject matter was terrible. I’m sure they’ll come back to haunt me one day. Their my skeletons in the closet. My dirty family secret. The affair and misdemeanours. But I was a different writer back then. I’ve changed. Honestly, judge.
  4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
  In five years I’ll be fifty. When I was at school, my grandparents were fifty. They had grey hair, no teeth, and had lived through a world war. I have all my own teeth. Don’t even have any fillings. Any grey I may have is limited to my face when the stubble grows. As for war; Syrian, Iraq, Afghanistan – maybe not as close to home to what happened in Europe, but nonetheless. I will say I’ve aged more since having kids. My oldest is ten this year. My youngest is five. Being a parent accelerates the ageing process. It’s like that scene in Interstellar when Mathew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway go to that planet for about twenty minutes but when they return back to the spaceship, twenty-three years has gone by. Being a parent is like that, and you’re the one on the spaceship where time moves slower compared to everyone else around you. I’ve had friends drop off presents when my first child was born, returned a month later, and tell me I looked like I’ve aged five years. It’s scary. But hey, I love them now they’re sleeping in.
  5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
  That’s like asking, which of your ex-partners did you like the most? I liked them all at one point, but you always love the one you’re with right now. So I would say it’s the novel I’m currently editing. I won’t mention the title, only because I’ve said it before in interviews that go back about three years. Yeah, that’s how long it’s taken me to polish that baby. Once it’s done, I’ll start something new, which I’m sure I’ll love more than any of my others. Basically, I have commitment issues.
  6. Who or what inspired you to write?
I wanted to be a cartoonist but failed. Then I wanted to be a filmmaker and failed. I then attempted to be in a band, and I failed. Failure inspired me to write. And continues to do so.
  7. What do you like to do for fun?
  I enjoy grave robbing. Something about leaving the house late at night, sneaking into a cemetery with shovel in hand looking for a fresh grave. It keeps me fit too. Excavating six-feet of earth is a great workout. I’m thinking of releasing a fitness video: Tone and Bones, maybe. The bind is selling the bodies on the black market. People are so fussy. Does the body still have all its limbs? Is the skin attached? How many teeth does it have? Sheesh. And returns is just a nightmare. So I do that for fun. And I enjoy lying too.
  8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?
Berate myself for not writing a better book.
  9. Where do you write? Quiet or music?
  I write at home. Mostly in the bedroom, sometimes in the living room, but it depends if the kids have had sugar. Writing is a bit like going to the toilet; you really need your privacy, but sometimes that’s impossible when you’ve got kids. But I do prefer quiet when I can get it. I used to buy those ear protectors, you know, those little orange foam things that look like thimbles. I’d push them into my ears so all I could hear was my heartbeat and blood in my skull. Now I have attained the ability to write anywhere in the house, even downstairs while the kids are watching Colin’s Key make slime or eat ultra sour candy. I can write to Victorious, Sam and Cat, Mr Bean, Hotel Transylvania 2, Sister Vs Bro and Funnel Vision. But I still struggle when they watch Ed Sheeran videos.I walk out then.
10. Anything you would change about your writing?
I’m trying to make it more accessible. By that I mean, a lot of my old stuff had a literary edge. There was plot, but the language and structure was more important to me because that’s what I love reading. To this day, I get very giddy when an author performs alchemy and creates these perfectly formed similes or descriptions out of very little. That was my goal back then, to seduce the reader with words. Now I’m trying to find a balance by retaining some of that magic, while at the same time offsetting it with decent good old fashion storytelling. Yes, it’s taken me fifteen years to reach this epiphany, and I’m hoping the time I’m putting in will be appreciated. If not, I’m going to begin writing trashy erotica.
11. What is your dream? Famous writer?
  If I’m being honest, I’d like to earn some money (any money) from writing so I can drop my hours at work. If I could go part-time and write for maybe, two days during the week, I’d be more than happy. That’s the dream. If that doesn’t come off, and please, no one hold your breath, I’d settle to see just one of my books in hardback, cloth bound, and in a library.
  12. Where do you live?
A small village in West Yorkshire called, Ripponden. It has three pubs, a couple of restaurants, a tea room and convenience shop. It’s semi rural, lots of agriculture and livestock grazing the fields that back onto moorland. I used to live in a large town growing up. People shot each other, whereas here they shoot grouse and pheasant. Before moving here the only deer I saw was in Stand By Me, but the other day I was picking my daughter up from school, and as I was backing into the parking spot, I saw something brown flash past my rear window. I then heard a large clattering noise and saw a fawn hurtle itself at the school fence. It must have got lost and the car spooked it. The car park backs onto a few residential bungalows for retired folk. There were steps leading down to a house close to the fence the fawn had struck. When I looked toward the bungalow the fawn sprang out of a hedge, kicking and flailing around on its back. I wanted to try to stop it, to tell it I wouldn’t hurt it and to calm down, but it was manic, frenzied. Then it just stopped and went quiet. I ran to the school to speak with one of the staff to get the number of a local vet or rescue service. A few of us went back to make sure it was still there. It was. But it wasn’t breathing, and flies were resting in its open eye. The speed and power of hitting that fence could have broken its neck, but I honestly think its heart gave out. It was such a beautiful creature. It’s fur was the colour of autumn leaves and its legs were long and graceful. My daughter cried all the way home when she heard. She’s got heart that girl. I guess this place is quite wonderful, but even in paradise you can’t help but have your heart-broken once in a while.
  13. Pets?
  A goldfish only. We used to have a rabbit but it went suicidal on us. It began chewing wires and trying to crawl up the flue over the open fireplace. I just don’t think it liked us. We treated good. Fed it, gave it a nice hutch, but It would stare at us all with this one black eye like we’d murdered its family. My daughter began to think she’d awake in the night and see it there at the end of the bed, staring at her with that one black eye. It was called Fluffy, but after about three months it also went by, Psycho Rabbit, Weirdo Rabbit, Stupid Rabbit, What the Hell, Rabbit?! We eventually took it to a sanctuary to be re-homed. We felt a little like that family at the end of Poltergeist once it was all over, but instead of wheeling out a TV, we wheeled out a hutch.
  14. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
  I enjoy the process. I mean, I actually love creating worlds, people and all the problem solving and outlining, adding depth and shade and listening to how the characters talk and where they take the story. To me, writing is a kind of medicine, it’s the cure to something broken inside me. Without it I’d be sick.
  15. What is coming next for you?
I’ve got a few stories coming out in anthologies this year and next. Right now I can only announce one called, Farewell Valencia, that’ll be in, Takes From the Lake vol 5, edited by Kenneth Cain and published by Crystal Lake Publishing in early November. The story was partly inspired by a real place in Sweden where euthanasia is legal. Around the same time I found out Terry Pratchett had been diagnosed with dementia there were a lot of documentaries the U.K. about people who wanted to end their life because they had no quality of life. These were people who were paraplegic, terminal, or were awaiting a slow and agonising death. One documentary featured this place in Sweden. I never saw the documentary but a friend told me about it the next day. In my mind I’m seeing this place as a plush hotel with Egyptian cotton sheets, Tempur pillows, turndown service, free porn, concierge, fine dining, the lot. I was never so wrong. It was described more as an industrial unit on a Business Park. Okay, low overheads, I get it. But surely it’s nice inside and the end is peaceful, right? Wrong again. You get a bed and a cup of poison. It sounded horrific. There was no dignity. No afternoon massage and favourite meal. No quick game of tennis followed by a gin and tonic on the veranda. You got poisoned and you died in agony. This felt wrong to me. It’s bad enough these people had reached a point in their lives where dying was the preferred option. So I set about writing a story where a hotel similar to the one I envisaged existed. Someplace nice. At least on the surface. Farewell Valencia is essentially about an euthanasia clinic, and because the subject is so heavy, I wanted to make it quirky, like the Shining seen through the eyes of Wes Anderson. But there’s a twist, which I won’t go into. You’ll have to read it to find out. I think people will like it. It’s dark, sad, with a little Gallows humour thrown in. It should fit well in the anthology. It’s already got some great voices in there; Tim Waggoner, Gemma Files, Lucy A. Snyder, Gene O’Neill, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Allison Pang, Paul Michael Anderson, Bruce Boston, Andi Rawson, Samuel Marzioli, Joanna Parypinski, Lane Waldman, Peter Mark May, Meghan Arcuri, Jason Sizemore, Robert Stahl, Marge Simon, Laura Blackwell, Lucy Taylor, Jonah Buck, Cory Cone, and Michelle Ann King.
  16. Where do you get your ideas?
Keep with me on this. There’s a magic trick where a street magician fans out a deck of cards and asks someone to choose one. They do, and they show it the camera. Queen of hearts, say. Then the magician asks the card be put back in the deck, and then in a display of madness they throw all the cards at the side of a building. One card sticks to the window. Just one. And yep, when he peels it off, it’s the queen of hearts. I don’t know how it’s done and I don’t ever want to know. It’s a great trick and to understand the trick would dilute the magic. That’s the same with ideas; I don’t know how they work, or where they come from, and I don’t ever want to know, because I fear once I discover the secret it won’t be as magical. Magic is great writing.
      You can connect with Craig Wallwork here: 
  My Amazon pages for the UK and US:
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Craig-Wallwork/e/B003VDNVCC
US: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s/ref=is_s?n=133140011&k=craig+wallwork+
A free ebook copy of Quintessence of Dust, a short story collection by me:
And finally, Crystal Lake Publishing:
  Some of Craig Wallwork’s books: 
      Getting personal with Craig Wallwork Craig Wallwork lives in West Yorkshire, England. His short stories have appeared in many journals, magazines and anthologies in the UK and US.
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
Tony Tremblay is the writer of numerous short stories that have been published in various horror anthologies, horror magazines, and webzines under his pen name, T T Zuma. Tremblay has also worked as a reviewer of horror fiction for Cemetery Dance Magazine and Horror World. In addition to his print work, Tremblay is the host of That Taco Society Presents, a cable T. V. show (also available on You Tube) that features discussions on horror as well as guest interviews with horror authors.
  Please welcome Tony Tremblay to Roadie Notes……………
    1. How old were you when you first wrote your first story?
My first story? I think I was around ten years old. It was called, Spiders Ate My Face. I guess the title says it all. Unfortunately, its reception was not all that welcomed in my family, and it has been lost to history. I wrote my first published story when I was 52 years old. After the terrible reviews of Spiders Ate My Face, it took me 42 years to gain enough confidence to write again.
    2. How many books have you written?
I’ve published two full-length books, The Seeds of Nightmares, and The Moore House. There is also a long novella I wrote called Steel, which was published two years ago.
I do have what’s called a trunk novel stored away because I’m not happy with it, but I do plan on revisiting it as soon as I’ve finished the novel I am working on now. I will have another short story collection out in the start of 2019 with Crossroad Press, and a new novella out with John McIlveen’s Haverhill House Publishing sometime in 2019.
    3. Anything you won’t write about?
Vampires, werewolves, most tropes really. To be honest with you, I’m not sure I could add anything to those subjects that hasn’t been done already. Having said that, I did write two zombie themed short stories, but both had twists that I thought brought something different to the trope.
I also tend to avoid detailed sex scenes in my stories and novels. When reading horror tales, I tend to find them unimaginative  and often boring. I usually skim through them or jump down a few paragraphs or pages until it’s over. Talking to other readers, I know I’m not alone in my disinterest. That doesn’t mean I avoid sex in my work. I prefer to leave enough description so the reader can use their imaginations when reading the scene. There are horror authors that can pulloff explicit sex scenes really well, and they can be erotic as hell. Graham Masterton and Ray Garton are two good examples of authors that can jumpstart hormones into drive.
    4. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), married, kids, do you have another job etc…
I do have a full-time job, but I plan on retiring from it on March 1st. I’ve spent 32 years there, commuting 90 minutes each way. It’s time for me to kick back and enjoy my life, my family, and my friends. Let’s see, I want to get this right…I’ve been married to the same woman for over 40 years (I think that covers me), and we have one son and one daughter. I also have grandkids popping out all over the place, which gives me further incentive to retire.
  5. What’s your favorite book you have written?
My published books are so different from each other, it would be hard to pick one over the other. The Seeds of Nightmares is more literary than not, and occasionally when I have to revisit those stories for a reading, I can’t believe I wrote them. For most of those stories, I was searching for my voice so I experimented with narration and tone. I looked to my horror author hero’s for inspiration. When I read them now, I can see which author influenced me at the time. I am proud of each of those stories. The reviews, the charting, and the feedback I continue to receive from The Seeds of Nightmares is affirming as hell.
With Steel, I wanted to write something that bridged the gap between literary and action oriented fiction. I was pleased with the results, but the lack of reader feedback had me questioning whether I had succeeded.
The Moore House was my attempt to go balls-out on a fast-paced, page-turning novel. I wanted to write a story that shot out of the gate and kept readers glued to the page throughout the story. I kept exposition to a minimum, removed all tangents to the plot, and gave the characters depth without over sentimentalizing them. I wanted the prose to be lean and the tension constant. My publisher, John McIlveen approved, but he had one suggestion, which I followed on the subsequent re-writes. His advice? Go all the way—make it scarier wherever I could. His advice proved to be spot on, and I admit to having a ton of fun reaching into places I had never gone to before. The feedback on The Moore House has been phenomenal, and it appears that I’ve succeeded in my goals for the book.
After all that, I’ll go with convention and say that the last book I have written is my favorite, which would be The Moore House.
6. Who or what inspired you to write?
I’ve wanted to write since I was a young boy, but I think it was Stephen King’s work that pushed me to get serious about it.
    7. What do you like to do for fun?
When I see strangers on the street, I walk up to them and ask them if they know where Black Brook Road is. When they say no, I give them directions to it.
    8. Any traditions you do when you finish a book?​
I’ll pour myself a nice glass of good scotch, which may or may not be followed by dancingnaked in my den while blasting Neil Young out of the speakers. My wife wishes I would quit writing whenever this happens.
  9. Where do you write? Quiet or music?
As mentioned, I have a den and I do all of my writing there. It has to be absolutely quiet, no music, and no background noise.
    10. What is your dream? Famous writer?
My dream is to retire, and I’m almost there. I don’t aspire to be a famous writer, but I’d be happy if I am recognized in a book store though.
    11. Where do you live?
I live in Goffstown, N.H.  My hometown is featured in many of my stories, and The Moore House is set in Goffstown.
    12. Pets?
We have a cat, and I hope to get a dog once I retire.
    13. Where do you get your ideas?
Soul travel. At night when I sleep, I astral project into people’s dreams. If they are having a nightmare, it’s a gold mine.
14. Anything else you got going on you want to share?
Yes, thank you. Along with Scott Goudsward and John McIlveen, we are putting together a very informal convention for horror/genre authors and fans in Manchester, N.H. on Sept. 15th. It’s called NoCon, and I’ll leave the link here in case people are curious about it: http://wearenocon.com/ .
      Thanks for the interview, Rebecca! It was a lot of fun! If your readers want to learn more about me they can head over to my website at http://www.tonytremblayauthor.com/ 
  Some Of Tony Tremblay’s books:
          Getting personal with Tony Tremblay Tony Tremblay is the writer of numerous short stories that have been published in various horror anthologies, horror magazines, and webzines under his pen name, T T Zuma.
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tanmath3-blog · 6 years
    One of my most interesting interviews to date has to be Stanley Wiater. This man has interviewed everyone I have always wanted to meet and then some. He got to sit in the same room with them and pick their brains. I can’t even imagine. I would faint. I met him on a pod cast where I did book reviews and I can say that he is the most down to earth and kindest person I have had the pleasure to meet. He is smart and funny and gives great advice. I learned a lot by talking to him and how to do better interviews. Normally I send the questions to the author and they fill them out and send them back to me. However I had the honor of a phone call for this one. It was an honor and pleasure to be able to speak with him and pick his brain a little. The responses for this interview are paraphrased from the notes I took from our conversation. So if there are errors the fault lies totally in my lap. Thank you for giving me the incredible opportunity to interview you and for being patient with me.
  Please welcome Stanley Wiater to Roadie Notes………
  1.  How many books have you written?
At least 30+ and essays, countless reviews and interviews. You can find the links to them here
http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?842 2. You have a tag line. Tell me what it is please?
“Are you a Dark Dreamer?” This came from the Dark Dreamers series 3. Tell me about you. Age (if you don’t mind answering), do you have another job etc…
I’m 65 Writing is my job.
4. What kind of awards have you received?
He has won the coveted Bram Stoker Award three times, and been nominated for the International Horror Guild, Hugo, Rondo, Eisner, Harvey, Locus, and Readercon awards, among other nominations. 5. Who or what inspired you to write?
I’m a long time friend of Stephen King and have written books and interviews about him as well as so many others. But Edgar Allen Poe and Ray Bradbury were both major influences. 6.  What else in the writing world have you done?
I have taught workshops at the University of Massachusetts about writing and the business of writing. I have also edited many books and stories. Pretty much everything. 7. You have a YouTube channel.
Yes, there are some interviews on there. You can follow this link https://www.youtube.com/user/gorgo3 8. What is your dream? Famous writer?
He told me he has lived his dream. He has interviewed the best of the best in the Horror industry. He is also the man behind Dark Dreamers a very popular show running 26 episode series. They are available on dvd and some are on YouTube. 9. Where do you live?
Massachusetts 10. What’s your favorite thing about interviews?
Getting to meet the people and sit down and talk to them. He has interviewed more major horror and suspense authors, filmmakers, actors, and artists than any other journalist, living or undead.
11.  Where do you get your ideas?
They come from everywhere.
      You can connect with Stanley Wiater here: 
      Some of Stanley Wiater’s books: 
  Getting personal with Stanley Wiater One of my most interesting interviews to date has to be Stanley Wiater. This man has interviewed everyone I have always wanted to meet and then some.
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