traffic-was-a-b1tch · 13 days
wait a minute, where did my clothes go?
My favorite little British man
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 20 days
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: SMUT, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP), oral (m rec), dom!jake, jealous jake 😩, katoptronophilia (mirror kink), breeding kink (if you squint), spanking, kissing, cursing, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: heyyyy! sorry for the long wait! I was on a small road trip with some friends so I took a break! although, I think this installment will be worth it ;). thank you again for all the love on this series! let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Nine:
you were ecstatic.
you practically skipped out of the building and down the street. you were so happy nothing could ruin it.
immediately you called kaylee (because bros before hoes) and told her.
“NO. FUCKING. WAY!!!! i’m so happy for you!!! ok, we’re definitely celebrating tonight!!!”
you laughed and agreed before hanging up to text jake.
“guess what? I got the job!!!”, you sent.
you put your phone away and started walking to the parking garage.
almost immediately, you got a text back.
“I knew you would.”
you were unable to contain the smile that grew on your face. then another text came in.
“proud of you.”
your heart skipped a beat and you felt like flying.
getting in your car, you turned it on and buckled your seatbelt. then you screamed, pushing all your happiness to exit your soul. you screamed till you lungs got tight and there was no more air to be released. it wasn’t going to work, though. you just accepted that you were going to feel amazing today.
you drove home listening to oldies and drumming your fingers on the wheel. your joy was infectious and you were so excited to get home and relax before celebrating.
you raced inside your apartment building and nearly sprinted up the stairs to your floor. as soon as you opened your front door, kaylee was running to you. she grabbed your hands and you both jumped up and down screaming excitedly.
“you have got to tell me EVERYTHING!” she was using her squeaky, high voice.
just as you were opening your mouth to speak, an electric guitar cut you off. the riff was fast and sharp. it cut through the air and straight into your brain when you realized that it was are you gonna be my girl by jet.
you grinned and kaylee knew immediately what was going on.
“ughhh, you can tell me later. go see what mr. hendrix wants.”
you squeezed her hands, silently thanking her and promising you’d be fast.
you didn’t even get to knock before the door swung open, and you saw him.
jake stood there in front of you playing the last few notes of the song. you smiled at him, loving watching him play for you. he finished and looked up to smirk at you.
“hi, stranger”, you teased as you walked right by him and into the apartment.
he closed the door, shaking his head and simpering. he almost threw his guitar off and to the side as he made his way to you.
he sprinted over to you and tackled you in a hug. you wrapped your arms around his neck and he moved you in closer by your waist. you couldn’t help but squeal in delight as he lifted you off the ground and spun you in a circle.
jake let you back down and pulled away to look you in the eyes.
“congratulations!” he beamed at you. “this is amazing for you.”
“I know, thank you!”
“aaaaand…”, he trailed. “I have news too.”
you raised your eyebrows, eager to know.
“the band booked a set at the basement.”
“the basement?”, you questioned.
“a rock bar not far from here. it’s known for making local talent into household names.” his eyes were lighting up just talking about this event. you could tell it was something he had been waiting for.
“what? that’s so so great! what time tonight?”
“8”, he smiled from ear to ear. but then he backtracked a little, “well, you don’t have to come if you don’t want to. you’ve had a big day and I would completely understand if you wanted to stay home and relax-“
“jake, stop. of course i’m coming. my roommate, kaylee, and I were planning on going to celebrate anyway.” you grinned at him, showing that you meant every word you were saying.
“and plus”, you added, “kaylee hasn’t seen you play yet. she’s only heard it through the wall.”
you both laughed, and you instantly realized you wanted to hear his laugh on repeat for the rest of your life.
“let’s hope she’ll come around to it”, he encouraged, eyes locked on you.
you got butterflies.
“so”, he began, “see you at 8?”
“i’ll be there”, you leaned in and kissed him. then, pulling away, added, “baby.”
his blush crept up on his cheeks, at a loss for words. it was finally time for you to leave him speechless.
you backed up and turned, leaving his apartment with a small sway of your hips.
now to get ready to celebrate.
a couple hours later, you were just finishing up your makeup and dabbing a little more glitter on your eyes. you were going for a heavier look tonight: a bit of contour, blush, a smoky eye with glitter, and a swipe of black honey on your lips. you paired this makeup with a sparkly black party dress and black strappy kitten heels.
you looked damn good.
it was very much a bar look; seductive and darker than you would normally go. but you wanted to let loose tonight. and as much as you wanted to dress up for jake, you wanted to make sure that this night was mainly in celebration of the accomplishments you had made in your career.
as well as the perfect outfit and makeup, you made sure to put work into your hair. you wanted it to look freshly blown out, so you were fluffing it up with some product.
“hey, you ready to go?”, kaylee called to you from the living room.
“yep, i’m ready!” you met her out there, still messing with your hair.
“oh, honey”, she took in your appearance. “it’s perfect. you look amazing.”
“thank you!”, you replied giddily. “now let’s go!”
the drive to the bar was full of you and kaylee singing to the radio. you were both horrible at singing but loved belting your favorite pop songs.
after you both finished screaming one of your favorites, you turned down the radio and asked her a question.
“hey, did anything ever happen with aaron?”
you had been so caught up with your own love life that you had completely forgotten about kaylee’s. she had had one serious boyfriend in college, tom, but ever since they broke up a year ago, she’s been enjoying one night stands. aaron was one of the moving guys who became her latest one night stand.
“nope”, she popped the ‘p’ harshly. “just another player who left before I could wake up.”
you reached over from the drivers seat and squeezed her hand, “aww i’m so sorry, kay.”
she scoffed and looked at you, “I just need a quiet type, you know? one that wants to take me on picnic dates and walks on the beach. someone who thinks flowers aren’t ‘too expensive’.”
that last jab was directed at tom because of what he told her when she asked why he never got her flowers. but then again, you expected that from him. you always had a bad feeling about him.
“one that won’t leave you in the middle of a movie to go get drunk with his friends at a strip club?” you were referring to an infamous incident that tom did.
she glared at you, “exactly. someone completely different than him. different than all the other dumbass dicks that I attract. someone sweet and caring.”
you agreed. there was nobody you wanted to see kaylee with than a sweet guy who treated her like the queen she was.
you pulled into the bar and parked in the back. the prominent ‘The Basement’ sign adorned the front and made you antsy. the reality of being out again was intoxicatingly fun. it had been at least 6 months since you went out with kaylee, so this was long overdue.
you entered the front door, taking in the buzz of neon signs that made the whole place glow with blue and red.
it was definitely a rock bar. the energy that seeped from every crevice of this place was edgy to say the least. but you liked it, a lot.
it didn’t take you long to spot jake and the rest of the boys setting up on the stage.
jake was clad in some dark jeans, a nice belt, and a dark blue button up with the sleeves rolled up. the fact that it was a button up was ironic because only a few buttons were connected, leaving his chest open to show the many chains and medallions that dangled from his neck. he also had some chelsea boots and rings on. he was stunning.
you would’ve waved, but he was currently concentrated on the wires connecting to his guitar pedal. he hadn’t seen you yet, so you decided to let him be and go get a drink.
the bar was starting to fill steadily, so you were surprised that you found such good seats at the bar. they were directly across from the stage, giving you a perfect view of the band. you quickly claimed them and got the bartender’s attention to order yourself a vodka redbull.
you were gonna get fucking blitzed tonight.
kaylee ordered a coke. you had begged her to drink with you, promising to uber there and back so you wouldn’t have to worry about a dd. but she declined, saying that she wanted to personally look after you tonight. you had grumbled but ultimately agreeing and trusting her judgment. the bartender returned with your drinks, shooting you both a wink.
just then, that all too familiar guitar strum pierced through the chatter of the bar. they were all set up and about to start. you were almost shaking in excitement. if this was going to be anything like what you heard in the studio with them, you were eager to see everyone else’s reaction to their talent.
josh grabbed the microphone, “how we feeling tonight?”
there was scattered applause and you whooped a little to show more support. hearing your voice, jake’s ears perked up and started scanning the bar.
he found you after a second and you could see him suck in a breath. his eyes dragged up and down your body as you sat there in your short dress, legs crossed and straw in between your plump lips.
he grinned and shook his head slightly, looking up.
josh swatted jake on the arm, signaling him to be ready for his cue. josh got close to the microphone again, announcing, “we’re greta van fleet.”
a beat.
“do it jakey”, josh whispered.
with that, jake squatted and started to play a booming riff. he locked eyes with you as he played, making you squirm in your seat.
the riff was so good it urged you to tap your foot. the beat was slowly growing heavier, the drums getting louder. it was building, building, building. then, the drums pounded once and jake played the final part of the riff, allowing josh to erupt in sound.
his voice was raspy and unique, making people’s eyes get wide.
“oohhhhhhhhhhhhhh mama.”
kaylee shot you a shocked look, shouting over the music, “this is crazy good.”
you smiled and agreed.
“we’re stopping at the green light, girl, cause I wanna get your signal.”
as josh sang, you focused on everyone else in the room. they were starting to nod their heads and get into the groove. you were so proud of jake in this moment, seeing all his work making other people happy.
you glanced back at him, meeting his eyes, and smiled big.
“ooohhhh, sugarrr”, josh finished.
the crowd went crazy. a wave of applause flooded the room, your clapping being the loudest.
“thank you very much”, josh began. “we feeling better now?”
the crowd roared a bit more and josh laughed. off to the side, you could see jake switching his electric for an acoustic and you were intrigued. “that was a song we call highway tune. and now, as a treat, we’re going to play a new song that will be on our upcoming ep. this is flower power.”
you instantly remembered that this was one of the songs you had helped them with and became ready to listen intently. not that you expected them to utilize your advice, you knew your place as a non-musician who probably didn’t know best, but you were buzzed to see what they had done with it.
the acoustic melody started, immersing you in the energy of the song. you swayed and hummed to it.
then your cheeks started to heat up as jake moved closer to the mic, and made eye contact with you again.
“she is a lady comes from all around”
his voice was just as good as you remembered hearing this morning. it was sweet but deep, and it ignited a fire in between your legs. you tried not to be too obvious about it, squeezing your legs together, and kept your eyes on jake as he sang.
in that moment, you felt like it was just you and jake in that bar. jake playing and singing just for you. just what you had been begging him not to do a few days ago.
it’s crazy how much can change in so little time.
it was so beautiful but fleeting.
as soon as the first verse was done, jake stepped back and let josh resume the rest of the song. you tried not to let the slight disappointment linger on your face. you did love josh’s voice too.
the next few songs flew by in a wave of guitar and drums. before you knew it, josh was waving his hand and saying, “thank you for having us. we’re greta van fleet, goodnight!”
you realized then that you had never knew the name of their band before tonight. greta van fleet. you liked it a lot.
you and kaylee gushed about how good the performance was while the boys loaded their equipment back up.
after a good amount of time and 2 drinks down, they all approached you.
you instantly wrapped your arms around jake, whispering, “you guys were amazing.” you pulled back and added to the rest of the boys too, “just truly incredible! the performance was unreal.”
they all expressed their thanks at once, smiling wide.
you went back to jake’s ear, hugging him again, “so proud.”
he squeezed you harder and you giggled.
his mouth found your ear and murmured, “what’s really unreal is this fucking dress. good god baby, did you want me to have a heart attack on stage?”
you laughed, pulling away, and nodded, biting your lip.
you weren’t gonna lie, you were a little tipsy and it was making him that much more irresistible.
but then he turned to introduce himself to kaylee. she scanned him up and down, giving him a look, “so you’re the one that’s been giving her trouble?”
jake winked, “the one and only.”
she shook her head, smiling and softly saying, “oh lord.”
you stepped forward and pointed at each of the guys, “jake, josh, sam, and danny, this is my roommate, kaylee.”
she waved and greeted them with a “hello, nice to meet y’all.”
danny was first to speak up, “sorry for all the noise.”
kaylee laughed, “apology accepted after that performance.”
“thank you, thank you. it seems like the crowd liked it.” danny’s eyes fixed on kaylee in a way you recognized quickly.
“it was great! so, you play the drums?”
their conversation kept going easily and the look on both of their faces led you to believe it was going to continue for a while.
you turned back to the bar, getting the bartenders attention and ordering one more drink.
“of course, little miss,” the bartender sweet talked.
jake’s arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close. you looked up at him and found that a tinge of hardness had poisoned his face.
was he… jealous?
the bartender returned with your drink and you thanked him. he grinned at you, but then caught jake’s glare and slowly backed away and left. jake’s grip on your waist had gotten tighter and you could definitely tell now.
he was pissed.
he grabbed your drink and set it on the bar, taking your hand and muttering, “let’s go.”
he pulled you through the place and to a back corner where the restrooms were. he flung you in one, and you quickly became thankful that it was a private bathroom with no stalls.
he locked the door and, without another word, attacked your mouth. his lips closed around yours as his hands found the back of your head to hold you there.
then his one of his hands gripped your hair and pulled, exposing your neck. his mouth moved down to litter your neck in hickeys and his other hand groped your breast. you breathed heavily, feeling overstimulated in the best way.
he broke away, the hand that was on your boob now moved to close around your neck gently; just enough to hold pressure and get your attention. meanwhile, the hand in your hair moved in between your legs and he growled in satisfaction when he felt that you had forgone panties tonight. his skilled fingers swiped through your folds, gathering some of your slick from him kissing you, and held it up in front of your eyes.
“you really think that twig out there could do this to you, huh? do you think he could drive you crazy like I do? make this pretty pussy this wet? I don’t fucking think so.”
with that, he spun you around to face the mirror. his hand was still on your neck, forcing you to look at yourself and him positioned behind you. he then reached into his back jean pocket and pulled out a white lace thong, one you recognized immediately.
it was yours from last night.
he dangled it in front of your face and his teeth grazed your ear, “i’ve been thinking about you all day. thinking about how good you take me, how tight you are, how fucking sweet that pussy is.”
you gasped slightly, his words making you hotter and hotter. he knew exactly what to say to make you have to rub your thighs together to relieve yourself a little. it was too much for you, and you were going to show him what you were capable of.
you removed his hand from your throat and faced him, quickly dropping to your knees. he threw your underwear on the counter, stepping back to give you room in front of him. you undid his belt, hands working quickly. you tugged his pants down just far enough to release him, his hard dick almost hitting his stomach.
your mouth instantly watered, needing him to fill you up. you started small, gripping him and planting a sweet kiss to his tip. he chuckled darkly and messed his hand in your hair, “good girl.”
you took it a step further, licking the whole underside of him. he shivered and groaned slightly, bucking his hips. you couldn’t help it anymore, taking him in your mouth as deep as you could. he gasped and moaned, throwing his head back. you started to move up and down, letting your tongue dance around the curves and veins of him.
“mmm, eager little slut, aren’t you?”
you sucked him harder in response, eyes trained on him, making his knees almost buckle. his hand moved you up and down on him, groaning with his eyes closed. he was getting more frantic as he watched you suck him, his hips stuttering.
“fuck, stop”, he pulled you off of him in a hurry, his chest heaving and his cheeks red. grabbing your jaw, he said breathlessly, “you almost made me cum, baby. fucking shit, I need you now.”
he urgently helped you up and bent you over the sink, your eyes finding the mirror. you watched him as he hiked up your dress, his mouth agape and eyebrows furrowing. his eyes flicked up to yours and he lined up with your entrance.
he entered you, stretching you deliciously. you moaned loudly, finally getting satisfaction to a craving you had had all day and night.
he encouraged you, slipping in and out easily, “that’s it, baby. let him hear how good I make you feel. show him how well I take care of this pussy.”
all you could do was moan and watch him fuck you from behind through the mirror. his hair started sticking to the sweat on his face as he pounded you, making him shine in the dim bar lighting. his dangling medallions swayed with his movements, making a metallic clang with every hard thrust.
jake was so good. too good.
you were already getting close, gripping around him and moaning louder. he reached over and grabbed your thong, pushing it into your open mouth and effectively gagging you.
“I want you to watch as I make you cum, do you understand me? you’re gonna watch me claim this pretty pussy.”
you did as he ordered you, watching him thrust into you and seeing yourself fall apart on his cock. his tip was nudging your cervix and your eyes watered. it was too pleasurable to describe, and your arms were close to giving out.
neither of you had ever looked better than you did right now. his eyes were glazed in lust and both your bodies flexed as he used your hips as leverage to work himself in and out of you. your faces contorted in pleasure, mouths letting go pleas of release and profanity. you could stay in this moment forever.
he sped up his thrusts and you could feel the warmth in your belly rise. his eyes locked on yours as he raised his hand and brought it down to slap your ass. hard.
that kicked you over the edge, and your high swallowed you whole.
it was a good thing that jake had gagged you because, even with the gag, you were sure people could hear you screaming over the booming music. he kept going, fueled by your orgasm, fucking you frantically before letting himself go.
he shuddered and came inside of you, your eyes still locked through the mirror. after his breathing slowed and his eyes started to droop, he slowly pulled out. you spit out your thong and stood back up to face him as he was rebuckling his belt.
he grinned at you, “could he make you come like that?”
“absolutely not.” you weren’t even lying, that was one of the best orgasms you had ever had.
“good.” he leaned forward and kissed you softly on your lips. “now, put those on”, he pointed to your thong and got close to your ear to say, “to hide the fact that i’m dripping out of you.”
“jake!”, you scolded. you bit your lip, imagining his cum leaking out of your pussy. to be honest, you weren’t sure what he could do that you wouldn’t find mind-blowingly hot.
you put on the panties and adjusted your dress as he reached to wipe your smudged makeup.
“did I tell you how fucking hot you look tonight?”
“I kinda figured you thought that after you fucked me senseless over the bathroom counter”, you added humorously.
he laughed and looked at you seriously, “you look perfect, just unreal. sometimes I have to pinch myself when i’m with you, you’re like a beautiful dream.”
your eyes almost watered, his sweet words pulling at you heart strings. you stood on your tip toes to kiss his cheek softly. you both smiled, lost in the daze of each other.
he was the first to break the trance, unlocking and opening the door for you, “milady.”
“good sir”, you played along.
walking back to the bar with his arm around your shoulder, you caught a glimpse of kaylee’s dark hair. as you came closer, you saw that she was kissing someone.
your eyebrows furrowed in immediate confusion as you hurried over to her.
“kaylee, what?”
her head whipped around, embarrassed and red, revealing who she had been kissing:
you and jake’s jaws dropped.
• • •
I mean…? can we blame anybody here? absolutely not.
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco @piratejakesgf @sunandthemoontwinflames @kiszkas-canvas @jjwasneverhere @anythingforjtk
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 24 days
his hands, his face, the outfit.
I can’t.
I was speechless in this vid bc HIS. FUCKING. HANDS.
took a lil break from writing to share one of my favorite videos I got from austin! 😭 the big screen makes jake look so much better than my phone did lmao! lmk if yall want more vids from austin (‘24) or houston (‘23) bc I have PLENTY.
3 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 24 days
Tumblr media
anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: SMUT, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP), fingering, slight dom!jake, sir kink, praise kink, punishment kink (if you squint), kissing, cursing, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: heyyyy! sorry for the long wait! thank you again for the likes and love for this series! let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Eight:
you were so distracted from your celebration that you didn’t realize that jake wasn’t in bed anymore. you looked around the bedroom and didn’t see any sign of him besides his black shirt on the floor from last night.
damn. that was all coming back to you. you could still feel him all over you; his hands, his mouth, his…
get ahold of yourself.
you don’t have time for that this morning. your interview was in only 3 hours and you couldn’t risk being any kind of late.
you got up, still naked, and left the bedroom. following down the hall, you started to hear something. it sounded like a acoustic guitar, just a little muffled. you came into the living room, still no sign of jake. but the guitar was getting louder, like you were getting closer. you continued walking towards the music, and found yourself at the recording room.
the door was cracked open a bit so you heard the guitar clearly now. you could also catch a glimpse of him through the window, sitting on a stool and strumming it shirtless. he looked so beautiful.
the rhythm was familiar but you thought it was just something he wrote. that was until you heard him start to sing.
“now I don’t hardly know her,”
a beat.
“but I think I could love her,”
a beat.
“crimson and clover.”
his voice was like a husky honey; sweet and raspy. you recognized that the song was crimson and clover by tommy james and the shondells. it was a favorite classic of your mom’s. you swayed to it, never letting your eyes leave him.
he vocalized, eyes closed. you smiled at the sight of him. he was so enthralled in the music that it enchanted you. he slowly opened his eyes, finding you in the doorway. he stopped and an embarrassed smile creeped on his face.
you came into the room, closing the door behind you, clapping.
“creeper”, he teased, grabbing your hips and pulling you to him.
“come on, I like it when you play.”
he raised his eyebrows, “you used to not…”
you scoffed, “shut up.” then you added, sing-songy, “I have good news.”
“what?” his voice was still a bit tired.
“I got an interview at my dream job.” you were still giddy even talking about it.
he made a shocked face and got excited. “yes! you’ll finally be out of my hair during the day now.”
you pushed him and tried to back away, but he kept his grip on your hips as he laughed.
“let’s both hope I get this job because if I don’t and I have to deal with your bullshit for all 24 hours, I might murder you.”
he cocked his head to the side and smirked.
“but as of right now, I need to shower and get ready”, you removed his hands on your hips and turned to leave.
“mmm, no. you look fine as is”, he fought, grabbing your hand and not letting you leave.
you looked back at him, eyebrow raised, “i’m naked, jake.”
“and? no amount of clothes can replace this look right now”, he made a camera with his hands and pretended to take pictures of you.
“don’t try to flatter me in hopes of morning sex because I really don’t have time right now”, you rolled your eyes, giggling, and tried to leave again.
he stopped you again, “i’m not trying to get any, believe me. if I wanted you right now, i’d have you right now. but maybe I just like you being here.”
your eyes lingered on each other for a bit longer than what was comfortable.
he looked you up and down, taking in all of your curves, “but now that you’ve got me thinking about it…”
“jake, no. i’ll be late”, you reasoned lightheartedly.
“how much time do you have?”
you sighed, “3 hours.”
he reached up to grab your jaw, guiding you down to his level, “I only need 20 minutes.”
he kissed you softly and you deepened it. as soon as he’d kissed you, a fire lit inside you and you needed him. now.
he softly moved the guitar that was resting on his lap to the ground and urged you on his lap. you kissed hard and messily, too caught up in desire to care.
he trailed his hands all over your body, feeling your soft skin against his guitar calloused fingers. he broke from your kisses, eyes boring into you.
“don’t break eye contact. if you do, I stop. got it?”
you nodded.
his fingers found their way in between your legs before two of them lined up with your opening. he pressed them inside you slowly , causing you to moan loudly and throw your head back.
his fingers immediately withdrew. he smacked your pussy in punishment, bringing your eyes back to him.
“eyes on me.”
you nodded again, eyes wide.
“nuh uh, words.”
“yes, sir.”
his eyes darkened and he sucked in a breath. you clearly unlocked something, something he was holding back.
his fingers entered in you again, faster this time. you gasped but kept your eyes locked on his. he started moving them in and out of you slowly, slightly curling them into your spot. you moaned loudly, the feeling taking over your entire body, but fought to keep your eyes on his.
he noticed your effort and rewarded you with a, “good girl.”
he started to go faster, and you were trying your hardest not to lose it. he was right, he would only need a few minutes. you were getting closer, eyes threatening to flutter closed. you were right there, his fingers curling into you hard. you were about to…
he pulled his fingers out of you.
you sighed in frustration, “jake, what the fuck?”
he smirked in satisfaction, “seems like you forgot i’m an asshole.”
you made an upset pout face. he laughed at you, tugging down his black sweatpants and releasing himself.
you couldn’t not stare. he looked so delicious. your eyes, still tinted with anger, flicked up to his.
“come on, baby”, he cooed, “i’ll make it up to you. ride me.”
you reached down to grab him and he gasped softly. he was so hard. fuck, you needed him bad.
you lined him up to your entrance, and slowly sunk down on him.
you both moaned loudly, and you were grateful that you were in a soundproof studio.
at first, jake’s hands moved to your hips and guided you up and down. once you had a rhythm he let go, “fuck, show me how much you want it.”
you were speechless. his mouth made an ‘o’ shape as you grinded on him, head falling back in ecstasy. you put your hands on his shoulders for leverage and rode him faster.
his dick was perfect, hitting all the right spots in you. his head came back up, and he saw that your boobs were bouncing as you rode him. he grabbed them both, massaging them and moaning. he took one of your nipples in his mouth and twirled his tongue around the sensitive bud.
you could barely breathe, lost in the pleasure. he moaned especially loud against your chest when you tightened around him, trying to reach your peak.
he met your eyes again, and damn did you love the view. his own eyes were laced with lust and his expression was devilish to say the least.
“fucking come for me”, he panted.
you did, throwing your head back and gasping. you were shaking from how intense it was, and that only made jake get closer.
he snatched your hips quickly and fucked you harder. he grunted as he finally came inside you, his head falling to your shoulder.
the only sound in the room was you both panting. after a moment, you nudged his face up to look at you and kissed him softly on his lips.
he smiled and glanced at the clock on the front wall of the studio, “15 minutes. see, i’m great at quickies.”
you laughed, “good to know.” then a question creeped into your mind, one you wanted to ask when you first came in this room.
“do you ever sing in your band’s songs?”
“no, why?”
you shrugged, “I heard you singing and I think you have a great voice. you don’t even sing backup vocals?”
he shook his head, “nope. I leave all that up to josh so I can focus on melting everyone’s faces off with my guitar.”
you smiled, “is that so?”
he nodded.
after a minute of comfortable small talk, you finally lifted off of him and made your way to his bathroom. you cleaned up with a washcloth and then went back and cleaned him too.
you walked back to the bedroom to collect your clothes, grabbing your pants and shirt off the floor. you pulled them on, it was just enough to walk to your apartment. the walk of shame.
you put your phone in your pants pocket and took in your appearance from the mirror on his wall. you had a certain look about you, it reminded you of how jake looked all the time; a look that oozed desire. he was rubbing off on you, you thought. just then, he walked in and stood behind you, brushing your shoulders as he looked at you in the mirror.
“gorgeous”, he whispered in your ear.
you scoffed, shaking your head, “jake, I have to go now.”
he backed away and grumbled, “fine.”
he followed you to the front door and mentioned, “I put my number in your phone last night. text me after the interview and let me know how it went.”
you grinned at him and opened the door, “you put your number in my phone while I was asleep? wow, what a weirdo.”
he mocked a laugh as you made your way into the hallway, “ha ha ha. I better get a text.”
you smirked, reaching for the door handle and whispering, “yes, sir”, before closing the door on his face.
you raced into the shower and started to wash your hair.
midway through, the door to the bathroom opened and kaylee poked her head inside the shower, “rough night, huh?”
you giggled and lathered your body, “shut up.”
“how was heeee? as your best friend, you have to tell me. it’s the law.”
“he”, you began, “was… I mean… he felt… I don’t…”
kaylees mouth opened in shock, “he left you speechless?!”
you laughed and nodded.
“lucky fucking duck”, she shook her head. “hey, but I was right. you needed that dick, girl.” she put her hands up, “i’m always right.”
“kaylee”, you laughed, “I got an interview at CMA.”
she jumped, looking at you in excitement, “oh my god!!! today?” you nodded.
she shook her hands excitedly, “oh, i’m so happy for you!!! hurry up and go!!”
she left you to finish and you tried to hurry.
after the shower, you got dressed and put on a little bit of makeup. you were ready to go just in time, with 30 minutes to spare for the drive over.
you told kaylee bye as you were walking out.
“show them how much of a bad bitch you are!”, she yelled out at you.
as you drove to CMA’s office building, you thought about this last week. the rollercoaster it had been, with plenty of ups and downs. but even still, you were still standing. standing tall, too. and as much as kaylee, and jake now too, helped you, you got this success through your own hard work. you really were proud of yourself for making it this far.
you pulled up to the building, parked, and got out of your car to take in the massive feat of architecture with dozens of floors.
it was intimidating. but you knew that this was what you wanted.
you were gonna go for what you wanted; what you knew you could get; what you knew you deserved.
walking inside was relieving, bits of color were spread all around the room. artwork adorned almost every wall and the company’s logo shone on the back wall above the receptionist.
you walked up to him, smiling, “hello. i’m here for my interview.”
he looked up and smiled too, “oh, yes of course. they’re ready for you now. follow me.”
he got up and led you down a large hallway with stained glass windows. they allowed colored light to enter the space and flood it with a heavenly feeling.
you were already in love with this place.
you approached a large office on the end of the hall. the receptionist opened the door for you and you thanked him.
a woman sat at the large wooden desk in the room, but when you entered she stood and held out her hand to shake.
“hello! my name is barbara and i’ll be conducting your interview today.”
you smiled and shook her hand.
she looked down at the frilly sleeves on your shoulders and added, “I love your outfit.”
you thanked her, feeling light as air. you had chosen a baby blue blouse, a white skirt, and little white heels for your attire. you were definitely not regretting it now.
you sat across from her and, while she relaxed back in her chair, you said a small prayer of luck. your nerves were still on high alert.
“so”, barbara began, “how do you feel today?”
you were a little taken aback. that wasn’t exactly a common question an interviewer would ask. it was sweet. like she really cared about me before we had even really met.
you chuckled, “um, I feel great. i’ve been excited ever since I got the call this morning that y’all wanted to interview me.”
she smiled, “i’m very happy to hear that.”
she continued the interview, asking about your strengths and what you would do with this job.
“ok”, she clicked her pen, “final question.”
you sat up a little straighter, preparing yourself.
“why do you want to work here? what about CMA attracts you?”
you took a breath and made eye contact with her.
“CMA speaks to my soul. the creative freedom and power you give to your clients and employees is outstanding. I love the passion that is incorporated into every project that y’all do. I love that this company is just bursting with life and love. I want to be a part of that love.”
she watched you for a moment, earnestly.
“then, I think we’re done here”, she stood and reached out her hand again.
you took it, a little scared that your answer was too passionate because of the unreadable look on her face.
you took your purse and turned to leave.
“one more question before you go”, she added.
you looked back at her, “yes?”
“when can you start?”
• • •
nothing but happiness in this chapter? yes please!!!
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco @piratejakesgf @sunandthemoontwinflames @kiszkas-canvas @jjwasneverhere @anythingforjtk
27 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 26 days
Tumblr media
anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: SMUT, unprotected p in v (WRAP IT UP), oral (f rec), praise kink, mentions of cellulite and stretch mark insecurity, kissing, cursing, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: heyyyy! sorry for the long wait on these chapters! I wanted to post them at the same time so y’all weren’t left on a cliffhanger lol. thank you so much for the love on this series! let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Seven:
jake kissed you feverishly. he had one hand on your waist and one on the back of your neck, pulling you close.
you could barely breathe. the buildup to this moment felt unbearable and now you needed to release it.
he let his hands roam, both finding your ass and squeezing roughly. he tapped your thighs, asking you to jump.
you did, wrapping your legs around his waist. you couldn’t pretend you didn’t feel him on your pussy, hard and long. it made your mouth water. walking blindly, he carried you to his bed and laid you down.
taking a break between kisses he managed, “you have to tell me if it’s too much. I don’t know if i’ll be able to stop myself.”
you nodded, pulling him close again.
he resisted, “no. I need words. come on, baby, use your words.”
it’s a good thing you weren’t standing. him calling you baby left your legs without feeling and your core pulsing.
“yes. I want it. please.” you choked out.
he grinned and climbed on top of you.
you kissed for so long that your lips were sore and red. still, every time he pulled away for a moment you wanted more. you couldn’t get enough of him.
you sat up and pulled up at the bottom of his shirt. he took it off in a swift motion, revealing his tan and toned chest.
your only thought was yes please.
feeling it was only fair, you took off yours too. because you were in bed only an hour and a half ago, you had no bra underneath. this didn’t occur to you until the cold air hit your nipples, hardening them. you leant back on your elbows, allowing him to take in the view.
his eyes locked on your breasts, mouth open in awe. he looked at you, asking permission. you nodded and he leaned towards them. he kissed one messily and massaged the other with his hand. you moaned loudly, the sensation taking over your mind.
he smiled at your reaction and trailed his kisses lower to reach the top of your pants. he inched them down and off, leaving you in your thong.
he breathed heavily, looking you up and down. you squirmed, needing more of him.
“do you even realize how gorgeous you are? goddamn.”
his words sent fireworks to your heart. you had stretch marks and cellulite; you didn’t necessarily think those parts of you were pretty at all. but you could tell his words were full of honesty, his voice passionate and sincere.
he couldn’t take it anymore, grasping your lace panties and dragging them down. you were left bare for him, cool air contrasting your warm mound. he took just a second to whisper, “fuck, so beautiful. wet just for me”, before he spread your legs and put them on his shoulders, burying his face in your pussy.
you gasped loudly and moaned. this was gonna take you down. “jake, please”, you begged.
it was strange, he was just as good as in your dream. the way he lapped at your folds and focused on your clit was making you see stars. he was taking care of you so good, letting you feel his tongue everywhere.
you grasped his hair, pulling lightly to show how good he was making you feel. he moaned into your pussy, making you quiver from the vibration. on of his hands met yours in his hair and encouraged you to pull more, while the other reached up to play with your nipple.
you were getting seriously close, your moans and gasps getting louder. the thread was so close to snapping, your legs started to close around his head.
he moved his hands to your knees, prying them apart and splaying you open for him to eat.
you lost it.
your high washed over you, feeling like warmth and fireworks. he kept going until you were shaking and pulling his head away to run from the overstimulation.
he sat up on his knees, wiping his mouth and smirking.
“you tasted better than I ever could’ve imagined.”
he climbed back over you, kissing you roughly. your hands wandered his body and you found your fingers running underneath his sweats’ waistband. he sighed in your mouth when you finally grabbed him. he was more long than thick, but you knew it would destroy you.
he tugged his bottoms down, releasing his dick. he lined himself up to your entrance but stopped.
“are you ok? fuck, please tell me if I can keep going.”
you nodded, “I need all of you. right now.”
he smiled, keeping eye contact as he pushed the tip of him inside. you gasped, already feeling incredible.
“so fucking tight, baby.” your pussy was weeping for more of him, trying to make him fit. he pushed more, “all the way in. fuck, yes.” his head fell back in ecstasy as he bottomed out inside you.
you were amazed by him. his size made you ache for more; to be completely demolished by him.
jake started moving slowly, in and out. slowly at first but then quickly losing control, grabbing your hips, and speeding up.
“you’ve been driving me fucking crazy ever since you moved in”, he admitted. “you’re so fucking perfect and I couldn’t stand you living right next to me. so close but so unattainable.”
he groaned as you squeezed around him, his words spurring you on.
“me too”, you whined. “you’re so goddamn aggravating, so cocky-“, you moaned as he pummeled deeper.
“cocky, huh?”, he teased. “I am very good with my cock.”
you tried your best to roll your eyes and give him attitude, but he was really living up to his words.
“you don’t believe me? let’s see, where’s that spot…” he slowed down his thrusts, aiming carefully.
you gasped loudly as he hit the most sensitive spot inside you.
he found it so easily.
“oh yeah, there it is. fuck, there we go, baby. feel me there.”
he was whispering dirty things, trying to hold on as long as he could. you, on the other hand, were crumbling by the second. he hit your spot over and over, faster and faster.
“please please please”, you panted, eyes shut tightly.
“come on, be my good girl and cum on my dick.”
your high hit you like a ton of bricks.
it felt like electricity, bolts of lightning striking you both. you shook, riding the wave of pleasure, your pussy gripping him like a vice. jake groaned, thrusts getting faster and sloppier.
“yes, that’s my good girl. so fucking good.” he panted, chasing his own high.
he came inside you, shuddering.
you were both fucked out, minds fuzzy and tired.
he pulled out after a minute of catching his breath, leaving towards the bathroom. before you even realized, he was back with a warm and damp cloth. he cleaned you up, then himself, then threw the rag in a laundry hamper.
jake climbed back into bed and you turned to face him. he smiled softly, his hand finding your face again, tracing it softly, and brushing your hair out of the way.
“so”, he began, “good girl, huh?”
you giggled and hid your face in his shoulder.
he returned the laughter and continued, “hey, don’t worry, baby. it’s hot.”
“you’re hot”, he added after a few beats.
you scoffed and smiled, turning over so your back was towards him. “shut up, I was just starting to come around to you.”
he pulled you in and spooned you, “well, after making you come twice, i’d say i’m off to a strong start.”
you slept in jake’s arms the rest of the night.
your phone woke you up, ringing on his nightstand. it was too early. you reached over and grabbed it, yawning. after pressing answer, you brought it up to your ear and said in a groggy voice, “hello?”
“hello! my name is lisa and i’m calling from Create Marketing Agency to invite you to an interview today. will 2 pm work?”
you jumped up, CMA?! your dream place to work in nashville? your first choice? they want to interview you today at 2?
“oh- yes ma’am, that sounds great to me.”
“amazing. we look forward to seeing you then. goodbye.” she hung up right before you squealed with joy.
this was the best. morning. ever.
• • •
hell yes.
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco @piratejakesgf @sunandthemoontwinflames @kiszkas-canvas @jjwasneverhere @anythingforjtk
50 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 26 days
Tumblr media
anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: SMUT, oral (f rec), fingering, kissing, mentions the SA of chapter three, cursing, softy jake :), let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: hey everyone! were finally getting to the good part ;)!thank you so much for loving this series! let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Six:
the words tumbled out of you. first the interview, then tanner, then jake. and more jake.
he haunted your once peaceful mind, filling it with fantasies and his voice. you couldn’t stop.
but kailee was mainly focused on one thing.
“how the hell did tanner find out where you live?”
you shrugged, “I have no idea. I didn’t even tell him we were moving to nashville, just that I was moving away from him.”
she looked you in the eye, serious. “you have to file a police report. they have to know he attacked you.”
you nodded. you did know. but it had been so hard to think these past hours that you forgot that legal action needed to happen. you forgot that he might still come back and you had to have this assault on record.
“can you come with me?”
kailee reached out to cup your face and replied, “after all you’ve been through? facing these things alone? i’ll do whatever you need, honey.”
“well, I wasn’t alone”, you countered, “I had jake.”
she narrowed her eyes, removing her hands and sitting back in her chair. “right. jake. the neighbor.”
you knew that she knew by the way you talked about him, you were aching for him. but you fought it and put up a wall, “yes, our neighbor. who is utterly repulsive and arrogant.”
she nodded with a shit eating smile on her face, obviously seeing right through you.
“you wanna fuck him, huh?”
you threw a decoration pillow at her head, silencing her teasing.
after getting dressed decently, you two went and filed a report. it felt easier, knowing you could squeeze her hand when the questions got worse.
you felt wrongly embarrassed, like it was a black spot on you and not him. kailee noticed, of course, and kept reminding you that it was his fault. his actions, his conscience, his karma that would soon find him.
it went sooner than I thought it would, thankfully. soon we left, both of us feeling relieved.
by the time we got back home it was only 11 am. you decided to take the rest of the day off and nap, hoping to put all your worries of tanner to the side.
you got into comfortable shorts and a t shirt, almost jumping into bed. the world of darkness enveloped you in four seconds flat.
jake was on top of you.
arms on either side of your head, pining you to the bed. his mouth was hot on your neck, sucking marks into it.
he panted as he trailed hickeys down your neck, breasts, and hips. he bit the skin of your hip, moaning. then he reached his desired destination, lips stopping right above where you needed him most.
he looked up at you and grinned.
“who’s pussy is this?”
“yours”, you choked out.
with that he buried his face in between your legs.
you tried your best to breathe but the way his tongue worked in and out of you made you close already.
he looked up at you for consent as he pushed two fingers into you, turning his mouth to your clit.
he was so. fucking. good.
you were about to come, grinding hopelessly on his face. you were right on the cusp and…
you woke up in a pool of sweat.
you scolded your mind for the cruel dream.
you looked on your phone and saw 6:38 pm. it was dinner time and you were starving.
you changed clothes and walked to the kitchen. you thought about what easy meal you were going to make, considering your exhaustion. but you walked in on kailee, stirring a pot of boiling pasta.
“good morning”, she laughed, “I figured you wouldn’t want to cook so I made spaghetti.”
you made your way behind her, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her tight.
“you always know exactly what I need, kay.”
“mmm”, she agreed and turned to face you, “then might I suggest some dick next?”
your eyes widened as you swatted her for the question.
“I hear our neighbor is available…”, she trailed on.
you swatted her twice more, “kailee!”
she laughed so hard she snorted, which caused you both to erupt in giggles.
“i’m done with this conversation.” you walked away laughing.
dinner was amazing, of course. kailee didn’t like to cook often, but when she did it was a culinary experience.
you washed your dishes, scrubbing lightly at the baby blue plates.
she broke the comfortable silence by saying something you didn’t expect.
“hey, you know i’m just giving you a hard time, right?”
you looked up at her. she was laying on the couch watching reruns of the office, but now her eyes found yours and she wasn’t joking.
“I know I said you needed to get some, but you know I was joking. you’ve been through so much and I know I wouldn’t be in the mood if all that had happened to me. i’m just stating facts though,” she added, “from what i’ve heard, you’ve had some serious tension going on with this jake guy. all i’m saying is yolo, girl.”
you laughed softly, “yeah we did have a few moments, but i’m not sure if he still wants me, you know? maybe i’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
you smiled at each other, she really did know you.
you got into bed, after doing your skincare, needing a minute to read and relax. you opened your book and got through a few chapters before you heard something faintly.
another guitar riff. god, didn’t this guy sleep? you listened closer, the riff sounded like a song you knew. after a second you realized it was ‘do I wanna know’ by arctic monkeys.
you really liked that song, and it was drastically different than what you had heard coming from jake’s apartment before. slower, passionate. almost purposeful.
then you heard kailee calling your name from her room, “ughhh, you’re boyfriend’s at it again! go shut him up!”
“kailee!”, you scolded, walking out the front door.
you made your way to jake’s, knocking only once before the door swung open.
“finally, come on.” jake grabbed the hand that was knocking and pulled you inside.
“jake- what-“, you were so confused.
“it’s about time. we wanted your opinion.”
you looked around to see his bandmates. three other men lounged about the room; one stretched on the couch, one with his bare feet up on the recliner, and one glancing at a gibson magazine up against the wall.
if you would’ve known you were meeting his bandmates, you would’ve changed into better clothes. right now you were only in a cropped fleet foxes shirt and pajama pants.
“opinion on what?”, you questioned.
“we need to settle something. sam”, he pointed to the one on the recliner, “thinks that we should put this one song on the ep, and I think we should put a different one on it.”
sam looked uninterested and tired of arguing, tying his hair in a bun. he wore a dark blue zip up hoodie and black shorts. very short black shorts.
your eyebrows furrowed, “well there’s more people in the band, right? let them decide.”
as much as you were appreciative of jake’s effort for your opinion, you were unsure what this had to do with you.
“I think they’re both idiots and both our songs are perfection that should go on the ep”, the one sprawled on the couch chimed in. he stood, sauntering over to offer his hand, “i’m josh, the better twin between me and mr. grump here.”
you shook it, eyes growing wide.
“twin? now that’s something he hadn’t mentioned.”
josh waved his hand in dismissal, “i’m not surprised, darling. jakey doesn’t want people to know there’s a better looking, more talented version of him walking around.”
you giggled. josh wasn’t bad looking for sure, wearing an abba t shirt, light jeans, and sporting a styled short afro.
jake rolled his eyes and pointed to the one by the wall, “and danny is no good because he doesn’t seem to have an opinion either way.”
danny looked up, “hey, don’t hate on me for being easy, baby.”
he had on a green sweater with his long hair pulled back in a half up look.
damn, were they all hot?
jake looked at you expectantly, waiting for your response.
he was in another tight black t shirt and black sweatpants. still, he looked like a model.
you weren’t sure what he wanted you to say, but you almost felt like he was viewing you as a friend. an energy you hadn’t felt from him yet, but one you welcomed.
“well, what do the songs sound like?”
he flashed a quick smile at you and grabbed your hand, leading you to a back room.
you savored the feeling of his hand in yours, even if it wasn’t romantic. the feeling of his skin on yours was intoxicating.
you quickly realized that he led you to the recording room. he sat you down on the couch against the wall of the producing area, a big panel of buttons and dials visible from your seat. the rest of them had followed and now crowded the small space. josh sat next to you, jake stood at the panel, while sam and danny stood by the door.
“ok”, jake started clicking on the computer next to the panel, “this is the song sam thinks should be on the ep.”
an acoustic guitar intro started and jake added, “it’s called flower power.”
the vibes of the song flowed through the room, making you feel like you were floating. an organ faintly in the distance of the song made you listen closer, wanting more. a voice you recognized as josh drifted in with a unique twinge.
‘she is a lady comes from all around’
you saw josh smile and nod at you, confirming your thought and taking credit for the amazing sound of his singing voice.
‘she’s many places, but she’s homeward bound.’
you were honestly amazed. you had only heard harder rock from through the wall, so the sweetness of this song made you smile. you really liked it.
the song kept on, getting to what was undoubtedly the chorus.
it was so uplifting and beautiful, you felt bad for interrupting their practice so many times. if this was what they were working on, the sleeplessness would’ve been worth it.
‘she’s outta sight, outta sight’
the chorus ended and jake stopped the track. they gazed at your for a reaction.
all you could give them was, “wow, the practice has paid off. that was absolutely beautiful.”
they all smiled, clearly appreciative.
“now”, began jake, “listen to the one I prefer.”
you weren’t sure what you were expecting, but a wave of electric guitar overtook you.
“it’s called talk on the street”, josh leaned to whisper to you.
the music was invigorating, making you sink back down to earth.
‘oh mama, you lie in ruin’
it was rock for sure, but you really liked it. the beat made you want to bang your head to it, feel it all the way to your bones.
jake smiled at your face, contorting with the music. the chorus came slower than expected, but it was still a punch in the face with josh’s voice mixed with electric guitar. fuck, it was good.
‘forgetting the end, as your new life has begun.’
the chorus ended and jake stopped the track again.
“well?”, he tested.
all eyes were on you.
“amazing.” you tried to find more words. “it was incredible.”
sam prodded, “so which do you like more? obviously it’s mine, you just have to say it.”
you smiled and thought for a while.
“I think”, they all leaned closer in anticipation of what you were going to say, “I like both.”
they groaned and began talking at once.
“but neither of them are perfect”, you added.
they stopped, questioned glances being shot at you.
“flower power was amazing-“, you said.
“yes, exactly”, sam cut you off.
“but”, you explained, “I think it would sound better with more of the organ sound in it. it’s too faint right now, so it only delivers half the feeling of love and passion I think you want in a song like this.”
they looked stunned. but they had asked for your opinion, and you intended to give it to them.
“as for talk on the street”, you continued, “it’s just a little too slow. the song is about gossip, right? gossip spreads fast. use that metaphor to your advantage and just up the tempo a few beats. it will also be able to carry more of a punch.”
they never took their eyes off of you as they took your critiques in.
“but that’s just my opinion. I mean, it’s your music.” you started to worry that you said too much.
josh was the first to break, laughing in disbelief. “damn, I didn’t expect you to dissect it that much but… it was incredibly helpful.”
he looked at you with appreciation and said to the boys, “I agree with her.”
danny and sam nodded at each other and started planning how to incorporate more of the organ.
jake just looked at you, impressed.
josh put his arm around you, laughing, “wow, jakey. where did you find this girl?”
jake’s eyes never left you as he replied with a curved smile, “just next door.”
the energy was different. it made your heart beat fast and full, feeling him like you never did before. you felt his appreciation radiate from his spot in the room.
“and a fleet foxes shirt? too good to be true!” josh pulled your attention back to him by asking you what your favorite fleet foxes song was.
you spent some time talking with the group of boys for a while about music until they decided they were tired and said goodbye. being around them all made you forget that it was almost 2 am.
maybe that was why they played until so late in the night.
the three boys funneled out of the front door, still brainstorming for their ep, leaving you and jake in his apartment.
“wow”, you giggled, “they were fun. that was more enjoyable than I expected.”
he smiled and started walking towards you, “they like you.”
you were really happy about that. you had always been one for making new friends and always hoped people liked you. you felt your grin beaming.
he got closer, your grin slipping a bit. it was replaced with an unsure expression, your mouth opening slightly.
he stopped right in front of you, lifting his hand to graze your arm.
“we all have that in common.”
you froze. his hand trailed slowly up your arm, to your shoulder. he continued up your neck and to your face. he brushed his thumb on your cheek, looking you in the eyes.
he lowered his face closer, leaving just a small space between you. you were both panting in anticipation, your mouths just inches apart.
just as you though he was going to lean to connect your lips, he backed away, turning and running his hands over his face.
“we can’t. you aren’t ready for all this yet.” he scolded himself.
“jake…”, you begged. you wanted this. you were ready for him.
he turned back to look at you pleading with a face full of need.
jake sighed hanging his head, “son of a bitch.”
he met your eyes again and said, with an intense tone, “come here.”
you ran to him.
his arms grasped you tight, pulling you into a kiss.
• • •
y’all already know what the next chapters gonna be 🤭
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco @piratejakesgf @sunandthemoontwinflames @kiszkas-canvas @jjwasneverhere @anythingforjtk
17 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 29 days
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: mental struggle after SA, mentions of the SA in chapter three, therapeutic exercises, sexual tension to the max, cursing, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: hey everyone! sorry about my inactivity! I get in writing moods some days and write 2-3 chapters in a few hours, and other days I rot in bed with no motivation lol. but thank you endlessly for the love! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!
• • •
Chapter Five:
you wanted to immediately run for the shower. your blouse was starting to stick to you; you felt so unclean. not just because you had been in the same clothes for 24 hours, but because of tanner.
before you could get to the bathroom you checked kailee’s room for her. you forgot to tell her where you were last night and knew she was probably worried sick. opening the door, you saw she wasn’t in her room.
you checked your phone and saw dozens of missed calls and texts from her. she wrote an hour ago that she was going to the police if you didn’t respond.
fuck. so that’s where she is.
you needed to call her and stop her from making a scene.
dialing her number, you thought about what to say. how could any words capture the last 24 hours? she answered within two rings and sounded frantic.
“oh my god! i’m so happy you called. are you ok?! where the hell were you last night? I called and texted with no answer. fuck, i’m even outside the police station right now!”
“kailee, i’m so sorry. please calm down. so much happened and I don’t know how to tell you-”
“don’t say another word”, she cut you off, “i’m on my way home. you can tell me everything in person.”
you sighed in relief of not having to have that conversation over the phone.
“ok, i’ll see you when you get here. I love you.”
“I love you more, houdini”, she countered and hung up.
thankful that she gave you time to decompress and think about how to tell her, you got back to business.
returning to the bathroom, you turned the water to hell levels of hot and stood in front of the mirror for a second.
you were covered in bruises.
there was a few finger shaped ones of your arm and one big one on the bottom of your breast. you felt awful.
finally, the events of yesterday settled in your mind.
the fear of seeing tanner again hit you, and you realized you hadn’t seen him today. he was gone and you didn’t know where. this terrified you more. the unsettling notion that he might come back, surprise you when your all alone. when jake isn’t there to save you. tears were flowing down your face by now and you wiped them away.
you thought you didn’t need saving, that you could handle things yourself. but it was becoming increasingly more difficult, and you couldn’t deny that tanner would’ve done worse things to me if jake hadn’t been there to stop him.
you started to feel disappointed in yourself. you never really thanked him for helping you. you had gotten wrapped up in your frustration that you failed to express how thankful you were of him in those moments.
no more dwelling on this today, you told yourself.
stepping into the shower was relieving. the hot water running over your body and through your hair started to relax you.
you started with your hair, scrubbing shampoo all over it and into every crevice, then rinsing. next was conditioner, running it through your hair with care and rinsing.
getting a squeeze of body wash on your loofah, you started to softly wash your arms.
you breathed shakily, getting flashbacks as you ran it over the bruises. then you sped up, increasing the pressure, trying to scrub as hard as you could; trying to wash him off of you. you gasped as you panted and grunted, scrubbing so hard you were turning red.
it was never going to work.
you told yourself to calm down, to center yourself. you counted down from ten, slowing your breathing. taking a second, you turned your face under the water, letting the water wash your salty tears down the drain.
you were going to leave it all here. all his touches, all the sadness, all the anxiety.
you finished washing your body and cleansed your face. you were overwhelmed. the emotions from the interview, seeing tanner, and jake swarmed your head. you were determined to leave them all in the shower.
you were pretty much done, just basking in the hot water’s peace, when your heard a door knock.
probably kailee.
you were going to be happy to see her face after the day you had.
you got out of the shower, cutting off the water and wrapping yourself in a towel. there were more knocks, growing heavier and impatient.
you started to unlock the door and open it, groaning, “kailee, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
as it opened fully, you looked up shocked to see jake.
instantly you regretted not getting dressed, or even dried off.
“don’t tell me what to do with my panties, thank you”, he smirked.
his presence drifted in the doorway: cocky and sexy. damn.
you rolled your eyes, “oh please, jake. you wish I cared about your panties.”
it was then that he realized what you were ‘wearing’, if you could even call it that.
it was a fluffy pink towel from a dollar store back home. it was wrapped tightly around your chest, emphasizing your breasts, and only reached down to your mid thigh.
it was revealing, to say the least, and you saw his eyes as they trailed your body.
he breathed deeply, meeting your eyes, as if he had been holding his breath looking at you.
“I- um, came to return this.”
he held his hand out, offering the clip that had been in your hair last night. you forgot that you had taken it out and set it on the nightstand to try to detangle your hair.
you were knocked out of his trance, smiling and replying, “oh, right. I forgot I left that there. um, thank you.”
you reached and took it, your fingers brushing his. you waited for him to pull away, to recoil at your touch. but he stayed.
the chemistry was getting to be too much for you. you found yourself questioning: did you want space? your cramped mind said yes, begging to get a break.
or did you want him? your body screamed yes. every time you were around him you were annoyed; annoyed at his arrogance, annoyed at his loud band, annoyed that you couldn’t have him in your bed. fuck, that was a thought that haunted you as soon as you imagined it. him naked, in your arms, exploring your body.
you couldn’t decide what you wanted, but you felt the heat around you both getting hotter. too hot for comfort.
you pulled your hand away, repeating, “thank you.”
he nodded, returning to the conversation, “it’s really pretty. I knew you’d want to have it back.”
you smiled, “it’s one of my favorites. although, it seems like you would benefit from it right now.”
you glanced at his slightly messy curls, giggling softly.
it was becoming painfully obvious that both of you were dancing around what you really wanted to say to each other.
he laughed at your comment, rolling his eyes.
the sight of that made your mind betray you, imagining his eyes rolling back as you took him in your mouth. fuck, could you get any peace from this need?
jake’s eyes zeroed in on the deep red marks littering your skin, frowning.
you realized that you found your chance to let him know how appreciative you were.
“I never really thanked you for what you did. i’ve known tanner for years and knew I couldn’t overpower him. who knows what he would’ve done if you hadn’t helped.” you looked at him in genuine earnest.
he nodded, reaching out and brushing one of the marks on your shoulder, causing you to melt for him internally.
“i’m sorry I couldn’t do more.” his tone was full of regret.
you hated seeing him like this, pitying you.
“what else could you do? kiss them to make them feel better?” you laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
but the mood only shifted.
his eyes flicked to yours, filled with dark desire. his breathing quickened, causing yours to do the same as you saw his thoughts plastered on his face.
your mouth opened slightly, watching both of you struggle to keep your electricity at bay.
he was slipping though, stepping closer and whispering.
“is that what you want?”
oh my god.
you could barely breathe, your eyes never leaving his.
the lust that hung in the small gap between you slowly dissipated as he blinked his eyes away and stepped back. you stood there confused as he shook his head at himself.
“i’m sorry. you’ve been through a lot lately. you should get some rest.”
you swallowed your need, nodding. one part of you was thankful that he was so considerate of your mind and body after the trauma; but another part of you was aching for him.
but you knew he had made the right choice. probably.
“i’ll, uh, see you later.” he walked towards his door.
you closed yours, catching your breath. that was so charged with sexual tension that you needed to sit down.
you made your way to your couch and lowered down onto it, sighing. maybe all of this was for the best. why were you letting your life get complicated with another relationship? hell, you need to be thinking about your ex, not some guy that likes to annoy you. a really, really hot guy who likes to annoy you.
just then another knock came.
your head shot up.
he changed his mind.
running back to the door, you flung it open.
“where the fuck have you been?”, kailee gasped, engulfing you in a hug, “you have no idea how worried I was.”
• • •
the chemistry is so sickening I can’t!!!
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco
(please let me know if anyone else would like to be on the tag list!)
45 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 29 days
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: sweet jake (but still cocky ofc ;)), cursing, talk of the incident in chapter three, a “touch her and you’ll die” comment from jake 😫, let me know if I missed any!
author’s note: hey guys! THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH for the comments and love for my series as it’s progressing! i’m starting a tag list per request so please comment if you would like to be added! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!!
• • •
Chapter Four:
you woke up in a strange place.
it wasn’t your room, that’s for sure.
your eyes adjusted and scanned your surroundings with tired eyes. you were wrapped in black bedsheets on a very comfortable bed with a nightstand next to it. there was only mood lighting on, which left an amber glow through the room.
across on the wall was a tv, various band posters, and a clock that read 2:43 am.
you slowly sat up, the change in position making your body flare with pain. your arm was sore, as well as your chest, and there was a sharp pain in your temples. you touched your aching skin, remembering what happened. you tried to shake it all from your memory.
“oh fuck, you’re awake.”
in the doorway, stood jake. he was in a black ramones shirt and sweatpants, carrying a mug and a plate.
he came to your side of the bed, placed the cup and plate down, and looked at you.
“how are you feeling?”
he was caring, soft in his question. definitely not a side of him you ever expected to see. his eyes were sad as he locked in on the bruise that dyed your arm.
“i’m”, you took a deep breath, “well I don’t really know right now.”
he nodded, “that’s understandable.”
he sat on the bed and took a breath, “who the hell was that?”
“my ex-fiancé. he’s been upset ever since I broke up with him a few days before graduation”, you looked away.
“what happened between you?”, he backtracked, “I mean you don’t have to tell me but i’m just a little curious.”
your mouth flashed a small smile; he was starting to soften.
“well let’s just say, he wanted things that I didn’t.”
you weren’t going to get into the fact that he abused you for a year and trapped you in an engagement.
he looked like he understood, like he had been in the same place before. you wondered if that was his ‘move’ with girls, or if he really was connecting with you on some level.
“that’s awful. i’m so sorry that this happened to you”, he placed a hand on yours.
you both took a breath. the energy sparking at your fingertips. you looked up to meet jake’s eyes.
god, you forgot how beautiful he was.
it was like magnets. like electricity flowing through both of us, pulling us together. could he feel this? did he feel you like you were starting to feel him?
he realized and moved his hand, standing up with a slight laugh and smile.
“I, uh, brought you some toast and juice just in case you woke up hungry.” he rubbed his hands together and turned, “so, i’ll leave you to get your rest then.”
you realized then that it was 2 am and quiet.
“where’s the band?”
he looked back and leaned up against the wall. “oh yeah. I cancelled practice for tonight”, he saw you smirk in his peripheral vision, “but tomorrow’s practice is still on.”
his tone was semi-annoyed.
“just admit it”, you prodded, “you can be flexible. why don’t you practice in the day like normal people?” you really did want to know that.
“well, missy”, he began.
his tone ignited a growing fire between your legs. fuck, you wanted him.
he continued, “it’s because we all have jobs and money to make. you think we get all these badass guitars and speakers with daddy’s money? we’ve put in a hell of a lot of work into making our dream a reality. besides, once we hit it big, you won’t have to worry about hearing our music from next door”, he leaned his hands down onto the bed, coming close, “because we’ll be on the radio.”
his hair fell perfectly in front of his face, rich brown and wavy.
you still couldn’t believe how hot he was.
you two were close. very close. you could almost feel his breath on your cheek. you swallowed thickly, trying to hold onto your composure.
he smirked and backed away, starting out of the room. but you couldn’t let him leave without asking him the one thing on your mind.
“why did you do that?”
you couldn’t help that you were curious.
“do what?”
“punch tanner”, you explained, “I mean, you didn’t have to help me. you could’ve just ignored the sounds in the hall and chalk it up to someone else’s problem.”
his eyes were serious as he lingered for a second to look at you. he took a breath, his mouth biting the inside of his lip nervously.
he hesitated, “i’ve seen things like that happen to people that I love. i’ve never stood for it and knew I needed to help.” he shrugged, “simple as that.”
you could feel there was more. he was holding back but you couldn’t tell what.
still, you let him go.
just as he reached the door, he turned his head and whispered, “let me know if that bastard ever fucking touches you again.”
you don’t think he meant for you to hear that.
he exited and closed the door without another sound.
you had faked sleep the rest of that night.
what the fuck had just happened?
so you weren’t being completely delusional?
no. no. no.
you had to stop convincing yourself that he liked you in any way. he was a man; men will flirt with a wall and hope they get lucky.
although, he was undeniably sweet by himself.
no. no. no.
get ahold of yourself.
you were still lost in thought when your alarm went off.
you pulled yourself out of bed and your own mind as you went to collect your shoes. you were still fully clothed in your interview clothes but thankfully jake had taken off your little heels before laying you down in his bed.
your hair was still in the claw clip from yesterday, too. but after a few hours of turning in his bed, it had turned into a wild mess. you took out the clip, laid it on the nightstand, and ran your fingers through your hair.
it desperately needed a wash.
you got it untangled enough for the moment and put on your heels. your shower was calling your name and you needed to get back home.
you left his bedroom, taking in the rest of his apartment. there was a small hallway leading out of his room with other doors leading off. but as you approached the end of it, you saw his living room. there was a couch and a recliner, both a deep shade of red.
jake was asleep on the couch, a big fuzzy blanket covering him from the abdomen down. he was shirtless again, his toned arms crossed under his head to make a pillow for his head to lay on. he looked peaceful, lost in the healing world of sleep.
you held in a laugh, thinking about all the sleep he’s probably missed too, with all his practices.
the room was decently clean, with little messes here and there that you expected from boys. but it wasn’t too bad, and you enjoyed looking at all the art and posters he had on his walls.
most of all though, there were guitars everywhere. one every direction you looked, in fact.
but the thing that caught your eye was peeking out at the farthest corner of the living space.
it was another small room, the inside walls lined with black padding. there was a drum kit, microphone, and even more guitars.
it was a soundproof recording room.
now you were even more pissed at him for all those sleepless nights. he had a solution this whole time? that ass.
suddenly it dawned on you that you were snooping around his house, and you instantly scolded yourself. you turned and saw the front door, starting to tiptoe to it.
you were not even going to look back at jake, knowing you’d probably get lost in a daze looking at him. it should be illegal to look like he did while sleeping.
you unlocked the door and started to open it.
“leaving so soon, huh?” jake was leaning up against the wall by the door. how you didn’t see him, you had no clue. his red plaid pajama pants hung loosely on him, and dangerously low. you felt your eyes get wider and wanted to pinch yourself. “this feels like the morning after a one night stand”, he smirked.
you scoffed, annoyance taking its place back in your voice, “uh huh. as if.”
his eyebrows raised, “as if, huh? i’m just that repulsive? you don’t find me the least bit attractive?”
his voice was laced with sarcasm and the anger against him was in full force again.
“in fact, I do NOT think your the least bit attractive.” you stuck your nose in the air, deep down hoping he didn’t see through you. you really were deeply frustrated with him, but you couldn’t deny how much your body longed for him.
you opened the door, walking the few feet to your apartment, and found the right key.
“your not even gonna thank me for the toast?” you could tell jake didn’t really care about the toast, he just wanted you to inflate his ego by praising him. something you refused to do.
you rolled your eyes, “thank you for the toast”, you groaned, walking into your home.
• • •
ughhhh I can’t get enough of him.
next chapter coming later today… ;)
tag list: @gvfpal @hollyco
23 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
Tumblr media
anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: abuse, mentions of past abuse, sexual assault, misogyny, ex drama, violence, insults, cursing, let me know if I missed any.
author’s note: this is where the plot thickens, ok? trust the process lol. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE WARNINGS. this is a heavy chapter. we’ll get to more of the lovey-dovey in coming chapters, but this? this is not love. reader beware.
• • •
Chapter Three:
you did your best to forget about jake.
sure the loud music was annoying but the image of him, shirtless, brushing your cheek replaying in your head constantly was much more infuriating. you just had to forget about that asshole. that toned, cocky asshole.
kaylee finished painting that night and in the morning, while you were getting dressed, you apologized for not helping her finish.
“don’t worry about it. I could tell you were too in your head to work”, she smiled then squinted at you, “what happened that made you so spaced?”
you told her. everything.
from the first time you talked to him, to him touching your cheek.
she was speechless.
“yeah. I definitely see where you’re coming from”, she breathed.
“yeah, I don’t know what to think”, you finished buttoning your blouse,”but for now I gotta go. I have an interview in an hour.”
you hugged her, grabbed your keys, and made your way down the stairs to your car.
you knew what you needed to focus on today was getting a job. you didn’t spend four years working two jobs and being a full-time student to daydream about your neighbor.
you were interviewing at your second pick of jobs in the city. your first pick hadn’t responded to your online application yet, so you decided to go for this one for now.
you wore a patterned pink blouse with black slacks and small pink kitten heels. you were already a little uncomfortable in the heels, but you chalked it up to nerves.
the building was huge, many offices on many floors peered down at you. you felt small, but you were trying to stay confident.
walking into the waiting room, you felt eyes on you. many other people lined the walls in chairs, seemingly applying for the same job. as you checked in, you took in the overbearingly white, hospital-like walls and gray details.
certainly less color than you would prefer, but you needed a job nonetheless.
the wait felt like forever, but it was probably only ten minutes.
a woman walked in, in a black dress, and looked down at her clipboard. she called your name and you quickly stood up. following her, you were led down a small white hallway with gray carpet.
they must really detest color here, you thought.
she let you into an office and you quietly thanked her. inside was a man in a suit and tie sitting behind a desk. his face, adorned with a small scowl, was halfway hidden by a computer screen.
“hello, sir. i’m here about the marketing job”, you greeted, holding out your resume for him to take.
he didn’t look up, focused on his computer, but waved his hand for you to sit.
you did, squirming a bit uncomfortably in the thick plastic on the chair. finally, he finished typing and looked at you.
“oh, right. the, uh, marketing job.”
his middle aged voice was a bit raspy, and his posture suggested he’d been working nonstop for a few decades.
“so”, he started, “what do you see yourself doing in five years?”
the question was a given at any interview, so you were thoroughly prepared.
“I see myself with a growing career, hopefully in a higher position than i’m interviewing for, and living in my own house just outside the city.”
“with your husband?”
you had to hide the flash of pain on your face as you remembered your ex. ex-fiancé, in fact.
you replied, “sure, maybe in time, but I don’t have any plans for that right now.”
he rolled his eyes and wrote something on a paper in front of him.
“i’m sorry, sir”, you smiled, not understanding what you did to illicit that response, “is there something wrong with my answer?”
“it’s always girls like you, so young, that act like they don’t care about relationships. only careers.”
you laughed half-heartedly and tried to stay polite.
“well, I did work very hard on my career so a husband can wait.”
he raised his eyebrow, “that is a woman’s purpose, you know. your life doesn’t truly begin until you are married. then you can have children and fulfill yourself.”
you were shocked.
such an outright misogynistic remark made you question if you heard right.
you didn’t hide the shock and anger on your face as you stood up.
“excuse me, sir, but I am more than just a machine that can get married and produce children. I am a person, a very smart one at that, who can make her own decisions and pay her own bills. I do not need your input on what you think is important for me to do with my own life. thank you for the interview, but I think i’ll pass on working here. i’ll see myself out.”
you turned and left, angered and appalled.
fuck, is it asshole men month or what?
the drive home gave you time to calm down. you listened to a podcast and tried to relax but it was becoming harder and harder with all the things on your mind.
you finally got home, relieved to go upstairs and take off your shoes.
walking into your hallway, you start looking for your keys in your purse.
you stopped.
you’d know that voice anywhere.
your ex-fiancé.
“tanner, what the fuck are you doing here?”
you looked up, taking him in. your breath quickened, terrified. he was intimidating, scary.
“I found where you ran off to. such a hole in the wall, is it not?”
tanner examined the hallway, flicking the chipping paint.
you looked beyond him to see your apartment door, just a few feet away. you had to get there. you needed to lock yourself inside and call the cops.
“it’s good enough for me”, you replied shakily.
you started to move towards your door, steadily.
he followed you down and planted his hand firmly on the door.
“no. you’re not going anywhere. not until you tell me that you love me again.”
even while being frightened of him, you scoffed.
“say I love you again? tanner, you beat me at our engagement party! you’re fucking sick! you really think I could still love you after months of abuse?”
his faced hardened. he started inching closer to you.
you backed away, hitting the wall.
“please, tanner. calm down. just go home. please just leave me alone. please.”
in a swift move, he grabbed your arm hard. you yelped in pain, knowing he’d leave more bruises on top of the ones still healing.
“what was that? you don’t love me?”, he was borderline yelling. “you can’t fool me, bitch. I know you do. you still want me.”
when you started to sob, tanner forced his face on yours into an unwelcome kiss. he pushed his knee in between your legs, putting pressure on your core, as he grabbed your breast in his hand roughly.
pain entered your body from every angle.
you grunted and sobbed against him, “get off of me!”
then you heard a door open.
after this, it’s all a blur.
you remember bits and pieces of two men fighting.
“get the fuck off of her!”, one yelled. he planted a punch right on tanner’s jaw.
you fell to the ground, sobbing with your legs pressed to your chest.
the men swung at each other, tanner landing a few blows to the other one. but then, after one more punch to the face, tanner fell.
he was unconscious, and you buried your face in your arms to avoid seeing his face anymore.
the other man squatted to your level.
“fuck, are you ok?”
you lifted your head, and saw jake.
• • •
yeah. I told you. no picnic in this chapter. BUT keep reading, it will get better. as always PLEASE feel free to leave me feedback, give suggestions, etc!
73 notes · View notes
traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
Tumblr media
anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: bitchy jake (showing a soft side? 😏), cursing, slight arguing, let me know if I missed any.
author’s note: heyyy guys! thank you so so much for all the love on the first chapter of my first ever series! as always, please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!!
• • •
Chapter Two:
this had been the worst two days of your life.
nonstop music from your neighbors apartment, every. single. night.
with job hunting during the day, you were exhausted and praying for sleep at night. but, like clockwork, his riffs would wake you up and force you to listen.
he was doing it on purpose.
you had tried to complain twice, but the apartment manager was out of town and none of the staff had any clue when he’d get back.
you couldn’t deal with this anymore.
tonight you had a plan. after two days of almost zero sleep for you and kaylee, you both went to home depot to look for paint. hopefully the zen of painting would drown out the insufferable noise your neighbor insisted on making.
don’t get it wrong, the music was good. it would be good at a bar or at a concert, but in the middle of the night in a thin-walled apartment building? torture.
“ok, are we going with ‘Suddenly Sapphire’ or ‘Beacon Blue’?”
kaylee’s question brought you out of your mind, which was seemingly always on jake. something about his beautiful face, cockiness, and aggravating nature made him so hard to get out of your mind.
you were forced back to kaylee’s question, as she looked at you expectingly.
“um. I mean, aren’t they like the same color?” you really couldn’t decipher a distinct difference between the two shades of blue. kaylee gawked at you.
“um absolutely not?! this ones darker”, she pointed.
you squinted, still not really seeing a difference.
“well if you’re the expert, you tell me which one will look better.”
she scoffed, “well of course ‘Suddenly Sapphire’. it would look great with the couch. you really have no vision, do you?”
her playful tone brought a slight smile to your face.
“ah why would I have that when I have you?”
kaylee rolled her eyes and grabbed two cans of the paint.
“yeah, yeah. come on, picasso.”
the drive home was full of traffic, but you two didn’t notice. you filled the time planning the painting that awaited you and how the color would affect the layout of furniture. the music on the radio almost covered the laughter that came after you two made an inside joke. kaylee really was your best friend and you realized how excited you were to share an apartment with her.
walking up the stairs to the apartment with paint was quite the workout, you found. but once inside, you changed into painting overalls and pulled your hair back. time to get to work.
the first wall was done after just a few hours. and you were right, the painting soothed you and made you forget all about your lack of sleep. and jake. and job hunting. and as always, there was your ex.
there was a lot going on in your mind at the moment.
the blue added a beautiful hue to the streetlight coming into the apartment window and you could definitely see kaylee’s vision now. the night was tranquil and the blue made for just the right vibe.
you backed away from the wall, laughing after realizing how much paint you had gotten on your overalls and arms. kaylee was just as covered with paint from working on the second wall.
the chevron she was perfecting looked really good, and you began helping her add a second coat.
just then, like fucking clockwork, came a strum of an electric guitar followed by the boom of drums. you pressed your eyes together and gritted your teeth.
damn it. what an asshole.
you opened your eyes and worked to soften your face.
relax. relax. he’s doing it to get you mad.
you continued painting, hearing a muffled bass line join the music. it was slowly getting louder, more intense.
you tried to stay calm and focus on the zen painting.
you were going over the lines of the chevron, repeating in your mind: calm, steady, just don’t think about it.
then a singer’s voice came sharply into the noise, almost screaming, making you falter in your movements and getting blue paint outside the lines.
your face contorted with anger. you looked over to kaylee, meeting her eyes and showing her the paint accident. she gasped and shook her head.
“go get ‘em.”
she didn’t need to tell you twice.
you dropped your brush and stomped out your apartment. you violently knocked at his door. he was going to hear you now.
the music cut, and you could hear faint cursing come from inside. after a few moments, you raised your hand to knock again, but the door swung open before you could. you swept your hand back down and looked him right in the eyes, anger clear on your face.
“hello there”, he greeted with a forced smile.
“hi.”, you bit back, the annoyance radiated from you.
“do you know what fucking time it is, jake? and how some of us might have things to do that would benefit from silence?”, you emphasized the last word, your arms crossed.
he looked you up and down.
“and what is it you’re doing that requires silence AND those overalls?”
the slight insult made you boil.
“we are painting, thank you very much. and I just-“ your thoughts cleared from your mind when, out of your peripheral vision, you realized he was shirtless. his body was breathtaking.
no. no. stop right now.
you shook your head slightly, trying to get yourself back on track.
“um, I just messed up because of the noise coming from your apartment.” you returned to your anger.
he smirked and you could tell he knew how nervous he made you.
“well it sounds like you need help focusing. maybe you should work on that.” he started to close the door on you, but you stuck your foot out to block it.
“absolutely not. what I NEED is for you to be quiet.”
he opened the door again. cockiness was dripping from him.
“again, honey, earplugs.”, he stepped forward and stuck out his hand to wipe at some paint on your cheek. his body language changed, seeming to be slightly caring. you breathed shakily. goddamn.
he smiled mockingly, knowing what he was doing. then jake shut the door on your face.
you were too distracted to be mad now. you just slowly backed away, retreating to your home. your mind raced. did he feel something? that moment his fingers brushed your cheek. there was something.
you got back inside and tried to collect yourself. kaylee looked at you, expecting you to be glowing with victory after telling him off. but all she saw was confusion and nerves.
“what happened? are you ok?”, she dropped her brush and came over to you, grabbing your shoulders.
you shrugged her off and gathered her hands. “i’m, i’m good. I think i’m done painting for tonight. I just”, you breathed, “need a sec.” you squeezed her hands, assuring her, and went to your room.
locking the door, you finally got a chance to think about what happened. overwhelming was an understatement. you had put together your bed the day before, so you sat on the edge of it and flopped down.
did that really just happen?
how are you gonna sleep now?
what a fucking day.
• • •
ahhh!!! so excited to continue this. (please excuse any typos or anything lol.) PLEASE let me know what you would like me to write next, give suggestions, feedback, anything!
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
I need a trigger warning for shirtless jake
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body CRAZY
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
goodness fucking gracious.
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oh god i thought we weren't getting any more X
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
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anthem of the heart
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians. very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
warnings for overall series: eventual SMUT!!!, angst, mentions of past abuse (not jake), abuse (not jake), mentions of past sexual assault (not jake), sexual assault (not jake), enemies to lovers, cursing, let me know if I missed any. (i’m still making this series up as I go along so it might change)
warnings for this chapter: bitchy jake (iykyk), slight arguing, let me know if I missed any.
author’s note: heyyy guys! this is my first ever series! i’m super excited to write it and I think its gonna be a fun one lolz. please feel free to give me feedback, requests, comments, etc. enjoy!!!!
• • •
Chapter One:
your pulse beat rapidly. you couldn’t believe you were actually doing this.
you put the last of the moving boxes on the couch and looked at kaylee. your smiles radiated as you took in your new place. the two bedroom, one bath apartment stared back at you.
the walls were painfully white and bare, but the dark blue couch added much needed color to the middle of the living room.
“it’s not much to look at right now”, she started, “but I think we can work with it.”
“let’s hope”, you laughed.
of course you both could work with it. y’all could turn a dumpster fire into a trendy café. you distinctly remembered that your dorm was in a similar condition y’all’s freshman year of college. and let’s just say you had to fix a few nail holes and tear off so much wallpaper when y’all moved out.
“I got it!”, kaylee gasped, “dark blue and white chevron!”
“chevron? are we in 2014?”, you gave her a look.
“oh please, you know I know best. here”, she positioned you to where she was standing by your shoulders, “look now.”
after a few head tilts, you hated to admit it but, you were starting to see her vision.
“hmmm ok fine. but the couch would have to go there”, you pointed, “and the lamp there against the wall.”
she gave your shoulders a squeeze and rested her head in the crook of your neck, “awe you finally trust my artistic eye.”
you shrugged her off with a laugh.
“you know things will be better, right? he’s not here to bother you, and you get a nice fresh start.”, she added hesitantly.
right. one of the main reasons you left your home state after college, your ex. you tried to push him out of your mind, nodding at kaylee.
you tried to focus on the room before you. your mind was starting to race with ideas and approaches, and the place was slowly piecing itself together.
the rising excitement was going to keep you up all night.
or so you thought.
you would have a different enemy tonight.
after hours of planning with kaylee, you finally started to get tired. the long hours of the day suddenly hit you and all you could think about was your mattress. it was on the floor as of now, but it never looked more comfortable.
after doing your skincare, getting in pjs, and brushing your teeth and hair, you laid down on the bare mattress. your eyes were slowly drooping as you started to slip into sleep.
just then you were startled awake with the sound of a guitar.
what in the world?
you waited for a second, thinking it was just your mind playing tricks. then, a second strum of an electric guitar echoed through the wall.
it was followed by a riff, cool and sharp, ripping through the quiet night. then came drums, pounding a dull beat that the guitar followed.
the music was good, great even, but it was too late for it.
you sat up, annoyed and tired, and looked over at kaylee, who had woken up from the same sounds.
“ugh. your first roommate duty.”, she grunted, pointing at the wall the music was coming from.
“no way, kaylee. are you kidding?”
she pointed again at the wall, strictly.
you rolled your eyes, standing up to stretch.
“ooohhh mama”, a man’s raspy voice came in with the music.
you cursed as you walked out into the hallway, not wanting the confrontation but needing sleep. the neighbor’s door reverberated with the vibration of music, making it obvious where the musicians were stationed.
you sighed and knocked at the door.
no response. just music.
“la di da di da oooohhh”, the singer’s voice was clear and distinct, mocking the guitar’s strums.
you knocked louder, growing frustrated.
suddenly, a voice interrupted the flowing sound and one by one the instruments stopped. the music ceased, and you could hear footsteps growing closer.
the door opened slightly, giving you a view of half a man’s face. his dark brown eyes sweeped you up and down, and you abruptly became aware that you were at their door in a big t-shirt and sleep shorts. a little embarrassed, you crossed your arms in front of you.
“can I help you?”, he asked, annoyance dripped from his husky voice.
“um- hi. sorry, me and my best friend just moved in next door.”, you pointed to your door.
his neck craned to see, opening the door a little more. you took in his appearance. the brown hair draped over his shoulders, reaching his upper back, was flowy and dark. he had on a black button up only buttoned to the middle of his torso, exposing his tan chest.
damn. he was attractive.
your eyes traveled further down, spotting an electric guitar hanging on him.
so this was the guitarist.
he looked back at you expectingly, waiting for an explanation.
“anyway, we were just going to come ask if y’all could quiet down just a little bit. it late and we have long days tomorrow and we would just really appreciate it.” you smiled sweetly, sort of wishing he found you attractive the way you found him attractive.
he raised his eyebrows, looked you up and down again, and turned to face some other men in the room. you could only see their heads, but you saw three men standing around instruments in the cramped apartment.
“what do ya say, boys? should we keep it down?”, he murmured, his voice mysterious and yet sweet. the other men laughed half-heartedly from inside, causing the man at the door to chuckle.
he looked back at you.
“look, sweetie. we are a professional band and we need our practice. now, we only can get together at night. so, what do you suppose we do, hm? stop our productive, important practice for you and your little friend to get beauty sleep? I don’t think so. we haven’t gotten any complaints yet, so I think that you just need to go back to your apartment and invest in some earplugs if it bothers you that much.”
you were taken aback, mouth slightly open in shock. you’d have never guessed such rude words would fall out of his beautiful mouth. he looked like a dream, but acted like a nightmare.
“well”, you started, unsure of how to respond, “I guess i’ll be the first to complain.” you lifted your chin up defiantly, not letting him see how much he disappointed you by being rude.
his eyebrows dropped, his face forming a deep glare.
“now then, let’s not be rude here.” he was testing you, seeing how confrontational you would get.
“yes”, you smiled sarcastically, “let’s not. so, practice is cancelled tonight?” you looked behind the man and into the room to see three slightly shocked faces.
one of them, with a seafoam green bass in his hand, broke out into a smile, “well i’m free tomorrow at noon.”
“shut up, sam.”, the man at the door barked, looking back at him.
“oh, give it a rest, jake. you know we can postpone and be fine.”, sam added.
oh, jake was the man at the door.
“yes, jake”, you cooed, “let’s postpone, hm?”
his eyes found yours, surprised and slightly impressed at your tone. his hard mouth slowly let up.
he scoffed, “you playing with fire, baby. be careful.”
your eyebrows raised, testing him to try you. you backed away, eyes never leaving his, and walked the four feet to your door.
the last thing you saw was a glimpse of his eyes following you into your apartment.
the intensity of the encounter haunted you, playing back in your head over and over. you leaned your head back onto the door, waiting for the music to resume. waiting to see if he had the gall to keep playing. still after a minute or two, there was nothing but silence. you sighed, sluggishly walking back to your bed.
then you collapsed, sleep slowly enveloping you into its warm arms.
good, that’s the end of that, you thought.
until you woke up at 3 am, to the sound of a guitar riff.
• ��� •
eeeeeeeekkkk!!! so excited to start a seriessss. (also please excuse my use of y’all. i’m from the south and it just comes naturally lmao). PLEASE let me know what you would like me to write next, give suggestions, feedback, anything!
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 1 month
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Jake Kiszka:
Anthem of the Heart *^~ (wip):
summary: you and your best friend move into a new apartment after college, wanting a fresh start in nashville. however, you come to find that your neighbors are musicians; very loud musicians who like to keep you up at night. especially one, who likes to bother you on purpose. you would hate him… if he wasn’t so hot.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
sweet surprise (jake x reader 18+) *^
Sam Kiszka:
none yet
Danny Wagner:
none yet
Josh Kiszka:
none yet
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traffic-was-a-b1tch · 2 months
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sweet surprise
(jake kiszka x reader) 18+
warnings: SMUT!, unprotected penetrative sex, dirty talk, soft dom!jake, oral (f rec), swearing (I think that’s it but lmk if I missed one)
authors note: heyyyy everyone! i’ve always wanted to write fanfics and randomly had this idea today…so here we are. please be nice, it’s my first fic ever. but anyways, enjoy!
• • •
you were waiting on jake to get home, eager smile creeping on your face.
after a long but rewarding day at work, you came home and decided to do something sweet for him. you always wanted to show him how much you appreciated him.
it had taken you an hour to set it all up: a romantic bath for the two of you, complete with roses, candles, and smooth rock music. you knew he’d love it.
he was running late, per usual. studio sessions take so much time and he takes a lot of pride in making sure the takes are perfect.
he’d sent you a sneak peek of the band’s new song a few hours ago while you were on your lunch break. a sweet, acoustic melody sung through the phone and you instantly loved it. his beautiful voice danced into the music with sweet words describing a girl. it was a love song and it described you perfectly.
jake was such a romantic and you loved it. you knew you’d have to do something special tonight.
pulling you out of your memories, the lock on the front door clicked. he walked in, a sight for sore eyes, carrying his guitar case. he wore a black buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled to his forearm, with half the buttons undone to reveal his tan chest, and sleek black slacks and shoes. his signature silver medallions dangled as he put down his case.
he looked up and smiled at you. jake knew you too well. he knew by the look on your face, which you were trying to hide, that you had something planned for him.
“hey baby”, he said as he swayed over to you.
“hey yourself”, you replied, looking him up and down.
he tilted your chin up and leaned in to place a soft kiss to your smiling lips. his arms slipped around you and pulled you in close to his warm body.
you sighed into him, instantly comfortable. he pulled away to see you looking up at him, smiling.
“what’s that look for, hm?”
“I guess you’ll have to go and figure it out…”, you teased.
he backed away, his eyebrows furrowed at the challenge. he smiled slyly, dipped, and picked you up over his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
“jake!”, you squealed.
he giggled, walking towards the stairs.
“you’re ridiculous”, you laughed.
“you’re ridiculous to think I wouldn’t want to be all over you. i’ve been away from you how many hours now?”, he huffs, “too long.”
he reaches the top of the stairs and places you back down.
“now, where’s my prize?”, he joked.
you roll your eyes at him,
“you’re gonna have to look a little bit. it’s part of the fun.”
he smiles and looks around the hallway, ducking his head into different rooms.
“cold.”, you say playfully.
your eyes lock, and he suspiciously creeps further down the hallway.
“warmer”, you tempt.
you can see the lightbulb go off in his head. he turns and rushes to your bedroom, looking around.
“warmer”, you dared.
he was catching on. jake always loves your little games, and you love seeing his eyes light up with excitement.
he grinned knowingly, walked slowly to the bathroom door, and pushed it open.
the amber ambiance lighting flooded his face as he walked in, mouth open in surprise. you followed him in, taking in his joy.
“red hot.”
he took in your work with care, noticing every detail. you could tell he loved it, his eyes darting around the room.
suddenly he turned to face you, pinning you against the counter, and immediately went in for another kiss, this time deeper.
“such a long day, you knew I needed this didn’t you?”, he muttered between kisses.
“I guess I just knew”, you giggled.
he kept kissing you, getting needier every time. his hands slowly caressed your curves, and slid in between your legs. you gasped, his fingers working over your clothed core.
“bedroom. now.”, you breathed.
he bent, grabbing your ass, snd lifted you up. your legs wrapped around him as you kissed and he slowly walked towards the door.
sitting on the edge of your bed, he ran his hands up your back, grabbing your hair and tugging firmly. your head fell back and he started kissing your neck sloppily, sucking under your jaw. his hands moved back down to grip your ass, his right lifting up and slamming back down.
“jake, please”, you moaned.
his erection was prominent, creating a delicious outline in his slacks. you grinded on him, slowly.
“fuck, I need you”, he groaned, his eyes drooped in lust.
twisting to lay you down flat on the bed, he grabbed at your leggings, pulling them and your underwear down and off. you swiftly pulled your shirt off and threw it on the ground, displaying your tits for him.
“fuck”, he sighed.
his jaw dropped to an ‘o’ shape as he dipped to suck them into his mouth. the feeling just made you more needy, squirming beneath him.
he looked up, grinning like a devil, as he lowered himself to your pussy.
he starts slowly, with a few soft licks, making you whimper. then in a matter of minutes, he’s eating you like a man starved. lewd sounds fill the room as he relentlessly sucks on you.
you tangle your fingers in his hair, holding on tight as he pulls you closer with his arms locked around your thighs. your high creeps up on you and he refuses to slow down.
“jake- fuck.”, you gasp.
“give it to me”, he rasps. “be a good fucking girl and cum for me.”
you crash hard, with a loud moan followed by silence as your mouth hangs open. he slowly works you through it, slowing down until you relax.
he rose back to your face, giving you a sweet kiss. you deepen it, needing more, and grab his shirt to pull him closer.
“I can’t fucking take it anymore.”, he grunts.
he flips you over, so you’re propped on your hands and knees. you hear his belt unbuckling from behind you and feel yourself getting wetter from the dominance he exudes.
pushing his slacks just low enough to free himself, he gathered some of your slick on his hand and jerked it over his dick. you felt his tip at your entrance, asking for permission.
“please, jake”, you begged.
without further warning, he entered you fully and grunted in satisfaction.
sighs filled the room as he started slow, pushing in and out, making you feel every inch. he began to build the speed, receiving deeper moans from both of you. his eyes took you in, as his hands squeezed your ass, admiring the view. one hand traveled to your hair, grabbing it roughly, while the other gripped your hip to hold you in place.
“that’s it, baby. take all of me.”, he panted.
you were getting closer by the second, the head of his dick hitting your walls just right. his thrusts were getting harder and faster, drilling into you.
“jake -oh- i’m gonna cum”, you pleaded.
“fucking beg for it. tell me how much you want it.”
“please, fuck, please jake can I cum? i’m such a good girl, please let me cum. please please please?”, you squeaked, you could hardly take it anymore.
the hand in your hair returned between your legs, letting his thumb trace circles on your clit.
“show me baby, cum for me.”
you gasped as your orgasm washed over you. you shook, arms giving out. you held the pillow underneath you, letting your fingernails dig into it, and taking in the smell of his cologne lingering on it.
“that’s it. so fucking good.”, he praised.
he was on the edge, but seeing your face turn to look back at him, sultry and fucked out, was too much for him.
he shuddered, releasing inside you with a whisper of your name.
you both stilled and came down, and things seeming to move in slow motion.
he turned you over gently, placing your head upright on the pillow, as he softly kissed your forehead and left to the bathroom. you closed your eyes, basking in the warmth of the sheets and the post-orgasm haze.
you heard water draining and then running again, creating steam you could see floating from the door.
jake returned to the bed, small smile on his face. he gathered your legs in one arm and your back in the other, lifting you up and carrying you to the bathroom.
he placed you down in the bathtub, the hot water soothing your sore body.
“I had to rerun it. the water went cold while we were… distracted.”, he grinned.
you giggled, his sweet personality making you swoon. he started undressing, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt and pulling off his pants. he joined you in the water, enjoying your company.
“I loved this surprise, baby.”, he said, genuinely.
“i’m glad”, you blushed, “I love you.”
“I love you more.”, he promised, then added, “sooooo, same time tomorrow?”
• • •
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