unopenablebox · 10 hours
like you guys have no idea. i need to thank her for her service
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unopenablebox · 12 hours
New: Search operators for better searching!
We hear you, and we share your frustrations: it’s hard to find a specific post. You know it has a particular tag or phrase, and it was posted on this date, or at least, within a specific year. But you can't find it!
So, today, we’re excited to announce that you can use ✨ advanced search operators ✨ in the search bar now! You can now say potato from:staff year:2021 to easily enjoy that video of a potato being microwaved again.
Before we jump into the details, a couple of caveats to note:
These search operators are only available in the main Tumblr search bar. They don’t work in the search bar in individual blogs.
The search operators only work on posts created in 2017 or later.
OK! Let’s go explore these operators!
Exact phrase match
When you surround your query with regular double quotes (not curly quotes), it will match posts with that exact phrase in the post's text content, or that exact phrase as a tag.
For example, "chappell roan is roan of arc" matches posts with that exact phrase in the content, and also matches posts that have the exact tag #chappell roan is roan of arc.
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Match operator
By default, the query matches the post on either the text or the tags.
You can use match:text to specify you want to search the post content, or match:tags to search the post tags. For example:
sword world match:text looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post content.
sword world match:tags looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post tags.
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From operator
Use from:blog or from:@​blog to find only posts by a particular blog.
For example, halloween from:staff finds all posts by @staff that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Year operator
Use year:YYYY to find posts from a particular year.
For example, halloween year:2019 finds all posts from 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Date operator
Use date:YYYY-MM-DD to find posts from a particular date.
For example, halloween date:2019-10-08 finds all posts created on October 8, 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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All together
You can combine all the tools above to form even more specific queries:
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Congrats! You’re now a Tumblr search wizard! 🪄
Other syntax
As a reminder, you can already search by a tag, or by multiple tags:
Prefixing your query with # performs a tag search — that is, it will find posts with that exact tag. For example, #star wars will only return posts with the #star wars tag.
You can search for multiple tags at at time. For example, #star wars #art will find posts that are tagged with both the tag #star wars and the tag #art.
You can combine this with the new operators to find what you are looking for!
We will add a guide for this new syntax soon to our Help Center.
Tumblr Patio support
The enhanced syntax makes Tumblr Patio even more powerful. You can now open multiple search columns each with different fine-tuned queries that use the syntax above to get you customized feeds.
We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback in the replies and reblogs of this post, or by reaching out to Tumblr Support.
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unopenablebox · 15 hours
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orson welles talking about “camping a little” to make gay men comfortable
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unopenablebox · 16 hours
complaining online more. just whining
i kind of want to like. rent? a rigid heddle? so i can spend a month figuring out if using it normally gives me Diseases or not? and then decide if i need a different kind of loom/shouldn't weave/am content with the fabric-making and patterning capacities of a small lap loom without harnesses. however. im not sure i can do that feasibly. i guess i could advertise? online? to pay someone to borrow theirs?
small rigid heddles are cheap enough secondhand that i should just buy one except all the good deals that are not obvious scams are in providence. or like, woonsocket. and on observing this i am very tempted to buy one new. this is, essentially, paying $100 in exchange for not spending 2.5 hours round trip on the train to providence. objectively probably a stupid choice, but i like exchanging money for convenience. on the other hand at that point im buying it full price even though my only experience using it is that it bruises my hand bones. which also seems stupid.
theres also a decent deal on a table loom that i could just pick up in boston. tempting bc the table loom might be better on my hands? and would let me make more interesting things. and it's not much more than a new small RH would be. except 1. it's a structo artcraft and im not sure if those are weird somehow? there's a whole thing about how they were originally toy looms? maybe it's a problem? 2. it's almost certainly going to be less portable/i might struggle getting it home on the train 3. it will need more space in my home 4. it is going to be an additional whole thing to learn to set up/warp and i don't have a warping board or whatever 5. based on the photo i kind of think it's being sold by the person i took a class from? and for whatever reason that fact suffuses me with deep awkwardness and stress even though it would surely be totally normal to buy a loom from her.
additional problem with all of this is that due to my bad nature it is going to be very hard for me to assemble all the executive function steps that result in any object that enters my house being listed for sale online and then actually leaving my house. so i shouldn't get anything that will ruin my life if i turn out not to be able to use it and then it sits in my apartment for six months
maybe i should. stop by the weaving studio again the next time i go to my nearby knitting group. and just ask the person there if she rents looms and/or is selling secondhand ones. with my terrible human mouth. and if she says no then i guess i have to decide on the spot whether im buying a new cricket from her instead or dying and never speaking to her again
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unopenablebox · 19 hours
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unopenablebox · 22 hours
ok so on the one hand. weaving class was the first thing i did like at all in six days so some issues were predictable. on the other hand i do think it maybe injured my hand? somehow? like i didn't have the wrist pain that i get from knitting but instead my left pinky finger had acute pain in the metacarpal & the metacarpal/proximal phalange joint? it's still sore today just less so, & it feels like i bruised/injured the muscle or bone maybe rather than being a tendon thing though that's hard to gauge by feel.
not sure if it's because of the particular thing i was weaving, which would be a relief: you have to beat the stupid cotton fabric yarn pretty firmly to get placemat-compatible fabric, firmer than i could actually do using the reed(?) and so had to use whatever the wooden implement that resembles a fork is on most/all rows. and exert a lot of force on it. so maybe normally you don't have to do that if you're making scarf fabric and going for drape/using actual yarn of similar weight as the weft, instead of Strips?
or: it wouldve been fine except the nature of the class meant i had to get it done in ~5hrs so i could actually take it home at the end and therefore was working longer than i usually would and not taking breaks. or: actually weaving is also bad for me in general and i shouldn't do it. or: i was just fragile because i basically didn't open move or operate any object for a week leading up to it. not sure how to distinguish these options
grumpy though. i want to weave. and i want it to not give me new crippling hand problems. that was sort of the whole premise originally
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unopenablebox · 2 days
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Riverdale (TV Series, 2017)
Explain your reasoning in the tags!
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unopenablebox · 2 days
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I am so, so sure that my cousin meant to type something else, but I'm going to cry. Welcome to my bathroom themed bathroom... Pictures of other people's bathrooms on the walls... Little bathtub figurines on the sink... Soap dispenser shaped like a toilet... Life could be a dream... in my bathroom themed bathroom...
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unopenablebox · 2 days
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Sardine Tins
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unopenablebox · 3 days
trying to find an actually good combination of price + ease of acquisition rather than just pulling the trigger on the first 16" rigid heddle with a floor stand that i find on fbmarketplace. but. it's hard. because i would like Loom
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unopenablebox · 3 days
donut breakfast + 5 hours of weaving class with a very kind chatty instructor who gave me excellent advice and was fun to hang out with + late lunch of fast food burger with extra fried onions + took a long nap on 🌸, forcing them to be cozy in bed with a book instead of working + now i write more fan fictions and roast some chicken thighs which i will eat for dinner with mashed potatoes
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unopenablebox · 3 days
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unopenablebox · 3 days
When I was a kid I read a ton of books that were definitely not appropriate for my age. One of two things would happen:
I was too inexperienced to understand what I was reading, and it had no effect on me.
I understood what I was reading, and I leveled up.
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unopenablebox · 3 days
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and i just got sign. to napkin records
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unopenablebox · 3 days
ive figured it out. the trope is f "immediately postcanon finally has the massive made-herself-too-ready-for-imminent-death-and-now-can't-cope-with-not-being-executed freakout she's been narrowly avoiding for the whole book series" x m "tries to snap her out of it by helpfully inventing service subbing at her until she's so confused by not knowing what social scripts he's following that it successfully makes her stop dissociating"
you know. that old chestnut
im suffering. what is a fanfiction plot. how come i only read slash for shows that were big in 1999-2008 and only write weird het about fantasy novels from 1980. i dont even like reading weird het.
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unopenablebox · 4 days
im suffering. what is a fanfiction plot. how come i only read slash for shows that were big in 1999-2008 and only write weird het about fantasy novels from 1980. i dont even like reading weird het.
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unopenablebox · 4 days
unfortunately whatever you think im vagueing about in that last it's actually worse and more embarrassing than that and the fact that im reacting this way is in itself a pretty strong condemnation of my character
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