vanguard-if · 2 months
is it- is it okay if someone wants to write a fanfic about any of the characters?
of course with full credit to you
my god YES?! if any fanfiction is made of the Vanguard bunch PLEEAASE tag me i would be so excited to read it!!
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vanguard-if · 2 months
hi again everyone!! this account has just gotten 1000 followers and i cannot believe it. im sorry about being inactive, i have been in a pretty awful writing block this entire summer [cry] but i will try to get some of chapter one out before im back in university, just so there’s a bit more content for you all to play. i am always so grateful for the support on this project.
thank you all so much.
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i would usually have a better sketch for my milestones but um currently i am in a different country like 6 hours away from home so take this poopy Emilio sketch. love u all
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vanguard-if · 2 months
What’re the ros like when they’re jealous and how would you rank them from the most to least jealous/possessive
Charles - literally goes batshit crazy will claw at wooden floors and rock on his heels back and forth if he's jealous. absolutely 100% will bring it up with you...king of overthinking so you just have to reassure him.
Cirrus (VERY CLOSE SECOND) - will not go as bonkers as Charles but you'll be in store for a very long and extensive interrogation session. pretty obvious they're upset; there's a wrinkle between their eyebrows that's not usually present. will smooch you afterwords as compensation though.
Nia - uncomfortable but able to let go of her jealousy for the most part. if she really sees something that's bothering her she will bring it up!! she'll probably ask for more kisses if she's really feeling whiny.
Emilio - same kind of deal as Nia except he is the king of ngaf. as far as he's concerned he's yours unless stated otherwise. gets ticked off if anyone touches you though.
Vera - truly the most nonchalant out of the bunch. stresses communication to avoid conflicts but...you're hers. does not get jealous.
sorry the formatting is messing me up but for clarification this is most to least jealous!
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vanguard-if · 3 months
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cw: slight nudity
hi everybody! here’s a part of the time lapse of this painting of Cirrus i started a while ago, and where im at with it. sorry they’re like butt ass naked lol whoops! oh noooo what a shame …
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vanguard-if · 3 months
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Be it fate or just plain misfortune, all it took was one little chance encounter to set you on a path you never even imagined you'd tread. Now, it's up to you to decide where it will lead you.
As a child, you got your hands on a Vestige, a remnant of a bygone era containing immense power and potential. It was an opportunity many would pay dearly for, and pay you did, as finding the relic did not come without a cost. The encounter left you with a parting gift you wish you could return, and sent you and your sister on the run - and you've been running ever since.
Years later, you find yourself in the bastion of knowledge, Verimys, joining the local guild in search for answers. But, it appears you have arrived at exactly the wrong time; a series of murders plagues the city, seemingly without rhyme or reason, and you are about to get dragged into the fray.
With the fate of more than just your own life in your hands, can you weather the storm ahead?
Vestiges of the Hallowing is an upcoming interactive fantasy game written in Twine and published on itch.io. The game is heavily character driven, with a focus on character interaction and interpersonal relationships.
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play as male, female, or nonbinary; cis or trans
customize your appearance, skillset, and personality
romance any (or none) of the 6 potential love interests (2 male, 2 female, 2 nonbinary) without any gender restrictions
join a guild, investigate the murders in the city, and uncover a secret or two (or ten)
explore the Archives in the city and find out more about the Vestiges and your...unique situation
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the Companion
A member of the Greyhounds guild your sister talked into vouching for you. Eager to help and friendly with everyone, but when the spotlight is off him, that spark in his eye dies out. Is he really as relaxed and easygoing as he tries to appear?
Appearance: Lanky and of average height, with tan skin and big, round chocolate brown eyes framed by short fluffy hair of the same colour that falls in messy waves, framing his face.
the Journalist
A journalist working for a local newspaper called The Meridian. Resourceful and naturally charismatic, she has a way with people that seems almost effortless. Persistent in the pursuit of the truth almost to the point of recklessness, how far is she willing to go to achieve her goals?
Appearance: Tall and lean, with rich brown skin and hazel eyes with prominent specks of green. Her long black hair falls down her shoulders in big curls.
the Archivist
An archivist of the Order of Erudition. Poised and perfectly cordial at first glance, though anyone who has crossed their path would say it's all a front, concealing their razor sharp wit and heartless disposition. Seemingly always in the know about everything, with just the right words to say, one can't help but wonder what goes on behind that calculating gaze?
Appearance: Lithe and on the taller side, with olive skin and dark, midnight blue monolid eyes. Their silky black hair falls in a fringe over one side of their face and reaches a little past their shoulders.
the Renegade
A mysterious stranger that appears to be living full-time in a tavern. Bitter and asocial, with only a stray dog as company, he refuses to get involved in anything, yet seems suspiciously connected to the happenings in the city. It's clear he's hiding something, but what could it be?
Appearance: Tall and athletic, with fair, freckled skin and forest green eyes. His fiery auburn hair is shaved on the sides, while the rest is left short and unruly.
the Investigator
One of the two agents sent by the City Council to investigate the murders. Soft-spoken and level-headed, with a keen eye for details and an even keener mind, their forte is obtaining information and interpreting it. Though it's obvious they're devoted to the task, something else draws their attention away from it; what could be so important?
Appearance: Lean and on the shorter side, with pale skin and sandy blonde hair that falls in a fringe over their dark grey eyes.
the Enforcer
Second of the two agents sent by the City Council. Assertive and ambitious, with an unorthodox approach to solving problems, her skill with a sword and quick reflexes make her an invaluable asset. Driven, but not too concerned about her task nor the goings on in the city; is there something else that holds her interest?
Appearance: Toned and of average height, with fair skin and icy blue eyes framed by bangs of sleek platinum blonde hair that, when loose, reaches the small of her back.
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vanguard-if · 3 months
need Vera to throw me through a plate glass window (affectionately)
same tbh i need her to suffocate me with her biceps … she MAY be a bit self indulgent heh
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vanguard-if · 3 months
the height difference possibilities r too silly.. even w/ like a very tall mc w the taller non-faering characters. especially nia lolol
AHAHAHA I KNOWWW Cirrus' and Nia's height difference is especially bonkers it makes me giggle a bit. flashback 2 the height chart for those of u who don't know
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vanguard-if · 3 months
lil sketch of Emilio waiting for u to train with him….
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vanguard-if · 3 months
Helloo! just wanted to ask a question on how long it usually takes you to write a chapter for Vanguard? I myself am trying to make a twine Interactive fiction game and if you have any tips for making one that would be appreciated as well! also do you give yourself a writing goal for each day/week? also love cirrus they are so pretty! lots of love! - Sky [this is my first ask on this blog btw] <3
hi Sky!! im so glad you’re enjoying the game so far, and Cirrus. i am unfortunately very bad at sticking to goals HAHA my main one is to complete the first chapter by the end of summer, but i actually don’t have a daily word goal.
i’m actually not sure how long it takes for me to complete a chapter, but i’ve dug up my old files and apparently it took me about five months to get the prologue out. it definitely was not consistent work though, and i also don’t write when im burnt out or have writer’s block. or when im at university.
however…don’t follow my lead. i do have some tips, yet i don’t take my own advice (lol). if you really want to crank out a good amount of writing, make sure to have small daily goals (maybe even something as small as 50-100 words per day). setting huge goals and not meeting it feels bad, so i would recommend setting small ones and ensuring you meet those first. personally i also like making to do lists too :] and if you have ANY ideas for writing, just jot it down somewhere. in your notes app, google doc, etc.
in terms of making the game itself, i am a complete novice!! this is my very first IF, and i had very VERY little coding skills prior to game development. i started making Vanguard because of the incredible games i’ve played. if you want coding advice, i would highly recommend looking at @idrellegames and her blog! Wayfarer is also an amazing IF too, and was a part of the reason why i decided to make Vanguard. i also just look up tutorials on YouTube, and i’d recommend looking at Sugarcube templates, which you can find on itch.io if you look them up.
thank you for the ask, and good luck with developing your IF! ❤️❤️
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vanguard-if · 3 months
LMAOO DICKS OR DUCKS either way crocheting 🔛🔝
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vanguard-if · 3 months
more fun facts about the Vanguard crew because why not
- Charles has a little snaggle tooth
- Vera and Emilio have arm wrestled before. it was a tie
- Cirrus has very elegant handwriting but it’s like..almost unreadable. kind of like doctor handwriting
- Nia loves crocheting. at one point made tons of very small dicks and scattered them everywhere in Emilio’s room. to this day he’s still finding them
-Vio has the ability to sleep quite literally anywhere INCLUDING standing up
- Kiera hates small talk and will sign around people she doesn't know well or care enough about
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vanguard-if · 4 months
sorry for being inactive but reminder that i have another acc 🫣 take pretty man as compensation?
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it’s already one thing to spend the night with my best friend. but does he really have to look at me like that when we wake up next to each other..?
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vanguard-if · 4 months
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reminder that Nia exists, and is very pretty!! gonna hopefully update her profile here soon since i FINALLY am getting around to rendering her and giving her the love she deserves. she's everything to me.
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vanguard-if · 4 months
You art is beautiful!!
How would react Cirrus to an MC wary of believing that Cirrus is "docile"? How does Cirrus intend to prove his docility? (It can be anything)
OH THANK YOU SO MUCH <33 thats so sweet 😭😭
everyone just kind of knows that Cirrus is quite a complacent being…he’s quite calm, not argumentative, and would rather settle conflicts in a civilized manner (if you take a certain route in the prologue you’ll know hehe). they never lash out unless it pertains to their loved ones or friends.
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vanguard-if · 4 months
I hope this doesn't come off as rude but are you able to add more fonts to the game? Cause honestly I am struggling to read it with the current font without it all smooshing together and moving around. Again I hope this doesn't come off as being rude, sorry and thank you.
hi, it's no worries! in the future, adding more fonts to settings is a goal, but i'm not too sure when i am able to add it as a feature. and if you don't mind, could you dm me privately and tell me a little more about the text moving? i haven't heard of this occurring, and i haven't implemented any code where this would happen intentionally /nm
also i hope this doesn't come off as me being rude too LOL i'm genuinely curious!! thanks for letting me know though; i really want to aim to make Vanguard more accessible, it's just that my knowledge of coding is quite limited <3
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vanguard-if · 4 months
Hiii, I tried the mobile ver and it seems like the sidebar is still stuck?
hi!! thanks for letting me know; i think i finally sorted it out properly AUGHH. i don't have any formal play testers (i just bother my friends) and we all use the IOS system on our phones so like. bias you know. anywaysssss the menu should be collapsible now, no matter which platform you use <3 sorry again, but i hope everything NOW will be okay!
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vanguard-if · 4 months
Hi so i just restart the game (i think my saves got refresh or something but anyway) after a certain while just to see the New change early on, for now, what i can say is that i don't have the "horn color" color bug showing up again, i like the bold and different color word depending of the MC (ex : liege/lady) the text color is still hard on the eyes to read if you don't have your phone light at 100%. Maybe making it white or changing the policy text. I'll Come back for further news -sarah
hi again Sarah! this update only fixed the character creator and the sidebar menu on mobile. adding another theme (light theme) is still on my radar, but was not a priority for the most recent update :] thanks a lot for playing, and im glad the character creator is working better for you!
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