vynegar · 14 hours
Been seeing you live posting about Vyn’s 4th birthday card and I just wanna ask (I hope you don’t mind :DD) if the plot is good? And how would you rate it?
just to clarify, the card i've been posting about is Vyn's 5th birthday! so not Journey Forth with You, but the one that just released in CN server that isn't available in english yet
the plot is SO good 😭 i don't really think of the cards in numerical ratings, but it probably ranks right behind my absolute ultimate all-time fave cards of his. maybe a lot of that is recency bias and because it basically dragged me out of a long hiatus, but yeah. i LOVE it. it goes into when Vyn was starting out in his career, stuff with Svart and his family, he talks about why he chose his name (this was in the PV), there are very touching moments between MC and Vyn, a lot of connections to previous cards, and lots to think about...
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vynegar · 1 day
okay that ending was insanely beautiful and i almost cried
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vynegar · 1 day
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that's that me espresso~
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vynegar · 1 day
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what's he burning, wrong answers only
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vynegar · 1 day
wait shit they're actually putting a LOT of effort into trying to connect this to past cards
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vynegar · 1 day
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u know it's a good card story when it's got the Despair™ sprite
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vynegar · 1 day
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new expression?
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vynegar · 2 days
honestly the OST is the real culprit for dragging me back to tot every time
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vynegar · 2 days
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vynegar · 2 days
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ohhh my godddd
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vynegar · 2 days
Rosa's debates with herself
Transcribed my screenshots from the Snowfallen Secrets event, where Rosa was debating herself. This is not exhaustive, but probably has most of the lines/arguments.
Opponent: You. Case descriptions (from less to more challenging):
My professional standard is to work with sincerity and always take responsibility!
My work ethic is to not leave a single loophole!
My life motto is to finish and get off work on time!
The goal I'm working towards is to always partake in challenges regardless of their difficulty!
To prevent mental blindspots, constant introspection is a must!
[Note: The last one is the only one which uses the silhouette of her trial attire (the gray suit with ponytail) instead of her everyday clothes (the red blouse with her hair down), and the only boss to have an attribute, empathy, in the description]
Lines spoken by the opponent (shadow Rosa); lines preceded by an arrow (->) are rebuttals from Rosa/the player
The fun you had slacking off will be paid for in your suffering!
Stop getting distracted!
Don't slack off. Carefully check every place.
Heh heh, have you finished the case report?
You've been given this work out of trust. Are you worthy of it?
Your work determines the fate of others! Be cautious!
It's nearly time for the monthly assessment. Are you confident?
Are you sure all the clues have been properly sorted out?
Your mistakes could cause trouble for your colleagues!
What's the point of trying so hard? Why not just lie down and slack off?
-> I'll keep advancing and become a better version of myself!
Your work is vitally important. You can't cut corners!
I believe you can do it!
It's so hard. Let's call it a day!
-> I'll always work hard and won't let myself down!
You need a change of perspective. You're beating a dead horse!
No one's gonna notice if I slack off every now and then!
No extra pay, even for such good work!
If I can't finish it today, I'll just leave it for tomorrow!
Don't you think you're a bit too complacent!?
Have you forgotten your dreams?
Keep it up! You can definitely do it!
Do you really think that you're fine like this?
The work was delayed because you were being sloppy! Reflect on that!
Did you do the exam practice questions? Don't tell me you forgot!
What's the point of trying so hard? Nobody cares!
A new challenge has appeared. Are you still planning to do nothing?
If you don't pay attention, opportunities will slip past!
You've come this far. You can't just do whatever you like anymore.
You've got to keep giving your all! Don't stop advancing!
Confucius said, "Self-reflection thrice daily." Have you done yours!?
Your work is extremely important. You can't be too careful!
No matter how hard you work, evil will never be fully uprooted!
Are you just taking it for granted?
Are you own subjective emotions influencing your decisions?
Do you really think it's fair and just this way?
Your idea of persistence is a joke!
Have you really considered it from all angles?
Are you taking too much for granted? Is this really fair and just?
Everything you've done has been useless. There are still plenty of people breaking the law!
Have you really thought about it from all possible angles?
The way you view things is too naive!
You're way too trusting of other people's opinions!
Things aren't as simple as you'd like to think!
You're merely insisting on your own idea of justice!
You're just whinging about nothing from a moral high ground!
Do you want to become a partner of justice too?
Your ideas are a complete fantasy!
You'll get what you deserve for being so stubborn.
What you're doing right now is all meaningless!
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vynegar · 2 days
vyn really does trust and respect rosa so much....
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vynegar · 2 days
saw that last dragonbreath teaser is up (and first thought was oh god already??) -> reminded that i should check what major event is going to happen in CN server -> saw the teaser for vyn's new birthday card and was nearly reduced to tears and passing out -> new major event teaser has ROSA IN A SUIT
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so i might actually read some tot cards again; probably the vyn bday card because. yeah. it's gotta be vyn huh. it always comes back to vyn.
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vynegar · 2 months
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"I want to see you live free and go wherever you want to go"
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vynegar · 3 months
i'm not even caught up on the main story but 12-12.... omg....
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vynegar · 3 months
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i'm not immune to the von hagen charm
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vynegar · 3 months
hello could you elaborate on the vyn theory you mentioned in the marius screenshot! no pressure ofc + thank you :D
(the marius screenshot in question)
no problem! it's referencing something i posted almost two years (?!) ago, Vyn and the Theme of Fairy Tales and Stories. but to give you an answer that isn't a four-thousand-word reading assignment:
the character development that Vyn experiences as a result of his relationship with MC is reflected through the repeated motifs of stories, and specifically, fairytales. as Vyn changes, his attitude and willingness to engage in stories also changes, and he ultimately goes from a detached observer of stories to fully immersed in them.
if any of that piques your interest, the full post explains how these motifs are unique to Vyn's stories, and traces the development of the motifs over the first two years of cards. it's the most well-developed analysis that i've posted, and my favorite, so i'd be happy if you gave it a read and let me know your thoughts! (general "you", to anyone)
p.s. the bakerlon event also gave me some moments that i called a "win for the vyn thesis"
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