whumpy-daydreams · 6 days
whumper pushing whumpee to the ground, ordering them to get back up, and kicking them back down each time they try. repeat as many times as you like. especially w whumper getting more snippy each time.
“i said get up” while they’re making it physically impossible
physically and mentally exhausting them in addition to hurting them. forcing whumpee to participate in their own abuse.
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whumpy-daydreams · 6 days
Manhandling--especially done in silence.
Content: manhandling, humiliation, beating
Slammed into the top of a desk with their arm twisted behind them
Whumpee wincing and freezing under whumper's weight as they realize they're trapped; if they move any more their wrist is going to break
whumpee crushing their lips in their teeth to hold back cries of pain that they'd be punished for
Guards shoving in a manacled, stumbling whumpee before the king, kicking him to his knees and forcing him to bow so low his forehead hits the flagstones
Fist in the hair to yank whumpees head up
Or fingernails bruising into the cheeks for the same goal
Whumpee frustrated to rage that they aren't being allowed to just walk straight, instead they have to throw them into walls and slam them down into seats
Looking up with a livid glare at main whumper when they get there
Whumpee starting to speak, "wait, just--" gets yanked so hard the words catch before he staggers forward
"I can walk." Whumpee growls next time they come for him. Snarky guard--"well, you're to be dragged."
When the whumpers step away from whumpee, now tied up and gagged on the floor, panting through his nose
Humiliating punishments like whipping while whumpee is tied up like this, whumpee floundering awkwardly away with a muffled shriek at every strike
Holding whumpee's arms so whumper can punch them over and over in the stomach
A lineup of prisoners, but whumpee is the only one that gets thrown and kicked into position
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whumpy-daydreams · 7 days
Weapon Prompt 6
Gunplay or guns in general
Blanks, every thought about just firing blanks while whumpee is running or escaping or just in general
Russian roulette but with 6 whumpees
Living Weapon Whumpee being conditioned to do certain commands after hearing gun shots, imagine how that conditioning went from a whumpee previously fearful of gunshots, past trauma idk?
Firing blanks on the back of Whumpee's head to teach them not to flinch, shocking them every time they do until they fear Whumper's wrath more than death
We loved the slapped by gun just because
Gun under your chin propping it up, Gun's in places they shouldn't be, Eyes, pants, mouths etc
Whumpee being shot with a tranquilizing gun, it hurts like hell, but your body is also numbing at the same time. Can't quite put my finger the sensation
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whumpy-daydreams · 9 days
I love when the whumpee has to reinvent themself. No, you will never be the past you again, they are permanently changed by the trauma, but that does not mean death. You just have to find you again. The people who care about you might mourn, you might as well, but getting to know each other again can be quite interesting.
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whumpy-daydreams · 10 days
if you’re a trans ally you have to be ok with seeing topless dudes with their tits out & girls with bulges in their jeans or skirts etc. trans bodies are normal, get used to them, they’re not going anywhere.
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whumpy-daydreams · 23 days
“wouldn’t it be easier for you to just do what you’re told?”
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whumpy-daydreams · 26 days
Whumpee with magic powers, and having those powers lash out as they panic. Whumpee is curled up in a corner, and the room changes.
Shadows grow darker and crawl around the room. Whumpee with ice powers freezes everything. Whumpee with fire powers sets things on fire, making it dangerous for everyone. Whumpee with nature powers causing the earth to rumble, or plants to grow and spread through the room.
Just... Whumpees with powers losing control as they lose control of themselves.
And Caretaker struggling to calm them down as they try to not get hurt by everything that's happening around them.
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whumpy-daydreams · 27 days
Thinking of some kind of lab/prison whump.
Every day blurring into the next for the whumpee(s).
Sterile white surfaces covered in blood or scribbles.
Stainless steel doors that lock automatically throughout the day and if you’re not inside, you’re punished.
The amount/kind of outside things they’re allowed dwindling over time because they’re used for violence.
Barely knowing the name of the subjects around you.
Or having one roommate that may or may not like the whumpee.
Giant lunchrooms giving insight into how many people may be kept here, but it’s always near empty when the whumpee is there.
Hard beds with thin, cheap sheets that are changed too often or too little.
Lights out always comes too early.
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whumpy-daydreams · 28 days
Pirate Whump
the brig!! thrown in there and forgotten while saltwater seeps through and drenches whumpee constantly leaving them coughing and miserable
lack of sleep, forced to be on duty for hours at a time
smacking whumpee to the deck with a blow that leaves their eyes watering.
scrubbing the deck until their hands are scraped and bleeding. their arms and back ache so badly that when they stand up, they immediately double over.
flogging for minor mistakes. the humiliation of having their shirt ripped away and the stabbing, sharp pain of the cat o'nine tails on their skin is enough to break down the most stoic of the crew
collapsing on deck. in general. fainting. nausea. suddenly light headed and woozy from blood loss
falling to the deck on hands and knees and scraping them on the rough, worm-eaten wood
hostage situations on “friendly” terms. whumpee can wander around on deck and maybe they even joke around with some of the pirates. but the minute they try to escape, there’s a sweeping blade at their throat and someone roughly manhandling them to the captains quarters to be “dealt with”
being made an example of for misconduct is often extreme and cruel. there are no laws on the high seas
the damage left by the opposing side’s cannon fire? timber embedded in limbs, gaping wounds, and formerly brave sailors curling up in fetal positions to try and protect themselves
a captain whumper who calls their prisoner whumpee “darling” in the most derogatory way possible.
emergency first aid being applied hurriedly and with unskilled hands.bandages made from old shirts, amputations done unabashedly and crew mates being carried back fireman style to their ship.
“bite down on this” and “don’t look” as they cut away a damaged limb, multiple crew members holding whumpee down
mer whumpees— caught and put on a leash so they’re dragged along the side of the boat. sometimes they pull whumpee up and “have a bit of fun” as whumpee thrashes and gasps for air.
captain whumpee found stranded on an island by an opposing captain. they’re “taken care of” by being humiliated and beaten, laughed at, and forced to be the cabin boy
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whumpy-daydreams · 29 days
Continuation from Outside- pt 1 here
TW: vague rape threat
Dani stumbled along, letting Roman drag her back inside. She didn’t dare dig in her heels nor even attempt to pull at the vice-like grip around her arm. Even when she was sure he was going to tear it off. She was in enough trouble as it was. And no attempt of stalling or resisting was going to help.
Every now and then, her body did refuse to follow. It stuttered, as if the signal to her muscles caused a lag. Remnants of the electricity setting her system to complete haywire. She tripped over her own feet, sure that without Roman pulling her along she would’ve crashed to the floor already.
Her stomach felt even heavier when he held the door to the basement open for her, face like thunder daring her to disobey. She didn’t. And he let her go down on her own, following with heavy stomps on every step.
Roman paced up and down, irritation clear in his expression and his rigid posture. Though the narrowed eyes and weird steps could also indicate some remnants of pain lingering. Only fuelling his anger, unfortunately.
His eyes flared. “Now I’m not one of those idiots who compare a kick in the jewels to actual childbirth. But by god,” he exhaled hard and looked straight into her eyes, “I’m this close to try it out and get you to report in nine months.”
She paled at that, even though she knew he wouldn’t. And he probably couldn’t either, in his current state. But she swallowed any comments on that. Better not to aggravate him any further when he’s this pissed. Also, she had plans in nine months, actually; sitting in a courtroom watching him get sentenced to hell. Couldn't miss that.
So instead, she kept her tightened fists close to her side and looked down. “I’m really sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
No. She wasn’t. She was pretty chuffed, actually. The feeling just was kinda overshadowed by this huge looming sword dangling right above her. But she still felt a touch of pride through that fear.
“You’re not sorry. And you're never going to be sorry, not even after this. I don’t expect you to. But at the least we can make sure even the mere thought of pulling something like this again will have you break out in cold sweat.”
Or in absolute hysterics... But probably only after she’d escaped this hellhole.
A backhanded fist caught her across the face and in her still wobbly state sent her right to the floor where she remained in a slight daze.
He snagged a fistful of hair, pulling her up, then grabbed her collar and marched her backwards until she felt his knuckles tighten in the fabric. She braced herself. Just in time as he slammed her into a wall. She buckled forward in pain, tensing her abdomen for the expected blow, but he merely kept her up and forced her shoulder blades back against the wall.
He inched closer. Knuckles tight against her collar bones, body pressing forward until she tried to squirm away, back against the wall.
“You wanna try that again?” he all but growled, voice still soft. He made himself awfully vulnerable right now, knee pressing at her leg, taunting her, knowing she wouldn’t dare.
“Don’t tempt me,” she choked out, eyes blazing, but she knew that if she even raised one leg she would buckle forward against him. She needed both feet firmly planted on the ground not to collapse.
“Oh,” he almost purred and pulled her in, still a tight grip on her shirt to make sure she was flushed against him and she felt his breath brush her cheek when he said, “I’ll make sure you’re never tempted again.”
He took a fierce step back, dragged her along, and threw her away from him to the floor.
Dani rolled along with the momentum, but everything happened too fast. Two swift footsteps. A flurry of movement. An explosion of pain against her ribs. It blew her back against something that didn’t give and she slumped against the cold metal.
Slower footsteps, away from her. Returning. She shook her head hard, trying to dispel the haze. Realised that she was slumped against the metal table in the middle of the room, Roman standing over her, preparing something on it.
She heard a snap, looked up and her breath stilled as she saw him holding up a syringe, a familiar blue vial.
A whimper escaped her. She tried to scoot away from him, but Roman barely looked down and stomped down hard on her wrist, keeping her pinned. “No,” he tutted as he felt her pull under his foot, and shifted his weight on it without looking, eyes back on the syringe as he slowly drew in the blue liquid. He flicked a finger against the glass, put it down, and sank down to his knees.
The hand went right for her throat.
“No…” she started. She struggled against him, hands up, trying to push him off, flailing as he tried to catch her wrists. “No, no, no—” He slapped her hard, scooped both wrists up in one hand and pressed them up above her head, pinning them to the ground. He reached up and the blue-filled syringe glinted in the light. “No…” she mewled again as she felt the harsh prick in her neck, but it was already too late.
The pressure on her wrists let up and Roman scrambled back to his feet. He stood over her, looking her straight in the eyes as he rummaged in his pocket. And he pulled out the remote for the electric device around her ankle.
Dani paled. Braced herself. But nothing hit her yet.
“Do it then,” she croaked after a beat, but he merely stared her down, steel glint in his eyes, finger on the button. “Go on! Do it! What are you waiting for?!” And she hated how her voice cracked.
“For the serum to take effect.”
His calm voice punched the breath out of her. Agonising seconds passed, all the while they kept eye contact, both waiting.
And she felt it. It was like the bruise on her cheekbone lit up. Like a light bulb, gradually shining brighter. As if it was growing in size, blood rushing in, the pressing tight sensation pulling at her skin slowly turning to discomfort, to pain.
And only when she winced, Roman smiled. And pressed the button.
Fire shot through her. Hotter, fiercer, more paralysing than before. A garbled scream just about made it to the top of her throat before everything contracted and it died off with a squeaking choke.
She couldn’t breathe! Pain fired through her and she couldn’t let it out in a scream. She’d lost all control over her body, merely lay there on the hard floor, spasming hard, convulsing, all the wrong muscles activating and literally keeping a death grip on her body.
Until it suddenly let go of her and it was like she fell from a great height. Her back hit the floor, punched out the remnants of her scream, and she gasped hard now she could finally breathe again.
“No…” she wheezed, scrambling back from Roman as if it would help. He still had that hard glint in his eyes. “Don’t, not again, I can’t breathe, I ca— You turned up the setting didn’t you?!”
“I did not,” he merely said. Which could be a lie, for all she knew; that serum was supposed to enhance the pain, not the amount of watts taking hold of her muscles.
Another round of pain slammed into her. Burning her from the inside as it clawed for a way out. It felt wrong. Dangerous. As if the crackling electricity stabbed and burned holes into her veins as it seared through, frayed her nerves. It had to stop. Stop! Before it actually would cause damage.
“Do try to bite through it, love,” Roman teased. “If you manage to get out an apology again, maybe I’ll accept it this time.”
“I’m sorry!” Dani choked out as soon as she could. “I am! I—no, don’t, please, it won’t happen again!”
“No,” Roman said, nodding, as he pushed the button again. “It won’t.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson
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whumpy-daydreams · 30 days
Let's talk hallucinations in whump/general fiction.
So first off full disclosure, I have schizoaffective disorder - think some bits of bipolar and some bits of schizophrenia kind of squished together, and as such hallucinations are a BIG part of my general existence.
Definition: A hallucination is a perception of a sensory experience—such as sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch—that appears real but is created by the mind and lacks an external stimulus.
Now, I see a fair few "hallucinations" type prompts in whump events, and just generally within the whump community, and I see a LOT of auditory hallucinations type prompt fills - mainly in the form of malevolent whispers - and ye that's a thing, but there are so many other hallucinations.
The thing is hallucinations can effect literally any sense, not just hearing - though I will add that auditory is usually regarded as the most common.
this is a long post so I am going to put a cut here... below the cut is exploration of the tyoes of hallucination, the causes and a bit about insight.
So, I thought it could be "fun" to explore a few in a post. Lets explore the 5 "main" senses first:
Auditory Hallucinations
Description: These are the most common type of hallucinations. They involve hearing sounds that are not present. The sounds are hear as if they are coming from somewhere external to the body. So in my case I have a few of these, but my main one is a voice who is with me even when I am in meds (another good point there for anyone who wants to use mental illness in their fics even in meds we can do have symptoms). This voice has a name and most of the time he just sorts off passes comments about things and people around me, like a sarcastic narrator and it sounds like he is standing just behind me.
Common Examples:
Malevolent Whispers: Insidious voices that might threaten, taunt, or belittle you.
Hearing Music: Melodies or songs playing that no one else can hear. For me this kind of sounds like someone is playing a radio in a different room.
Environmental Sounds: Hearing footsteps, doors creaking, or other sounds suggesting someone else is present.
Command Hallucinations: Voices that instruct or suggest (its not always ademand, sometimes more subtle and manipulative) you to do certain things, often with a compelling and distressing sense of urgency.
Less used examples:
Kind/supportive hallucinations: Voices that are encouraging, reassuring and supportive.
Distortion: Rather than sounds with no origin hallucinations that disort or warp actual sounds/voices changing the meaning, making it as if the TV or Radio is addressing you personally, making it sound as if a friend is threatening you.
Fun fact: it actually is possible to have a two way (sort of) conversation with a hallucination - I know I do it relatively often. It will be different for everyone, but fo me its a bit like having a conversation on a bad phoneline, yes the voice will respond but often its almost as if he hasn't fully heard what I said - or is ignoring key points. I can do this both outloud and "in my head".
Visual Hallucinations
Description: Visual hallucinations involve seeing things that are not present. These can range from simple shapes and flashes of light to detailed images or scenes. They often appear as if they are in the physical world and can be very convincing.
Common Examples:
Shadowy Figures: Seeing indistinct, shadowy forms that may move or appear to watch the character.
Distorted Faces: Perceiving familiar faces as grotesque or altered in frightening ways.
Apparitions: Full-bodied figures that may interact with the character or appear menacing.
Lights/sparkles: The whump community seems to very much enjoy lights and sparkles, especially in drugging.
Less Used Examples:
Intrusive Visuals: Images of disturbing or graphic nature that suddenly appear in your line of sight.
Perceptual Distortions: Objects appearing to warp, change shape, or color in unnatural ways.
Double Vision: Seeing multiples of objects or people, creating a confusing and disorienting experience.
Scenery Shifts: The entire environment changes, making you believe they are in a completely different place.
Fun fact: Sleep deprivation can cause some wild visual hallucinations, even relatively "mild" sleep deprivation can start to effect a persons perceptions.
Gustatory Hallucinations
Description: Gustatory hallucinations involve tasting things that are not actually present in the mouth. These can range from pleasant to extremely unpleasant tastes and can be triggered without any external food or drink.
Officially these are considered "rare", but personally (as someone who has done a lot of peer support work in the psychosis/voice hearing community I think they are simply under reported.)
Common Examples:
Bitter or Metallic Taste: A persistent bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, often leading to a sense of unease or concern about poisoning.
Sweet or Sour Taste: Tasting something sweet or sour unexpectedly, which can be confusing if it doesn’t match the current context.
Less Used Examples:
Spoiled Food: Tasting something rancid or spoiled, causing nausea and distress.
Unfamiliar Tastes: Tasting something completely unfamiliar and hard to describe, adding to the character's sense of disorientation.
Mimicking Actual Foods: Tasting specific foods that trigger cravings or aversions, despite not eating anything.
Transforming food: Food tasting like other food - I know someone for whom everything tasted like strawberries for days.
Common Causes: Neurological conditions or can be a side effect of medications.
Olfactory Hallucinations
Description: Olfactory hallucinations involve smelling odors that are not actually present. These can be pleasant or unpleasant and occur without any corresponding external stimulus. They can be particularly disorienting because they may trigger memories or emotions associated with certain scents - extremely complex if the person also has PTSD.
Common Examples:
Burning Smell: Wood, rubber, or food, which can lead to panic and fear of a fire.
Rotting Flesh: An overpowering smell of decay or rotting flesh, causing distress and nausea.
Perfume or Flowers: Smelling strong scents like flowers or perfume - hallucinations don't have to be inherently unpleasant sensations.
Less Used Examples:
Chemical Smells: Smelling chemicals like bleach or petrol.
Unfamiliar Scents: Smelling odors that you cannot identify.
Food Smells: Smelling specific foods that trigger hunger or nausea, despite the absence of any actual food.
Tactile Hallucinations
Description: Tactile hallucinations involve feeling sensations on or under the skin that are not actually there. These can range from mild tingling to severe pain and can be extremely distressing.
Common Examples:
Crawling Sensation: Feeling as though insects or bugs are crawling on or under the skin - often leading to frantic scratching or picking.
Electric Shocks: Experiencing sudden, sharp, electric-like jolts.
Pressure: Feeling pressure or tightness around certain body parts, such as a hand gripping the arm or something heavy on the chest.
Less Used Examples:
Temperature Changes: Feeling extreme cold or heat on the skin without any external cause.
Wetness or Dripping: Feeling as though liquid is dripping or running down the skin, even when dry.
Phantom Touches: Sensations of being touched or grabbed, often when alone. Sometimes its an almost feather like touch, other times its more akin to a grab that if reak would leave a bruise.
Right now let's expand - because there are more than 5 senses.
Proprioceptive Hallucinations
Description: Proprioception is the sense of the relative positioning of one's body parts. Proprioceptive hallucinations involve distorted perceptions of where your body is in space or how it is moving.
Common Examples:
Floating Sensation: Feeling as if the body is levitating or moving without control.
Distorted Body Size: Perceiving limbs or the entire body as being unnaturally large or small.
Less Used Examples:
Misaligned Limbs: Feeling as though limbs are twisted or out of place.
Movement Hallucinations: Sensing movements that aren't occurring, like swaying or rotating.
Common causes: Neurological disorders or the effects of certain drugs, but can by caused by a huge array of things.
Vestibular Hallucinations
Description: Vestibular sensations involve balance and spatial orientation. Vestibular hallucinations affect your sense of balance, making you feel dizzy or as though you're moving when you're stationary.
Common Examples:
Vertigo: A spinning sensation, as if the environment or oneself is rotating.
Imbalance: Feeling as though you're about to fall over or can't maintain your balance.
Less Used Examples:
Motion Sensation: Sensing movement, like rocking or swaying, when you're still.
Gravity Distortions: Feeling as if gravity is stronger or weaker than it actually is.
Common caused: Inner ear issues, migraines, or anxiety.
Temporal Hallucinations
Description: Temporal hallucinations involve distorted perceptions of time. They can make time feel like it's speeding up, slowing down, or standing still.
Common Examples:
Time Dilation: Feeling as though time is passing much slower than it actually is.
Time Compression: Perceiving time as moving rapidly, making events feel like they're passing in a blur.
Less Used Examples:
Frozen Moments: Experiencing time as if it's stopped, with everything around you appearing frozen.
Temporal Displacement: Feeling as though you're living in a different time period.
Temporal Dissonance: Feeling as if time is moving differently for you in comparison to those around you.
Common caused: Extreme fatigue, high stress, or under the influence of certain drugs.
Interoceptive Hallucinations
Description: Interoception refers to the perception of sensations from within the body, such as hunger, thirst, or the feeling of a heartbeat. Hallucinations in this realm involve feeling internal sensations that aren't actually occurring.
Common Examples:
False Hunger: Feeling extremely hungry despite having eaten recently.
Nonexistent Thirst: An intense sense of thirst even when well-hydrated - I have had this one a few times and given myself electrolyte imbalances due tot he amount of water I ended up drinking (not fun).
Less Used Examples:
Phantom Heartbeats: Feeling the heart racing or skipping beats without any physical basis.
Digestive Sensations: Sensations of digestion, such as gurgling or bloating, without any real cause.
Common causes: Panic disorder or certain types of seizures.
Right, now lets quickly review the main "causes" of hallucinations
Mental Illness:
Schizophrenia: Can involve basically anything from this list, but anecdotally auditory and visual appear to be the most common.
Bipolar Disorder: Can include hallucinations, especially during manic or depressive episodes.
Schizoaffective Disorder: A combination of symptoms from both schizophrenia and mood disorders, often leading to a variety of hallucinations.
EUPD/BPD: Auditory hallucinations are relatively common.
In all of these the hallucinations will rarely (if ever) exist in isolation. If you do not have primary or secondary experience of mental illness then I would recommend doing a LOT of research - and talking to people who do (on this note my asks are open if anyone has any schizoaffective based questions).
Neurological Conditions:
Epilepsy: Particularly temporal lobe epilepsy, can cause a range of sensory hallucinations.
Parkinson's Disease: Can lead to visual and auditory hallucinations.
Migraine: Migraine auras can include visual and auditory hallucinations.
Once again the hallucinations will not be in isolatation so same advice as with mental illness.
Substance Use and Withdrawal:
Psychedelics: Drugs like LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline are known for causing vivid visual and auditory hallucinations.
Stimulants: Methamphetamine and cocaine can cause tactile and visual hallucinations.
Alcohol Withdrawal: Can lead to visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations.
You know what I am going to say that my "if you do not have experience of this then go talk to someone who does" advice may just stand for every potential cause.
Sleep Disorders:
Sleep Deprivation: Can cause a variety of hallucinations across different senses.
Narcolepsy: Often includes hypnagogic (while falling asleep) and hypnopompic (while waking up) hallucinations.
Medical Conditions:
Delirium: Acute confusion and hallucinations often seen in severe infections, fever, or after surgery.
Dementia: Especially Lewy body dementia and Alzheimer's disease, can cause hallucinations.
Anticholinergics: Can cause hallucinations as a side effect.
Steroids: High doses can sometimes lead to hallucinations.
Certain Antidepressants and Antipsychotics: Occasionally, these medications can cause hallucinations.
Psychological Stress and Trauma:
PTSD: Flashbacks and hallucinations related to traumatic events.
Extreme Stress: Can sometimes trigger hallucinations.
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders:
Thyroid Disorders: Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can sometimes cause hallucinations.
Electrolyte Imbalances: Severe imbalances can lead to hallucinations.
Sensory Deprivation: Go google the ganzfeld effect, it's facinating.
Isolation: Extended periods of isolation can lead to hallucinations, known as sensory deprivation hallucinations.
Autoimmune Disorders:
Lupus: Can cause neurological symptoms including hallucinations.
Brain Tumors: Depending on their location, they can cause hallucinations affecting different senses.
Ok, finally point for this post. Let's discuss insight, because it is not as black/white or binary as people seem to assume.
Definition: Insight, in this context, refers to the awareness and understanding that one's hallucinations are not real but are a product of their mind. Insight can be partial or complete, and it often fluctuates.
Complete Insight:
Description: The individual fully understands that their hallucinations are not real and are caused by an underlying condition.
Impact: This can help the person manage their symptoms more effectively and seek appropriate treatment. However, it doesn't necessarily lessen the distress caused by the hallucinations.
Partial Insight:
Description: The individual has some awareness that their hallucinations might not be real but can still struggle with differentiating them from reality.
Impact: This can lead to confusion and anxiety, as the person oscillates between believing and doubting their experiences.
Lack of Insight:
Description: The individual firmly believes that their hallucinations are real and external.
Impact: This can lead to significant distress and functional impairment, as the person might respond to these hallucinations as if they were real.
Now imagine these three points on a scale from 0 (complete insight) to 10 (lack of insight) a person can be anywhere on this scale, and can slide back and fourth along it.
Factors such as stress, fatigue, medication changes, or daily fluctuations in mental state can cause insight to vary. A person might have high insight at one moment and low insight the next.
Basically Insight Is Not Static.
Also sometimes insight is just FREAKING RANDOM fluctuation for no discernible reason - honestly at times there is zero logic.
so ye, halluncinations… the brain is freaking wild.
Disclaimer - this is by no means an exhaustive list and like with many things every individual will experience these things slightly differently.
A similar post about delirium A similar post about fever
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
Defiant whumpee but they've already had the shit beat out of them
"you're just gonna stand there and appreciate your work, huh?"
"am I pretty now?"
They were screaming "fuck you!" And got punched every time till they didn't have the breath to speak. Now it's just a very quiet "just suck a dick, would you?"
whumper just has gotten in the habit of slapping them for talking because it's probably insults
Saying "yes master" and waiting till whumper can't see to roll their eyes or give them the finger
Resistance via silence, because they have no energy to speak anymore
Their instinctive sass now includes a flinch reflex
"are you done?" Whumpee says and then cringes
"are you done?" Whumper says and waits for whumpee to say something that will earn them another kick
"I think we both could use a break, don't you think?" Whumpee groans.
Whumpee adds on a "sir" whenever they say anything that might get them punished
"yes, patience is clearly your best quality... Sir."
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
Whumpees who are not innocent.
Whumpees who have done Very Bad Shit.
Whumpees who know they have done Very Bad Shit.
Whumpees who don't feel guilty for (most of) it. They were doing what they could to survive.
Whumpees who don't want to be told it wasn't their fault. They need to believe they made choices. They need to believe they had some kind of agency.
Whumpees who'd rather be seen as a monster than a victim.
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
So like... a living weapon on trial. The weapon is no where near healed not at all, hasn't done anything for their self since they were rescued. And weapon facing trial for the acts they committed. The most crucial piece of evidence of why weapon shouldn't be punished are the tapes of their training. When the tapes are being shown, weapon shocks everyone and begins crying.
weapon has barely asked for anything, only things they really need. So when they are on trial, they ask to not be in the room when the tapes are played. When weapon comes back in, their stomach curls at the pitying faces surrounding them. Some people are even crying.
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
I love the use of a taser, especially when it isn’t necessary.
Whumpee was going to comply without it but before they can, out of nowhere and without provocation they are stunned into oblivion so that they are then manhandled into whatever it is- dragged back in after being caught escaping or onto the table for the next round of experiments.
If they would’ve waited, whumpee was going to go with them, they were going to comply-
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
characters that become the whumpee for being the strongest one
the contrast of the strongest character being taken down to nothing. stoic characters shaking and gasping in a way that’s so unlike them, fighters left limp and lifeless when they’re needed most
characters who are always on the front line, the point man to every operation, taking down all the threats and enemies and generally the best at what they do until missions go wrong and the team has to scramble to the rescue
living weapons always getting beaten, shot, stabbed. so used to bruises and scrapes and violence until something serious really takes them down, forces them to rely on the help of others or suffer alone with only scraps of help from their handler(s)
the protector gets taken out and the other character(s) have to step up, save them, devise an escape plan while much more vulnerable and disadvantaged without their fighter in commission
caretakers that can barely drag whumpee around, much less carry them. whumpee bleeding out as caretaker desperately heaves their dead weight, blood smearing all over tile, slurred pleas to just leave them behind ignored
begging for whumpee to stay awake while pressing slack and bloody fingers around the hilt of a gun
“Please wake up. Wake up. I need you.”
the strongest character worked to the absolute brink, so drained after all the grueling back to back missions they eventually just collapse
fighter character forced into the ring at the whim of some villain or to save the rest of the team. winning round after round but never given any water, never given the chance to take a break. eventually every punch comes sloppy and misplaced, footing uncoordinated, until finally one hit makes them go down and they don’t come up again
fighting while injured, having no other choice but to protect other character(s) while bleeding all over the place, barely able to lift a gun or reduced to just throwing around the weight of their own body with the blind sheer instinct to survive
the strongest characters feeling like they should be last in line for medical treatment, presumed to be okay when really they're always taking the worst or bleeding out from a hidden wound
the greatest threat treated the harshest by captors. characters so dangerous they’re the first one taken down, drugged or hit the hardest, searched and restrained much more thoroughly than the others
characters whose only role is being the fighter/protector, which makes them expendable and first on the chopping block when the whole team is captured
alternatively, fighter character is whisked off to be used for nefarious purposes while the rest of the team is collateral. forced to commit massacres or countless crimes until they come back injured and the captors refuse any sort of care
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whumpy-daydreams · 1 month
I feel we’ve underutilized how absolutely discombobulating a well placed slap can be. Whumpee is trying to get their courage back, trying to push against the rules whumper has placed, trying to be their old self again. They stand on shaky legs and scream that they will no longer serve whumper, they’d rather die, they’d rather be thrown out into the elements that whumper claims to protect them from. And just as they get into whumper’s face, eyes ablaze with absolute and utter fury-whumper’s large hand lands the hardest, loudest open palm slap to the side of whumpee’s already bruised jaw. Making them lose their footing, they stumble back and yet another slap lands, this time from the opposite side and whumpee trips over something on the floor, landing in a confused pile on the floor. It had happened too fast for their brain to register, had hit so quick the pain took a moment to land. But land it did. Blood trickled from their nose and their now busted lip and they blinked, dazed. This time, when whumper steps forward and raises their hand, whumpee jerks and pulls back. Their newly found courage shrunk down into obedience.
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