wikiangela · 12 minutes
I would like to see Ramon play a big part in bringing Chris and Eddie back together. I want to see the fruit of his and Eddie's labor in repairing their relationship. I want Ramon confident that Eddie is a good dad and the best thing for Chris. I want him facilitating communication between Eddie and Chris. I want him to do it to his own detriment when Helena isn't on his side. Make this nightmare worth it with the character development in the aftermath, I beg.
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wikiangela · 13 minutes
🧑‍🏫 🧑‍🏫🧑‍🏫
🧑‍🏫 teacher buck x mechanic tommy au + 3 from @wikiangela and 1 from @evnnkinard totals 21 lines but i got to the end of the scene (continuation from this excerpt) so.. you'll have to excuse me 🥺
Buck is damn near swooning. “You-you too,” he stammers out. “I would have taken Christopher home but−”
Tommy cuts him off with a nod, “Yeah, Eddie told me,” he says with a sigh. “Well,” he turns to Christopher. “Let’s go? Do you have everything?”
The boy nods. “Where’s my Dad?” he asks as they head for the door. 
“He’s at work, he told me to tell you he’s very sorry he couldn’t come get you.”
“It’s okay,” Chris says. “Can we get ice cream?”
“Sure, bud,” Tommy laughs. He pauses at the doorway, turning around to face Buck. “Sorry again. I’ll see you around?”
Where? Buck wonders, and even the voice in his head sounds desperate. “Yeah, yeah, totally. Bye, Christopher.”
“Bye, Buck!”
Buck shakes his head and goes about collecting his things before he leaves, and he thinks about whether or not it would be inappropriate if he were to ask for Tommy’s number from Eddie the whole drive home.
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wikiangela · 25 minutes
make me write 📝
Hi, thanks to everyone who tagged for this. I’m a bit behind and catching up. So if I haven’t sent asks yet, I’m on my way as fast as my little hippo legs can carry me.
Rules: Send me an emoji corresponding to the WIP - as many as you want - and I'll write 3 sentences for each emoji and share it.
🪩 watch my shattered edges glisten
☀️ weather & time
🐝 come close (let me be home) [Buddie Kanthony Bridgerton au)
🧜‍♂️ run to the water (and find me there) [MerBuck]
✨the darkest fairytale [witch!Eddie/familar!Buck]
thanks for the tags @kitteneddiediaz @lemonzestywrites @diazsdimples @bidisasterevankinard @actuallyitsellie
@theotherbuckley @wikiangela @bucksbiawakening @fortheloveofbuddie @weewootruck
@loveyouanyway @the-likesofus @bi-buckrights @underwaterninja13 @saybiwithme
i feel like everyone has done this by now, but… np tagging @shortsighted-owl @queerbuckleys @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz
@hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @monsterrae1 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything
@thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @a-noble-dragon @tizniz @daffi-990
@shipperqueen6 @spotsandsocks @stereopticons @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999
@filet-o-feelings @lizzie-bennetdarcy @steadfastsaturnsrings @rmd-writes @welcometololaland and anyone else who wants to 😘
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wikiangela · 26 minutes
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buckTUMMY (💓)
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wikiangela · 27 minutes
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this whole scene but this part specifically: tommy with his arms crossed cause he just made a new friend and doesn't wanna lose that, buck opening up about being jealous, tommy opening up as well and walking closer, uncrossing his arms, both of them being so open with each other PLSSSSSSS 🥺
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wikiangela · 34 minutes
🥩 🥩
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omg that's a lot of sentences lol thank you so much bc it was motivating and really moved some fics along haha 💝💝 so here's looots of words for you <3
+ tagging a few people who were also interested in some of those, you'll get sentences for your asks too, but give me time lol, it's a lot of sentences 🤣 (really appreciate it tho, I'm so motivated now, my fics are actually moving along haha <3), for now have these: @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @evansboyfriend @typicalopposite @eddiebabygirldiaz @jewishbuckley @monsterrae1 @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus
putting it all under the cut bc it got long, obviously haha
🥩 🥩 - 6 sentences of the bucktommy barbecue fic
When he walks back into the backyard, grabbing a bowl of salad and a basket of bread on his way, he’s greeted by a pretty great picture. His whole family is around the two tables they put together to fit everyone, getting acquainted with Tommy’s friends. The older children – Christopher, Denny and Mara – sit to the side, chatting between each other, the boys trying to include Mara in their conversation, while the two youngest are right next to Tommy. His boyfriend is at the grill, fire already started, as he tries to keep the girls a few steps away, while they’re excitedly chatting to him. It’s so adorable.  “Hey, girls,” Buck says as he approaches them, wanting to let his boyfriend grill in peace for a moment, “you wanna see something?” he asks, and it’s enough to get two toddlers’ attention.
🏠 🏠🏠🏠🏠 - 15 sentences of the moving in fic
“Something looks different here.” He frowns, looking around. Tommy’s confused, because he hasn’t really changed anything. He furnished his house a long time ago, from time to time changing stuff more out of necessity than anything else, but that’s it. He’s good at renovating, building, fixing, any interior design is not really his forte. He does have a few paintings and pictures, and some knick-knacks from the few places he traveled to, but not much else. He likes simplicity, and he never felt the need to add anything more. Clearly, something must’ve changed, though. “What do you mean?” he asks, seeing a few of the other guys nod in agreement, also looking around.  “It feels, like, cozier, doesn’t it?” Another co-worker, Sean, says with a small frown. “Unlike you, Kinard.” “Did you always have these cushions?” Another person asks, settling into the couch, picking one of said cushions up. It’s fluffy and yellow, and, according to Evan, brightens up the room. “They’re comfy.”
💔 💔💔 - 9 sentences of the buddie cheating fic (we're at the smut point of this fic rn and this is not going well but I'm persevering and istg I'll fix it once I have the basis all written haha)
The door is barely closed behind them before Eddie pushes Buck onto the bed and climbs on top of him, throwing his henley off in the process, so they’re both shirtless. He hovers over Buck for a second, shining brown eyes looking into blue ones, one of his hands reaching to intertwine their fingers. There’s desire mixed with disbelief on his face, but no doubt, no hesitation – that he kind of looks for, the thought that this is wrong, that it shouldn’t be happening, crossing his mind again. But then Eddie’s leaning in again, crushing his lips against Buck like he wants to devour him, his hips grinding against Buck’s, and any doubts, hell, any thoughts, just evaporate. It’s just him and Eddie, no one else exists.  His hands land on Eddie’s hips and slide down to his ass, and, god, he can’t wait to get him naked again. He can’t wait to see all of him, appreciate every detail of his gorgeous body, this time completely sober, and able to remember it fully.  “I need you.” Eddie moans into his lips, rolling his hips again, their clothed erections rubbing against each other. He swallows whatever Buck’s response was about to be in another hungry kiss, before going back to what he started in the living room – trailing his lips down Buck’s jaw, his throat, kisses alternating between soft and lingering, and biting and impatient, then down Buck’s chest, sliding down his body, until he’s face to face with Buck’s zipper.
🥵 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 - 18 sentences of the bucktommy smut - again, this one is not going well bc apparently I forgot how to write smut lol but I'll fix it haha
“You good?” Tommy asks quietly, and Buck nods frantically, his own hand moving to his crotch because if he doesn’t get out of his pants right now – but Tommy grabs his wrist. “Let me?” “Yeah.” Buck keeps nodding. “Just- please, I need you to touch me. Please.” Tommy swiftly undoes the button and zipper of Buck’s jeans, and Buck raises his hips, his hands helping Tommy shove the pants off his ass, satisfied when they stop around mid-thigh, and then he frantically pulls his underwear down, too, his leaking cock springing up against his belly instantly. He sees Tommy look at it and lick his lips, his eyes dark, and, fuck, Buck can’t wait for everything he’s going to give him. But for now, Tommy takes his time sliding Buck’s pants and underwear completely off his legs, muttering something about wanting Buck to be comfortable. Buck couldn’t care less about fabric restricting his legs, or any discomfort, as long as Tommy gets his hands on him.  And then he does – a big, rough, calloused hand, but the gentlest, softest touch, wraps around his dick. Buck inhales sharply, the feeling familiar, his own hands just as rough, but also so totally different.  Tommy looks up at him with big, shining eyes, scanning his face, as he thumbs Buck’s slit and gathers the generous amount of pre-come leaking out. Buck inhales sharply, a moan breaking out of him, not able to look away from Tommy’s face as his hand uses the liquid for an easier slide of his hand, as he starts stroking. His pace is slow, almost tortuously so, his movements deliberate, precise, eyes not leaving Buck’s face.  “Tommy,” Buck groans pleadingly, hand tangling in his soft curls. “Yeah, I got you.” Tommy whispers, his movements steadily picking up pace, still so in control, Buck’s in awe – and even more turned on.
🦵 🦵🦵🦵 - 12 sentences of the leg pain fic
“Looks amazing.” Buck smiles genuinely, though a little weakly, as he reaches for one of the plates. Tommy takes the place on his side- that is, on the other side of the bed, the one he usually sleeps on, that apparently Buck already started referring to as Tommy’s side. It’s not the first time they eat breakfast in bed together, and Buck’s the last person to worry about making a mess, especially right now, but Tommy is, as he hunches over the tray instead of taking the plate into his lap, like Buck did. Buck can’t help an endeared smile. He adores his boyfriend, and all his quirks, as he’s still learning more about him. And the best thing is, it feels like Tommy doesn’t mind any of Buck’s quirks, either – he seems to enjoy getting to know more and more about him, as well. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this free to be himself, and this thought makes him wonder once again why the hell he was so hell-bent on hiding from Tommy that his bad leg hurts sometimes and once in a while it gets bad enough he has to take a day. Tommy gets it, gets him, and Buck feels so lucky to have found him. “The leg feel any better?” Tommy asks, shoving a forkful of the eggs into his mouth.  “A bit.” Buck shrugs. It’s not a lie, it feels like maybe the pain eased up a little bit, the painkillers kicking in, but it’s still very much there, and from experience he knows it’ll come back full force soon. 
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wikiangela · 53 minutes
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the fact that he gushed about tommy to maddie already... SMITTEN
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wikiangela · 5 hours
so buck and tommy are out at a bar, and tommy looks so damn good that buck whispers into his ear that they need to get out of there because he's going to blow tommy under the table if they don't
tommy says hasty goodbyes for both of them and lets buck drag him out to his car, and he's never been more thankful for the tint he installed, because buck's fingers are already working at his fly the second they get in
after one fantastic blowjob later, tommy's got his hand in buck's hair, and buck is making these weird choking noises that alarm him - was that too much? he asks and then buck collapses further into what's now clearly a fit of giggles and whispers you came in a car this time
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wikiangela · 5 hours
call me easily amused but i still think it's so funny to go "who said that" after saying something wildly horny
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wikiangela · 6 hours
you can pry starting sentences with 'and' or 'but' out of my cold, dead hands
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wikiangela · 19 hours
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wikiangela · 1 day
made quite a bit of progress on a few fics today 👀 so thank you to everyone who sent asks 💖 I'll get to them over the next few days and share some of the stuff but i still don't have enough rn haha there's just so many wips and so many ideas idk where to start so i just jump between docs lol
but i got unstuck on the barbecue fic and moving in fic so progress 💪🤣
got quite a few asks for the make me write thing, and i do feel motivated lol but also its a lot so I'll get to it all over the next week (hopefully lol)
(there's a lot about the moving in fic which is where im stuck at the very beginning so I really need to get unstuck 🤣🤣 but i put this wip on the list for this exact reason so no complaints lol)
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wikiangela · 1 day
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Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds: Evolution 'Kingdom of the Blind'
@ilyprentiss @littlecarmine @lovelyy-moonlight @buckleyhans @catgirlspence @moonlight-breeze-44 @ry-kills-jemily @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @eveljerome @blownawcy @falling-forever-in-a-hole @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @charleyspiderman @demonicbaby666 @captkatecastle @lol-lynn @lesbiansguidetoanangryinch @jackiebuckley @inlovewithjemily @babygirl-garcia @j3nniferjareauswife
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wikiangela · 1 day
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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wikiangela · 1 day
If I ask nicely who will rb this telling me what is the last song u listened to 🥺
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wikiangela · 1 day
how many dogs does this man have (Lou)?
honestly not sure. some dogs he just seems to hang out with i guess, but zelda is definitely his, he got her in 2019. he had a dog for a while named daisy who passed in 2018 (i think):
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not sure if the rest are definitely his or not but i’m gonna add them anyways:
so there’s tia:
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ruby or ‘ruby girl’ as he calls her:
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his late ‘nephew’ tyson:
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and then just a few (of many… many) dogs he’s posed with
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i think half the pictures i have saved in my camera roll are of him with random dogs tbh.
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wikiangela · 1 day
The episode "Buck, Actually" is severely underrated. There's so many pivotal moments in this episode that unintentionally foreshadow things to come.
The episode title "Buck, Actually" is based on the film Love, Actually; this film is Tommy Kinard's favorite movie
Buck hooks up with Taylor for the first time in this episode; the first time he met Taylor was when her helicopter crashed; Tommy flies a helicopter
On a call involving one half of an elderly gay couple getting crushed to death, Buck speaks with the other half of the couple whose name happens to be Thomas; Tommy's full name is Thomas
Maddie and Chimney sing "Islands in the Streams" by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers; a cover of the song by Jennifer Love Hewitt plays during Maddie and Chimney's wedding ceremony; Buck introduces Tommy to his 118 family and actual family
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