#love quotation
depraved-raven · 2 days
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disguisedfeelings · 11 months
I am eternally, devastatingly romantic, and I thought people would see it because 'romantic' doesn't mean 'sugary.' It's dark and tormented — the furor of passion, the despair of an idealism that you can't attain.
— Catherine Breillat
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sulasnsleep · 4 months
“and when i grow old and tired, do not leave me. hold me, hold my heavy soul, and rock me until the sun sets and the air turns crisp.”
— sulasnsleep
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motojane · 20 days
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minimalist-quotes · 17 days
Being attracted to someone's way of thinking is a whole different level of attraction.
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v1nuswrites · 16 days
Chapter Three: Party?
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Summary: https://www.tumblr.com/v1nuswrites/749849029310021632/all-my-unconditional-love-carina-x?source=share
Please read the summary before continuing with this fic ^^
Chris x female! OC
Part One, Part Two
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Carina didn’t know why her friends had decided on that particular dare, but Chris' actions soon made blindingly clear to them that it wasn't going to work, and eventually, they gave up. However, that didn't stop people around the school from talking.
All Carina could hear throughout the day was whispering about her and Chris holding hands, most of them ignoring the fact that straight after he tripped her up. She'd already heard so many ridiculous theories by the time lunch rolled around, she practically collapsed onto the groups lunch table, making her embarrassment and annoyance clear.
The group only glanced at each other, Nick smiling sweetly.
"Everything okay?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"Peachy" Carina gritted out, deciding to let it go, the gossip wouldn't last long anyways.
"I just can't believe anyone would think I would go as low as to date Chris" She couldn't help but mutter. However, her direction of thoughts was quickly altered as she noticed just how close Luca and nick were to each other.
Carina turned to Matt. She soon noticed he was looking over at Chris on the other side of the lunch hall. Recently, he had begun to sit next to Soren with the 'popular' group.
"I can't believe Chris doesn't sit with us anymore" Matt said sadly. It was clear that the group shared the same feelings, excluding Carina of course. Still, she felt sympathetic for them, especially Nick and Matt. They hadn't been in separate friendship groups well ... ever.
"Oh by the way guys, Olivia Is holding a party to celebrate the start of Senior year, were all invited so you guys better show up" Maya threatened, clearly trying to keep the group positive.
"Sounds good" Nick replied. He quickly glanced at Luca in a questioning manner, silently asking if he would be coming. Luca nodded in response.
"I'm in" Carina nodded. She actually enjoyed parties most of the time, and she definitely needed to loosen up after the stress and embarrassment of the past few days. Maybe she could even use this as an opportunity to stop those rumours once and for all.
They all sent a pleading look to Matt, knowing he would be the hardest to convince.
"Come on Matt, it's the first party of senior year, you have to be there!" Nick tried to convince him.
"Pleaseeee" Maya and Carina began to beg.
"Fine" Matt gave in smiling.
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Carina looked at herself in the mirror as she zipped up her emerald green midi dress.
Her mother was right, it really did compliment her auburn hair. She didn't know how long she looked at herself in the mirror, mostly out of surprise, but her trance was broken as she heard a honking outside her house. She quickly added some finishing touches to her make up and left the house.
"Great, she's coming"
Carina could already hear Chris' outrage and she had only just stepped out the door. She couldn't help but grin; making him annoyed was one of her favourite hobbies after all.
"Everything okay Chris?" She smiled sweetly, but he could immediately detect its teasing edge.
"Fuck off and turn around" Chris seethed from the passenger seat. Carina couldn't help but think he looked like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
"Oh that wouldn't be much fun now would it?" She replied. Carina honestly didn't recognise herself around Chris, she never acted like this with anyone else, and from what she had seen, Chris didn't either.
"You better stay away from me tonight, I don't need more rumours spreading, its embarrassing enough as is" Chris said as she got into the car.
"Trust me, staying far away from you won't be a challenge" Carina retorted as she sat beside Maya.
"That's enough! You two can get really annoying when you argue. Seriously, I think I'm getting a headache" Matt warned as he continued to drive.
"The Mattitude tonight is crazy" Maya whispered next to Carina and whisper like laughs could be heard from the very back seats - Nick and Luca.
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By the time they arrived at the party, it was at its height. Music was blasting from the speakers around the house and Carina wondered how the police hadn't already been called for a noise complaint. As they entered the house, it was chaos. People were making out in corners, others were taking shots from precious looking vases and a group of guys were sliding down the large staircase using a surfboard.
How innovative, Carina thought dryly.
As Carina walked into the kitchen with her friends, she realised that the backdoors led straight onto the beach, where even more people were. Carina had been to her fair share of parties over the years, mainly thanks to Maya and her many friends, but this one was for sure the biggest she had been to.
She instantly turned to Matt, realising he was picking his fingernails. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture.
"Want a drink?" Carina shouted over the music, hoping it would calm his nerves.
"Please, nothing too strong though" He replied.
As Carina looked around her, she realised Chris was gone. It hit her that he had likely gone straight to Emily, and Carina felt anger well up within her at the idea, but she wasn't sure why.
Ever since they had started high school, Emily and Chris had been dating on and off for years, seemingly relishing in the drama of breaking up and getting back together again shortly afterward. Carina couldn't stand it. She knew all about Emily. She knew how rude she was to everyone but those who she deemed 'good enough'. Over the years, she had tried to tell Chris, but of course he didn't listen to her.
Trying to distract herself from getting angry, Carina poured a cup of whatever she could find on the counter for herself and Matt, handing it to him.
Suddenly, Olivia, the girl who Carina distantly remembered as the host of the party, practically popped up from behind Matts shoulder, nearly scaring Carina to death.
"Want one guys?" She asked as she held out a tray of jello shots. Her voice was bubbly and bright, the kind of voice which would normally make you feel welcome, but Carina could instantly detect the melancholic edge it held. She decided now likely wasn't the best time to ask, she didn't want to upset the girl even more.
Carina had already finished her first drink, so she shrugged and said "Why not?", grabbing one from the tray.
They were delicious.
Carina wasn't sure how many of those jello shots she had, all she knew was they tasted delicious and there were sooo many different flavours... She was listing them in her head; grape, cherry, strawberry ....
Suddenly, she bumped into a strong frame sitting on the floor. She vaguely recognised the figure as one of the football players on the same team as Soren and Chris.
"I'm so sorry!" Carina gasped as she finally realised she had hit him.
"No worries" He laughed, turning his head to her and away from the beautiful view of the ocean.
"Why are you out here all alone?" She asked as she sat down next to him. Normally, Carina wouldn't sit next to a stranger, but the alcohol circulating her system had other plans.
He just shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "No one to sit out here with me I guess"
Carina knew this couldn't be true, distantly remembering he was quite popular within their school.
"Carina" She said simply.
"Joel" He replied.
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They talked for what felt like hours, but Carina knew it could have only been forty-five minutes. Joel was surprisingly great, and easy to get along with. It also helped that they had a lot in common.
She was enjoying herself until she felt a harsh grab at her shoulder, practically dragging her away from Joel.
"Time to go" The voice said casually.
She could recognise that voice anywhere, Chris. Immediately, she tried pulling away from him, but his grip was surprisingly strong considering the fact he wasn't hurting her at all.
"I wasn't done!" Carina exclaimed, annoyed Chris was ruining things for her once again. She immediately turned to Joel who was getting further away by the second. His face was one of pure shock.
"Bummer" Chris said, clearly not caring.
"I thought we agreed to stay away from each other!" She seethed, looking at him. She continued to try and tug her arm away, to no avail.
"You agreed to stay away from me, I said nothing of the sort" He smirked, knowing he had her trapped.
This was why they never agreed on anything.
Well, apart from that one time...
She shook her head to rid herself of the thought and stayed silent as Chris led her out of the house and into the car where everyone was waiting, not letting her go or softening his grip for a second. Carina silently blamed her sudden compliance on the alcohol.
She and Maya were dropped at Carina's house, Maya staying the night for a sleepover. Not that it would be much of one considering the drunken state the girls were in.
When they finally got to her room, Maya stumbled into a medium sized pink box on the floor, a gorgeous velvet ribbon neatly sat atop it.
"What's this?" She giggled as she asked Carina.
"Oh those are the love letters I wrote for Soren years ago, before he rejected me" Carina told her. The whole group knew about her and Soren anyway, they had all helped her through it, so she didn't really see the point in lying.
Maya opened it, trying to read one of the letters but failing, her drunken state causing all the words to swirl and move around the page. Carelessly, she dropped the letter to the floor.
Or, at least, what she must've thought was the floor.
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A/N: This is a bit of a longer chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far :) I'm certainly having a lot of fun writing it and putting my own spin on all kinds of cringey romantic moments! As always, thanks so much for your support <3
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libraryoflanie · 1 year
Flowers and handwritten letters >>>>
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narashikamaru15 · 2 months
I hate you
I hate you for making me feel
I hate you for making me wanting to be close to you
I hate you for taking care of me
I hate it when your eyes go soft when they see me
I hate our eye contacts
I hate you when you kiss me softly
I hate that staying in your arms gives me peace
I hate it when you hold me close
I hate it more when you don't hold me close
I hate it that I have to see you for another three years
because I know I will not find anyone else when you are in front of me everyday
there will be no one else better compared to you
I hate it that everyday I want to kiss you
I hate it when you give me forehead kiss
I hate this feeling of having to hold you close and never to let go
I hate it when I don't return your eye contact
I hate it when i don't look at you
I hate it when you listen to me
I hate it so much when you don't listen to me
I hate your arms so much
I miss sleeping on them
I hate it when I go to sleep I think of you
I hate it when I wake up I think you
I hate that thinking about you makes me cry
and I hate it more when thinking about you makes me happy
I hate you so much when you make me smile
I hate it when I talk to you
and I hate it more when i don't talk to you
I hate it when I miss the little things that we used to do
cheek kisses
hand holding
you keeping your hands on my waist
laughing together
me keeping my leg on your leg
your hand on my cheek
I hate it when I do something for you because it makes me happy
I hate you for doing everything right
I hate that I cannot be mad at you
I hate you so much for not staying
for doing this one thing that I was most afraid of
I hate you for making me suffer everyday
I hate it when i don't see you for days and it makes me anxious
I hate this gut feeling telling me everyday not to give up on you
I hate you for making me fall in love with you
oh how I wish I could hate you
but I know
I never would
never could
not even a little bit
listen to these songs after reading
hope you will like them
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forgodsgoddamnsake · 2 months
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lovely-abeille · 1 year
Only time can tell where the heart leads. So, I keep asking - is this love or am I holding on to you for the sake of it?
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alxraaa · 3 months
If you were a star, I would gaze by the window till dawn✨
-Anna Akhmatova
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depraved-raven · 2 months
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“i did not wait for you—
i didn't know you were coming.
when you walked into my life
i didn't know it was you
because i didn't know there was a you
you were never a list
a goal, a dream or
an expectation—
you were a surprise
a gift, an adventure,
a beautiful new beginning
to a story i never thought l'd have.”
— b. diaz
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disguisedfeelings · 18 days
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Nothing but a dreamer, longing for something he does not understand.
Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus
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geceninbaligi · 1 year
as long as I am breathing you will always be loved
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ratleyland · 2 months
Happiness is a mysterious thing; to be found somewhere between too little and too much!
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sulasnsleep · 10 months
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“[A woman] doesn't want a rich man or a handsome man or even a poet, she wants a man who understands her eyes if she gets sad, and points to his chest and say : 'Here is your home country.'.”
— Nizar Qabbani
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