#the maruaders
lip gloss - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 264
James opened the door of Sirius's apartment to hear multiple laughs and squeals of delight, adorable choruses of children giggling from the sitting room. "Honey, I'm home?" he called jokingly, expecting Sirius to answer back.
But it was a slightly lower voice that answered him. "Er...In here!" the voice called, making James walk quickly into the other room.
When he arrived in the doorway, he took in the scene: four-year-old Harry and Luna were both on the floor sitting in front of Regulus Black, with about twenty different tubes of glitter and palettes of brightly-colored powders spread out on the carpet. Regulus himself was covered in brightly-colored blush, blue eyeshadow, and pink lip gloss that smeared over his chin.
"Sirius had to go help Remus with something, so I came with Luna," the makeup-covered man explained. "We didn't expect you back for a bit, obviously.."
James stifled a laugh. "Wow, Reg. You look..."
But Regulus just scowled. "Not a word, Potter."
But, taking a breath, James broke into a fond smile. He would never admit it, but seeing Regulus acting so sweet, so parental, especially with Harry, pulled at his heartstrings. The secret feelings he had for Regulus only got stronger when he saw the man treat his son so wonderfully.
Plus...the shine on Regulus's lips made them look extra tempting. The entire thing was so endearing, he wanted to sweep the other man in his arms and hold him close. "You look beautiful, Reg," he murmured softly, his voice genuine and without a hint of humor.
And Regulus's already-pink cheeks turned bright red.
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redadidassneakers · 2 days
Marlene: I don’t argue with girls with big brown eyes, they are always right by default
Dorlene: Slytherin will win the quidditch match tomorrow
Marlene: absolutely they will
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a-great-tragedy · 2 days
James potter would never let anyone forget that his son killed Voldemort. Remus and Sirius would be in heaven with him and they would be fighting over something stupid like “Who led the most important life” and James would just be like “WELL MY SON-” and Sirius would yell “SHUT UP, I KNEW YOUR SON LONGER THAN YOU!” And Remus would be wishing he could die a second time.
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veethebeequeen · 5 hours
Sometimes I lie awake at night remembering the fact that Voldemort never actually got to read regulus's letter that he put in the Locket and that makes me really sad
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hailstorm1816 · 1 day
If this is not already a thing, what if we started a trend where we pick a band or singer and assign songs to each character from that band or singer?
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 15 hours
Based on a conversation I overheard at work
Sirius: did your dads ever tell you to stop singing and say “you better stop goin’ soft, you need to be a proper lad”?
James: no! Are you ok?
Peter: my dad signed me up for the boys choir at our local parish
James: …
Sirius: must’ve been nice. He sounds like a good man
Peter: yeah he used to walk me to all my practices and he bought my uniform for my first performance
James: alright then give us a hymn. One of the ones about Mary
Peter: *starts singing ‘somebody to love’ by queen*
*James and Sirius sing along*
*Remus walks in*
Remus: why are you all singing?
Remus: and why is Sirius crying??
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msmk11 · 2 days
Marauders Era Gym HC’s
What I think these crazy kids would get up to at the gym.
A/n: I’m trying to have a more consistent workout schedule and writing this was very motivating for me. Enjoy!
James Potter
- James Potter is 100% an arm day guy. I mean, have you seen how broad his shoulders are? That’s not all natural baby. Whether it’s shoulder, back, chest, or arms, James is doing it. And boy is he strong. He could and would pick you up and throw you around like you weigh nothing because, well, to him- you don’t.
- His arms are so buff, most of his shirts strain under the bulge of his arm.
- When he bear hugs you you are literally smothered in his muscles.
- He’s so strong that he’s not always aware of his strength though..: Sometimes you have to remind him to loosen his grip on you, whether he’s holding your hand or hugging your waist.
- Two words: muscle. tees.
- Veiny hands ;)
Lily Evans
- Lily Evans, conversely, is a leg girl. One, that woman has legs for daysssss oml. But also, her thick thighs?
- Girl can squat 200 pounds easily.
- She also loves the stairmaster and anything that makes her ass looks nice (cuz me too).
- You know that trend where partners work out together and the stronger one finishes off where the other stopped? Yeah, James would give up on legs so fast and just stand in awe as Lily easily passes him and more.
- Those strong legs don’t just look great. They feel great too. If you know what I mean ;)
- Leggings.
Sirius Black
- To no one’s surprise, this man has to have it all.
- According to him, he needs to “look beautiful everywhere.” He does ab day, leg day, arm day, cardio, you name it.
- Sometimes he likes to do all in one day. Tbh he could spend hours at the gym and not get tired because he’s hyperactive.
- This man loves protein shakes like it’s no one’s business.
- Jacked. Literally everywhere. I mean he’s Sirius mf Black for a reason.
- Will listen to any music when he’s working out!
- Low-rise sweat pants
- Stamina. Necessary when Remus is your boyfriend <3.
Remus Lupin
- Remus Lupin, being a werewolf, gets plenty of exercise in his arms and legs. So when he works out, he prefers to do abs. Plus it’s something he’s able to do when the rest of him is sore after transitions.
- Has a six pack but is really good at hiding it. Everyone is always shocked when his shirt rides up while he’s pulling off his sweater.
- Our boy is still a little insecure so he likes to wear long sleeved baggy shirts when he works out.
- Listens to classical music when he exercises because it “grounds him.”
- Once Sirius learns about his six pack, he’s obsessed. Always begging for Remus to be shirtless.
Peter Pettigrew
- You will not catch Peter Pettigrew dead around weights and workout machines because he thinks they’re boring and monotonous as fuck.
- However, Peter loves to be active, particularly in sports.
- Whether it’s basketball, quidditch, football, soccer, etc. Peter will play it.
- He’s eerily good at picking up any sport he learns.
- Why, you ask, is he not on the Gryffindor team? Cuz he chokes under pressure.
- Plus, he wants to play for fun, not for competition.
- If he’s at the gym, you can guarantee he’ll be wearing some sort of graphic tee.
- Also, carries around a ginormous water bottle. Like the 85 ounce ones and downs it so quickly. (Ofc it’s red).
- He has beautiful skin because of how much water he drinks (and everyone’s jealous of it.)
Marlene McKinnon
- Marlene is not against weight training- she does it for quidditch all the time.
- However, she much prefers a workout that stimulates her overactive brain. That’s why she loves rock climbing.
- Not only does it make her ripped, she also likes the challenge of planning out each step, trying not to fall.
- She’s got strongggg fingers ;).
- Super light on her feet and flexible. She can climb those rock walls like a spider monkey.
- Sports drinks like Gatorade get her hyped.
- Opposite of James, Marlene is not broad but incredibly lean. Her muscles are so fucking toned.
- Sports bra with muscle tee.
Dorcas Meadowes
- She could not give less of a fuck about lifting weights. But, she lives and breathes cardio.
- This girl LOVES to run. When it’s nice out she likes to run on trails or around the Black Lake. When the weather is shitty she’ll run on the treadmill.
- And Dorcas doesn’t just casually jog, she likes intense running. While everyone else is struggling to keep up with an incline of 1, she runs at a 6 no problem.
- She has a hella good playlist to run to as well.
- Cardio=sweaty so you can be assured that she’s always in a sports bra and biker shorts. Even if it’s 30 degrees out.
- Girl also has long legs so she runs one mile SO quickly.
- Don’t even ask her to race because she will beat you, every time.
Mary MacDonald
- Mary does not like to workout alone. That’s why she loves exercise classes!
- She loves that with Zumba, she can dance for exercise.
- Girl loves cycling too and will try to convince everyone else to join her for a class.
- Hot yoga? Pilates? She’s there.
- She’ll even sign up for a water aerobics class and make friends with the sweet elderly women there.
- For her, working out is more of a social opportunity than anything. (Though the endorphins are a plus)
- You know Mary has the cutest outfits and leaves everyone wishing they had her clothes.
Pandora Lovegood
- Pandora doesn’t really care about nurturing the body as much as she does the soul and mind. So she’s big into yoga and meditation.
- Honestly, she could, and sometimes does, lead yoga classes for other students in the room of requirement.
- She will do yoga or meditation literally anywhere. Everyone knows not to bother her when she’s doing it.
- Miss girl is flexible though because of it.
- Calmest person you’ll ever meet and will make you try yoga when you’re feeling stressed. (Regulus pretends to hate it but secretly loves when she makes him do it.)
Regulus Black
- This man literally refuses to work out besides when he’s playing quidditch.
- Yet, he’s still fucking fit? Damn Black genes.
- Oh, he does get a lot of exercise from his late night brooding walks by the lake.
- Starting to do yoga a little with Pandora.
- If he does work out, he won’t go to a gym because he hates working out with other people.
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being a marauders fan is a red flag.
it’s also an orange flag.
and a yellow flag. and a green, a blue and a purple one.
you’re gay.
happy pride month.
i love you.
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ilophilia · 18 days
Barty: Is your dick big enough for you to act the way that you do?
Evan: Yes.
Barty: Let's see it then.
Evan: Fine.
Barty: He can keep acting the way he does.
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yourgalgremlin · 1 month
Fleamont Potter who makes a plan the day he takes in Sirius Black as his own son in 1975.
Fleamont Potter who waits until James makes Regulus his son-in-law to make a heartwarming “father-of-both-grooms” speech at their wedding reception.
Fleamont Potter who leaves said wedding reception to go find Orion Black in his swanky members-only billiards hall—saying:
“Hello, my name is Fleamont Potter. You abused my kids, Sirius & Regulus. They’re fine now, but the same can’t be said for you.”
& then breaks Orion’s kneecap in with his own pool cue.
[The vision]
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ration - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 224
"Regulus!" James called, catching up to the shorter boy in the corridor and grabbing his elbow.
"What, Potter? I have Potions," Regulus scowled, a bored look on his face.
But James was too focused on the rumor he heard. "Did you really tell Cassidy Furman you would 'reach down her throat and pull her intestines out of her mouth' if she tried to kiss me again?"
Regulus blinked, but didn't look at all contrite. "Yes. Why?"
Resisting the urge to laugh, James asked patiently, "Reg. Do you think that was rational? I mean, it was a party, and maybe she didn't know about us, or-"
But Regulus took a large step forward, causing James's back to bump into the wall and his breath to quicken with need. "Potter. She knew about us. And I think, since she's leaving you alone now, it was quite rational. Don't you?"
Heartrate quick in his throat and eyes locked with the gray that made him melt, James nodded quickly, trying not to grin. "I just don't want anyone scared, love."
"They don't need to be scared, Jamie," Regulus replied sweetly, resting a hand on his chest and smirking. "As long as they keep their hands to themselves."
And, as Regulus turned and talked towards the dungeons, James tried not to think about how turned on Regulus's jealously made him.
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redadidassneakers · 15 hours
Effie: go to a strip club?
James: no I robbed a bank. Bloody hell, I’m a thief not a slut
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a-great-tragedy · 2 days
Sirius would have major war flashbacks after he found out Harry was dating his best friend’s sibling
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chrissy0689 · 15 days
evan rosier is a FREAK and barty crouch junior is a SLUT
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jameskinniesrise · 1 month
Sirius: Bro- Remus : No, no, hold up, rewind. Remus : My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
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veethebeequeen · 9 months
No the real reason that Sirius didn't go insane when he was in Azkaban is because he and barty just constantly talked shit about people who they hated from Hogwarts, and it was probably a little like this
Sirius: Barty
Sirius: hey Barty do you remember Corban and Maria from school
Barty: yeah
Sirius: well I read in the prophet that they are getting a divorce because he cheated on her with her cousin
Barty: no!
Sirius: yes!
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