00-5 · 9 years
QUICK NOTE, I’m leaving in a few minutes to another country, and I’ll be back in January. I will have a computer, but I don’t know how often I’ll be able to connect to the internet, so replies will be slow, probably. Anyway, have a nice day everyone!
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00-5 · 9 years
      Oh it feels weird to be called lady by someone who looks so young and probably is as young as they look. It definitely makes Natasha’s insides squirm because it makes her feel old even though she’s only 25. She fights back a smug smirk as she arches a brow. His reply makes it clear she’s made her point which is even more amusing when he changes the topic.
  “Only if I know I’ll win.”
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— ❛ Here’s one thing you won’t win at,                                             FIGHTING. ❜
And maybe he’s slightly annoyed; because when he decides to whip his fists out, and especially against a girl, it means business. His whole, short life, he’s been taught that violence does help, and even though KILLING is out of the question ( or else Batman’s going to leave him out of missions once more ), a beating never fails to solve problems.
— ❛ But I wouldn’t want to hurt you, so we don’t need to prove that point. ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
"You're a complete moron!" - Hanbi
one free ticket to [ shout at a child ] !!
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— ❛ When I was SIX, I used to read SHAKESPEARE. ❜
There was one thing-- ONE thing that ticked him off more than being shunned by villains. Damian was well aware of his intellect, and more times than not, he couldn’t resist rubbing it in people’s faces. It wasn’t that he wanted to, but sometimes it was the only way of shutting people up. And so, when NORMAL beings insinuated he was less intelligent than a pile of shit, storms roared and buildings collapsed.
— ❛ What did YOU do when you were six,other than whining for a hot glass of milk? ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
[ okay, so I finally have a verses page and I also decided to make Damian his real age, aka 10 years old. What stopped me was that Hansol didn’t look 10, but I considered the fact that Damian has been training his whole life and is quite fit and tall (genetics truly), and he even weighs more than Tim Drake anyways, so technically...Hansol could look like a ten year old if said ten year old was Damian.
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00-5 · 9 years
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“April showers bring May flowers,                         at least, that’s what Batman used to tell me.”                                                                                                                  ―00-5
Keep reading
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00-5 · 9 years
"...But I like Robin better."
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— ❛ Well, he is stronger than BATMAN,...but still. Just a sidekick. ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
"Knock it off!"
one free ticket to [ shout at a child ] !!
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— ❛ I’ll knock your HEAD right off if you yell at me one more time! ❜ His day had been a huge mess, being left out for the nth time of going on a mission with his father, excuses being Damian needed rest, or whatever he spew out. So the young boy, instinctively, went out to buy toys for his huge dog, though being lost in his own thoughts had made him step on the back of a stranger’s shoe ten times out of twelve steps.
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00-5 · 9 years
Slides in.
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— ❛ Need a real hero?             Call BATMAN. ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
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   RATTLE ME BONES! the official halloween party at the justice league HQ is officially underway! drinks are prepared, food is delivered, the soothing tones of ‘monster mash’ are present… everything is ready for you to ENJOY and get spooked… IN SPACE! 
HOW DO I PARTICIPATE AGAIN? tag your starter calls/opens with  ‘  EVENT: watchtower halloween party. ‘ visit this LINK to see who else has posted a starter call related to this event and write with whom you want! visit ‘/tagged/event: watchtower halloween party.’ regularly because tumblr has fucked up tracking tags so you gotta do it all manually… smfh!
WHO CAN JOIN? everyone! more info here!
WHEN WILL THE EVENT END? keep it going for as long as you like!
I GOT MORE QUESTIONS!!! hit me up, friend! my inbox is here!
      feel free to reblog this post ( or the official one ) to let everyone know you’re participating! happy partying, don’t get too wasted and stumble out of the airlock!
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00-5 · 9 years
Being tan and/or having green eyes has nothing to do with being arabic? wtf
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[ ^that’s what people use as an excuse when they’re picking a faceclaim or when they’re whitewashing lmao. They use the ‘not all x people look like x!’ 
Of course, not all arabic people are tan, but they’re not WHITE either. Those who speak arabic and have whiter skin are middle-easterners (and then again, not all have whiter skin, but you get the gist), there is a difference.
Being pale =/= being white. I’m an arab, and my country has both extremely dark to extremely pale, but the skin is kind of yellow-ish, brown, pale. Not ‘white’ pale. So yes, not all arabs are tan, but they’re definitely not white.
It’s like when they used Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia. Like...if you’re not gonna be accurate anyway, why not just use a poc? Or in Exodus with Joel Edgerton. Or all of the Bible (Jesus, Moses,) movies with all of the white actors.
It’s almost as if...being darker was considered bad. They refused Idris Elba for 007 just because he looked too ‘street’. Idris is like the most elegant man I’ve ever seen wtf.
Then people tell me they’re trying not to follow the stereotype that most ‘non-whites’ are dark, but what’s wrong with that stereotype? 
As for the green eyes...It was more specifically for Damian’s case. Because as I mentioned, all robins got the Wayne blue eyes. But to be honest with you, I’ve seen more arabs with blue & green eyes than anyone else (I, myself, have green eyes).
Also, don’t forget that Damian grew up with his mother, in a place where the sun is stronger than in the US, so of course he’d get tan, or at least darker, naturally if he wasn’t already.
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00-5 · 9 years
Your faceclaim fits Damian the most, imo. Roleplayers whitewash too much, sadly.
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[ Well, it’s hard to bee 100% accurate with faceclaims because technically, Damian is 1/4 Arabic, 1/4 Chinese and 1/2 Scottish. Personally, I picked Hansol as fc because he has this bratty, arrogant-but-cute look, and that’s how I see Damian, but other than that I’m probably as ethnically wrong as the other roleplayers lol. Of course, it would be cool to see a more arabic looking Damian, because he is tan and has green eyes, so there’s that.
Even DC is guilty of whitewashing. I think it’s really in RSOB that they made him tanner and changed his eye color (from blue to green). That’s a good step! But then again, DC is known to make their Robins copies of Bruce, aka black hair & blue eyes, which sucks because they do have non-white characters who’re well made and developed, but yeah.
They had a really great opportunity with Damian because he’s mixed, and I think they just recently realized. Perhaps the same’ll happen with roleplayers? I also realized that rpers with POC faceclaims had more difficulty getting interactions and threads, and there’s still that problem we need to take care of before pinpointing which character should be poc and which shouldn’t be.
But hey, a faceclaim shouldn’t stop you from roleplaying with them, unless you have a REAL problem with said faceclaim (aka color of skin isn’t a REAL problem).
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00-5 · 9 years
— ❛ I’m a COP ( if you couldn’t tell ),                     and you’re under arrest. ❜
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No, he definitely did not like Halloween. He found it STUPID and dressing up was DUMB, and the candy wasn’t even WORTH the miles he’d need to walk.
                               But he was still a kid nonetheless.
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00-5 · 9 years
LIKE and not only will I read through your muse(s)’s about page & rules page, but I’ll reply to one of your open starters or send you a meme if the former’s not available :-)
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00-5 · 9 years
"I could kill you right now!"
one free ticket to [ shout at a child ] !!
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— ❛ What’s stopping you? Prison time or, let me guess, ❜
How FIGHTS boiled his blood. He was very literally created to assassinate, and as much as he pushed his instincts aside, they’d arise in one shot whenever someone threatened him. His fists were shaking in thrill, and nothing could stop him-- the hammer of justice is unisex, as his father would ( most probably ) say.
                                                            ❛ ...the fact that you know you’d fail? ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
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— ❛ Says you. ❜ He lets out a short snicker, half awkward and half uncomfortable, mostly because he hoped she didn’t realize how much he was pushing the conversation onto her-- for some reason, talking about himself wasn’t his favorite hobby. Relaxing for him probably meant letting everything go and crying in someone’s lap for a few-- hours. Though he’d have to kill said person afterwards, for safety measures. ❛ A break usually means stopping EVERYTHING you’re doing and taking a hot bath or something! Gotta be in an almost vegetative state; that’s a break. ❜
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           “You can’t be so hard on yourself though…” Of course it was easier to say than do, but he was too young to worry about those kind of things. Sera had the feeling that it could affect him later when he was older. She hoped she was wrong. His words had her avoiding his gaze for a couple of seconds before looking back at him, tilting head a little as her shoulders lifted a little. “Not that I don’t take a break… Uh… Maybe. I mean, my head can’t ever stop so I take all chances to be productive. Is it considered not taking a break…?”
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00-5 · 9 years
continued from here. @yumipng​
“I really like the hash brow–” before Yumi can finish her company mandated recommendation, she was cut off by the kid’s rude interjection. Granted, Yumi did have a rambling habit, but they have really been pushing this all day breakfast thing, and she was only doing her job. “Excuse me?” she asked, forcing a smile as she locked her cold, dead eyes with his. She’s not paid enough for this.
— ❛ I said please. ❜ The corner of his lips turned into a small smile, a cute one, because when he tries he actually can look cute, but he was more amused by the fact that she couldn’t do anything to him. Perhaps because she couldn’t quite reach him, though that’s another story. 
It had been a long day, tending to his father’s needs as he was going through his post-wasn’t-able-to-save-someone depression. Damian had to be reminded countless times that being a hero also meant buying food for your father; it wasn’t about kicking people’s asses all the time. 
        ❛ Anything to feed a, uh.. ❜
                                 ❛ Hm, how much is the.. ❜
                                                                ❛ What’s, uhm.. ❜
B l a n k. His whole life he had been cooked 3-star meals, never having to step foot into a kitchen, and the sheer realization of him needing her help twisted his guts enough for him to mumble an almost inaudible ❛ Sorry. ❜
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00-5 · 9 years
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— ❛ Lady, ❜
And then he had nothing to say, nada. It never happened-- he always had something either witty or just all-around bratty to say, and now his mind was blank. Well, other than the fact that she was completely right, though he wasn’t about to say that. No, never.
❛ Is arguing with a teen in your to-do list? ❜
    His words make her narrow her eyes slightly as she looks down at his legs.
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        “Funny because they look like tights to me. You know even guys were tights these days, ballerinas and acrobats do it all the time. There’s no shame in it.”
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