008chrisbailleul · 2 months
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008chrisbailleul · 2 years
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008chrisbailleul · 2 years
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008chrisbailleul · 2 years
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How it feels to turn into a Werewolf; so after your injuries heal (and it doesn't ALWAYS happen miraculously fast), it starts as just thoughts...or whatever you think thoughts are. Sometimes it's triggered by hunger, other times by an attractive woman (depending on what you're into, I'm into chick's), other times it's anger. The thoughts then start to talk to you. "I'm coming for you", "I'm down the street", "I'm in the next room", "I'm in the room with you". At first the thoughts are easy to ignore...but eventually you start to think you're losing your mind. You go talk to a professional and they chalk it up to PTSD and give you pills. The medication works for a few weeks and you start to feel like your old self...sort of. You go out with friends to try to feel normal, but you start to feel sick, like the flu or something. You go home to rest, but you can't get comfortable. You're agitated, you're sweating profusely and you feel anxious, your guts are doing cartwheels and your mouth is dry. Then all of a sudden your senses become overwhelmingly acute...you can hear your neighbors on either side of you talking while they eat. You hear their chewing, you can smell their food. You catch a faint scent of fecal matter and cologne, your male neighbor just farted at the dinner table. You smell your female neighbor and her boyfriend. He just drank and beer, and she has the scent of him and another man on her as well as estrogen. She had had sex before coming home to him. All the sounds becoming overwhelming and your head starts to throb. As you're doubled over on the floor trying not to throw up, you feel like you've been lit on fire and start sweating so much you think you're about to melt or spontaneously combust. Your flesh starts to tingle and it feels like a million needles are pushing outward from under your skin. Your eyes focus long enough to see thick course body hair ripping through your flesh. That's when your bones start to pop out of their joints in your hands as they grow to twice the length of their natural size. You feel your spine start to curve into a question mark while your shoulders snap out of their sockets and spread. Your spine creaks and crackles as your vertebrae stretch as both your legs dislocate from your hips to accommodate their new forward position to make running on all fours easier. All the while the flesh on your face bubbles and undulates as your facial structure rearranges the bones in your upper and lower mandibles to make room for the teeth that protrude from the sneering growling maw that was once your mouth. Then a calm washes over you as the pain slowly drains from your body. As you slowly stand up, all you joints crackle, snap and pop into place as your new body syncs with your new nervous system and your new nervous system syncs with your razor sharp and laser focused mind. That's when you realize that the human part of your psyche still exists, but is no longer cluttered with fear, guilt, hate, heartbreak or love. Your new mind craves Nothing but the Hunt.
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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For those looking for advice on almost every hard headed person
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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For those looking for the perfect response to the ex's accusations
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
Why you never cut people off on purpose...sometime's karma is watching and acts swiftly!
Instant karma
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
I just want y'all to know that this dude is a marine corps and pizza delivery vet who happened to invent modern body armor
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
I melted my Drone for this video | Iurie Belegurschi
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008chrisbailleul · 3 years
Arguing with your dog. 
source: Curtis George Instagram/panicstream entertainment
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008chrisbailleul · 4 years
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008chrisbailleul · 4 years
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008chrisbailleul · 4 years
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