012612 · 7 years
SAKURA-CHAN // innerblade.
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❛ YOU KNOW — ❜ inflection pulls the tongue ; the words ; her toes to tip her higher . wavering in the distance that no matter how short , remains a DISTANCE . ❛ i’m sure naruto wouldn’t mind if i stole you away for a bit of girl time before he gets you all to himself ! ❜
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“sakura-chan!” it’s almost a whine in her cadance, the sound fading to almost nothing. Color comes to her cheeks as she walks to stand beside the other girl. “everyone talks like that lately,” hinata mumbles, fingers running though long hair, brows pressing together in ABSENT worry. “like naruto is a dragon who’s going to hoard me away.”
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012612 · 7 years
UZUMAKI KARIN // sinaesthesias.
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she sits, awkwardly, and for a minute she thinks this might have been a bad idea. karin is too harsh; too brash; hinata is the complete opposite of karin. but– something drove karin to seek out hinata, and she never turned her back once she had set her mind to something. it doesn’t stop karin from wanting to run and hide however. she probably shouldn’t have brought up orochimaru-sama. didn’t he attack the leaf during the chuunin exams? she’s certain, hihnata would probably have some sort of amisoity towards the snake. after all, most of konoha has and definitely has some towards people who aided him. but she passes over her comments and karin’s never been so thankful. at least, not about not having to talk about something. she knows the other is thinking, and karin isn’t worried. despite the rumored of her being impatient, karin isn’t. not really. she’s short tempered, yes, but, patience, she has loads of. unless of course, it’s suigetsu or someone close to her. she blinks, and then she nods. she’s not use to others wanting to help her, and she speaks, light with friendlesness. ( she figures it might be the best way to get closer to the hyuuga. ) “alright. i’ll follow you. “
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“------ eto...” her thought drags but she lets them lapse into silence as she starts, casually, towards the training ground she’s being go to with kiba and akamaru since she was properly a child. it feels like so long now that the branches of these trees had been as much if not more her home than the hyuuga compound had been. “i used to love this place,” she offers instead, under her breath. keeping the blush away is something of a feat in and of itself but when they get into the clearing proper the forest seems to sing around them. even the low hum of shino’s bugs, their tiny little chakra signatures dancing at the edges of her unaugmented vision.
she motions karin forward, smiling in her faint, gentle way. “could you locate my chakra points? as... quickly as you can. it’ll be okay if you disable one. try not to go for anything too important.” she knows that karin wouldn’t go straight for anything major, at least she feels certain about it. this is a trust exercise and for all that their world is unkind konoha breeds trust into it’s young. the village, the people of your village, will not hurt you. hinata still believes that after everything.
“if you can’t do that, you can always try completely severing the chakra pathways but i... i can’t plan test dummy for that one,” she says, an attempt at humor with her smile pulling up at the corner to match.
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012612 · 7 years
NARUTO // assarihero.
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“Hey! ‘Nata you made it!” He waves much more than necessary, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “Don’t worry about it! I mean like, I’m usually the late one so like, No way i’d get mad for you being a lil slow.” He grins broadly and gives her a very dorky thumbs up ( shhh, he thinks it’s very cool ) .
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For what it’s worth, Hinata thinks the thumbs up is cute, if not quite cool. Color tinges her cheeks and she gathers the courage she’s found in recent months. “Thank you, Naruto... I’m glad you waited.” Because that comes too, the ability to gather herself by her boot straps and breach that distance she’d put between them in the past. “Ano ------ do you... have somewhere you want to go?” it should be her choice this time around, but she’s more than happy to let HIM choose. All she wants is to see him so happy he seems as though he might burst at any moment.
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012612 · 7 years
* HYUUGA. the smallest of starter calls!
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012612 · 7 years
KARIN // sinaesthesias.
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if there is anything karin doesn’t like, it’s asking for help. being dependent on another person; if you ask her, it gets you nowhere in life. it’s a lesson she had to learn the hard way, and a lesson she still takes to heart today. in otogakure, growing up, it was every person for themselves, down to eating and if you got in the way you got killed. simple as pie. however, konoha is not as ruthless as otogakure. ( although, if you ask her, konoha is a lot more underhanded then otogakure. while otogakure has the deceny to stab you in the front; konoha seems like the kind to stab you in the back. a weak move. ) however, sasuke comes from here. sasuke trusts these people. ( to some extent anyways. karin doesn’t see why on that also, considering what they ut him through. ) sakura trusts them– naruto trusts them, people all over the nations have changed for better due to naruto. so she’s willing to somewhat take a chance. she’s willing to dive into her own abilities, ones that she’s kept hidden from everyone, to learn and become closer with these people. to be …invaluable, because karin has learned you get nowhere without being of value to people. “i can see chakra,” she begins, slowly, brows furrowing. “i can’t see the pathways, but— when working under orochimaru, i learned where they were so i could—,” she stops and thinks better of her statement. it’s best not to frighten the girl she’s trying to get help from. “well- anyways, i learned where they were for orochimaru. i know all the pressure points and chakra points for pleasure and pain, and i’m not asking for you to teach me your fighting style exactly, just something that utlitizes my own abilities.” “i have a hard time seeing people as they are; to me, they’re more blinding because such as when i look at you, i can make you out, but i see your chakra more. does that make sense?”
she only heard of orochimaru second hand since he’d lingered in the village during those painful chuunin exams so long ago.
he was the one who’d destroyed konoha when she was just a genin, taken sasuke from their village, and RAISED him to some extent, forged him in the sort of hate she’d never understand. so many people question naruto still on his choice to forgive sasuke but hinata.... she gets it, to some extent at least. the gentleness of naruto’s heart was mirrored in her own. she’d seen what hate had done to neji, and his naruto had helped him turn away from his as well.
hinata makes a noise of understanding ------ she’s shy, never unintelligent, the leap is easily made on just what she knows of orochimaru and the experiments he’d once done. it might be the wrong leap, but it’s the quickest, and it doesn’t change how she feels about helping the other girl.
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“if you know where chakra is, and already know the chakra points ------ it shouldn’t be hard for you to pick something up. the - the basic has always been chakra control,” she explains away, and it should be fine because karin is a medic, and medics always seem to have a measure of chakra control. if she could learn it, karin certainly could, if not. she pauses for a second, trying to think how how she wants to say what’s lingering on her tongue and hoping the pause doesn’t irritate her listener.
“ano... you could... come to the training ground with me? maybe if you can see what i do and it might help. a lot of it has to do with... how we stop the chakra point from functioning. if you watch the exchange of chakra, maybe we could try and adapt it for you,” without leaning on gentle fist, goes implied, though it might come close. “i’m ------ i’m more than willing to help though, karin-san, please let me help.”
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012612 · 7 years
She nods, fingers tapping in an unknown pattern. Eyes move to the other, narrowing. Trust was something that karin had been taught not to give--konoha is warm however, and she let's her feelings sink into her chest to ignore. "yes... I can see a persons chakra even if they're many miles away." A beat, "I was wondering..." Embarrassment turns her face red, "if you could help me learn to fight better up close instead of me just punching. I want to utilitize my ability with more than just sebons."
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hinata glances at her, curious. as it sinks in though, she has to quash down a small swell of pleasure at being asked to instruct, then pride. she forgets sometimes, that the skills her family bestows on it’s members are WORTHY of her pride. hanabi might be the future heir to their house but she’s still —— she’s still main branch, entrusted with all the knowledge of her family’s techniques with the hard won ability to use them. asking HER seemed like a gamble to hinata, but that was just because she constantly undersold her own ability.
she could teach karin, assuming the other woman’s ability comes within striking distance of her own.
“how… accurate is your sensing ability? can you see the chakra pathways, or just the chakra itself?” if she can sense pathways it’d just be… well it’d be mostly anatomy lessons to supplement her lack of seeing the chakra points. that, hinata has always been told, is unique to byakugan.
it’d probably be nothing more than the branch family would be allowed to learn —— she doesn’t think she could get hanabi or his father to agree to much more. but karin is a war orphan, isn’t she? or at least similarly clanless, alone. after a flutter of pity, then apprehension, she focuses on the positives. hinata enjoys teaching, and if konoha has taken the other girl in, she deserves to be able to defend herself.
“i’d have to get otou-sama to agree. it probably wouldn’t be more than is taught to the branch family… but i… i think he might agree.” because the hyuuga are trying to turn a new leaf as well, and this would go a long way. hinata doesn’t want her too hopeful though and quickly tempers her own growing excitement. “at least —— to just the basics of gentle fist. maybe not the associated special techniques. it’d help you though, if you have the aptitude for it.”
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012612 · 7 years
"Hinata," karin begins, crimson eyes sweeping over the other, her nose wrinkling a bit at her sweater, "I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had. Tell me about your clans jutsu first?? Like, how does it work?"
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it’s a HEAVY question, isn’t it? the workings of her clan’s dōjutsu. hinata shifts from one foot to the other and touches her cheek, feeling the ridge of her eye socket while she tries to think about how exactly to word it without breaching the trust that her father, her family had put in her. but karin —— she’s a respected medic, isn’t she? and hinata, she’d tell sakura if sakura asked, it seems disrespectful not to feel the same about karin.
“well,” she trips over the word, losing the first syllable to her stutter. ( it’s improving these days, it’s improved a lot, now it’s just a problem with strangers. )
“it’s a dōjutsu. naruto-kun, sasuke-san, they say it’s the partner to the sharingan. it… it allows you to visualize chakra and it’s pathways, which can be used to shut them down, and see three hundred and sixty degrees. you’re a tracker type nin, right, karin-san? we’re good at that too though i’m ——” she had been about to say not as good as neji-niisan, but a quiet smile tempers her anxiety in a way only sadness can.
“i’m still improving,” she says instead, running her fingers up her cheek and through her hair. “can i ask your idea, karin-san, if you need more information?” what she’d given was the basics —— about what any competent konoha-nin knows of the byakugan.
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012612 · 7 years
* HYUUGA. one day hinata and naruto are going to have to explain why sakura sometimes comes out of their room in the morning when sarada, boruto, and himawari swear she went to her own room last night. but for they’re just going to keep being thankful the kids aren’t old enough yet.
and yes, in the world i live in naruto, sakura, and hinata all live in one house and co-parent. it’s a wonderful, healthy polyamorous relationship. allow me to throw queer confetti everywhere.
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012612 · 7 years
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toes press to ankle, knee presses to knee. hinata’s nervous posture is something she’s never going to totally shake. “i’m ------ so sorry! you haven’t been waiting long, have you?” she takes deep breaths, clearly she'd run half the way here.
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