0522suho · 4 months
just gonna delete the posts since i havent received any help..
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0522suho · 4 months
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0522suho · 4 months
hello my friend can you help my family pleas
Of course! I'd love to help.
To my followers, yet another legit fundraiser to support which MASSIVELY needs your help as they are not even close to their goal.
Tahani AlShorbaje is a mother of 3 who who lost her home and everything she owns. She has had her family torn apart as a result of this genocide. While she and her children were able to go to Egypt, her husband was unfortunately unable to leave and remains trapped in Gaza. They need funds to help her husband leave as well as to help her and her children survive in Egypt.
Currently this fundraiser is at only $40 out of $50,000. Please let's try and get her a miracle. Donate if you can. Any amount would be amazing. And PLEASE share this fundraiser.
Tahani can be reached on her Tumblr @tahanishorbaje and on her instagram @/tahanisharif
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0522suho · 4 months
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0522suho · 4 months
somebody will rightfully notice that europeans are really fucking weird about romani people and there will always be 1 person in the comments going "okay it's not racist, you just don't understand, bleeding heart americans, i promise my brother tony had an experience which proves they're all raping theives and hitler was right about them" and not seem to be aware of how much they sound like americans talking about black ppl
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0522suho · 4 months
Vetted family fundraiser masterpost 1
Version date: May 2nd 2024.
This is a masterpost for the evacuation fundraisers I've vetted so far. The numbers next to the names have no significance beyond ease of navigation for me for when I check their progress in the future. You should look at the disclaimers instead and focus on those. Occasionally I will update these with new info, including new fundraisers, and the amount of cash that's been raised. Check in regularly on the original post when you see it being reblogged. In all likelihood once its reached you it's already outdated. This post is part of this masterpost series compiling fundraisers for Ghazzah and Sudan. I focus on Ghazzah as I am Palestinian and am more equipped to do verifications as I'm more familiar with my own country and its politics and dialect, but if I know a fundraiser for a Sudanese family is legit I will include it here.
Walaa Abusamra (1). 10 family members. 28.4k out of 80k €.
Ezzideen Shehab (2). 6 family members. 9.7k out of 32.5k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Madleen Abu Jayyab (3). 4 family members. 18.7k out of 70k USD.
Jehad Shehada (4). 1 individual. 3.5k out of 15k CAD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Aser Alassar (5). 5 family members. 405k out of 550k SEK. Or 37k out of 51k USD.
My friend Mona Abu Hamda (6). 9 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Mohammed Shamia (7). 7 family members. 10.7k out of 35k USD.
Abdullah Al-Saghir (8). 9 family members. 68.2k out of 100k €.
Randa Abubakr (9). 6 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Fadi Alshrafi (10). 9 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Osama Abdelrahman. (11). 9 family members. 44.7k out of 45k €. (1 CHRONICALLY ILL CHILD, NEEDS TREATMENT) NEARLY COMPLETE. ONLY 281€ LEFT.
Alhaw family and the Albittar family (12). Between 18 and 12 family members. 8.8k out of 90k €. (EXTREMELY LOW, NEEDS FUNDS)
Verified Fundraiser by Palestine Asdiqa to help a malnourished baby with cerebral palsy. (13) 7.7k out of 31k USD. (URGENT + CHRONICALLY ILL CHILD, NEEDS TREATMENT)
Rana Abu Ahmed (14). 6 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Mohammed Abu Matar (15). 6 family members. 13.4k out of 34k CAD.
Moataz Abu Sakran (16). 3 family members. 12.4k out of 20k $ ORIGINAL CAMPAIGN COMPLETE, NEEDS TRANSFER FEES COVERED. 629$ out of 5k needed.
Ayah Abu Sidu (17). 10 family members. 15.8k out of 50.4k USD.
Said Fadel (18). 7 family members. 19.7k out of 50k USD.
Tasneem Nabil Musa (19). 7 family members (ALL INJURED, NEED MEDICAL CARE.) 10.5k out of 50k USD
Belal Azmi Msallam (20). 14 family members. 7.1k out of 160k AUD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mortaja Family (21). 11 family members. 28k out of 70k €.
Abu Ramadan family (22). 14 family members. 10k out of 148k €.
Mai Rajab (23). COMPLETED ✅
Amal Abu Shammala (24). 4 family members. 33.7k out of 42k €.
Maryam & family (25). 30.3k out of 50k USD.
Haneem Abdelhalim (26). 8 family members. 31.8k out of 40k USD raised.
Ahmed Masoud (27). 12 family members. 10k out of 60k €.
Mohammed Fareed (28). 30.2k out of 60k CAD.
Lena Nofal (29). 42.5k out of 44k € (NEARLY COMPLETE, original family registered to evacuate, extended family are being helped now)
Rasheda Alfaiomy (30). 6+ family members. 27.5k out of 65k USD.
Ula El Hindi (31). 1+ individuals. 8.6k out of 15k €.
Muhammad Safi (32). 5+ family members. 4.5k out of 30k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Yazan Khalaf (33). 18 family members. 16.9k out of 40k USD.
Afaf Masoud (34). 5+ family members (2 evacuated). 83.8k out of 110k €.
Motasem Khayal (35). 5 family members. 1k out of 43k € (26.5k needed for escape.) EXTREMELY LOW, NEEDS FUNDS.
Youseff Abu Saeed (36). 3 family members (1 is already out for treatment). 155k out of 200k USD.
Abdulaziz & Abdullah, escape & surgery (37). 2+ family members (1 has already been treated, 1 NEEDS TREATMENT). 96.3k out of 150k BP.
Nadine Abdullatif (38). 8 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Sami Salhab (39). 6 family members. COMPLETED ✅
Jehad Al Ghandour (40). 5 family members (1 already evacuated). 31k out of 100k USD
Mahmoud Algharabli (41) COMPLETED ✅ (check last section for more info)
Dr. Marah & family (42). 2+ family members. 7.2k out of 40k USD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Khaled Alshabrawi (43). 5 family members. 1.5k out of 35k € (25k needed for escape, but will begin with 10k for stable housing). LOW ON FUNDS.
Muhammad Osama Alzaq (44). 5 family members. 3.1k out of 60k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Mohammed Wishah (45). 7 family members + 1 pet. 7.9k out of 71.5k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Muhe Ayman (46). 5+ family members. 6k out of 60k €. (CAUTION: If you scroll down in the GFM there are photos of mutilated and dead babies.) LOW ON FUNDS.
Abdallah Animal Rescue (47). 1 individual + lots of pets. 34.5k out of 40k USD. (NEARLY COMPLETE)
Haya Orouq (48). 5 family members (1 injured, NEEDS TREATMENT). 35.9k out of 50k.
Retaj Abu Abdo (49). 8 family members. 9.1k out of 60k USD.
Mohammed Zyad (50). 9 family members (1 MISCARRIAGE). 5.6k out of 40k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Souad Al-Kurdi (51). 5 family members (1 DIABETIC W/O INSULIN, CRITICAL, 1 INJURY). 3.7k out of 50k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Mahdy Zourob (52). 1 individual. 622 out of 20k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed Alboji (53). 5 family members. 78.4k out of 100k USD. (TIME SENSITIVE)
Sama Lulu (54). 7 family members. 5.4k out of 80k USD. LOW ON FUNDS. (CAUTION: PHOTO OF INJURED CHILD IN GFM)
Fadel Moghrabi (55). 4 family members. 33.3k out of 40k USD. (NEARLY COMPLETE)
Qosai Hani (56). 2(+?) family members. 28.2k out of 40k USD.
Khaled Khraizim (57). 14 family members. 32.6k out of 100k €.
Ahmed Raida (58). 3 family members (1 INJURED, NEEDS TREATMENT). COMPLETED ✅
Rozan family (59). 6 family members. 3.6k out of 38k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Samah Oudh (60). 5 family members. 30k out of 35k USD. (NEARLY COMPLETE)
Qasim Al-Kafarneh (alternatively: gfm) (61). 33 family members. 1st one, 5.7k out of 80k AUD. 2nd one 86k out of 94k USD. (NEARLY COMPLETE)
Mahmoud Qassas (62). 42 family members. 6.9k out of 200k CAD. (ONE CHRONICALLY ILL, NEEDS TREATMENT)
Hussam Ramadan (63). 14 family members. 14.8k out of 148k USD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Sana'a & Sujood (64). 8 family members. 8.8k out of 50k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Yousef Mounir (65). 5 family members. 65 out of 50k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Muhammad Mounir (66). 4 family members. 1.1k out of 45k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Hamdi Hijazi (67). 5 family members (1 NEWBORN, 1 MATERNITY RECOVERY) 889 out of 25k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Maram Ahmed (68). 5 family members. 338 out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Dr. Alaa Raed (69). 8 family members. 6k out of 40k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Fadi & Shahed Sharif (70). 11 family members (1 INFANT). 265 out of 62.5k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Suheir Hojok (71). 10 family members (1 INJURED, PRONE TO STROKE, NEEDS IMMEDIATE EVACUATION). 16.3k out of 70k AUD. LOW ON FUNDS.
Haitham Gibreel (72). 7 family members (1 CHRONICALLY ILL). 340 out of 50k BP. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Hatem H. Rawagh (73). 5+ family members. 8k out of 40k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ze (74). 3 family members. 4k out of 34k USD.
Hani Al-Hajjar (75). 10 family members. 1.7k out of 50k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Abdelrahman Abu Shaaban (76). 16+ family members. 3.3k out of 70k BP. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Help Little Yusuf (77). 8 family members (1 CHRONICALLY ILL, NEEDS TREATMENT). 0 out of 85k €. NO FUNDS AT ALL!!
Alia's family (78). 10 out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Jehad Ahmad (79). 8 family members. 290 out of 40k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Muhammad Al-Kurdi (80). 4+ family members. NO FUNDS AT ALL!!
Yousef Abo Zaid (81). 8+ family members. 501 out of 50k BP.EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Ruba & Mohammad (82). 2+ family members. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmed Zidan (83). 3+ family members. 6.7k out of 30k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Wisam Mahdi (84). 25 family members. 9.3k out of 10k BP. NEARLY COMPLETE: 630 BP LEFT. (TIME SENSITIVE: ILLNESS)
Nael Helles (85). 8 family members. 1.5k out of 50k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Alia's family (86). 7 family members. 1.3k out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Hala's family (87). 3 family members. 2k out of 50k. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mohammed Al Shaer (88). 5 family members. 692 out of 50k BP. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Sahar El Tibi (89). 3 family members. 548 out of 30k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Amal & Ruba (90). 3+ family members (1 CRITICAL CONDITION , NEEDS TREATMENT). 1.7k out of 50k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mahmoud Al Tibi (91). 15 family members (4 NEED TREATMENT). 1.8k out of 60k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Abdullah Haniyah (92). 8 family members (1 PREGNANT). 355 out of 47k USD. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Heba Zaqout (93). 2 family members. 1k out of 15k needed. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mohammed Nasri (94). 5 family members. 7k out of 50k BP. LOW ON FUNDS.
Alaa & Belaal (95). 2+ family members. 47 out of 15k $. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Ahmad Turk (96). 7 family members + 1 pet. 1.5k out of 70k €. EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS.
Mahmoud's family (97). 7 family members. 4.6k out of 35k €. LOW ON FUNDS.
Ottawa4Palestine’s vetted fundraiser spreadsheet (76 different families with listed fundraisers)
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0522suho · 4 months
need help buying food for myself and my two cats 
honestly struggling really bad financially rn and need any help and quick so i can get food for both myself and my 2 cats in the next few days if anyone can help. my food stamps don’t come in until the 4th of each month and they are already gone from this month because i get barely anything and food pantries have been next to no help like idk what to do in this situation. as for my cats, they have enough cat food to probably last less than a week and i have a couple dollars to buy some more for them and then idk what to do at that point. so anything helps
c*sha*p: $venusianluv
ch*me: $venusianluv
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0522suho · 4 months
In the past week or two my phone broke entirely, and I had to replace it, which took a while, causing me to miss work, which I badly needed. When I got my check, I had much less than expected. I had a post up to try to get help to replace my phone and cover what we need this month to get stable, and it didn't meet the goal. Additionally, in the past day, PayPal has frozen my incoming balance from any work/kofi/presumably everything? because I made more than they expected, I guess, I don't know, and any advice is appreciated.
All of that being said, we got enough food to make us a bit, I need help affording toilet paper and me and my roommates meds. I'll probably figure out food for the rest of the month now that some of our food crops are producing, but anything helps because we also have about $1,000 in medical costs this month.
I will do art for anyone who helps with this, just dm me @theartistrans also dm me for proof of this situation, I have so much but it's a lot of private medical documents so. Yeah.
$C V Zelle (dm me)
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0522suho · 4 months
It’s okay to not want to have sex ever. It’s okay to never even try it.
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0522suho · 4 months
Shia labeuf is a serial domestic abuser it’s been consistently recorded for the better part of 10+ years and he’s one of those people who people just conveniently forget about because they want to work with him. Same thing happened with James Franco when everything came out about him as if he hadn’t been trying to solicit sex from minors for years? And got caught publicly many times. So fucking nuts how ousting for sex crimes is dependent on how much it’ll effect the rest of the people associated with the person unless you’re at the level of like, Harvey weinstein or something
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0522suho · 4 months
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in jest, our love, like cheese, may seem a jest yet both are true, and both pass time's great test.
CHEESE (feat. Wendy) SUHO
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0522suho · 4 months
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FKA twigs in collaboration with Dazed Beauty for her digital magazine AVANTgarden Issue 7 “Beauty of the Discarded", April 2020. Photographer Nhu Xuan Hua. Facial sculptures & make-up by Lyle XOX. Creative direction FKA twigs & Lyle XOX.
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0522suho · 4 months
disabled, queer, homeless artist needs $200 a month to support herself
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i have $97/$200 so far, $103 needed to finish this up. anything helps, pls share this if u see
🔗 all my support links are here:
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0522suho · 2 years
"Don't use your autism / disability / mental illness as an excuse" is supposed to refer to people who use their condition as a shield for abusive behavior. It's not a sentence you say in response to every single thing a disabled, autistic, or mentally ill person does that is annoying or inconveniencing to you.
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