0908exo · 7 months
29112023 (3:08am)
You not feeling sleepy….
You decide to read back your journals at tumblr
And one thing that you notice was
Starting 2019, you posted more and more about being sad
What happend to the cheerful mindset/character that you once had?
Is it because when you are young,youre actually naive ?
I remember someone once said that, when youre young(student) you dont have anything to worry about
Now im 27,i slowly learn that that was the best memories that i will keep for the rest of my life and it will not happened again
Hi hello, Adult life
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0908exo · 8 months
Should i die
Its sad you know when you search and the first thing you saw was this
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0908exo · 11 months
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240723 : 0035 (right where you left me-taylor swift)
i really hope this will never happens to us. Reply me once you ready …
But dont take too much time’s as i think both of us know what will happened if this keep going. Day by days,week by weeks,month by months,and year by years….
Sometimes,i had daydreams that when we become grannies, we will still always be company for each other….
Im sorry for what i had said or any of my action’s that i had done that hurts you….
So do reply once you ready to talk ❤️
*Its been a long time since i can remember the last time i cry this hard…. I think its was around may2022 when i was struggling to find myself and adjusting myself while working at digi….
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0908exo · 2 years
First day of new year
Start with a cry
Of pain
Anxiety and pain comes
And you are
Its been few year dear,
And yourself know
That you want its to end
It will effect more and more in future
Its not about the love or relationship
Its about
Love youself
The heart in pain and cry
pity body
The one who effected
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0908exo · 3 years
Friends,just to remind you that as we can see right now seems like he is achieving all what he need right? All achievements that he get as now is based on his hard works and his carpe diem. But damn,this is his true dream since a kid… You,yourself is the greatest Kang Younghyun
You are the best things i never planned.And i promise that we will always honestly,truly,completely love you in every version of you ❤️ @day6official
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0908exo · 3 years
Its been 10 years….
Since form 4 up until now….25
Why am i still dreaming about you hafiy?
I been telling myself since nov 2018 that we are living a totally different world.
But why?? Why did you come back into my memory? Its only will bring pain you know?
And the pain only effected on me. God damn 10 years!
I try to find a new crush or new feeling for others but,its still not working.
Why its so hard to forget you?
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0908exo · 3 years
We so young boy,
We got nothing to lose
-kiss me more-
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0908exo · 3 years
18 FEB 2021
The good point of writing is,even after few years passed,when you look back at the journal,you will realize that even after 10 years,20 years, you still the same,Nothing changes beside of when you are younger,you are more naive.-Before sunset
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0908exo · 4 years
Hi,Kotak hati by Hujan is songs about how myself and the only persons that i can trust,which is book. Hearing the last phrase of the song really stuck me up.
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0908exo · 4 years
At the age 24,someone can be not working yet
At hw age of 24,someone already has 2 child
At the age of 24,someone still got no where to go
At the age of 24,someone who keep dreaming to continuing study,now do persue it
At the age of 24,someone already lost their father
At the age of 24 ..... what an age
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0908exo · 4 years
Hi dear self
Today talks is gonna be about hafiy. What a totally different world we lived. What a different world we lived in. What a different world,right?
Its sad but i know that i cant do anything,sad but true.
Both you and i totally lives in different world. Sad but its true....
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0908exo · 5 years
I dont know,but i always feel like want to post something sad regarding my current feeling but i think not posting anything is the best way or the perfect things relate to my current feeling🙁
*even choosing a emoji is hard to express how i feel right now
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0908exo · 5 years
Im tired,can you stop.
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0908exo · 5 years
Dear self,
Hi,Holla ,
it’s the same problems again.Passions?As you know you been searching whats you passion for the past few years,and yet again....you dont know what to do.
P/S:Writing in a room of TRS staff company.
Last night, you do a picture of whats your visions?And guess what?You already know what to do. Surprisingly,you know that’s your passion was to be inspire to others.But you still does’t know in whats terms?or topic that you want to be inspired?
Maybe in life?or travelling?or anythings?You still struggle on whats topic that you want to be inspired?Maybe on your free spirit life?HAHAHHA .Attend to concert on your youth for talk topic sounds amazing tho.
Other than that,you start to searching for zumba classes as you gaining more and more weight.you current weight was 58! although its not as fat as your 18 hahahhah,but still you look like a fat cow .HAHAHAH. 
Thats all,hahahha
Having a little chit chat with lia
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0908exo · 5 years
Im writing this while otw to kl,right now in the airplane.
Day1 (180219)
The holiday seasons for this time was hella funny and thrilling.Starting from the start,bangun lambat,so kelang kabut hari tu,because im not iron my baju lagi,then heading to train about 6.50am.As i arrive at train,i wait about  10 minutes before realizing that there was a technical problems.I try to booked a grab to taman melati but there is no driver available.
Tunggu punya tunggu last2 sampai jugak dkt train melati waktu 7.45am.aku punya la fikir dah tak sempat semua dah sbb nak ke klia2 amik masa lebih kurang 1.15jam lagi2 pagi ni jammed,but ika managed to get a grab and we heading to klia2,we arrived at klia2 around 9.30am.As soon as we board we runs like crazy to print the tickets(at that moment i thought that i should try to register to amazing race show,hahaha)i go to self check in counter and ika goes to the led board to see if the gate still open.I didnt manage to get the tickets and ika said that the gate already closed.ika ws story was kinda funny because she said'pundek ayam'with the zoom on our flight.to shorten the story,we managed to get into the flight and we arrived at sg.the time at singapore was biasa2 je as this is my second times i come here.But garden by the bay was really pretty and its a good spot to date.
This was the day where Ika and i go to uss,It was a good day and thrilling but as both of us are already tired we go back to JB earlier than what I expected.The boarding place/Woodland checkpoint was really packed with people.I thought to myself there is no way that i gonna work at singapore.oh at the uss its better if you eat something berat cause even thought i makan roti for breakfast,i still feels some dizzy for lacking of food and water.thats the main reasons why we go back early tho.
Day3 ,where should i start,hahahah.because this day was funny and really ridiculous.our morning was biasa2,we eats and watch a movie called something I don't remember, hahaha, I just realised that I'm typing very the journal half way, but what I can remember it's was hella funny. We laugh like a crazy people at the senai airport because of a camera
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0908exo · 6 years
Dear self,
Its crazy on how fast 12 hours past.just like a dream im working back and yesterday was exo concert. Oh my how fast the time flies. You keep watching last night concert and regrets on why dont you take more video,as all you see online was not as good as what you saw yesterday.
Its also crazy on how can a person be in that country just for 25 hours!its just 1 hour extra from a day. Kai recent post look like he's crying?but the comments says that the face that he had just a tired face?
I dont know,i always predicts things difference from what they told but mostly what i predict is the true feeling of their.
Oh about chanyeol yesterday performance,it actually a sad performance as the contains of the performance is about his true feeling,having people keep talk bad about him but the crowd cheers like its was something to be proud of?
Anyhow,its 1.35pm right now and yesterday at this time you are otw to toilet😂 only for 1.5hours left before entering the venue .
Oh the positive side that you get from yesterday was that you had more confident to wears heels and feel more relax but the pains you have to endured after that not that long.Today was sunday and you still hoping? For any job interview. I hope i can find a suitable jobs asap because with this fan girl personality rm1.1k is not enough.
Remember to save rm1k for jakarta trip:)keep doing what you love and always spread happiness.
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0908exo · 6 years
Dear self,
Its been like a thousand years i been writing. Today was a really special day and event for me as I attend elyxion exo kpop band concert.Your are lucky as you get a rock zone which only few inches from the stages.
I dont know,maybe because its your second time attend exo concert or maybe because you start lining up at 11am until 3pm to enter the venue Or maybe because you didnt refresh your face with water or maybe others things but at the beginning i dont feel that really excited?after 30minutes then you start to release to just enjoy the rest.
The first member that you make eye contact was your bias Kai aka Kim Jong In followed with chen,xiumin,baekhyun,suho,do,chan.
From my observation sehun is a kind who is hard to approach because he always dance while facing down.And xiumin and baekhyun actually make an eye contact with you 2/3 time because you had not that passionate fans as they perform.its not like you want to be like that but you just that damn tired
baek stares was like idgaf about that girl but xiumin stares was like something??maybe its just me who feels that way but im sorry xiumin my heart still at kai. But overall its was a great experience as its your first time get standing tickets,but after this i believe that you will just get the seated.hahaha.its was damn not comfortable as people keep trying to steal your place and keep pushing as they want to get a good video/picture of their bias. Currently,I am typing this journal inside the train to head home.Anyhow keep doing what you love and spread happiness. Cheers, SAR
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