Christian just grinned as he felt the other's fingers roam over his thigh with curiosity. A small hum left his throat as he started the engine and pulled away from the pub as if nothing ever happened. He brought the boy's hand to his lips and kissed the back of it gently. "Worry not, little love. I was certainly not about to drop you off on the side of the street. We're not nearly done yet." he said a she glanced over at Noah and gave a cheeky wink. "I wonder what your sire would say about you hitting on her darling older brother." He teased the smirk ever growing on his lips. He was rather enjoying this Bonnie and Clyde routine they had fallen in.
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Christian pulled back after a moment smirk playing on his lips. “I should get you home, darling. You look a mess.” He teased as he grabbed the handle of the door and finally pulled it open. He gave a cheeky wink before he walked around and got into the car himself and turned over the engine. He loved the chase more than anything. The build of tension. He never just jumped into anything. He thought you don’t appreciate things until your entire self wants it. A few kisses were fine for now, but he wanted to revel in it for a moment longer. He leaned back in his seat and looked over to the passenger side. “Come along, sweetheart.”
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Christian sauntered out of the pub feeling like he was on top of the world. It had been months since he had let loose and he was damn proud of himself. He smiled as he looked over at the other male. "Immaculate. Hm." He said softly, "I think I rather like the sound of that." it was obvious to all that knew him how highly he thought of himself. But it was very rare that anyone fed his ego in that way. That mixed with the blood sent a wave of adrenaline through him. He was more powerful that any regular vampire. It would be easy to control this one. He could even compel him if he felt so apt to. He had a feeling however that it wouldn't take an coercing at all. Hell it would probably be invited. When they reached the car rather than open the door like the gentleman he was he grabbed the boy and pushed him against the door. He pressed their lips together once more; firm and passionate. He had his fill of blood. Now he wanted his fill of Noah.
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"You're no fun." Christian said with a small pout. It fiend last though and soon he was smiling again enjoying her company. "We will see. but unfortunately I fear the latter. She peaked on her first series in the eyes of the world, I doubt she has much more success ready for her." he said with a small shrug. He sighed a little and gave a small nod. "Yes. That sounds lovely. I'm sure we will all have a fine time." he said as he reached over and pushed a stray hair behind the girl's ear. "How do you do it, Henrietta?" He asked a she lead ed forward a bit and looked at her curiously. "All these centuries go by and some how you are the bright shiny star no matter what befalls you."
“All yours. Figured you could use a good nibble. I know how hard it must be finding the right shade of yellow.” Christian teased with a proud smirk on his lips. He couldn’t help but make a laugh of the girl’s profession at times. The world of weddings was quite different since he had his own. He didn’t see the allure but it made his darling sister happy so he couldn’t throw too much shade. “Well the latest Nicholas Sparks is a gut wrenching experience. Though with him I think that is a given. And the god awful Stephanie Meyers may have actually stumbled into her niche with her latest. Far better than that joke of a vampire series. I always did appreciate Anne Rice’s attention to detail….nothing too wonderful though to say the least.” He explain need a she sat back. “Yes well. I suppose it can be done. I certainly won’t argue. I have my two favorite sisters to keep me at bay.”
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        “i’m going to ignore that meanness and just stick with you’re the best for feeding me-” she tsks through another bite of burrito. she knows he thinks what she does is ridiculous, actually most of her siblings did. but there was something endlessly exciting about it. besides, with an eternity of living on offer, she could do this for a few more decades and then start fresh with a whole new career. “oooh-” etta mumbles, leaning closer as he speaks. “do we think this will be as billion dollar making for meyer though ?? or because it’s decent, will it flop ??” the blonde quirks a brow. it’s not like her to be cynical but any debate of pop culture is interesting to her. “so, you, me, scar, lia and margie for dinner….i’ll cook !! “ she suggests excitedly.
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Christian looked to the huddle mass and let out a soft laugh. "Yes I suppose I should fix that." He said but first he looked at the healed group of victims they had prayed upon. "You lot should go home. Do try to not make a scene of things. Remove your soils garments and dispose of them in the receptacle by the door. If anyone asks you went skinny dipping in the lake and some rotten miscreant took your clothing. And you will remember nothing of today's events." He explained as they all began removing their bloodied items and making way toward the exit. He then turned toward the other group. "The rest of you can forget about this as well and get back to your boozing and chatter." And of course with that they all just went back to their seats paying no more mind to himself or Noah. "Come, darling. We are done here." He smiled as he reached forward and took the others hand into his own making his way to the exit with the fledgling.
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"Oh I do hope you are quite done trying to belittle me, little sister." Christian said his voice laced with seriousness that could only be of an elder sibling. "This town is under my thumb and has been since the day I stepped foot in it. I have eyes all around this town. Anyone who crosses me has always met an unsavory end. I shouldn't have to remind you of that." He said with a little grin on his lips. "And as for the tree, I have indeed taken care of it. You have no need to fear. " Certainly he would never use the stake he had created from the tree on his favorite sister. "The tree that rests in the wood is no more than some decoy." He added, certainly having told no one this before. He trusted Scarlet though. He wanted the hunters looking door them to rest upon the false hope they could rid the world of his family. But he would never allow such a thing. His sisters meant the world to him. He rolled his eyes a little at the girl and kissed her forehead. "Yes. I suppose your right. They can get a bit catty. I just need you anyway. My partner in crime. And your cute little cohort." He said giving her a small wink. "Yes yes. Whatever you say, love. That being said, I could go for a shopping trip. I may have gotten a few of my nicer shirts...messy."
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0riginalchristian :
“Come now. How many times have we seen thirty years pass in the blink of an eye? I am living in my own way. At one point I had this entire town under my thumb. I would look at someone passing me on the streets and they would open a vein for me.” Christian said with a proud smile on his lips. “Let the girl have what she wants. And if we go anywhere I just need you by my side. If the others follow than that’s fine.” He said before adding. “Oh and darling Noah. Don’t forget of him.” “Good thing for me that i am your kin rather than your king.” Christian grinned, a small laugh escaping him. “Yes we are the best. And we will be for the rest of time.” he agreed. “Oh lovely. Gold really is my color after all.”
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“Mm. So what happened, brother? I keep listening about ‘good old days’,  days when you had Devil’s Lake at your feet, but… I couldn’t help but notice… Your reign is over? –More importantly…” her voice grew colder, it did whenever she felt threatened. “Why haven’t you burned that fucking tree down when you had the chance?” Scarlett spat, referring to the only weapon that could be the end of them, her family, the originals. “I’d rather they didn’t follow. As for Noah, I know for a fact he will follow me wherever I go.” A small smirk lifted the corners of her lips. “Please, brother. You couldn’t keep up with me. No man or woman can, which is why I don’t have a king or a queen consort.” Her smirk turned into a genuine smile as she nudged her brother with an elbow. “Really is, it brings out your eyes. Admit your life has been so much better ever since I decided to take care of what you wear.”
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✉Text: DarlingNoah
Christian: Be my New Years kiss? Christian: I haven’t had one in many years, darling.
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Christian watched the other with growing interest. The look in his eyes said it all before their lips had even met. He knew what was coming. He had felt it. The sounds of their hearts pumped in tune with the rush of blood and tension. When their lips met he felt a spark of electricity between them. The taste of blood tainting their mouths only made it all the much more bittersweet. The man grinned as their lips parted. "Mm, perhaps, darling." He replied. It wasn't as if he hadn't had his many trysts through out the centuries, but this felt different. He just smiled and looked around the pub. Those that hadn't been fed upon were huddled together in hopes to save themselves. Christian sighed softly as he looked back to Noah. "I suppose we have tortured them all enough." He mumbled as he jumped behind the counter and grabbed a few glasses and lining them up. He took a bite from his own wrist and let the red fluid seep into the glasses. "Drink up little loves and let your strength return." he said as he slipped back over the counter forcing those bitten and barely conscious to take a glass and get to sipping. Their wounds quickly healed up. He loved the perks of vampirism.
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"All yours. Figured you could use a good nibble. I know how hard it must be finding the right shade of yellow." Christian teased with a proud smirk on his lips. He couldn't help but make a laugh of the girl's profession at times. The world of weddings was quite different since he had his own. He didn't see the allure but it made his darling sister happy so he couldn't throw too much shade. "Well the latest Nicholas Sparks is a gut wrenching experience. Though with him I think that is a given. And the god awful Stephanie Meyers may have actually stumbled into her niche with her latest. Far better than that joke of a vampire series. I always did appreciate Anne Rice's attention to detail....nothing too wonderful though to say the least." He explain need a she sat back. "Yes well. I suppose it can be done. I certainly won't argue. I have my two favorite sisters to keep me at bay."
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Christian hugged her back and chuckled softly. “No, in fact, you haven’t. You need to work on that.” He said as he followed her to couch and sat down beside her. “Really, sounds like great fun, but I think I will pass. Stick to keeping my nose in books where I belong.” He said as he propped his foot up on his knee. “So. How has it been? I hear our sweet little sister is insistent on a big family Christmas.”
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       pulling the tinfoil wrapped delicacy out of the bag, the blonde takes a huge bite before giving him a sheepish look. “sorry did you want some ??” food is the best method of distraction from her thirst and the blonde is trying to cut back as much as she can. as a result, she has taken to shoving food down her throat as often as possible. swallowing her mouthful, she waves the bite-marked burrito at him. “it’s really good-” etta nods. features spreading into a warm smile, she shuffles to make sure there’s room for him. “can’t go wrong with books too. seen anything that looks like the next big hit ??” the blonde raises a brow. second to her own profession, she enjoys christian’s best of all her siblings. “well, wouldn’t it be nice ?? how long has it been since all of us were in the same place to spend it together ??”
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"Yes. Scarlett has regaled me in your tale. But it's quite alright, my darling. I have gone countless centuries and never found the love I once had, but I am still hopeful. No one will ever be my darling wife. But maybe that's why I need a change of...taste." Christian mused. He had never even thought of men in such a way. Perhaps that was his old lineage. When he was young and full of love, being gay wasn't spoken of. He found plenty of men to be good looking. He smirked a bit then as he leaned in and took a bite from the snack he was still holding close between them. He took a bit of blood into his mouth and pulled back then. "You really must try this one, love. He is delicious." He urged on. The bloodless was consuming him making his blood boil. Soon the blood wouldn't be quote enough to satiate him.
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"Come now. How many times have we seen thirty years pass in the blink of an eye? I am living in my own way. At one point I had this entire town under my thumb. I would look at someone passing me on the streets and they would open a vein for me." Christian said with a proud smile on his lips. "Let the girl have what she wants. And if we go anywhere I just need you by my side. If the others follow than that's fine." He said before adding. "Oh and darling Noah. Don't forget of him." "Good thing for me that i am your kin rather than your king." Christian grinned, a small laugh escaping him. "Yes we are the best. And we will be for the rest of time." he agreed. "Oh lovely. Gold really is my color after all."
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0riginalchristian :
“I have spent the last three decades in this lovely town and i am happy to call it home. But come on. We do need to go out and live a little. How boring would forever be without something new and exciting on the horizon?” It was obvious the Christian had again found himself immersed in some book. That was the problem with him living in a small town. His brain was constantly in some far off land in one way or another and now he had an entire shop to feed his addiction. He always wanted it bigger and better. Each venture more intricate than the last. The world could at least be at rest when he was firing on all humanity cylinders. “A very Ahlberg Christmas. How delightful. She probably just bought a new dress and wants everyone to tell her how ravishing she looks.” he said with a little snicker. He hugged her back tightly and kissed the side of her head. “Absolutely. Those who can’t die will conquer the world. And we’re at the very top of the food chain, little sister. I am a king in my own right, thank you very much.”
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“You don’t need to tell me all that, brother. Like you said– you’re the one who has been here for thirty long years, While I’ve been living. Nothing can hold me back or tie me down.” Scarlett shot a polite smile his way before turning away from him. “Where should we go next? –Dahlia clearly wants us all together. I suppose I cannot blame her. But, of course, she has a new dress too.”
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“And I’m one of those queens who has murdered her king.” She stayed quiet for a moment before softly voicing her thoughts. “–We’re the best, aren’t we.” The blonde snickered. “Well, I know what I’m getting you for Christmas. A real crown.”
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Christian slouched against the bar as he sipped carefully at the liquor bottle. "I heard tell of your little massacre, my dear. Quite a show I assure you. All my good massacres happened at the end of the 10th century when I was turned. Wonderful thing about becoming one of the first vampires...no one was hunting you." He said a she tipped the bottle just slightly. "Unless you count Etta. My sweet little sister was always hell bent on saving her family from themselves." He mused for a moment before he felt a pang of guilt. The sight would horrify his sister, and as much as he hated disappointing her it wasn't enough to make him stop. He shrugged and grabbed the closest woman and dug teeth into flesh. He was insatiable. Always craving for more and despite his lengthy recoveries, he would always come back for more eventually. It was matter of time. Which he seemed to have too much. Once he was done feeding off the woman and let her slide back down into her seat. He walked over to Noah and smirked. He grabbed a man's throat and led him over to the other. "This one looks tasty enough to share." He said with a dangerous smirk on his lips offering one side of the male's throat to him as he leaned into the other side.
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Christian stood back and let the boy do as he pleased. The entire room was filled with scared screams and gasps as Noah chopped down on his forest victim. He could feel the desire rise in his chest. The screams and the smell of fresh blood gave him adrenalin rush and he just couldn't wait any longer. His body wasn't much more than a blur as he dash to the closest person. He gripped them by the back of the head, tugging at the young male's shaggy hair. "Please don't do this. I won't tell anyone this happened. Just let us go." The male pleaded which brought a smirk to Christian's lips. "What would be the fun in that?" He questions before leaning in and tearing into the soft skin of his neck. As the fresh blood gushed into his mouth he could feel his body seeping the power into his veins. He pulled back and let the man fall from his grasp. It hadn't been enough to kill him but it wasn't enough. Christian needed more. Blood was running down his lips and onto his shirt as he made his way over to the bartender. "Get me a drink." he insisted and without question the man grabbed a bottle. As he was about to poor Christian snatched the bottle and tipped it back letting the liquid into his mouth. "Who's next, love?" he asked a she leaned against the bar. It was then he looked at Noah as he stood there, the red stains covering his shirt. "You know...red is really your color, Noah. You should wear it more often."
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"Don't worry. We will still have plenty of fun, my little friend." Christian assured him, giving a small wink after pulling into a parking spot by the door. He slipped out of the car, walking around and opening the door for Noah. He then looked at the door of the bar and walked into the establishment. He waited for Noah to follow before he began to speak. "Hello everyone!" He said in a commanding voice. The originals were faster, more agile, and more powerful. It would be easy to control everyone in the room. "Come come. Everyone may I have your attention. Look at me and shut your damn mouths," he said as every patron in the bar looked over with curiosity the once noisy and talkative room now filled with eerie silence. "Wonderful. My dear friend and I are here for a dinner party. And you are our special guests. Feel free to scream and cry but I don't want anyone to leave the room," he commanded as he looked about the room making sure everyone was listening. In a few words the man had compelled every single person. "Would you like first pick, darling?" He asked as he turned to the other vampire with a delighted smile.
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I hear you there, mate. Christmas cheer is something I haven't felt in many years. You'll make it through.
This time of the year is always the hardest. Trying to pretend to be happy and not be such a downer but it’s not working.
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"Now now, darling Noah. We won't be killing anyone. If my brother knew I was about to attack a sea of humans he would be most disappointed and on the off chance anyone of my siblings finds out I don't want to be the boy the ruined Christmas." Christian said with a soft laugh though he was most serious. It would be a lot better to have just fed off a group of people not murdering them. "Wonderful. I can't wait." He said then and reached over a cheeky grin on his lips as he ran his hand over his thigh. He couldn't help himself, it was indeed true about blood lust. "I am as well." He adding as he took his hand away to turn into the small parking lot. "Lets go make some drunks scream."
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Christian locked up behind them and opened the door for the other before walking to the otherwise and petri g in himself. "Exactly. It's always in the back of my mind slowly trying to scratch it's way to the surface." He said starting up the car. He pulled away from the shop and started down the main road. "I know the perfect little place. There is this pub outside of town just tucked away so cleverly in the woods." He explained as he smiled over at his companion. He raised a brow at the mention of a motorcycle. "Ya know in all my years I don't think I've ever actually ridden on a motorcycle. You'll have to take me out for a drive sometime. I imagine it would be quite fun." He said as he thought of sitting behind the other holding onto him close. His smile twisted into a smirk at the thought. Dirty old pervert.. He though to himself as they drive out of town and he began to speed down the road aching to get to their destination.
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