0wallie0 · 3 years
Also he stole a toothbrush and thought he was a criminal
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Kevin is the real villian in Home Alone
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0wallie0 · 4 years
I was in MAX's .01% 😳
were you in an artist’s top 0.5% of listeners or are you normal
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0wallie0 · 4 years
Okay but their offical response sends
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If anyone deserves a raise it’s the employee from four seasons total landscaping who answered the phone and went “yup, we can set up a podium and everything” and just acted like nothing was out of the ordinary.
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0wallie0 · 4 years
All amazing advice and highly recommend everything.
I just wanted to make a note for people that are off on their own, on the their own insurance for the first time, it can be a bit nerve wracking selecting a primary care physician, especially if you are at a point where all your peers are in the same boat and recommendations are not available to you (but seriously, communicate with your community, it can really help you weed out terrible doctors and find helpful ones).
First off, you can literally look up multiple reviews on doctors (also leave reviews for others, we gotta help each other out), but in my personal experience find new doctors.
You can usually tell by their age, how many clients they have and often clinics list how long their doctors have been there.
Not only are you finding someone with fresher medical knowledge, while this person may be quite a bit older than you, you are likely to have a generation in common, I find this is extremely helpful for mental illnesses; as a millennial, i have more faith in a millennial doctor to empathize with me than I do a boomer.
But more than anything, they are usually eager to do their job well, for whatever reason. they can finally help people, they are finally paying off those student loans, they are a new employee and eager to please. Really there is a plethora of reasons, but more often then not, you get the care you need.
I decided to do this when I first moved out, because I noticed the pattern between doctors that tossed me aside and ones that genuinely helped. I was nervous about sacrificing possible experience for eagerness but I decided to try it. Let me tell you, the best decision I've ever made. To the point I literally recommend my doctor to others. A doctor that is willing to help you is worth a hundred of "experienced" doctors. I know it can all be stressful figuring it out, but it is possible!!
In other news, if your leaving your parents for the first time, please get the numbers of all the doctors you've had, and all that fun stuff. It's a bitch to figure out later, and trust me, you'll need it, especially if you have medical issues.
My mom taught me to exaggerate my pain so that doctors would take me seriously and all I'm saying is that it hasn't failed me yet
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0wallie0 · 4 years
They are like the shiny version of geese lol.
But really, you'd see them at the zoo, but not in an enclosure, just roaming around, the same way you'd find ducks at Disneyland. Lots of farms back home kept them (I lived in a bit more suburb/rural area of San Diego) and sometimes they'd just be roaming random streets in the morning. Just because they are pretty doesn't mean they are exotic
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0wallie0 · 4 years
Remember when Nintendo was like affordable and most kids, even lower class could grow up playing them but then they randomly decided to release a console for $200 and the controllers cost like $70 each to replace and all the games cost at least $60. Remember when you could get a dslite for under a hundred dollars and the games all at most cost $40 so even like less privileged kids could get one game for Christmas if we were all good with money, and it was the cheapest most obtainable system in the market of video games. Remember that?
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0wallie0 · 4 years
“You clap for us now.”
— Britain’s immigrants and children of immigrants who are key workers 
Credit: created by Sachini Imbuldeniya
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0wallie0 · 4 years
Hozier singing Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
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0wallie0 · 4 years
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The best possible response
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0wallie0 · 4 years
the appeal of buzzfeed unsolved is that it’s not just a wacky believer and a strait-laced skeptic bc the skeptic is much weirder as a person than the believer. obviously the classic scully/mulder dynamic is very entertaining but there’s just something about a man who firmly does not believe in ghosts but does believe that it’s ok to eat a pickle floating in a pond “if it’s fresh”
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0wallie0 · 4 years
50 Quarantine Asks
1. Are you enjoying yourself?
2. Do you miss how life used to be?
3. What are you doing with your time now that you're home?
4. What drinks do you have in the fridge right now?
5. What snacks do you have in your house right now?
6. When was the last time you stepped outside, and what for?
7. What's a book you hope to read while quarantined?
8. What's a goal you hope to achieve while being quarantined?
9. How long do you think you can last like this?
10. What is the last thing you've read?
11. What show are you catching up on?
12. Are you a "stay in pajamas all day kind"of person?
13. What time did you go to sleep last night?
14. What time did you wake up today?
15. Are you staying active?
16. Are you staying hydrated?
17. How long do you think this quarantine will last?
18. If you had to study one subject everyday for the rest of this quarantine, what would you study?
19. How much weight do you suppose you'll put on by the time this quarantine is over?
20. What's your favorite board game?
21. What's your favorite card game?
23. What's your favorite tv show?
24. What's your favorite snack?
26. What's your favorite beverage?
27. What do you like most about the quarantine?
28. What are you finding most challenging about the quarantine?
29. Do you think COVID-19 is as bad as the media says it is?
30. What precautions have you taken to stay safe from COVID-19?
31. What have you learned so far from this experience?
32. Are you introverted, omniverted, or extroverted?
33. Which room in your house do you spend the most time in?
34. Who are you most worried about?
35. Who was the last person you texted, called, facetimed?
36. What three emojis best describe your attitude towards what's going on right now?
37. If you had to live in one item of clothing for the rest of this quarantine what would it be?
38. What was the last meal you cooked and how did it taste?
39. What's your favorite restaurant? Is it closed?
40. What is your favorite store? Is it closed?
41. How many things have you purchased online since being in quarantine?
42. What was the last thing you purchased online?
43. What's getting you through these tough times?
44. Are you keeping up with the news?
45. Are you stressed?
46. Tell me something positive.
47. Give me some advice.
48. What's your favorite quote?
49. What's your favorite book?
50. Tell me an interesting fact.
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0wallie0 · 4 years
if you knew me in 7th grade I’m sorry
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0wallie0 · 4 years
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0wallie0 · 4 years
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0wallie0 · 4 years
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0wallie0 · 4 years
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Uptown Theater in Minneapolis
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0wallie0 · 4 years
Do you think Jesus ever got many carpenter requests after he started preaching? Like did anyone ever go up to him and be like; "My Lord! My Lord!" And the disciples are all: "The Master won't do anymore miracles today." But obviously Jesus is like; "Yes, my child?" And they just ask what his basic rate is to fix their door.
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