1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
Callout post for mod Kit (by mod Kit)
Okay… listen. I found a very old webcomic I did.. And the description is like “This guy has a split personality, sometimes he’s a psychotic killer, at other times a gentle soul” (paraphrased)…. like some next level ableist bullshit. I just wanted to share, to say that even people who grow up to be advocates for mental illness and who were by all accounts already mentally ill at the time, make dumb n uninformed mistakes. 
This is not to say that you shouldn’t be mad at people who are ableist, or otherwise bigoted, but it can be worthwhile to open a dialogue with them, bc a lot of the time it’s simple ignorance.
At the time, I feel quite confident I didn’t even know what “psychotic” meant, or what “split personality(DID)” really is, I had just seen a bunch of pop culture tropes, thought it was cool, and assumed that “psychotic” essentially means “scary”. 
Unfortunately no one educated me at the time, but I eventually learned shit for myself (way before I stopped being in denial about my own struggle with psychosis).
My point here is: Education is key. We NEED to spread the word, so the number of uninformed people go down.
We won’t win this fight by attacking people who are making bad mistakes, but there’s also no reason to pull our punches when people have made an informed decision to be a bigot. We have to learn to see the difference.
People need to learn from their mistakes, and that means fostering a good learning environment. A teacher who punishes people for every little misstep is a shitty teacher. 
I wish someone had told me, in a matter of fact way, that what I’d done wasn’t okay. Or that there had been some major social platform at the time, and that an educational post had come my way. I would surely have learnt something.
We need more people fighting the good fight for DID, schizo- and psychosis spec awareness and positivity. We need to spread the word, so the teenagers of tomorrow won’t make the same shitty mistake that I did.
-mod Kit
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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odin’s a+ parenting
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
Growing up in an abusive household is a fucking trip dude……If you’ve never had someone angrily wash a dish at you or fold a sock in your direction then how are you gonna understand why I get nervous when you quietly do the laundry, or why I ask “are you mad at me?” when you set the bag of groceries down too hard? It’s a totally different way of living and it impacts you long after you’ve left the situation.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
(Non-psychotic people are encouraged to reblog this! No one hears us otherwise)
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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The original tweet is in response to a tweet about Ellen Maud who sought out medical help and was routinely told to just lose weight. She later died of cancer.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
The number of people I have known who have pretended to be more ill/disabled than they really are: almost none.
The number of people I have known who have pretended to be less ill/disabled than they really are: almost everyone.
When people tell you they have a chronic illness/disability, believe them. Otherwise you are an Ableist asshole.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
no more fucking mental hospitals in horror. stop making these places terrifying. stop stigmatizing the people who go to these places for help. no more fucking “schizophrenic” people in straight jackets. no more “psychotic” killers. we are people, not props. for fucks sake life is hard enough already.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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My illustration project! we had a short story prompt that we had to make an illustration for, and I had one about someone removing broken body parts to attain enlightenment. to keep with the mood of halloween i decided to take it in a more literal sense 
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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Peruvian Summer by Max Rive
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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ammy walks and runs from a ps2 ad website minigame
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
sorry if i’m being a party pooper but because rabies is apparently the new joke on here ??? please remember that rabies has an almost 100% fatality rate after symptoms develop so if you’re bitten or scratched by an animal that you aren’t 100% sure is vaccinated then GO TO A DOCTOR. it’s not a joke. really. 
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
Things my dentist has actually said to me:
“Well, either the x-rays lied to me or you are spontaneously creating teeth. I’m going with the second one because it’s way cooler.”
“When was the last time you flossed? Your gums aren’t bleeding which means I’m either not doing this hard enough or you actually floss your teeth regularly”
“You don’t need to do a fluoride treatment I just want to go check my facebook for a second and this is the best excuse I can come up with. Don’t worry your insurance will cover it.”
“Take a whole handful of toothbrushes, I can’t order new ones in less ugly colors until these ones are gone.”
“Remember not to eat or drink anything for a half hour…or actually you know forget that go eat lemons and drink coffee right now. I make money based on peoples bad decisions, you should probably stop brushing your teeth too.”
“I became a dentist because I like making children cry and they don’t let you do that as a regular doctor.”
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
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I found my old pokemon book- i dont know who i relate to the most
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
Give an autistic person’s AAC the language to express emotions.
Especially anger! Don’t be afraid to program “fuck you” into an autistic person’s iPad, don’t be afraid to teach sign language swear words and don’t be afraid to make up PECS cards with a little shit pile emoji.
Teaching an autistic person to tap “fuck you”, sign “asshole”, or hand you the “shit” card to tell you they’re pissed off may be one thing that stops them before they start punching or biting. Because if they can strongly indicate they’re pissed off, you can say “okay, let’s talk about this” and ask them questions (even if they have to be simplified to yes / no) get to the root of what’s making them angry. 
And that means you stop and discuss it if they start using swear words, because swearing will mean they’re having a strong reaction to something.
I think it’s worth the risk of them tapping “fuck you” in church, signing “asshole” at the grocery checkout person or showing their grandma the “shit” card because at least they’ll have an outlet for their feelings that don’t include drawing blood or leaving bruises.
There’s a big emotional difference between “this is bad” and “this is bullshit!” and AAC should be reflective of the autistic person’s emotional state– especially if they have difficulties showing it or their body language / facial expression doesn’t always reflect their actual feelings.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
yall would live much happier lives if you would stop to think “is this about me?” before starting pointless shit.
you don’t need to accuse a post about safe sex of being aphobic. someone talking about the struggles of being bi doesn’t need you saying they should be a lesbian instead. if someone talks about a nice thing their dad did they don’t need you replying about shitty men are
so many people around here are so rude and bitter that it almost seems like they’re trolling but they’re not! they’re just horribly self centered
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
The real irony of the people who make jokes about being triggered is that they tend to idolize the military/veterans as if combat related PTSD isn’t a real thing that also has triggers. Y’all make fun of the people you call hero’s when you’re making fun of the teenagers with PTSD from non-combat related issues, you can’t separate the two.
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1-1-7-7-2-blog · 6 years
Cw: death, cotards delusion, suicide
Lets talk about being dead/nonexistent
I knew i didnt exist for most of my childhood and it never really bothered me. Until at age 16 when i realized i was dead.
Death is a difficult subject to talk about but i feel it’s important, especially in regards to the cotards delusion. I planned for my own funeral while I was dead and was planning to kill my undead body. Its my dream death plan so im glad i have it, but it didnt come from a place of death positivity and having what you want done to your body. This plan came from a place where I was setting in motion a way to rid my already dead consciousness of a body that i was trapped in.
Before this plan i went through the 5 stages of grief for myself. The denial, the anger, the bargaining, the depression and the acceptance. Its so painful to mourn your own life, much more painful than any other loss I’ve experienced. And you cant go talk to someone about it without outing yourself as “crazy” so instead i planned to jump from the roof of a 10 story parking garage. Thankfully i asked for help in the end instead of attempting my plan. However theres others suffering from the cotards delusion who never seek help and they end up starving themselves to death or killing their body so their consciousness can move on to the next life and it sucks that people end up thinking they have no choice but to kill their body/that they can’t eat because they dont need it.
Idk how to explain the pain that comes with mourning your own death, but i know many of you have experienced it and im so sorry you have/had to go through that.
Im not good at writing and im sure this makes little sense but my dead delusion is creeping back and i jus needed a vent
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