10ideasaday · 1 year
10 ideas city planners should consider
-  create playgrounds for adults (ie Takeshi#s castle)
-  technology/reception free zones 
- prompts to talk to random strangers - when stepping on a specific stone or lever you’re prompted to give the next person you pass a high 5 or ask a random Q
- self-cleaning capacity - every car, motorcycle, fume producer has an equivalent of 10 trees in the cit
- non-efficient road network - ikea like city lndscape that invites you to wander (there can also be shortcuts)
- every wall is a public art display - everyone can display and express their art everywhere (painting, photography, taping, grafitti etc..)
- misfit house styles - make houses colorful again - no house in 1km radius can have the same color or shape (shapes of brown, black and white are discouraged)
- infrastructure on top of houses - pathways on roofs, houses connected via bridges
- mandatory rooftop gardens - every building has a community garden
- anti-ghetto’s / empathy creating clusters - no class separated neighbourhoods - on every km^2 there’s housing for al income levels (rich & poor), educated/uneducated & the presence of avg number of different cultures & professions 
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10ideasaday · 1 year
10 app functionalities to upgrade your glasses
tint your glasses (for when its too bright, you’re hungover or playing poker) or turn on UV or blue light filter
have a level built into glasses, so app can tell whether my gaze has been continuously too low, ie my gaze downwards, ie bad posture. Ergonomic correction of posture.
built-in alarm that helps you spot your glasses in case you misplace and can’t find/see them
Built-in wipes to turn on when it rains (use case: commuting on bike in Amsterdam)
alarm - in case you carelessly put them in a place where they could be smashed (bed, floor etc) have a prediction ‘airbag’ that alarms you in case a heavy/fast force is approaching your glasses and about to break them - like automatic braking system in cars to prevent crashes. Alarm goes off, person doesn't step on them.
night vision control
present exercises for the eyes to improve eyesight or prevent from getting worse
magnify/zoom in on sth that’s too far away, not recognisable
adjust diopters to switch between all-round and reading glasses or in case eye sight gets worse (or better bc you’ve done the exercises above)
app to tell me about my sight performance - when am i squinting too much, when are my eyes tired & need a break, what’s my ratio of screen vs landscape or close vs far vision, up vs down
built-in speaker (behind the ear like external hearing aid) and mic to take phone calls or listen to music and replace earphones
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10ideasaday · 1 year
10 materials to build a tree house with
thick rope (like kids climbing frame) very tightly knit into a net
reuse plastic bottles. Fill them with sand for heaviness, tie them together with a strong string
old euro-pallets
if tree has thick enough branches - use 2 sofas facing each other. Cover them in plastic wrap like grandmas do on US TV
carbon fibre for lightness - reuse materials that have been tossed
transparent pipes with a funnel on top - catching the rain, keeping it in the pipes to warm up in the sun and reuse for shower underneath the house
span fabric strongly tensed, like a tent. Reuse fabric like big old coffee or rice bags
rods as a foundation + use mud to build the floor and walls. Add on - its insulating and self heating
take plants with strong roots - guide their growth direction with rope. Have the roots create the floor/walls of house
in a really cold place - build it with ice
weave mats using reed (Schilf) for walls & floor. Reinforce it with bamboo rods.
everything you find at a scrapyard (seatbelts of old cars etc)
mega strong magnets - for a floating treehouse
imitate a birds nest with tons of tiny twigs (or have many big birds build their nests right next to each other. Then connect them to become one big nest. Share with the birds)
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10ideasaday · 1 year
10 (x2) ideas to combine 2 household items creating 1 object with 2 uses
. washing machine / dishwasher  - 1 machine to wash both clothes and dishes. Need a flexible internal system for the 2 different use cases: to hold dishes in place and also throw around clothes. --> Foldable dish holders. The water blades of a dishwasher to move to a vertical position and air stream from bottom up to keep clothes circulating. 
. bathtub / waterbed  -  surface of bathtub has a rubber layer that inflates w/ water and creates a flat bed on top like a lid, so you can get comfy and save space.
. blow dryer / vacuum  -  A) attach a tube to the back of a vacuum cleaner to get stream of air blown directed to dry your hair. B) attach a fixture to the back of a hairdryer to obtain a hand hover
. shoes / charger  -  shoes that use the friction when walking or the kinetic energy of your legs’ movement to generate electricity, accumulate it and have a charger outlet. Like a never ending battery pack + motivator --> makes you move and exercise more if you want to use more of your phone, laptop or light
. car exhaust pipe / bike pump  -  add a fixture with a hose on your exhaust pipe to quickly pump your bike (or car) tires
. tap / kettle  -  have tap heat up water to boiling temperatures, so you don’t need to wait for the kettle to boil the water + save space on the kitchen counter
. shower head / watering can   -  shower hose being expandable so you can take your shower head around the house to water your plants (like a garden hose). Excess pipehose hides inside shower wall when not in use.
. curtain / heater & cooler  -  Depending on outside temperature curtain either heats or cools the room. If it’s warm outside it aggregates the heat and transforms it into into cool air, as if it’s sweating. It might be filled w/ water so it evaporates when it’s warm and humidifies the room. If it’s too cold inside, it uses the accumulated sunlight to generate heat. Depending on sunrays it changes its outside surface color to either absorb or reflect the heat.
. sieve / discolight  -  a kitchen sieve that can be easily attached to your lamp or lightbulb to create a nice disco ball patterns on the wall. Turn to have moving shadows on walls
. blender / clothing rack  -  rotating clothing rack powered by a blender. All your clothes hanging on a circular object. To get the shirt you want, you can rotate the wheel by turning a handle. By attaching a blender to the handle you can rotate it by pressing a button. No need for physical movement.
. window / mirror  -  windows like the ones in interrogation rooms that are dimmable so they become mirrors.
. guitar / remote control  -  guitar controlled smart home control. Playing certain accords to tell your smart home to turn on the lights, heater, change channel on TV, open the door for guests. It’s like talking to your house through the language of music.
. plate / cup (camping)  -  a squeezable, reshapable cup / mug that you can flatten into a plate. (You shouldn't be eating and drinking at the same time always.)
. book / wallpaper  -  Print your favorite book on a wallpaper, paper your room with it so you can read the best lines at a glance and stay always inspired
. thermometer / pregnancy test   -  straight forward. reusable. 
. dishwasher water / toilet  -  dishwasher connected to toilet so that water used to wash dishes can be repurposed as toilet water. Filter out food remainders in-between. 
. ball / discolight  -  soft form, transparent outside skin, colourful lights inside. In order to keep the discolight illuminated and playing different colors it has to be in constant movement. Kick it, bounce it, play football, basketball, roll it around, hug it, dance with it to keep the party going
. bowl / glass  -  a bowl made of double walled glass with a hole on the rim big enough to fill in water or any other drink. It acts as an isolator, keeping your food warm. After finishing your dish you have a nicely tempered drink (apparently healthier to drink after not during food anyways)
. kitchen hood / smoke detector  -  a kitchen hood that analyses any air blowing through it detecting when there’s smoke coming from a fire.
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10ideasaday · 1 year
10 things to unlearn doing
. put on your clothes without using your hands
. how we read books. What if you open the book on a random page and read half a chapter, then go back to the previous one. Then open another random one, repeat. Rip out the pages you read, stitch the pages together in order of preference
. the position you sleep in. Also the direction you sleep in your bed. 
. the way you walk - what if you jump or do a crisscross walk or walk backwards, walk on your hands. how do kids walk?
. comb your hair from back to front, from bottom to top
. the way you relax/regenerate and regain energy - not by relaxing on the sofa, but maybe in a handstand or pig dangling on a pole or riding a tram or counting the leaves on the tree in front of your house
. saying ‘hi’ to people. what about a foot shake or a hand slap or a spank instead
. the way we shower - maybe place showered on floor facing upwards or sideways, and jump in and out off the water. use cold water only. put soap on your dry body. Dry yourself not by using a towel but by jumping up and down
. use the computer mouse with your wrong hand
. eating with your wrong hand. Or using a foot.
. the way we eat - slower eating by A) licking the food from the plate like cats & dogs do. if you need help, use your pinky finger only or B) placing a piece of food in your mouth and wait until it dissolves like a bonbon
. shop in a different grocery store every time until you visited all of the grocery stores in a 3km radius
. eat dinner for brekkie, brekkie for lunch, lunch for dinner. 
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10ideasaday · 1 year
10 ideas how to NOT score an application for that dream job
- send a generic application not targeted at that dream company
- don’t address any relevant skills
- don’t learn about any of the company’s current challenges or struggles
- don't ask people working at the company or a direct competitor for advice on the dept you wanna get into. Don’t talk to friends or friends of friends who work in the (wider) field
- don’t try to get a referral 
- dont talk to your friends about your plans to give you feedback and just do all by yourself
- be rude, be cocky, be mousey, be little - do not be bold
- dont approach the hiring manager on Linkedin
- don’t look at what the competitors are doing (right)
- do not do any research of what exactly the position entails. Do not look at people’s Linked profiles, who work in that position (at the dream company or competitor)
- just show up at the managers private doorstep and harass them into hiring you
 - dont send the application because you’re not gonna get it anyway
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10ideasaday · 2 years
10 ideas for an alarm clock for deaf people
. a vibrating device around wrist
. a shaking bed, bed sheet or mattress cover
. natural light lamp that illuminates to high Lumens
. little water guns above bed squirting water gently on your face or hands. Increasing water impact if you don’t turn it off.
. window automatically opening at certain time to let in the fresh cold or rain 
. gentle electric stimulation - TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) device attached to the body (arm or leg) goes off at certain our
. strobe light above bed with auto timer
. intravenous substance that wakes you up after a certain amount of hours asleep. Similar to coffee but with an adjustable time for the wake up effect to set in.
. scent - timed coffee machine right next to your head so you wake up from the smell of freshly brewed coffee (if smelling senses sensitive enough)
. bed that slowly tilts until you slide off
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10ideasaday · 2 years
10 functionalities for a digital plant care helper (aka app)
- what plant do i have? - photo identification 
- info on care requirements for given plant - watering - frequency, quantity; sun light conditions
- digital meters in soil to measure humidity, nutrients, pot. rotting, insufficiency of factors
- where do i place my plant? - sunlight recommendation based on compass and geolocation - example: living in Ams with windows facing W&N vs living in BCN with windows S&E? which light does my plant prefer? morning sun vs burning afternoon sun
- photo diagnosis/assessment of my plants struggles (eg yellow, cracking leaves, sloppy twigs) + recommendation for treatment (more, less water, when to repot etc.)
- calendar reminder to water - based on general care + photo diagnosis + geolocation/position of plant+ time of yr
- notification when which plant needs care - have a check box on home screen once watered or swipe left = watered; swipe right = remind me later; no need to enter the app 
- little LED with button at side of pot indicating when plant needs watering. press button once watered - no need to open app
- collection of all my plants
- multiple accounts access the same plant collection & care activity - for when living in multi-person household, to not over- or under water)
- in future house - automatic irrigation system, plants connected to hoses from floor, wall or ceiling
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10ideasaday · 2 years
10 ideas to creatively photograph an egg
(for cover-19 photography challenge found online (link lost (maybe i just dreamt of it)))
- multi-exposure while dropping it from the window, photographing from the throwers perspective, with the hand in frame
- pretend the egg is my friend. Stage a real life scene - sitting together, having fun, smoking cigars, drinking wine, whiskey, playing poker, or a boardgames
- one egg frying in pan, other egg is on the handle bar of the pan crying, grieving over his friend-egg. Paint crying face on egg. 
- stage a romantic scene b/w 2 eggs - make a tiny bed, light it romantically (night lamp or red light), put 2 eggs in bed together, cover half of them with sheet
- carton of 10 eggs - 9 eggs inside, 1 empty space w some fluffy baby feathers left over from a baby chicken escaping
- photograph from perspective of pan. Me cracking an egg into the pan / onto the lens (covered with transparent glass)
- egg yolk forming a yellow mountain from within a belly button
- make a sunset scenery w food. Raw egg yolk being the sun, fried egg yolk = clouds, chive = grass, paprika and sweet corn = flowers, couscous = sunday's
- Make an abstract painting using only raw egg on white plate and photograph in macro perspective 
- stylistic, high profile photo shoot of the egg being the star. White or black backdrop, proper lighting. Imitate a high fashion studio shoot scene and replace model w/ egg.
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10ideasaday · 2 years
10 ideas to write ideas about
- how to overcome frustration?
- how to boost creativity?
- How to motivate yourself to exercise while you’re tired?
- How to creatively photograph an egg?
- How NOT to get hired for the dream job?
- How not to be a dick to people that annoy you?
- 10 things to unlearn doing.
- fun things to do during Corona times.
- 10 arts & crafts ideas
- How to stand out of the crowd of applicant for a job.
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10ideasaday · 3 years
10 alternative uses for a bicycle
- if handle bar is shaped (not straight) - mount it on the wall, use as wardrobe, or put plank on top and use as shelf
- take one wheel, mount a round wooden or glass plank on top, fixate the bottom side on another cushioned board, add legs --> you got a coach table, or a chinese rotating food table
- put the bike on a lifted stand, like athletes do . attach to some sort of generator and convert your energy when paddling into electricity. (upgrade: Have a screen to monitor produced electricity or a countdown to a goal, to stay motivated)
- incorporate the bike into an art piece - paint it in different colors, install other materials onto it, like beautiful hardwood or white marble triangle for the middle part of the frame or round pieces to cover the wheels, or fabric with tribal motives. Or cover it all in tight thick fabric spray paint it silver like the Reichstag.
- create a pulley - use bike chain (or 2 or 3), pedals and a bucket, attach to building. Wheel beers to your neighbour during Corona times.
- use the middle triangle of the frame to create an ad sign for a shot/cafe/restaurant/whatevs, attach plexiglass on both sides, put fluorescent fairy lights insight, tape branding/logo on both sides, mount on wall of building
- mount 2 wheels on sides of a chair to create a rocking chair (add a little tennis ball stopper in the back to avoid backflip)
- use the whole bike as an anchor on a boat - have a rail down the front side to let the bike swiftly ride down into the water
- remove the front wheel, dig front into the ground, attach little shovels to the back wheel - pedal and use it to efficiently dig a whole in the ground (if you wanna burry your lost pet)
- attach 2 little wheels on each side, so the bike can stand on its own (maybe 4 wheels), attach a (surf) board on top of the bike and use it as a sliding shop counter door
- on one side attach a roll of fabric and two foldable sticks on each end of the roll - use it as a sun shade ofor a park picnic
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10ideasaday · 3 years
10 ideas to make social media apps less addictve
prevent from endless scrolling - (obviously no social media company would want their users to stop getting that dopamine kick themselves) build a pop-up to appear on the page every time you scrolled for 30sec asking if you want to keep scrolling.the annoyance and click cost will eventually make you stop
no likes mechanism - have a script run in the background identifaying the position of number of likes below your posts and blurring it out or just covering white, so you become oblivious to the fact they were ever there
time limiter going off after 15min of usage a day - non-reversable, blocking all social media for the rest of day. Will make you more conscious of when and what to use it for
implement a lot of ads - ugly unaesthetic banner, pop up ads
public shaming - have an automated public post at end of every day stating your social media scroll time
no notifications - mechanism that marks all your notifications in the social media app (new likes, new messages, new anything) as read, so there’s never a red number that prompts you to check new events. Preventing you from logging in for the dopamine rush of some novelty needing to be viewed
when using social media more than x minutes /day your phone commits suicide - accidentally falls into the toilet, out the window, breaks on the ground - or just shuts itself down for x hours (except for emergency calls, but lets be honest there’s rarely ever an emergency anyway)
every time you ‘like’ sth - a voice pops up saying things like ‘you could be going exactly what you just liked sb else doing’ or ‘create sth yourself’ or  ‘the world has more opportunities than your screen’ etc. - AI powered to recognize which prompts are more effective
reward system resembling a paid parking machine. you gotta pay for every minute of usage. Currency being anything useful thats considered painful - run an errand, clean the house, iron shirt, call dad, achieve milestone at work, 30 burpees, hang up the wash..
automatic sign out every time after closing the app or tab you need to log in again + 4 factor authentication, or obligation to set a new pw every time or go through painful steps of proving it’s your account - picture recognition etc
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10ideasaday · 4 years
10 ideas for a happy birthday message for a friend
- dub-sync to a weird happy b-day song (rap, soul or sth.)
- make a video - choose a sexy version of the happy bday song. Strip dance, start with wearing a lot of layers and strip down to the last.
- somebody (or me) holding up signs at windows [happy] [b-day] [peachy] and have it photographed or filmed from below
- Covid19 style - holding up signs. wearing face mask + gloves; in supermarket w toilet paper (or no toilet paper), disinfectant, washing my hangs while singing happy bday
- me playing happy birthday on piano
- me singing out loud + adding timeline of our photos together
- make a montage of friends (or strangers) singing happy birthday each individually. Starting with 1 person, then layering it up until it becomes sort of ann orchestra
- record myself (camera on tripod) while ii make a happy birthday graffiti painting Bob Ross style
- take a pic of myself doing all the things the 2 of us like doing together alone and then photoshop her face into it
- take 2 of my photos and make an illustration that has a second layer of meaning
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10ideasaday · 4 years
10 ideas to meet people - Corona times
- through a window
- wearing masks, gloves
- cycling next to each other (having a distance)
- in a parking lot sitting in 2 different cars
- sitting 10m apart in a park -talking through on the phone or walkie talkie
- playing a scavenger hunt - together apart. 1 person leaves notes, the other person hunts
- putting an iPad on a broomstick on a roller skate and face timing each other while walking the broomstick/ipad (alternative: print out photo of the person in real life size, glue on cardboard box, stick on broomstick)
- finding an abandoned building and talking through 2 windows like neighbors
- bring 2 chairs, chalk and measuring tape. find a nice spot. Measure 2m, mark on the ground w chalk. Place chairs on marked spots --> chat.
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