10skyline16-blog · 5 years
Forever // Over 😔
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10skyline16-blog · 6 years
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10skyline16-blog · 6 years
If you decide that you’re happier moving on and eventually find someone else...
To the one who loves her next,
There are a few things I think you should know since you’re the person she probably calls home now.
She absolutely loves animals. Or anything in need of help. She has the most beautiful soul and will always put those in need before herself. So I hope you like zoos lol. But please don’t be weak or lazy. She’ll put all of her effort into making you feel special and happy and she will forget to take care of herself. She deserves to be happy, not to take care of someone. Let her have all of her animals for that please.
For food, remember that she’s a bit picky. Loves strawberry, hates mango. Weirdly likes beets and brussel sprouts- she really makes an effort to eat healthily. If she’s a bit grumpy, sushi will almost always do the trick. Make sure that you have some extra money set aside for this. I didn’t until it was too late.
Always call her before bed if you’re not there to cuddle her. She won’t be able to sleep otherwise. And for cuddles, she’s the most amazing little spoon you could ever have. When she’s comfy, she’ll give a little grunt of approval, while she wiggles her butt closer to you. I promise you that you will never feel so lucky. Make sure to save room for Layla though. And If she wakes up and you’re not cuddling her, she will be upset and her eyes will fade to a grey-brown. Please don’t let this happen like I sometimes did. It will leave you feeling terrible for the entire day. And nothing will make it better until you get to climb back in bed with her and cuddle her again. Sometimes this will happen though, so make sure to surprise her with a nice breakfast in bed and coffee is key*** (a little bit of sugar and milk should do the trick, but Starbucks in the real mvp for her)
She’s had a really rough childhood, so make sure that you never raise your voice around her or she will be terrified. If you have anger issues like I did, please work them out before it’s too late. There’s nothing worse than the look on her face when this happens. It will crush you and you will feel like a monster.
She really values the little things. Whether it’s helping out with Layla, making her food, massaging her shoulders, tickling her back while she falls asleep, or anything else you can think of. These things will make her feel special. She deserves to feel special. Please make her feel special.
Also make sure to plan dates and take her out. I didn’t do this enough and I will regret it until the day I die. She works hard and deserves to spend quality time with you. Try for once a week at least. That’s what I would do if I had the chance.
Tell her she’s beautiful when she wakes up in the morning and her eyes are all sleepy and she has no makeup on. Kiss her forehead late at night when she’s had a long day at work. Rub her feet as well. Her arches collapse from being on her feet all day and she completely deserves it. Make sure to remind her how amazing she is every day.
Her mom has never complimented her growing up, so make sure to shower her with compliments on her many achievements. She doesn’t take compliments very well and usually replies with “you’re a _______,” but they do mean a lot to her if they’re genuine. Try to look past her stunning appearance and compliment her on more genuine things. It’s hard when she’s that beautiful, but it will mean a lot to her.
She’s also a very social person and loves talking to people. Please never stop her from talking to anyone. She deserves to talk to whoever she wants to regardless if you feel they’re hitting on her. She’s stunning as you know- get used to it before it’s too late. Please don’t push away her friends.
Sometimes she likes to smoke weed. Please make sure that you never judge her when she does. She gets anxiety most of the time when she’s high. Make sure to hold her tight and tell her it will be okay. If she holds your hand and tightly wraps her pointer and middle finger around yours, she’s feeling less anxious. Proceed to hold her close and tickle her back. If she’s still feeling anxious, wrap both arms around her and wait for her little grunt of approval. If she does it, she’s feeling secure.
Shes young and needs to be able to experience going out and parting still. Don’t make her feel judged for doing it like I did. She will always be loyal to you and will always tell you the truth. Don’t question her about her nights out, just enjoy the cuddles afterwards. They need to be cherished. Seriously. We only have one life, let her do anything she wants to do while she’s young, there’s no shame in going out once a week or so.
There are reasons why she’s distant at times. Don’t take it personal. There are things from her past that still haunt her. It’s not that she doesn’t trust you. It’s just that she’s lost so many people in her life and been so let down so many times that she just feels empty sometimes. She also finds it hard to let people in and to realize she can count on them.. Give it time. She will always be an independent person though, so don’t try to assume the role of doing everything. She can more than handle it herself (and has since she was little... she had to single-handledly take care of her sister growning up) but she will always appreciate your support, and will cherish it.
When she goes to volunteer, make sure you go with her as much as possible. And please don’t complain about it like I did. Sure you might be busy and stressed, but this is one of the things that brings her the most joy in life. Please let her enjoy it and be there to support her.
You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this. The truth is that she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I took it for granted, didn’t change enough when I had the chance, and made her feel like she had to take care of me. Please don’t let yourself go down the same path.
This is what I ask of you: Respect her. Love her. Be honest with her. And most of all, make sure that she is happy and feels special. She deserves nothing less.
I sincerely wish you the best,
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10skyline16-blog · 6 years
You are so so precious to me so please treat yourself with care
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