11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Suicide or Murder? BY: Galupo, Ashley of 11- Mabini
Hailey’s phone suddenly rang, and it is from unknown caller...
"Hello?" Hailey didn't know who the caller is.
"Hello, Is this Ms. Hailey Harrison?" An unknown caller asked.
"Yes why? Who's this?” Hailey replied with confusion in her tone.
"I am Mr. Laurel and I need your help regarding to my problem, please meet me at 12 noon and I will text you the address.”
Mr. Laurel ended the call. Hailey gave a glance quickly at her wristwatch and see that it is already eleven o’clock in the morning, so she immediately eats her lunch.
30 minutes....
After receiving a text from Mr. Laurel, Hailey called her boyfriend to accompany her to go to Mr. Laurel's house. Then they had arrived, unfortunately they found Mr. Laurel's body lying on the ground covered with his blood on his own room. Ms. Harrison checks the victim's pulse to know if he's still alive, but unluckily he is already dead. Ms. Harrison promptly calls her uncle, which to be happen a policeman and start investigating the place. Ms. Hailey notices something strange inside Mr. Laurel's closet. Huh what's this? After a few minutes, they heard a siren meaning that the police are outside of the house.
"Inspector, the weapon used in murder was found at the hand of a victim and no other fingerprint found on the knife, except Mr. Laurel's fingerprint and we also found a capsule of anti-depressant. We are sure that the victim was depressed, so our group concludes that this case is a suicide case." One of the police said and begins to pack their things.
"Wait inspector, I think this case isn't a suicide case but a murder.... It's a case of a murder trying to conceal his crime into a suicide." Hailey confidently say it as if she knows the person behind of this crime.
"How did you say that? Do you have any evidence or proof to say that? And one thing, who are you? Did you know that it is bad to meddle in this kind of situation kid?" The police said irritated.
"I am Hailey Harrison a detective and Inspector Cy is my uncle and please hear my deduction. The victim was receiving a death threats that I've found in his closet and he isn't a type of guy that will end his life just because he is depressed." The police inspector roams around the house to gather information and have a list of suspects. The people in the house were the assumed to be the suspects. The list includes Mrs. Nicole (wife), Mrs. Erlind (housekeeper), Mr. Zandro (Cook) and Mr. Ronald (driver) and lastly Mr. Renato (Gardener). The police get all their alibis, so they can eliminate those who are not proven to be the suspect. "Inspector, the autopsy is done. Based from the result, the time of death is around 11:35 in the morning and the time that the body was found dead was exactly 12 noon." said the police. They gather all the suspects to ask a certain question while Ms. Hailey are busy investigating the crime.
Mrs. Nicole Laurel said that she was busy arranging the books from its shelf and there's no one who can prove her alibi so she's still part of the list.
Mr. Zandro said that he's preparing a food for their lunch and his alibi is true because the food is still hot. So, he is removed from the list.
Mr. Ronald said that he is standing beside the car, his alibi is not so strong because there's no one who can prove it.
Mrs. Erlind said that she was busy cleaning the house, because Mrs. Laurel asked her, but she didn't hear any noise.
Lastly, Mr. Renato said that he cut the excess grass from the garden and arranging the flowers. Both cannot present their witness, so their alibis are still unreliable. Only Mr. Zandro has a perfect alibi and the rest are still under investigation.
"As I've said the victim was receiving a death threats and I've seen it inside the closet. I open it and found a message with a cipher pertaining to whom is the sender." "EBANYQ...... Caesar the cipher that the sender gives about his/her identity" Hailey finally knows who the sender of the death threats.
"Ms. Harrison, what are the cipher means? Did you already know who's after Mr. Laurel's life?" said the police. "Yes, I already figured out who is behind of the death threats and who killed Mr. Laurel" said Hailey.
"What do you mean? Do you mean that there are more than one suspects?" said the other police.
"What I mean is the sender of the death threats are different from the one who killed Mr. Laurel, and both is among the four of you" Ms. Hailey pointed the four suspects. And the suspects immediately react from what Ms. Hailey say.
"Are you out of mind, what do you think our motives to kill him?" the house keeper said.
"I know that all of you had a reason to kill Mr. Laurel. You Mrs. Laurel, I know that you really don't love Mr. Laurel and that your marriage was just a fixed marriage. I know it by seeing that you don't wear your ring. And you Mrs. Erlind, I know that you grudge him because of his malicious acts toward you. Mr. Ronald, I know that you and Mrs. Laurel are the real lover. Lastly, Mr. Renato I know that Mr. Laurel made a promise to you that he will sustain your family and you figure out that he stops it last week. "Hailey said with conviction.
"The person behind the sending of death threats gives a hint on the last threat that was sent. The sender mentioned about Caesar right? The sender actually meant Caesar cipher. It's a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the word is replaced by a letter, some fixed number of positions down alphabet. By mere trial and error you'll see that he/she used ROT-13 which means after shift or rotating the alphabet up to 13, you'll get its equivalent letter. "Ms. Hailey said.
The boyfriend of Ms. Hailey gets a ball pen to show how it works.
"I will show you this, so we may be able to know who is behind of this. EBANYQ when you use the ROT-13 the equivalent of it is E-R, B-O, A-N, N-A, Y-L, Q-D. The one who’s been sending the death threats is you Mr. Ronald, because you are so madly in love with Mrs. Laurel and it's the only thing that you think to break them. "Mr. Blake said, the boyfriend of Ms. Hailey.
"In the crime scene, we found a suicide note but it isn't just a suicide note, it's his dying message for us to know his killer." Ms. Hailey said.
This written confession isn't a hoax. Suicide will redeem my guilt as killer, forgive me Nicole.
"That is the suicide note written by Mr. Laurel, if you look at it, it's just a simple suicide note, but if you understand it deeper, this suicide note contains his killer" said the boyfriend of Ms. Hailey.
“And if you will start reading it from the first word and then proceed with every third word, the answer will reveal itself." Hailey said
THIS written confession ISN'T a hoax. SUICIDE will redeem MY guilt as KILLER, forgive me NICOLE.
"This isn't suicide my killer Nicole. That's the message that Mr. Laurel wants us to know that he did not commit suicide that someone is after his life and that's his wife Mrs. Nicole Laurel. You easily killed Mr. Laurel because the bookshelf is near to his room. You get the knife, wipe it to make sure it is clean and no other fingerprint left. At first, you don’t want to kill him but there is something that’s push you to kill him because there's something that he said that provokes you to kill him. You use surgical gloves to make sure that there is no fingerprint of yours will be left. You told Mr. Laurel to hold the knife and you hold his hand to stabbed him and his fingerprint will be in the knife. You disposed the gloves using the lighter on the kitchen and based on the result we saw your fingerprint. You thought that Me. Laurel is already dead so you immediately get away in that room by using the door that no one noticed you. You don't know that he still breathing because you scared that everyone might saw you, he still breathing at that time and do that clue. But due to the loss of blood he died. Do you want me revealed why did you do that?" Said of Ms. Hailey.
"Y-yes it's me, who killed him, but I will not regret it, he destroyed my life! He deserves it, if it is not because of his stupidity I will not going to experience any of this, if it not because of his reckless decision, i will not be tied in him. I don't love him, the one that I really love is Ronald." She said while crying.
We can do something only in the name of love, even though we know it is wrong, we still continue for the sake of the one we love. Ms. Hailey Harrison know why Mr. Laurel called her, it is because of the death threat that he received. She also knows that Mr. Laurel is an avid fan of her.
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” (Sherlock Holmes)
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Breaking Dawn by Angelo Lacerna
Hi! I’m 16 year old boy who wants to be love and be loved. Since then all I want is to know what the concept of love is. A romantic love.  But I’m too young for this kind of concept. And one day, I don’t know where I was that time. I don’t even know what time is it. I don’t know who am I that time. But one thing is for sure, I am happy where am I. Every moment, I want to be in that particular place when no one will hurt me. One, two, three........ I was in a beautiful and quiet place. Reading books, watching birds flying, and eating some of my favourite snacks. I can’t really imagine myself how happy am I in that place. I, seeing myself happy as I could be is a very unforgettable moment that I could treasure of. I was alone in that beautiful spring day. But there’s a dark side of that beautiful place. I want to see what’s inside that part. I was curious the whole time thinking what’s inside or what will happen to me when I enter that dark part of that beautiful place. Yah right everything has a dark side. But I don’t want to take the risk entering that dark side and loosing that beautiful and calm place where I was happy as I could. But everything has changes. All my curiosity and doubt suddenly became strength. Strength, that will pushes me to enter that dark side of that beautiful place. And slowly.... one more step.... and.... . I can’t hear anything but only the sound of crying. And.... I know that voice! That’s my mom! My mom was crying and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to go. I want to go back to the place where I was but I also want to comfort my mom crying for I don’t know the reason why. And suddenly I felt a hand holding my hand. And carefully my eyes opened. I was in my room in the hospital seeing my mom crying. I am comatose for 3 days. And hi! I am Midnight Walker. I have a mental disorder named schizophrenia since when I was in grade 11. I was involved in car accident 3 years ago. By the way, schizophrenia is a kind of mental disorder which I interpret reality abnormally. I am suffering in like dreaming and I don’t know how to escape in that dream. And I am lucky to have a mom who is not wasting a single drop of hope because she knew that I can escape from that “nightmare”. And that is love I guess? Maybe I don’t need literally other person to make me feel what love is. You know, while I’m in that beautiful place, its good but there’s something in me that I need to know. Sometime we are afraid of losing our comfort zone because we want to be comforted. But one thing is for sure for me right now. Not everything that is good for you can be good through you.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
“My sister’s friend is dead”
By: Christin Aivan Abalos One night in 1982, when I was eleven and three quarters years old, less than a week before I turned twelve, my parents went out for the evening. Me and my sister, then nine and three quarters years old, less than a month before she turned ten, were charged with baby-sitting our kindergarten brother, which we interpreted as making sure the TV was turned off and we were all in our rooms before we heard our parents return. Our much younger brother was supposed to go to bed much earlier than we were, but no parents around meant all bets were off, all bedtimes were stretched. That evening, I answered the phone fully expecting to recite the latch-key kid mantra of “my mother can’t come to the phone right now” drilled into us as a safety measure to thwart potential criminal strangers from marking us as vulnerable. The phone call was from one of my classmates who hesitatingly told me that my sister’s best friend, who lived across the street from her, was dead. She wavered on telling me what happened, but the truth was the best friend’s mother, suffering from mental illness, had shot her daughter during a psychotic episode as part of a suicide attempt. And I asked what happened just in case they know, according to the story 6:30 pm in the evening she was preparing dinner while their parents is on the way home, she just wanted to surprise them but all of the sudden there’s a girl walking into her. The murderer wore black jeans and black hood with gloves, she thought it was her mother but she was wrong when she asks it how’s your day when she turned around she was stabbed by 20 times using meat knife and according to the police the murder weapon wasn’t there at the crime scene they suspected that she kept it after the murder. The truth was so strange that I didn’t believe it until I heard my classmates’ father angrily demand the phone and ask if my parents were home. I’m not sure if my friend was supposed to have relayed the news to me or not. Perhaps she was just supposed to dial since she knew my number and then hand over the receiver. Maybe that’s what her dad had told her to do so he could talk to my parents. But maybe she called me on the sly, thinking she should tell me, and her father overheard her. Maybe she had an overwhelming need to tell me what was going on right outside her window. I honestly don’t remember if my friend’s father talked to me or not. I only remember that I was not crying while still on the phone, and hysterical once I hung up the receiver. I was screaming from fright, crying from disbelief, and in a state of utter panic. My behavior was so unusual for me, the eldest, the sixth grader, the pre-teen, that my siblings immediately began crying from shock. I was scaring them. I was harming them. I had a piece of information I had to deliver because no one else was around. Because this was part of the duty of being the oldest kid, of being sort of in charge, of knowing when to break the rules and when to snap out the lights. I was going to have to be the one to tell my sister that her best friend had been murdered. I delivered the news as best as a hysterically frightened almost twelve year-old could. I blurted it out in between sobs. Despite it being over thirty years later, I can’t say I was any better at delivering difficult news to my sister than when I was twelve. When I called her, she was driving and had me on speaker phone. I told her I sold my homemade pancakes and she was happy for me. I said now I could tell her what it was about and when I did she had to pull over. What? she said, incredulously. I wanted to talk about it more, but she cut me off. I’m sorry, she said. I want to be happy for you, she said struggling to be her usual sweet self. I can’t talk about this now. I actually–I’m driving to a meeting, like, right now. I’ll– I don’t know. I’ll call you later. She repeated several phrases like this. And then she had to get off the phone. Other things in our lives pulled our attention away from the past. We tried to talk, but we kept missing each other, or one of us was somewhere that wasn’t private, or her kids were melting down in the background. My sister asked to read the manuscript and I sent it to her. In text messages and voicemail she apologized for not having read it yet, and I reminded her that she didn’t have to read it at all. It wasn’t until we were in the same room months later that my sister said she had started reading. I felt a need to apologize to her. I was the one who had to tell her that her friend had died. I was the one who wrote a book about her friend that died. I seemed to be the eternal harbinger of bad news, the deliverer of pain. My sister told me that for a long time she was traumatized by busy signals. She had been calling her friend all day because she wasn’t in school. She hadn’t shown up to walk to school. She hadn’t called. My sister kept trying the number and all that time her friend was dead. And no one knew. My sister said she was relieved when call waiting was invented and busy signals faded away. When she told me this, somehow, we had wound up sitting on my kitchen floor because we had started out by putting away groceries and somehow we couldn’t stand up any more. It felt like we were kids.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Nyctophobia by Ashley Galupo
Finally, I kissed my one and only love of my life. I thought that is the new beginning of my bittersweet past, and I thought wrong. I am Jane Dawson. I lived in California together with my auntie since when I was 13 years old. I am scared in darkness. You know why?
 When I was young, my mother decided to leave because of my father’s attitude. My father is an abusive man. He always punches and slap my mom whenever there is no food on the table. Every night, I always hear my mother begging to my father and saying, “Please don’t......pleaaaase.” But my father keeps on slapping my mother because he can’t get what he wants from my mother. One day, when my father was still sleeping, my mother told me to take care of my father. I don’t have any idea that my mother will leave at that very moment. And every now and then, my father’s anger towards my mother’s action is getting worse day by day. Until one night, when I’m sleeping, I saw a man standing in front of me without clothes but only a bath towel around his waist. I’m scared. I AM REALLY REALLY SCARED! Then I recognized that that is my father! And his hands are slowly... slowly... slowly.... touching my face...down into my neck.... going into my tummy and his lips aggressively kissing my legs and I just can’t move. My tears suddenly fell. Since then, I am scared in darkness.
 Eighteen years later, I met a man named Steven Hail. Steven is the owner of the biggest networking company in California. He decided to conceal his true identity as an owner of that company so he can move freely in spite of his profile in his company. One day, I was walking along the street and there were a group of man stalking and talking unmannerly about his body and dress. I was crying while I am walking in the street and I saw a man offering his handkerchief to me, asking what is the problem. He then offered me to have a coffee for a while and to calm me down. I asked his name and he said he is Steven. He also asked for my name and I said I am Jane. We both exchange our numbers and parted ways. Time passes by, I and Steven didn’t notice that were falling in love with each other. We frequently went to dates. We made the first place we talked as our favorite coffee shop. I find Steven as a very handsome, gentleman and my ideal man.
 Later, he told me the truth that he is the owner of that company and I was shock because I didn’t imagine that I am dating an elite. And I think, I need to tell him my past. Steven were shock because he didn’t expect that that will happened to me. Until such time, he....presented a small red box, and asked........“Will you be my wife?”. I can’t explain the happiness inside of me because I never imagine a boy, asking me to be his wife despite of my past. Finally, I kissed my one and only love of my life. At the first three months, our relationship was so smooth and until such time, Steven were asking me to turn down the lights. I already know his intention. I said that I’m not ready yet and I’m scared. He got mad at me and he slapped me for the first time. Every now and then he keeps on hurting and abusing me because I’m not ready in that kind of interaction. I got bruises and all. I don’t know what to do. The person that I love is not the same person in front of me. But I love him. And I don’t want to waste all my love and trust because of that. But I can’t stay like this. That was the time I realized that he doesn’t really love me. Because if he loves me, he will take all the consequences because he promised to love me no matter what. THAT’S ENOUGH. I wrote a letter to Steven and I left him not only for myself but also for him. Maybe by now, he will realize that love is not all about what you get, it is what you can sacrifice for the sake of your love.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Carolina wife killing husband
A Carolina woman accused of killing her husband with eye drops in 2018 pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter Thursday and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Lana Sue Clayton was initially charged with murder and other counts in the poisoning of her husband, Stephen Delvalle Clayton, at their home in Clover in July of that year, Stephen Clayton died July 21, 2018, and an autopsy showed poisonous levels of tetrahydrozoline, a decongestant used to relieve redness in the eyes, in his body, the York County Sheriff’s Office has said. Lana Clayton was arrested the next month and confessed to administering the substance without her husband's knowledge, the sheriff’s office has said. Clayton was arrested the next month and confessed to administering the substance without her husband's knowledge, the sheriff’s office has said. Lana Clayton told the judge she did not intend to kill her husband and just wanted to make him sick"After finding out the Visine was the cause of death, I attempted to take my life as well," she said in court. "I couldn’t live with the thought that I did such a terrible thing.Stephen Clayton’s sister in court called Lana Clayton a monster.Lana Clayton’s lawyers said she was a good person having worked as a Veterans Affairs nurse in Charlotte, The Associated Press reported.The attorneys said Lana Clayton was abused as a child, raped on a military base and suffered post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the news agency. Lana Clayton previously shot her husband in the back of the head with a crossbow in 2016, and at the time, she told police it was an accident, reported. Years later she changed her story and claimed the couple got into an argument and that her husband had thrown something at her and that she fired the crossbow as she ran away, according to the station.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
True Colors by Camille M. Dela Cruz
There was a girl named Peach Coronel, she is 27 years old, has graduated from college and has a good job. She is attractive, intelligent and helpful towards her family. Peach met a man named Apollo dela Torre, a rich and handsome businessman, who became her close friend. After a while, they became lovers and married each other. A few months of marriage went by and their marriage was full of happiness and their bond became stronger, until a crisis emerged, and they didn't have enough time for each other. Apollo's business went bankrupt, and Peach's work did not give enough salary for their family. They decided not to have children until they are financially stable. After a while, Peach has been coming home alone, compared to when Apollo was picking her up from work, she thought it was just because her husband was busy with his new work and doesn't want to be a burden. She became used to him not picking her up. Apollo hasn't been spending enough time with Peach, and she noticed that his actions has changed from before, becoming distant to her, but decided not to think about it because she trusted him. Peach then found out that Apollo has been cheating on her, which is why he hasn't been coming home. She decided to talk to him calmly, trying to make him admit but Apollo just became angry and told her she was being paranoid. It resulted to Peach observing his actions, and realized that her husband doesn't love her the same way as before. She became crazy due to lack of sleep and crying every night, while hurting herself. One night, Apollo came home and she saw him asleep, which resulted to her thinking that she should just kill him to stop him from hurting her more. Peach took a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her husband. After stabbing him, she immediately left the house and decided to go far away.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Charlene Aubrey Dancel 11 – A. Mabini The Dare to Kill
There was this house, it was very big and spacious. The house has 8 rooms and 4 restrooms and 2 living rooms to be exact. There was this couple, they were finding for a new house, they needed an old house because the husband’s wife, has a taste for old houses. It was one of those cold days, winter has come. At exactly 5 am in the morning, they started to move in on the old house. The movers were wondering why move into a rusty old house, but the wife seems to be so happy, she is so excited and thanked her husband a million times for buying the house. “What a gorgeous house!” She shouted with joy. The wife had always been commended by the people she meets, I mean she is such a gorgeous woman, she even loves to read. The wife has a beautiful brown hair, a 5’4 height, pale skin, hazelnut brown eyes, and a seducing smile. Her husband is the best man that any girl could have, her husband gives her everything she needs and what she wants, not only he is generous but he is also kind, he has a very soft heart for everyone. He likes to be very simple, he was born with a gold spoon on his mouth but never bragged about it. He is very tall, has a blond hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. Some say it was a match made from heaven, I mean they’re both gorgeous. Later that night, the husband was late for dinner. The wife continued to wait for him, until she fell asleep at the dining table. It was 12 am, suddenly the window glass shattered and the wife was awoken by the noise. She ran upstairs and immediately look for her husband if he was home, she screamed for his name but there was no answers at all. She started to worry and started be scared, she ran towards the phone and there was no signal. She started to cry and started to froze, she has no idea what is happening yet she continued to panic. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the sound was towards her, she screamed “What do you want from me?! Who are you?! My husband will come home soon!!” She ran towards to the basement, locked herself and held a knife. There was a loud bang at the basement door, it was a continuously bang. It was not stopping at all, the wife was so scared and she cried for help but the house was far away from other houses. The basement room was very small, it has no windows and no lights at all. Then the door suddenly opened, then the wife stood quickly and ran towards the person. She stabbed that person quickly, 11 times to be exact. With her eyes closed she was crying, and the person was not moving anymore. She carefully opened her eyes to be shocked that the person who she killed was her husband. She was so shocked and started to stutter, “M-m-m-my L-l-love.” She carefully walks away, and sobbed. The neighbours came, because they heard several gunshots. The neighbours started to knock at the old house, and she hurriedly threw the knife away. When she opened the door she started crying and said “M-my husband and I needs help, help us please!” The neighbours was so shocked and urgently called the police and the ambulance. While they were on their way to the hospital, the nurse asked, “What happened to you ma’am?” She then answered, “I don’t remember.”
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Psycho by Lila Gwyneth Y. Ileto
       A white short skinned middle aged woman with a black hair named Sooji was sitting at the very corner of their shared with his husband Jinyoung. Inside their room was a mess, flower vases were shattered on the floor. Picture frames were on the floor facing down.
Their bed was unmade and is very messy. A lifeless body of Jinyoung was at the floor laying down  with a pocket knife that was stabbed in him in his stomach and his blood is continuously flowing out of his body.
Jinyoung was a psychotic man who locks Sooji at their room always. He always harass and hurt Sooji to the point Sooji wanted to escape the house and leave Jinyoung.
Sooji didn’t mean to stabbed him, but she is so sick of Jinyoung always hurting her and treating her like she isn’t his wife.
Sooji didn’t waste anytime and immediately packed her things so that she can finally escape the cruel house that she lives for 7 years.
Tears flowing out of her eyes as she pack her things, remembering what Jinyoung did to her. She tells herself that she will be okay after this.  
While she was packing her clothes her sister, Sooyoung messaged her asking if she’s doing okay. She replied and told her that she’s doing fine.
And for the last time, she threw one last look at the lifeless body of his husband and uttered the words “I love you, but i’m so sorry.” and left their house.
She doesn’t know where to go yet, she doesn’t want to go at her sister’s house since she has a family and she would just be a bothersome. For now, she wanted to hide, to hide from anyone and escape the things she did.
She finally got out of Jinyoung’s trap, but why does she feel that the guilt is beside her and always following her even if she’s already far from him.
The meaning of the symbol that I used which is the “pocket knife” is that, that thing is always with her whenever her husband is near her because she might need the pocket knife anytime since her husband is a psycho. The pocket knife was her only friend, since Sooji was always locked inside the room and cannot go out because Jinyoung’s thinking was she’s going to get away from him.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Twilight by Denice Cirene Lacra
“Do you know what does twilight means, darling?”
“Nope, mother.” The little girl pout while shaking her head. The woman in front her then pick a flower and softly put it between her hair and ear.
“Twilight is the time when Mr. Sun needs to rest and Mr. Moon needs to start his work. Legends say that twilight is the time when the world blurs and one might encounter something not human.” The little girl eyes widen with astonishment. “Really?! Actually mother, I thought it was some kind of movie that you always love to watch…the handsome vampire, the hot – headed werewolves and the pretty girl named Ella.” Giggling, the little girl added.
“Darling, it’s Bella.” The girl’s mother laughed whole – heartedly for she cannot endure her daughter’s cuteness. The girl did laugh, too. While they’re both laughing, the mother started to tickle her little girl. The little girl struggle until they’re already both lying in the sunflowers.
           Suddenly, a man came. He is smiling so wide while looking at the two females. Sensing the man aged as the mother, both got up and ran to the him, showing a smiling that is full of warmth and happiness.
”Hey mommy bear and baby bear, daddy bear is…...”
             But as swift as the lightning, the scene changed. The faces became blurred, the voices became inaudible, and the smiles became tears. The sunflower field with the woman, man and little girl became me. A lady in a bicycle, resting in the railings under the cherry blossom tree and the beautiful sky.
“How ironic, it’s twilight.” Then, I cried. Reminiscing the past, how aesthetically beautiful it is.  “Mother, father…baby bear is crying. Can you comfort me? I know it’s pathetic, but can you at least let me feel your presence. Just a minute or two…or three…or four…or…...?” I loudly cried to the sky. I looked crazy and devastated but I doesn’t mind at all. All I want to do is to embrace my parents who left me and stayed with God for good. I am too weak to think clearly. My mind is clouded with so many thoughts and rants to my parents and to Him like, ‘Why did you leave me so sudden,’ ‘God, why them?!,’ and so many more. I just want to let it all out and rest after. It’s also the reason why I’m here, my comfort place to shout my problems. The city lights and gentle gushes of winds relaxes me. The falling cherry blossom petals and peaceful sky that gives me my peace of mind.
           I cried and cried until I heard a voice. A very familiar voice that I’ve always wanted to hear. “Hey darling, don’t cry.” That soothing voice. I looked up in the sky and immediately welled up. “My baby bear is always smiling, strong and never cries.”
“Mom!!! Dad!!!” I exclaimed in so much happiness. I know that seeing my parents’ faces in the sky, encouraging me is surreal. It is bizarre and very much dreamlike but I want to live this moment. ‘So, the legend is true,’ I thought while smiling like crazy.
“Daughter, fight. Don’t lose hope just because our physical body left you. Our spirits and love will always be with you, in your heart.” My mother smiled and again, I am filled with so much contentment.
 And from that setting, you will not see a grieving lady, but a little girl genuinely smiling at her parents’ reflections in the sky.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
A Taste of Winter by Johnrich Domingo
Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening – the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left home she had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? They were very large slippers, which her mother had hitherto worn; so large were they; and the poor little thing lost them as she scuffled away across the street, because of two carriages that rolled by dreadfully fast. One slipper was nowhere to be found; the other had been laid hold of by an urchin, and off he ran with it; he thought it would do capitally for a cradle when he some day or other should have children himself. So the little maiden walked on with her tiny naked feet, that were quite red and blue from cold. She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron, and she held a bundle of them in her hand. Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; no one had given her a single farthing. She crept along trembling with cold and hunger – a very picture of sorrow, the poor little thing! The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair, which fell in beautiful curls around her neck; but of that, of course, she never once now thought. From all the windows the candles were gleaming, and it smelt so deliciously of roast goose, for you know it was New Year’s Eve; yes, of that she thought. In a corner formed by two houses, of which one advanced more than the other, she seated herself down and cowered together. Her little feet she had drawn close up to her, but she grew colder and colder, and to go home she did not venture, for she had not sold any matches and could not bring a farthing of money: from her father she would certainly get blows, and at home it was cold too, for above her she had only the roof, through which the wind whistled, even though the largest cracks were stopped up with straw and rags. Her little hands were almost numbed with cold. Oh! a match might afford her a world of comfort, if she only dared take a single one out of the bundle, draw it against the wall, and warm her fingers by it. She drew one out. “Rischt!” how it blazed, how it burnt! It was a warm, bright flame, like a candle, as she held her hands over it: it was a wonderful light. It seemed really to the little maiden as though she were sitting before a large iron stove, with burnished brass feet and a brass ornament at top. The fire burned with such blessed influence; it warmed so delightfully. The little girl had already stretched out her feet to warm them too; but – the small flame went out, the stove vanished: she had only the remains of the burnt-out match in her hand. She rubbed another against the wall: it burned brightly, and where the light fell on the wall, there the wall became transparent like a veil, so that she could see into the room. On the table was spread a snow-white tablecloth; upon it was a splendid porcelain service, and the roast goose was steaming famously with its stuffing of apple and dried plums. And what was still more capital to behold was, the goose hopped down from the dish, reeled about on the floor with knife and fork in its breast, till it came up to the poor little girl; when – the match went out and nothing but the thick, cold, damp wall was left behind. She lighted another match. Now there she was sitting under the most magnificent Christmas tree: it was still larger, and more decorated than the one which she had seen through the glass door in the rich merchant’s house. Thousands of lights were burning on the green branches, and gaily-colored pictures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down upon her. The little maiden stretched out her hands towards them when – the match went out. The lights of the Christmas tree rose higher and higher, she saw them now as stars in heaven; one fell down and formed a long trail of fire. “Someone is just dead!” said the little girl; for her old grandmother, the only person who had loved her, and who was now no more, had told her, that when a star falls, a soul ascends to God. She drew another match against the wall: it was again light, and in the lustre there stood the old grandmother, so bright and radiant, so mild, and with such an expression of love. “Grandmother!” cried the little one. “Oh, take me with you! You go away when the match burns out; you vanish like the warm stove, like the delicious roast goose, and like the magnificent Christmas tree!” And she rubbed the whole bundle of matches quickly against the wall, for she wanted to be quite sure of keeping her grandmother near her. And the matches gave such a brilliant light that it was brighter than at noon-day: never formerly had the grandmother been so beautiful and so tall. She took the little maiden, on her arm, and both flew in brightness and in joy so high, so very high, and then above was neither cold, nor hunger, nor anxiety – they were with God. But in the corner, at the cold hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth, leaning against the wall – frozen to death on the last evening of the old year. Stiff and stark sat the child there with her matches, of which one bundle had been burnt. “She wanted to warm herself,” people said. No one had the slightest suspicion of what beautiful things she had seen; no one even dreamed of the splendor in which, with her grandmother she had entered on the joys of a new year.Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening – the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left home she had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? They were very large slippers, which her mother had hitherto worn; so large were they; and the poor little thing lost them as she scuffled away across the street, because of two carriages that rolled by dreadfully fast. One slipper was nowhere to be found; the other had been laid hold of by an urchin, and off he ran with it; he thought it would do capitally for a cradle when he some day or other should have children himself. So the little maiden walked on with her tiny naked feet, that were quite red and blue from cold. She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron, and she held a bundle of them in her hand. Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; no one had given her a single farthing. She crept along trembling with cold and hunger – a very picture of sorrow, the poor little thing! The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair, which fell in beautiful curls around her neck; but of that, of course, she never once now thought. From all the windows the candles were gleaming, and it smelt so deliciously of roast goose, for you know it was New Year’s Eve; yes, of that she thought. In a corner formed by two houses, of which one advanced more than the other, she seated herself down and cowered together. Her little feet she had drawn close up to her, but she grew colder and colder, and to go home she did not venture, for she had not sold any matches and could not bring a farthing of money: from her father she would certainly get blows, and at home it was cold too, for above her she had only the roof, through which the wind whistled, even though the largest cracks were stopped up with straw and rags. Her little hands were almost numbed with cold. Oh! a match might afford her a world of comfort, if she only dared take a single one out of the bundle, draw it against the wall, and warm her fingers by it. She drew one out. “Rischt!” how it blazed, how it burnt! It was a warm, bright flame, like a candle, as she held her hands over it: it was a wonderful light. It seemed really to the little maiden as though she were sitting before a large iron stove, with burnished brass feet and a brass ornament at top. The fire burned with such blessed influence; it warmed so delightfully. The little girl had already stretched out her feet to warm them too; but – the small flame went out, the stove vanished: she had only the remains of the burnt-out match in her hand. She rubbed another against the wall: it burned brightly, and where the light fell on the wall, there the wall became transparent like a veil, so that she could see into the room. On the table was spread a snow-white tablecloth; upon it was a splendid porcelain service, and the roast goose was steaming famously with its stuffing of apple and dried plums. And what was still more capital to behold was, the goose hopped down from the dish, reeled about on the floor with knife and fork in its breast, till it came up to the poor little girl; when – the match went out and nothing but the thick, cold, damp wall was left behind. She lighted another match. Now there she was sitting under the most magnificent Christmas tree: it was still larger, and more decorated than the one which she had seen through the glass door in the rich merchant’s house. Thousands of lights were burning on the green branches, and gaily-colored pictures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down upon her. The little maiden stretched out her hands towards them when – the match went out. The lights of the Christmas tree rose higher and higher, she saw them now as stars in heaven; one fell down and formed a long trail of fire. “Someone is just dead!” said the little girl; for her old grandmother, the only person who had loved her, and who was now no more, had told her, that when a star falls, a soul ascends to God. She drew another match against the wall: it was again light, and in the lustre there stood the old grandmother, so bright and radiant, so mild, and with such an expression of love. “Grandmother!” cried the little one. “Oh, take me with you! You go away when the match burns out; you vanish like the warm stove, like the delicious roast goose, and like the magnificent Christmas tree!” And she rubbed the whole bundle of matches quickly against the wall, for she wanted to be quite sure of keeping her grandmother near her. And the matches gave such a brilliant light that it was brighter than at noon-day: never formerly had the grandmother been so beautiful and so tall. She took the little maiden, on her arm, and both flew in brightness and in joy so high, so very high, and then above was neither cold, nor hunger, nor anxiety – they were with God. But in the corner, at the cold hour of dawn, sat the poor girl, with rosy cheeks and with a smiling mouth, leaning against the wall – frozen to death on the last evening of the old year. Stiff and stark sat the child there with her matches, of which one bundle had been burnt. “She wanted to warm herself,” people said. No one had the slightest suspicion of what beautiful things she had seen; no one even dreamed of the splendor in which, with her grandmother she had entered on the joys of a new year.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Blue Sky by Jericho Fortuno
High up, stretching into the sky, loomed the tower of the fair princess. It was made of pure crystal and its pinnacle was bedecked with gold and precious stones. All around it, a multi-hued, large rose garden spread out. From amongst the thin net of narrow golden paths, perfumed flowerbeds, with countless roses, looked out; red as the setting sun, white as the wings of the Cabbage Whites, pink as the heavens at the brink of dawn, and yellow as the golden curls adorning the fair head of their mistress, the princess. Both beautiful and humble. Each one ten times more glorious and pleasing to the eye than the diamonds, sapphires and aquamarines bejewelling the tower’s crystal. Every single one, a little sun. And glorious fragrances rose into the sky from the flowerbeds, like wondrous sounds of music, and blended together to become one choir, an ode to beauty. And for all those who saw this glory with their own eyes and listened to the song of fragrances – be they gloomy and their sorrow was forgotten; be they anguished and their torment was unheeded; be they dead and they would come back to life. The garden was surrounded by a tall, thick marble wall that distinguished it from the world around. Roses coiled against the wall, but not one of them dared ascend to the edge and raise her head beyond the kingdom of flowers. And the gate to the garden was locked shut, and hard metal bolts were always suspended across it. Every morning, bright and early, as the sun rose, the first beams cast their light on the top of the tower, making the crystal glimmer and glisten and glow in a multitude of colours, and as the soft breeze moved the silver bells hanging in the window of the princess’ bedroom, she would walk down to her garden. Her little feet would stroke the ground as she walked, and the rim of her white, light, fragrant dress caressed her pink heels. She would reach the well, draw water from it, and, with her own two narrow hands, as delicate as the wings of white doves, she would water her flowers, one row after the other, flying from one flowerbed to the next, pouring fresh water over the buds, and they would bow to her in gratitude. When she was done, she would walk amongst the flowers to see that nothing had happened to them during the night. And if a rose was bent, she would straighten it; if it had been uprooted, she would plant it once more; if it had wilted, she would snip it off the bush and cast it far from her. And after combing the flowerbeds for thistles, brambles and weeds, she would scatter golden sand along the paths. This was how her day passed. And when the sun started setting and pink mist began drifting through the air, the wondrous one would again walk the length and width of her garden and kneel next to each rose; and with her lips, which were as sweet as the taste of cherry nectar, she would kiss every flower. And after her kiss, the flowers were ten times as splendid and as beautiful, and their fragrance twenty times as powerful and intoxicating. The princess, dazed by the scent of her own flowers, would go up to her room in the tower and surrender herself to a blue night, full of dreams. And beyond the wall was a large city, crowded and squalid. Long, narrow and grimy streets twisted through it like snakes. Tall grey houses with small dirty windows and rusted roofs stood crammed together, making it seem as if each one wanted to push the other and take its place. And thousands of factory chimneys raised their heads upwards, piping the black smoke into the sky. Outside of town, there were green pools of water that reeked, desolate fields whose crops grew low and meagre, and old, pitiful ramshackle houses. And only the wonderful scent of the roses, which emanated from the princess’ garden and lingered in the air, would shed a bit of comfort on this rancid city. Every morning, when the clouded sky turned a little brighter, and all the factories’ chimneys roared their awful roar in one wild chorus, the inhabitants of the city would leave their houses. Their hair was unkempt, their eyes reddened with tears and sleeplessness. Their lips were pale and withered, their clothes made of a rough fabric, torn and grey like the dust of the roads. Even the heads of the children bowed down, and no one dared raise their voice in laughter. Group after group they would walk to the workshops and factories to toil away. And then each one would stiffen in his task. One hunched his back over a needle throughout the long grey day, another incessantly turned the wheel of a machine, the next dug a hole in a ground as hard as stone, another kept throwing wood into the mouth of a burning furnace, large drops of sweat rolling down his sooty body. And in the evening, when the yellow street lamps were lit and their murky light washed over the whole city, the people, dead tired, left their work and went outside, hurrying to their homes to quickly satiate themselves on a dry slice of bread, fall asleep and forget everything, everything. And on their way home, they were accompanied by the factories’ second roar. And three times a year only, on the days of the great holidays, the city would transform itself. The narrow streets were cleaner then, a strange smile appeared on the houses and in the little windows white curtains gleamed. On such days, the factories’ chimneys would remain silent and people would stay home until late. And then they would come out, fresh and with a smile on their lips, washed and wearing festive speckled clothes. They all hurried to the field outside the princess’ garden, and there they would stand and wait in anticipation. At twelve noon, the princess, in all the glory of her beauty, would appear on the wall, her white attire coming down in folds on the wall’s marble, and within her soft face, between her eyelids, two blue eyes glistened, like pools of water among the reeds. On her arm hung a large basket and in it wonderful roses from her garden. For a while she would look down at the speckled field, where thousands of bright, eye-fetching colours burnt in the light of the sun, and then, with her long fingers, she would take the flowers out of her basket and throw them one-by-one to the expectant crowd below. And they would grab each flower and tear it into tiny pieces; and whoever came across even one petal would be elated. And after the princess had shared her gifts, she would step down off the wall and into the garden, and there she would listen to the songs of joy sung by the dispersing crowed. The notes were powerful and full of hope. They rang through the clear air like the laughter of thunder in a spring sky and grew silent only as evening descended. The next day the princess would resume her work in the rose garden. And, on the other side of the wall, the hard day-to-day life would also recommence. Once there was a drought. The barren soil outside the city yielded only very little, and the low, meagre crops were singed as they budded. The wells and pools dried up, the tiles that paved the city streets burnt like coals, and the dust rose high up, enshrouding everything. The people despaired from hunger and thirst. They hunched their backs even lower. Their faces were pale and bleak, their eyes were on fire and their fists became clenched. And when the holiday arrived, none of the city’s inhabitants wore their speckled clothing. Sooty and dirty, wearing torn clothes, they gathered on the field outside the princess’ house and waited impatiently for her arrival. She was a little late that morning: “How beautiful the flowers are this year! And the basket so full. How happy they will be when I bring the roses to them,” she thought. But the strange voices that she heard from beyond the wall startled her. “What is it?” she wondered, “For I have never heard sounds such as these before, and why haven’t I?” She finally made her mind up and started climbing, and as she climbed strange wailing reached her ears – the sound of children crying, and women groaning, and roars which came from the parched throats of the men, and when she lowered her gaze to look down at the field, she was so startled she could barely hold herself, for it was so black and ugly. But still she placed her hand in the flower basket, meaning to throw the flowers to the crowd, but a wild laughter that rose from everyone’s throats stopped her. “Enough!” they shouted from below. “We have no need for your gifts! We shall not let you go on dwelling safely beyond the wall, enjoying the scent of your flowers. See our poverty! How thin our arms, how white our hair. Look how ugly we are, how filthy our city. We no longer want a dog’s life. We need wonderful flowers in our gardens, not behind your wall! Come out to us! Walk among us. Be the gardener of our gardens. Open the gates! And if not… Well, we will tear down the wall, shatter your towers, and trample over those roses of yours with the soles of our boots. Open the gates!” And the princess lowered her hand helplessly, twisted her dresses with anguish, and large shimmering tears rolled down from her eyes. Then she climbed down the wall and opened the gate. The inflamed mass barged into the garden trampling and collecting the roses, destroying the crystal tower, and they took the princess away with them. And from that day on she began planting the roses in their gardens, in their barren soil, but the buds that grew were pale and lifeless, their scent was so faint that no one sensed it, and the magical qualities of the roses in the garden beyond the wall were gone. The princess persisted in her efforts to retrieve their former glory, but to no avail. Even the kisses from her warm lips could not revive the roses. Then the city’s inhabitants said: “Why did you deceive us? We have plenty of roses like these, we never asked you for trickery. We begged you for remedy and comfort. Grow the roses you once grew in your garden on our lands!” And she replied: “I cannot. For the roses I once grew bloom only beyond the wall.” And they would not believe her.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Unknown Destination by Ed Pogi
    I don’t know the date, time and day; all that I can remember was this place and the person I was with, we were happy with just walking down this road not knowing where it will lead us, what was important for us was how we spent our time walking down that road together. There were times when the road was rough, we stumbled, we got hurt, and it was a hard time, she almost gave up and stopped walking because she’s tired but I helped her get back up and when I almost gave up she did the same thing for me, we kept going until the road was smooth again, there were days when we stopped to rest, but we never gave up, after we finished resting and the pain subsided, we walked again, still doesn’t know where we are headed.
    As the time passed by the road got rougher, trees got bigger, buildings fell and new ones rose, we were still at each other’s side holding hands walking. We have made many stops and rests but we still haven’t figured out where we are going, we still haven’t reached our destination, where are we going? Why is it so far? When are we going to stop? My mind is now filled with questions that have no definite answer. This road seems so endless, we are already feeling weak, it’s like every step that we take we are going to fall, we can’t stop, it hurts but we have to keep moving forward, we must keep moving forward.
    The crow has already turned white, our two legs have turned into three, and our once smooth skin is now wrinkled. This road seems endless, but nothing lasts forever. This long walk and seemingly endless road has finally ended, we have finally reached our destination, this destination is a deep hole with a rectangular shape, a grave, and perhaps it shouldn’t have been the destination that we gave our attention to but the journey and its unforgettable memories with the person you were with.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
“The Place That I First Met You” by Angeline Isabel N. Balacano (humss) 11- Mabini
 It's been a few years since I went here to the beautiful and peaceful flower field somewhere in the Philippines. I still remember all the memories we have here in this place especially the first time we met here. Back then, we were both first year college but we had different courses. Then, there was a field trip of all first year college courses. I went to a beautiful and peaceful flower field which was one of our destinations. Then, a few minutes later, a man approached me and accompanied me to that flower field. 
Xavier: Hi.
Therese: Hello. 
Xavier: What’s your course? 
Therese: Bachelor of Secondary Education. How about you? 
Xavier: Bachelor of Arts. 
Therese: Really? Did you know that I should take the course because I want to study history but my dad doesn't want to. So I decided to take a bachelor of secondary education. 
Xavier: Oh I see. Maybe if we were the same course, we would be classmates. 
Therese: Exactly. By the way, what’s your name? 
Xavier: I’m Xavier. And you are? 
Therese: I’m Therese. Xavier: If you don’t mind, can we meet tomorrow? Let's have lunch together.
 Therese: oh sure, no problem. 
Xavier: Where is your room? 
Therese: 3rd floor, first room on the left side. 
Xavier: Okay. Oh, That's our bus. So, let's just meet tomorrow? 
Therese: Okay. See you tomorrow. Xavier: See you. And it’s nice to meet you. 
And the day after the field trip, Xavier went to our room. We have a lunch together and we have many stories about family and more. A few months later, that's what we always do. Eating together, then when the two of us finished class together we went home. And when we were free and had no schoolwork, we went to the flower field. One day, he invited me back to the flower field where we first met.
Therese: Seriously, it's really peaceful and beautiful here.
Xavier: Yes, it’s beautiful *looking at Therese*
Therese: oh, why are you looking at me?
Xavier: No. I'll just looking at you now.
Therese: Wait, why did you bring me here?
Xavier: I have something to tell you. *Nervous*
Therese: what's that? *Nervous*
Xavier: Uhmmm, I like you. From the beginning of the fieldtrip and I saw you, I did not know but suddenly someone motivated me to approach you so I went to you. I thought you were going to complain or you wouldn't notice me, but I made a mistake. And the more I liked you the more we were together and you showed me who you really are. I don't know what you are going to say now but whatever you decide I will accept.
Therese: *Surprised* I don't know what to say *my heart start beating fast*. Xavier: It's okay. I'm not in a hurry. I can wait for what you have to say. Therese: *She calmed down herself* Honestly, we feel the same way about each other.
Xavier: *Surprised* really? You like me too?
Therese: Yes. It started when you always brought me home and sent me home. You are always with me wherever I go. You are supportive in everything I do. You are always there when I have problems with my family or my friends. Xavier: So you will allow me to court you?
Therese: You go to the house first and ask my dad.
Xavier: What?! Why to your dad? He may not agree to court you.
Therese: Well, you have to figure out how you can please my dad. He didn't bite you. *laughing*. And he knows that I like you and what our status is, he is supportive as long as we know there is nothing wrong with what we are doing. Xavier: Alright, tomorrow I'm going to your house to formally say to your dad if I can court you.
The next morning, Xavier went home and formally informed to my dad if he could court me. And my dad agreed but he told us that we should know our limits. He courted me for years. He was more caring and I saw his efforts in me. And when I graduated, he went. We did not graduate college at the same time. He first graduated from college for a few months. After graduation, I talk to dad and informed him that Xavier and I were going to the flower field. Dad agreed but he told us that we should not be late at night. When we got to the flower field we sat down again where we were when we first met and looked at the view again.
Xavier: Congratulations Therese. You made it. You will be a teacher.
Therese: thank you. *smiled* I can't do it all without people supporting me and inspiring me to continue what I am doing. I also thank you for being there to help me when I have difficulty in my school work.
Xavier: *smiled* your welcome. And it is my responsibility to help you all even though we are not officially dating.
Therese: Thank you very much. I appreciate everything that you did to me. Xavier: Your welcome. I know what's better for you. By the way, besides your graduation today, why are we here?
Therese: I have something to say to you. *nervous* 
Xavier: what's that? *excited at the same time he was nervous*
Therese: I'm so glad I met you. I was with her every day. I have had someone like you that I can tell about my problems, at school work, or with my family. I really appreciate your efforts and everything. And I asked dad if he was okay with my decision. And he agreed. *still nervous*
Xavier? What is your decision? *serious face* *nervous*
Therese: *inhaled, exhaled* It’s official. I’m your girlfriend now.
Xavier: shocked what did you say?
Therese: I said I’m your girlfriend now.
Xavier: Really? Oh my God. I don’t know what to say. *speechless*
Therese: I wanted to tell you this for a long time but I didn't know when to say it so I chose this date because this is the day I think it's a good time to tell how I feel.
Xavier: I’m very happy today, Therese. You don't know how much you make me happy today. This is one of the special days of my life. I will never forget this date. I love you, Therese.
Therese: I love you too, Xavier. Promise me that you will never leave me. When you leave me, you know what dad can do to you when you leave and hurt me. *laughing*. I’m just kidding.
Xavier: That will never happen. And just in case there's another reason why I'm leaving, I still choose you.
Therese: All right, let's go home, daddy going to get mad at you when you take me home late.
And after that day, I’m very happy because I told him exactly what I really felt for him. I never thought I would be in such a situation that I would have such a caring, supportive, and understanding boyfriend. Over the years, we have spent a lot of time remembering the two of us as a couple. We also travel to different countries. Of course, we also had situations where we had problems coming to the point where we had to separate but we didn't because daddy gave us advice and that was what we were holding onto and that made our relationship stronger. And every week after we go to church, or when we're not doing anything, we go to the flower field where we first met.
One day, as Xavier and I were walking home, he was still coughing. She had been coughing for several weeks so the next day, we went to the hospital to consult.
Xavier: Do we have to go here? I'm fine. 
Therese: You're not okay, Xavier. You have been coughing for weeks. The doctor needs to see that. 
Xavier:  Okay. I'm sorry if I'm complaining. 
Therese: It’s okay. Let's just wait for the result of your check-up.
The doctor has arrived and we do not expect the result of his check- up. He has lung cancer. I am deeply sad by the outcome of his check-up.
Therese: *crying* why do you need to have that kind of disease? How is that your promise? Will you leave me?
Xavier: Of course not. We will fight this disease, Therese. We have passed through many trials and problems in our lives. It is not uncommon for us to give up. We have been together for 4 years. Are we still going to give up? Therese, I repeat, we can handle it. We will fight this problem. Okay?
Therese: Alright. Just promise me that you will not be discouraged, be strong, and follow all that the doctor will do and tell you to get well soon.
Xavier: I will. I love you always.
Therese: I love you too.
Ever since he was sick he has always been by my side. When I got a job, my dad would take care of him first. After teaching my students at school, I went straight to the hospital to look after him and watch over him. One day, while I was asleep, I was talking to him and I did not even know that my tears were dripping.
Therese: *crying* Why did this happen to you, Xavier? I was afraid that I might not be with you for so long. I told myself, you are the one I want to marry someday. Fight back, love. You're not going to leave me alone right? So, don't give up, love. I love you. *kissed Xavier’s forehead*.
And after a few months, he was still not well. Still no improvement if he's okay. We already have a debt to our acquaintances and friends. Until I can no longer eat and sleep well. But I didn't show that I was in trouble because I knew he would be discouraged. One day, while I was taking care of him supposed medicine for his disease, she called me.
Xavier: love, can you come here beside me? 
Therese: What’s wrong love? Does anything hurt? 
Xavier: Nothing. I just want to see your beautiful face. 
Therese: Seriously, what’s wrong? 
Xavier: I just want to thank you. You are the one God gave me to take care of. Thanks for everything, love. You are the one I have chosen and I will never stop choosing you everyday, until I lose my breath, I still choose you. We are not yet married, but we are acting as if we are married. There is no day that you will not make me happy. Maybe if I didn't go to the flower field, my personality wouldn't change. Just keep in mind that I love you so much until I take a deep breath. 
Therese: I love you too, love. And you will be my choice until my last breath. Oh, take this medicine so you can rest. 
Xavier: Okay. Thank you, love. You also rest there in bed love, you haven't been resting since you arrived this morning. 
Therese: Okay, love. I love you. Xavier: I love you too.
The next day, when I woke up I suddenly felt heavy in my heart. Then I looked at Xavier. I go to him.
Therese: Love, wake up. It's time for you to eat.
Xavier: ………. * no response*
* Therese shakes Xavier's body*
Therese: Love, Wake up! *Therese called the doctor*
Doctor: Time of Death, 9:32 a.m. I’m sorry Therese but Xavier is dead.
Therese: *crying*
And that was one of the worst things that ever happened to me. In those days, I couldn't sleep and eat well. I'm not the one I'm used to seeing. I want to, I'm always alone. I can't even talk to my friends even with my dad. That had a huge impact on Xavier's disappearance. But I always remember when he said to me "I will still choose you until my last breath" I will never forget her. So far I have never been in a relationship with anyone else but i was adopted into an orphan and he is my priority now. So I came back to this flower field, to remember everything that happened in this place. This is a place I will never forget and this is a part of my life because this is where our love started.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
"Brother" By: Shierine Kate L. Roy
One day someone was talking about in our house. I was surprised when I heard that I didn't like it, all I heard was that I had another brother. I was very hurt when I heard that because they had never been honest with me. When they saw me at the door I didn't mean to hear them talk. It hurt me so much that I didn't even know what to do, so I just left with some clothes and temporarily moved away to be able to think better. I go somewhere else by myself. I don't know why I went there, just maybe because of the beautiful sea scene we were on a rocky island with a house there. It was late at night when I lay in the sand listening to the sound of the waves coming out of the sea and staring at the stars as I wondered why they would not even let me know, until a man beside me asked me, he said " Miss i think you are thinking so deep" I said "who are you and leave here" I immediately stood up and planned to leave and go to my room. But he chased me right away and said for a moment that maybe he could be my friend because he was lonely . I never doubted that he was a kind and trustworthy man. I told him why I was on the island and he also told me, we were in the same situation but he was just fine with him having a sister because he didn't have a sister. While I, i don't want to have a brother. Do you really know why? Just because I don't like it, I just can't accept that I have a share of it and I just don't want to get along. He told me that i need to stop being selfish and that I would listen to my parents' side too. Of course I just nodded and we end our conversation because it's too late he need to go tomorrow in the morning. We said goodbye to each other and went to room. The next day I looked for him because I didn't know him at all and I immediately saw him I just said "Hey" he was older six years from me, he immediately looked up he said "why? what do you need? " I said "I don't know you yet, what's your name?" he says "I'm kyle and you are?" I immediately replied "erine, just call me erine". I said goodbye and left immediately. I was just on the island walking, thinking and realizing that kyle had a point in saying that I also needed to listen to my parents' side. Maybe I need to understand them too because for sure I am not the only one who is struggling with our situation. When I got home I saw Kyle and I told him that I was coming home and thanked him for sharing with me. He said he liked me and he hope that he can be my sibling but I just smiled at him. When I got home my parents were overjoyed and they explained everything to me and so that my brother and I could agree on a weekend together. And the days passed by and the day of the week came to go to the restaurant where my brother and I met and told him what he was wearing and that I could see him immediately. When I got to the restaurant, I immediately saw him and approached him when I was nervous I immediately went to see him and he was kyle I immediately asked him are you my brother? he immediately asked if I was shierine and I nodded and he said he was my brother. I'm happy with our situation now because at first I felt comfortable with him. In a long time we became closer to each other, just happy that I had a kind and handsome older brother despite all the circumstances.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
Old Memories by Patrisha Alip
I am always mesmerized by old photographs. Looking at this brings me down the memory lane. I used to drive around the city a lot. Before, you can count vehicles passing by, but nowadays, massive count of cars on the roads generates heavy traffics. Pollution is all over the city. Sometimes I cannot help but think and hope that I can still go back. Despite of the progress and innovations, some of our resources were overlooked.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
“Walk and shout in the bridge road” (PS:DON’T RUN) BY: CHRISTIAN AIVAN ABALOS
I am not one to go all out in writing about my personal life. I have always been cryptic, hiding my real experiences in supposed random musings and attempts at fiction. But this time, I feel that writing about my feelings and experiences will help. Writing has always been my strength and source of strength, anyway.
I am an absolute late bloomer. I had my first girlfriend at 14, and we broke up at 17. I was so young, and although I knew my feelings back then were valid, I didn’t consider it a real and mature relationship. For many years after that, I didn’t have a woman in my life. I focused on school, and then after that, my family. It wasn’t until last year that I thought, “Okay, it’s about time I date.” I knew what I wanted. I wanted to have a serious relationship and get to know someone as an investment in possibly sharing the rest of our lives together
 It wasn’t all fun. In fact, there were a lot of disappointments. I went out with about a dozen girls before I met someone who I thought might just be the one. I went out with girls my age, girl in their 20s, Filipinos, expats. And I’ve had my heart mangled in more ways than one.
 And then I met someone very different from the rest. For one, she was a lot older than me. she didn’t have the style and lifestyle of any of the girls I dated in the past. she was a free spirit who traveled the world and made friends everywhere she went. she wasn’t exactly what you’d call settled or stable. she moved from place to place and, most of the time, didn’t have plans.  she didn’t give a fuck about what she was wearing. she didn’t look like a total stud (think mom bod and thinning hair).
 But looking past these not-so-ideal things, I decided to give it a shot. she was, after all, older and, I hoped, more mature. she was consistent, persistent, and attentive. she made me feel that she was really into me, as opposed to the girls who only remembered me whenever it was convenient for them.
 Everything happened quite fast that we pretty much skipped some steps, like getting to know each other and becoming real friends first. I fell in love for the very first time. And she said she fell in love with me, too.
 Like in most relationships (I mean, I guess because I haven’t been in a lot), everything was great at first. she had many strong points that made up for her shortcomings. shetook me out a lot, listened to me, remembered the things I said, made me feel so wanted and loved. she put on shows and movies for me to enjoy.Devoted a lot of her time to me. Held me. Kissed me. Told me she loved me. Most important, asked me about my dreams and offered full support.
But just as fast as things began, so did the turbulent times. There were red flags I chose to ignore—messages from other friends, messaging other man, using online dating apps, refusing to add me on social media, the limited presence in her life both online and offline, and the selective introductions to her friends and family.
I tried to understand her, to some extent even made excuses for her. I thought to myself that she’s no normal girl, so maybe this can’t be a normal relationship. I aired my side, tried my best to make her understand. But we were both pretty much set in our ways and were only willing to bend to a certain point. I struggled between accepting things in pain and asserting my wants, needs, and beliefs—also in pain.
I also have my shortcomings. I’m obviously younger and inexperienced. I can’t be as mature as I would like to be. I had my personal issues and my insecurities that prevented us from having really good times together. I admit I’ve said and done things that hurt him and made her unhappy. I am just as responsible for this unfortunate heartbreak as he is.
But I guess time comes when you know that enough is enough. It can be a small event or a grand slip-up that causes you to realize this, but when you feel compelled to end a relationship, you’ll know it’s the wise thing to do.
And so I’m going through my first real heartbreak caused by my first real love. The one who brought me the indescribable joy of being in love, but also the one who showed me the unspeakable pain of losing someone.
The pain is too new to me that I don’t really know how to deal. It’s not like my previous heartbreaks and failures where I would just go for a drink or a dance and somehow feel that I’m a step to being better. Right now, I’m at a loss for what to do. It’s hard to not feel pain when she’s the first thing you think about when you wake up, the last one before you fall asleep, and all the long minutes in between.
But I’m choosing to be positive despite the pain. I am not moving forward with the bad experiences I had with her. I am not keeping any ill feelings. I am slowly moving forward with all the lessons I’ve learned. she has taught me so much—from loving someone the best and the most I can, to choosing to love myself above anyone and anything else.
I used the bridge road to shout and screams all of the sadness in me just to feel relieved and it helped it made me so strong enough to take the next challenge, sometimes we need to take a deep breath walkand walk until you reach what you have looking for and finally settled.
 If I were still my weaker self, I would have decided to just swallow everything and stay in the relationship. But this woman has helped me realize how strong I am, and for that I am forever grateful. No matter how bad things have turned out, I am glad that I met her. she has made a mark in my life. I am positive that I will look back at this moment one day, maybe with a new love, and be grateful that it has made me a better person because I have no plans other than being a much better person, not for anyone else but for myself.
But for now I deal with the pain of my first real heartbreak.
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11humssmabinisblog · 4 years
New Beginnings by Kyla Ffyette T. Adornado
Some of life's most profound lessons can be learned in the most unexpected places if we only take the time to look around us and see with our hearts as well as our eyes.
      On the 15th of October 2016, me and my significant other, Edward decided to go into the nearby beach before we go to our work. Me and Edward are educators. I am teaching Secondary – English and he is teaching Secondary as well but his subject was Mathematics. We realized that we need to unwind and we need to escape from the reality even just a short period of time. At exactly 4 am, our alarm clock has rang and another ordinary day has officially started. After getting ready, I prepared our breakfast that we will be eating as we wait and watch for the sun to rise.  As we arrive at the nearby beach, the defeaning silence has welcomed us. We did not even imagine that we will be finding ourselves sitting in silence at the shore, watching the waves, waiting for the sun to rise, hoping everything would be fine as well as ourselves, however, suddenly, we started to reminisce our childhood but more than that we started to reminisce what we had gone through.
      “ I miss being a kid.”, Edward uttered. “ Likewise. Being a kid is having no worries at any means. No pressure. No expectations. No responsibilities. You just play with your neighbors outside of your house and worry about your mama that tells you to go home before sunset.”, I replied. “ How I wish I could turn back time, to the good old days.”, Edward replied. “ Yes, you can. Unless you are a great inventor that can make a time machine right now.” I jokingly replied. “ You gotta be kidding me huh. But you know, maybe it is just the way of the universe to tell us that life is not perfect and it will never be. Life is not precious and not wonderful the way we expected it to be. “ Edward replied. “ I second the motion. Life just became wonderful and precious because of the people that surrounds us. The people that we have in our life. “ I answered. “ You know, I may not tell you this always, every second or every minute but honestly speaking, I am glad you came. My life has became wonderful and precious since the day that I met you.” Edward replied. I suddenly have nothing to say. I became speechless. I suddenly got butterflies in my stomach. We began to act and talk like we are not yet married. Like we’re a couple in high school. “ That made me speechless. I also may not tell to you this always but I am beyond grateful and blessed to have someone like you. To have an understanding, responsible and caring husband. *smiles*”, I responded. “ We came from failed relationships and words are not just enough to express how blessed I am that I have you. Kyla, life may be challenging and testing us again lately but I know we can conquer it because we have each other. I have you.” Edward replied. “Exactly. Maybe this is what I need, this is what you need and what we need. We need to be reminded once again that despite all the trials, obstacles and challenges that the universe and life may give and throw to us, we could definitely conquer it because we have each other. I have you and you have me, always. “ I lovingly answered. “ I could not ask for more, my dear. I firmly believe that everything will be fine and so are we. Maybe we’re just both so exhausted because of our work. I love you to such an extent. We’ll be fine, okay?” Edward responded. As we continue to recall the past and as we sat there watching the ever-changing colors, I realized that tears of pure delight were running down my cheeks. “ I am finally out of words. Keep in mind that we will be still and you will always have me. As I’ve said in our wedding, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”, I warmly responded. We smiled at each other and  Edward suddenly hold my hand. At the midst of our conversation, my phone rang. My co-teacher called and asked me if I will still be going at work. Me and Edward did not notice that it was 8 am already and we’re both late in our first class. Before we leave and go to our work, Edward suddenly uttered “Just like the sun, my dear, it will rise and we will try again. All is well.” “Yep, the sun will rise and we will try again.”, I responded and smiled.
     During my life God has entrusted me and Edward with many challenges. We have learned that facing these challenges developed moral, spiritual, and mental muscle to prepare us for the next gathering storm clouds. We can't think of anything less rewarding than a life lived without benefit of trials and hardships to prepare one for the crises that are bound to come. Without the building of some kind of inner strength, we are as helpless to withstand a sudden personal crisis as is an athlete who enters a sports arena without having developed physical muscles needed to compete in his chosen contest. The contest was lost before it started!
       Life begins as a sunrise. Life lived out, no matter how many years on this earth, is a mere blink of the eye compared to eternity. During the course of that lifetime many changes take place. Sometimes the sun is completely obscured by the storm clouds of life; however, no matter how hard the storms may rage, or how dark the world may become around us, the sun is still shining. It is only temporarily hidden from our view. How wonderful that it always shine again.
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