120hereicome · 1 month
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New LW. Todays my last day of work this week so I need to focus on not binging.
I’ll bring home protein shakes and popcorn and hope for the best. My partner and I are gonna make macrons so hopefully I won’t indulge too much.
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120hereicome · 1 month
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I hate being so short and also binging on the weekends (Thursday and Friday for me)
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120hereicome · 2 months
It’s surreal to think I weigh less now than I did I highschool. I’m getting better
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120hereicome · 2 months
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Fasts are starting to feel pointless under 48 hours.
Upped my vitamin intake, I’m not taking an iron supplement, hair skin and nail vitamins, vitamin C and a multi. I’m also using electrolyte drops (unflavored zero cal) in my water.
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120hereicome · 2 months
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120hereicome · 2 months
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Shameful it’s not more after such a long gap
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120hereicome · 2 months
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I burned 2000 cal today, pure weight loss
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120hereicome · 3 months
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I forgot to drink water yesterday so this is definitely water weight off.
God I was an idiot for regaining all this weight.
I keep looking though my pictures from 2019 and I do weigh less now than I did then but if I had just stayed consistent then I wouldn’t need to do this.
Better late than never I guess
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120hereicome · 3 months
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Ate the spaghetti last night, chugged a bottle and a half of water before hand to fill up on, got away with one plate. My parter it giving up without a fight on this one but I will prevail and be pretty for them.
Cleaners moved the scale so it’s probably not the most accurate, but it’s what I have to work with.
Last day of work for the week, it’s always harder to fast on the weekends so I’m gonna try and stay busy.
No snacking!
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120hereicome · 3 months
Doing as much physical activity as possible to try and counteract what I’m about to eat
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120hereicome · 3 months
Gonna omad today, nothing eaten so far
Had a diet soda today
Going to have spaghetti tonight (L) but gonna try and enjoy my mom’s recipe
It will get easier as I keep going
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120hereicome · 3 months
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Went way over yesterday
My partner knows so he caught me on my way out of work and forced me to have a meal
MFP wants me to have 1500
So I still lost but
I hate everything
On my walk to work, listening to YouTube TS
Going to fix this today
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120hereicome · 3 months
Ate three cups of popcorn I hate myself why can’t I just have self control
+226 calories
I’ll be forced to eat tonight because I open tomorrow and need to walk to work at 5:30
I’ll be having a steak unfortunately
I hope I can at least maintain today
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120hereicome · 3 months
Ended up only having the protein shake, yesterday I had 600 calories, today hopefully I’ll stop at the 230 I’ve already had.
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120hereicome · 3 months
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Number still going down, ideal, the headaches are getting harder to deal with however, took some pain killers and vitamins like my mom said. Going to beak my fast with a protein shake and some yogurt
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120hereicome · 3 months
My mom tried to pull a sneaky on me and buy me food when she didn’t buy herself any but jokes on her they got my weird arfid food wrong and it went right in the trash
Broke my fast with 2/3 can of refried beans and 30 tortilla chips
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120hereicome · 3 months
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Ended up having some rice rollers and half of a 50 cal yogurt drink yesterday so I ended at 440 cal for the day.
More water weight drop off soon the number will go back up and I’m afraid
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