123masmas · 2 years
“I'm going to make tomorrow a very special day for your birthday my cow.”
“Thank you sir! Thank you so much!“
You would have been wholeheartedly grateful to me for any small trinket for your birthday, but no, I was going to go big on you. 
“It's going to be so special we'll start celebrating today.” 
"Sir! You're so good to me!“
“You don't deserve any less, you are such a good fucktoy.”
You give me peck on my cheek and jumped to hug me. My sweet princess, the cutest thing anyone can have.
“Go dress up for me princess.”
You ran excited to your room and returned in a pretty flower-print dress.
“Do you like it sir? Like this?”
“You look lovely, even more today for your birthday. Let's go bitch.”
We got in the car. It was a Friday and you had just finished a specially hard week at work, in which you did very good. You never asked for something or expected a reward, making sir feel proud of his possession was the best reward you can get. 
I drove to the outskirts of the city.
“Where are we going sir?”
“It's a surprise, you'll like it.”
I gently stroked your thigh through the fabric of your clothes at every chance. You smile brightly, showing sir how happy it makes you that he wants to touch you. 
I turned into a dirt road, among derelict factories. It was dusk and there was little movement, a few places were still active, but even those were deserted at this time of the day other than for the odd watchman
I drove us into a silent corner of this industrial area. I stopped the car and got down to unlock and open a car entrance to a closed site. I opened the car door for you and held your hand to help you get down. 
“Where are we sir?”
“This is where we will celebrate your birthday my fuckpig.”
“Oh. Okay. Thank you sir.”
You weren't making up what it was all about. 
The place was a workshop, reeking of engine oil and full of scattered pieces of steel and wood. We walked inside a building and stood on one of the few spots without a puddle of brackish water on it. There were plenty of broken windows letting in the remains of that day's sunlight. 
“Take off your clothes, all of them. Put them in this bag here.”
Your bare feet felt the cold, damp and grainy floor. Small metal shards were everywhere. Most of them too small for a serious cut, big enough to hurt. You knew you had to take care of every inch of sir's fuckmeat for his viewing pleasure. I walked over to a trap door and pulled it open. I led you there and gestured for you to walk down a flight of stairs into the dark. You looked at me scared, skeptic this was the party. I repeated the gesture. 
The touch of the cold metal steps numbed your feet as you walked ahead of me. A naked hanging light bulb provided the only dim lighting, too weak to reach the walls of the chamber. Once down, your feet welcomed the smooth cement surface, though it was much colder. The whole floor had a slight slope towards the center, where a strange structure stood. At a height of about a meter there was a cage made of thick bars, standing on a single foot, the whole structure made of steel. Halfway up the foot that held it, a collection of PVC tubes were fastened around it.
Your skin was covered with those goosebumps sir loves so much.
The cage could only be opened by swinging out the whole upper face, which I did with no small effort, making it hit the side when it fell with a loud clang that filled the whole space.
I stood facing the dark for a short while, for my pupil to dilate enough so I could make out a small metal ladder that I brought to stand besides the cage.
There was no need for me to speak out what I expected you to do. You climbed with your natural meek attitude and stepped in, kneeling down with unsteady movements. 
"Sir…” You whimpered. 
I swung the lid close with care this time and fastened it with a large padlock.
"Sir, I'm scared!“
You broke down sobbing. I almost faltered, it took a strong will to bring up this birthday present to the quality I wanted for my princess. 
“Listen bitch, this chamber has been sealed to keep vermin away. The ventilation shafts are safely covered by strong wire mesh. On top of that, you saw those traps around the foot. In the very unlikely case some critter finds its way in here, they will kill them outright with first grade bait. You know your owner likes his things to be kept in a good state.”
You stared in disbelief and despair at my words, words that brought you no relief whatsoever. 
"Sir, I'm gonna die.” You wailed between sobs, snot and saliva flowing down your face  distorted in a grimace of helplessness and terror. 
“We are all going to die, chattel like you too, but not in this place, that will not happen.”
"Sir!” You shrieked as I climbed the stairs and turned off the light bulb. "Sir! Sir! Don't leave me alone please!”
Nothing could be heard from the other side of the trap door. 
It was so dark and cold. I could stretch my legs out almost completely, completely would have been too good. It was very narrow, I could barely move my arms from my side to my head. I tried to get up on my hands and feet and it was high enough for that, but I didn't last long like that, my knees and arms got kind of wedged in between the bars. I could see nothing, not even my own hand. The air was stale, but I knew you weren't going to suffocate me, you had said so. I cried, not loud now, for I don't know how long, then I fell asleep.
When I woke up, who knows after how much, my head was hurting so bad. I thought I heard a noise and I almost shouted. I stood still for a long time and there was nothing, no noise. I must have imagined it. My head was splitting. I couldn't feel my toes anymore.
I remember cuddling with you, so warm, in your bed, on those special days in which you called me out of my dog-mat and rough blanket. That made me cry some more. I went on like that for so long, I was clueless. It could have been a whole day or just many hours, I couldn't tell, I just drifted into sleep with tears. I got thinking and I was so afraid I had done something to make you angry at me. Then I felt pangs and the noise in my tummy. I was starving. I must have been there for a long time. I also figured I hadn't peed. Then I felt it coming. Damn! Why did I have to remember? There was no way I was going to hold it, what was the point anyway? I just let it go. It was so gross to have my own pee around my thighs.
When I walked down to your place of confinement you hid your face from the dim light that came from the open hatch. You weren't complaining anymore, that was an improvement.
"Sir, I'm hungry. Please, could I have something to eat?” You pleaded. 
I had brought a small pot with one long handle and a large wooden serving spoon. I dipped it in the pot and placed it full, by the bars. The spoon wouldn't fit across the bars. You figured it out soon enough and held out your hands across the bars, cupping them to receive your gruel. What you didn't figure in your hunger beforehand was that you were not going to be able to bring them back with a bar in between. You looked at me for a second, you knew this was all the help you were going to get from me, so you tried to fit as much as possible in the one hand which you were going to bring in, losing a large portion on the way. You devoured it with both hands once available. I held out the spoon full again. This time you got out only one of your hands to get your nourishment. So we went on until you crouched because of a cramp in your stomach. You had eaten too much, too fast, after a long time. Your face was a mess, and so were your forearms. I left you alone with your pain. 
The cramps went away soon enough. I was starting to feel good about the food when I felt terribly thirsty. The food was very salty and now I was dying for water. I was desperate, I even called you out, but by then I was sure you couldn't even hear me from outside. Maybe you had some kind of UV cameras somewhere, so I started waving like mad and pointing to my mouth. I didn't give up until I got exhausted and dropped on my side, as stretched as possible, which was very little. 
By then I wasn't even sure if I was sleeping or awake. I dreamt of water, a river, a lake, pure crystalline water, all of it for me. So I was like that, half awake all the time, when something really woke me up. I had to crap. Now this was awful. I wasn't expecting any help so I just lowered my butt as best as I could so it would fall out in between the bars on the bottom of the cage. I made a mess anyway, there was no way I could have done it better. This was the grossest thing ever in my life and I cried again, I was just so very miserable, I cried and cried, but softly, it was no use to make more noise. 
The stench inside was unbearable. I went straight away to a hose under the stairs. I turned it on and a powerful flow of water shot out. I came close and gave a straight shot to your underside. There was a mesh firmly protecting the drain pipe right besides the base, where the floor's downward slopes met, I made sure all the filth went down the drain. You were gasping all along, gaining breath only to speak your apologies. 
“Sorry sir, I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it and now you have to clean it. I'm so sorry, please forgive me.”
“It's okay, don't worry, it's not your fault. You are a pig, it's in your nature.”
I took the flow to your face and you gulped it desperately. I held it there at low pressure so you could get plenty of water, for as long as you needed. At first you didn't think about cleaning your face, but once you drank your fill you went back to the lovely fuckdoll you are. Then I left the hose pointing down above your head with enough pressure so you were gasping for air during this waterboarding as I finished washing off all the dirt on the floor with a broom, the water flowing around and down your head. I turned it off and took a bucket with an antiseptic mix and a brush with fine plastic barbs. I went to the back of the cage. 
“Get yourself back here pig. You know I don't like my fuckthing wallowing in shit.”
You struggled silently and showed me you had gotten the right idea by placing your butt close to a side. I cleaned you thoroughly with that brush, using as much water as needed.
I couldn't really show it, but I felt so good I was still your fucktoy. 
The brush was rough and my pussy and asshole were hurting a bit because of the barbs, but I was so happy. It hurted more than when you cleaned me in the shower, then it never hurts. No big deal, it was only a bit sore.
It was good to feel clean for you again.
You picked a broom from somewhere behind me and you scrubbed the floor clean. It was smelling ammonia, but it wasn’t because of my pee, you were using it to clean my vault. Your vault.
You walked up the stairs.
“Bye princess.” you said before closing the hatch.
“Bye sir.” I was so happy.
Now I was really freezing. I was clean, you had cleaned well the mess I did. I wasn’t all that hungry or thirsty, but I was feeling really cold. I started shivering. After a long time, like always I couldn’t tell after how long, I fell asleep, shivering all the time.
I woke up. I had stopped shivering. It wasn't feeling so cold. It was still cold, but I wasn't shivering anymore. I was wishing you would come by, now I felt more lonely than anything. I was getting used to it, though my arms and legs felt all cramped and my elbows, knees and feet were sore. You wanted this, I was wanting it too now. I was just lonely. I was thinking how did you sleep, maybe you wanted to use my body but you couldn't because I was here celebrating my birthday. I wanted my owner so bad. 
Then I heard it. You were singing Happy Birthday. I was so happy I was crying, you, my master, my present. It was all dark. It was just a small birthday cake with a few candles. With the candles there was some light so I could see your face a little. My owner.
“My sweet little princess! Happy birthday!”
"Sir! Your present was… is… so…. I don’t know sir.” 
I was about to cry, I loved you so much.
“Blow your candles princess.”
I did like you said and it all got dark again.
“Now reach out with your hand and take some of your birthday cake.”
It was dark so I was groping around till I finally got it. I had to break it of course. It was so nice, I had never tasted a nicer cake than the one that day.
“Remember the cramps from last time princess.”
“Okay sir.”
So I had only two handfuls and slowly. We were talking in the dark, it was so nice to hear your voice, to have you close.
“Can I have another piece sir please?” I really wanted more.
“Yes princess, you can have as much as you want.”
I couldn’t see what you were doing, but I felt some pieces of cake falling on my head. I figured you dropped what was left, it was most of it, on top of the cage. I felt the candles too dropping on me. 
“Thank you sir.” I turned around, it was so difficult, and I was feeling in between the bars to find some whole piece and being very careful it wouldn’t just crumble down to the floor. I was so concentrated in the job that I forgot if you were there or not.
I was sure I hadn’t heard you climbing the stairs, besides, there was still your smell around, your perfume. I chose that perfume for you, you say I have such good taste. "Sir?”
I stood just out of arm’s reach of you, you, my little princess, who I wanted to have by me as much as possible.
Telling you there was a warm ventilation system that helped you after I cleaned you would have spoiled your fun. 
I switched on my pocket flashlight, pointed to the switch and went to turn it on. 
“Close your eyes princess.”
The lightbulb blinded you for a minute.
You looked so happy in your prone position. I brought the small step ladder close to your face and climbed half way. Your face shined with joy.
"Sir! Oh sir! Please let me have your cock, please.”
You always said please, but you didn't beg unless you could tell it would amuse me, or were desperate, like it had happened a few times during this celebration. It would have been tantamount to pressure me into doing something. This was a special occasion. You couldn't say much more, you were so happy. You just pressed your face in between the bars with your mouth open and I quietly took out my cock and drove it in your mouth as best as I could. You were sucking eagerly, I had never felt you like this. It wasn't so good a blowjob, but your thirst for sir's cock was remarkable. 
When I took it out you were panting for more. “Move to the back princess.”
"Sir, this is too good. I'm sorry it's uncomfortable for you.”
I took the ladder to your back. You had shifted and had managed to press your ass pointing up, your pussy right in between two bars. 
“It's okay princess, today's your special day, today it's all about you.”
“Please be careful sir, please don't have an accident and hurt yourself because of me.”
I climbed up and slid my cock into your warm pussy. You gave out one strong wild moan. I went on drilling your pussy, not quite deep, the bars were too thick. The cold steel halted my thrust, it just couldn't be. The important thing was that you were enjoying your birthday. I could picture your knuckle in between your teeth and your eyes rolled back. 
I could have never imagined I was going to like your present so much, this was by far the best fuck ever so far. 
When I felt you pull out of my pussy I knew you hadn't cummed yet and that drove me crazy. I just pressed my face against the bars again, I wanted so bad your cum. 
You did the same thing and you gave me your cock right away. I didn't suck much and I was getting your cum. I figured there wasn't much more to do than just swallow. 
You were dressing up again.
“Yes princess?”
“Can I stay here?”
“Listen cow, it's only a birthday present, don't you think you can have whatever you want all the time.”
“Sorry sir, I'm so sorry.”
You walked up the stairs and turned off the light from upstairs. 
I was a bit confused but then I calmed down and I just fell grateful for all you were giving me. Then I felt very tired. I fell asleep again. 
I woke up when the lights blinded me and you walked down the stairs again. 
You went quietly and moved the ladder to my side now. You unlocked the lid and opened it, not all the way though. 
“Here slave, the party is over. Move very carefully, little by little.”
You were holding up the lid for me. When I started getting up I got this sharp pain in so many muscles I fell down.
“Easy, move very slowly bitch. I don't want you to hurt yourself.”
That made me realise how careless I had been. I was your property and I could have ruined it because I didn't do as you said. 
“Sorry sir, I'm so sorry.” It was hard to talk. 
“There's no hurry cow.”
You let the lid down and went to sit on the stairs. 
“I'm glad you liked so much your birthday princess.”
"Sir, you are amazing. How do you come up with these things?“
“It's because I love having such a good fucktoy. Let's go for it again. Remember, very very slowly.”
Now I was extra careful. It still hurt, but this time I managed and I stood on my knees holding the lid. You went around and lifted it all the way to the back, but I had to move very very slowly to get down the ladder. You were waiting for me with a blanket and you took me up the stairs holding me because I was still walking funny.
“When we get out you must cover your eyes for a while.”
Upstairs the workshop was full of light and I did like you said, but I was still blinded. You held me for a while and then I could first look through my fingers and then I took out my whole hand. There was a window. It was sunny, but I had to look away and cover my eyes again. 
There was a basin with soap and a towel. I dropped the blanket and washed myself as best as I could. The water was nice and warm. 
“Here, drink this. It's fresh fruit juice. Drink it slowly.”
You passed me the glass that was on one of the workshop's tables. It was so nice. I enjoyed every little sip I took. I finished it. 
Then you took out of a bag one of my outfits, a really pretty one. 
"Sir! Thank you sir.”
I put it on and I was so happy I could now look nicer for you. You also gave me a pair of shoes. 
“Let's go slave, let's go back home.”
Again I was blinded, it was so sunny outside, but I got better fast and I could look at you and smile at you, my owner. 
We got in the car and you drove us home. I realised it was still in the morning. 
“What day is it sir?”
“It's Sunday. You spent two nights in there. That's why you were so cramped and hungry. Now you will have some good rest, you'll eat and sleep with sir in his big bed.”
“Oh sir, thank you so much, I was missing so much being with you.”
“You must be very tired.”
“Oh no sir, I'm never too tired to make you happy.”
“Don't worry, you will be making sir happy before falling asleep.”
“Thank you sir.”
Then I thought about work tomorrow. 
“Tomorrow when I see all the other girls at work I'll know no one of them will have an owner like I do, they'll never know what it's like.”
“No, they won't, but you do.”
“Oh yes sir, and every day I feel I want to thank you for being so good to me.” 
“Yes sir?“
“You're perfect.”
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