12stem2group6 · 3 years
The Good and the Bad: What can Future Media Provide the next generation?
Media Is Now An Inescapable Aspect Of Modern Life. 
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Reflecting on what has happened to the world during the last decade shows that this has been the case since for quite a long time now. In today’s context, I think that the pandemic has undoubtedly revealed the kind of impact that media can bring, not only as a means of information dissemination, but also as a way to connect with other people that we may not otherwise be able to connect to for reasons of distance or safety. One can even say that media is the salvation of our pandemic ridden world. Not only has media allowed us to continue with our education in virtual platforms, but it has also created a bridge that allows certain businesses to thrive despite the difficulty of the present situation. Arts and cultures are continually being spread throughout various outlets such as the internet, television, music, etc.. And, more importantly, media has allowed those who are voiceless, powerless, and marginalized, to speak for themselves and show their struggles. Media, therefore, provides us with multiple benefits across the board.
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However, the title question poses an important query. With all the good that media has to offer us, there are multiple negatives that should prompt all of us to be careful and wary of the things we’re looking at through our screens. The counter-benefit of easy access to information by media is the equally easy access to disinformation, hate speech, propaganda, and toxicity that cyberspace is polluted with (not to mention content that children should not be exposed to). These are immense problems that should not be overlooked and undermined. Despite efforts to reduce the spread of such problems, current media platforms, Facebook and Twitter for example, are still struggling to solve. The task is not easy, and it is understandable that resolving these problems will take some time.
Another concern that should be taken seriously is the way in which media can disconnect us with our concrete relationships. While media, social media, has the ability to connect us with the world outside, continual focus on the world will effectively harm our relationships with people that are close by. There is a good number of individuals that remain closed off from the real world and real relationships because of their sole focus on virtual connections. It may not seem like a problem, but things like binge-watching Netflix for an entire day in our rooms, staring at our phones during family dinners, as well as the non-stop playing of video games, will effectively harm our relationships with family and friends.
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To return to the question then, what can future media provide the next generation? With everything said in mind, I think that the best feature future media can provide the next generation is a kind of media that prioritizes the safety and security of its users. A media that can provide bridges of connections, but at the same time places optimum security with regard to the kind of content that can be posted. A media that is not easily used for propaganda and disinformation. A media that respects personal privacy and does not abuse data obtained from users. In short, a kind of media that values its users.
As much as I want future media to provide future improvements of already existing technologies, I think that addressing the problems that our current media will be a much more substantial betterment. If our present media is already posing such serious problems, the potential threats that evolved media technologies can bring may be exponentially worse. This is not something that we are ready for.
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Flobots - Combat
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12stem2group6 · 3 years
Copyright and Intellectual Property: How Do I Protect it as a Young Individual?
Intellectual Property and Copyright Infringement
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Let us begin by clarifying the meaning of intellectual property and copyright with some definitions. Intellectual property (IP) is “a term used to encompass a range of legal rights that protect the creations of the mind and creative effort.” The signature logo of Apple or Samsung is an example that is protected by intellectual property, particularly of trademark. Copyright, on the other hand, “refers to the rights granted to the creators or copyright holders of original works.” The fundamental purpose of a copyright is to grant the original  owner of any given work the rights to do whatever she or he may wish to do with the work and still be recognized as the owner. Since copyright is granting the owner full control of how his or her work can be used and distributed, copyright is also a kind of protection from the non-permitted usage of a person’s work. This makes it necessary in all cases for permission from the original owner, the author of a book for example, to give his consent if a school wishes to make use of his work as a reading material for its students. 
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The scope of both copyright and intellectual property are broad and continue to broaden as more and more categories of “original works” are created through the virtual world. But all these seem like problems that only lawyers and adults should have to worry about. As a young individual, a student at that, what exactly can I do that can aid in protecting copyright and intellectual property given the limited amount of power that I have in my hands? 
I Protect as a Young Individual
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For young individuals such as myself, we cannot but start small. Considering the fact that I am a student with plenty of essays to write, a good way of respecting intellectual property would be to consistently cite my sources whenever I make use of any. Avoiding plagiarism could also be added by simply putting quotation marks on sentences that I have copied from somewhere else. A time consuming task would be to learn things about copyright and intellectual property laws (no matter how small). In this way, young people like myself can avoid unknowingly violating intellectual property. I know plenty of individuals that simply take things from the internet for their own purposes without properly acknowledging who or where the materials come from. Bits of knowledge concerning copyright and intellectual property will undoubtedly benefit people that constantly make use of materials on the internet, as well the owners of the works taken since they will more likely be recognized as the original owner. 
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I am of the opinion that knowledge of the law is not for everyone. Lawyers exist for a reason. However, knowing a little about what the law is and how the law works, especially in spaces where we are constantly engaged in (i.e. the internet) will do more good than harm. The unpermitted use of someone’s work is, by law, a crime. We should, therefore, be more aware of the legality and morality of our actions. Violating some laws may not only lead to negative moral judgments, but to literal criminal penalties. Some knowledge of the law is important because ignorance of the law excuses no one. 
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12stem2group6 · 3 years
"Unfolding the Bitter Truth: The Dark Side of Media and Technology"
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What Happens When People Spend Too Much Time on Social Media?
Many people's lives have been disrupted by social media's presence in the real world. Users are transported from the actual world to the virtual realm when they log on to their social media sites. There is a rivalry for the dominating method of communication as the virtual and real worlds coexist.
Many people's lives have been impacted by social media, which has practically eliminated face-to-face connection. Adolescents embrace this mode of communication early in life, and it essentially robs them of their real-world social skills, since they are unable to maintain a coherent discussion unless the respondent is engaged via a monitor. As adolescents get older, they are bombarded with pictures and clichés of the ideal person, preventing them from fully appreciating their advantages and characteristics that outnumber their flaws. It's now come to the point where some people can't even maintain meaningful connections with people they meet in person because all of their friends are represented by a little blue rectangle on their Facebook profile. Businesses utilize this sort of media to market themselves, but they risk being relegated even more quickly. Social media has taken on such a large role in the real world that it is now a part of almost every encounter. Even if someone does not use social media, they are surrounded by those who do so often that they are almost immersed in it.
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They will eventually produce the same impacts as the individuals in their surroundings. Through satellite transmissions that interfere with face-to-face contact, the globe has developed a civilization. Social media has become a part of practically everything we do, regardless of the scenario. What is popular now will soon make face-to-face interaction a thing of the past. To return to a fully functioning society, social media must be restricted in order to eliminate bad effects and only broadcast good ones.
Its so Good That its Bad: Technology's Negative Side
Everything has a darker side, and technology beings are no exception. Young children and teenagers use social media applications without their parents' permission. On the other hand, if parents are completely uninformed about technology, there is a significant risk that young children and teenagers will be harmed when using social networking applications. All of social media's powerful communicators have turned into safe havens for wrongdoers. These crimes are sometimes adopted by young children and teenagers, and they are frequently the victims of these evils.
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The more time spent on social media, the more miserable a person becomes. When browsing through the wonderful aspects of other people's life, it can also cause sentiments of jealously, anger, and inadequacy. Self-esteem was found to have a substantial negative association with social media usage. In other words, people who spent more time on social platforms had poorer self-esteem, according to the researchers findings.
Digital technology, without a question, improves and revolutionizes the globe. One cannot dispute that technology has a significant influence on society, particularly on youngsters. Digital gadgets such as tablets, smart phones, and other similar devices now play an important role in children's everyday play. However, the consequences are multifaceted. It has the potential to be both useful and detrimental. Because children's brains are still developing at that age, excessive exposure to digital gadgets might harm their cognitive development as well as other psychological health issues. Even while multiple studies show that technology has a positive impact on children's development, its negative consequences must not be overlooked. The first, and most unpleasant, reality is that the social-media economy is built on personal-data collection, with technologies meant to track our movements in order to target us with advertising. Social networking has just suffered a setback. The industry's huge corporations, as well as the majority of the internet, have lost their meaning. Facebook, Google, and Twitter, among others, have all been subjected to extensive examination as a result of the negative externalities that their services engender. Use of social media platforms to try to sway the outcome of major political events.
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 Reference:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352556731_The_Dark_Side_of_Media_and_Technology_A_21st_Century_Guide_to_Media_and_Technological_Literacy_Book_Review 
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12stem2group6 · 3 years
Delivering News in the Present Age
Traditional News vs. New News
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 For many years, businesses have utilized various tactics to reach out to customers and encourage them to make purchases. These marketing and promotion techniques were highly efficient until recently, and they helped businesses just like yours make a profit. Marketing, on the other hand, has no choice but to develop as customer demands and expectations change. This is what has led to the emergence of new media and digital marketing tactics, as well as the decline of certain well-known old ones.
Billboards, newspaper advertisements, television ads, and other traditional media allow firms to reach a large target audience. New media, on the other hand, allows businesses to target a specific audience through social media, paid internet advertisements, and search results. Traditional media, due to its broad targeting and advertising channels, tends to be more expensive than new media.
Where do people get their news nowadays?
The Internet came into use. It significantly reduced the barriers to publication. It spawned a massive new information economy, one with much more options than the world of print. A variety of options that resulted in significant changes in the consumer behavior, from newspapers to radios to television and now to digital gadgets.
Consider publications such as The Manila Bulletin, Sun Star Daily, The Philippine Star, and others from three decades ago. You may think of them as the Internet of their age. They weren't interactive, but they provided all of the information needed to go about one's everyday business. All the monotonous but necessary information is printed in one page, from sports reports to movie reviews to recipes to ads and so much more. However, "how is news conveyed currently in this age?" Our information-gathering habits shifted. We consult a variety of sources, including websites and businesses, and not surprisingly, the news industry has adapted to these changes, and as consumer behaviors evolved, so did the way news was delivered, and because of that, as a result, several media firms have invested in or acquired new internet businesses.
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As a result of the media shift, websites, blogs, apps, social networks, among other innovations arose, including journalism in the digital age. These are the sorts of media that are utilized to provide news in today's world: accessible, interactive, varied, quick, and low-cost, but, even if we have these benefits, we can't deny that they come with drawbacks, such as the fact that it's prone to errors and is frequently prejudiced and opinionated. Television has been the unquestioned main source of news for the past few decades. However, in recent years, a new source of news, which is the Internet, has begun to catch up with and even surpass television, and with that smartphone usage has increased in recent years. Of course, traditional news sources like newspapers and television aren't gone, but the Internet is becoming a more popular option.
Search engines, Google has refined news browsing by naturally grouping news items that discuss the same topic and always showing the most recent update on a topic. Social media, is the presence as a referral magnet, browse the headlines and short descriptions, in recent years; social media has played a significant role. Facebook was at the core of the "fake news" controversy, and before that, Twitter and Youtube had spawned citizen journalism and even served as a catalyst for social and political change. Digital Magazine, paid subscription-based digital periodicals with high-quality news analysis. They take a more analytical, in-depth approach to news. What sets digital magazines apart from the others is that they don't always focus on "quick" information, but instead on lengthy articles that give a better comprehension of what has previously been published, the value brought by a digital magazine is the same regardless of its focus.
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To sum it up, we can now access more news sources and do so more easily thanks to the Internet. While traditional news sources such as television and newspapers continue to exist, the demand for Internet-based news is growing faster than the others. To take advantage of this expanding potential, both publishers and advertisers need to figure out how to incorporate Internet-based content into their plans, to be able to take advantage of this growing opportunity.
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12stem2group6 · 3 years
"Media Evolution and the Changing World"
How important it is to study the evolution of media?
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It is important to check the evolution of media so as to grasp how change in technology changes society. once you consider the analogue media technology of the 20th century it gives you an understanding of the differences between the society of the published era and our current situation. It's easier to determine how particular ideas and values may be so dominant after you understand how expensive and complex mass media was. This centralized control of the media. Alternative viewpoints did not have access.
The age of the tribes or the tribal age (1500 BC – 1500 AD)
“In tribal age hearing is believing” Tribal age is that the first period in history, as per McLuhan. within the Tribal Age, Ear is that the most vital sensory organ for obtaining information. It enables people to instantly receive information. All-round sound quality also promoted the community, and language was mainly a community experience. The sound feel isn't conducive to privatization; because you whisper or whisper directly into someone’s ear in order that others can’t hear it. Words with no substantive meaning, direct and vivid, only exist at the instant of hearing, because this era requires personal and intimate interaction, and hearing plays a key role during this era. this can be also called an acoustic era because the senses of hearing, touch, taste, and smell were way more strongly developed than the power to visualize. In natural situations, hearing is more important than seeing since it permits you to be all the more quickly mindful of your environmental elements. With sight, we are restricted to heading and distance. we will just detect what's obviously before us. On the off chance that a preying creature is behind us or taken cover behind a tree, we are pitifully unconscious without affectability to sound or smell. Hearing and smelling provides a feeling of that which we will not see, a big capacity within the Tribal age.
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The pre-Industrial Period/ Pre-Industrial age (Pre-1700’s)
Pre-industrial age or before 1700. Cave paintings or parietal art. Some theories suggest that cave paintings served as a means of communication, while others suggest that they served a religious or ceremonial purpose. Animals are a popular topic that produces the most amazing visuals, and the paintings are very similar across the world. Humans are typically shown as hand stencils created by blowing pigment onto a hand held against the wall. Clay tablets in Mesopotamia are written on a wet clay tablet and then dried in the sun or air. If they are done writing on the tablet they can erase it and make a new one out of it.
Papyrus paper was used for writing in ancient Egypt, and it may also refer to a text written on sheets of such material that are connected side by side and wrapped up into a scroll, which is an early form of a book.
In Rome, the Acta diurnal was used for public notices and announcements such as births, weddings, and deaths. Legal, municipal, and military notifications were among the other types of Acta. Only officials were allowed to access Dibao, which included official notifications and news. They declare it orally or in writing. Handwritten or engraved wooden blocks were used to print them.
Codices Maya Professional scribes working under the patronage of deities such as the Tonsured Maize God and the Howler Monkey Gods produce folding books.
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Industrial Age (1700's - 1930's)
Between the late 18th and early 20th centuries, the Industrial Revolution saw tremendous development in mechanization, industrial output, and societal transformation.
New technologies have greatly increased the speed with which people and commodities may be transported. Between Liverpool and Manchester, the first intercity railway was completed in 1830. The railways made it possible to carry more freight at a lower cost and in a shorter amount of time. Traveling from London to Manchester took four days in 1700, but only four hours in 1870.
The use of steam engines. The steam engine's development was crucial to the Industrial Revolution's success. It enabled steam trains, as well as steam-powered pumps and machinery, increasing labor productivity.
The Agricultural Revolution made it possible to produce more food with fewer farm laborers, resulting in excess employees who could work in industries. Crop rotation, selective breeding, economies of scale from larger farms, and improved transportation all contributed to this agricultural revolution.
Global commerce expansion. Britain's excellent shipping capability and Empire, which provided raw materials, aided them.
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The Electronic Age: (1930s – 1980s)
The industrial age and the electronic age are two different periods of civilizations. These civilizations are thought of in schools as part of the curriculum in basic computer study in Junior secondary schools. This article covers all that students need to know concerning the industrial age and electronic age.
The industrial age is a period of social and economic reorganization. Remember the stone age, the period when crude tools were used. During the stone age, production was done by the exertion of human efforts.
Although industry and machinery are an important part of today's world production. Another important factor was considered in the late 1950s. This vital factor of production, also known as the digital revolution, is known as the electronic age.
The electronic age is also called the information age or digital age. It started in the 1970s and continues to this day. This is a stage of transition from a traditional industry to an information-based economy.
The electronic age is the information age, and electrical switches make it possible. Today can no longer be fully described as the electronic age. We can classify this time as Internet of Things (IoT) time. Because we are gradually relying on robots and machines to perform functions previously performed by humans.
With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, machines can learn human emotions. This enables them to make decisions that humans should make, thereby supporting production.
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Information Age (1900s- 2000)
The Information Age refers to the idea that information availability and control are the distinguishing characteristics of this new phase in human history. The development of personal computers ushered in the Information Age, also known as the Electronic Age, Digital Age, and New Media Age. The "information era" began in the 1980s. Big businesses used mainframe computers, which allowed them to handle information (although laboriously) and perhaps make it available. That lasted until Google came up. Google performed something unique in history: they "broke" Goodhart's rule. That is, their sole metric for determining the relevance of a web page became a target, which Goodhart claims indicates it is no longer a quality metric. They become authoritative after a few years of excellent programming, a tidy model, great luck, timing, and a fanatical concentration on search quality. That was the Information Age's final game—Google won and received a little reward from the whole planet for making the world's information available for free. Now we're approaching a new era with unrestricted access to information, the ability to construct virtual worlds, machines that are smarter than people, and sci-fi like robotics, among other things.
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https://rohartpogi.wordpress.com/2017/07/23/industrial-age-1700s-1930s/?fbclid=IwAR0fBZJ9IWnj0ubdSN0c_0v6TGlkxplAJD6P203ImmFaBnk2JpKWY6Dz6m0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printing_press https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_London_Gazette https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typewriter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telephone http://precinemahistory.net/1890.htm http://www.encyclopedia.com/literature-and-arts/performing-arts/film-and-television/motion-pictures https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound_film https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telegraphy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punched_card
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12stem2group6 · 3 years
“On Becoming a Medium: Gen-Z Individuals as Modern Communicators”
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Generation Z to start with...
In its most basic form, Generation Z is the group of young people born between 1995 and 2010. They are distinct from the Millennials, who came before them, in terms of age, mentality and communication styles, as well as Generation Alpha, who will come after them.
Generation Z as the Technological Generation
Generation Z, or Gen-Z for short, is the most technologically advanced generation ever. A piece of technology is constantly at our fingertips, from the minute we open our eyes in the morning until the quiet hours after midnight. As we can see, technology appears to be the most important and distinguishing feature of our generation—to the point that our generation appears unable to function. We simply cannot deal with generation Z if we do not have access to the internet and/or at the absolute least a smartphone. Emails, conversations, updates, and even financial transactions are now all handled through technology. In other words, generation Z is the one who fails when technology fails.
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Although technology has had a significant impact on our generation's life, I'd want to focus on two specific features that distinguish our technological generation from earlier generations. In our perspective, first is an overabundance of communication methods, while the second is an overabundance of information. These two characteristics have one thing in common: information and communication come and go at a breakneck speed.
This plethora of communication options has shown one thing about our generation: no matter where we are or what we do, we will ultimately tell the world, or at the very least our closest friends, about it. Apart from that, the way we communicate has radically altered as a result of social platforms or social media. When we talk with our friends, family, or relatives, for example, we strive for speed and efficiency. Grammar rules are frequently disregarded. To express meaning, we utilize unfamiliar but out of context words from memes we find on the internet. Only Gen-Z comprehends the terminologies and phraseologies we use. To summarize, we are attempting to develop our own language games.
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Overabundance of communication channels has resulted in an abundance of both information and disinformation. The internets, as well as social media platforms in general, are no longer the safe haven for memories that we once thought they were. You're certain to uncover one bit of disinformation in your own Facebook page with a fast browse. This is due to the fact that social media has devolved into a poisonous swamp of fake news and misinformation. It's becoming increasingly difficult to tell reality from fiction due to the fast spread of disinformation.
But where does generation Z fit in all of this? 
Since our generation speeds the most time on social media, we can help in clearing the toxic cesspool of social media by pointing out which are obviously false, and sharing only credible information. Thus, however requires us to be smart citizens of the internet.
It is not always a bad thing when knowledge is abundant. Because information is readily available, knowledge is also readily available. The internet is a great source of educational resources and informed viewpoints that may assist in making sense of our technological environment. What is required is for reliable information to rise to the top and become popular consumption, while all forms of disinformation are drowned out to the abyss.
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