13pisces · 4 years
Wholesome Memes With Cute Twist Endings
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See All The Rest HERE
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13pisces · 4 years
Noragami Chapter 88 Raws
Since it’s Golden Week, Shounen Magazine is out a bit earlier this month.  Chapter is quite short, so should be done translating in a few hours.
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13pisces · 5 years
2 Infants Were Buried Wearing Helmets Made from Kids' Skulls. And Archaeologists Are Puzzled
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Two infants were buried some 2,100 years ago wearing “helmets” made from the skulls of other children, archaeologists have discovered.
The remains of the two infants were found with nine other burials at a site called Salango, on the coast of central Ecuador. The archaeologists who excavated the burials between 2014 and 2016 recently published the details of their findings in the journal Latin American Antiquity.
The team says this is the only known case in which children’s skulls were used as helmets for infants being buried. The scientists don’t know what killed the infants and children.
The helmets were placed tightly over the infants’ heads, the archaeologists found. It’s likely that the older children’s skulls still had flesh on them when they were turned into helmets, because without flesh, the helmets likely would not have held together, the archaeologists noted.
One infant’s “face looked through and out of the cranial vault” — the space in the skull that holds the brain — the archaeologists wrote. Read more.
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13pisces · 5 years
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I don’t know who needs to hear this… ❤️
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13pisces · 5 years
I don’t know if it was posted here already, but will put my take about Nol as it’s getting on my curiosity. I was rereading the earlier chapters and came across Nol/Yeong-gi’s grandma (or Nana, as he calls her). During the scene where Kousuke tries to pick Nol to “meet” with Shin-Ae (ep16), we see for the first time the grandma. She had the same eye colour as Nol so I’m going to rule out her as being simply a nanny, also Nana is a common term for grandmas for the Europeans. We can aslo notice how courteous Kousuke was for Mrs. Lochlainn, the Nana. Now, this name is quite Irish, I even spelt it wrong when I was looking it up (typed loghlann), if we note Nol’s appearance, green eyes + ginger head (more likely natural hair colour bc his eyebrows were of the same shade), it spells IRISH. I’m not sure if it was fan art or by quimchee herself, but I think there were posts of Nol also having freckles. Kousuke also teases Nol about tea and potatoes which are surefly a common item in the table for the Irish (also Europeans).
My guess on Nol’s biological mother is that (1) it’s not Yui Hirahara (Yuri, i forgot w/c one), (2) his mom is an Irishwoman and that the Nana is Nol’s maternal grandmother. (3) that she is likely dead prior to the story line in w/c after that Randulph had taken Nol in his home, and has, probably officially listed him under his family roster/as one of his children.. yes, I am alluding that Randulph most likely had an affair/cheated to Yui when Kousuke was younger....err if his currently 26, then when he was bout 7-8 yrs old. (4) or Nol’s biological mom was actually alive and was off to a different country or that they were forcefully separated by Yui/Randulph in exchange for Nol to be taken in the family, w/c would be traumatic for a young child. I posted bout this bit b4 on a panel about Nol’s allergic reaction to Yui/Yuri. ** tbh, this does not make sense if the nana was his maternal grandma bc if the purpose of the separation is to not be in contact anymore, then Nol’s living with his maternal granny, there surely will be contact between mother and son.
I also find it hard for Mrs. Lochlainn to be blood related to Randulph Hirahara  (to be his mom) considering that Kousuke never adresses him as his grandmother, say if they were really a Japanese Family, he’s more likely to call her the proper honorifics.
There’s also the name thing, his name was probably officially changed when Randulph had taken him in. His reason for not wanting to be called Nol anymore is bc it reminds him of his mother (separation event) let’s also just assume that his mom raised him alone (or with the grandma) in his earlier years and that Randulph was not aware of Nol’s existence until they (Nol’s mom) met again or that when she died and was contacted by Mrs. Lochlainn.
I am also assuming that Randulph is not an actual Hirahara, that he had taken the family name during marriage (he married to Yui’s family) as is common practice in Japan, especially in a Zaibatsu of little male family members/heirs.
SOooo there’s that.
*also noticed the change in character designs/styles. ex. kousuke seems to look younger on the earlier chapters than in the current ones. still good art.
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13pisces · 5 years
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13pisces · 5 years
sometimes, some people just need a hard slap of reality in the face.
**i’m people**
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13pisces · 5 years
Just remember that sometimes, the way that you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are.
John Green // Paper Towns (via qvotable)
but most of the times, they. just. are.
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13pisces · 5 years
*whispers* I think Randulph had an affair and Nol was the result. Somehow, Nol's mom was either dead or is living on a different country separated from him. Prolly why there were issues between Kousuke and his mom. #iloveyoo
I think Nol was physically abused as a kid; or at least at some point. I mean, for starters, this is how he reacts when he sees his mother/father:
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Just look how fucking terrified this poor boy is. Something happened to make him terrified of his own parents.
It’s obvious that he’s scared of his parents, but the main driving force behind this theory of mine is the fact that he hates being touched.
We first see Nol smack Kousuke’s hand away from him even though Kousuke was just offering it:
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He’s terrified of his own brother offering his hand.
We then see Mrs. Hirahara touch his neck:
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I mean, he’s clearly extremely uncomfortable.
And then (this one really hit home for me) he wouldn’t take Mrs. Hirahara’s hand even though he too was about to fall off into the pool:
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He grabs her hair instead.
And finally, in the most recent chapter (Episode 85), he pushes away Shin-ae’s hand even though she was just going to touch his forehead:
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Something physical happened that made him hate being touched, even by his own parents, and that makes me really fucking sad. Like, this boy is just trying to live a happy life by making friends and surrounding himself with loving, caring people. He probably hates being hugged, and that’s REALLY SAD HUGS ARE LIKE THE BEST. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME HE WAS HUGGED BY HIS FAMILY, IF EVER??????
If it turns out that he was actually physically abused by his witch of a mother and his sorry excuse for a dad, I don’t even know what I’ll do…it’s making me sad just thinking about it…
Another thing to note is that Shin-ae is the only person we’ve seen “touch him” (correct me if I’m wrong), not even Alyssa has touched him. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THIS SWEET BOY GOT SOME LOVE????? NO WONDER HE WAS SO SUPRISED SHIN-AE HALF HUGGED HIM. my heart can’t take thissssss
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13pisces · 5 years
A song for an unknown future ex SO. https://youtu.be/LoBOx94lY40 #kina #thomasreid #istilldreamofyou
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13pisces · 6 years
ww2 heroes
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Chiune Sugihara. This man saved 6000 Jews. He was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania. When the Nazis began rounding up Jews, Sugihara risked his life to start issuing unlawful travel visas to Jews. He hand-wrote them 18 hrs a day. The day his consulate closed and he had to evacuate, witnesses claim he was STILL writing visas and throwing from the train as he pulled away. He saved 6000 lives. The world didn’t know what he’d done until Israel honored him in 1985, the year before he died.
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13pisces · 6 years
The series ending really broke me as a fan. It was just unjustified (plot included). I have been having second thoughts on watching this... but when I saw the trailer... with the amazing choreographed fight scene...somehow the glorious earlier arcs flashed on me as a fan on my teenage years. Damn. I am not sure wheter I should cry or what. I will definitely watch this. Go BLEACH! Nice adaptation!
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“Return my powers to me and you’ll get back to the normal life you wanted. As a result…You’ll forget everything…Including me…”
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13pisces · 7 years
I am a living graveyard for all the people I have left behind, for each and every person I have ever been. I know the reaper like the back of my palm, but I still do not know who I really am.
Lukas W. // Living graveyeard (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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13pisces · 7 years
reblogging for the poor ol dogg
getting a note on a super old post
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13pisces · 9 years
this guy really goes at great lengths in ‘goingcrazyshoutingHERname’
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Canon Friendly Reminder   (Revised Edition2.0)
Edit by sarisama
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13pisces · 9 years
Every other manga already has an ongoing spin-off series and we are looking at the ceiling asking ourselves when will BLEACH have one. Seriously. When. .............. .......  .......[me: transforms into a pile of goo]
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13pisces · 9 years
this one too
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Psycho Pass Character Aesthetics: ↳ Kogami Shinya Credits [x] [x] [x]
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