13utterflycrunch · 2 years
She paused at the door for a moment, before knocking.
"Hello?" She called. "It's Arachne, one of the store owners."
As Bentley got ready for his shift, someone walked up to him. "Excuse me? You're that guard that takes care of the intruders, aren't you? Any chance I could pull you aside for a minute? Promise it won't take too long."
The guard turned his head slowly, the rest of his figure following the movement. Their gaze already began to furrow slightly as he met their eyes..
"I am.. What do you want from me? I already have a schedule from the boss so I'm not.. gonna do nothin extra..."
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13utterflycrunch · 2 years
You don’t have to be nice to my character. You don’t have to hold your character back. I am perfectly okay with consequences. I don’t consider powerful characters using those powers to be godmodding. Some things might require a little bit of a chat before hand, but go crazy, kids. Conflict is part of story telling. 
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13utterflycrunch · 2 years
"Thanks!~" She tossed the keys to him. "You'll need these. Feel free to keep them and play some of the arcade games if you want; they're free after closure, and besides, I have plenty of extras. I'll go let Simon know."
With that, she was off to the office as quickly as she arrived, the calm smile remaining on her face as she turned away.
As Bentley got ready for his shift, someone walked up to him. "Excuse me? You're that guard that takes care of the intruders, aren't you? Any chance I could pull you aside for a minute? Promise it won't take too long."
The guard turned his head slowly, the rest of his figure following the movement. Their gaze already began to furrow slightly as he met their eyes..
"I am.. What do you want from me? I already have a schedule from the boss so I'm not.. gonna do nothin extra..."
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13utterflycrunch · 2 years
"Ah..." She paused.
Right. She had to get permission for things like this; she forgot.
"...I'm sure it'll be fine. It's one of the employees who's worked daytime shifts anyway, and I wouldn't pick someone I don't trust. After all, they're in my arcade. And besides," She added, winking cheerfully, "You must know what you're doing to get someone as paranoid as Nathan to trust you with such important work."
As Bentley got ready for his shift, someone walked up to him. "Excuse me? You're that guard that takes care of the intruders, aren't you? Any chance I could pull you aside for a minute? Promise it won't take too long."
The guard turned his head slowly, the rest of his figure following the movement. Their gaze already began to furrow slightly as he met their eyes..
"I am.. What do you want from me? I already have a schedule from the boss so I'm not.. gonna do nothin extra..."
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13utterflycrunch · 2 years
"I was actually wondering if you could do me a tiny favor." Arachne casually leaned against the wall, carefully watching Bentley's response. "We need someone to do maintenance on our arcade tonight without all the bustle of the mall. I was wondering if you could let them in, and open the arcade for them when they arrive? It's nothing much."
As Bentley got ready for his shift, someone walked up to him. "Excuse me? You're that guard that takes care of the intruders, aren't you? Any chance I could pull you aside for a minute? Promise it won't take too long."
The guard turned his head slowly, the rest of his figure following the movement. Their gaze already began to furrow slightly as he met their eyes..
"I am.. What do you want from me? I already have a schedule from the boss so I'm not.. gonna do nothin extra..."
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
“Y-yea--” They started to straighten again, looking up. “My older sibling always has a knife but he says knife tricks are dumb, but... they look so cool...! I want to learn how really bad and he won’t let me, even if I promise to be careful.”
They neglected to mention the reason why he was overprotective. They didn’t like talking about it if it wasn’t necessary, anyway, but there was a clear hesitance for a moment before they looked away.
“...It’d be nice to learn cool stuff like that.”
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
Unlike Jay, they unfortunately didn’t catch themself, and when they landed with the fragile glass of their head an inch away from the floor, they had to collect themself again for a second or two as they held their hands to their forehead, just to check that they hadn’t broken anything.
Standing up, they didn’t look Jay in the eye, instead hanging their head guiltily.
“Sorry... I just... wanted to see what you were doing...” They mumbled. “It looked like you were doing something cool, like in one of those mafia movies... I wanted to see because I thought I could just sneak and watch... Plus, um... I just thought the knife tricks were cool.” 
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
At this point, they were behind, and beginning to rush after Jay in case he closed the door. 
They had begun to realize that this back alley might have been a bad idea to go down after all; their older sibling always discouraged them, telling them shady people came here, and now they would rather follow someone who knew how to navigate this already-- though their sneakiness was beginning to falter with nerves setting in.
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
They hesitated to follow for a moment, but it wasn’t like they had much else to do, much less anything interesting. After all, this had to end up being exciting, right?
Either way, they’d made up their mind, so they shuffled along the alley.
They hesitated as they realized that glass was slowly beginning to cover the path, and though they were still trying to weave through, they were slowly starting to get unbalanced. It was too late to go back now, though, so they kept following the mystery man.
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
The kid had slowly pressed closer throughout, seeming to be curious about it. Though they ducked back when Kevin ran off, they peered back around the wall. Any intent of being sneaky seemed to have been pushed down by the curiousity-- and maybe even admiration.
However, even if they were still avoiding notice, the glass jar’s glint on streetlights and the moving shadows of butterflies contained as part of it didn’t help.
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
[Jay toyed with the pocket knife in his grasp as he walked, humming to himself as he looked for a victim. He thought he looked rather cool, despite still being a dork about it all. He was a criminal now! Action! Robbing people blind! The whole thing!
His steps slowed as he started to look for a good target.. Someone who looked to have cash and would give it up at a little threatening. ]
Though Jay would seem conspicuous to anyone smart enough to know what a knife could mean in this city, it didn't catch the eye of many people...
Except for one.
A young teen in a disheveled but loved sweater passed by Jay without much thought, but as they saw that a roadblock cut off their usual route, they were forced to turn around. That was then they saw the pocket knife's glint, and curiosity quickly got the better of them.
They quietly followed behind, making sure to be as sneaky as possible.
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
Bane seemed to perk up slightly. “I guess I’ll try that one first. Thank you, then...!” They exclaimed, before heading that way. It was on the way back to Bane’s home as well, so they hoped it wouldn’t be too distant.
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
“...Can I know where I can find them?” Bane asked.
They... supposed being a magical girl couldn’t be too bad-- they could help other people-- but they had no idea where to start, so they wouldn’t mind a helping hand from other people who’d already had their head start.
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
Bane stared at them for a moment, eyes wide. “...I-- w-what? Hang on, you didn’t mention that part before!”
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
Bane hesitated as they took the orb, staring at it for a few moments, before reluctantly eating it.
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
They stood up, looking away. “...I... my sibling is sick right now, so... I wish for them to get better and... and for them to be strong enough to survive.”
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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13utterflycrunch · 3 years
[The tiny creature gestured casually, animated as it talked. ]
Well, don't you want a wish? ~ Everybody has one, but I think your wish might be special! :3
Bane raised their head, taking a moment to think as they looked at the creature.
"...you said... anything I want is possible?"
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