144-13 · 6 years
I’ve officially moved over to Twitter now, so if you’re still interested in listening to me fight pedos and SJWisms, go ahead and follow me: https://twitter.com/Kailey_Fx
We can roast freaks together~ 🍵
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144-13 · 6 years
tumblr freak finding out about simulated cp being illegal and involved in criminal prosecutions of irl pedophiles: guys… :(… i think the judicial system is an anti
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144-13 · 6 years
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“My body, my choice” only makes sense when someone else’s life isn’t at stake.
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144-13 · 6 years
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“My body, my choice” only makes sense when someone else’s life isn’t at stake.
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144-13 · 6 years
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i will venmo exactly $4 to anyone who can translate this tinder bio into english
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144-13 · 6 years
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I dreamed of this scene last week and it stays in my mind I have to draw it down
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144-13 · 6 years
“Don’t use your mental illness as an excuse” means “Change your behavior, apologize, and do better next time.” 
“Don’t use your mental illness as an excuse” DOES NOT mean “Your symptoms are your fault, your disorder is not even an explanation, and you are a bad person if you behave less than neurotypical”
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144-13 · 6 years
not joking, not lighthearted, fuck tumblr staff. it’s inexcusable to be so fucking incompetent that enough child. pornography. gets through the filters that apple has to remove the app from the app store. you cant just throw your hands up and say “we tried our best!!! some stuff just slips through the filters!!! :(” it doesn’t with other sites of this size! at least not to a degree where APPLE HAS TO DELETE THE FUCKING APP FROM THE APP STORE! fuck this terrible website and the people who run it
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144-13 · 6 years
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Hit the nail on the head honestly.
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144-13 · 6 years
radfems be like xXwombynXx are weak and fragile
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144-13 · 6 years
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Yeah can I fucking uhhhh dropkick myself back in time to before there were humans?
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144-13 · 6 years
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Only by eliminating the stigma surrounding minor attraction we can ensure that both maps and children (and maps who are children) are safe. 
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144-13 · 6 years
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what. the. actual. fuck.
Everyone please report think-breathe-forget to https://report.cybertip.org/index.html. I know she was on a blocklist before, but she seriously needs to be reported now that I know lolicon can be reported.
Her blog has suggestive lolicon and actual lolicon porn.
@maphatingcharacteroftheday @anti-pedo-patrol @blockthismap @anti-pedo @anti-pedo-magical-girl @maphatingobjectoftheday @antimapprincess @anti-map-and-pedophile @report-a-predator @map-hating-characters-of-the-day @pedophiles-arent-kawaii @children-against-pedophiles @chris-hansen-the-pedoslayer @castiel-smites-pedos @ripple-vs-maps
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144-13 · 6 years
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144-13 · 6 years
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144-13 · 6 years
children’s safety > pedophiles’ feelings
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144-13 · 6 years
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“There’s no such thing as reverse racism”
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