19thcenturynovel · 4 years
When Dr. Reeves sent us our own personal novel recommendations 🥺
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
A very immaculate Victorian teapot (honestly no thanks) -Kaitlin
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Stunning 19th century Teapot
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Here’s a fun video you can watch when you need a break from finals! I think my favorite part is how absolutely destroyed their bow strings are.
-Kate Wheeler
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Hi, just wanted to say i miss you guys :(
If any of you are in American Colonial voices or the 20thC British Novel next semester lets sit next to each other :)
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Historical Presentation
My historical presentation on Victorian mourning practices!
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Summer Book Recs
For all of my YA fantasy lovers out there, I’m absolutely obsessed with A Court of Thorns and Roses, by Sarah Maas. There’s four books total with a fifth one on the way, and I’ve just finished the second. They are so good and so dreamy and I’m obsessed.
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
A Victorian Christmas- Historical Presentation
-Savannah Thornton
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
QOD 4/27
I would kiss Jonathan because he seems really sweet and caring. 
I would marry Lucy just because I’m competitive, and I could say I beat all of the other suitors. 
I would kill Dracula for the obvious reasons
-Savannah Thornton
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Bram Stoker’s Dracula Movie
The movie for Bram Stoker’s Dracula was not what I expected at all. It did follow the book for the most part, though it gave Dracula this whole backstory of him losing his wife, and Mina looking like the reincarnation of her. Mina also slowly fell in love with Dracula which was odd. However, the worst part of the movie for me were the weird special effects and transitions. I feel like they were trying to make a sci-fi/horror film mixed with an indie movie. Also Keanu Reeves’s British accent was so bad. The movie was definitely still entertaining, but I prefer the book better for sure.
-Savannah Thornton
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Was (re)reading My Favorite Thing is Monsters for another class, and I came across this spread of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! The picture is meant to be a illustration of a horror pulp magazine cover.
-Rebecca H
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
QOD 4/27
Definitely marry Dracula so I'll hopefully also transform Into a voluptuous and sexy being.
Kill Renfield because he ate a lot of bugs and other gross stuff
Kiss Lucy because she's my favorite female character and gives off hardcore badass vibes (that goes for alive or un-dead)
-Rebecca H
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Review of NBC’s Dracula series (2013)
Okay, so this series came out a few years ago and only lived for a season for good reasons. It wasn’t terrible and I watched more of it than I would like to admit. Most of the book’s characters are present which I liked but the storyline is nothing like the novel. There’s also this “Order of the Dragon” which has been out to kill apparently a lot of people and they go for Dracula but Van Helsing helps him out which is just totally against everything in the book. Also Mina resembles an ex love interest/wife of Dracula’s???? If I hadn’t read the novel I wouldn’t be as turned off by these major changes but knowing the true plot of Dracula I really just can’t get completely behind it. 
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Summer Book Recommendations
I just took a 1920s literature class and it was a BUMMER turns out they weren’t just partying they were going to war and losing limbs and stuff. Sux. BUT I discovered Dorothy Parker in this class, and she writes wonderful short stories that are so insanely witty. My number one fun book rec of all time forevermore is the Six of Crows series by Leigh Bardugo!! It’s being adapted for Netflix and I think they’re in post production right now, so jump on the train now! She has more works in this universe, but this involves a heist so it’s by far the best. I’ve also been reading Little Women since watching the movie, and it’s very lighthearted and nice to read during a world crisis! -Courtney Bagwell
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
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Although I've seen Hotel Transylvania before, I watched it again because its a really cute and lighthearted film that introduces the character of Dracula and its concept in a friendly way to children! The movie is nothing like Stoker's novel, however, its a fun and cute film and its interesting to see Dracula being painted as a father-figure guy with a loving family
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
QOD 4/27
I would kiss lucy, marry mina (because she's the best), and kill dracula!
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
Nefarious Netflix
I just watched the first episode of Netflix’s Dracula and.... not a huge fan. I did like the castle and the set design, and Agatha Van Helsing was fantastic!! I loved the book for its human relationships, though, and Dracula’s constant egotistical presence made me less interested. Which is ironic I guess because the entire show and novel are about him. Maybe the next two episodes will have more friendship and Mina, though. I might check it out! I had to discard my PB&J for this show, though. It was gross. And making me unappetized when I have a perfectly good PB&J in front of me might be a sin I cannot forgive. Sebastian Stan please redeem the curse on Dracula adaptations!! -Courtney Bagwell
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19thcenturynovel · 4 years
QOTD 4/27
Maybe kiss Jonathan, marry Mina, and kill Dracula? Jonathan seems so kind but Mina is cooler, so gotta go with Mina for the long term. And as interesting as Dracula is, he’s still evil so I think he’s gotta go. - Abby
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