1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is my extracurricular activity. it happened on November 13, 2015. I was a member of boy scout, I wanted to join because it seemed good, but when I joined it was good because I was with my friends and I also made new friends. At that time we didn't know how to cook, we didn't know how to do it, then the father of one of my friends came and helped us cook. then after eating that we made our own shelter because it was so hot we couldn't rest. we looked for something to use, when we found something we started to make it, you can see in the picture that there is a sack there and there is also bamboo, that's what we made the shelter because we were still young and not very creative but that's okay. after building a shelter, we were all called to do another boy scout activity. We crawled, were made to climb a thick rope, and were also taught how to make a fire with wood. after our boy scout we went home because it was dark by 6:30PM.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 16 Years old, At that time April 20, 2022, it was one of the best things that happened to me in 2022. Because we went to Cebu to go for a walk and my uncle also has an important job, but we can go together as acquaintances, but each pays for himself. The best thing about this is that we will board the plane, it's my first time to board the plane so I don't know the feeling of being on the plane. but the feeling of being on a plane is not good. When we were in the air, you couldn't see the houses much, all you could see was the ground and clouds, we also saw the Taal Volcano, and many others. When we arrived in Cebu, we first went to the hotel to stay, when we arrived we just rested for a while because we traveled so far, after we rested we bought a Jollibee to eat that was also our dinner. The next day we went for a walk in Cebu, among the many we visited were Yap Sandiego Ancestral House, Fort Sanpedro, Magellan's Cross, Sirao garden-Little Amsterdam and Temple of Lea. After we went for a walk, my cousin bought two guitars one of his and one for his brother who was left behind because of work. After we got home, we ate right away because the next day we were going back to Manila. Before we return to manila we will board the plane again, the good feeling of riding the plane the problem is the expensive fee. When we got home, we went to our aunt's house in Alabang to rest a little and then we were fed. After we ate we also got into the van and said goodbye to our aunt. We are on our way to Batangas.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 15 Years Old, At that time July 16, 2021 we came from one of our aunts who took care of my cousins. That is in Nasugbu, very far because the road is zigzag and dizzying. Their house is close to the sea, so they told us to bring clothes before going because they said they will bathe in the sea. The beach there is also beautiful, the water is clear, and there are also many white stones by the sea and there is also sand. After we went to the sea, we went to our aunt's house to eat, she prepared a lot for us so that we could eat a lot and there were also fruits. Then our aunt's two children were kind and always played with us when we were there, they also went to bathe in the sea with us even though the sun was hot and focused. In the evening we went home because we just visited our aunt there. He also sent us a lot of food because there was still a lot left over from what he had prepared and said to welcome our aunts and uncles
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 14, At that time March 31, 2020, it was the end of Flores De Mayo in our barangay. That's why I'm wearing formal attire. We did a procession there, we went around our whole barangay even though we were few because of covid-19. It's very tiring even if you haven't walked half way yet, you have to bear it because the procession will leave you behind and it's for mama Mary. But it's a great feeling to be able to participate in this so that somehow you can reduce your sins and pray that covid-19 will go away. a cart is being pushed. When we went around our entire barangay, it was already late in the evening because we started in the afternoon. When we went around the entire barangay, we went to the chapel for the mass to begin and for the procession to end. After the end, there were fireworks, similar to the San Martin cinecelebrate in the church of Taal.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 13 years old, At that time, December 26, 2019, we had a Christmas party at my mother's side. That's why I'm holding a gift because we played bingo, I won twice, whoever wins, the prizes are like that, for example, those used for cooking, used for washing, for something different, for not gambling. There is also a lot of food, there is sisig, paksiw, grilled meat, lecheflan, and others. There are also many games such as the trip to Jerusalem, paluan palyok, egg celebration, and many others. After we played the game, we ate again because we were going to start exchanging gifts. After we exchanged gifts, my uncles and aunts gave me a gift. And my sisters also gave me a gift. And after our Christmas party, my cousins ​​and I played online games. After we played the game, we watched a movie on TV. After we watched we went to sleep because we have an early tomorrow.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 12 years old, That time was March 31,2018 Flores de Mayo, is a festival held in the Philippines in the month of May. It is one of the May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary and lasts for the entire month. The Santacruzan is the ritual pageant held on the last day of the Flores de Mayo. I was able to participate because the people in our barangay know me. There were so many of us involved because one person from each family was involved, when before the procession started, someone spat in the opposite chapel, after that the procession would start. A lot of people are wearing barongs, some are wearing gowns and so on. There were also children who joined the procession and grandmothers and aunts to pray. After the procession, we went to the chapel to pray and offer flowers and candles to mama Mary. After the Flores De Mayo, there is food that is given to those who went and the participants.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 11 years old at that time March 31 2017, my cousins ​​and uncles and aunts and I had another swimming. The games won't disappear, I still remember the search for the egg, whoever finds a big egg will win money, I saw three big eggs green, blue, and orange, the equivalent of one big egg is 50 pesos so I was very happy because I had 150 pesos just to look for eggs. After we played we ate a lot of fried chicken, spaghetti, cake, and so on. After we ate, my cousins ​​and I took a bath even though it was hot because we were only there until afternoon. We have already rinsed because we are leaving, we have already hauled our stuff and we have put our stuff in the car. When we arrived at our grandma and grandpa's house, we unloaded our things, after we unloaded the things, we rested a little and ate because we were so tired that we fell asleep. The next day my cousins ​​and I played basketball on the court. After we played we went home to eat, after eating I took a shower to rest. Because we are leaving tomorrow.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 10 years old at that time May 7, 2016 we went to the mall of my cousins ​​in Manila because we were taken there for sightseeing. We also ate at jollibee after we wandered around the mall then we went to the time zone to play basketball, claw machine, and the shooter, and many others. After we played we looked for our food to buy for midnight snacks and when we saw it we looked for toys to buy for our young cousins. After we went to the mall we went to divisoria to look for cheap clothes that we could buy. When we found some clothes, we went home. When we arrived at our cousin's house, we first put down some things before eating. After we ate, we rested for a bit, then we brought out the midnight snacks we bought and we will eat them while we watch a movie.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 9 years old at that time it was April 21, 2015 my cousin its her 7th birthday. Me and my other cousins ​​are involved. There was also a lot of food prepared and there was also a clown. We watched how the clown could do magic. After the magic, we ate rice and spaghetti before the program started. When the program starts, my name will be called to give the gift and to wish happy birthday. There was also a game for all the children who went because there were also many prizes to be received when participating. After the program we went to our grandfather and grandmother's house to sleep there we also played with my cousins and our grandmother also prepared a lot of food because we had a lot to eat there. And the next day after we blessed to our grandfather and grandmother, we said goodbye and leave.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 7 Years Old, At that time April 14, 2013, it was my mother's and my uncle's birthday, At Lipa Ayala McDonald's. We surprised them, they thought we were just going to eat at McDo but we celebrated their birthday there. I still remember the fun because there was mascot called Grimace, my cousin and I took pictures there and our family. Also played Trip to Jerusalem, Bring me, and others. After we played, our food also arrived, what we ate was Spaghetti, Rice, and Chicken, Ice cream and of course the Coke wouldn't be missing either. One called Birdie came and we also took pictures with her, my cousin was very scared of Grimace, because he said he looked like a monster. Then we brought it closer to take a picture, suddenly started crying. then when the program was over we went home and rested and went to sleep.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 6 years old we had a swimming on my mother's side of the family in April 28 2012, my cousins ​​and I were happy because we were together. We also have a lot of food because each family brings their own. at that time I had not yet reached 5 feet because I was still small and I still needed a life preserver to reach the depths and before I did not know how to swim, my sister taught me but not yet I also learned. after we went swimming, we ate before leaving to be full, I had a sunburn at that time because even though it was hot, my cousins ​​and I still took a bath because we only get to go swimming together once a year. my cousins ​​and uncle and aunt and my grandfather and grandmother because we live far away so we rarely see each other and we also didn't have a car at that time.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when I was 4 years old. We have a reunion so I am wearing yellow because that is the agreed upon color because every year we have a reunion and every year the color of the clothes worn is different. before our reunion starts, each family will have a picture because we have 8 families so a picture is also needed because it will also serve as memories. we are celebrating a reunion to be together with our families and cousins ​​and of course the fun will not be lost because there will be games, food and many more prizes. I still remember that I always participated in the game because the game needed children and because I was still young there, I was always able to participate. The drinking will also not be lost because my father and uncles and grandfather are together. after our reunion, my grandmother and grandfather will give Christmas as well as my uncles and aunts.
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1b1ack1 · 1 year
This is me when i was 3 years old. I used to be happy during those times because there weren't many problems, I just always played with my cousins ​​and friends. I chose this picture because this is the only picture of me when I was 3 years old because touchscreen cellphones and beautiful cameras were not yet available. This picture was taken in our house and we still live there today in Bolbok, Taal, Batangas. When my cousins ​​left, I would go to my friends with my mom and she would leave me there while we played and then when it was time to eat she would pick me up. I've been through so much that I've forgotten a lot of things when I was young but of course the important things I'll never forget and I still remember how happy I was when I was young.
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