I wanna meet Jenna in public...
If a person recognized you in public, would you prefer that they not approach you?
They can approach me! Just be nice :) So far everyone who has approached me in public has been SO wonderful and sweet. But one time someone screamed when they saw me, and I totally get it was an impulsive reaction, but I literally jumped and it piqued my anxiety. In general, I still get kinda anxious when people recognize me in public, so just be understanding if I come off awkward. But honestly, I’m happy to talk to my subscribers. You guys are the reason I get to do what I love for a living. The least I can do is say hi :D
To those who are thinking “If it makes her anxious, I won’t approach her” - seriously, don’t think like that. Plenty of wonderful things make me anxious. Releasing a book makes me anxious, and I’m doing it anyway. My mental illness will not limit me. Seriously, you shouldn’t have to feel guilty about saying hi. I’m happy to talk to you. It’s just that my brain is a little fucked up, so if I come off kinda awk, please don’t judge. I’m doing my best with what I’ve got. 
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Woah, this bitch is psycho😂
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It’s not just men who think they are entitled to sex or a woman’s body. 
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Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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Go kick ass, ladies 💪🏼❤️ #mayaangelou #writersofig #writersofinstagram #girlpower #quote
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Aww😍😍OMG. I swear Jenna and Cliff are fucking couple GOALSSSS!
Pine needles and wooden fence for the mountain asks :D
PINE NEEDLES: what is your favorite scent?
Vanilla :D
WOODEN FENCE: a favorite memory?
When Cliff was in the hospital, I couldn’t really get close to him. He was super fragile, his spine was healing, and all I could really do was hold his hand and feed him. Then he was discharged from the hospital, then after that from assisted living, and I was finally allowed to lie down next to him. I actually cried. It was the first time I cried since before he broke his spine. It was just so nice to be next to him, holding him. It was such a relief. I never forgot that moment. I was just so happy he was finally well enough where I could just wrap my arms around him and it was okay. 
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Awww omg. This is so sweet 😍💗
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Today at therapy was really hard. I was sitting here crying, and generally being miserable, when I felt a nudge at my knee. I looked down to see that Zeus, my service dog, was doing his job… and brought me a potato. it is very hard to cry with a gift of potato.
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Novel aesthetics - the realm of Thessen
I do not own the rights to these images
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Cafe Asks ☕️
Vanilla Chai Latte : Are you in love? Flat White : Coffee or Tea? Cappuccino : What’s your middle name? Mocha : Dream Job? Pumpkin Spice : Dream car? Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Old English : You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you? Iced Chocolate : Do you have a crush on someone? Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game? Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band? Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days? Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person? Caramel Macchiato : You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take? Green Tea : How tall are you? Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action? Mint Tea : How do you relax? Vanilla Latte : Board games or drinking games? Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book? Italian Soda : Describe your dream date Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person Orange Juice : Have you ever had a valentine? Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kiss Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?
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Yas same lmao
THE SAVIOR’S CHAMPION by Jenna Moreci | Official Book Trailer + Cover Reveal
ENTER MY GIVEAWAY: The Savior’s Champion cover file (front): click here GIVEAWAY ENTRY FORM: click here
All rules for the giveaway are listed on the entry form. Please read them thoroughly before entering. Giveaway closes on Wednesday, Jan 24 at 11:59 PM PT
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Today @jennamoreci released NOT ONLY the release date, but a KICK ASS BOOK TRAILER and THE FUCKING COVER
if you want to see, and you should, the link to the video is right here
In celebration of the release (APRIL 24th!!!!!) I’m posting weekly fan art! because I’m that pumped ok ok ok
I was gonna start with something mushy, but the trailer got me all hyped for the bloody parts. Here’s my version of the mc Tobias somewhere in the middle of the tournament, beat to hell but hanging on
13 weeks (i think????) until I CAN READ THIS THING OMG
So, happy upcoming release every one!!!!
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When you can't tell if Jenna is joking or being serious
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I have SO many questions about the labyrinth now. To start with- what is it?? Why must I respect and obey it?
Because it’s your parent, and we must respect and obey our parents. 
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Hey guys! So I'm sharing with you guys today the cover of the saviors champion, an fucking amazing book by the true queen @jennamoreci . She's the author of an published novel titled Eve: The Awakening (an amazing book that I just finished) and this upcoming fantasy book the saviors champion.
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PLOT TWIST/WILD GUESSING TIME - All the competitors are secretly in love with Toby Dick. They thought they were signing up to fight for the hand of Toby Dick but got in the wrong line.
ANOTHER PLOT TWIST - Toby Dick literally has a hand. Like… there is a tiny hand coming out of his penis.
Makes fucking either really uncomfortable or extra stimulating depending on where the hand is placed. 
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Sooooo tru
Hi. So, I was reading about content regarding rape, etc. in TSC, which got me thinking (coupled with recent debates), what is your take on 'non-verbal cues' showing an absence of consent? I remember & know that you give great life advice. I don't mean no offence (hope its not coming off that way). I just value your judgement & would appreciate some education on this topic.
I think the fact that this is even a debate is only because a lot of shitty people don’t want to admit the obvious. Non-verbal communication is a part of normal, daily life. We all do it, and aside from a few exceptions often due to mental disability, we all understand it. You can look at a person and tell by their facial expression that they’re disgusted by what they’re eating. You can look at a person and tell by their body language that they’re scared of the movie they’re watching. If you invite someone to a party, and they make a stink face in response, literally no one would think “they’re sending mixed signals.” They’d think “shit, they don’t wanna go.” So I personally believe the argument that non-verbal communication “doesn’t count” or “isn’t clear enough” is a weak AF cop out.
Here’s the deal: when a person wants to have sex with you, they show it. They’re excited. They’re taking off your clothes. They’re visibly horny. It’s so fucking OBVIOUS when a person doesn’t wanna fuck. So you can’t sit there and say “well he/she never said no, so technically they consented.” Whatever, asshole. You know full well they didn’t. You saw it all over their paled face, their stiff body, their bleak expression. You just assaulted them anyway, banking on getting away with it because of the absence of a verbal no. And if you genuinely feel the person is giving you mixed signals, here’s a genius idea: stop trying to fuck them until the signals are clearly a yes. 
(Side note: the “you” in this situation is not directed at anon but at a hypothetical raper fuckhead)
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$1000 says kaleo is madly in love with toby dick
Who isn’t madly in love with Toby Dick? That’s the real question. 
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I laughed so hard...XD
Very important question: if the characters were doggos which breed would they be? 🐶🐶
Tobias: a very, very good doggo
Enzo: a very good doggo
Raphael: a good doggo
Orion: a very good doggo
Beau: a very pretty but very dumb doggo
Kaleo: a cat
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