2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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the_saame ; be brave; be kind; be strong; !–LET THEM HEAR YOU ROAR–!
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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"My past caught me up again. And I can do nothing else, than just stand here, and watch it burn."
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
Ihr wartet auf das "no homo, bro", doch ich sage "no homophob"
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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“Es fuckt noch mehr ab, wenn ich wieder merk’, dass ich ‘nen Jannik entflamm’ Nur weil ich all diesen Shit nicht anders verarbeiten kann” - T’, DAT ADAM
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
I'm finally clear with myself. Now I am afraid to lose it all over again in somebody else. That is the scariest part off falling in love.
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
the boy that I love is a drug dealer. So I buy some, to spend time with him.
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
Ich fühl mich grad innerlich tot. Nicht so auf die "Mir geht's mega schlecht" Art, sondern auf die Richtige. Gefühlslos, keine Emotionen, nichts. Eben einfach tot.
Ich, × Kopfchaos
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
I just wanted to talk to somebody, but I couldn’t think of anyone, not one person I could talk to. I didn’t even have the cat.
Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (via books-n-quotes)
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
I wonder how many strangers have heard stories about me.
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
Reblog if you’re lost in life rn but still trying make shit happen
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
I cannot express my feelings when I talk. But when you give me a pen and a piece of paper and I will write out my heart for you.
(14.04.17 // 00:38)
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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"Es fuckt noch mehr ab, wenn ich wieder merk', dass ich 'nen Jannik entflamm' Nur weil ich all diesen Shit nicht anders verarbeiten kann" - T', DAT ADAM
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
i like it when the sky looks like the world is going to end
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
Werde es nie verstehen, dass man Menschen hassen kann, nur weil sie von einem anderen Teil des Planeten kommen..
Ich zu @waffenschrank im Gespräch über AFD und rechtes denken! (via teilzeitniceguy)
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
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2-high-to-cry · 7 years
I don’t trust words anymore. I only trust actions. People can pretend to do a lot without being serious about it.
(via cielohermosa)
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